• Published 21st Jul 2014
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Journey with a Batpony - Gulheru

Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, wishes to bring the greatest magic of all to the lands of batponies. Will she succeed in her mission in this distant and dangerous land?

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Chapter XLVII – For All of Us

Twilight lifted her eyelids, as a steady rhythm awoke her from her slumber. It bounced around her head a couple of times to do so, she felt. Something like... a hoof against wood? An armored hoof against wood? Knocking? Seemed accurate.

She rubbed her eyes, fiercely just to have her sight focus, but so far the chamber’s ceiling was a mess of grey.

“Kw... kwi bid to?” she finally asked, trying to wake herself up fully and so far failing in that task. At least the knocking must have heard.

“Nightguardian Midnight Wind, hwalba knaze,” she heard Midnight’s familiar and official voice. “And Rowan Berry.”

Twilight let out a sigh, sitting up for a second only to lay back into the comforters and stretch, feeling a wonderful pop somewhere in her spine... and then her wings. Was nice. But that respite was terribly treacherous and she had to get up after all.

Not that she wanted to, oh no. She really would prefer to stay in bed and sleep in. She had... honestly a great night’s rest, that was for certain. She would dare saying that she felt somewhat invigorated. As much as she, also, wanted to follow the ways of unimaginable sloth.

But, duty called. Two ponies of said duty, even.

“A minute, please,” she told them through the door, still organizing her sleepy mind. It had to be put back in the right shape! To try and meet how she felt inside. The flesh was willing, after all. Besides, she didn’t want to keep her entourage waiting pointlessly, that would have been most unbecoming of a Princess.

And a loved one, but that had to be a secondary reason for the moment.

Twilight ultimately scrambled off her bed, running a hoof through her mane. Ugh, she wasn’t surprised to find it a complete and utter mess. Thankfully it was nothing that a quick spell could not handle.

She flared up her horn and engaged in the instinctual incantation, busy otherwise with making sure that her eyes would finally focus. The chamber was still a bit blurry. Though it was not that surprising, she felt that she must have slept very deeply, if the energy underlying her half-slumbering body was of any indication.

Finally finding the doorway and hoping she looked at least presentable, Twilight stood on the threshold to face her entourage, waiting patiently in the corridor.

Benu noc, h—ha!” she heard Midnight exclaim in surprise and witnessed his wide, sudden grin.

Rowan Berry, standing right next to him with a platter of fruit, took a half step back, the food bouncing on its silver base. “Hwalba knaze, are... are you alright?”

Twilight blinked, which was managing to clear up her vision finally. In no way, however, lessening the befuddlement at what their reactions meant. “Y-yes, why?” she asked.

Midnight said nothing, visibly trying to contain an outburst of laughter for whatever reason. He finally pointed inside the chamber, towards where the room’s mirror stood loyally, in its silver frame. Twilight followed his gesture, encountering her standard reflection.

... bar the fact that her mane was not neatly styled as she hoped. No. Instead, for similarly whatever reason, matching the one for Midnight’s merriment, it stood. As if every strand of it actually stood. In all possible directions. Creating something of a storm cloud of hair, billowing and omnipresent. With the volume that could put Princess Celestia to shame.

“Goodness!” Twilight called out.

And, as it happened, instinctively slammed the door shut. Causing, a hearty snicker from Midnight, as she heard all to well despite the wood.

What in the...? It was one thing to try to wake up fully and another to turn one’s mane into some sort of a fuzz-ball! Yes, Twilight knew well she had those morning when she could very well plant her muzzle in a pile of pancakes from being drowsy, but this was ridiculous! She quickly focused, being far, far more careful about the spell to fix whatever that hairstyle was. Lab-accident shag?

Whatever it was, it had to go... but it took Twilight a try or two, speaking of feeling dopey. Her mane was doing all sorts of things, instead of turning into the neat hairdo she was used to. Neat and conservative, instead of wild and free and in-all-directions. There would be a time to make herself look more fancy for the next meeting with the Covenant, but that was definitely not now, but a thing for further future.

The nearest future waited in the corridor still and only after Twilight made absolutely sure to look presentable, for real this time, did she open the door again, faced once more with her companions.

Midnight was, despite the time that passed, still trying to stop himself from laughing out loud. “Forgive us, hwalba knaze. The strangest thing has happened just before. We could have sworn some mare with a wild mane opened this door earlier, but I cannot see her anymore...”

Twilight stopped herself from rolling her eyes... and maybe even doing something to his tied-up mane as recompense, only for the sake of Rowan Berry’s presence. Who, by the way, seemed far less amused and more abashed than anything at the moment, holding Twilight’s breakfast.

Consider the nights before and everything that she was going through, it was prudent for Twilight to turn to her directly soon after. “Greetings, Nightguardian. And welcome back, Rowan Berry, I’m glad to see you again. Is everything alright?”

It was an honest, open question, despite it all. But when the mare said nothing at first, only taking a deep breath, Twilight worried that things still weren’t back to normal... or, at least, to the acceptable amount. However, after the healer composed herself, still in possession of the platter of food, she offered a deep bow.

“I give you welcome, hwalba knaze, and ask for your forgiveness. My performance in my duties over the last nights was lamentable, lacking and disrespectful to you, as an honored guest of the Lords and our country. I beg your forgiveness, however ready to receive whatever punishment you deem appropriate for my misgivings.”

Twilight shook her head immediately. “I’m not that kind of a pony, Rowan Berry. Everypony has better and worse days and we can hardly blame each other for that. The most important matter is – how are you feeling now? Have you freed yourself of your burdens in a confession, if that is not an intrusive question to ask?”

“That I have, hwalba knaze, and to share my worries was the right thing to do,” Rowan Berry assured, looking up from her deferential stance.

“Then I am glad. May Immaculate Moon... through Her servants ease your plights,” Twilight declared, almost religiously. It felt right to invoke that.

And, considering the healer’s faint smile, it was right.

One good deed tonight already. Hopefully there would be chances for more. But, it depended on a few factors which she had to be made aware of.

“Any news for me directly?” she asked of Midnight, who nodded his head.

