• Published 21st Jul 2014
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Journey with a Batpony - Gulheru

Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, wishes to bring the greatest magic of all to the lands of batponies. Will she succeed in her mission in this distant and dangerous land?

  • ...

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Chapter VIII – Finding One's Light

Twilight was about to push the two batponies out of her room. A true feat of character, considering that Midnight was goofing around, pretending to be half-asleep as Deep Mist was dragging his shambling form to the antechamber.

“Out, now!” she commanded, trying to stop herself from giggling as a massive snore rippled from the batpony’s mouth.

“Despot,” Midnight replied woefully.

He granted her a wink as she was closing the doors. She leaned against them and shook her head at this clowning. Frankly, it made her feel a lot better after tonight’s journey and all of its surprises.

Twilight felt relieved as she finally had the opportunity to take off this damp cloak of hers, something that she was longing to and should had done long before. She levitated it in front of her as it gave the impression of a gigantic, fuzzy wipe, surprisingly not dripping all over the nice, blue rug. She focused her magic, drying the cloth instantly in a burst of raspberry power.

And, like on accord, a small voice in her head asked her about her reluctance to deal with this humid wardrobe inconvenience before.

“Not with the batponies around...” she whispered to herself, as she placed the cloak in her bag, considering taking a short bath to freshen up.

Locked in thoughts, Twilight went behind the wooden screen and approached the chiseled bathtub, one able to fit three ponies of her size. She once again was surprised at the smoothness of the dark granite from which it was made. The silver ornaments were gracefully and skillfully embedded in the stone. It was a showcase of great prowess, one expected from species living solely in the mountain region, in the caverns and fissures of sheer rock. However, had Twilight not experienced it herself, she would have been a bit skeptical about the level of batpony stoneworking.

She stretched her wings before stepping into the bathtub, spotting an ornate shower-head right above one of the narrower sides of it, with a silver chain leading to it.

Twilight had always considered a good and thoughtful shower or a bath the best way of calming one’s thoughts. And she desperately felt in need of such an ablution. She took notice that she had been overthinking a lot of topics lately, trying to mentally comment on every conversation and gesture of her hosts, attempting to find the exact meaning of those actions right away. She had realized that it began distracting her from “there and then”, so she was not going to cont—


Twilight’s chilling scream filled the chamber a second after she pulled on the silver chain of the shower. Luckily, there weren’t any windows present in the underground apartment, as they would have had surely shattered at the volume and tone.

The water was freezing cold! Absolutely, utterly, unthinkably frigid! Droplets akin to icy needles assaulted the mare in a vile ambush, causing her to, literally, jump out of the bathtub and land on the floor, to the woe of her behind.

In all of the thermal shock she felt the victim of, a part of her was expecting her escort to burst into the chamber claws-first, ready to deal with any dangers that seemed to have befallen her. However, the response from the antechamber was somehow different – less heroic and more pragmatic, as Midnight’s voice calmly resounded from behind the door.

“Cold water?”

“Yes, cold water!” Twilight hollered back, agitated.

The outburst of amusement from her entourage did not help her calm down and regain composure, especially considering that the rustling of armor was hinting at the batponies rolling around the place, laughing.

“Yeah, I forgot—“ Midnight was trying to compose himself, yet to no avail, “forgot to tell you!”

“That’s not funny!” Twilight shouted, massaging her hurting back. “Is there no regulation? How can anypony bathe like this?!”

The stallion coughed a couple of times, trying to calm down and let out the last few convulsions of laughter.

“We can. And we enjoy it!” he declared with conviction.

Deep Mist, until then chuckling like a madpony, joined in too. “Do you need some help, perhaps, Knaze?” he suggested in a truly impish way, but a thwack and a muffled “umpf” revealed that a hoof to his side must have been Midnight’s strict opinion on the matter.

It did nothing to stop Twilight’s mind from suddenly venturing into a certain, daring direction, causing her muzzle to flare up. She was actually glad that her entourage had not entered the chamber for they would be right then witnessing her radiant fluster.

After magically aiding herself and heating the water’s temperature to a comfortable level, Twilight allowed herself a moment of relaxation. She achieved it much to the help of an intriguing, green-black soap she had found prepared in a small bowl. She was uncertain if she could have called it a soap, even, as it resembled a jelly with its consistence, one smelling of birch with a hint of some peculiar herbs and other extracts. She did not feel like doubting its ingredients, however, as it proved itself in its calming task, allowing her to enjoy the moment.

Having dried herself with an absolutely massive towel, Twilight lied down on the wide and utterly comfortable bed. It had been a long night for her, and it did not want to finish just yet. Adamant Fang’s invitation meant at least a couple of hours of polite, friendly banter, possibly with some refreshments thrown into the mix. Good, as she was pretty hungry. It also meant that the mare would have to be as polite and diplomatic as possible, as it appeared that both the General and Shadebloom were going to make this into a momentous occasion.

She covered herself properly and closed her eyes for a moment, feeling the inviting warmth of the woolen blanket compelling her to take a desirable nap. But just before she was able to drift off to sleep, she heard a faint sound of her chamber’s doors opening. She lifted her head, spotting Midnight entering carefully, looking in her direction. He was lacking his armor, which could have explained why she could not hear him moving around.

He began backing out when he noticed she was staring right at him. “Oh, pardon me, Twilight, I did not know you have decided to take a nap after all,” he declared, abashed and about to leave.

“No, it’s alright, you can stay,” she assured him, rubbing her eyes. “It’s this bed’s fault, it’s so soft and warm.”

“A Lord’s resting place, Twilight,” he reminded her, closing the doors and trotting towards her with a grin. “It’s much better than in Proznyi Umberi, I take it.”

“Indeed,” she agreed and smirked back, stretching under the covers and allowing the fabric to content her. “Are your wings feeling any better?”

“Gah, not really,” Midnight replied, taking his seat at the edge of the bed. “Ab Bogine, this is comfortable!” he exclaimed, stroking the wool. “Dusk Family work, I am almost certain... It makes me want to join you underneath.”

Twilight’s eyes widened over the sudden look that crept upon his face, backing up his words.

“Uhm... yeah... ah...”

After a moment of her mumbling, Midnight burst into laughter. “Pardon me, your expression was worth it.”

“Oh, you!” she berated him, smirking. Before he could react, she grabbed the edge of the blanket and tossed the quilt over him like it was a net. “There, now you are underneath it!”

The stallion’s muffled laughter caused his whole, covered form to shake. “Ith dhoeshn’th workh likhe thath,” he uttered with a mouthful of wool.

