• Published 21st Jul 2014
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Journey with a Batpony - Gulheru

Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, wishes to bring the greatest magic of all to the lands of batponies. Will she succeed in her mission in this distant and dangerous land?

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Chapter LXX – Rumor Has It

Twilight woke up with a headache.

Well, not one as intense as a full-blown migraine, but still noticeable nonetheless.

She was pretty sure that it wasn’t due to the consumption of anything unsavory or alcoholic, though it very much felt like something resembling a hangover. Still, rather than it being a harsh reminder of the decadence of last day, she would have to rather blame it instead on the fact that she was still at her table, her muzzle having rested on it for Harmony knows how long, to the point that she was convinced that she’d have an imprint of the wooden surface right there on her face.

Not the most pleasant of beds she had enjoyed. And she had at times suffered from napping at her desk back in Equestria…

Twilight shook herself awake… then realized that she only knew about the table before her because she felt the wood under her hooves. Her candle must have gone out some time ago and she would have to light up her horn if she wanted to see anything more than darkness. Yet, this omnipresent gloom helped, in a way. In trying to recall the events that led to this unique circumstance of waking up someplace other than the bed.

She still remembered the… the nightmare. It certainly felt like one, some of the details being a little fogged up in her brain, aside from that dreaded smile that was still as lively as ever.

She could also bring back to herself those strange thoughts which had invaded her consciousness later on. That creeping doubt, those invasive worries which had claimed her psyche for a good moment… They had been out of place and yet couldn’t just be shunned. Tiredness and the revelations of last night had done their part…

Twilight could also tell that she had been trying to write something down. But, in this darkness, there was no telling what. So, a quick cast later, she could enjoy her chamber in raspberry illumination. And, yes, there was parchment before her still. And, as much as they became more and more incoherent the further down the page they went, the scribbles of ink told Twilight that she had been attempting to form some sort of a reply to the Princesses. And, considering the notes on the margins, she had also been letting out some very random, but very logical ramblings of her mind… Regarding what she had thought of… and was still considering. Notably, that all this nasty and multilayered scheming around her was really getting on her nerves. Not just in an oppressive way, but one that was downright annoying and…

… huh, she didn’t remember writing expletives, but there they were, betraying her stance on the matter.

Twilight grimaced. This stress was becoming a huge problem for her, affecting her thinking, influencing her actions. True, there had been many, many reasons for it yesternight, but… something had to be done.

She rested her head on her hoof for a moment longer. Not to slumber, but to try and relax whilst seeking a solution… though, one in particular immediately came to her mind. However… well, since it involved her beloved Midnight and some privacy in whatever safe and secluded hot spring they could find, Twilight would have to consider an alternative. Still… her muzzle went red at the images that popped right into her head. And the tingles travelling down her spine were remarkably pleasant.

So, while perhaps a little out of place, a pleasant, intimate thought went a long way… though it could only go so far.

Twilight lifted her head up and shook it again. Daydreaming, even at night, was not a productive pastime.

... as it turned out, falling asleep when she did, after a rather exhausting time, carried with itself certain dangers too.

The candle she had lit in the middle of the day was now completely spent, the wax having filled its stand neatly. Considering where she had found her own head…

Twilight immediately reached to check the edges of her mane, sniffing for the ever so characteristic whiff of burnt hair, but thankfully found no indication that she had managed to set herself on fire.

Though that thought managed to wake her up completely.

Twilight was thankful to find a number of other candles prepared in one of the small, side cabinets. After restoring some fiery light to the chamber in place of her magical illumination, she grabbed her comforter from the ground, ashamed that she had let such a wonderful work of wool haphazardly rest on the cold tiles. She then neatly made her bed, not that she had been using it that much, yet some order was very much needed in life.

Then she pondered… She wasn’t sure what the hour was, but if her hunger was of any indication, it would surely soon be time for the “evening breakfast”. Which also made more pronounced, in addition to the persisting discomfort in her head, the fact that Twilight hadn’t gotten enough sleep after all. Unfortunately, she definitely wasn’t feeling like she could catch any more of it at the moment. She could only hope that, considering the excursion to the Valleys in rising daylight, she wouldn’t be required to attend any official meetings or inspections or anything of the sort first thing in the night.

So… maybe it was a good idea to freshen oneself up in the bath pocket? Of course, at a more reasonable temperature, Twilight felt like she had had enough of freezing mountain water for the moment. And a good while of soaking in comfortable water would definitely lessen both the fatigue in her body and the grip of pressure on her mind, so—

There was a knock on the door.

… well, that idea was scratched immediately. Unless, of course, it was Midnight on the other side of the door. That would be a helpful thing, at least when it came to the mental comfort. And the warmth in one’s heart.

Twilight quickly examined herself in the mirror and, with some rapid magical help, made her mane at least somewhat more presentable. She didn’t want to be a bedhead, even in front of her entourage.

Not that she would mind her beloved stallion getting to share her mornings and evenings with her more and more. Seeing one’s loved one in the natural disarray of everyday life was something of a blessing, Twilight thought, unlocking the door and greeting—

Her eyes widened. Her heart skipped a beat. But not out of fear, no, something quite the opposite, as peculiar as that sensation was.

The unearthly allure of the mare outside of her chamber hit Twilight with even greater strength yet due to the sheer surprise. It was like a tidal wave of regal presence and charm was allowed to pass through the threshold with one, fateful decision. Beyond that force of natural magnetism, those eyes, of many incredible hues, burned into Twilight’s own like fire and showered her vision with gold, framed by the dark wings of the rich mane like two, luminous moons against the depth of the cosmos. The shapely muzzle, the work of art made flesh, wore a polite, if distant smile, and a voice reached Twilight’s ears with its soft and yet exalted alto.

Neskaza Lunee... welae tueu noc illum. May Immaculate Moon… lighten your night, Honored Princess Sparkle of Twilight.”

Twilight was shocked and taken aback strongly. Not in a bad way, although those seeing that she had not lowered her head at the two-time invocation of the Goddess’ holy name would certainly disapprove. Well, she tried to, but the frantic jerks of her head had little to do with proper etiquette and respect to the divine. Yet Twilight’s whole thought process and motor functions alike simply ceased to continue doing their job, in such a sudden and close proximity to the fascinating Dusk Flight.

Who tilted her head just a little, her eyes shining in momentary concern.

“Is… everything alright, Honored Princess? Have I come too early or at an inopportune moment?” she asked, her voice carrying with itself genuine interest and care.

Still causing a rapid reaction from Twilight, strangely motivated by not wishing to cause any sort of discomfort to a mare like the Lord Consort.

“N-no! No, no, it’s alright, I just… I w-wasn’t expecting the very Lord Consort to appear at my threshold like this!” she tried to explain, feeling her logical thinking going into an absolute overdrive. “N-not that it is my threshold, I-I’m just a guest! And by the ‘Lord Consort’ I-I of course mean you, you are the very one, yes!” she kept on babbling for a moment, before the right part of her mind finally got through to the front seat and grabbed the reins, so to speak. “May Immaculate Moon… lighten your night as well, Honored Lord Consort!” Twilight finally replied, though a little louder than she intended.

Not that Dusk Flight took offence. Quite the opposite, her smile broadened just a little in an almost maternal understanding and gentle, benign amusement. She pointed ever so gracefully, and Twilight felt immediately obliged to grant any request which would follow that smooth gesture.

“Might I come in? I do not wish to impose, of course…”

“Impose? No, no, not even in the slightest! J-just one second, please,” Twilight replied, somehow managing to take her eyes off the charming mare, which was quite the feat, to give the chamber a once-over. Not really paying attention, true, but deeming the place… not in a state so terrible as to insult the sensibility of her esteemed guest. “Please, you are more than welcome to enter, Honored Lord Consort!” she spoke up, trying to fit into the batpony tradition of elaborate invites… even if it felt rather comical to allow Dusk Flight, the mistress of the palace, into one of its many rooms. However, that nod of gratitude from the beautiful mare filled Twilight’s heart with warmth that was hard to understand and even harder to shake away.