“Indeed, Honored Princess. Honored Lord Bright of Family Crescent should be arriving tonight in a few hours, and Honored Lord Word of Family Sunfall is already here, having managed to brave the storm late last night.”

“Was it that bad?” she asked, having in mind how venerable the Lord was.

“Heavy snowfall, but the Lord’s sentinels performed above and beyond expectations,” Midnight replied with a note of pride for his brethren. “The Lord even visited the Great Shrine yesternight before retiring to his chambers, so he must have felt able enough after the flight.”

“And he, supposedly, was informed of everything that transpired?” Twilight inquired further, eliciting a reply from Rowan Berry, still holding the food.

Tac, Honored Princess. Hard not to, the entire Tuarie is commenting on what happened in the Great Shrine, from priesthood to caretakers. And with the Covenant meeting soon, there’s anticipation in the air.”

That was not surprising. “I take it the Honored Lords won’t wait forever to meet?”

Nye, hwalba knaze,” the healer replied. “Later this night a meeting is most probable.”

Preparation had to be made, then. Starting with the obvious. “Very well. I have a task for you, Rowan Berry.”

“Yes, Honored Princess?” the mare inquired in readiness.

“Thank you for the breakfast, first and foremost, you can leave it inside. Then, would you be so kind as to pass the message to the Covenant that I am ready for the summons at any moment. I would also wish to inquire about being provided with some parchment and ink, as it seems my supplies are running low.”

Rowan Berry nodded. “Of course, Honored Princess. I will convey it.”

Twilight granted her a smile and waited for her to leave her and Midnight alone. He was doing his best impression of a professional warrior that had absolutely no interest in being one on one with a Princess he was guarding.

Impression as believable as ready to crumble at the first moment after the chamber doors were locked.

Twilight leaned into his nuzzling. A little. More than a little. “And a good night to you too, dear.”

Midnight chuckled into her neck and gave her a playful nip before stepping back. “Do you know a better way of greeting one’s love other than words? And other than a kiss, that is.”

“I might think of a few ideas, but I leave them to your opportunism and reason.”

He let out a small his. “The larder might be hard to come by with you around.”

She blinked and did her best not to wheeze in laughter.

“It’s... it’s ‘latter’,” she told him, having the mental image that his mistake invoked right before her eyes. She supposed some would get insulted by the suggestion that their presence could empty any around food storage, but she knew better than to think he was accusing her of overeating or something!

Especially with the recent fruit diet. If anything, it made her feel definitely more leaner and more energized!

In the meantime, her beloved just looked around, as if searching for a convenient Equestrian-Noctraliyar dictionary. Which would not have been a bad idea to invest in at some point maybe, Twilight thought even through the giggling. Perhaps something like that existed in a scroll form in Noctraliya actually?

“So... what did I say?” Midnight asked in the meantime, unsure what to change about his statement.

She just turned to him and gave him a peck on the muzzle, which should have sufficed for a consolation prize.

“Never mind,” she told him warmly. “The point is, make sure you don’t do anything silly with everypony watching.”

He rolled his eyes. “Do I really need a reminder? Again?”

“Have or have you not flirted with me right by that fountain in the main cavern?”

“Don’t blame me that you are amazing and beautiful and I cannot have enough of you, alright?” he retorted with almost an outrage, causing her to giggle again.

“Alright, alright, let’s just continue being careful,” she told him, taking a seat on the carpet. “Let me refresh my sight spell and we can allow ourselves to be safely unreasonable over some breakfast.”

Midnight just chuckled. “Sounds like a very nice plan. But, actually, that makes me think...” he began, sitting before her. “Are you not missing Ekwestriyar food? I imagine a forced change of diet might have been hard on you. We’re used to owoci and fruit and owoci and... you know how it goes, but I know your choices in Equestria are more versatile.”

Twilight pondered, gathering her magic gradually. “I... don’t think I can complain. Yours are surprisingly ripe, and the presentation and choices are apt. And it’s healthy, definitely. Might be good for me, truth be told. I have a weakness for junk food.”

She was about to release the spell, but he leaned back, as if repelled. “You’re eating trash...?”

“No, it’s an expression!” she told him, rolling her eyes. “It’s... well, lower quality food, but very tasty. Like hayburgers, for example?”

“... what are those?”

“You never had a hayburger?! Ever?”

“Well, first of, not really keen on hay. Grass around here is for sheep, you know,” he told her matter-of-factly. “And, other than that, it just sounds... strange? What is the word ‘burger’ even?”

“It comes from... actually, never mind now, I am definitely giving you a tour around Ponyville when we return. I think I could get the place to stay open after sunset for a while, so you can try it fresh!” she declared.

Maybe too enthusiastically, for he chuckled. “Forcing cooks to stay awake and work longer because my beloved wants to enjoy a ‘lower quality’ dinner. Sounds like the nicest abuse of power I have ever heard of.”

Twilight rolled her eyes before kissing him briefly, remaining leaned forth to cast her spell.

Midnight winked and then finally closed his own eyes, with her soon following, ready to let the gathered energy flow freely through their bodies. Like a breeze down a mountain slope. She could feel it rush past, with a beat not unlike a heart’s. Refreshing.

“There, much better,” she said afterwards, blinking a few times and already spotting the room being much brighter and the colors much more lively.

“Glad to hear it,” Midnight replied, shaking a little. It looked like he still had a hard time getting used to the feeling of arcane energy about him, as many times as he allowed that to happen. And as much as he, himself, had benefited from it. Like back during that certain evening in the light of the sun.

He blinked and cracked his neck. “But, wait, once more, what exactly is in a hayburg—kirwe!”

His shout startled Twilight enough for her to jump up from her haunches. “W-what?!”

“Your... Neskaza Lunee... your eyes!” he shouted. In enough surprise not to even lower his head in reverence over the Goddess’ holy name, even if the pause was still there, instinctual.

But Twilight could not care less about invocations of divinity, focusing rather on all the other words he had uttered. And, once more, the chamber’s mirror was her accomplice, glancing back at her with the reflection of a Princess of Friendship. Somewhat startled Princess, but with a keen, piercing look of violet eyes.