Twilight giggled like a schoolfilly and freed her captive from the clutches of her trap.

“Behave,” she chastised him as he gave her a wide grin.

“Of course, Your Royal Highness.”

“Do not behave so well,” Twilight commanded and rolled her eyes. She sat up, allowing her hind legs to touch the rich rug. “You are clearly fine. How’s Deep Mist?”

Midnight shifted closer to her. “He left for a longer while. And he does not concern me right now,” he declared, gazing at the mare intently.

“Uhm... Why the staring, Midnight?” she finally inquired, as the focused, saffron look of his eyes, shining slightly in the penumbra of the chamber, was slowly drilling its way straight into her mind. And, speaking of the room, it felt a lot warmer out of a sudden.

The batpony chuckled. “Oh, no reason, really. I am but glad we can have a moment to ourselves in all this mess.”

“Oh... Yes, you’re right. Who knew this was going to be so complicated,” Twilight admitted, staring down and exhaling. Her eyebrows arched after a moment of intense silence. “Wait, did you just say ‘a moment to ourselves’...?”

Her gaze crossed Midnight’s piercing stare.

“That is what I said,” the batpony responded mysteriously.

“Could you define those words, perhaps?” the mare inquired, feeling an urgent need to rub one of her forelegs with the hoof of the other.

“A strange request. A moment for the ‘two of us’. Me and you and nopony else for a while.”

“... why?” Twilight asked, falling into the trap of a most obvious of questions.

“It’s plain, Twilight. I’ve told you, you are one of the most amazing ponies I know. I want to protect you from any harm. And... it’s a gift from the Goddess to spend some time with just you.”

Those words caused the mare’s muzzle to flare up in the blink of an eye. It felt warm enough to burn any who would dare touch it.

“T-thank you, Midnight, that’s a v-very kind thing to say,” she replied, her voice giving in a couple of times, as she felt her body quivering a little bit at this surprising directness of her companion. “So... you wish to talk or something?”

Midnight grinned, revealing his fangs fully and reaching towards Twilight’s cheek with his hoof.

It was peculiar that he was not scalded by the warmth of her blush. Instead it was she who felt like melting over his gentle, caring touch.

“I’ll take ‘something’, please,” Midnight announced with a soothing whisper, leaning in slowly.

“Something,” Twilight echoed, unable to focus on anything else but the stallion’s face drawing closer towards her own, his half-lidded gaze keeping her still, like she was being compelled by a true, mythical vampire.

“Yes, something,” the batpony admitted, chuckling under his breath.

The mare bit her lip softly, as she suddenly found herself tipping towards Midnight, her stare locked with his and her cheeks flared furiously.

“Something important...?” she heard herself whisper. She could feel the warmth of his breath, coiling around her lips, teasing them into continuing onward in their urgent search.

“Crucial,” he relinquished silently and Twilight could almost feel his mouth moving as he spoke.

“Go on, then...” she encouraged him with a shaky whisper, unable to contain herself anymore, as her eyes closed in anticipation of the upcoming kiss, one she felt she had been waiting whole centuries for.

A knock on the door forced Twilight to open her eyes ever so slowly. Midnight was nowhere to be seen, as the mare found herself covered in the woolen comforter and somewhat groggy, having her mane covering her eyes. She felt her body begging for a good after-nap stretch.

She groaned, irate. It was but a dream.

A part of her mind was furious at the interruption of this, remarkably pleasant, fantasy. The majority of her awakening brain, however, the sensible one, berated her for even allowing such daring thoughts to plague her subconscious.

After all, she merely knew the stallion from two personal interviews. During which she happened to console him and he revealed a subject considered an intimate taboo by his race. And now he was a part of her entourage. Willing to keep her safe from any harm and considering her a unique and amazing pony.

Wait, was she arguing “for” or “against” her having audacious dreams? She could not tell.

The door creaked silently as Midnight entered, looking in Twilight’s direction, his armor rustling delicately. However, he began backing out when he noticed she was in bed, staring right at him.

“Oh, pardon me, Twilight, I did not know you have decided to take a nap after all,” he declared, abashed and about to leave.

Twilight beckoned him to stay, pondering whether her recent experience was really a dream at all. It felt like a premonition so far.

“No, it’s alright, you can stay,” she assured him, rubbing her eyes, trying to do it exactly how she remembered herself doing in the fantasy.

However, Midnight interrupted her before she got to the “soft, comfortable bed” part.

“An envoy from the General came in a moment ago. He brought a dress from Shadebloom for you to wear during the dinner.”


“Is something wrong, Twilight? You look disappointed.”

Her blush did not aid her in the slightest. “No, just... sleepy still,” she replied faking a yawn, while the “Reasonable Twilight Sparkle” in her head began pointing out why she should feel bad about her dream and the attempt to manifest it.

Midnight shrugged.

“Mares... You haven’t even seen it yet and you have already judged it,” he declared nonchalantly, grinning, trotting back to the antechamber to grab the dress.

Twilight rolled her eyes and shook her head, trying to rid herself of the remnants of the dream.

The batpony came back, carrying the ensemble carefully. Twilight stood up from the bed, her eyes widening as he approached.

“Is this really wool?” she inquired, witnessing how delicate and light the dress appeared to be. Intricate patterns were weaved onto it, imitating mountain flowers, and the indentations were as respectable as prepared to showcase and emphasize the graces of a mare’s body. The deep purple of the material was vibrant, but very elegant.

“It is, yes,” Midnight answered her query after giving her a moment to appreciate the gift.

“Incredible...” Twilight reached out and touched the fabric, wanting to check it herself. “I've never thought one could achieve such a... sublime effect with wool. This could pass as silk in Equestria! It’s so delicate, so thin...”

“We don’t have silk here. Or other, fancier materials,” Midnight reminded her, passing the dress. “We work with what we have and we enjoy doing so.”

“And you do resplendent with it,” Twilight admitted, admiring the weave. “You know, Rarity would be overjoyed to examine such a unique utilization of wool. She does not enjoy working with it too much, though...”

Kwand tu nye hab to kwo tu lub, tu luba to kwo tu hab...” the stallion declared, smirking. “When you don’t have what you like...”

“... then like what you have,” Twilight finished, giggling.

“Precisely. I’ll wait just outside for you,” Midnight declared, turning to leave.

“Wait, do we have to go already?”

He stared back with a polite smile. “No, but it is inappropriate for a stallion to witness the mare changing,” he stated, winking playfully at Twilight’s gentle fluster.