She also spotted Dusk Flight picking something up from the ground next to her, before she drifted inside, her steps being barely audible. And, for some reason, the chamber seemed to almost beam, become elevated and embellished with the mare gracing it with her august presence. Twilight locked the doors behind the Lord Consort and again focused all of her attention on the dark silhouette of the mare, wearing another one of those plain, dark dresses that encompassed her physique like a veil of shadow, making it that much more incredible to behold and admire.

The Lord Consort stopped a few steps into the room and was already looking back at Twilight with those incredible eyes. Their gaze seemed to penetrate deep through one’s core, but without piercing it with keenness. It caused no discomfort, only fascination.

“I thought,” Dusk Flight spoke, again beguiling Twilight’s ears to listen to ever word, “that you might wish for some nicer meal tonight. I was told that you returned from sightseeing the Valleys quite late…”

And only now did it become clear to Twilight’s mind, occupied with the figure of the mare before her, that the Lord Consort had brought with herself a little, wicker basket, covered in some dark blue cloth, from which the scent of fruit was permeating. Freshly picked, without a doubt, if that rich, citrus aroma was of any indication whatsoever.

“Oh! That is so gracious of you, Honored Lord Consort!” Twilight immediately reacted, feeling almost too honored to be treated like so by the likes of Dusk Flight. “Yes, it was a late return, yes, but from a quite a meaningful excursion! Not to mention—”

“So I have learnt.”

It wasn’t the fact that Twilight was interrupted which put her on hold almost immediately, but the realization and memory which made itself manifest in her mind just as Dusk Flight’s voice reached her ears again. The mare’s tone and her gaze, however warm and polite, reminded Twilight of one, particular situation from the morning before.

One involving her husband, the Lord, and an unfortunate, slippery edge of the canal.

And that image, combined with the Lord Consort’s presence, made Twilight herself feel like she had just slid right into a stream filled with freezing mountain water.

… that was way better as a wake-up call than a cold bath. Even Twilight’s headache was gone at that point, as she realized.

But before she could reply, explain, express her genuine and deep distress over what happened to Dusk Harvest, the Lord Consort’s gaze traveled across the room… and landed on a piece of parchment, still present on the table... and a message. One that Twilight, for whatever reason, hadn’t spotted and, even more vitally, hadn’t put back into her belongings. The burnt candle also served as a clue for Dusk Flight, who decided to comment on what she saw.

However… only grace and tact were present in her tone. And honesty, if Twilight ever heard that.

“I wasn’t aware you have been busy during the day. Were you not resting, Honored Princess? I had no idea that somepony granted a Divine Aspect does not require their daily slumber.”

“O-oh! No, no, I-I was, I just… I had a rather restless day and I found myself working a little to compensate…”

Twilight was keen on explaining, yes, however... she had just learnt something even more intriguing and unusual about the mare before her. Considering all that had been plaguing Twilight’s mind up until this point, involving everypony around her scheming and weaving intrigues, Dusk Flight, shockingly, seemed not in any way interested in the parchment and the letter themselves, nor their contents. She was simply expressing her interest and consideration, her eyes focused squarely on Twilight and nothing else about the room. That was most intriguing, since she would have been able to read the contents of both the papers from this distance with relative ease.

It wasn’t that she was trying her best not to look. She had no interest in them. She had immediately judged those to be private affairs of Twilight, whether personal or official, and immediately backed away from any notions about them, something Twilight’s intuition was incredibly amazed by. That amazement only grew, considering the Lord Consort’s further words.

“You are already being most generous, changing your natural sleeping habits to fit the rhythm of our lives, Honored Princess. That you are braving discomforts due to it is honoring us even more,” Dusk Flight claimed. “I hope such restless times are not happening too often.”

“No, no, thankfully not,” Twilight assured her back, further touched by the Lord Consort’s tact. “Just sometimes. I take my duties and my mission seriously and, well, nopony is immune to feeling stressed out, not even an alicorn,” she explained, earning a nod of understanding from the other mare. And since it would not be prudent to leave such a “mess” on the table nearby for longer, Twilight quickly trotted over. “One moment, please, I will make some space for the meal.”

Dusk Flight gracefully nodded, with that kind, motherly smile.

“Of course. Once again, my deepest apologies that I have come in uninvited and as a surprise,” she stated, with humility that was becoming as otherworldly as anything else about the mare.

Twilight had to also fight a rather stupid grin over the notion that the Lord Consort would be “uninvited” in any place. The thought was almost unbearable.

“Please, no, it’s really nothing,” she assured Dusk Flight, finally gathering her notes and the draft of the reply and securing them in her luggage with a few, deft moves, hoping to have enough time to finish the letter before sunrise and relieved of getting those papers out of her sight at the same time.

She almost felt like she didn’t want to occupy herself and her mind with anything else but the proximity and presence of Dusk Flight, that incredible, charming mare who had graced her with her attention.

Which made Twilight stop dead in her tracks, still kneeling over her luggage. A realization came to her that very moment.

With how suddenly and inexplicably smitten she was with Dusk Flight’s noticeable aura of charisma and allure... she seemingly found another basis for the vampire myth in Equestria. She wondered if, in the ancient times, ponies had also been so incredibly pulled towards mysterious, nocturnal arrivals and unable to shake away that feeling of fascination, ended up explaining it later as a form of a magical charm.

It was at that moment that Dusk Flight’s question reached her ears. “Honored Princess? Is something wrong?”

“Again, no, not at all,” Twilight replied, shaking her head, still keen on the observation. “I was just considering how utterly captivating you are and how that might h—”

... she never thought she would ever actually be forced to slam her mouth shut with her hoof. Or maybe she had done that before and was just reminded of the practice, having removed the memory from her mind.

But there it was. A very direct, daring comment towards the nearby Lord Consort, prompted by strange feelings and ancient, mythical tales.

'Way to go, Twilight, how very professional and tactful of you.'

'Ugh.' She almost feared to turn her gaze around, preparing for having completely freaked out the noblemare.

Still, what Twilight wasn’t entirely anticipating... was Dusk Flight’s gracious, silent laugh. Even if its tone was sad.

“Don’t fret, Honored Princess”, came the calming sentence afterwards. “You wouldn’t be the first to comment and react like that. And I mean it as but a fact. There is hardly anything praiseworthy just in just how one was born to look.”

That was definitely a sentence full of absolute modesty. It helped Twilight quite a lot when it came to restoring her bearings, though she was convinced that her muzzle had effectively changed its color to crimson, and the other mare’s closeness was not helping it return to its normal hue.

“Still, I-I am so, so sorry, that was very much out of place and...” Twilight wished to explain, but the Lord Consort only lifted her hoof.

“Trust me, Honored Princess, it is fine,” Dusk Flight assured her again, her expression unchanged. “I have been ‘dealing’ with this ever since I grew up into a proper mare. My years are advancing upon me, yet I still find myself at the center of attention, as you say in your tongue. I have grown used to it at this point.”

Twilight nodded, accepting that... though hardly grasping the “advancing years” comment. True, considering the timing and what she had heard about an heir to the Family not appearing for a decade or so, Dusk Flight was definitely older than herself. Yet nothing about the alluring mare would spell any signs of middle-age or anything like that. Still, if she had mentioned that... just how much more beautiful had she been in her younger years, when she had been betrothed to Dusk Harvest?

But it was inappropriate to dwell on those thoughts, just as it had been to just speak up so randomly. The one thing Twilight could do is... well, be transparent and apologetic still.

“Well, since there is little I can do to salvage my dignity after that… I’d rather just admit that I have never seen a mare more beautiful than you, Honored Lord Consort. I’m sure you must hear it all the time, though...”

Dusk Flight’s smile was constant, but... again, that little notion of sadness spoiled it. “It is very nice of you, Honored Princess,” the Lord Consort said. “Though, as far as I understand… you have also witnessed the divine Immaculate Moon… and Her sister goddess in the flesh. I hope you are leaving them out of the comparison,” the Lord Consort said. “Otherwise, I would definitely find the comment unjustifiable…”

Twilight shook her head. She could juxtapose… but she wouldn’t feel comfortable with it herself, actually.

