• Published 21st Jul 2014
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Journey with a Batpony - Gulheru

Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, wishes to bring the greatest magic of all to the lands of batponies. Will she succeed in her mission in this distant and dangerous land?

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Chapter XXVII – Taking a Hint

“... and then my little Meadnoc Wentr pops from behind the table with two uncut gems wedged in his ears, because he wants to have earrings and he wants them now!”

Laughter resounded all around the living room and its firm furnishings. Garnet Hoof and her husband were heard quite prominently, while Midnight was sitting still, muzzle red from embarrassment and a defeated look present in his eyes. Though a lot of joy was hidden behind it as well.

Twilight, while attempting to be respectful towards her beloved, could not stop herself from giggling and chuckling, hearing more and more tales of Midnight’s childhood that the batpony mare decided to bring up, as a mean of entertainment.

And while those stories were really funny, Midnight looked smaller and smaller after every anecdote.

“How would I know better?” he muttered, trying to smile through the fluster. “You said that everypony looks better with jewels in their ears!”

“Regardless, I think your mother just meant ‘earrings’!” Twilight told him in between the fits of giggles.

“Actually,” Midnight Whisper cut in, wiping tears from the corners of his eyes, “in Noctraliyar, we say that you wear earrings ‘w spici’. ‘In’ the ears, rather than ‘on’. And the jewelry is more than often just described as ‘jewels’... So, my little, logical Midnight Wind...” he continued, giving the younger stallion a wide smile.

Midnight groaned. “I’m losing the remnants of dignity...”

“I wouldn’t say that!” Twilight protested, trying to sound serious, despite her lips shivering. “You could have gotten those gems stuck in!”

He said nothing at first, just looked at her in utter loss.

Garnet Hoof fanned herself, trying to stop the laughter, pretty garnet in the face from so much merriment. “The healer took two hours,” she deadpanned.

Twilight tried her best to stop herself. For naught. As she erupted into laughter once again, she became certain that Midnight was going to get her back for all of this at some point. Still, this joy was worth the upcoming retribution.

Midnight Whisper reached out and tussled Midnight’s mane, as the latter had surrendered by parking his forehead on the table. “There, there, son. We are just so happy to see you!”

Midnight rolled his muzzle to the side, so he could see his father properly. “I know, father, I know. But you will stay here afterwards, while I will have to keep on accompanying the Princess. And now she will think of me as but clumsy, or plain silly! And I am a Nightguard!”

“Clumsy and silly for what you were doing when you were a child? Really?” Twilight asked, trying again to suppress the laughter. “Midnight Wind, my mom is embarrassing me to this day, and I am a Princess!” she pointed out, sending him a big smile.

Midnight’s shrug was lacking conviction.

Garnet Hoof stood up, gathering the plates, trying not to make the clatter despite still shuddering in giggles. “I could still tell much more...” she warned, earning another wail from Midnight. She looked at Twilight and grinned. “Well, I’m glad you are enjoying yourself, Knaze. I hope the fruit were to your taste as well.”

“Oh, yes!” Twilight agreed immediately. “Though, I feel like I must ask, using this opportunity... are guests in Noctraliya always received at a meal? I have a feeling that every place I visit I end up at a table, surrounded by fresh oranges and pears and grapes and watermelons!”

Midnight Whisper nodded. “Tradition demands that one accepting a guest grants them from his supplies, as an endearment and sign of generosity. It can be a small gesture, or an elaborate feast, but visitors receive a chance to sample food and drink, no matter the circumstances, or affluence of the hosts.”

“That could explain a lot, actually...” Twilight admitted. “I think I have eaten more oranges lately than during my entire life... And I expect more coming.”

“There is an old saying...” The archivist placed his hooves on the table. “Golodoya, ale nahwalaya. ‘Starve, but boast.’ Even if you, yourself, do not have much, you should always try to impress, even at the cost of your own prominence,” he explained.

Twilight’s eyes widened. “Oh gosh, I hope that did not happen in my case? I mean, the food was wonderful, and there was more than enough of it and—”

Garnet Hoof just chuckled. “Oh, Hwalba Knaze, do not worry about that, please. I am glad that you considered the welcoming warm!” she stated, taking the last plates away with a grand smile and leaving the room for a moment.

Midnight Whisper chuckles. “I say she is proud of herself.”

“I will not stop her, archivist, I really feel more than well-received!”

Midnight finally gathered enough of his shattered dignity back to lift his head from the table. “We are very glad, Princess. Our home might not be as esteemed as the quarters prepared for you, but we hope that the atmosphere makes up for that.”