Violet, reflective eyes.

Violet, reflective eyes with slit irises!

“What?!” Twilight shouted again, pretty much galloping to the mirror, as if to check if it wasn’t cracked in such a precise way or... or something! Her reflection rushed as well, eager to meet its counterpart and, indeed, brandishing that unique stare, especially up close.

There they were. Her eyes not unlike batpony ones, piercing, transfixing and sharp. Just like Midnight’s. Only in a color impossible or at least very rare for a night-dweller, but other than that...

... how? Just how?

“I... I don’t understand,” Twilight muttered, using her hoof to check around, stretching her pupils in all directions in an almost disturbing way. “The spell copies the ability to see in the dark, not the actual eye structure! Yes, it was experimental to get that effect in the first place, but this had never...! How did that even...!”

She realized exactly how she sounded. As if she was explaining her young and very much inexperienced self to Princess Celestia. Over spilling juice on the table or something!

But such a blunder?!

In the corner of her... new eyes, as it happened, she spotted Midnight approaching. His steps were cautious and he was wearing an expression that was as utterly befuddled as filled with... something.

Twilight couldn’t tell, astonished as she was with her own look.

“What... what is happening today?” she complained to her reflection. “First the mane looking like after a lightning strike, now this! Am I losing my mind?! I’ve never had such problems, it’s like I am pouring far too much power into the spells, this—”

“I’ve seen this.”

Midnight’s sentence made her stop for a breath. Then turn her head. In record time. To witness his own and original, batpony piercing gaze. Meeting hers with astonishment and wonder.

“... what did you say?” she asked, her voice much more trembling than she thought it would be.

“I’ve... I’ve seen this before... or... these,” he muttered, his hoof reaching up, as if he wanted to touch her very stare. Grasp and hold onto it. “Bogine... is this yet another sign? For me?”

Twilight did not understand, but... considering what she had herself went through lately, was him receiving a sign that much of a surprise? She caused a miracle for him not so long ago... had another just occurred?

“What... are you talking about, Midnight?” she asked, keen to know, keener than the glances they were exchanging. And despite that sudden stranglehold of worry in her throat.

“I... I mean...”

Midnight faltered and stepped back. He was visibly shaken, even if she didn’t yet know from what. But it was not simply distress that grasped him. There was something about him that radiated... warmth? Kindness? It was hard to tell.

Likely for him too. “I... this will sound so stupid, but... kirwe, these eyes... I’ve witnessed them before. It’s like I can now remember it again,” he managed to say after all.

Twilight blinked, though she felt reluctant to rob him of his omen even for a moment. When she continued to look, he took another step back. Almost in reverence. Was he feeling the same distress?

And what was so meaningful to him in it? Other than the obvious, that she looked more like a noctrale... Was that it? Did Dusk Stream have...?

No, her eyes were marigold, the Family scroll Twilight had seen showed as much.

“Are... you have seen such eyes before, yes?”

“I have, by the Goddess...” he told her, shaking his head in disbelief. “Not in the waking world, as this color is unheard of among us, but... Those are the eyes of a vision.”

“A vision?”

“It must have been... It was in a dream, unless I am dreaming still,” he whispered in uncertainty.

“Both of us would have to,” she assured him of the reality of this unique situation. “I have no idea how this happened, but... what ‘vision’ do you have in mind?” Twilight insisted, seeing that he wanted to share but was... concerned about her reaction?

At least that’s how it felt, especially when he kept avoiding and yet seeking her gaze. Rubbing the back of his neck from that point on. It wasn’t entirely like him to look so sheepish.

“Well, I... ha... listen, first of all, I... I don’t want to presume. Or pressure, or... or anything.”

She wasn’t sure what he was getting at and, for once, her staring at him constantly was not really helping. But... what else was there to do. Other than reassurance.

“I... think we are at the point of our relationship when we... can just talk about things?” she tried to encourage him indeed, but he only let out a nervous laughter.

“I understand, but it’s... Bogine... it feels rushed, I-I would not want you to get ideas that I am pushing things, or... It was a dream, right? Even if it was a... a...” He hissed briefly. “Kirwe, I don’t know anymore...”

She took a step to him. “Listen, I... if it was something you saw just like that then... I will take it as a dream... most likely?” she spoke honestly, with that little bit of uncertainty. “What kind of a dream?”

He bit the side of his lower lip. “Recent. Uhm... After our... after the cave. Yes, the cave.”


Well, that could have been a reason for abashment, if it was that sort of a fantasy. Though, Twilight did not understand why that would cause him to be so petrified about sharing. She was happy to listen anyway. She loved him and, well, she wasn’t going to be shocked outright, no?

There was still a blush on her muzzle as she spoke. “I mean... I think after what happened, things like that are... normal? I mean, I could tell you about that one time that I dreamed that... uhm...”

That was, even for her, a bit too much honesty to say it comfortably.

But Midnight only fiddled with his hooves, which, again, was so unlike him. “My light, it wasn’t a shallow fantasy... Besides, I mean... who needs those in dreams when one tasted the sweetest of them awake?”

She wasn’t sure if he planned to make her blush that much more with this declaration, but it was welcomed anyway.

She waited patiently a while more, until he would finally have the clarity of mind. Took him a moment longer, but when he finally stopped himself from looking all abashed, his sentences were at least a little clearer.

“I... It wasn’t a dream that would be inappropriate to share, nothing like that. But I saw us.”

“... yes?”

“All of us. I saw you. And I saw me. And... and I saw...”

He hissed a little. At himself, for again faltering in trying to speak his mind. For not braving through the emotions and reaching for the words, most likely.

But words were secondary. Especially to Twilight, since... she suddenly had an idea about what he could have meant. And that very notion made her legs wobble and her coat to stand on end, when a shiver... not entirely unpleasant shiver, coursed through her.

“Go on...?” she suggested more than encouraged, her voice far more timid than she thought.

