• Published 21st Jul 2014
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Journey with a Batpony - Gulheru

Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, wishes to bring the greatest magic of all to the lands of batponies. Will she succeed in her mission in this distant and dangerous land?

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Chapter LVII – True to Oneself

Twilight found herself sighing in relief when she exited the small chamber.

Yes, she had entered it with dedication. Even that strange sense of anticipation, only further reinforced by the surges of arcane power. Waves still erupting and flying forth from the center of the sanctum. But, right now... she didn’t know whether she could take any more of those.

Her body ached and her head throbbed. She tried to keep the right posture and focus, but that was as much as she could hope for. She was drained almost utterly, as if she had fought a battle in that cell behind her...

A battle with... somepony. Something. Herself. Any and all of those...

Fang Shine, still waiting outside, spotted easily that what had transpired was a true ordeal for Twilight.

“Honored Princess... I have heard your voice... Raised, strong and pained... You have received visions...” she spoke in a whisper. “I hope they have granted... new and important insight...” She looked at Blessed Fang, but he remained silent. And close by, more interested in being Twilight’s aid in standing upright than sharing his insights with his mother. “Was it so much... of a test? Can the Honored Princess... speak about it? I would like to... hear what was revealed...”

The Lord looked at her, a vexed look blatant on his muzzle.

Hwalba mate, the Honored Princess braved a challenge she had no idea she would be facing. And did so with the strength of will and devotion I would expect of a true effite,” he declared. Strongly. “I, as a witness of her omens, shall protect and keep them in my heart and mind and, should hwalba knaze so wish, she shall share them. Later. Right now, she needs rest.”

Twilight would deem his tone a little too harsh, especially since he was talking with an elder, but Fang Shine didn’t seem to mind. Or, perhaps, was simply too old to do so, having experienced that and more in her life.

Still, she at least dropped the topic. “Very well, my Lord and son... I shall go and... thank Bogine for Her grace. She has spoken, through... blood and vision. Once more... thank you, hwalba knaze... Your courage is appreciated... Do not forget it.”

The elder coughed a little, then bowed ever so slightly and began trotting away, towards the chamber’s exit, in her own, calm and dignified tempo.

Blessed Fang looked like he was about to stop her after all, but ultimately just shook his head and focused on Twilight.

Who still felt like she was on her very last legs, despite having sat all that time.

“Does it...” she tried to ask, “does it always happen like this?”

The Lord gave her a look which she found hard to decipher. “I’m... uncertain whether you mean the work of our effiti... or my mother’s antics,” he added in a whisper.

Twilight groaned just a little, taking a step to the side and trying to even her breathing some more. And stop her heart, galloping in her chest.

“I... think I would prefer to hear the answer to the latter before... I deal with more stuff of prophecy...” she uttered.

She really wanted to sit down again, but figured it would be a little uncouth in a space like this. Not to mention risking another, wild surge hitting her through some complete luck this time. And she really didn’t need that.

Thankfully, the Lord was perceptive enough to realize just how tired and weary she was. “I believe that you should have your answers. But not here. Let us leave...” he spoke, then took a deep, almost forlorn breath. “I have enough to meditate upon.”

Twilight wasn’t going to contest that. On the contrary, the prospect of a moment of respite and gathering her running thoughts was most welcome. And so she did her best to trot alongside the Lord, leaving behind the impossible fount of magic, the incredible architecture... and an insistent call, now lessened to a small whisper.

... was that even real? Or was that the chamber affecting her so strongly? She wasn’t imagining things. Hallucinating, maybe, but... Those sensations, those visions, they had felt so real. So profound. She knew that she shouted, her throat still burning. And that... that void in her being, though lasting but a moment and then being refilled... It haunted her.

It was like... like somepony had tried to steal her resolve, rob her of optimism and drive, freeze her heart in place and drain it of...

Of hope.

What could do that? Who would ever do that?

Outside the chamber all were patiently waiting. Blessed Fang’s entourage, as well as Midnight and Rowan Berry. But by the looks on their muzzles, Fang Shine, despite having moved past them not a minute ago, had told them nothing of what had happened inside.

Twilight wasn’t sure if she could explain all of it, even if she tried, but the Lord took care of that issue himself.

Hwlaba knaze did attempt what she was asked to attempt. Let us thank the merciful Goddess for her courage, even if hers is not the talent of foresight.”

Was that a lie? More like omitting the truth with other truths... Not that Twilight cared to reason too much, focusing rather on looking as normal as possible... as hard as it was to hide that she was somewhat frazzled and definitely tired.

Midnight’s gaze was transparently letting her know that he was worried sick. The best she could do at the moment was to try and calm him down with a glance or two, as Blessed Fang was following on his previous promise.

“We had a feast earlier which wasn’t finished. Organizing another one might not be prudent, but a refreshment is more than proper for the Honored Princess,” he declared, keeping his voice even. He turned to one of his sentinels. “Tu, ira. Eskat i bauture.

Twilight had to admit that the Lord, despite his bearing and his age, could have undeniable presence. Maybe even greater when his voice didn’t even sound like it would be giving orders, but the will it projected was more than enough for that.

And so one of the bodyguards immediately saluted and trotted away at a brisk pace as Blessed Fang addressed Twilight again.

“I hope a measly supper would be enough of a repayment for your courage, Honored Princess.”

She took a deep breath, hoping to sound as confident as she was tired. Which was to say, clearly.

“Thank you, Honored Lord. I have given and I shall gladly take. Though being allowed to see this wondrous place is a gift for myself, as well.”

Blessed Fang nodded. “The Goddess should receive your gratitude for that. Please.”

Twilight didn’t have to be told twice. She wanted to find a moment to rest and recuperate, so she eagerly followed the Lord out of the shrine complex and back to the palace. All the time feeling Midnight’s presence, who didn’t step away from her for even a breath, though the company of others was limiting his options to simply being near.

But that was enough for Twilight. She would welcome more, but just knowing that she wasn’t alone to tackle all the jumbled thoughts in her mind was the greatest help she could receive at that moment.

And there were many, many thoughts. And many feelings. From shock to disbelief to interest and... and everything.

That one, last sentence which she had uttered in the cell was on the forefront of it all. The Goddess... crying...