“Oh, it does indeed! But...” Twilight raised her hoof. “You should know well, Midnight Wind, that accommodation is not a factor for me...”

Besides, as she indeed considered, Midnight Whisper and Garnet Hoof’s dwelling was still of a respectable standard, with the furniture perhaps not made out of the most noble wood, nor adorned with any silver, but still solid and elegant. The house was, as she learned, rather spacious as well, with all of the inhabitants having their own rooms, as well as there being a kitchen chamber, living room in which they were sitting, the archivist’s study and the workshop for Garnet Hoof, in which she would be cutting gems.

The said mare managed to return already, her smile not having left her muzzle. “Hwalba Knaze, if you would desire more food or drink, do not hesitate to say so. I will be glad to provide!”

“Oh, no, thank you for the moment, I have definitely eaten my share!” Twilight kindly refused.

Midnight grinned suddenly. “Mother, you just might wish to avoid offering the Princess any gozalke. She also had her share recently and it did not look well during any of these attempts...”

Twilight looked at him with an unimpressed expression. “Well, I do not have a Nightguard’s throat!”

“That’s not a vice, Honored Princess...” His smile only grew and kind glints appeared in his eyes.

Midnight Whisper shook his head. “I am hoping this is not a permanent aversion though...” he wished, chuckling.

“No, no, archivist, nothing of the sort. I am just not used to alcohol... especially pure one...”

Garnet Hoof smiled kindly at her too. “Oh, Knaze, you have to think in the right way about it. Gozalke to special occasion is like wearing the right jewels to a dress! It serves as that one, finishing touch. It allows us to add to the experience and make it full...”

“That’s a... very good metaphor, I think,” Twilight admitted. “I learned that you deal with gem cutting as a profession, Garnet Hoof. I feel it is also your passion.”

“Oh, it surely is, Knaze! If you would like, I could show you some of my work! I think you would like it!” The mare tilted her head a little. “Considering the earrings you have on now, I say you have a really good taste.”

Twilight chuckled. “I would love to see your craft, Garnet Hoof. But, when it comes to the jewelry... others are responsible for my taste more than often.”

“Nonsense! Every mare knows what she really enjoys!” Garnet Hoof declared. “Would you mind if I steal the Princess for a while?” she asked of the stallions.

“Not at all.” Midnight shook his head. “I think I can allow myself not to shadow the Princess quite so much if you wish for her to see your workshop, mother. I shall converse with father in the meantime.”

Garnet Hoof clapped her hooves. “Mirabilu! Princess, please, allow me!”

Twilight rose from the table gracefully, the two stallions standing up too to show respect, then smiled towards them and, with a polite “excuse me”, followed the older mare through the family dwelling.

“If I might ask...” she began as they trotted down the corridor.

“Of course!”

“Is this how a standard batpony home looks like? I like it here more than I thought. It’s very cozy!”

Knaze, thank you so much, you are very kind! I’ve spent many anni of my life tending to this house. We usually want our homes to be welcoming and warm!”

Twilight nodded. “Yes, of course, but... I was actually curious if this place could be considered... rich, by local standards?”

“Oh! Well, to a point, yes!” Garnet Hoof admitted, her smile unwavering. “Truly, it is largely thanks to my husband, as he is of the slahte.”


“Oh, yes, apologies. The nobility, I meant,” the mare translated as they approached the end of the corridor, a solid door right before them. “As you surely know, I am a plebese, a lowborn. And House Gem was never that rich to speak of, despite our craft. But,” she continued, slowly turning the key in the lock, “even back in my Family’s dwelling, we always cared for... uhm, what’s the word...?”

“... aesthetic,” Twilight uttered, looking around the chamber they entered.

It was a true, jeweler’s den. A proper workshop indeed, with sturdy slitters and shaping wheels of different sizes placed on top of a solid table. A reasonable, suspended magnifying glass was overlooking the wooden slab, ready to spot any and all imperfections in the gems, which were stored in neatly labeled, open drawers. Settings and chains of silver and copper, displayed on a nearby stand, of sizes and shapes to the heart’s delight, were already waiting to welcome the wonderful jewels.

“Very impressive...” Twilight noted, as the room was kept tidy and organized by a pony who clearly knew what she was doing.

Garnet Hoof giggled. “So nice of you to think so, Knaze. I enjoy having a clear work space. I cannot have anything taking my focus away...” She approached one of the drawers filled with gems. “I mustn’t risk damaging the stones.”

Twilight followed her, lured in by the colorful reflections, flickering thanks to the little lantern over the table. “An impressive collection. Is it normal for craftsponies like you to perform their tasks at home? These must be worth a fortune!”