“We... we were standing somewhere. I wasn’t sure where, it’s a little foggy in my mind... Maybe a terrace, maybe a stone shelf...” he began explaining, trotting in a little circle, his tied up mane swaying behind him. “A night’s breeze surrounded us. Calming and... and soothing. The stars above shone. Brightly, as if all of the ancestors were looking down, right at us. And... and the Goddess Herself was with us. Around us. I felt Her presence, ia yur, ab Ipeu lumn, I knew that She was nearby. Protecting us,” he declared, then paused to finally look back at Twilight directly. At her eyes. His gaze softening. “All of us.”

Another shiver went down Twilight’s spine. A sudden one. A fearful one. A good one.

“... y-yes?”

“And... And those eyes, those slit eyes, they...” He stopped himself again, then took a step to her. “I remember them, the color. Unlike any that a Child of the Goddess would know, but...”

Twilight found herself frozen in place as he approached even closer and his hoof found her muzzle. His touch was the gentlest she could remember. And his whisper even more so.

“... but that child, that you were holding in your forelegs... Our child.”

Tears welled up in her eyes. She simply couldn’t stop them. Not after that declaration. She didn’t want to, even.

Midnight’s muzzle shuddered. “Bogine, I’m... I’m sorry, I... I shouldn’t have...”

“Oh, Midnight...”

She desperately leaned forth and hugged him tightly. He held her in place, kept her like he was holding his greatest treasure, she felt it well enough. To hear such a declaration, even based on but a nightly vision... it was incredible. It was simply otherworldly.

And Twilight cried. She let out all this joy, all this worry and disquiet in her through such a wonderful, if sorrowful way.

Midnight didn’t say anything until he felt that she stopped shuddering. Only when she was spent, she heard his whisper.

“I... I didn’t want to say it, to... to reveal it so suddenly, this seems like such a fantasy. But... this gaze is impossible to ignore...” he tried to explain himself, but that was more than unnecessary.

She cleared her nose and shook her head. “Midnight, I... don’t be sorry, please. It’s... It is beautiful, this vision... if distant,” she told him back, in a voice that she tried to make confident and soft alike.

“If distant...” he parroted, tightening his hold a little more around her. Reassuring, comforting. His. “I... I took that dream as a reminder, straight from the Immaculate Moon...” he said, pushing his head further into her neck, as this form of praise and gratitude. “For so long I lived in grief. In Peraure here, in this life. And then I met you and... and though I still think I am unworthy, I... I dare to hope. You know that I dare to hope.”

“I do, Midnight. I do too...” she assured him and he sighed.

“This is the future that I want to have. A future I forgot that I once desired. A future I thought... Bogine, I thought I would never again dream of.”

Twilight didn’t need even a moment to realize how much he meant with that. He was a married stallion before, after all. And marriage among the batponies meant something else than just a deep, emotional connection. But also, and perhaps first and foremost, a certain readiness.

And now... Twilight found herself considering if that same, wholesome readiness she could aspire to reach for. With everything being so complicated, so clandestine at the moment, with far more than their own, personal happiness being decided. The feeling that, so far, they had to hide... but perhaps one day, one night, they would not have to.

Would there be a better way of showing this joy to the world than...?

She shuddered again and pressed into him, finding her support and her solace in his closeness, in his love, radiating from him in the rhythm of a beating heart. She listened for it, she yearned for it with a silver yearning.

Yes, such a future was a dream so far. But dreams were worthy to preserve. To gain from them strength and conviction, even if they sometimes faded in one’s mind. That did not mean they weren’t persistent in the heart.

And Twilight would safeguard this dream with all her might.

She leaned into Midnight for a bit more. She had to tell him how she felt, exactly.

“I... I had not thought of this deeply before, Midnight, but I am glad you... you said it all,” she whispered, but she knew he could hear, he could feel her every word. “I love you. That’s all.”

“That’s all?” he asked and she too quivered as he chuckled.

“Yes, that’s all,” she confirmed it, relaxing into his hold. “Because I... I cannot imagine any other scenario, in the end. Even if there is a time and a place for such decisions... there will be a time and a place. I promise you that.”

She wondered if he could read into her tone well enough to grasp all that she meant and all that she reminded him of. And she wasn’t disappointed, even as he stepped away. But just a little, so that he could kiss her on the forehead. Minding the horn, but with no less intention.

“Of course, iaa dilece, naturally. That is not something one rushes and I understand it more than you think. Although...” He leaned away, to again be able to look her in her eyes clearly. “That gaze just... it touches my heart, it makes my blood rush and redden...”

He paused, as if in thought and for a moment Twilight could have sworn she saw his pupils shrinking. But that lasted no longer than a heartbeat as he spoke again.

“There is a joy and anticipation in me that... that I cannot quite describe.” He shook his head. “Profound.”

She smiled, not going to rob him of his elation just yet, keeping her stare his way. “I can imagine, Midnight. Even as not well-versed in these thing as I am...” she admitted. “But I understand it. One day, when... when the time is right and when we won’t have to hide this anymore.”

Midnight let out a prolonged sigh, that very much could have been a hiss. “You know, my light... Moments like this...” He reached for her cheek and she leaned into this touch. “I feel like I should just gladly leave it all behind... if only to be with you.”

He didn’t just say it, Twilight realized. He confessed it. And she grasped how much this disclosure meant. How earnest and extreme it was, coming from a batpony. A faithful of the Goddess. A son of a proud, ancient Family. A warrior of a most elite, loyal unit.

“Consequences... be burned in Peraure?” she quoted him from not so long ago, much to his lopsided grin.

“Something like that, my light...” he whispered and chuckled dryly. “But I... hope you don’t take it the wrong way, I also would not wish to...” He shook his head. “I wish for this to work out. For the sake of our nations, our brethren. Us. And, maybe being samamatu... so that I would not have to make a choice between my heritage and my love.”

Twilight just nodded. She wouldn’t think that an egotistical premise, if she understood him right. And she would definitely not want to put him in that position.

Midnight lifted his gaze up, as if the Goddess Herself could grant him the answer. “Must those too wondrous things clash in our lives? What we come from and who we choose to love?” His face scrunched as he lowered his daring eyes. “It is not a decision I want to stand before...”

Twilight reached for his muzzle now. “I... think I know what your choice could be and—”

“You do,” he immediately ascertained her.