Twilight knew it was true. She knew she had spoken with utmost honesty. She had no idea she carried so much of it in her. The sensations that had come with that declaration had been equally profound. The surge of sadness that had enveloped her had been unlike anything she had before felt. For that hadn’t been... mortal sorrow. As much as she could tell, knowing how gloom could taste. But that had been... greater. Penetrating to Twilight’s very core, for just a moment.

What had that even been? A manifestation of some untold force? In the form of despair? How could one explain it, without considering...

... how could a deity cry, like that? Or had those been... Could those have been Princess Luna’s tears? Had she gotten Twilight’s letter, or had something happened? What could have happened? The mission was going... strangely, but not terribly.

What was even going on?

Ugh... This was all headache-inducing.

The better that soon Twilight was seated by the same table as earlier that night, with a selection of fruit in front of her and her entourage to her sides. The feast was not as grandiose as before, but she would take any level of indulgence at that moment. And she made it her priority to drink. A lot, to try to regain her strength fast.

Even if, likely due to the mess in her head, the sweet orange juice tasted like metal in her mouth.

Lord Blessed Fang had himself enjoyed a few bites before speaking up finally, droplets still hanging from his fangs. “I have to admit... I would be the last pony to admit that signs from beyond interrupting one’s plans are a bad thing... and yet I pray for Neskaza Lunee... to allow us to have a discussion about all of this, without even more interruptions or omens.” He sighed. “The abundance of Her signs upon us bring to my heart a lot of... worries. Whether we can find the right path in the midst of them all, Bogine zmiluyae.”

He didn’t even have to say it out loud for Twilight to agree with it all. As she had been in the middle of a lot of those strange... manifestations, omens, prophecies... she too thought that a breather would work to everypony’s advantage.

Even the Goddess’.

“I have to say, Honored Lord... that I, as well, consider this time to be... unique in my life. For far more reasons than a visit to an incredible country and sharing its culture. Sharing its culture in ‘abundance’, I feel like saying...” she revealed, again finding understanding and agreement from Blessed Fang.

“Indeed, that is undeniable,” he admitted, nodding in thought. “It looks to me like the profound nature of your quest had escaped our comprehension when we had been considering its incredible significance.”

Twilight wasn’t sure whether he meant the political or the spiritual kind at that point, but both were most accurate.

“I could concur with that as well, Honored Lord,” she added.

She wanted to pour for herself another chalice, but Midnight read her intentions and helped her out faster, despite the bandages.

Conmod, hwalba knaze...

“Iae grate tu, Nocferratan...” Twilight replied, enjoying this small service, which conveyed more than just duty to her. “We are taking part in far-reaching happenings, I cannot shake the feeling.”

Blessed Fang only nodded that time, scrying something from the next orange he took for himself. Twilight wasn’t sure if the fruit held any answers. And maybe that was why it met its swift demise at the Lord’s fangs...

She enjoyed her own cup with less ferocity, but definitely no less of a drive. At least the freshness of the drink was helping a little, even if the taste seemed a little off. She smacked her lips after taking care of the last few drops.

“Thank you for this opportunity at a meal, Honored Lord. Though I would be lying if I were to say I would not like to enjoy some quiet and solitary time now, even before us having the next conversation and my answers. I need to think on... everything so far.”

“I’d be more than happy to provide you with such an opportunity, Honored Princess...” Blessed Fang said, his stare shining briefly with a strange spark. “But I need to converse with you still and I do not think it would be best to wait.”

Twilight wasn’t particularly pleased about that, considering the state of hers, but... she had lately discovered her incredible ability to withstand and endure a lot being thrown at her simultaneously. Even when she wasn’t at her best.

Especially when she wasn’t.

“Very well, Honored Lord.” She put down her chalice and looked at him with all the attention she could again gather, hoping he would explain his motivation shortly.

“We shall have this conversation alone,” he, instead, demanded, looking at Midnight and Rowan Berry.

And that Twilight was even less happy about. And yet... maybe it was for the better. For it left her in private with a pony she still had to convince to join the side of future peace. As much as he would need convincing, because in Blessed Fang’s eyes she had never seen a real threat to her cause.

Well... other than that one time in the Great Shrine. But that was quickly dealt with by... another spiritual instance.

Twilight sighed, then turned to her entourage. “Please, you do not have to wait for me. Return to your quarters... and draw me a bath,” she added.

After all, it would be a cold one regardless of when she would come back. And she could warm it up anyway.

She wasn’t so done with magic that night.

She made sure to give Midnight one last stare as the two were leaving. And when the doors closed, she stood up, picked up her cup and trotted over, taking a place closer to the Lord, so that the conversation could be direct after all.

And Blessed Fang, his muzzle supported on one of his hooves, waited patiently for her to change her seats. When she did and was focused on him entirely...

... he laughed.

And that short, blank laugh was, perhaps, as terrifying for Twilight as all that she had witnessed and felt in the seers’ cell, being bombarded by raw magic. This was a laugh of... momentary madness, she would even claim.

Still, the Lord managed to contain whatever this outburst was and again resumed his neutral look a moment later.

“I... forgive me, hwalba knaze...” he said afterwards, massaging his temple. “I just... I think I am more troubled about all of it than I thought.”

It was Twilight’s time to nod in agreement. She was considering her approach to this, probably short, but very important conversation. She could be straightforward, she could be cautious, she could be cunning. And she could be honest. And understanding, since Blessed Fang was dealing with his own fair share questions and worries about all that had been happening around them both.

Which seemed like the best start to this exchange, actually.

“What did even happen, Honored Lord?” Twilight asked the rhetorical question. “Have I just become an effite because your Honored mother declared for me to try and be one? At the whim of a foresight written in blood?”

Blessed Fang wanted to say something outright, even opened his mouth, but had to shake his head at first.

“When it is said like that, hwalba knaze, it sounds even more ridiculous...” he admitted, with another, manic glint in his eyes. “... and yet none of it was. Not the visions, not my mother’s will... It seems that even your protest about Radiant Glory’s horn had a place in this strange, grand design.”

Twilight would have to reluctantly agree, though the images of the verlupte were still as fresh in her mind as Midnight’s hurt.

And speaking of fresh matters...

“Do you recall our conversation, Honored Lord? About how exactly does the Goddess show herself to those she wishes to inspire and lead?” she asked. And had her own answer at the inquiry. “It looks to me like, recently, she decided to be a lot more direct in her approach, if you will allow me such a statement.”

