• Published 30th Apr 2012
  • 33,016 Views, 1,647 Comments

Friendship Contract - Demeristraz

A contractless summoning lands Naruto with quite possibly the strangest/coolest summon's ever seen.

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Clash on the Big Bridge

Big Mac was summoned to help carry Kakashi the rest of the way to Tazuna's house. Naruto spent most of the trip regaling the large workpony about their latest conquest. The others on his team expressed concern over their jounin teacher, but Naruto waved it off as chakra exhaustion. "I've done it to myself dozens of times while training, Fluttershy knows how to deal with it, I'll call her when we get him to a bed."

Upon reaching the small cottage on the outskirts of the village, they were ushered inside by a young lady who introduced herself as Tsunami, Tazuna's daughter. With Kakashi safely tucked in to one of the bedrooms, Big Mac left and Fluttershy arrived, leaving the three genin to plot their next moves in the living room.

"So what do we do for now? Kakashi will be out of it for a few days right? Maybe we should have done more to help in that fight." Sakura said, looking rather concerned.

"I wasn't too keen on any of us getting close to Zabuza after that first disaster." Naruto grumbled, rubbing his mostly healed cheek.

"Nothing you had would stand up to him? I was beginning to think that armor of yours would never crack." Sasuke smirked, joking to cover his worry.

"I've got to stop relying on it really, it's a bad habit. Even at full strength it isn't impervious, what really bugs me though is that he broke the Bubble and my Wind Sword. I'm going to spend a lot of time making those stronger now." Naruto said, actually looking depressed.

"So what about Gato?" Sakura said, trying to get everyone back on topic. "With his trump card down he's going to get desperate to stop the bridge being built. Do we train up for when he attacks? Or do we help with the bridge, to push the timeframe forward."

"I don't know why you bother. You can't beat Gato, he's too strong!" Came a voice from the stairway, a young boy sat there giving the group his best glare.

"Kid, Gato is an untrained business man and an unmitigated coward, he isn't strong in any sense of the word. Just leave it to the heroes, this village will be free of him before you know it." Naruto bragged.

"There's no such thing as Heroes, you're only going to die, just like every other hero." The boy said, tears forming in his eyes.

"If that's the case, why don't you just run to Gato now? It's hopeless isn't it? Your grandpa can't win right? Maybe if you sell him out to Gato you can get a reward." Sasuke said, getting an elbow in the ribs from Sakura for being harsh.

"The difference between a hero and a villain, is at some point in everyone's life, they get a choice between doing the easy thing, and doing the right thing. At some point you have to decide what is important, where do you draw the line, and when you do, you either stand up to guys like Gato, or you cower away and become as bad as him for letting it happen." Naruto shrugged.

"The whole village let it happen. Gato killed my father right in front of them, and the whole damn village let it happen!" Inari yelled, turning around and rushing up the stairs.

The trio shared a sigh, and turned back to their planning.

"I guess it comes down to who do you think needs more time to prepare?" Sasuke said, plotting and scheming had become his thing during the past few months. "Our teacher is out for a few days at least, so we may want to delay helping on the bridge until he's awake. If Gato sees the project pick up speed he may attack right away."

"Um... I don't mean to interrupt, but Kakashi is awake..." Came a quiet voice from the doorway. "I wouldn't let him get out of bed, for his own good of course... but he says, 'Zabuza isn't dead, but it will take a while for him to recover.'" Fluttershy said, looking up at the genin for their reactions, which were understandably bleak.

"Well, that changes things, we need to push the bridge along. Gato won't attack until Zabuza is up, and Kakashi will get better quicker." Sasuke said.

"And how exactly do you three kids expect to speed up the bridge? I've been losing workers left and right since Gato started attacking, I'll be lucky if we're done within the month at this rate. If you went after Gato right now, maybe I could convince the villagers to start helping again once he's gone, but as long as he's still there, I'm hopelessly understaffed." Tazuna said, leaning on the doorway to the kitchen.