“... but I don’t wish for you to make it. And I have hope. I want to have conviction that... well... that where there is will there is a way,” she said, conjuring up a smile. “We come from different backgrounds and cultures... and philosophies. About many matters. But I think, Midnight, that the good in our lives attracts more good. That everything that is, among your kin, firm and fair and faithful can be conjoined with all that is harmonious in ours. You know I didn’t come here to impose, or, I don’t know, proselytize. Simply to show Friendship and find common ground so that we can share in it.”

Midnight nodded, leaning more into her touch. “I’m no aksiosan, my light, but... I think the Goddess indeed wills it. Bogine wolune to!” he declared piously, in a way to make Twilight smile broadly.

“Well, Midnight,” she replied, mindful of her tone, “I can confirm that I’ve talked with Her in the flesh. And that was definitely what I understood from her encouragement.”

She pondered how he would still react. Yes, he was chosen to be her entourage by Princess Luna’s direct command for a Nightguard escort, but ever since Midnight Iris’ astonishment at learning about that particular “blessing”... Twilight was going to observe everything.

And, indeed, Midnight’s expression persisted, though a glint of abashment did appear in his eyes, still reflecting her slit pupils. “Hers are mysterious ways, though right and good, without a doubt. We, Her children, are not worthy of Her direct presence. She is far too perfect to deal with us like that and yet She knows to Her we shall remain faithful... but it makes me so, so happy to know that you have been granted this blessing, my light...”

“Trust me, Midnight, she is far closer to all of us than you think.”

He laughed, looking to the side before his gaze returned. “Who am I to understand Her choices? I’m but Her humble, unworthy servant, but one future star in Her Argentee, for which honor I pray and which I wish to earn with my life... But, thinking back on my time spent among your brothers and sisters, iau lumn... I’ve been doing some thinking and... I am happy for you.”

Twilight gave him an intrigued look. “Why is that?”

“You have the Goddess by you. Along Her sister. I know you show great loyalty to the Judging Sun, but still Bogine remains there. She... didn’t abandon you, by simply picking us and remaining above our lands. It is the same Sign that lightens your night. She wishes all to come to Her and know of Her grace. And to you She speaks as you do and walks as you do and eats of your food and drinks of your water... To be better understood and easier to approach.”

Twilight granted him a smile. “Are you sure you didn’t miss your calling in the priesthood caste?”

Mame would have definitely preferred that,” he did acknowledge with a chuckle. “It’s just a thought I had, even if I would never presume. Although... maybe a little,” he declared, reaching down and holding Twilight by the hoof. Gently and yet with conviction. “The Immaculate Moon... She is the patron of all, our holy Mother and Protector. And yet I feel that She comes down in her signs and blessing and is definitely close to us. If She will allow this moment of... uhm... of...”

“Hope?” Twilight finished the sentence for him, but he just laughed further and pressed his forehead against hers, his mane brushing against her horn.

“I was actually going to say ‘nadmenot’, so ‘hubris’... but I enjoy ‘hope’ far more, my light. My love. My hope and my future...”

Twilight closed her eyes and remained by and with him for a moment longer. She had to fix her eyes and get ready for the rest of the night... but the present could wait its due.

It, unfortunately, reminded them of itself soon enough. Not a couple of minutes after Twilight managed to finally get her sight back in order and without the pupil modifications... as amazing as those had turned out to be... Rowan Berry did return. With the supplies and the news that the Honored Lords were inviting their esteemed guest for a dinner before the proceedings.

Which was rather cordial still, all things considered. All the unpleasant things that had happened considered. Just like before, she would enjoy a feast with them, but was this a new opening? Or a distraction? She also thought of poison... but that would be going too far, right? They hadn’t done that last time, so...

Well... she still thought of it.

Regardless, she had to occupy herself for the moment. Reading to relax would do well to help her find balance. Or, at least, that was what she was exactly hoping for. In mental preparation for the next congregation with the seven ponies that held all the political power to proclaim peace or wage war or whatever else they considered in their hearts and minds.

And yet...

Her mind was not on the Covenant. Not really. Not after that conversation that she had just shared with Midnight. She would have wanted nothing more than to spend more time with him. Clarify, discuss... just be around. Be around her love and future.

It was a wonderful sentiment.

But there were no convenient excuses again for the night and so she tried to read.

To no avail. She kept on repeating the same paragraphs, the same pages, her mind drifting away like a cloud in the summer’s sky, happily following the faintest of warm breezes.

Twilight would normally find solace in studies. That and more, her magic and knowledge weren’t just due to talent! But... it was hard to claim that her life was normal lately. She felt, deep inside, that she was changing in some way. That she had changed. And that she would have to even more. For there was so much at stake, such scenarios for the future. Ones near, ones far, those unlikely and those predicted and... those hoped for?

When she couldn’t immediately invoke that actual title of the book she had taken from the bag, Twilight relented. She might have as well dwelt in her mind and bring her thoughts back together.

“Urgh...” she groaned to herself a little at this surrender.

Shrinking the tome back to the convenient, luggage size took her, again, one more try than planned. That additional attempt caused actually by the fact that she had managed to reduce the volume’s size a little bit more than planned. Notably to lose it in the woolen comforter of her bed for a moment. Yes, the covering was fluffy, but it should have never fitted an entire book in it.

Twilight sighed when the escapee title returned to the bag after a few moments finally. She got up from the bed, pacing the chamber steadily.

“Alright, Twilight, calm down. Focus. You need to pull yourself together.”

It was true. Her focus was way off, but that she didn’t even need to admit before herself.

Well, unless she, for some reason, gained considerable magical power out of the blue... but she was far too reasonable to come up with such a silly excuse for her own mistakes. Naturally, as a fairly young alicorn, she would expect a gain in magical potency, but it were to happen gradually. In a steady rhythm, like that of a heart. Beating after one’s purpose...

She was thinking about Midnight again, wasn’t she?

Well, she found herself splayed on the bed for the moment. Thinking. Considering.

Or maybe daydreaming. She wasn’t sure exactly which one is it, but that wasn’t important.