“There’s nothing to allow, Honored Princess,” the Lord replied, looking her way finally, from whatever, strange place he had witnessed before his eyes. “Truth is not a matter of permissions, it just is. It is about whether we accept it...” he added, grimacing in vast displeasure. “Accept that there are things that are so vastly out of our control, especially now...”

“You could say that again, Honored Lord,” Twilight commented, not bothered about how her declaration sounded. She could imagine just how overburdened Blessed Fang also was with all of what had been happening.

And he didn’t fear expressing it. On the contrary. He seemed eager to let it out in her current company.

“I could say that again, indeed. It is a lot to pray and meditate upon. To make sure we see the vision of Bogine clearly...” he expressed his hope, but there was none of it in his actual expression.
“But... what you have said, at the end...”

Ah, was that what he wanted to discuss? Twilight couldn’t blame him for focusing on it. Her last sentence, prompted by the visions and feelings in her, was surely the most clear and straightforward of them all. And clung to her consciousness with a tangible presence still.

“The Goddess is crying...” she repeated herself.

A shudder went right through the Lord. “I don’t know about you, Honored Princess,” he spoke, his tone growing a little distant and yet remaining very much understandable and close. To what he was feeling, especially. “But that sentence is... It is filling me with sadness, yet also with anger.”

Now that was unexpected. More so, since it was coming from him. Yes, she had seen his outburst before and the manifestations of his Lord’s presence... but he didn’t seem the sort of pony to have true rage bubbling in him. Irritation was the most that she would expect.

“You feel anger, Honored Lord?”

“Yes,” Blessed Fang admitted, without shame or reluctance. “Anger. I would consider it but a momentary exasperation usually, but...” he unknowingly confirmed Twilight’s observation. “This is much more profound.”

Twilight leaned forth a little. “Why... are you angry?”

“I am haspadr u Rodine Kiel. I am antas. I am a stallion. All of these aspects of me, these roles of mine are to reassure, lead, protect and help,” he explained, with enough strength to his voice to testify of it all. “My natural instinct is to serve the Goddess, in any way I can and yet... How can one bring aid to Bogine on high? What supplications and sacrifices to bring forth, to wipe the tears of our divine Mother? We have our prayers, we observe our rites, we venerate Her Sign and Her holy presence and signs...”

Twilight bit her lip, as the Lord continued.

“Our Mother, Neskaza Lunee... is weeping. And She is letting us know of it, that... that is profound. That is unique...” He leaned back, taking a deep breath and considering absolutely everything, that much was blatant in his gaze. “She worries about us, for certain, now that we are at this strange precipice... What is She warning us about exactly...?”

He wasn’t expecting the answer, perhaps... but he got one anyway, as Twilight did her best to remember a certain excerpt. Quoting it to the best of her abilities.

“And came She to the land of snow and stone, where winds howled and cried. And sat She in the skies high and wept. But voices She heard, from caverns deep. And heard She: ‘Moon, Thou awakened us!’ “

Blessed Fang’s lips shuddered for a moment, before he glanced Twilight’s way. “The Tale of the Lost Gifts... Well quoted,” he spoke, impressed.

Twilight exhaled in relief. In her mind, of course. She was worried sick that she would unwittingly change some parts of the translation, but... it seemed like both Blessed Fang’s sermon and his gift had imprinted themselves well enough in her brain.

And so... she decided to capitalize on that. “I... don’t think I have a full answer to your plight, Honored Lord. I’m not, despite what happened, a spiritual pony... though, I have to confess, being in touch with your religion and practices is making something resonate in me,” she told him. Sparing the part about magical surges causing that as well.

After all, they hadn’t been the only, out of place thing to have happened.

“Admittedly, I... know Princess Luna,” Twilight concluded with firmness. “I don’t know if I could impart any new knowledge about how to make her happy. And yet... I think I would just approach her with the same openness and readiness to listen and support as with everypony else. Hoping I’m doing the right thing,” she declared.

“Which means?” the Lord pressed for more, with genuine interest.

She wasn’t sure how he’d understand and interpret granting help to the Princess as a... well, as the Goddess in the flesh, but she could at least give him the truth.

It, allegedly, needed no permission to be shared.

“Well... I would show her kindness. And honesty. Loyalty in staying by their side, generosity in offering help, aid, or just... presence. And laughter, when the time of sorrow passes. Or to make it pass quicker,” Twilight explained, hoping to sound convincing.

And holding to that one thought that came to her just as Blessed Fang summed up her declarations, with a smile tugging at his lips.

“The tenets of Friendship.”

“Do not blame me, Honored Lord,” Twilight responded, smirking and shrugging just a little. “I’m the Princess of it. And I find it quite universal. Not to mention... why couldn’t anypony establish Friendship with the Goddess? Can children not be friends with their parents? Whether theirs is a natural connection, spiritual or something else entirely. Those are all valuable. And to know that one has the best and trusted support in somepony so close... I cannot think of anything better.”

The Lord nodded slowly, as if he was fiercely deliberating the utilitarian, religious and moral nature of those words. She knew that he was considering all of it, much more than the first impression suggested. Twilight could tell that his focus and attention were sharpened to the point of slashing through distractions and unnecessary thoughts. And that he was pontificating on something to the point of obsession.

Or so she thought. Until he took a deep breath and looked at her again.

“You have performed your... somewhat forced role gallantly and, to my great surprise, have found the Goddess’ grace bestowed upon you. I have witnessed and was the witness for effiti before and yours was a trance that could very well have been received by any of them,” Blessed Fang admitted, his voice strangely melancholic. But just for a breath. “I have a lot to consider. Especially since I remember well the meaning of the prophecy we received, regarding you, Honored Princess. And yet, before my very eyes, the Light of the Goddess blesses you in Ingena Herame. Then you warn us... warn me... as I believe yours was a vision for me.”

Twilight listened carefully and... couldn’t really disagree. Blessed Fang didn’t share the strange, spiritual findings with his mother. Only the two of them were their recipients at the moment.

“I am a stallion of the Goddess, my life is dedicated to Her and Her service. Mine is the role to answer Her calls, whatever those calls would be,” he continued, slowly and solemnly. “If I receive a sign, I need to make sure I treat it with respect. And interpret it as flawlessly as it is demanded of me. With trust, with care and with diligence. Ones that I always pray for. But now...”