“How very thoughtful of you, Midnight.”

“Thank you. Besides,” he added, grinning slyly, “I’d like to allow myself the pleasure of witnessing you wearing that properly, not before. I have high hopes. Really high.”

He bowed his head after those words and left the chamber, leaving Twilight momentarily speechless and furiously blushed.

Focus, Twilight Sparkle.

Right. She stretched the dress on the bed, once more taking in its uniqueness and trying to remember if she had any jewelry, other than her royal diadem, that would match the ensemble. She did recall packing a set of silver earrings with amethyst which she had recently bought. Those would fit in quite nicely.

After a few long minutes, Twilight approached the door and called out.

“Midnight, are you there?”

“I am.”

“Alright, I’m coming,” the mare replied, full of anticipation, as she slowly opened the doorway.

“Finally!” the batpony exclaimed jestingly as she entered the antechamber. “Took you a wh—”

He appeared struck dumb, with his mouth frozen in its motion. Twilight trotted in, positioning herself sideways toward him. So that he could have seen the entirety of the dress, of course. She could feel his stare moving leisurely alongside her body, from her neck all the way down her back. She was trying to remain composed, despite the warmth gathering behind her cheeks, as the stallion was carefully admiring her new look.

“...whoa,” he finished his sentence ultimately, albeit in a way other than planned. “Bogine, you look stunning, Twilight.”

“Thank you. It fits me perfectly, I’m surprised. And... I feel really good in it,” she admitted, looking down at the ensemble.

“I would too,” the stallion disclosed, then shook his head. “Wait, no, not that I would wear it!”

Twilight’s snicker was the only reply he got. He trotted closer to her.

“How come I have never seen you in something like this before?”

“I only wear outfits on very special occasions in Equestria. And most of them are traditional, more formal and less—“

“Less ‘making-you-look-stunning’, right?” he interrupted, grinning.

“Fine, I’ll go with that,” Twilight agreed with a laugh. “Where’s Deep Mist?” she asked, inviting Midnight to come to her chamber and sit down with her at the table, feeling his eyes glued on her the whole time she trotted to her seat.

“He left some time ago to grab something to suck I think, he said his stomach was begging for attention,” the stallion answered, smirking. “His loss, he is missing out!”

Twilight smiled gratefully, sitting down. “Please, I do not look that resplendent.”

“On the contrary!” the stallion disagreed, joining her on the opposite side. “Trust me when I say you present yourself uniquely.”

“Thank you again, Midnight.”

“Don’t mention it, it’s rightfully deserved,” he ascertained her. “And those earrings are a wonderful addition too. Amethysts?”

“Indeed,” Twilight responded, presenting her profile.

The batpony grinned almost like a connoisseur and exhaled in satisfaction. “Ha, you can never underestimate the might of subtle jewelry. My mother always told me that and she was so right!” he laughed. “By the Goddess, rarely does a mare cause me to gather my fangs from the floor.”

His declaration made Twilight giggle and she leaned forward with a sly grin.

“Oh? So there are other mares making you react in such a way?” she asked almost flirtatiously.

Midnight chuckled and was about to answer, but his face fell abruptly.

Twilight’s own soon followed. “Midnight?”

“There was one mare like that, yes...” he whispered, his gaze escaping to the side.

“Midnight... I’m... I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to—“

“I know, Twilight,” he stopped her, raising his hoof. “It’s my fault. I thought I have put it behind me entirely...”

“It’s hard to come to terms with a tragedy like that, I understand,” the mare assured him.

“Indeed,” he agreed, looking intensely into her eyes. “But... you are the one that made it bearable, Twilight.” He rested his head on the table, his gaze focused on nothing in particular. “After the death of my wife I engulfed myself in my work. I wanted to forget about the pain in my duties. I was not caring about much at the time, you know... I simply prayed and worked, prayed and worked, trying to deal with the memories. When the assignment for Ponyville Nightguard division came in, I took it like every other job. But then I learned that a pony who had helped our Goddess lives around. And you came to me, asking for the first interview...” he paused for a brief moment, looking up at Twilight.

“I remember that evening well,” she assured him.

“I do too. You have fascinated me with your pursuit of knowledge. When I saw you all those months later, I was overjoyed, no, I was ecstatic to talk with you again. And, during that second interview... you helped me. You have healed me.”


“To hear a pony like you assuring me that my wife had reached salvation... It meant so much to me, Twilight. If I had received those words from arcemandr, or even a seer, they would not have affected me like yours. An assurance like this coming from a non-batpony?”

He straightened up and sighed.

“I don’t think I have ever thanked you enough for that, Twilight Sparkle,” he declared, his stare full of gratitude.

The mare felt tears stinging her eyes. “It... It’s nothing, Midnight.”

“One pony’s ‘nothing’ is another pony’s ‘everything’,” he declared, smiling warmly. ”Well, we still have a while before we need to go visit the General. I assume he must have his hooves full with all of those troops that came under his command...” he pondered, pressing his lips together after he finished his sentence.

“The garrison has quadrupled in size...” Twilight mused, giving the stallion a curious stare. “You do understand, Midnight, that from my standpoint, such a gesture from the Covenant is enough to incur severe diplomatic repercussions?”

“I am aware, Twilight. I am, myself, surprised by this action. I mean, the Border serves as a line of defense. And I doubt there were any signs of mobilization from Equestria that could have spawned this reaction,” he replied cautiously.

“Of course there weren’t, Midnight,” the mare pointed out, her voice adamant.

The batpony raised his hooves in a gesture of apology. “I know, I know, that’s not what I meant. I am just trying to figure this out. And I have an idea.”

“Go on.”

“I have spotted you being slightly anxious back there in the cavern,” he began slowly. “That was but a fracture of the troops that are stationed here. The sheer notion that Noctraliya has more troops prepared...”

“... would serve as a wonderful intimidation factor for any diplomat passing through,” Twilight finished, nodding. “That would explain why the decision was recent. They want to impose pressure on me.”

“That’s my best guess,” he revealed, shrugging.

“Sounds plausible,” Twilight agreed. “So... you saw me being nervous?” she asked reluctantly.

“Indeed. But don’t worry. Anypony would be nervous when facing us,” he stated, pounding his breastplate with his hoofshoe proudly.

Twilight shook her head and laughed. “That’s not what I would consider ‘helpful advice’.”

“What would you consider such a thing, then?”