"I can clone myself like one hundred times, if that helps." Naruto deadpanned.

"Well, you and I are going to have a long night kid, it's time for a crash course in bridge building."


The next morning found the trio being led to the bridge. They had argued about who should stay behind to guard the house and those inside, before agreeing that a few clones could do the job just fine. They passed through the village along the way and Naruto found it hard to focus on the job ahead.

"You're such a bleeding heart Naruto, you can help the village when Gato is taken care of." Sakura said, putting a comforting hand on the boy's shoulder.

The bridge itself was honestly quite impressive, a creation of steel and concrete that stretched out over open water. Down below several small boats floated, sinking foundations to build upon as workers lengthened the bridge from above. "Alright kid, you know what to do, disperse and go get to work." Tazuna said to the blonde, before gesturing at the other two genin. "You two are on guard duty, the attacks usually come from land, so staying back there is fine." He gestured aimlessly at the land behind him.

A massive cloud of smoke appeared as the bridge was flooded with a swarm of orange boys, they all scattered across the bridge with cries of enthusiasm and grabbed tools. The groups quickly found their niche, able to walk along the underside of the bridge to eliminate the use of scaffolding, and forming lines to pass tools and supplies to more qualified workers. The original Naruto paused, and then summoned Apple Bloom, he figured she'd at least get a kick out of seeing the bridge being built.

"Naruto! Ah did it! Ah Really Did It!" Came the call of the excited filly as she hopped around Naruto.

"Calm down Apple Bloom!" Naruto called, grabbing her by the tail before she could hop off the edge of the bridge.

"Whoa!" She cried, suddenly looking down at the water far below. "What the hay am I doin' all the way up here?"

"We're on a bridge. Now what's got you so excited?" Naruto asked, pulling her back onto safe footing.

"Ah got mah cutie mark! I did it!" She said, turning about to show it off. Sure enough, there on her flank was a bright red apple, with a hammer and saw crossed underneath it. "Isn't it cool? I finally got mah cutie mark!" she continued bouncing.

"That's great Apple Bloom! How did you get it?" Naruto asked, causing the filly to calm down again.

"Celestia came by ta see tha ship! There was this big ceremony, and she named the ship for us, and wished us the best of luck on our adventures. The next thing Ah know, Ah've got my cutie mark for building it!" She said proudly.

"Well, we always figured your talent was building things, so it's about time this happened." Naruto chuckled.

"No way! You knew? Why didn't ya tell me?" Apple Bloom said.

"We tried! I mean really, you fixed up that old tree house of yours, and you built that stage for the talent show. You've got more skill with a hammer than anypony I've ever seen!" Naruto said, seeing the look of realization come over the filly.

"So what about your friends? How are they taking the news?" Naruto said, changing the subject.

"They're happy for me, but I can tell they are a bit jealous. They've started working even harder at it. Scoots is eager to fly the ship when Twilight is done enchanting it, if Twilight ever decides its 'good enough'. She's also been getting karate lessons from Rainbow Dash." Apple Bloom said with a grin. "Sweetie has been writing a lot, and hanging out with Lyra. I hope she doesn't hate me now that I'm not a blank-flank like her."

"I'm sure she doesn't hate you, both of them will always be your friends. Tell Scootaloo I'd love to spar with her sometime, and Sweetie Belle I can't wait to hear what she's come up with." Naruto said, giving Apple Bloom a reassuring pat on the head. "Now, why don't I show you around the bridge."


The days passed quickly, and Kakashi was finally allowed out of bed by Fluttershy, on the condition that he take it easy. He agreed with the plan of pushing the bridge along, figuring it would force Gato into making a move. So far a few thugs had come by to intimidate the workers, but were quickly dealt with by Sasuke and Sakura before they could so much as pop a clone.