This morning... well, early night, she wasn’t sure what would be the most accurate term, came so suddenly and yet it felt so abundantly clear. That was a conversation they would have to have at some point, after all. It maybe was just a little rushed by unforeseen circumstances of sight.

Twilight felt another shiver pass through her. She, well, she had never really considered starting a family before. For the obvious reason of having other priorities and not having a partner in her life.

No, more than just that. Not having a beloved stallion that she meant the world for. And that she fell for with every fiber of her being. Now that this had been mentioned... and considering that, well... what had happened had happened already...

Twilight realized three things simultaneously. Her mind doing circles, thinking about a certain cavern, her vivid blush... and that she had rested one of her hooves over her barrel.

Instinctively. But with an instinct she never paid much attention to. It... was enough to invoke a smile on her muzzle. Also one that she did not really remember wearing before.

Maybe she could, indeed, wear it in the future.

Future she was to safeguard.

Future she would safeguard.

Some time afterwards, having made sure to look more than presentable and decidedly confident, Twilight crossed the threshold of the magnificent dining hall, having been escorted there by Midnight. Chamber usually reserved for the Lords and their closest guests, as she had previously learnt, for feasting and official celebrations.

Still, as far as being a foreign envoy invited to share in the splendor, she definitely did not stand apart from the opulent interior of dark granite and white gems, of blues and silvers. At least not when it came to decorum, or presence, even if her purple, regal gown created a little contrast.

Smaller than one would remember, actually.

But! The one part missing for her to feel entirely confident was Midnight himself. This time he had been told to wait outside of the Covenant’s part of the Sanctuary alongside Rowan Berry. It would have been a much more worrisome circumstance for Twilight normally, but at least she had a modicum of support from Midnight Eye, whose gaze she easily found at the table and which assured her that he didn’t forget about their recent exchange.

But it was Lord Bright Crescent, as it happened, that was the first to offer verbal reassurance to her in this situation. In his own, typical fashion.

Ha, by my blood, Honored Princess!” he proclaimed, standing up from his seat and trotting to her with unbridled enthusiasm. “I was a little inconvenienced that we had to meet on such a short, urgent and completely unnecessary notice,” he announced in something far, far louder than a theatrical whisper, “but it was worth making the trip to see you once more! And in such an ensemble, I say, I had no idea you had such a selection with you! Marvelous choice! Ha!”

Twilight smiled cordially. It wasn’t actually a choice, she had to be honest in her mind.

It was still the same gown. Yet, considering her need of getting back the hang of her spells that night, she decided that a little alteration would not be the worst of ideas, for a number of reasons.

And, as such, the purple of her ensemble was now slate, nicely flowing into bluish hues where the material naturally creased, almost as if made out of two, separate cloths. More so, the trims and accessories she had enchanted in a way to entwine both gold and silver. In a presentation that she would feel both great in and with which she would make a statement. On top of all that, the local jewelry had done the trick, embellishing a mane style that she might or might have not borrowed from arcemandre Shadebloom, all the way back at the Border.

She was no fashion designer, like Rarity, but she knew a thing or two about magic after all. And she knew what she liked. And what could impress the local ponies.

Twilight did give Bright Crescent a polite nod of her head. “And greetings to you as well, Honored Lord Bright of Family Crescent. Greetings to the right and honorable Covenant!” she turned to everypony else as well. “May the Immaculate Moon... smile upon us, for we have gathered again under Her gaze, to speak of matters serving all her chosen ponies.”

She was expecting a reaction as diverse as the selection of Lords before her, but for once it seemed mostly unanimous. Whether out of genuine approval or courtesy, the gathered first bowed their heads in unison and then exchanged glances. She spotted Midnight Eye passing her an almost invisible smirk, Crimson Shade arcing his eyebrow, usually resting quite menacingly on his stern face and Sunfall Word nodding visibly and with a dose of respect.

Ipe ben dicte. Swyiadeztwo prode ipe, akute ipeu um. Ben dictee, wald ben dictee…” he muttered to himself.

Bright Crescent, in the meantime, managed to roll his eyes twice. “Yes, yes, decorum, blessings and all. I see the visit to Iug u Maednoc already got to your pretty head, hwalba knaze, but don’t you worry. Nothing that some great food and less stiff company cannot dispel!”

She was prepared to hear a groan from Midnight Eye’s direction, but he must have held it in strongly.

Twilight found her place easily, considering that she was the only guest tonight, again in between Crimson Shade, whose expression changed but a tone... which meant from mildly interested to apathetic and Blessed Fang. The latter avoided Twilight’s gaze in entirety. No doubt, after what had happened in the Great Shrine. He was one to be the most confounded.

That and the fact that he was the one “threatening” this emergency meeting. Without question the young Lord had a number of things to worry about, tradition and faith considered. More so, he abandoned his usual, long robes of an antas for a more general, traditional attire, one that she was used to seeing on Midnight Eye.

Twilight made sure that her gown rested comfortably around her, then found Dusk Harvest and his faithful Blossom perched on his shoulder on the other side of the table. She gave them both a polite smile, though she could have sworn that the bat’s friendly grin was wider than the Lord’s.

Lastly, she sought Azure Mist, once more clearly wishing to outdo Twilight when it came to looking regal. Though, this time, it was fair to say that it was, at best, a stalemate.

Seven Lords and one her.

These numbers had been scaring her before. But not tonight.

Everypony were getting seated and comfortable. All but Midnight Eye who remained still and spoke up, his voice confident.

“The Covenant gathers once more with our esteemed guest. We have not expected that to happen quite so quickly, yet to groz a meeting is an ancient tradition. Hwalbu haspadr Aldatu u Rodine Kiel, your threat has been received and met with determination and readiness. We trust that it is not unfounded.”

Blessed Fang said nothing, simply stood up and met Midnight Eye’s gaze with conviction that surpassed his years. And Twilight deduced that this was but the first of many traditions she would observe regarding this situation.

The staring match continued for a few breaths before both of the Lords took their seats at the same time. Still, it did not stop Midnight Eye from continuing, this time in a slightly more relaxed fashion.