“I had something in mind, actually,” Twilight said, getting up from the chair and going for her luggage. “You could tell me something more about the Covenant. Or, rather, about the ponies that form it.”

“I can tell you some things, but I am not a specialist when it comes to politics, you know...” Midnight pointed out, looking after her. “I know some rumors though.”

“Rumors are good too, if you can tell what’s fact and what’s exaggeration,” the mare replied, sifting through her belongings for her trusty, informative scroll. “But before that, do satisfy my curiosity and tell me, where did Deep Mist earn such a profound bruise?”

She did not hear a response from her companion right away. After she had finally located her parchment and quill in the bag, she turned around, witnessing Midnight’s eyes locked on her dress. Or, to be precise, on the flowing, nearly ethereal, skirt of the ensemble. Twilight shifted her balance, her tail cascading down the other half of her backside, causing the stallion to snap his mouth.


“Hmmm?” he muttered incoherently, before realizing she had already spotted him staring. An embarrassed look overtook his muzzle. “Oh... uhm... pardon, what were we talking about?”

“Deep Mist’s shinier, Midnight,” Twilight repeated, rolling her eyes, amused slightly. “Where did he get it from?”

“Funny you ask,” the stallion replied, grinning, “for it was because of rumors that he suffered his injury. And it was me who dealt it.”

“What?! Why?”

Midnight took the opportunity to further admire Twilight’s look as she trotted back to the table.

“For this particular reason, I like to point out.”

“Whatever do you mean?” Twilight felt as perplexed as somewhat content that the gift from Shadebloom was grasping the stallion’s attention so much.

The batpony pondered. “Well, he... kirwe, how do you say it? That he suggested something wrong?”

“He ‘insinuated’, you mean?”

“Yes, that’s it. He insinuated that... uhm... that our interviews were not really interviews.”

Twilight furrowed her brow. “I don’t follow. Why would that earn him a punch?”

“A punch and a few kicks, actually, not important,” Midnight rushed through the sentence, seeing the disapproving look that she gave him. “He stated, publicly, that... ah... well...”

“Well?” she pressed on.

“I mean... uhm... how to say it...?”


“It’s not that... you see...”

“Just say it!”

“That we are lovers.”

Twilight blinked. She was uncertain for how long she was motionless, but finally she experienced a couple of things happening all at once – her mouth hanging loose, her cheeks being incarnadined in crimson, and her mind abandoning the ship.

Midnight, in the meantime, stared down and exhaled. “So... I sent him from the chair to the floor of the mess hall back in Equestria,” he confessed with a mixture of abashment and satisfaction. “I do regret striking him... but I will not have your dignity as a mare questioned, Twilight,” he declared profoundly, staring up, only then witnessing the mare’s radiant fluster. “Are... you okay?”

Twilight shook her head slowly, her eyes wide and her face nearly red enough to emit its own glow.

“Do you need a moment...?” the stallion inquired in a caring manner.

A slow, shocked nod responded him.

“Should I stay or should I go?”

Another, painfully sluggish nod, which might have meant both options.

“Should we change the topic...?”

One more nod. This one appeared pleading.

“Nice weather tonight,” Midnight deadpanned.

Twilight blinked then erupted into laughter, as his calm delivery was enough to break her out of her shocked state. She continued for a while as the batpony was desperately trying to contain his own urge of chortling. She finally wiped the tears from her eyes and coughed a few times.

“Thank you, I needed that,” she stated.

Midnight grinned. “Iau delec. I just want you to know that I am always willing to defend your virtue, Twilight,” he stated, bowing his head.

“It is an honor for me, Wind of Family Midnight,” she replied, causing the batpony’s expression to beam. “Just, could it be done without you punching others?”

“I can’t make any promises, especially if ‘others’ would insinuate something...” Midnight stated and snickered seeing Twilight’s face flaring up again. “But I might wish to restrain myself. I do not want to disappoint Commander Ardent Fang anymore.”

“Did he give you a rough time for that?”

Instead of answering, Midnight loosened the straps of his cuirass and moved it just enough so that the mare saw the beginning of a nasty, long mark.

“This goes down through half my side.”

Twilight covered her muzzle in shock. “You were flogged?!”

“Quite common practice in case of insubordination and other misdemeanors amongst the warriors,” he declared calmly and tightened his armor.

“But it’s—“

“It’s fine,” he assured her, trying to calm her down, as he spotted mounting worry in her eyes. “Now, you wished to ask about the Cov—“

A knock interrupted him. The door of the chamber opened and Deep Mist strode in suddenly.

“The General is hoping you meet him in kwadran, Knaze,” he declared officially. “Are you ready?”

Midnight grinned back at him, pointing at Twilight. “Can you not see?”

Deep Mist but rolled his eyes, seemingly unaffected by the captivating ensemble. “I can never tell when a mare is ready.”

Midnight chortled, spotting an agitated spark in Twilight’s eyes. “Well, looks like we shall talk later, Twilight.”

“Unfortunately,” she declared, standing up, wishing to put the scroll back in her luggage.

Deep Mist grimaced out of a sudden. “Would it be a... how do you say that? ‘Breach of etiquette’ to stay back?”

“In Equestria – most definitely,” Twilight answered him, closing the lid. She couldn’t help but glance at Deep Mist with a blink of accusation in her eyes, after learning of his... insinuations and her gaze met with his.

“Fine, fine, I’ll come...” he stepped back, sighing. “But, Bogine, I hate diplomatic parties...” he murmured and closed the doors behind him.

Midnight chuckled. “He is going to be all grumpy when we shall be back.”

“You could punch him to fix that,” Twilight cynically offered a solution.

“I’ll leave that remedy for a truly special occasion. We have about fifteen minutes then. Shall we go?” Midnight inquired, offering his foreleg to Twilight, his muzzle twisted in a sly smile.

The General’s quarters were also reachable from the Inner Courtyard, being located near the top of the cave. The amount of stairs leading towards that locum was significant.

“Could one... not simply... fly up here?” Twilight asked about half a way through the ascent, as her and her entourage were led by a junior officer who had introduced himself as Sunfall Comet.

Midnight shook his head, not appearing at all winded by the long approach. “You do not fly inside our caves, it’s considered improper.”

“Pity... it’s very useful... or so I was told...” the mare responded, shaking her head, causing the stallion to smirk.

Deep Mist had his eyes locked on the batpony leading them through the whole advance. Midnight spotted his intense stare at one point and gestured subtly with his head at the officer to which the other Nightguardian nodded casually.