The Lord paused, shaking his head. He remained silent for a while, ruminating on his next sentence. Was he ashamed? It felt like it, for a moment at least.

Twilight, of course, gave him all the necessary time. She wanted him to be sure of what he wanted to say, so that she could also answer with nothing but the same care and diligence. Trusting he was being open and honest.

And Blessed Fang was honest, indeed.

“I believe I have made a mistake,” he began, face scrunched a little in discomfort. Not over admitting it, but the fact itself. “Yes, the interpretation that we had forged was correct, of that I cannot have doubts, but...” He looked her dead in the eye. “The prophecy I have quoted to you couldn’t have meant war. At least... not war with you and with what you are representing, Honored Princess. I was wrong to threaten the meeting. Wrong to put you in the position of a possible enemy. I did make a mistake and a grave one. And for that, I apologize and offer my repentance. To the Goddess... and to you.”

Though she knew what to tell him, Twilight waited a moment to reply. Mostly because such an important, profound declaration should have been given some time. To resound. To be understood. When she finally opened her mouth, she had exactly the words she wanted to use.

“There is nothing to apologize for, Honored Lord. You are performing your duties to the absolute best of your abilities. And I can attest for that, even as short as I know you. You are performing the duties of a Lord, for I see that you care deeply for your Family and for the role’s sheer significance in your rich culture. The duties of a priest, for your heart is open and ready for the signs of the Goddess and you are always ready to serve Her with all of your being. And the duties of a stallion, because I can tell that you love your wife very much and wish to protect her and care for her and your future child. Those are all important duties, roles... and qualities which you are showing through them.”

As she was speaking, she saw the sparkle in the Lord’s eyes manifesting. That bright and joyous sparkle.

And she had to maintain it. Not with empty platitudes, but with the truth.

“Does your efforts and actions in good faith make you infallible? No, of course not. But only a pony that does nothing does not make errors. But what’s more important than mistakes is the willingness to admit to them. And, after doing so, repairing what was damaged... continuing doing one’s best,” Twilight told him, hoping that her words would find purchase. Also... remembering a certain conversation. “You already carry a lot on your shoulders and wings, Honored Lord. But, underneath all of those, vital roles... do not forget that you are still yourself. And you have a right to be yourself.”

Blessed Fang’s ear flicked at that sentence and something very close to amusement made his lips twitch. “You sound like my Honored mother now, hwalba knaze.”

Well, that wasn’t a coincidence, no.

“Please, Honored Lord, I’m not that old, surely,” Twilight joked. And her jest was well-received, considering the Lord’s distant, but clear smile.

“No, of course not, that is not what I meant, Honored Princess...” he told her, leaning back against his chair and relaxing a little bit more. “But... I am very grateful for your words. I suppose they come from a place of honesty, rather than political calculation. And, before you answer, I know they do. I had enough proof already to be certain of that.”

And Twilight was more than happy to smile back at him. “Thank you, that means a lot, Honored Lord.”

He nodded, without a doubt satisfied with this exchange of gratitude. Then his face turned more serious.

“And yet...”

“... yes?”

“I think I know what would mean more. And be a good start to... repairing certain matters” Blessed Fang announced, his tone a little stronger. Official. “Considering our conversations and the signs we have both received... and believing, truly believing, that this action pleases Bogine and helps advance Her great design... and can bring joy to Her, instead of worry and sadness for us, Her children...”

He paused for a breath to again, stare Twilight’s way fully. With eagerness in his eyes and a smile on his lips.

“I hereby promise... that I shall declare for peace when we gather among the Lords again. For I believe that we were righteously warned of the war. But war that... due to my own actions as well, might envelop our own nation, rather than rage between ours. Your cause is just and I shall support it.”

Twilight felt a wave of relief surge through her and, for that one moment, all the feelings of those past nights, all the fear, insult, worry, tiredness, all the visions and all the blood spilled... It all subsided. She felt an incredible rush, actually, realizing that all of those moment led to this one. When she got the third vote for the sake of peace and cooperation among the Covenant.

It made all of this worth it.

“Honored Lord... thank you. Your words bring me joy that I can hardly contain.”

Blessed Fang laughed again. Though this time, it had far less to do with an overabundance of worry.

“I wouldn’t try to bottle it up too much. It’s not the healthiest thing to do, I don’t think...” he replied, reaching out to grab for himself his cup. “I’d make an official toast... but it would be a little stiff to celebrate a moment of honesty and openness, I find.”

Twilight giggled, gladly reaching for her own chalice. “Perhaps. And still, one feels like celebrating...” She then remembered her own fatigue, hitting her with its own, renewed strength. Actually, she had to hold back a yawn, even. Way to let go of both happiness and the built-up stress. “However... I think I’ll celebrate with a moment to myself. To rest and recuperate a little.”

The Lord nodded, understanding her in entirety. “Of course, Honored Princess, you are more than entitled to.” He pondered for a second. “Your stay at our Mountain was full of surprises and profound moments so far... but perhaps there is time for some warranted leisure, before it would be prudent for you to continue your quest. Would you wish to join me tomorrow for something non-binding, Honored Princess? Or would you rather have a night to yourself? I’ll accept either response without insult or sadness.”

Twilight smiled. “I don’t think I’m that tired, Honored Lord. And I’d like to see what ‘non-binding’ activities you have in mind, actually. I do not wish to be forward, but I would rather enjoy seeing what you, yourself, are keen on.”

“Well,” Blessed Fang shrugged a little, “I think that after those couple of nights, it wouldn’t hurt nor be out of place to have a little more... levity. But! I shall first ask my dear Kindlefang if she would like to do something for fun as well. Yes, she enjoys verlupti, like any Fang, but she has many more interests than that.”

Fun and personal interests. That was new, Twilight though. Well, not all of it, but still.

“You are always thinking about her, Honored Lord, aren’t you?” Twilight asked rhetorically and with a wide, honest smile.

And Blessed Fang returned it, his eyes more distant again. They saw a different mare before them than Twilight, clearly.

“It is not only my duty, as a stallion and a Lord, to care for and cherish her and my arriving child, the heir of my bloodline. I am, myself, very much in love.”

And that was something that Twilight could definitely understand and share.


“I’ve seen the Goddess... I’ve seen the Goddess!” Sunfall Ordain found herself declaring.

Shouting, actually.

Almost screaming.