“But for these heartbeats, before we proceed to the Kezpont, I propose that we drink to whatever is to come and enjoy a proper feast.”

That particular invitation did invoke joy in at least one of the present.

“Now that is something that I can get behind! Midnight Eye invites us to be merry, note the night in our chronicles!” Bright Crescent declared, clapping his hooves like an excited child. “Traducayi eskat, latiyayi gozalke!” he shouted loudly.

Twilight heard the dreaded word in his declaration. Well, she had to expect withstanding that drink many times still. Though she wasn’t sure if she would ever truly enjoy it, not that it was the point of partaking.

Whilst the many servants appeared from all over and scrambled to bring forth the oranges and watermelons and grapes in various dishes, she patiently waited, with a calm, collected expression, looking over her hosts. Sunfall Word clearly pretended to be asleep for the moment, whilst Azure Mist was more than transparently assessing both her and her ensemble. Still. Was there a note of envy in her gaze?

Twilight would love to have her own, albeit brief, staring match with her. Just to make a point, remembering the previous stances and gestures. But Dusk Harvest’s voice grasped her attention instead.

Hwalba k-k-knaze, I-I am glad t-to see you b-b-back from the Iug u M-M-M...” He tried to get the word out with Blossom’s eager, nuzzling help. “Maednoc! How d-do you f-find one of t-t-the ancestral h-homes o-of our k-k-kin?”

She gave him a more than kind smile. “I think ‘impressive’ would be an understatement, Honored Lord. Your dwellings are a marvel of inspiring architecture and engineering. If all of the Sem Iugi could be compared to the Mountain of Midnight, even more so.”

Bright Crescent chimed in with a hiss. “Keep saying that, Honored Princess, and Midnight Eye will stop being the cordial host very quickly. Iug u Maednoc comparable to the other Iugi? Blasphemous,” he stated, leaning back in his seat, his milky, pristine mane encompassing the entire backrest almost. “True, it could be considered impressive... as impressive as a river floating neatly in chiseled canal. Stays in its pristine place like ordered, but even fish are bored to live there...”

Twilight managed to somehow contain herself, as did Midnight Eye, but Crimson Shade to her side shook his head.

“And I suppose, Bright Crescent, that you would say that your arcades and overlooks are far superior to that in style, substance and whatever other, most important traits,” he commented sarcastically.

“How well do you know me!” came a grinning reply. “But since you spoke up, I think it is prudent to mention that whilst Rodine Maednoc style is to build canals, you are just Peraure-bent to dam the river completely. Iug u Umber is like a boulder that just dropped down into the stream. Poor fish never stood a chance, did they?”

There was a tone in Bright Crescent’s voice that Twilight caught onto. And especially when it came to the metaphor.

Crimson Shade did not suddenly turn passive in this exchange. “At least one good arballiste strike would not send half of our Mountain crashing down. Like it could do to your precious palace.”

“Why would you ever point an arballiste my way, Crimson Shade?” Bright Crescent asked with a truly mischievous laugh. “Don’t you always dream of far better targets? The opposite direction, nonetheless?”

Twilight knitted her brows.

Blessed Fang decided to take part in the “discussion”. Despite his distant gaze and expression, it seemed that he paid some attention even to her little grimace.

“Must we be so crass already?” came his cold inquiry.

Paid attention to the grimace, maybe. But not precisely to the feelings on the matter.

“With all due respect, Honored Lord,” Twilight took the initiative right from him, “but that remark was not only crass, but provocative, considering the previous talks in this esteemed company. As such,” she switched her focus firmly to Bright Crescent, “Honored Lord Bright of Family Crescent, you will stop yourself from continuing such derisive expositions.”

Oh, she felt it. She could physically feel the Covenant all focusing on her, when a chill traveled down her spine. Even Sunfall Word opened his eyes in curiosity, considering the strength of presence she truly managed to put in this request.

No. In this demand. Strong enough to make the chamber cold for a moment.

Bright Crescent, being the more-than-snide perpetrator that he was, shook his head and made a face. “Honored Princess, why would I ever do something like that?”

“Because I am sitting right here,” she replied, reaching calmly for the nearest pitcher and pouring herself a goblet full of juice.

She methodically lifted the chalice to her lips and took a sip, never breaking eye contact with the Lord. After tasting the drink, she put it down with just enough force to have it make a firm sound and cause a few droplets to bounce up and then fall back into the embrace of their brethren in the goblet.

“... and you are ruining the feast’s ambiance,” she concluded, almost grimly.

Bright Crescent’s lips shuddered a couple of times and he blinked, revealing a spark in his eyes that wasn’t there before. A few seconds later, he leaned back in a fit of giggles.

Bogine! What... what has that visit done to you? Honored Princess!” he protested, trying to contain his sudden merriment, even fanning himself to restore his typical lack of proper composure. “But! I do admit, not the best of my prods, far too blatant. I promise to do better next time,” he stated, reaching for his own chalice and tipping it Twilight’s way. “I do apologize.”

She sent him a lopsided smile, which was the mark of a ceasefire over the table. She would so wish to look upon the gathered to read their thoughts on what had just happened, but that would have been as transparent as Bright Crescent’s jabs and lack of determination to atone.

Still, she got some hints.

Ip potrebe to, dziet...” Sunfall Word muttered, stroking his majestic beard.

“Don’t you have pretending to sleep to do?” came the response from the scolded stallion, but embellished with yet another chuckle.

Crimson Shade, to Twilight’s side, sat deeper in his chair and reached for a juicy orange to pierce and suck dry. She would address him about the accuracy of Bright Crescent’s statement, but the sheer fierceness of the bite and the loud slurp did tell her enough. Meanwhile, Blessed Fang on the other side looked rather pensive... well, more than before, and did not decide to enjoy himself at all at the moment.

Until, spurred by Midnight Eye, everypony present were treated with nothing else but the dreaded celebratory drink, poured into another set of chalices by the servants.

“Let us toast to the future we shall shape tonight,” he announced, raising his ornate cup just high enough and waiting for all the gathered to stand up with the scraping of their chairs, more or less vigorous. “Hwale!