“I want to believe that there should be a line drawn there as well,” she told Dusk Flight, who looked genuinely relieved. As if she had encountered that issue before.

“I’m glad to hear that. Still, let me just say that it is intriguing to me that I am appealing according to Equestrian standards of beauty.”

Again, there was no pride in that statement. Merely curiosity. Which was most bizarre, in a pleasant way.

“If I am allowing myself to say it all, then... most definitely, Honored Lord Consort,” Twilight admitted. “But those aren’t far away from the local ones anyway, I imagine.”

“Perhaps not,” the other mare replied, rather shortly.

She then gestured to the table, inviting Twilight to sit down. From Dusk Flight’s basket came forth a selection of not only fresh oranges and pears and grapes, but also an elegant bowl of silver and two plates. And even some water in a beautiful, silver bottle, to clean the hooves afterwards.

When the noblemare finally took her seat, her regal aura didn’t diminish even for a moment. If anything, the kindness made it grow yet.

“I hope that you will enjoy the produce, Honored Princess. I took these from our own, personal supplies,” Dusk Flight revealed.

“Oh! Please, Honored Lord Consort, you really shouldn’t have,” Twilight expressed her gratitude with eagerness. Such a form of generosity was rare enough to find.

Again, the other mare was having none of the praise and, in the most decorous way possible, her expression shifted into warm amusement once more.

“I really should have, though. You are royalty, Honored Princess, and more. It has to be taken into consideration. However...”

Twilight had been anticipating that word, especially since Dusk Flight’s voice had begun carrying with itself a certain gravity. One that could easily change this polite dialogue into a rather tense exchange in a few heartbeats.

The topic seemed obvious.

And when the Lord Consort joined her hooves at the table, with a pensive look which brought forth her yet sharper features, Twilight’s attention turned razor sharp. So powerful did that monarchical presence before her become.

Dusk Flight must have realized that, yet her voice was calm and seemingly impassive.

“… I also wanted to talk about what happened outside after sunrise. I figured that it would not be too presumptuous of me, Honored Princess, to ask for details and an explanation over some fresh fruit. I have already heard conflicting accounts... and if there is something that I detest, it is unwarranted gossip.”

Now that was a revelation that Twilight immediately grasped, even more so thanks to that rich alto of Dusk Flight’s voice. Considering what Midnight and Rowan Berry had revealed, the Lord Consort had to be somewhat inured to the whispers and hearsay about the Mountain. And out of it, she imagined, because a fellow Family being troubled was surely a matter of tales among other bloodlines too.

Yet having developed thicker skin didn’t necessarily mean being alright with insinuations happening around.

Still, even when being absolutely forthright, the Lord Consort shook her head after her own words, clearly displeased. “Please, pardon me, Honored Princess Sparkle of Twilight. I should have waited until after you have dined...” she spoke, but quickly found her emotions overflowing once more. “But I wish, I need to know what happened. And why did my Lord, my husband, return soaking wet to the palace, his eyes filled with tears...”

The way that the mare spoke betrayed one thing for sure. That deep and irrefutable love towards Dusk Harvest. Actually bordering on devotion, if that tone of voice was of any indication. It was like the very notion of the Lord being uncomfortable or in a difficult situation was dreadful for Dusk Flight to try and stomach...

... which immediately made Twilight realize just how harrowing the lack of children was to the Lord Consort. For it definitely was a source of ache. One that… well, one that Twilight had no idea about, but could in her gut grasp and imagine. As a fellow pony. And as a mare, too.

She had to leave those thoughts for a little later though, addressing the more concrete matter first.

“I am somewhat curious to hear what has been conveyed to you, Honored Lord Consort, but... I can assure you outright that what happened to the Honored Lord Harvest of Family Dusk was an unfortunate accident and absolutely nothing more...” Twilight promised the other mare.

Who waited a moment, still like a statue. A statue of dark marble and onyx, her features delightful and exquisite. And yet worry emanated from her, like an ancient curse placed upon a true work of art.

That moment of stillness was enough to terrify Twilight quite profoundly, but Dusk Flight finally let out a long exhale of relief.

“I... am so very glad to hear that, Honored Princess. I want to believe that you are being utterly sincere with me. I could trust my own instinct on the matter... but my Lord, my husband, did speak highly of you. Especially regarding the difficult talks at the Seat of the Covenant. He kept the details to himself, as is his right, divinely granted. But if he believes you to be truthful, then so do I.”

“It is a very delightful thing to learn, indeed, that the Honored Lord Harvest of Family Dusk considers me so trustworthy...” Twilight admitted, smiling more than sincerely. But just for a moment, not to give the wrong impression about the general topic. “And, yes, what transpired was really a misfortune and nothing more. We stopped next to a canal to discuss the possibility of a new understanding, a treaty between our nations. I pointed out a specific matter and when the Honored Lord tried to take a step towards me to warn me not to speak too loudly about some details, his back hoof slipped on the wet stones. And he unfortunately landed in the water, up to his midriff.”

Twilight perhaps didn’t particularly have a “divine right” to withhold the specifics regarding the particular topic which had made Dusk Harvest step forth to try and silence her, but it was better that way. Yet she didn’t lie by omission really, explaining exactly what had happened to the poor stallion, if not the exact cause.

She found herself growing more and more curious about what Dusk Flight had herself heard. Whether it was something more “exciting”.

The alluring mare was going to share that knowledge of her own free will. “I expected something like this, unfortunately and fortunately, as little fortune can be found in this situation. I grieve that my husband experienced that, but I also rejoice that it was nothing worse. Some ponies who came to me this evening with news did claim that you, Honored Princess, stepped forth and demanded something strongly of my Lord, my husband, in a way to intimidate him. And, backing away, he landed in the water...”

Twilight immediately shook her head. A part of her was very, very curious about the sources behind such an audacious gossip, but she wasn’t one to seek revenge.

“That would be most preposterous of me, demanding anything or trying to pressure the Honored Lord. No, I try to adhere to the local idea of just repayment and fairness in dealings. Tu braz, tu daz,” she stated, earning a nod of approval from Dusk Flight, which affected Twilight much more strongly than she would have anticipated, even now. “If there is to be deeper diplomacy and an honest, respectful connection between our nations, it shall be done in a manner fair and just.”

A humble smile came upon the other mare’s lips. “I’m happy to hear that wish expressed so openly, Honored Princess... if you would take the opinion of a mere Lord Consort into consideration, that is...” she told Twilight, who found herself smiling even wider.

“I definitely would, and I do, Honored Lord Consort,” she assured Dusk Flight, with all sincerity.

Both of them took that particular moment of agreement and mutual respect as an invitation to stop conversing for a brief moment and just enjoy the brought produce. A meal of the highest class, without doubt, as biting into the fruit and feeling the refreshing juice bring sweetness and delight to one’s muzzle proving extremely gratifying. Twilight definitely wanted to comment on that, since there was an undeniable quality to this particular meal which had a lot to do with the great plantations and gardens just by the Mountain.

However... she only managed to find herself with her mouth half-open, staring at the mare opposite.

For even the way that Dusk Flight was sucking her meal dry was... charming and enticing in a way. Actually, though she wasn’t proud of that, Twilight had to quickly turn her gaze away from the beautiful pony opposite. For a good moment. Because the way that the Lord Consort was licking her lips and exhaling in joy after each piece was causing only the most radiant of blushes from Twilight.

Despite the obvious truth that Dusk Flight wasn’t even planning on being seductive in any way, shape, or form, just... her allure and feminine presence were causing that effect regardless. Her way, her shape, and her form, all of those made her natural actions appear inviting and laced with sensuality that Twilight had to actively fight. To some distress.

Soon, however, the meal was thankfully finished, as wonderful as it had been. Twilight could wash her hooves in the water bowl, in a gesture symbolic as well as practical, though still felt like dumping the cold liquid right on her muzzle would help her in some measure as well. Yet, before she could contemplate that unusual choice some more, a knock on her door sounded firmly.

“Who is it? Kwo bid to?” she asked aloud.

Nocferratan Midnight Wind and lupule Rowan Berry, Honored Princess,” Midnight’s voice announced, mindful of the official tone and words when in the corridor.