“Not in such a form, no...” Garnet Hoof replied, shaking her head. “Like this ciddenyit.” She picked up a reasonable piece of a green mineral and placed it under the magnifying glass. “Look closely, Knaze, it has that hideous flaw inside, that cavity...”

Twilight looked at the stone as ordered, indeed taking note of something that looked like liquid stuck inside it, being quite damaging to the clarity of the gem.

“Such imperfection,” the gemcutter continued, her tone that of a specialist indeed, “requires of me to get rid of this entire part. Nopony will buy something like this...” She put the stone down on the table. “Only after I shall deal with this problem will the jewel gain any true value and can be given back to the dzeh.”

“Your... guild, I imagine?” Twilight asked, still enjoying eyeing the vast collection.

“Yes, exactly...” The mare approached the stand with settings and chains, looking for something. “And, going back to your question, Knaze, as long as a curatr fulfills all obligations, he or she can be allowed to work like I do, from home. Besides, I am a wife tending to the house and, well, my husband’s noble status helps too,” she admits, furrowing her brow and grabbing a copper, minuscule setting. “Apologies, Knaze, I’m just going to leave this on the table, so I do not forget what do I need to do with this gem later...”

“Oh, no, of course, I understand. I did not wish to interfere with your work! I know my visit was a surprise,” Twilight quickly clarified.

Garnet Hoof giggled, rolling her eyes. “Thanks to my two characters... It was a most pleasant surprise, though,” she admitted, preparing the workplace for later. The gem and the setting were gently placed next to one of the slitters, labeled and marked in no time.

As the mare was working, Twilight could swear she spotted a... change in her attitude. Garnet Hoof took a deep breath, suddenly, turning around with a soft smile.

“I wanted for you to come here with me for one more reason, Knaze...”

Twilight, having finally forced her gaze away from the meticulous jewelry displayed around, raised her eyebrow. “... yes?”

“I need to thank you.”

“For... what exactly, Garnet Hoof?”

The older mare’s eyes ventured affectionately towards the doors of her workshop. “I have not seen my son for two years... but, when he was leaving, he did not smile like tonight. He did not laugh like tonight...” she let her know. “He was... struggling.”

Twilight had a pretty good idea why, she believed. “Midnight Wind... told me of his tragedy, Garnet Hoof.”

The mare glanced back at her quickly, her lips parting in surprise. “He... did?” She stayed silent for a moment. “That... that means that he trusts you very much, Knaze. He never wished to talk about what happened to poor Waesper Strumiene. We were afraid he will n-never lift himself up for that...” she admitted, small tears appearing in her eyes and her ears drooping. “It hurts a mother, to see her son’s heart splitting.”

Twilight approached closer. She allowed herself to place her hoof on Garnet Hoof’s back. She did not say anything, just offered the older mare a supporting, genuine smile.

The batpony quickly dried her eyes. “And now... he is back and he is merry again. And he looks at you with so much gratitude. So... I do not think I could ever thank you enough, Knaze, despite my intentions.”

“There is nothing to thank for...” Twilight immediately replied, her expression only growing fonder. “I have not done much. I am just glad I could have heard him out and offer a warm word.”

“May Neskaza Lunee... bless you,” Garnet Hoof wished, lowering her head. “You are a good pony, Knaze...”

Twilight felt warmth in her heart. Those words were not flowery, sophisticated, graceful. But they were honest. And that mattered more than anything.

“Thank you, Garnet Hoof...”

“No, thank you, Knaze,” the mare responded, letting out a small giggle. “I do not know how to show my gratitude well, but... I will be praying for you to Bogine. Every night. For returning my son to me, in more ways than one...”

Praying for her. Midnight had been doing that already. Lichen wished Twilight all the best. Now, yet another pony was supplicating the Goddess for her? Twilight felt... appreciated. Honored even.

It was a strange feeling. And, considering who the Goddess was, the activity of praying was peculiar to Twilight still. Even though she had participated in it before, in moments of need.

And yet, the meaning of Garnet Hoof’s words could not escape her... and filled her with sentiment even more so.

“That will be more than a generous repayment, I think, Garnet Hoof...”

Ab Bogine, let it be so, then...” The mare nodded, smiling, then looked around her workshop, her eyes keenly stopping on a few items. “Could I still make you something nice as well, Knaze? From the materials that I have for myself?”

Twilight laughed. “You are very nice, but I think I am fine for the moment.”