It was two days since their arrival that Fluttershy came to Naruto with a plan at sunrise. "Twilight spoke to Zecora about one of those books you gave her." The quiet pegasus said, "There should be some herbs around here that can help with recovering chakra."

"That sounds awesome, we can definitely speed up Kakashi's recovery with those. Where should we look?" He asked, already getting ready to face the day.

"Well they only bloom during the early morning, so we'll have to go now if we want to find any." She whispered, not wanting to wake the other genin. Naruto was almost out the door alread.

They walked in companionable silence for about a mile, until they arrived at a clearing, and set to work gathering laves from small flowering plants. About twenty minutes later they were interrupted.

"Ah, hello. I didn't expect anyone else to be here." Came a soft voice from the edge of the woods. Naruto looked up to see the most beautiful girl he'd ever laid eyes on. "I suppose you're collecting herbs as well?"

"That's right, is a friend of yours hurt? We've my team has been chasing off thugs all week, but I know things in town are rough as well." Naruto said, placing another handful of leaves into Fluttershy's saddlebags.

The girl eyed the pony with interest as she bent to pick a few leaves. "I don't approve of what he's done to this town." She said softly.

"I don't think anyone with a heart could. It's not the money, or the material goods he's taken from them that's so bad, sadly there are plenty of people like that in the world. What makes him a total monster is, he's taken the people's hope." Naruto said, picking another leaf. "Anyone who works for that guy is just as bad."

The girl gave a barely noticeable flinch. "Even bad guys have dreams you know. Some of them are quite worthy too."

"If you start with a worthy dream, but sell yourself to get it, you're no longer worthy of having such a dream." Naruto said, rising up and leading Fluttershy away.

"What is your dream then? What do you work towards, that you wouldn't give everything to achieve?" The girl asked, seeing him leave.

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki, I'm going to become Hokage, so I can protect everyone who's precious to me, and bring peace to this struggling world. If I threw away my precious people, if I fed into this senseless violence and suffering, it would be worthless to achieve my dreams. I'll do this the hard way, or not at all. And there is no way I'm going to let myself fail." Naruto said, walking back towards the cottage.

"Such a strange boy." Fluttershy whispered, and Naruto fell flat on his face.


Days passed and the bridge was at 80% completion. Naruto had worked hard but the chakra toll had caught up with him. Kakashi was fully recovered, and had given Naruto permission to sleep in that morning. The rest of his team was at the bridge when Naruto awoke to sounds of a struggle. "Leave my mom alone!" came the cry of Inari, Tazuna's grandson. Naruto leaped out of bed, grabbing his gear quickly and heading for the door.

"Hey bro! Check it out! The kid want's to be a hero!" Came laughter from downstairs, "Show him what we do to heroes, we only need the mother."

"I don't want to hurt anyone." Came a monotonous reply.

"Dude, what's going on with you? I told you to kill the stupid animal, not have a staring contest with it!"

"I want to go home, and rethink my life." Said the same monotonous voice, followed by the sounds of a door shutting.

"Weak! You're weak! When I tell Gato you bailed on us we're going to hunt you down you hear me?"

Naruto burst down onto the main floor, catching the remaining thug by surprise. "What? Gato said the ninja would be at the bridge!"

"Gato says a lot of things." Naruto replied, angry at himself for almost letting everyone present get hurt. From the corner of his eye he saw Fluttershy was still there, shaking with fear in the corner of the room. Inari stood before his mother, kitchen knife in hand. The thug before him drew his sword and lunged, narrowly missing the orange genin. Naruto darted around him, sticking a tag to the man's chest as he passed.

"You wouldn't dare, you'll bring the house down on top of everyone!" He shouted, sweat running down his forehead. Naruto made a hand seal and the man screamed.

The tag made a muffled pop before unsealing its contents, several gallons of sticky taffy. The swordsman soon found himself disarmed and pinned to the floor in a sticky sweet mess. "Fluttershy, you did great, but you can go home now if you want to. Inari, you and your mother need to get into town and find somewhere safe." Naruto said, quickly making a few more hand seals.