Dusk Flight glanced at Twilight immediately afterwards and nodded, then slowly began picking up the silverware, ready to leave.

“I wish not to impose any longer, Honored Princess. You have your tasks and I have taken quite the amount of your time,” the mare declared with disarming modesty.

Twilight found it such an unusual combination, which only added to the Lord Consort’s appeal. For in her, unearthly beauty met with docility and tact.

“A few minutes, please,” Twilight ordered in the direction of the door, giving herself some more time with Dusk Flight, despite the mare being more than alright with leaving immediately.

Still, Twilight battled with what she actually wanted to say. Quickly and ultimately, she decided that decorum and further reinforcing the established, cordial relation was far more important than trying to satisfy more of her personal curiosity regarding the incredible mare.

“You have not imposed, nor stole any time from me, Honored Lord Consort, not at all. On the contrary, it was pure pleasure to make your acquaintance further. And I am glad I could allay your fears regarding that unfortunate accident of the Honored Lord...”

“I’m as well pleased to have my mind put at ease, Honored Princess...” Dusk Flight admitted, seemingly casually checking her black dress and then once again placing the dark cloth over the basket. Yet, even casual, each action and gesture was persistently graceful and elegant. “I didn’t want to believe the bad rumors at all. And yet those have a way of worming their way into one’s mind...”

“I can imagine, Honored Lord Consort.”

Twilight didn’t even mean to make that sentence sound so empathetic. But it just... did. And, just like that, it was made blatantly obvious that she knew all of the rumors going about the place. Because what else could her words indicate?

What was somehow even worse in this particular situation, Dusk Flight knew that Twilight knew, which caused the beautiful mare’s face to fall just a little. Though, rather than an expression of sheer displeasure, it was one of a begrudging acceptance of a harsh reality.

“Well...” the Lord Consort finally spoke, her tone calm but laced with internal aches, “sometimes it’s... just a matter of withstanding one’s share and more.”

Twilight immediately felt like it was necessary to salvage yet another blunder in the presence of Dusk Flight. “Honored Lord Consort, I didn’t mean to...”

Her voice trailed away as the mare looked into her eyes and elegantly raised her hoof. “Please, Honored Princess. I understand. It would be foolhardy to believe rumors didn’t reach you as well on your travels. But... those are just scratches, in the end. Slurs and insults cannot hurt if you don’t let them, as draining as it is to endure them again and again,” she claimed.

Twilight didn’t know if that was entirely true, but... it would require a whole conversation to reach that conclusion. And the moment wasn’t right for that. But could she, perhaps...

... no. No, this wasn’t yet the occasion to brave that topic to its full extent. It would be intrusive and insensitive. There was a time and a place for such things to be discussed.

“Forgive me for my breaches of decorum, Honored Lord Consort. I thank you once more for coming. It was an honor,” Twilight said instead, trying to sound doubly kind and grateful for the opportunity to converse. “I do hope that the Honored Lord shall feel better soon after his accident, as well. And, if it helps... he doesn’t need to organize anything tonight, if it isn’t to his liking. I can wait as long as necessary. The hospitality of the Mountain of Dusk and the Honored Lord is already more than ample.”

Dusk Flight, thankfully, understood what Twilight meant without an issue. The beautiful mare did nod... though her gaze, as incredible and nuanced as it was, lost some of its vibrancy, and her attention seemed already elsewhere.

Which somewhat denied what she had just claimed about evil tongues causing “only scratches” to a pony.

Still, the Lord Consort did her best to remain graceful, despite what must have been happening inside her. “I am grateful, in the name of my Lord, my husband. I’ll make sure to pass your words along. May your night be calm, Honored Princess...”

Having said that, the Lord Consort bowed her head reverently and picked up the basket. Twilight quickly made her way to the doors to unlock them, allowing Dusk Flight to leave...

... and inadvertently causing quite a shock to her entourage, the same sort which she had herself felt due to Dusk Flight’s sudden appearance. Midnight and Rowan Berry immediately stepped away from the entryway, their eyes wide as they felt the presence of the passing Lord Consort. And they too had to restore their composure to give her a proper farewell by the means of a salute and a curtsy, respectively, though for a second Twilight was convinced they would swap those in confusion.

Still, Dusk Flight wasn’t particularly keen on recognizing any of those signs of respect, her gaze quite distant and empty as she trotted, gliding away from the group in her incredible way before disappearing, at least from Twilight’s regular sight, into the dark, distant shadows of the corridor.

Yet she left the two batponies dumbfounded for a while, even after she vanished, until Twilight finally decided to clear her throat and bring them back to reality. And it wasn’t even done due to impatience, but comprehension. After all, she also felt a heartthrob at seeing Dusk Flight leave like a shadowy apparition of ancient times, when beauty was of mythical intensity.

Rowan Berry, who managed to gather her bearings slightly faster than the stallion next to her, nodded in Twilight’s direction finally, though her eyes still seemed most willing to trail away.

Hwalba knaze, we... didn’t know you had a guest so early in the night,” the healer commented, also sounding a little stunned.

“Neither had I anticipated that meeting,” Twilight admitted, shrugging gently. “And with such a pony no less.”

Midnight shook his head and managed to focus back on the right mare, as Twilight would call herself here. Her beloved seemed rather comforted to do so, having managed to break Dusk Flight’ spell.

“I... Has the Lord Consort come to you with anything specific, perhaps, Honored Princess?” he inquired, his tone betraying both curiosity and concern.

“Yes, but let’s lock the door for that conversation.”

That seemed like the wisest course of action, as the batponies immediately agreed, soon taking their seats around the chamber’s small table, to have the said exchange. One that Rowan Berry decided to initiate, actually.

Haspadr or me?”

Twilight blinked. “Pardon?”

“Was the Lord Consort asking about what happened to Lord Dusk Harvest in the morning... or did somepony tell her that I had been asking questions around the Mountain before that?” the operative clarified, her voice instinctively becoming quieter at the topic.

“Oh. No, no, it was about the canal and everything there...”

Midnight let out a small exhale of relief at that answer, actually. “So, she didn’t mention Rowan Berry in any way?” As Twilight nodded, he did, too, to himself. “Good. At least that hasn’t become a mess. Yet.”

The healer also looked pleased, knowing she wasn’t compromised, yet turned to the stallion with a surprised expression. At least one that appeared like it at first. “So that did cross your mind too. Although... I’m not sure if I should be pleased by that dramatic breathing of yours. I might have lost my disguise here,” Rowan Berry admitted with disinclination, glancing Twilight’s way, “but I’m not suddenly without my skills and subtlety.”

“Call it caution born out of previous unprofessional conduct,” Midnight quipped back. Actually looking at Twilight as well, as if measuring her displeasure, especially after leaving Rowan Berry to roll her eyes at him.

“Once again, enough is enough. And I don’t feel like sorting these things out myself,” Twilight declared, putting her hoof up to cut the matter and progress. “As I understand... you expected somepony to let the Lord Consort know of your interest in the Family situation, Rowan Berry?”

The operative shrugged, though it wasn’t a sign of dismissal. “In this role, one has to assume the worst can happen, even if one does one’s best,” Rowan Berry explained, that note of professionalism blatant in her voice. “And I wasn’t asking suspicious questions. If anything, leading the locals to tell me something out of their own volition. A word too much here, an implication there. Yet I always considered for a moment that a bat or two, hanging overhead, could be listening in and let Dusk Flight know of my little scouting.”

“She’s caring for bats and training them masterfully, but she doesn’t know how to actually talk to them, I’m certain,” Midnight pointed out, but Twilight gave him a long look.

“Have you forgotten my friend, Fluttershy? The Kind, as you call her?” she inquired.

The stallion hissed a little, admitting to that mistake. Still, the talent was very rare, almost isolated, even in the populous Equestria. So the chances of the Lord Consort communicating with the batponies’ “little brothers” to the point of receiving reports from them were slim, even if a good handler could learn quite a lot from their charges’ behavior and those little signs in body language and mood.

Still, Rowan Berry continued, having presented the unlikely possibility. “Regardless, it crossed my mind without seeming too paranoid to consider. But... you are saying, Honored Princess, that the Lord Consort was more interested in the Lord after all?”