“A mare can never have enough jewelry!” Garnet Hoof protested fiercely, with the tone of a scholar in the area. “Come, look around. It would be my treat!”

Twilight shook her head with a defeated expression, then smiled. Midnight would have to excuse her for accompanying his mother for a while longer.


I think the Princess is enjoying her stay,” Midnight Whisper pointed out as the two mares left the room and the stallions sat back down. He chuckled. “I have not seen your mother so enthusiastic for quite some time!

Midnight smirked. It was good to see his parents in such good health and humor, even at the cost of having to listen to the tales from his childhood.

Even at the cost of Twilight listening to the tales from his childhood. A steep price, indeed.

Midnight did not even mind when his father sat closer and tousled his mane once more. There was a need for laughter before... the more pressing, serious matters that he wanted to discuss. And urgently.

I think I will just stop trying to tie my mane around you, father...” he remarked, feeling that the strap was giving way once again. It was not meant to combat affectionate ruffling, after all.

You should get a cut to have it fit under the helmet, maybe?

Midnight waved his hoof. “I don’t mind, really...” He smiled. He thought Twilight preferred it this way, after all. “I’m glad that the Princess found our home to be a sweet home indeed.

Your mother is beside herself, that’s for certain! Watch her come back here with the Princess wearing a new necklace,” his father remarked, chuckling. “I am, actually, rather happy to see a mare like Princess Twilight being the one engaging in diplomacy. She seems really open and tolerant.

She is, father,” Midnight affirmed, trying not to sound affectionate. It was hard, but necessary. “I want to believe that her visit will actually engender something more between us and Equestrians. Once you get used to the glances and windows being shut as a precaution, you find that the sunponies are actually rather friendly...

Midnight Whisper chuckled. “Just as we are, when you see behind our sharp fangs and shadowy behavior?

Well put, father...

Well put, indeed.

Midnight took a deep breath and was about to speak, but the other stallion interrupted him. “How do you feel about Equestria after serving there for that long? How different is it really?

Midnight took a while to formulate the answer. “I... like staying there, I think. Despite the... obvious distrust, ponies there are not so different from us, father. They live, they breathe, they eat and drink, they love, they hate...

How poetic.

It’s true, father,” Midnight replied. “They are just like us. With their flaws, true. But we have those too and, please, do not make me do comparisons...

Midnight Whisper chuckled, shaking his head. “I would not ask for you to, my son. I had enough time to read about Equestria to know that they are not a congregation of arrogant, lowly, ungrateful and traitorous races...

Midnight stared at his father. Despite the connection between the two and years of understanding, he could never look through his father’s expression or tone. For all Midnight knew, he could have been really considering the sunponies possessing all these vices.

Fortunately, his father was a better stallion than that.

After staying there, I can safely declare that the sunponies are not how most would believe them, father...

I think the Princess and her attitude is a good enough argument in this discussion, if she represents the best that Equestria has to offer...” Midnight Whisper agreed, looking to the corridor that the two mares had taken. “I’m proud that you were chosen to accompany her,” he stated with a firm tone.

Thank you, father. It was a direct order from our Lord Eye of Family Midnight...

The archivist stayed silent for a breath. “So it was...

Midnight bit the side of his tongue. Father was always good at deduction, hence why he served in the priesthood and was so close to Midnight Eye too, usually attending the Assembly meetings as one of the caste’s representatives.

And so, Midnight hoped his father’s skills would work in his favor.

Our Lord has great hopes when it comes to the Princess and the negotiations...” he remarked, looking slightly to the side.

I would think so, my son. There is much to be gained from these talks...” his father agreed, joining his hooves on the wooden table. “If the Princess is quite so understanding, she will accept our plights and find a solution to them...

The Covenant has already mentio—

Midnight Wind,” the other stallion interrupted, glaring firmly, which, despite the physique difference, was enough to silence Midnight every time, “what have I taught you?

Have tongue oft bitten, not loose...

Precisely. Even in my presence, child...” there was admonishment, but also care in his tone.

Midnight sighed. His father was always there for him, even if his hoof was firm and his voice was raised. And the amount of concern and guidance and love that Midnight had received from him was something hard to match, or show gratitude for.

... how could he stay silent, then, considering Midnight Eye’s threats? Even if he was planning on being more than cautious around Twilight, could he really leave his parents in the dark? He was teetering on... insubordination. Treason even, yes, but...

His mind was made. Besides... Midnight Eye had only dissuaded him from telling Twilight... not his parents. He should have phrased himself better.

Still, father, our Honored Lord’s firm wish is for the diplomacy to succeed...” Midnight stated, repeating himself a little and putting some more stress on the sentence.