And seriously hoping that nopony else was about the woods at this hour, since she had real issues with controlling herself in general. Or some issues at least, as she had her warrior’s training still. But that could do rather little against this incredible, profound joy which she felt all over her. Elation at what had just transpired and carved itself into her memory for the rest of her life to come.

And that was no exaggeration!

Her companion, hopefully the only witness of her rapture, was quite better at maintaining his composure. Though he squinted a little at her merry words. Or, rather, their volume.

“Yes, quite. And, actually, more. You have spoken with her. And... she definitely enjoyed that, herself.”

Well, those sentences weren’t helping! It was enough that she had squealed before the Divine Mother, she didn’t have to lose almost all dignity and repeat that!

“Stop making me realize that!” she protested, but the unicorn only shrugged.

“I do not believe I need to, you seem quite smitten by the realization yourself already,” he commented, almost casually. “I am simply pointing out the truth that is making my own heart gleam in joy.”

“Then you are incredible at hiding it!” she told him, invoking a smirk. Though it wasn’t a purely joyous one, for lasting only that slight pause before he replied.

“Years of practice.” Well, the expression was proving that. But the unicorn shook his head and chuckled. “I do not think I would make for the best Royal Advisor, granting the Goddess aid in matters mundane and secular, if I were to just hop, skip and jump every time her presence would lighten up my night. Though it is most of them, indeed.”

“I’m not sure if I should be jealous or shocked, Moonwarden, that you can speak of it like a normal thing!” Sunfall Ordain replied, feeling the shivers and goosebumps all over herself still. “To be in the Goddess’ vicinity so often, it’s just... it’s incredible. A true blessing!”

“I have to concur,” Moonwarden admitted, a little bit more of a smile appearing on his lips. A gentle smile, nonetheless. “The Goddess brings many blessings with her. One learns to appreciate them the longer one stays in her service, I believe.”

Yes, that must be true. But just this one moment, it... it’s simply... I mean...”

Sunfall Ordain found herself stupefied and definitely lacking the words to properly express what she was feeling inside. She looked up, in the direction the great Goddess had disappeared from sight. Almost longingly, hoping to see Her wing or horn or but a strand of her incredible mane, like the night’s very sky draped around her person.

Ha... this is just unbelievable. And I do not think you understand how hard it is going to be, keeping this to myself! I’ve talked with Our Mother, I’ve witnessed Her in person, right next to me and She... She...”

She felt stinging in her eyes.

“Yes?” Moonwarden inquired with well-measured interest.

She sniffed. But just a little!

“She spoke of matters... I have prayed to Her for years now and she answered my words so... so beautifully.”

And it was the honest truth. Sunfall Ordain knew she couldn’t let herself just cry outright. Not anymore. Not when the Immaculate Moon... Herself assured her. Strengthened her.

Yes, what she had done was standing against tradition and expectations, she wasn’t ignorant of that nor was she absolved of that utterly. But she was made aware that what had been done was still just... done.

She had made her choice. She was paying for it ever since, with dreadful, daily visions and conscience pressing down on her. But... it was time to try and accept what happened, like a grown mare. And continue serving the Goddess and others around to the best of her abilities.

That mistake was not taking away her duty.

And... the nightmares would surely start subsiding, as long as Sunfall Ordain would continue in fulfilling it.

The unicorn actually gave her a moment before speaking up again. It looked like he easily read into that moment of thought and hope from her.

“I can fathom all that you are claiming. I believe and share in the overall feeling of spiritual excitement,” he declared, though none of said excitement was present in his voice. “It is, however, necessary and imperative to keep this visitation to yourself, Sunfall Ordain.”

She put one of her front hooves against her armored chest, considering whether she should take offence at his little warning.

“There’s no need for reminders, Moonwarden. I’d sooner die and go to Goldhell for thousands upon thousands of years than say a word.”

“That is reassuring,” he admitted and indeed showed a little sign of relief, despite his rather stoic conduct.

“Still, batshit, my tongue will be on fire, feeling locked up behind my fangs!” she confessed back and the unicorn reacted with that crooked smile which he seemed to like a lot.

“I remember that swearword, so I will take that as an additional guarantee after all.” He realigned the monocle of his. “It was a momentous occasion, without a doubt. And, considering it... I feel like I should also use this opportunity to thank you. Personally and profoundly.”

“Thank me? For what?”

“Well, proper bearing, for once. I know the Goddess was hoping that you would be a pony of faith and necessary diligence.”

... was she starting to blush a little?

“Oh, please, Moonwarden, what else would I allegedly do? The Immaculate Moon... Herself was there, before me. I was only hoping I could show Her enough regard, I mean... she is the Goddess. To who shall I bow lower?”

“ ‘Whom’.”


“Never mind,” the stallion replied, checking his vest almost nonchalantly. But his stare, resting back on her, was still as keen as ever. “But esteem and faith is but one of the reason for my personal gratitude. The other would surely have to be... common sense. I find it a very important quality. Lately in short supply and becoming yet shorter,” the stallion claimed, with something of an unimpressed grimace. “But you showed more than enough of it. For it is one thing to follow one’s orders, as a loyal officer should. But to be smart in how one accomplishes what is ordered is the difference between a common grunt and a warrior of calling,” he added, nodding to himself. “To destroy the letter would have been rather wasteful. To learn the contents and keep it contained safely was the better choice.”

Sunfall Ordain felt like rubbing the side and back of her neck. Both at the praise and due to, well, reminding herself of how had it all come to pass.

“I... still don’t know about ‘common sense’. I... well, the Goddess’ hoof was in that as well, for certain. For I saw a sign and followed my instinct... at the last minute,” she admitted, with enough shame. “The letter’s a little damaged, but I hope no words were lost in it.”

“That would be a little unfortunate, I do admit,” Moonwarden assessed. And he suddenly looked a bit more inquisitive. “The sign you mentioned... Would you mean the star necklace by any chance? The one I took note of the last time I visited?”

“Yes. The one from Honored Princess,” she revealed, returning to that moment in her mind. “I spotted it glinting in the candlelight, there on my desk. The same candlelight I was going to use to burn the message.” She almost smiled. “Such a small thing, almost insignificant. But it caught my attention... and I knew I couldn’t... That I shouldn’t do it.”