“Hwale!” Twilight replied, with volume matching the rest of the Lords and lifted the goblet to her lips, with just that tiny bit of reluctance.

It tasted just as she recalled it. An infernal blaze in her mouth and throat with its own, distinctive flames of citrus and spices. Yet expecting as much did not make matters any better, she considered. She simply had to focus on surviving existence’s most burning, metaphorical drink and keeping a straight face during it, at least to the best of her abilities.

She thought so, that is, until she took another sip focused on braving the threat. The heat in her did not really subside, but it did not worsen either. Quite... the contrary, actually, it spread from her very lips and insides and she felt it traverse to the tips of her wings and horn like a calming wave.

She felt a twinge of fear at the start. Was the gozalke giving her, maybe, some sort of an allergic reaction out of a sudden? Or... was she being poisoned after all?!

But as soon as this worry entered her mind did she realize that both the burning and the heat were not causing her discomfort. They seemed to have passed through her, dispersed over her body and then settled in, leaving behind only the memory and a warm sensation. Rather pleasant, actually.

Which made Twilight think, oh yes. First her magic was acting up. Now she managed to easily down what she would previously describe as fire in liquid form... which was, honestly, perfectly encompassed in the drink’s native name. And then the light in the Great Shrine, the glimpses she saw in the fountain?

Something was happening lately.

... what was happening lately?

“Honored Princess?” came to her a question from Azure Mist, though it was Bright Crescent that decided to answer before she managed to react.

“Give her some time, one cannot down gozalke like that and not get stunned for a while!” he said in merriment.

“No, no,” Twilight protested, realizing she still had the chalice in a tight grip over the table. And that she was standing. “I am fine, just caught myself savoring it a little, I presume?”

“Savoring it?” Azure Mist inquired further, visibly curious.

She returned to her seat as if nothing happened. “Well, Honored Lord, this drink is still one of the most exotic beverages I have encountered so far in my life. But when one, well, withstands the burning... I think there is a certain, acquired taste in the orange and the spices.”

Dusk Harvest nodded with a shy smile. “I-I need to t-tell you, H-H-Honored Princess that n-not everypony is k-k-keen on the t-taste of b-b-biyedzeniek!” he shouted, managing to get through the sentence. “N-not to m-m-mention other s-spices.”

“I take it it’s one of the core ingredients?” Twilight asked with interest refreshed by the prospect of learning something.

“P-p-precisely. W-we have it g-growing b-beneath the f-fields.”

“It is native to the Dalli,” Crimson Shade muttered, “among other plants that can be grown only there.”

“I’m so very drawn to witness the famed Valleys one night,” Twilight replied in his direction. “I’m well aware that keeping the Seven Mountains fed is a monumental effort. I do still hope that there is a place for great improvement of this situation.”

He took a moment to answer that, giving her a glance that could have been marked as at least a little unpleasant. “I do hope so too.”

“Then we hope for the same thing,” she responded with commitment in her voice. “I imagine,” she also added.

Crimson Shade said nothing, though there was now a crease on his forehead that hadn’t been there a moment ago.

Twilight calmly helped herself to an orange, making sure not to make too much of a mess, then cleaned her lips with a provided napkin. As she tended to her hooves in the water bowl, she spared a glance Midnight Eye’s way.

He was definitely not looking in her direction and yet his eyes were definitely telling her that he was not only appreciating her stances and words but was even amused by her conviction.

Conviction, as she felt all too well, paid in a great deal of nerves and even sweat making her gown stick a little to the back of her seat... but, surprisingly, the gozalke was helping with that courage. And not solely by the fact of it being alcoholic.

A few minutes more had passed with everypony sating their thirsts and appetites. But when it was clear that the feast was naturally ending, Blessed Fang stood up and took a deep breath. His thoughtful voice was that much more clear than usual.

Ia groze i ia groz.

Twilight understood that he “threatened and threatens”, so she followed the other Lords in standing up immediately at this declaration. Though she stopped herself from resting her hooves squarely on the table, as they did, to meet it.

The young stallion continued, remaining unfazed by the display. “Ia ewoca kazdu i kazda. Pratitai ia pered Neskaza Lunee… Ia nye timor ipiau harag, kwod iaa sprawe sospae postemps.

Having made this declaration, Blessed Fang left his place and, followed by the focused gazes of all the other Lords and Twilight, proceeded to the passageway leading upwards to the Seat of the Covenant. Stopping at the threshold, he reached up to his neck and unfastened his Lord’s cloak with a slow, meticulous gesture.

He was nervous, Twilight felt it, but he was following a practiced rite and tradition. Which definitely sat well with his priest’s calling.

The cloak soon slid around and down his right wing and rested on the floor. It surely wasn’t to be left there, but for the moment Blessed Fang remained in but the circlet on his head to signify his status. And soon after that, Twilight realized why he too, that night, had changed his fashion. One by one, he undid the buttons on the top of his long garment. Then he took his forelegs out of the sleeves, placing them in between the folds of the robe, which helped him to get his wings underneath the material as well.

Then, with an almost dramatic flair, he stood on his hind legs and spread both the wings and the forelegs wide apart, making the garment fall right off his neck and back, leaving his upper torso exposed.

More notably his back, in this most curious, established gesture of bravery.

Ia, Haspadr u Kieli, nye timor ipia! Pratitai ia,” he declared in a strong tone, before turning his head just a little to the side. Enough to grant the chamber behind a sideways glance. “I uzlasai iau plazt.

Blessed Fang then proceeded forth, leaving the dining hall.

And leaving Twilight most fascinated about what had transpired. For all she knew, even without all of the language, was that he exposed his back in a sign of readiness and a taunt, nonetheless. Daring anypony to actually strike him from behind in offence, which would have been surely damning. And, to add a traditional insult and further prove his conviction he... seemed to have prompted somepony to actually lean down and bring his cloak back to him.

Though it wasn’t her role in this ancient rite... Twilight felt like she would have been ready to do so herself at this point.

Blessed Fang declared he did not fear any of them.

Neither would she feel that trepidation.

There was a dream to make a reality, after all.

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