With a poof of smoke, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie stood before him. "Uh, I only called for Rainbow." He said, giving Pinkie an odd look.

"I know, but my Pinkie sense told me I was needed, and I brought a bunch of those battery seals, so I can call in the cavalry." The pink pony grinned.

"Fine, go into town with Inari and his mother, get whoever you can to help protect it in case Gato's thugs attack, but please try to stay safe." Naruto sighed. "Dash, I need to get to the bridge in ten seconds flat."

The rainbow pony grinned. "Hop on!"


Sasuke was having a bad day. It started out alright, for the first time in weeks he wasn't woken up by Naruto at an ungodly hour, and today would be a slow day at the bridge without him there. It wasn't until he reached the bridge that things went south. With Sakura left to protect the bridge builder, he was caught up in the fake hunter ninja's trap all by himself. 'This doesn't seem physically possible.' he thought to himself, as he glanced at the mirrors around him.

The hunter ninja could apparently manipulate ice, it was rare but not unheard of, some ninja clans up north did that as a staple of their ninjutsu. That the hunter ninja could fit himself inside a mirror too thin to hold him was another thing all together. Again, Sasuke was willing to suspend his disbelief, he himself could eventually call upon a bloodline rumored to have caused the first Hokage to curse the heavens about 'the most broken ,reality hacking bloodline to ever exist.' That quote was copied in golden lettering upon the walls of some of the clan's hidden chambers.

What really pissed him off, was that the ninja could apparently replace himself with any of his reflections within the mirrors at a moment's notice. Reflections. Not even physical things, simple creations of light projected upon polished frozen water molecules. Sasuke himself was wary of even using the replacement technique, for rumors of some sort of extra-dimensional mahogany demon that took a piece of your sanity each time you used it. At least mystic space logs had mass though, the technique that shamelessly abused reality before him was starting to grate on his nerves, and also fill him with needles.

He wanted to say it was watching the movements of his opponents that triggered his bloodline to awaken, or seeing the swarm of needles closing in on him for the kill. He wanted to say it was his enemy that caused his life to flash in front of his eyes, and for his eyes to turn red as he watched it happen in slow motion. But the truth was, it was a blue and orange and rainbow colored blur that smashed through one of the upper mirrors on the prison, that he watched in slow motion as it landed on the bridge. It was in excruciating detail that he saw the four legged speed demon land with enough force to shatter the concrete of the bridge, and then see the polychromatic dust cloud float upwards in a mushroom pattern. It was like moving through molasses, as he grimaced and raised his arms up to protect himself, as sound finally caught up to its arch nemesis, and the reverberating 'BOOM' blew the ice prison away like an opera singer in a greenhouse.

He stumbled to his feet to see Naruto get off his mount, and give it a hoof bump as it unsummoned. He wanted to yell at the blonde for being so risky, he wanted to rage at him for nearly throwing him off the bridge, he wanted to joke about how Naruto would probably fixing the bridge's first pot hole. Instead he shook it off and pulled out a few of the more irritating needles.

"You do realize, the hunter ninja was inside one of those mirrors." Sasuke said, moving forward as Naruto climbed out of the crater he had made. "I thought you had something against blowing people to bits."

"Aw c'mon Sasuke, you know it's never that easy to win. We still have to posture and brag, and the bad guys have to monologue, and we have to give our inspiring speech..." He trailed off, seeing a hand reach out of one of the larger ice fragments.

"Seriously, like, literally inside the mirror? Twilight would have a conniption if she were watching this. This breaks how many laws?" Naruto said, seeing the hunter pull his entire body out of a shard big small enough to wrap a belt around.

"He can substitute with any of his reflections, while he's inside the mirrors." Sasuke smirked, knowing Naruto would be as pissed about that as he was.

"Ow, my sanity points." Was the orange boy's response.