The unicorn nodded, having taken in this information. “Indeed. Her Highness, Princess Twilight Sparkle, is undertaking a vital mission, so decrees the Goddess,” he declared, with reverence manifesting strongly in his tone. “I do hope the insights in the missive shall help us all ascertain ourselves of how Her Highness is doing so far. It is one thing what the Goddess knows, the other what we, her servants, can use, with our limited capabilities. And, who knows, maybe it shall already be more than enough to... how to say it... separate the grain from the chaff?”

Sunfall Ordain felt her head tilting a little. “... what do you mean?”

“Alright, how about – separating the good oranges from the rotten ones?”

“Oh! Yes, I can understand that.”

She could understand that, indeed. And all the hidden meaning behind that declaration. Still... it only made her think more. Much more.

“Let us not delay any longer, then,” she proposed. “The Goddess has a task for us, after all.”

Hearing no objections whatsoever, she began to slowly trot back in the direction of the tower, Moonwarden following with diligence.

Which walk did give her at least a moment to consider matters. Using the mentioned metaphor... who was still good and fresh? And who exactly had become rotten? Surely, if the Goddess Herself mentioned that it was so, it meant things were serious, right? More than serious, since She had decided to appear like that.

... the thought was still sending shivers through Sunfall Ordain.

But, that excitement aside for a breath... the situation must have been truly dire. And how could one tell how far this rot was going...?

“I... want to get things straight,” she started, hoping to be helpful and receive some help in grasping the general situation herself. “The orders were simple so far, concerning the mission and the Honored Princess. Prepare for the Covenant’s decision. Get the caverns ready and outfitted. Keep the communication contained to gain a natural advantage in these things. And take care to divert attention from where arrangements are being made...” she listed the dispositions. Moonwarden was nodding, surely to confirm he knew all of that and was acknowledging her correct input so far. “Care to tell me what of that was wrong or what changed in this situation? What does the Goddess mean exactly, do you know?”

The stallion wore a concerned expression for a brief moment, as his brow furrowed and his eyes squinted. “Well... first of all, you still must recall our first meeting well.”

“Of course!”

“Keeping in mind the role of Her Highness, Princess Twilight Sparkle, I suppose... at the start of it there was the matter of Equestrian authorities taking note of the maps being charted. So, naturally, the wise Goddess decided to keep an eye on that. To avoid any... misunderstandings, yes? Most ponies of Equestria have basically no knowledge of the history of these woods at this point, the fact fading into obscurity.”

Sunfall Ordain knew she grimaced quite a lot. The Solar Holy War was one of the most prominent and darkest moments in the grand tale of her kin. To think that sunponies were not keeping at least some notion of that tragedy in their minds was... irritating, at best.

... this very soil tasted the blood of the night-dwellers. How could one not recall that, trotting on it?

Moonwarden continued in the meantime, his tone rather official and decidedly careful, as she could testify. “Again, the Goddess had decided to keep an eye on this matter through me precisely. As it happens, I’m in a natural position to perform inquest in such situations. Which led to our previous meeting,” the stallion explained, giving her occasional glances, even when focusing on the pathway. He wasn’t using that spell of his to see in the dark. “I did my part back then... and you did your part as well, Sunfall Ordain. Not mentioning, even to my person, that the communications are on hold. And informing your superior of my visit, as I know that Commander Ardent Fang was made aware of it.”

She nodded, banishing any thoughts of pride. “Such were the orders.”

“Upheld well,” Moonwarden still praised her... with that one note in his voice that seemed almost too commendatory. “However... the Goddess expressed more of her worry to me, as her faithful, ‘local’ servant. Yes, the ancient crime of the war, the repayment and just conclusion of the matter of retaking the lands from this country is one thing,” he accentuated, in a firm way, “but the Goddess was... and still is hoping that, by sending Her Highness, Princess Twilight Sparkle, there might be hope of a... slightly easier way of doing things than what seems to have been strongly prepared lately. Do you understand?”

Sunfall Ordain did nod, even if she had to admit, Moonwarden’s way of presenting these matters was rather convoluted. He liked those big words and complex sentences, like he was explaining things to himself as well. That much had been clear to her from the start.

And he seemed to simply like hearing himself talk... but everypony had their vices, right?

Yes, of course, I understand,” she told him. “I mean... an offensive was one of the options as far as I was told. If the Princess would turn out to be... uhm...” She hissed a little. “Less than sympathetic to the cause? Is that how you say it?”

“Yes, indeed, but...” Moonwarden pursed his lips, simultaneously unimpressed and reluctantly accepting something in his mind. “I think Her Highness’ problem is that she is too sympathetic to far too many causes, actually... but her intentions were and still are most genuine, I assure you,” he claimed with far stronger conviction than his expression would suggest.

“That I believe. Yes, she bears the Divine Aspect, granted from the Judging Sun. One would expect her to be far more judgmental and unforgiving,” Sunfall Ordain admitted, rubbing her chin. “But I suppose that, if that were the case, she wouldn’t have been picked by the Immaculate Moon... And the Honored Princess, from what you’re telling me, constantly is supported by Our Mother’s will. I can see why, if I can be even allowed to comment on the Goddess’ choices,” she said, fearful of crossing any lines at all.

Moonwarden didn’t seem to think so. “It is but a comment, not a critique. And I can tell you see where the Goddess is going with this one, can you not?”

Now that was a loaded question if Sunfall Ordain had ever heard one! “Who am I to grasp Our Mother’s design? Still...” she added, staying true to what she was thinking, “I found the Honored Princess really nice. Open and friendly. It was a pleasure hosting her, even if so briefly.”

“I can believe that... but you have said one thing I am not sure I am grasping... ‘Divine Aspect’?” Moonwarden asked, but then opened his lips as if hit by the answer from the inside immediately. “Oh, yes, alicornhood, of course. Right, well, that ascension definitely did not change the Princess’ previous qualities. She always was quite so amiable, as far as I can tell...”

Sunfall Ordain did nod. Well, if the merciful Goddess had found those qualities desirable in the mare, who was she to argue? They definitely have convinced the garrison and herself! And the Honored Princess’ assigned bodyguards had appeared on good terms with her.

Well... she couldn’t tell what had happened later. She could only hope that it hadn’t been connected with a missing fang.