“Only interested in that, in clarifying what happened. I imagine him returning to the palace soaking wet was to everypony’s amusement and joy,” Twilight commented, allowing herself a safe amount of rancor. “So I explained what transpired and she was relieved to hear the story from me accurately. She said that rumors are already circulating about that little accident.”

“Now that,” the healer stated back, tapping the table before her as if she had placed a vital piece of documentation on the surface and had to bring everypony’s attention to it, “is something that I have realized yesternight. The Dusks, apparently, love to gossip. Even more than I always thought.”

Midnight accepted that observation quite naturally. “I imagine that when one has to spend so much time working hard among fellow fruittenders in the same situation, one has to find an outlet and something else to occupy one’s mind with, right? I couldn’t imagine having to withstand such a grueling work and in the light of Sewira Solee...”

Rowan Berry suddenly... giggled to herself, out of all things. “Actually, isn’t there a word in Ekwestriyar... ‘grapevine’? Seems rather on point, I have to say.”

“Considering how many of those I have seen in the Valleys, it’s almost too fitting,” Twilight admitted, somewhat amused by that remark. “So, with that being said... I take it you have had no trouble with learning something interesting about the Lord and his wife?”

“Indeed,” Rowan Berry admitted... and Twilight felt a little bad.

Her question definitely sounded like she herself was scheming. Considering what trepidations she had been going through instead of sleeping... she didn’t particularly enjoy the fact that she felt her conscience being stained, and regardless of her motivations, which were still aimed at helping the heads of the local Family rather than achieving some personal gain or a diplomatic advantage.

Much to Twilight’s further interest, it looked like Rowan Berry was actually somewhat pleased to be using her clandestine abilities and reporting her findings, regardless of whom she was doing it to. Or... maybe she simply enjoyed a bit of gossip herself and was facilitating that eagerness in the current task.

“A lot of what I heard,” she began, leaning in even more, “I already knew to a greater or lesser extent. I had run some of it by Midnight Wind before we knocked on your door, Honored Princess, just to see if he would focus on the same details as I had, among everything I’ve heard.”

Twilight gave her beloved an almost amused glance, hearing that. “Oh? Since when are you proficient in hearsay?”

Though she derived mostly entertainment from that reveal by Rowan Berry, Midnight first just looked at her, then at the healer, his keen eyes betraying some... vexation at the question. Did he think that participating in gossip was beneath him as a warrior and a Nocferratan?

It seemed so, at least from his words. “There are no vines nor grapes, but the Nocferrat talks too,” he claimed, exasperated without a doubt. “And sometimes, when some talk too much or too carelessly, they get a zyaroc.”

Twilight didn’t catch that word, but the healer at the table did. At first, she straightened up a little, as if reprimanded, but then her expression lit up after all.

“Oh, don’t I know it. I have met Deep Mist after he returned to Iug u Opar, actually,” she said, tilting her head a little to the side. Her tone was rather neutral, hinting that perhaps she was hiding her true opinion on the subject. “He did mention your... previous unprofessional conduct, Maednoc Wentr, although I think he was more furious about what the Honored Princess had done to him. Losing a fang... I take it you know exactly what that can mean in our culture, hwalba knaze.”

Twilight would feel a bit embarrassed about that situation, but that flat tone used by Rowan Berry put other emotions first. Especially those closely connected to her feelings for the stallion.

“He tried to attack Midnight Wind with the steel claws, so I reacted on instinct. Firmly.”

The operative lifted up her hooves, slightly defensive at Twilight’s own tone of voice. “I didn’t say that to cast blame, Honored Princess. I’m stating the fact. And I am not surprised you reacted like that. It must have looked dangerous.”

Something about that sentence sat wrong with Twilight, but Midnight’s voice sounded, rather dangerous by itself. “Can we move away from the topic of my fellow Nocferratan and partner having to assault me? As to the ‘gossiping’, as I think we were talking about that after all,” he added, glancing Twilight’s way and clearly wishing to restore his composure, “Rowan Berry did pass some matters to me because some of what she had managed to gather we both already knew. Yet some was utterly fresh, even for me.”

Twilight conceded to returning to that matter, though she would remember the healer’s tone and words. “So... you thought that these new reveals would be the ones worth mentioning first and foremost?” she asked, causing Rowan Berry to nod her head.

“Precisely. And I think one bit of information I would call very... uhm... ‘succulent’. Or, no, ‘juicy’, is that the word?”

“Yes, if it would work here, I suppose,” Twilight admitted, leaning in a little more. “So, what is it? What’s apparently causing the issue with the Lord and Lord Consort?”

Rowan Berry situated herself more comfortably before beginning, pushing one side of her sleek mane further away from her muzzle. “Well... there is the talk of the Goddess’ displeasure, of course. A lack of heir could definitely mean the Immaculate Moon... showing some discontent, however merciful She is. But... perhaps there would be a reason for Her displeasure after all, if there is even a shard of truth to what I have overheard,” the healer claimed.

That definitely worried Twilight, but also gathered yet more of her already keen focus. She could still somehow shift closer to the table, betraying her interest, but she didn't care about that that. There was knowledge to gather for the sake of Dusk Harvest and his wife.

“Apparently,” Rowan Berry continued to gladly provide, seemingly pleased with being given so much undivided and genuinely appreciative attention, “haspadr i haspadre hitve were performing their marital duties initially, regardless of how... low in confidence Lord Dusk Harvest had already been. Allegedly the palace maids were found commenting, initially on a certain lack of romantic occasions and special, private meals and meetings. There was more like a... schedule, actually. Nothing truly intimate.”

“To me that sounds like jealousy coming from them...” Midnight commented.

And Twilight would agree. Then again, that might have just been a fact. If the Lord had been impaired by his stammer for a long time, he could have already been timid. She doubted marriage would have suddenly turned him into a passionate stallion.

The healer continued, quite happy to do so. “But, despite the ‘regularity’ and season after season coming and going, nothing was happening. No wonderful news... and so no end of worries and gossip. Some locals did claim that the Lord Consort got pregnant at some point, but nopony I listened to was saying anything about her actually losing a foal, so that seemed to me like a false pathway and a dead end... or a carefully guarded, shameful secret.”

“I told Rowan Berry that I doubt it. I don’t remember there ever being condolences sent by Lord Midnight Eye in regards to that,” Midnight claimed, nodding in thought and confidence. “And he would definitely be one to offer those in such soleespalyi circumstances. If not I, then my father would have known about that, through the Syinod at least.”

“And that’s a fair point,” the operative agreed, her coral eyes glinting further still. “So I started digging just a little bit, and an elderly, ornery mare told me that I should not bother with the ‘harlot’. And, since I have heard that often enough already and not only here, I chose to focus more on the reason for the insult.”

Twilight grimaced at that word being uttered with Dusk Flight in mind. “Why... that? Actually, no,” she stopped the other mare from answering briefly, intrigued by another thought, “I want to know something else first. You have managed to research and gather all of this in those few hours that you were gone, before Lord Dusk Harvest invited us to see the sheep and the Valleys?”

Rowan Berry’s initial reaction... was to back away from the table just a little. Like on instinct. “I take it you are doubting me, Honored Princess.”

“Not at all, no,” Twilight assured her. “I can tell you are genuinely trying to convey everything, I’m just quite surprised at the amount and volume. Learning about what maids have said right after the Lord and Lord Consort were married?” she pointed out and must have made quite a face, considering that both Rowan Berry and Midnight looked at each other. “I’m just... impressed.”

The operative let out a small exhale, then looked to the side, as if embarrassed. “Ha, I mean... it’s a part of the training. Keep our mouths shut, eyes peeled. Or ears, actually. We’re a picked force, relying on resourcefulness, among other things. Gathering information is vital to us...” Rowan Berry explained.

Was it Twilight, or was she actually happy to do so?

Seemed like it. Because when the healer looked back, her tone was, at the very least, pleased, even if a smile did not manage to move her lips. “It’s... nice to just be appreciated,” she said... apparently a little surprised by her own words.