It is a matter of our honor and pride, my son...” the other stallion sternly replied.

Yes, father. And he is prepared to go great lengths to assure that success.

Midnight Whisper said nothing at first, instead but smiling and patting Midnight’s foreleg. “Learn from him, my son. Our Lord might be rigid and unyielding, but he always has the good name of our Family and the glory of our lands in mind...

Yes, father... I will do my best.

I know you will, my child...” Midnight Whisper replied, allowing pride to fill his voice. “I’m happy to see you like this again. Confidence suits you.

Midnight chuckled, hiding his true feelings on the matter. “I feel much better lately, father. I seek my purpose in my tasks and duties...” He smiled fakely, looking around the chamber. “Considering the amount of scrolls you dropped when you saw me, dad, I say you are doing the same...

The older stallion shook his head, chuckling. “You know me. Your mother always chastised me for bringing my work home, but sometimes it is hard not to, with the amount of research and preservation at the Library...

Midnight nodded. He was looking for openings in the exchange and was finding them. “Indeed, one should not allow work to affect home and Family...” he repeated the idea meaningfully.

For a moment, he thought that he saw recognition in his father’s eyes, but it might have just been one of the candles on the walls flickering.

And how is mother doing lately? Our Lord... mentioned the two of you when I last conversed with him, he said she provided a necklace for Lord Consort Iris of Family Midnight...

Oh, yes, that she did! A pity you could not see the finished accessory, your mother made the gems so sharply and precisely cut, one can hurt his hoof on them!” Midnight Whisper replied with enthusiasm, leaning back, his voice merry.

Is she working constantly?

Most of the time, yes. The mines have started many new shafts. They found ore veins aplenty and the gems streamed out of them too...

Midnight could not help but feel his heart stopping for a beat upon hearing the word “mines” in his father’s sentence.

Have you thought about... taking a break, perhaps, father? Maybe going someplace, away from the Mountain? I am certain that would be fine with the Archcurator if you have been working so diligently.

Midnight Whisper blinked, though the tone of his voice remained unchanged. “I have not thought about it, really, my son... Why are you asking?

Midnight almost drilled through his father’s gaze with his own, two pairs of saffron eyes meeting soundly. “I’m just thinking about your well-being, father...

The older stallion but smiled. “You are a gift from the Goddess, Midnight Wind...” he stated. And again, Midnight had no idea whether he conveyed successfully what he was trying to smuggle in this casual conversation. “I would rather not leave my duties behind, though. There is a lot of work in the Library.

Of course, father...


Before Midnight had a chance of internally cursing more, his father swiftly slid closer with his chair and leaned forward. “Should I mention to our Lord that I would be going somewhere?

There it was. With that one sentence, Midnight was assured that he had gotten the point across. However, the older stallion’s stare was purely fierce, despite his face remaining calm and stoic even.

Our Honored Lord likes to know about everything...” Midnight whispered back, not even trying to sound firm, all thanks to that look that was far more effective than his own.

That is a given... He also does not enjoy when others know too much...

Y-yes, father.

Midnight Whisper straightened up in his chair, his archivist’s gown suddenly appearing like a judge’s toga. “Our Honored Lord is wise and does what he must. And the more is expected of us, Midnight Wind. And if we need to be reminded of the importance of our tasks, then we accept that and carry on...

Midnight stayed silent, his eyes meeting his father’s gaze. He felt admonished, but he knew, deep inside, that it was the right choice to forewarn.

Speaking plainly would have been treasonous, yes. The game of smart hints and gentle allusions, found a mark of a clever mind, was not frowned upon that much.


Midnight Whisper carried on. “I would expect nothing else from Honored Lord Eye of Family Midnight than to have assurance that everypony performs what is ordered of them. Obedience is a way of praising the Goddess too, Midnight Wind, I hope that you do not need to be again made aware of this...

No, father.

Do you remember the oath you took?

Midnight took a deep breath. He would never forget the words of his vows, no matter what. And no matter how harsh his duties were, how much endurance and resilience they devoured, and how many doubts they caused.

I do, father. I always have the oath in mind.

But no doubt our Lord reminded you of it when you talked that... last time he mentioned us as well...?

Yes, father,” Midnight affirmed.

Who has your loyalty then, Midnight Wind?” the determined question was.

The Goddess, my Family and our Honored Lord.

Midnight Whisper stood up, supporting himself on the table with his forelegs, looking truly menacing. “And never forget that, child. You serve our Lord. You obey his commands. And you fulfill his wishes, even against yourself, in accordance to that pledge!