“But, back to my point.” Moonwarden’s voice and gesture did grasp her attention once more. “Her Lunar Majesty, the Goddess, did feel a lot of perturbation over this... unique mission of the Princess. She, indeed, expressed hopes that Her Highness’ qualities would facilitate a new, firmer and greater understanding between her children and the ponies of Equestria. And yet, as I understand and as she did tell you herself... there seem to be ponies that clearly wish to use this situation to their own advantage. Ponies right there among the faithful.”

Yes... that declaration did not sit well with Sunfall Ordain. Not that she distrusted it, no, the Mother’s words were the ultimate truth. But the notion that somepony would be trying to... capitalize and abuse Her designs? Distort Her great plan? That was unthinkable. Or, rather... that was disturbing, discouraging and irritating altogether. Because, despite everything, Sunfall Ordain was not going to be naïve in unbelief.

... she could easily try and name a few of her rotten kin herself, actually.

She inquired, simultaneously curious and wary. “Did... did the great Mother mention who exactly would be so brazen?”

“... what was that last word?”

“Oh, sorry. Uhm... ‘daring’?”

“Ah, yes,” Moonwarden understood. “I imagine that you would be one of the first to, how to say it, cleanse them of such devious notions?”

“If it would be asked of me,” Sunfall Ordain admitted, shrugging a little. “I’m a warrior, not a priest. I’m not one to judge and condemn, for that reason and more. But if I were to be chosen to exact just punishment...”

The unicorn smirked again, checking the eyepiece of his. “I did witness how fiercely you deal with troublemakers.”

Drunken fool... But those are just a nuisance. We are talking about those that dare oppose Mother’s designs.”

“Indeed,” Moonwarden agreed, but then immediately shook his head. “That knowledge is, as of now, for the Goddess to keep. And for her to distribute as she sees fit, I believe. I know not who exactly would she mean.” He paused for a moment, squinting a little. It looked like he was deliberating something with himself for a brief time. “I actually think that... Her Lunar Majesty, the Goddess, wishes to be most merciful.”

“That is Her distinguished, holy trait, yes,“ Sunfall Ordain confirmed what she thought more than obvious. “But... what would you mean now?”

The unicorn rubbed his chin a little. “Mercy is hers, as well as wisdom that escapes our reasoning. We are imperfect and meager in comparison, after all,” he added, with something of a... longing? Or was that just Sunfall Ordain’s imagination? “Still, I believe that at the moment she... wants to give everypony yet one more chance. To better themselves. To step away from their malicious plans. To accept a better path, truer to her. Outright revealing the shortcomings of said... currently-lacking-in-piety-and-obedience individuals... would not give them a chance at free redemption.”

That explanation... made sense. Though Sunfall Ordain felt like the unicorn was beginning to believe in it only as he was revealing it. However, it sounded rather proper. And was once more proving that the Immaculate Moon... was indeed a benevolent and kind Goddess.

Giving chances to even those that had sinned and remained with their tarnished consciences.

She inhaled with a little hiss. She recalled the teachings of the priesthood, back at the Mountain of Sunfall. Betterment was a matter of seeing and accepting the bountiful offer of redemption... and sometimes decorating it with the damaged coat and pain across one’s back.

And yet, as hard it was to imagine... perhaps there were ponies who wouldn’t stray from their own, malicious visions, even if the great Mother Herself would appear before them and offer them their chance.

Sunfall Ordain could simply be glad that, when her miraculous turn came... she didn’t choose to wallow in her mistakes, but accepted the path towards healing...

But that required effort. Effort she could very well show, by the Goddess!

“Well, then,” she spoke up after that moment of consideration, “I am doubly willing to grant whatever aid possible in this scenario. I’ll still hope that the message from the Honored Princess does show that she met night-dwellers that love the Goddess with all of their hearts and wish to see Her designs fulfilled.”

Moonwarden nodded thoughtfully. “We share said hope. And yet we must not be gullible. Where there is power and opportunity, of any sort, there shall be ponies willing to use and abuse them for their own, selfish gains,” he claimed and a shade crossed his muzzle. Dark and most foreboding. “Refusing to see such a possibility is being willingly blind.”

She couldn’t disagree, though that expression did cause her to ponder. “You seem offended by what you have said.”

“Offended?” the unicorn asked, giving her a glance. “No, simply... experienced.”

“Personally experienced?” she inquired out of sheer nosiness, she had to admit.

Blatant nosiness, considering Moonwarden’s glance. But his smile told a different story. “Well, I would be the last pony to claim that I am infallible in that regard. But were I not a shameless opportunist I would never have sneaked into the Goddess’ very chamber to pledge my loyalty to her. Best abuse of favourable circumstances in my life,” he claimed, making Sunfall Ordain giggle at the tone he used.

But she wasn’t losing sight of her question. And, as it appeared, neither was he.

“Yet... I do not think I would be saying too much by admitting that, even prior to being in the Goddess’ service, some matters around Equestria... some very troubling and discouraging matters were clear and apparent to my sight.”

“Such as?”

“How to say it... That if you look too long at just the bright and sunny side of life, you fail to spot what can lurk in the shadows. And things do lurk in the shadows,” he accentuated, stretching his back a little even as he continued trotting. “Even when we are, desperately and miserably, trying to tell ourselves that either things are not there... or they will gladly step out into the sunlight if only we will ask them really, really, really nicely.”

There was something serious... deadly serious in his tone and Sunfall Ordain believed she grasped what he was trying to say. Or, if she didn’t understand it... she at least felt it.

Moonwarden continued, with that deadpan, almost resigned smile. “Codswallop and tosh. One has to look into the shadows. Not fear them, but have a grasp on them. One has to learn how to move in them, be comfortable with them... even if preferring to stay where there is brightness.” He gazed at the starlit sky. “Thankfully... there is the night. Teaching us that there can be both light and shadow, entwined and mysterious.”

“That sounded almost... spiritual,” Sunfall Ordain pointed out with a smile of her own. Though far more positive than the unicorn’s. “What changed when you have talked with the Immaculate Moon... for that first time? Did she enjoy that conversation as well?”

Moonwarden almost chuckled, shaking his head. “Your eagerness to know is quite considerate,” he told her and she wasn’t sure if he meant that as an expression of gratitude or discomfort. “I do believe she did. I think the more I proved loyal, useful and resourceful, the more she realized that this first meeting we shared had been pleasant in its own way.” He glanced at Sunfall Ordain with a quite sharp, but mischievous stare. “It is not every night that an Equestrian pledges loyalty to the Goddess.”