Midnight’s gentle hiss cut through the moment. And Twilight felt a sudden urge to tell him a few, harsh words for that. However, before she could Rowan Berry instead decided to continue... though it was easy to tell that she was doing so to stop herself from saying anything to Midnight.

“Regarding the insult thrown the way of the Lord Consort... Well, first of all, the Honored Lord started to shy away from spending time with her after a while. It appeared like he just lost any hope, even the smallest, at having an heir, and began considering himself more useful as a supervisor to the Family’s tasks than a leader or even but a husband.”

Even at that point Twilight was considering chastising Midnight somewhat, but decided to leave that for later, instead presenting a question, a rhetorical one. “Should I presume that it made him look and act with even less confidence than he previously did?”

Rowan Berry nodded, and her voice carried a note of sympathy this time, the healer in her definitely understanding the issue. “And the stammer became even worse, quite so. But here is also where it gets even more ‘interesting’. From what I understand through the gossip, at some point, he had just... come to terms with what was happening all around, that this was just how things would be from there on. And being the considerate, altruistic, and self-sacrificing stallion that he clearly is, because, despite the criticism, even those vocal about him being a poor and weak Lord had to admit to these traits,” the operative pointed out, “Lord Dusk Harvest thought that Dusk Flight should not be forced to endure such a worthless husband like him.”

Twilight definitely made a face. It just couldn’t be helped. She knew that the haspadr had issues with self-worth, but this...

“So... what did he do? He obviously didn’t divorce her.”

“... what’s that word?” the healer asked, momentarily perplexed.

Midnight decided to explain. “Ending the marriage. How it can be done in Equestria.”

“Ah. Yes, that... It doesn’t work like that here,” Rowan Berry admitted, looking rather... irked by the notion.

“Oh? I thought that the role of a marriage is more social than religious,” Twilight pointed out, having in mind what she could recall from the interviews with Midnight prior. “So if it doesn’t manage to help extend the bloodline...”

Her beloved nodded. “That’s a very logical assumption, but it being ‘more’ social does not mean it is completely out of our religious dogmas.”

“What Goddess has joined together, let ponies not separate...” Rowan Berry pointed out as well. “I could cite more of our scriptures on that matter, but I wouldn’t want to make a mistake in translation and sully their lessons... A marriage is a rite that cannot be undone, unless there would be most serious circumstances, known only to the aksiosaniye.”

“I have a feeling that is not the case here after all. Or at least not at the moment,” Twilight admitted, considering how the situation that they were in could further affect things for the Lord and his wife. “But delving into ‘getting out’ of a marriage would be a whole other discussion to have, with my own views on the matter,” she pointed out, also to herself. “Please, continue.”

Rowan Berry did so gladly, wishing to share all that she had managed to gather. “So, the Honored Lord must have decided that, despite being stuck in this unhappy, fruitless marriage, Dusk Flight should not be forced to, among everything else, endure a worthless stallion like himself. So he did the one thing he thought would make her at least somewhat happy and fulfilled... however weird it was. But, I suppose, his logic and reasoning were a little compromised. And still are.”

Twilight simply had to ask, when the silence prolonged itself for the first heartbeat more than necessary. “And what was that solution?”

“He told her that she is free not to stay faithful to him...”

And that definitely wasn’t a pleasant thing for Rowan Berry to reveal, considering her hiss. Accompanied by Midnight’s.

“... an actual open marriage?” Twilight wished to clarify whether she had heard it right.

Midnight, who must have seen her face losing a little color, asked, rather curious, “Is that how you call those in Ekwestriya?”

Rowan Berry seemed also quite interested, though in a slightly antipathetic way. “Are those actually practiced? I honestly thought this was simply Dusk Harvest’s misbegotten idea...”

In both of their tones Twilight could hear the underlying sound of disapproval, so she decided to explain it quickly, to the best of her abilities. “Well... Equestria is a land of many cultures and backgrounds, as the tribes that came together to form it initially differed greatly, with local, cultural variations too. And, of course, the most common form of bonding between two ponies is marriage, without including anypony else, but... polyamorous relationships, ‘herds’ or however else they could be called, those did exist and could still be found if one would search.”

“And that’s... accepted?” the healer asked, looking at Twilight sideways. Hard.

“Well, it’s complicated, I admit. And I’m not an expert in it,” Twilight admitted, realizing that she hadn’t ever studied that particular topic, from a legal standpoint for example. “There are local customs, there are general laws, and things need to, ultimately, fit in somehow. If nopony is being hurt by such an arrangement, then I suppose it can be, at least, tolerated, if not approved or endorsed...”

Midnight looked at Twilight silently for a brief moment, as if judging something, or running a scenario of some sort in his mind, then shrugged, hissing as that pulled on one of his remaining bandages.

Kirwe...” he muttered under his breath before speaking louder. “No, even in the most ‘optimistic’ scenario. Not my thing.”

“Not our thing,” Rowan Berry corrected him, and firmly. “And, to put what I have said into perspective... if the Lord really offered that to the Lord Consort, then, whatever he was trying to achieve, he put her in a very difficult position.”

“What was he trying to achieve, though? For his wife to simply feel physically fulfilled in the embrace of another, or to... you know...” Twilight tried to convey what she wanted to without turning red at the thoughts racing in her mind. “... accepting a possible foal that could come from such an ‘arrangement’ as his own? And the heir to the Family?”

“He would have to strong-leg pretty much the entire local priesthood, the Syinod...” Midnight responded, pontificating, his armored hoof tapping on the table like that of a disappointed father figure. “Or the situation would have to get so dire, with him pretty much looking at his funeral stos. There being absolutely no other choice... no, but even then, there are many Dusks that could take the mantle instead!”

“Could he still try and do that?” Twilight pressed the matter a little more.

Rowan Berry weighed the options with a focused expression as well. “Honestly... He seems so accepting of the dreadful situation and all of its subtleties, even the more appalling ones, that it wouldn’t surprise me, not entirely. I’d even risk saying that his mental state would cause him to believe that he deserves to be in the middle of all of that... And, what’s even more complicated, even if he were to break conventions like that, despite the rumors spreading beyond the Iug and the general uproar in the nation...”

Her voice trailed off, but Twilight could bet on the correct way of finishing the statement.

“It’s a Family matter, isn’t it?” she bet, shaking her head. “It doesn’t directly affect the other Lords or Families enough to require a direct intervention.”

Midnight nodded, pretty much in unison with Rowan Berry. “Something to definitely gain infamy though, because I doubt the scribes would leave a dry thread on him... And that is not me making a reference to what happened in the Dalli, it’s a figure of speech...” he clarified, not that it made Twilight less worried about the entire scenario.

“Infamy...” she echoed the word, finding herself reluctant to accept such a possibility in full. “You’ll have to forgive me, but... I find this all hard to wrap my head around. Lord Dusk Harvest looks like he is working his mane and tail off to try and provide for the nation, considering his focus and his dedication. He humbles himself in almost everything he does, definitely in all I have seen him doing, to the point of acting like he’s practically a nopony. He offers his own palace to the ill and unfortunate, ignoring the splendor he is due... and he would be considered ignominious for trying to safeguard his Family’s future through any means necessary, however terrible these actions would seem...” Twilight summed up her issues with the situation, despite the fact she too felt disturbed by Dusk Harvest’s choices. “It will be just my frustration talking, mostly, but is somebody laying his good name on the line for the well-being and security of others always deserving ill-repute?”

Neither of the batponies said anything for a moment, accepting the outburst as a necessity. However, the moment of silence was going on and on. Twilight didn’t understand why exactly, unwilling to accept that she had shocked them both so deeply. But she managed to soon realize that while Midnight was looking straight at Rowan Berry... she, in return, had her eyes squarely on Twilight.

And the cause for that stare soon became obvious to Twilight. Because from the healer’s perspective... and considering her special, clandestine place, that question could very well be applied to another Lord. Deciding to take drastic steps to assure that her bloodline would remain pure and to protect her Mountain from civil war was almost exactly what Azure Mist had done.

Twilight could poke many holes in that particular matter... but, again, now wasn’t the time. And she couldn’t get any more frustrated, for the sake of herself and her own well-being.