At the next curve of the staircase, Midnight sped up and gently supported one of Twilight’s legs before she took a step. “Watch out, Princess,” he stated, giving her a meaningful look forward.

The mare immediately followed his gaze towards the back of Sunfall Comet’s head and her eyes glinted with understanding.

Adamant Fang was waiting for the group at the top of the stairs, smiling broadly. He changed his leather, military jerkin for a smart, dark grey mess jacket, adorned with a lapel pin in the shape of a silver fang.

“Welcome to my humble dwelling, Princess, Nightguardians!” he exclaimed cheerfully. “Thank you, swadran. Return to your tasks.”

The young officer saluted and began descending down the steps as Twilight proceeded after Adamant Fang inside his home. Before crossing the threshold, she stared back, catching the leaving batpony’s intense, piercing glance.

Midnight lowered his voice to a whisper. “Eyes not so hidden anymore.”

The mare nodded approvingly back while Deep Mist exchanged another understanding look with his comrade.

Adamant Fang’s quarters turned out to be quite spacious, even having a proper hallway, which brought to mind castle corridors back in Canterlot, although done in more raw stone and less vibrant colors. It appeared that batponies preferred the arched, light architectural design, although as Twilight had noted, the place was far less elaborate than the shrine, or her quarters. Half-columns marked the spaces between heavy doors and iron ornaments were more present than those of silver.

The General turned to the mare. “I see you admiring the place, Princess.”

“I am comparing it with Equestrian construction designs, yes. It presents itself very differently from what I am used to. But I am intrigued, it appears rather ‘delicate’, in great contrast with the fact that it’s all but stone. Like those chiseled columns here, they seem almost weightless,” she commented.

“We might come from the caves, Princess, but we also do find our destiny to lie in soaring under the great nocturnal sky of our Goddess,” Adamant Fang responded, raising his hoof towards the ceiling, where a small, iron chandelier was providing the light. “We are sturdy as the rock and swift as the wind, all in Her boundless grace. Perhaps here lies the secret?”

The group arrived at the final, open doorway. Shadebloom appeared in it out of nowhere, wearing a breathtaking, flowing, lilac dress, only a tone darker than her braided, long mane. Her silver hairpin was assisted by a pair of gleaming earrings and a pendant resembling a blooming edelweiss. If her grey habit of an arcemandre made her look like an ascetic, this ensemble turned her into a princess of the blood.

“A pleasure to be your host, Princess,” she cheerfully declared, before eyeing Twilight’s gifted dress, which in comparison to her own appeared bland. “By the Goddess, you were made for this ensemble!”

She clapped her hooves in delight, causing an abashed blush from Twilight.

“Thank you, arcemandre, I enjoy it a lot.”

“As a perfect repayment, it’s yours!”

“Oh, no!” Twilight protested somewhat fiercely. “I couldn’t possibly accept such a gift, it’s too much.”

Adamant Fang leaned in, whispering theatrically. “No use arguing, trust me, Princess.”

“Husband, behave yourself!” Shadebloom warned him, playful sparks in her eyes. “Please, Princess, the dinner is awaiting.”

The interior of the dining room did not differ from the rest of the dwelling, although the creamy-white tablecloth gave the chamber even more light than the few of candles in the corners and above the table. The elegant silver plates glinted wistfully in the flickering flames.

The General offered his foreleg and Twilight followed his lead towards her place of honor, an etiquette standard that seemed to have been similar to Equestrian. She sat down in the ornate chair, being flanked on her right by Midnight, who awaited Shadebloom to take her place on the opposite of her husband. With Deep Mist claiming his place on the priestess’ right, one empty spot remained.

Adamant Fang pointed gently at it. “Forgive us for not having a full table tonight, Princess, but our daughter is at her mother’s Mountain at the moment, taking her lessons with the caretakers caste,” he explained politely, to which Twilight smiled courtly.

“Of course. Is she of age to find her place amongst the community?” she inquired.

“Precisely, Princess,” Shadebloom confirmed, her warm smile marked with a note of motherly longing. “Our little Resolute Shade. Whichever role is written for her, I know she will do the Goddess and us proud.”

“As I understand,” Twilight pressed on, “she must be still very young. Is her being away from parents at this early age normal in your society?”

The General nodded profoundly. “Absolutely. Family ties are strong in our nation, but the capability of being independent and self-reliant is equally important. It teaches the necessary discipline and resourcefulness.”

“Fascinating, although I don’t think many parents in Equestria would agree with that approach,” Twilight mused.

Shadebloom replied with an understanding smile. “Oh, you must realize, Princess, that it’s a necessity. ‘The fruits of your labor sweet are and succulent; the payment for your sweat and tears,’ ” she cited with pious angst. “In our lands, where sustenance is scarce, everypony must perform his deeds to the best of one’s abilities and find his place in our commonality as soon as it is possible.”

“ ‘So let there be food for the assiduous; and drink for the one that bends his back,’ ” Midnight added suddenly, much to Shadebloom’s joy.

“Well quoted. Have you ever studied the scriptures thoroughly, Nightguardian? Were you considered for the priesthood at one time, maybe?”

Midnight shook his head. “No, but I was given this fragment as an advice at Iug u Maednoc once, arcemandre. The priests of our shrine helped me through a perilous time of my life. I was also reminded that: ‘Despair shall not have your heart; for it is I who shaped it in my hooves. Stay true to it and follow your path...’”

“’...and I will show you the light within,’” the priestess mirthfully finished. “Sounds like a lesson Midnight Psalm would grant one.”

Midnight’s eyes widened. “It was her, yes. Do you know her, arcemandre? How is she doing these days?”

Shadebloom smiled sadly. “I did know her. She was antase of great wisdom and ever cheerful, even in her declining years. She joined our ancestors a year ago.”

The stallion’s ears dropped. He closed his eyes and whispered a short prayer.

“I shall be gazing at her amongst the stars then.”

“I am certain she would have liked to know whether the Goddess did show you your light, Nightguardian,” Shadebloom added a bit nosily.

“I... want to believe that She did, yes, arcemandre,” Midnight replied, nodding slowly and smirking to himself.

Twilight could swear that she spotted his eyes escaping towards her.

At that moment the door of the dining room opened and a young, brown batpony wearing a suit strode in, bringing in a tray of various fruit-based courses. Oranges were sliced in half and their peels had magnificent, floral markings on them. They were accompanied by high-stacked grapes, lemons cut to make them look like water lilies and a watermelon gracefully carved to look like a spiky, oval flower. The display of the choices was inspiring, although the variety was not too grand, nor was the quantity in any way breathtaking, as Twilight spotted.