"So what's the plan? He thinks fire won't work." Sasuke said stepping forward.

"Shall we redefine 'fire' for him?" Naruto finished, getting behind him.

A few hand sings later and a grand fireball roared across the bridge. A wall of ice rose up in front of the hunter ninja. "I told you before, that won't-"

With a louder roar a massive ball of wind tore into the fire, the resulting heat was enough to vaporize the water and throw the masked boy backwards from the backdraft. Naruto squinted past the fire. "Going... going... Gone! Ring out! Nicely done Sasuke." He said, giving his friend a friendly fistbump.

"It's only temporary, what kind of ninja would let falling off a bridge into the turbulent water below stop him?" Sasuke replied, but returned the gesture anyways.

"Not a very good one." Came a stoic reply from their right. Their adversary had returned, a little singed, but stood proudly upon another plank of ice.

"How is it floating?" Asked Sasuke.

"Stop pointing these things out! My sanity can't take much more!" Naruto cried.

They were both interrupted by the sound of birds coming from across the bridge. "Master Zabuza!" The masked ninja cried and rushed towards a dimly glowing light. The fog cleared to reveal the sword wielding ninja completely disabled, and Kakashi closing in for the kill with a fist full of lightning. At the last moment Naruto turned to look away, as the hunter ninja leapt forward, and took the blow for his master.

"Haku..." Zabuza said, still pinned by many dogs. "You should have ran. I'll soon succumb to my injuries anyways."

"Then I shall continue to serve... In the afterlife." The masked boy replied.

Their touching display of loyalty was interrupted by the sounds of clapping at the far end of the bridge. "How wonderful, such a lovely display of affection between master and servant, reminds me of so many plays. It's only a shame they didn't kill you first, but at least you spared me the need to pay them."

"Gato, I presume." Said Kakashi, stepping up to block the man and his many followers from reaching Tazuna.

"That's right, I'm here to see the job finished myself, I figured a hundred men could do what these two failures couldn't." The short man replied with a sneer.

"Naruto, those wind shuriken would be useful here." Sasuke muttered.

"I know... but I don't really want to kill them." Naruto said, caught up for the first time in his beliefs.

"They're bandits, the punishment for that is death. Even if capture them alive..." Sasuke said.

"We can drive them off..." Naruto suggested.

"Back into wave? Or into the ocean so they can drown at sea? Even if they go somewhere else, they just become someone else's problem."

"Damn it Sasuke what do you want me to do?" Naruto cried.

"Make it as quick and painless as possible, then work at fixing all the terrible things they've done. We're pruning dead branches here." Sasuke said, drawing his sword and reactivating his newly acquired sharingan.

The crowd had begun to move forward, and had taken less than ten steps before an arrow landed before them. The thugs paused to look for where the shot came from, until one of them pointed up. "There! Up in the sky!"

A massive ship dove from the cloud cover, flying through the air on a pair of bright orange wings. On board, holding on for dear life, was most of the population of the village, as well as several brightly colored ponies. Apple Bloom scurried about securing ropes as Scootaloo manned the helm, the steering wheel had been altered so that when airborne the wings on the boat moved when she moved her own. Towards the front middle of the ship Sweetie Belle stood on a box, shouting orders to her impromptu crew.

As the ship pulled out of its dive it swooped over the bridge, between the ninja and the mob of dumbstruck thugs. "Ready the cannons on the port side! Fire all batteries!" She yelled and the villagers ran to obey. Several wooden panels on the side of the ship dropped down, and odd looking cannons were revealed, with a tug of their fuse string blasts of purple energy shot forward, striking at random in to the crowd. This was the last straw for the mob, who's morale broke and they began to flee. The cannon fire continued and barely 10 of the original hundred men escaped into the woods.

With a flap of her wings Scootaloo maneuvered the ship off the bridge and down onto the water. The ninja and genin ran down to the shore as the villagers lowered the gangplank and moved out to greet them. "Captain Sweetie Belle of the E.S. Ixion, reporting in!" Came the voice of a little white filly, as she strode down the plank. Kakashi noticed the reverence an respect the villagers were giving the little filly.