“No, I imagine not,” she concurred, a little upset in her core at that truth.

“Indeed...” he replied, with something of a chuckle. “I know I will never forget that meeting. When I set my eyes on her for the first time... more things became clear to me. That talk we had... it just made my conviction... sharper.” He looked somewhere to the side. Like he was reliving the moment right before his eyes. “Enough said that I wish to protect the Goddess’ interests. With all my strength and my heart.”

Sunfall Ordain couldn’t help but smile. Actually, she also couldn’t help it but trot a little closer to the unicorn and give him a little, supportive nudge.

“You could have been born a night-dweller, you know? You have the spirit for it.”

Moonwarden looked a little surprised at first, especially at the gesture... but then smiled faintly. “And the hue of coat, I believe.”

She laughed. “Ha, yes, without doubt.”

“However pleasing your declaration is, Sunfall Ordain,” the unicorn did retort, “I am quite happy being who I am. To be comfortable with yourself and your virtues and your vices is a good goal,” he claimed.

“But vices should be worked on!” she told him in return, causing him to smirk quite mysteriously.

“Yes, quite. Still... the Goddess has uses for my, how you call it, ‘Gift of Magic’. And my quite established position in the Equestrian system, as well. Now, we shall assure that her plans can continue and bear the... good oranges, no?”

He said that having in mind that they could at that point see the tower’s shape beyond the trees ahead. And Sunfall Ordain did support his declaration. Wished to add to it as well.

“You speak the truth. For the Immaculate Moon...” She bowed her head in reverence... and tried to contain another shudder of excitement over the very recent and very amazing memories. “I’m not going to have a feast prepared at the place tonight. We’re pretty busy with all the preparations, expecting further orders. But you are most cordially invited still, of course. I have the letter—”

“I appreciate the offer, Sunfall Ordain, I truly do,” Moonwarden interrupted her, stopping in place. “But I trust you can get the message out here quicker without my presence. Said presence,” he pointed out, looking about as if expecting a witness to their journey, “might summon some questions which should be avoided.”

“Questions which should be avoided?” she parroted him, a little surprised. “You’re a faithful of the Goddess, surely there’s nothing strange in you coming to pay visit to us! You know that my warriors took a liking to you.”

He looked at her as if she had said something completely ridiculous. Or was she imagining things?

“Of that I have no doubt,” he still replied, with a small smile. “However... I do believe that your rapid return from your nightly tasks will already be a thing to ask about. You do not need a well-dressed stallion of the, usually more sun-enjoying persuasion accompanying you and then leaving without much of a delay. For the will of the Goddess must be observed at once.”

Sunfall Ordain could agree, but... found herself grimacing a little. Caution was a good thing to have in mind and, yes, she was aware, the visitation from the Divine Mother was to be kept secret. Still, not wanting to step in, at least for a moment? That seemed to her like doing too much. Or too little, rather. It felt almost rude!

Besides, what questions were dangerous here? That a servant of the Goddess met with other servants of the Goddess? That was clear as moonlight and not a cause for worry!

“I would... insist, you know,” she told the unicorn, looking at him a little askance. “It would surely not be anything inappropriate to simply say that I have met you and got back here to host you for a while. I could send Larchleaf or Stillfang to cover for me.”

Moonwarden said nothing for a moment. She only saw his eyes lose focus. Like... like he was not there for a brief time. Or... there was some sort of an inside conversation happening? It was hard to say.

Although, whatever it was, it passed in a matter of a few heartbeats before he gazed right at her again.

“I grasp your welcoming predisposition and thank you for it. Under normal circumstances, I would not hesitate even for a moment to enter and enjoy your company and your hospitality. However, I am a stallion of duty,” he explained, trying his best at smiling politely. “And when I am tasked to deliver the message to the Goddess personally, I do so without delay.”

Sunfall Ordain grinned back, actually. “And I am a mare of duty myself, Moonwarden. And I remember well that the Divine Mother told us that we shall retrieve the message together. You alongside me. So I’m not letting you go until you come with me and I give it to you in my office.”

Her expression became only more joyous as she saw his own tensing a little. Yes, he was all prim and proper. Yes, he was without a doubt a dutiful servant of the Goddess. But when circumstances were as they were...

“And we’ll have a nice toast before I do so. Nopony needs to know why, but I believe it is more than warranted after the events of this night!”

The unicorn squinted a little... and for a brief moment Sunfall Ordain thought that she had insulted him. Without any desire to do so! She actually meant it all, with nothing else but sincerity.

For she hoped that it wasn’t just her imagination, but Moonwarden looked like somepony that needed to once in a while be reminded that whilst being faithful to the Immaculate Moon... was a matter of pride and diligence and challenging oneself... it was also a source of joy.

Or it definitely should have been! The Goddess had said it Herself! To fight for those sparkles of happiness and hope!

Still, the stallion definitely did not look convinced. He held that expression for a while longer, actually beginning to worry Sunfall Ordain a great deal. Especially when he took a deep breath and exhaled. Were he a batpony, he would have surely hissed, of that there was no doubt.

“Not often does somepony catch me on something as trivial as a technicality. And yet, nothing trivial about this one. But magnitude and importance, as the Goddess made her will known to us both...”

He spoke, his voice absolutely frigid. Sunfall Ordain imagined the tips of the mountains back home could get warmer than his declarations.

However... with the shaking of his head came much more amiable tones after all!

“And since I have been caught, without a doubt... I cannot help but to relent to the pony that is responsible for such a snare.” He sighed again, but this time with a little more dramatic exaggeration. “Very well. Let us have a small, private celebration. Though I would still wish to keep it brief. For the sake of diligence.”

Sunfall Ordain did smile back at his choice and, for the sake of the same diligence, stepped closer. She put her armored hoof on his shoulder. With a little, friendly force.

“Glad you agreed. Come on!” she encouraged him further. “Is there a better reason to be a ‘little’ merry than knowing the Goddess is right here, with us? And that She loves us?”

“I cannot think of one, honestly,” he replied, indeed having capitulated. And even sounding a little happier.

But... that note of small joy could not explain to Sunfall Ordain why the unicorn kept constantly on the lookout, glancing furtively to his sides as they went to the tower.

Nor could said note unravel why Moonwarden’s eyes turned so sad.

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