Adamant Fang addressed her as the batpony servant began fleetly moving the dishes to the table, which caused his black mane to shift around.

“This is my aide, Blackbranch. He has ascertained me that our food will be sustaining and tasty for you, Princess.”

“Oh, yes, yes, fruit diet shall be fine with me,” she quickly assured, earning a thankful, giddy nod from the assistant, as he placed a small, silver bowl right next to her plate and, having finished his tasks, disappeared behind the door.

The smell that began filling the room caused Twilight to feel her appetite growing and her taste buds begging for attention. She was thankful that her stomach did not start to growl out loud.

“Please, Princess, after you,” Shadebloom offered, waiting patiently for the mare to make her choice of starters. There was, however, one problem.

“Uhm, pardon me greatly, but we seem to be missing the utensils...” Twilight pointed out as gently as she could muster. However, it only caused the hosts to smile in amusement and Deep Mist to hide his snicker behind his hoof.

Midnight came to Twilight’s aid. “We don’t use those at all, Princess.”


Shadebloom leaned forward. “Would you allow me?”

Twilight nodded, perplexed. The priestess first whispered something under her breath and afterwards elegantly reached for one of the sliced orange pieces, bringing it to the level of her muzzle. She then violently bit through the peel into the soft flesh of the fruit, sucking its juice with a loud, nauseating slurp, having the liquid leak down her muzzle, dripping onto the silver plate. Her eyes became that of a feeding beast of prey, focused and feral. A few seconds later she dropped the dried remnant of the orange into the pre-prepared bowl and exhaled with fervent satisfaction, wiping her mouth with her hoof almost salaciously.

To say that Twilight was shocked would not be an understatement. Having such an elegant and quite sophisticated mare turn into a hungry predator was befuddling.

“Princess?” Shadebloom asked, spotting the weird expression on her guest’s muzzle as a droplet of juice was still making its way down her chin.

Adamant Fang tried to contain his laughter to the best of his abilities. “I think our honored ambassador was not prepared for our dining etiquette.”

Twilight felt abashed by her loss of composure as he spotted that even Midnight was attempting to hide his hilarity.

“I-I’m very sorry. It’s just that I was not expecting... I mean—” she shook her head and calmed herself down “—I was not anticipating such dining practice. Having spotted this behavior before, I have associated it with more casual and informal occasions, rather than it being a popular habit.”

“It’s quite alright, Princess, we do not feel offended,” Shadebloom assured her cordially. “But it is something you might want to get used to, for it is exactly how we dine. I admit, it might be perceived as a tone uncouth by your standards.”

“Perhaps you should try and embrace it, Knaze,” Deep Mist suggested with a slight hint of goading in his voice.

Twilight caught an irked glimpse in not only Midnight’s, but Adamant Fang’s eyes as well.

“I feel inclined to try,” she said, reaching bravely for a whole orange and preparing to bite into it, feeling the eyes of the gathered locked on her. She smelled the ripe fruit and, without thinking twice, went right into it, feeling the fresh juice filling her mouth as she somehow made her way through the quite sour peel.

She had never before tried eating fruit in this raw way, but it filled her with a dosage of unrivaled satisfaction. Was it the freshness of its flesh, or the strong, heavenly taste, but she felt her mind finding primal joy in such a unique, if simple, treat. However, unable to utilize fangs like the batponies, Twilight was forced to simply bite off a piece of the fruit, causing the juice to viciously squirt in all directions.

Adamant Fang cackled at the fountain of liquid that stained the tablecloth. “There’s a good try!”

Not waiting any longer, he helped himself to some pieces of the watermelon, while Shadebloom hid a laugh behind her hoof and then grabbed another orange to devour, glancing at her guest amicably.

Twilight put down the rest of the fruit on the plate, trying to munch through what she had in her muzzle. When she finished, she felt compelled to mimic the priestess’ gesture and clean her mouth, however trying to do so with less imprudent enthusiasm.

She spotted Midnight’s stare locked onto her.

“What’s wrong?” she asked silently.

“Uh, nothing, nothing,” he replied, shaking his head while something of a blush appeared on his cheeks.

“... Midnight?”

He leaned in a bit, his voice but a whisper. “First the dress, now this...”

His growing smile made Twilight’s muzzle warm up. After he helped himself to the fruit, she spotted Deep Mist giving the two of them a tense, focused glare in between his bites.

The rest of the feast went through without any incidents, as the gathered focused on satisfying their appetites rather than engaging in a conversation. Twilight felt more than sated after the meal, even though the ravenous nature of her hosts’ behavior would cause nausea in less prepared participants. Yet, surprisingly, the only stained piece of tablecloth was connected with her own attempts of emulating the dining norms.

Adamant Fang finished his course and exposed his fangs in an expression of profound elation, sighing deeply. He then clapped his hooves, which caused the door to the dining room to open as Blackbranch strutted in, this time providing each of the gathered with a bowl of fresh water and a small towel.

Twilight cleaned her hooves courtly and swiped her muzzle, stealthily trying to follow Shadebloom’s example as to meet the requirements of proper behavior even further.

“I have to say,” she declared when she was done, “that this has been a superb meal.”

The priestess beamed. “Oh, I am overjoyed you have found it adequate. We have carefully chosen the best fruit from our supplies.”

“Just one detail missing to make it a proper celebration!” Adamant Fang declared, causing Twilight’s mind to raise alert. “Have you ever tried our traditional drink, Princess?”

The mare nodded, trying not to make it look reluctant. “Yes, I have. I gave it a try at the Nightguard outpost in Hollow Shades.”

“I should have expected that!” the General laughed. “Care to sample it more, or is your throat scalded still, Princess?”

“It is a potent drink, yes, but I think I can muster the endurance,” Twilight replied with a courtly smile, causing the hosts to grin widely.

“Splendid!” Adamant Fang declared. “Blackbranch, bring one of the aged bottles!”

The aide bowed and left to fulfill the request. Midnight, in the meantime, cleared his throat.

“I think it is worth mentioning to the Princess that ‘aged’ does equal ‘stronger’.”

Deep Mist concurred. “Much stronger.”

Shadebloom tried to stop herself from giggling as her guest’s face slowly lost its color.

“Now, now, Nightguardians. It is inappropriate to scaremonger. The Princess will do just fine, I am certain.”

Twilight chuckled nervously. “You have more faith in me than I myself have.”