Midnight gave up internally. He really should have known better. His father... always had a strong sense of duty. It was the force that was driving him forward. One that Midnight always respected.

He closed his eyes. He nodded. He took a deep breath. “Yes, father.

And you should follow the oath always?


And if our Honored Lord would desire to assure your dedication by putting the well-being of those close to you in danger... then what is your duty?!

Midnight swallowed, keeping his eyes closed, as it was proper. “Remaining obedient. No matter the cost. No matter my feelings. That is what we are taught. That is what we are trained for... That is who we are chosen to be.

Perhaps, my son...

Those words were... unexpected? And warm?


Before Midnight could process that sudden realization, he felt his father’s hoof again ruffling his mane, almost giving him a firm noogie!

He opened his eyes, seeing the older stallion shaking his head and smiling broadly. “I might have not taught you that perfect obedience... but I am glad I made it so that you have your heart in the right place...

Midnight blinked in surprise. “You are not... angry with me? Disappointed? I should not have really said—

A bump on the forehead interrupted him. “I am. I thought I told you not to be stupid, ever.” The annoyed glare quickly melted, however. “But I am more proud that my son knows when to listen to his conscience and stand by his parents.

Midnight exhaled in relief. “I can live with that...” he admitted, smirking. “So...

So our Lord decided to use the motivation he enjoys using, from what I can tell...” the archivist remarked, rolling his eyes. “Not the best one, but I shall not tell him that.

Neither shall I, father... but, please, I am really worried about your safety and—

Midnight Wind, I do not know why Eye of Family Midnight found it necessary to remind you of your duties and obligations in such a way, and I shall not ask. I do not nibble on somepony else’s oranges. However,” his tone grew more firm again, “I just hope that you will not give him a reason to do so again...

N-no, father!” Midnight quickly assured.

Good. Then stop worrying and do your job instead, child...” Midnight Whisper said, smirking, a sudden glint and fire to his gaze. “You know, your old stallion still knows a few tricks... and will not be taken down that easily.

Midnight wanted to say something, but... realizing that his father was right, most likely and once again, ended up just accepting that presumption, lowering his head.

I just would never want anything bad to happen to you, or mother...

The older stallion leaned forward and held his son’s chin, making them cross the saffron gazes again. “Midnight Wind, my dear son, I know of a great way of assuring that nothing bad happens...

And what would that be, father?

Midnight Whisper chuckled, tapping Midnight on the cheek. “Remembering your oath. Understanding it.

I do, father, I do, truly, it’s just that—

Who is mentioned in it first, Midnight Wind?” the archivist pressed on.

Midnight blinked. “The... the Goddess, father, She is always the first.

So listen to Her first, child...” Midnight Whisper pointed out with a smile. “She is the Immaculate Moon... She is the one that gives us our hearts and minds to know what is wrong and what is right... So don't forget to pay attention, when She speaks to you through those...

Midnight took a moment to muse upon this and then just... smiled.

It was such a simple truth. And yet so obvious, that one could sometimes forget all about it.

How come you always know what to say, father?

The older stallion smiled and laughed, though his eyes shined with melancholy. “When I was young, I kept my mouth shut and my eyes peeled. Now, I am just evening that out.


The warm blankets of his bed were proving to be a welcome, though treacherous comfort.

It was late, but Midnight Eye was still going through the reports left after the Assembly’s meeting, valiantly fighting and so far winning against sleep. Despite the summit and the Equestrian Princess around, the Mountain could not suffer the lack of his direct care and attention. Although, it seemed that he would not have to aim too much of his regard the internal affairs’ way. No pressing matters had arisen in his absence and no situation required his immediate interference.

Good, because considering tomorrow, when Princess Twilight would be shown the Testimony, he could really do without any other problems on his mind.

He was fully prepared for the mare to spawn illogical accusations regarding the document’s originality. After all, it seemed that being granted the Divine Aspect had not taken away her emotional side, previously observed... Truly, bursting into tears in the middle of a summit? That was not a mark of a strong leader. Of course, everypony had their sorrows and moments of weakness, but not when being seen.

And even if the sunpony would not cry like a filly, Midnight Eye was not expecting anything positive from her. Denial, or disinterest, most likely. Nopony would be willing to surrender such fertile lands after a millennium of occupation outright.

Even if that was not the true—

A knock on his door stopped his thought process. “Enter,” he ordered.

Pale Midnight, one of his sentinels, appeared in the passage. “Honored Lord, Lord Consort Iris of Family Midnight is here. She asks to see you.