“So, that’s the problem in this situation...” she wished to conclude.

“If it only ended there.”

It was going to be for naught, apparently, for Rowan Berry’s sentence could only spell more terrible things to learn. And since they were so far deep and gone... it was better to hear it all after all.

“How does this get worse, then?” Twilight asked, willing to just bear it all and steeling herself for what she was about to hear.

And while the operative wasn’t exactly pleased to provide, she definitely wanted to perform the entirety of her task properly.

“While I heard some mention that Dusk Flight didn’t feel like it was a solution at all, and some claiming that she actively begged the haspadr to take back even but the empty promise of allowing her such behavior...” she paused for just a breath, shaking her head. “Well, the Honored Lord just left things at that. Completely avoided the Lord Consort from then on, to the best of his abilities... and then just...”

Rowan Berry hesitated again, causing Midnight to actually gesture at Twilight. “Go on, tell the Honored Princess.” His tone was a little sharp, like an actual order, and it definitely prompted the operative to spill the remaining beans.

“It seems that the Lord did actually convince himself that his offer had been taken up on at some point. Just like some of the local population thinks to this day. And though Dusk Harvest presented this solution himself... he can barely endure the thought that Dusk Flight was unfaithful to him after all.”

Twilight didn’t react at first. She didn’t know how to react. So she focused firstly on simply trying to get all of the thoughts in her mind under control. Or, at the very least, organized, because she doubted she could just grasp it all. All that Rowan Berry had just told her seemed so... so...

So much more than Twilight thought she would have to tackle when she had made her choice to help the Lord. And though it was a promise given only to herself... it would be cowardly to just step back. No, that wasn’t going to be her way. She had to stomach the situation somehow, right next to all the other things she needed to digest, and then... come up with something.

Twilight felt nauseous.

She closed her eyes and thought of nothing else but her breathing. Or at least attempted to. There was too much happening in her head to really achieve focus. However...

Silly as it still might have appeared from her perspective, she simply allowed herself to reach out and gaze past all of those obtrusive thoughts, towards an unseen help.

'Immaculate Moon... give me calm.'

And, surprisingly, that little prayer helped a lot. At least when it came to Twilight reminding herself that she could cling to the hope in her. To that inexplicable force, which could truly force things to be well in the end.

But the reality around still beckoned. One had to act and fight for the right to that good end.

“I want to thank you, Rowan Berry, you have done remarkably,” Twilight finally managed to utter in the other mare’s direction, earning a nod from her. “I had little idea matters were so dire, but... it all definitely explains some things we have seen so far, no?”

“Those are just rumors, and yet... you have said it yourself, hwalba knaze,” the healer replied. “It makes certain sense to us as well.”

Midnight nodded, though not without making a face. “Indeed. I think you’ve done your part, Rowan Berry, especially considering the given time frame.”

The mare said nothing in return, only looked at the stallion intently, though Twilight found it hard to pay attention to that. That knot in her stomach was loosening, yet not entirely. For she had tied that one out of her own volition. So she had to endure it in her pursuit of doing the right thing.

“I’ll need time to process it all...” she admitted, putting a hoof to her forehead. Maybe to steady herself, maybe to check for a fever due to all of these revelations. Just in case. “I’ve told the Lord Consort that further sightseeing tonight is not necessary due to what happened, I think the Honored Lord could use a night away from worrying about my visit. Seems even more prudent after what you have told me, Rowan Berry.”

The mare appeared to agree with her again, considering her expression. “I also think that’s a good idea, as a lupule. I doubt he could catch a malady from such a plunge, but... we know that a pony’s well-being also includes their state of mind. And... I’m afraid to think about the Honored Lord’s state, actually. His fall into the water, in public, in front of you, that will definitely be hard for him to come to terms with, as willing as he is to accept and acknowledge terrible things happening to him in his current state.”

Twilight would share this point completely, though Midnight’s chuckle took her attention instead. It felt very much out of place.

“First of all, I’m sure the Honored Lord could find somepony else to show the Honored Princess about,” the stallion commented.

In a tone much more frigid than even the one used by his former father-in-law, clearly revealing that the possibility of following Dusk Tarn about the Mountain wasn’t really a ‘no problem’ situation for Midnight. Quite the opposite, it clearly frustrated him to no end considering his following words, which clearly served no other purpose than to vent that ire.

“I’m also quite interested in that show of concern about the Honored Lord from you, Rowan Berry,” the stallion pointed out, with a derogatory smirk no less. “Last I checked, Lord Azure Mist thought very little about the Honored Lord. And you say that you are empathizing with him now?”

The other mare gave Midnight a long look. “You might have forgotten it completely at this point, but I am a healer. The fact that I serve as my Honored Lord’s occultane does not make me overlook my calling. I’m sure you could understand that were you willing to do so even a little, Nocferratan... no?”

Twilight’s brow furrowed. At the situation, yes, but mostly at her beloved. In this particular set of circumstances... she was forced to take the healer’s side.

“I’m quite certain that Rowan Berry is a pony like any other, despite serving as an operative. She has the right to feel sorry for another and wish to provide them help, even with her haspadre having different views.”

The look in the other mare’s coral eyes in response to those words was quite unique. Despite the fact that there was a chasm between her and Twilight, for many, more or less complex, reasons, Rowan Berry seemed... at least a little grateful that she was being seen as more than but a pony for clandestine errands.

Actually, that gaze of hers was quite deep and profound for how short a time it met Twilight’s own.

Midnight clearly thought otherwise, considering his discontent expression. He obviously wanted to say more, with something fuming inside him and festering in his keen eyes.

But frankly, Twilight had had enough of this frustration, at least for the moment. So she intercepted him.

“If you could please both leave me now,” she declared, trying not to sound too irritated herself. Only regal. She’d have that talk with her beloved later, at a more private moment. “I need to consider some things and plan ahead about what to do with this new understanding that I have. Get yourself something to eat if you haven’t already, but stay about and do let me know if there is any word from the Honored Lord at all.”

“Of course, hwalba knaze,” Rowan Berry listened and replied without hesitation, even offering a proper bow as she was leaving.

A gesture which was repaid with a polite and acknowledging nod. Seemed a little out of place to use the operative and her talents personally... but Twilight also felt that finding a good cause to utilize such skills might have been justifiable. She could recall hearing a rumor about Equestria having a sort of unit composed of ponies with questionable pasts and gifts, seeking personal betterment in the country’s service...

And more so... it looked like Rowan Berry was genuinely pleased by being recognized for her hard and quite impressive work.

Midnight, however, brooded. That much was certain. And he was far less deferential in his momentary farewells.

Something was eating at him. She could bet on the what. But considering how he was acting towards the healer again... well, Twilight felt like letting him figure things out on his own for a while would be beneficial. Until they would have a moment to share a while, then she would set things straight yet further. The last thing she needed was him becoming erratic and unashamedly bitter towards the healer. There was a better way of reaching that mare.

For now, however, Twilight would have to use whatever time was left for her before the morning, hoping that a sudden summons from the Honored Lord would not interrupt her or, worse, occupy her at a crucial moment. So she took a brief moment to concentrate and center herself... which might or might have not involved a quick, ice-cold shower and an even quicker, pleasantly hot spell to dry out. And a breathing exercise to deal with at least some anxiety.

Then it was time for action. The draft, to create the response proper. That was Twilight’s main goal, she set it up in her mind, gathered all of the focus she could muster, despite the running thoughts and the restless day. She had to do this. She would do this.

She’d have to grant the Princesses at least something brief and to the point, letting them know that she was still fine, that she was aware of their warnings and heeding them, despite them bringing her a feeling of being... used. Not that she had to put that down in the letter. She was pretty sure they were aware.

Nevertheless, Twilight made it absolutely clear in her writing that she was moving things along towards the cause of peace. And, considering everything, that unless one or two Lords decided to go rogue, which was a tiny possibility but still one, Noctraliya would not be starting an invasion. Yet, at least, as the most pessimistic scenario would need to be taken into consideration. Keeping an eye out on things without being discovered, not spooking anypony among the Covenant, would be the wisest course of action after all.