“Veraciously said...” the priestess stated, smiling mysteriously and giving the mare a half-lidded, nearly mesmerizing gaze of her goldenrod eyes, that was enough to make Twilight uncomfortable and... strangely enticed alike.

In the meantime, Blackbranch made his way back to the dining room with silver stemware and a bottle of gozalke kept in an ice bucket, like it was the finest champagne.

“Pour one for yourself too,” Adamant Fang turned to his aide.

Ia grat tu, tribun,” the brown stallion replied, abashed and thankful.

After everypony had their drinks prepared, the General stood up to raise a toast.

“For your visit, Princess. May it be fruitful!”

“Thank you, General,” Twilight expressed her gratitude before rising the goblet high above her head. “Hwale!”

Hwale!” the gathered replied in unison.

Everything that happened afterwards was pretty predictable. Twilight was expecting the burning flavor of the drink, but that did not help her in her coughing fit. Especially since she had bravely, or perhaps foolishly, attempted to empty the chalice in one go, which turned out to be an unsurprisingly bad idea. Midnight helped her sit down after he was through with shaking his head fervently, trying to stop himself from laughing at her.

Shadebloom wiped the tears from her eyes after a moment of coerced crying. “Bogine, it’s good!”

In the meantime, Deep Mist’s face began revealing something entirely non-corresponding with that statement. A while after he had finished drinking, he blinked a couple of times, then squinted his eyes, his muzzle twisting in an expression of utter discomfort.

“Nightguardian?” Adamant Fang addressed him, his brow furrowed, after he put his goblet down.

Deep Mist breathed in a couple of times slowly, then whispered through clenched teeth. “Pardon, tribun. Something feels... bad. Gozalke seems like... it might have been too much...”

“Nonsense!” the General shouted in protest. “It can never hurt you!”

Twilight would beg to differ, but she was too occupied with apologizing to her throat for her recent stunt. She simply watched, concerned, as Deep Mist put his hoof to his mouth and pressed on his lips, like he was trying to stop himself from saying a word more.

“Goddess’s Light.” Shadebloom gently stood up and approached him, her face all worried. “Are you alright, warrior?”

The stallion simply shook his head, although slow enough not to provoke any radical reactions from his body.

Adamant Fang looked with agitation at his aide. “Coracinugalaz, ktor utram tu braze?

Anni yi osim, tribun,” Blackbranch replied, visibly frightened. “To bid benu, ia pryisegn!

Whatever they were talking about, the General hissed silently and bit his lower lip, trying to calm himself. In the meantime Midnight nodded to Twilight and trotted around the table.

“Deep Mist, what’s wrong?”

The stallion pointed at his stomach and cringed visibly, although trying his best to mitigate it somehow.

“Can you stand up?” Shadebloom inquired and Deep Mist, using all his strength, cautiously lifted himself, inhaling in a steady, slow pace.

“I-it’s nothing, I’ll be f-fine,” he declared, but the General was having none of this.

“Blackbranch, support him!” he ordered strictly, causing his assistant to spring from his chair.

Twilight also joined the group. “Can the drink cause this?”

Midnight shook his head. “We actually believe gozalke to cure stomach problems, rather than cause them,” he assured, as Deep Mist was heavily leaning on Blackbranch, his chin shivering.

“Hear, hear,” Shadebloom confirmed Midnight’s words, her voice uncertain and startled. “But perhaps the fatigue of the flight has caused this reaction? A tough travel can weigh heavily on the bowels, or so I have heard.”

“We should get a physician,” Adamant Fang declared, constantly biting his lip, his eyes betraying greatly his mounting unease as he glanced at Twilight.

Midnight spotted that stare and took the initiative, as the situation was becoming disorganized. “Tribun, we must not let this incident ruin the feast in the honor of the Princess. Let me and your aide take care of Deep Mist. We’ll escort him to our quarters and call for aid, while you can continue entertaining the ambassador,” he offered a solution, strengthening it with a salute.

“But, we wished for you to enjoy this too, Nocferratani!” Shadebloom protested as a caring host would have.

“My duty requires me to help my comrade above all, arcemandre,” Midnight replied with unmatched conviction, earning a nod of understanding and praise from the priestess and her husband. “I hope you will forgive me for abandoning your side, Princess.”

“Why, of course!” Twilight quickly assured him. “Just make sure he makes it down the stairs,” she advised, causing Midnight to smirk almost invisibly.

“Would you be so kind as to open the door, tribun?” he asked Adamant Fang, who immediately rushed to do just that. While the General went away and Shadebloom sat back in her chair, still visibly worried, Midnight whispered quickly towards Twilight. “I swear, if this is his excuse to leave the party, I will be forced to punch him again.”

The mare only miraculously stopped herself from giggling.

After Deep Mist had been escorted out by Blackbranch and Midnight, Adamant Fang put a hoof to his temple as he sat down in his place.

“Unbelievable,” he uttered. “Bogine, when we were planning this to be a special occasion, we did not mean something like this!”

Twilight gave him a most polite smile. “It’s nothing, General, really. Such misfortunes simply happen, but they can hardly ruin a splendid feast like this one.”

“We thank you for your understanding, Princess,” Shadebloom replied, bowing her head. “I just pray for you not to suddenly start feeling uncomfortable,” her voice betrayed almost maternal worry.

“No, I am fine, really,” Twilight assured. “Even if drinking gozalke leaves my throat burned beyond measure.”

The priestess laughed melodiously. “As an ambassador, you will have apt opportunities to get used to that feeling.”

“That’s what I fear, yes.”

Adamant Fang smirked. “Fret not, you do not have to quaff the whole goblet at once. Leave that to professionals, Princess.”

“I do not want to be found wanting, General, especially since I consider the ways of noctrali fascinating,” Twilight replied stoically. “It is my duty as an envoy to share in the traditions and customs I can be a part of.”

“How delightedly thoughtful!” Shadebloom clapped her hooves while her husband let out a happy exhale. “We weren’t expecting you to be quite so open towards us and our culture, Princess.”

“How could I not be? Yours is a truly captivating society. The vast differences between Noctraliya and Equestria give us all opportunities to share and learn from one another.”

Adamant Fang nodded slowly. “Well said, Princess. My wife and I are glad to have you here. Perhaps your visit shall restore the correct relations between noctrali and soleerani,” he expressed with a huge tone of hoping.

Shadebloom grinned. “Let us pray that it shall all be in accord with the great concept of the Immaculate Moon...”

She and her husband bowed her heads, as Twilight politely awaited for them to look back up.