Midnight Eye furrowed his brow. His wife wanted to see him? At this hour?

Let her in,” he declared, regardless of not feeling like talking with her at the moment.

After a brief while, the door opened once more and Midnight Iris trotted in, wearing a long, dark and rather chaste nightgown. Her mane was falling freely down her neck.

Greetings, husband...” she spoke, her voice and bearing firm.

Until the door closed. Then, she let go of the trained expression and looked at Midnight Eye with a tired gaze, her ears drooping a bit.

It’s very late, wife. Shouldn’t you be in bed?” the stallion asked, returning to the documents in his hooves.

I could not fall asleep, Midnight Eye...” she admitted.

He took note of her calm, even saddened tone. “You could have asked one of the physicians to medicate you then...” he suggested without a trace of emotions in his voice.

There was a lasting pause and silence around the chamber, and no rich furniture, no silver candelabra dared making any foolish noise.

Midnight Eye...?” the mare finally asked, meekly.

Yes, what is the matter?

Do you remember... when we were betrothed?

The stallion blinked, slightly confused about the question. He looked up, cocking an eyebrow. “I do, naturally. Why bring that up? I am a bit busy still, I’d rather finish my tasks than reminisce.

Do you remember how we felt about it?” she pressed the topic regardless.

Quite vividly, yes...” the stallion admitted. “None of us was especially thrilled by the concept. I found you stuck-up, you saw me as mopey. But my father, may he dwell in Silverheaven, pointed out that our union is for the good of the Mountain. And we obeyed our parents' wishes...

Midnight Iris shifted on her hooves. “... do you remember what advice your mother gave us?

The stallion sighed, putting the reports aside, looking at his wife. It looked like he was not going to get any more work done this morn.

I do.

What did she say?

Midnight Eye took a while. Was this really the best of times? He inhaled deeply. “That we should be good to one another, no matter how we felt at that moment, and will learn to love each other eventually.

... have we?

Her tone was... uncertain. Feeble. Midnight Eye recalled his wife being many things. Stalwart. Cold. Even arrogant sometimes. But not... weak.

Is this the right time to ask such questions? We have been married for almost twenty years, we have a daughter,” he retorted. “What has come over you, Midnight Iris?

We used to talk, Midnight Eye,” she said, trying to withstand his piercing gaze. “You used to tell me everything.

Ah, yes, that was her issue.

He gave her a long look. “Not everything, and you know it. The Lord’s tasks force a dosage of secrecy and confidentiality, as such—

Stop it, Midnight Eye. You know what I mean,” she interrupted him, much to his displeasure, taking a step towards his bed. “We used to share. Talk. Spend time together. Now it is just work and work for you...

I am a Lord, my work is never done,” he let her know, and strongly. Considering that, despite the resolve in his voice, his eyes were starting to betray how he really felt.

I am convinced that you have much planned for the summit and for that Princess, I know you well enough...” Midnight Iris continued, unabashed. “But I barely recognize you anymore. You hardly smile, and not sincerely, you look like you have the weight of our entire domain on your shoulders...

How little she knew and yet how close she was...

As he did not respond still, the mare went on. “I know a lot is happening nowadays. I know how important these talks with Equestria are, but even in the most dire moments, you always had time for your family...

Your point being, wife?” he asked, wishing to spare himself the sermon.

You have not found even a moment for Bright Midnight tonight!” she stated no less resolutely than him, coming close and sitting on the side of the bed. “You just... you just threw a ‘greetings, daughter’ her way and moved on! Do you even realize that?!

Midnight Eye opened his mouth, but then... shook his head, looking to the side.

His first and foremost desire right now was to make sure that the Mountain was well, so that he could focus on the Princess. It was critical for his attention not to be divided now. There was already enough issues with the plan considering young Twilight Sparkle.

But... Midnight Iris had a point. A strong point, after all.

I... acknowledge that, wife,” he admitted with a sigh. “But I am in need of focus, if the negotiations are to bring prosperity to our lands and our Family...

The mare took in a deep breath, nodding, her expression less distraught. “I... realize that, my husband, but this is starting to drain you from inside out. You never before sacrificed the time to spend with our daughter...

He pursed his lips. “Indeed.

What is the matter then?” Midnight Iris asked. With that tone that she only reserved for him and him alone.

This summit is a hard enough challenge,” he admitted, looking at her with annoyance, despite his best intentions. “It’s hard enough to follow the strict decorum with the fools like Bright Crescent around! And we need to be careful with how we handle the Princess! Instead of the common agreement, we have started to bicker!