But it was also crucial for everypony to take a deep breath and exhale, just like she had done. Things were less crushing after a moment of peace and silence.

So Twilight wrote. And wrote. And wrote, this time with far greater clarity of mind than last day, when she had fallen asleep right on that very table. She was glad she had put up some more candles, actually, since the evening really didn’t give her a chance to renew the spell on her eyes, and she wasn’t going to waste so much time on trying to reapply it without Midnight’s presence.

Thank Harmony, she quickly found the correct pacing and rhythm in her reply, allowing herself to fall into the flow of thoughts and words naturally. She wrote with intent and conviction, wishing to assure everypony that she wasn’t going to be caught unaware and that she had hope for this mission of hers still.

That part came to her most easily, actually. All of her reply was honest, but those few paragraphs came straight from Twilight’s heart, like an outpouring of faith and aspirations, ones which she believed could be realized. It would only take the right approach and some patience.

And finally... there Twilight was, over a “technically” finished reply. It was just a case of reading it once more, checking it for something she could still add, something she could change or amend. She had no idea how much time had passed, though considering the candles next to her... a lot. But the result was more than satisfying, which definitely helped to count this night as—

A knock on her door.

“Kto bid to?” Twilight asked from over the parchment.

“Midnight Wind.”

Full name, but no title... Twilight pondered for a moment before replying, rolling the response up but keeping it on the table. He knew about it, but the contents couldn’t be for his eyes.

“Come in.”

She said, acquiescing to the preference of her heart which wanted to see Midnight again, though her brain knew that if they were going to talk... it wasn’t necessarily going to be pretty.

Her beloved made his way in as soon as she magically unlocked the door, locking them behind himself with intent and focus, yet avoiding a slam. that was a good and a bad sign simultaneously.

He gave Twilight a look right afterwards, his gaze lingering for a second on the parchment next to her.

“The reply, I presume?”

“Yes,” she admitted, setting the letter down and getting up from the table, grimacing at the stiff feeling in her back. “How long was I busy?”

“Long enough for me to wonder if you could even remember that eating was a thing,” Midnight told her, pointing back almost casually. “I was wondering about sending our faithful investigator for a meal. Wished to ask whether you would like to join us or if we could get you something specific.”

“Ah, it’s that late, alright. Well, it can wait a bit longer, I’m sure,” Twilight immediately told him.

Realizing that she sounded a little theatrical. Nothing she could do about it, unfortunately, especially considering his vocabulary. She hated giving him a lecture, but...

“That ‘faithful investigator’ you have just mentioned has a name. Rowan Berry. And as much as I can understand your frustrations, both with her presence and what happened last morning, I think you can do better than to vent at her. Again. She deserves at least a modicum of respect. She could have acted very differently after being exposed. Yet she stayed and, as you could see—”

“What I could see was you trying to indulge her for whatever reason,” Midnight interrupted her, rather sharply. Definitely irked. “And while I know you well enough, my light, with your noble attempts at making friends with all around you, I want you to remember that she’s not a pony to trust or to humor. What she is is somepony that needs to remember her place, lest she continues to be a danger.”

Twilight’s expression soured, she could feel it well enough. It still didn’t feel fully indicative of what she felt bubbling inside her, however, especially since Midnight’s tone felt almost... patronizing. Like he was some sort of an overseer, instructing a subordinate.

Oh, whatever anger and discomfort was inside of him, Twilight wouldn’t let that do at all.

“I’m sorry, are you... trying to tell me who I can try to show Friendship to?” she asked the stallion, taking a step towards him.

It wasn’t meant as a threatening gesture, only confident. Yet the stallion’s brow furrowed as he continued to look straight into Twilight’s eyes, that keen gaze of his growing sharper and more piercing yet.

He tried to keep his voice calmer than his stare... but that was too little, too late. “I’m simply warning you not to let yourself be too comfortable with her around, again. And I’m stopping her from feeling like that herself. Occultani are skilled in many things, including getting close to their targets, under the guise of amity,” he tried to explain, his gaze not losing any of its keenness, but showing something else as well. Something regretful. Though Twilight didn’t care what it was. “She might wish to appear useful only to—”

“I’m absolutely through with schemes tonight,” came the interruption long time in the making. “Could you even try and consider that Rowan Berry might want to actually be useful and even helpful, now that she has agreed to do what she considers the ‘lesser evil’ from her perspective?” Twilight pointed out, firmly. “She’s done a terrific job in just a few hours! And haven’t you heard her? Haven’t you seen that she looked genuinely appreciated?”

The questions didn’t seem to get through to the stallion opposite her. “I’ve looked at her enough, trust me. I’m here trying to warn you, I’m not here to have an argument about what kind of morally noble mare soleespala Rowan Berry might, at some point, maybe, kind of, become. She’s a threat right now.”

For somepony claiming they weren't being confrontational, Midnight’s tone was much too sharp.

And Twilight realized what was happening. She, herself, was letting out all that gathered pressure from the last few nights. In an unreasonable way? Perhaps. But she couldn’t care less at that point.

“Threats hidden all around, how typical of where I am currently,” she pointed out, venom seeping through even into her speech with her beloved. “I seem to clearly remember that I’ve already told you that I am being cautious. And that I get that you are careful. But I did ask you to at least show some good will. Or, if anything, not show bad one!” Twilight let him know, and clearly, almost pointing a hoof at him. “But here you are again! Not only treating her like a threat, treating her like refuse! Like she’s some sort of a worthless number two or something!”

Midnight’s right eye twitched just a little as she said that. Which was definitely worrying, but not as much as his words.

“So I’m the ‘bad’ pony in this situation finally,” he didn’t declare as much as stated the fact, with a sour smile no less. “Maybe that’s for the best.”

Twilight wasn’t going to play whatever game that was. “As long as you continue to degrade her and put yourself on some sort of a moral pedestal, yes!” she told him instead, taking another step towards him. “I’ve confronted her, I’ve given her a choice, because I believe that she can be a better pony, and that she can, if only given the opportunity, find the right path to trot! That does require giving her some leeway, even if—!”

“Leeway,” Midnight repeated the word as if he couldn’t understand its meaning. And, in some way, it seemed that he didn’t. “You have no idea what it means to give occultani some leeway, why would you?” he asked, pained by his own words.

“Well, if I obviously don’t,” she responded, somehow keeping herself from shouting. She’d have to put a spell on the room to do so safely. Not that she wasn’t tempted. “Then maybe you should tell me, instead of acting like a malicious colt.”

“It’s like drinking poison,” Midnight claimed, his voice turning unnaturally calm. “Sweet, addicting poison which muddles your senses and lowers your guard. Until you wake up, realizing far too late that you have made a terrible mistake,” he hissed through clenched teeth, as if the experience was intimately known to him. “Or sometimes you don’t, ever. Instead, you find yourself right in Peraure, because seldom do you find somepony with the power to rip your soul from there!”

The intent in his voice almost gave Twilight a pause, even in her ire. “And how would you know that, Midnight Wind?” she asked, still more as a taunt than out of genuine curiosity still.

And finding herself almost muzzle to muzzle with him. She had taken one more step in his direction, without realizing it.

The stallion not only stood his ground, but had advanced, closing the distance.


A flash blinded both of them. Then a ripping sound came to both of their ears.

From the wall opposite Twilight’s bed, a long, snake-like form shot out as if pushed into the chamber by a heavy gust of wind, which almost tossed it against the table. Behind the semi-uninvited guest, a small, irregularly shaped hole, a gash carved out of the very world around, rapidly repaired itself in the illumination of a silver membrane, then dissipated completely.

Both Twilight and Midnight stared wide-eyed at the figure of Discord, shaking violently like a dog which had to get water out of his thick fur.

“Ugh, this thing is annoying!” the draconequus complained, then gave the room and its occupants a quick glance. “Oh, goodie, goodie, I’m here! Am I interrupting?” he asked. “Oh, of course I am!” he added immediately, not interested in an actual response.

Actually, very much not interested in an actual response, looming over the couple with a progressively more and more impish smile.

“What exactly am I interrupting, though?”

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