"Sweetie Belle, excellent timing, I love the ship. But what are you doing here?" Naruto said, rushing forward to see his friend. She immediately dropped the formal attitutde.

"Isn't it great? Pinkie said you were calling in the cavalry, so we volunteered to bring our ship! Twilight really set us up! Scootaloo makes a great helmsmare, doesn't she? She got her cutie mark on our first voyage a few days ago!" She said, jumping about in excitement. Naruto looked up and sure enough the little orange filly was proudly sporting a ship's steering wheel over a pair of stylized wings.

"I knew I'd get my cutie mark for flying." She said with a smirk.

"So what happened to the thugs you blasted?" Kakashi interrupted, genuinely curious about the boat before him.

"The cannons are hooked up to the central magic crystal." Sweetie said, remembering what Twilight told them. "I can change them to cast different spells that are already enchanted to the crystal. We used the teleporting one, to move the bad guys into the jail."

"The brig!" Corrected Apple Bloom from somewhere on deck.

"Right, well, we'll need to relieve you of them. " Said Kakashi with an eye smile. The little filly captain nodded and the villagers stood aside.


It took quite a bit of discussion, but the villagers agreed to keep the captured thugs in an old prison that had fallen out of use during Gato's reign. Many of those working for the man had done so out of desperation, with Gato being the only job in the region that paid good money for quite some time. They would serve a few years before rejoining the community and their families.

Gato himself was publicly executed, a fact which never reached the pony community, but failed to bother Naruto as much as expected. He himself was not present at the execution, instead he lead a large team of clones to raid Gato's 'fortress' for resources the town could use. The newly elected mayor of the village gladly accepted what he could find, and vowed to put it towards restoration projects.

With more than enough volunteers now working to complete the bridge, Naruto found himself with enough time for one more project.

"Stallions and Mares, Fillies and Gentle-colts, I stand before you not as your summoner, but as your friend. I have come across a village that had, until recently, lost all of its hope. Until recently they had been locked in a desolate winter, with no hope of recovery. Their town is run down, their food supplies are at an all time low. I ask you now as a friend to help me welcome back spring for them, I ask you, as one village to another, to help them get back on their feet, and find the same spirit that exists within the community of Ponyville."

A resounding cheer went up through the population of Ponyville. And with a massive poof of smoke they all were brought to wave. It was hard on Naruto, to sustain this many ponies, but so long as his chakra was not used for anything else, he could keep it up for a day of work.

Pinkie Pie had confided in him that it took way more chakra than she had been expecting to summon the 'Ixion'. Apparently summoning inanimate objects, those not carried by the creature you're calling upon, took exponentially more chakra. It would take a week of storing chakra, like he had with Pinkie Pie, or tapping into a larger source, before he could summon the ship and its crew again.

He looked about as the ponies scattered about the village, already at work clearing debris and repaving roads. Earth ponies plowed fields and planted seeds, unicorns worked with pegasi fixing damaged buildings. Soon enough the villagers who hadn't gone to work on the bridge joined in alongside them. He noticed Glimmer working alongside a few other ponies, it seemed she had really been accepted into the community, he could only wonder idly if there were others like her among those summons hard at work.

By the time the day was done, the village looked brighter, and full of even more hope. and the bridge was a few stones away from finishing. They woke at dawn the next day, prepared to place the final stone in the bridge and be on their way. There was little ceremony to it, although they did agree to name it the 'Great Naruto Bridge', for all the orange ninja had done for their community.

With the sun still rising over the horizon the team started their journey home, Naruto already relaxing upon his favored vapor-formed chariot. Sasuke gave a few complaints about not flying the Ixion back to Konoha, but Naruto promised him he'd use the ship in whatever stunt he pulled after becoming chuunin.