He planted his right hoof more firmly in the blankets, but Midnight Iris did not move back even an inch. Her cold demeanor was left aside the moment they remained alone. She was, instead, looking at him with care, as if the harsh matron was nothing but a mask.

He admired that about her.

Midnight Eye, I do not presume to know all of what you are going through. I am not a Lord, just a wife of one...” she let him know, with something of a slight smile dancing on her lips. “But... is this not going too far? I see how... tense you are.

Focused. I need to be focused.

Midnight Eye...

She reached for his hoof. He did not feel like being affectionate right now, but he did not pull it back when he felt her soft touch.

He looked at her firmly, however. “I am not trying to excuse myself. I do see your point. I just wish for you to realize just how crucial this is matter is. This is a one in a million chance! An opportunity from the Goddess Herself!

I do understand that, and yet...” the mare paused, her grip on his hoof tightening a little. “Does... does the Princess really have the Goddess’ blessing on her mission then?

There was the question Midnight Eye was expecting, of course.

He squinted his eyes, taking a moment to formulate the answer. He had to consider three matters. What had been gathered on the Princess by the Covenant. What he knew from his own sources. And what he could tell his wife.

It is quite possible that she does.

Midnight Iris brought a hoof up to her mouth, her eyes widening. “Husband... then... then why...?

Because it might be a well-woven lie still. And, regardless of that, we must do what we believe to be the best course of action for our Motherland and all of the night-dwellers.

Midnight Iris looked into his eyes, holding to his hoof even more intently. “But... you could stand against the Goddess' Will that way! If She was the one that allowed a mare with the Divine Aspect... the Judging Sun’s acolyte...!

He knew. Midnight Eye knew that well. But, in the end... it came down to pragmatism.

Wife, do you trust me?

His stern question caught Midnight Iris by surprise. She blinked, then stared down at her hoof holding his, then back at him. Her words stuck in her mouth, as it appeared. “I... I...

Be honest with me.

I... would like to, Midnight Eye... but... I don’t know. I realize you have reasons not to tell me everything, but... it makes it hard to just...

Fair enough,” he replied. He knew why she thought that way. He accepted it. “Do you trust that what I do is aimed at helping our folk? Adding to our glory and building our future?

Yes, but...

Then, please, allow me to do what I think is best.

The mare did not say anything for a while, just bit her lower lip. When she asked again, her voice was trembling a little. “Midnight Eye, would... would the Goddess think it is best?

He closed his eyes, contemplating the answer.

That was the exact question he was asking of himself more and more often. Ever since the chance of interacting with Princess Twilight became probable. He countless times had considered the repercussions, consequences, costs and sacrifices that would follow approaching that mulberry mare. Of choosing that one course of action... and seeing it till the end.

As the prophecy foretold... the world they knew would end.

He took a deep breath, straightening up and turning to his wife.

I believe so, yes,” he replied in an imperious tone that suffered no defiance.

O-oh...” Midnight Iris sat there, surprised. “If... if that’s what you feel...

I do,” he continued. “It will not be easy, or straightforward, but, in the end, it will be best.

The mare just stared at him. And he gazed back.

They were both past their prime. But she was still so noble and regal in her looks. So beautiful.

She stayed motionless for a longer while, finally releasing his hoof. “Just... do not lose yourself in this task, my husband...” she whispered to him, beginning to stand up, wishing to leave. “Have a calm day...

He reached out and stopped her. “Midnight Iris...

... y-yes?” she muttered, immediately sitting back down, confused.

Midnight Eye sent her a small smile. “Even a Lord errs, but he should never remain in error...” he said, looking her deep in her bright eyes. “Stay with me today...

Midnight Iris’ lips parted a little and her face began turning slightly crimson. “I... I would like that, Midnight Eye...” she murmured, answering his gentle stare with the tenderness of her own.

She leaned in and he met her lips in a soft kiss. “I think we followed my mother’s advice after all...” he remarked, cupping her muzzle.

I still think you’re mopey, husband,” she whispered, leaning into the touch.

And I still think you’re stuck-up, wife...” He sighed. Then he nuzzled her tenderly. “But... let us forget ourselves for today...

Author's Note:

I live!

Yes, I live, indeed, though once again I was delayed by matters rather... personal and unpleasant. Family ones. I would not wish to dabble in details, enough said that they cost me, and still are, time and strength that I should have been pouring into the writing.

However, in the middle of all this chaos, a... most important person suddenly came back to my life. Some of you, following this story, might know whom do I have in mind. And she gave me the power and conviction to continue creating.

So, I hoped you enjoyed this little chapter. I know I did. I'm back to writing.

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