“I hope to forge a new understanding between our nations,” she revealed, much to the priestess’ joy.

“The Light of the Goddess is upon you, Princess. You are sure to succeed.”

Adamant Fang let out a happy exhale. “Ha, indeed. Her Will accounts in all balance.”

Twilight could only stare kindly at her hosts, as their religious declarations did feel as honest as suppressing for her.

Shadebloom raised her hoof suddenly. “Oh, husband, we have forgotten to share the news with the Princess.”

“Ah, yes. Considering the roughness of your arrival, I have taken the liberty of checking our weather records, so that you might experience the rest of the journey in peace,” Adamant Fang declared, conjoining his hooves. “Unfortunately, the snowstorm still raging outside is going to move towards the Sanctuary and, as a host and a General, I cannot allow you to fly out of the Border until the skies clear themselves properly.”

Twilight let out a gasp of surprise. “Oh? Naturally, I understand, but what about the Covenant? I don’t want to keep them waiting. I-it’s an important occasion after all, one-of-a-kind really.”

Shadebloom shook her head gracefully. “No need to worry, Princess. They surely have received the warnings too, so your postponed arrival shall not be viewed as anything concerning. We deal with rough weather every night, it is nothing unusual.”

“Of course,” Twilight responded, calming herself down. “I am touched by your concern for my safety.”

“It’s nothing, Princess,” Adamant Fang declared. “Also, we might have a proposition for you, since you shall have to wait at least a night.” He glanced at his wife, who smirked back. “Since you are so keen on learning about us, how about we could start right here and show you around the Border? I am certain you shall find our bastion inspiring.”

That wasn’t perhaps the exact word that Twilight would have used, but she played along. “I will be delighted to. As long as it is in accordance to the caste rules, to show me around, that is.”

The General laughed. “We are not teaching you our battle tactics, Princess, so I think we are fine. Your tact is greatly appreciated though.”

“In that case, I am looking forward to witnessing this fortress in all its glory.”

“Thank my wife, Princess,” Adamant Fang looked with love at Shadebloom. “I might be a General and a tactician, but she is the real strategist around.”

The priestess’ cheeks reddened. “Husband, please.”

Twilight hid a giggle behind her hoof.

“Might I ask something?”

“Why, naturally, Princess.” Adamant Fang leaned back in his chair, his fang-shaped lapel pin reflecting the candlelight.

“As I understand, you are members of the Fang Family and the Shade Family...”

“That is correct,” Shadebloom affirmed.

“And I know that Family ties are especially binding in Noctraliya. Might I inquire, how does it work when it comes to marriages of ponies from different Families? Of course, if I am not being intrusive.”

“Perhaps a bit,” the priestess said jestingly, “but we are happy to answer. I think it would be fair to point out that our two Mountains, as neighboring, were always close with one another.”

“Indeed. And our history has bound us tightly,” Adamant Fang confirmed his wife’s words. “But even more conflicted Families are not straightly opposed to such relationships. I mean, we are all noctrali in the end, no matter this affiliation.”

“I have heard that a Lord can stop a marriage between a noble batpony and one from a lesser house. Does that prerogative apply in situations like yours also?” Twilight pressed the topic.

“Yes, but there weren’t any cases like that in a long, long time,” the General pointed out, then furrowed his brow. “However, at the Mountain of Mist—”

“Husband, it’s inappropriate to dwell on it,” Shadebloom interrupted him.

Twilight was certain she knew what they were talking about, but brought up an oblivious expression on her face. “Could you explain?”

“An internal matter of the Mist Family, Princess. All sorted out now,” the priestess assured, although her reluctance to discuss on the topic was more than apparent.

“I see. I would like to know something else, if I might.”

“Of course.”

“I presume the continuity of a bloodline is considered very important in your culture. So what about children from such marriages?” Twilight asked, her curiosity mixed with tact. “Which Family are they a part of?”

Shadebloom immediately explained. “Oh, we have an institution named Regule a Roditi. ‘The Rule of Parents.’ Colts are part of the father’s line, while fillies share in their mother’s name.”

The General nodded. “Hence why our daughter is a Shade. However, I still hope for my Family’s chance,” he said and the priestess tried her best at hiding a quite sheepish expression. “Do you have any children, Princess?” Adamant Fang inquired of Twilight in the meantime.

“Oh, no, no, I don’t.”

“Surely you are wed though? Or betrothed?”

“No, I am not. Why do you ask, General?”

“Curiosity for curiosity. But it’s unimaginable!” he stated, grinning. “I was certain I am talking with a respectable matron, not a maiden! Yet I still believe that, as a mare of your importance and position in Equestria, you must have had a lot of suitors already...”

Twilight shook her head once more, intrigued if there was a point to his digressions. “I am sorry to fail to meet these expectations, but that’s not true in my case.”

Adamant Fang looked genuinely surprised, but Shadebloom only raised her eyebrow in engrossment.

“What my husband is trying to convey, is that a mare of a comparable stature in Noctraliya would be considered a highly desirable match, clearly worthy of a Lord’s son even.”

“Oh! I see.” Twilight laughed mirthfully. “I suppose a noble house or two in Equestria would not mind some royal additions in their bloodline, but I have not been approached as of yet. And thank goodness! It would be quite awkward,” she revealed, causing the priestess to giggle.

“You seem like a mare not caring for admirers.”

“Should I take it as a compliment, or not?”

Adamant Fang laughed boomingly. “I would. It’s coming from my wife and Goddess knows how long was I trying to court her.”

“Only until the light in the shrine miraculously reflected from the ornaments and blinded you as you were demanding my attention during a ceremony. Both an obvious sign and a reprimand for you goofing around like a little colt,” Shadebloom recalled, her expression affectionate as she stared at her husband. She then turned to Twilight. “If you ever wonder if you shall find that ‘special somepony’, as you Equestrians say, just trust in the Goddess. Her Light will lead you to your true love.”

Twilight but nodded in gratitude for the pious advice.

Her mind, however, brought forth a recent memory. The picture of Midnight. Him saying that he had found his light.

And his eyes, those piercing, saffron eyes, shyly stopping themselves from looking straight at her.

Author's Note:

At this point, I would like to apologize for a slight delay that the chapter has suffered from. My exams are upon me and I am unable to focus on writing as much as I would desire.

Also... the woman of my dreams has left me recently and I have to learn to cope with it before continuing my writing. I do not seek solace, but I might need more time to provide you all with more chapters or stories.

Stay tuned,


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