• Published 30th Apr 2012
  • 33,050 Views, 1,647 Comments

Friendship Contract - Demeristraz

A contractless summoning lands Naruto with quite possibly the strangest/coolest summon's ever seen.

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Not What Was Wanted

Naruto's enthusiastic cry was cut off as his mouth was invaded by a sudden influx of pond water. Struggling against the sudden surge of panic he managed to find purchase for his feet on the muddy ground, and push himself to shore. He flopped down on the grass beside the heavily disturbed pond, dimly noticing his fox mask float over to join him on the side of the pond, pushed up to him on a wave caused by his thrashing.

His contract was wrecked, he knew without looking, not that it mattered, he could draw a new one. His clothing was in an even worse state than it was before, now muddy and wet and scummy from the pond. Worst of all he felt overwhelmingly tired, perhaps using all of his chakra was a bad idea. Oh well he thought The grass is comfy enough. And with that last coherent thought, Naruto fell into blissful unconsciousness.


The sun rose at precisely 7 am, with day and night controlled by living deities there was no need for daylight savings times or adjustment of schedules. Keeping to one such schedule a pink haired pegasus rose to the sound of singing birds, stretched her wings and legs out, and set about feeding the vast menagerie of animals that inhabited her property. As she fluttered through her home, dropping seeds and veggies for her tiny woodland friends, she found herself humming along to the bird's choice in music. Today it was "Smile smile smile", a song which her pink friend was credited for composing on a whim, and was often caught singing as she paraded through town.

Finishing indoors she headed out back to refill the bird feeders, before tending to the pond to feed the fish. As she neared the water feature in her back yard, however, she noted its state of disarray, worried that some animal from the forest had fallen in she galloped towards it, and caught sight of the most unusual of creatures.

Whatever it was, it was a mess, between dirt and pond weeds, it was tough to make out exactly what the creature looked like. It appeared to be wearing clothing, old and worn and dirty as it was, which caused the pegasus to pause. What sort of non-pony wore clothing? What sort of creature got dressed up just to wander into her back yard?

She crept closer to investigate, letting out a breath she hadn't realized she had been holding as the creature gave a small snore, letting her know it wasn't dead. It was small, not only short, probably as tall as Applebloom if it got on all fours, or up to her wings if it stood on hind legs, like a dragon or a diamond dog. It seemed too thin, like some of the animals that she woke up every spring.

Noticing the dirty blonde mane on its head she ruled out 'dragon', although it seemed to have whiskers, which confused her even further. She stopped in her assessment, noticing the mask that was on the shore of the pond next to it. It was dirty, and still wet from the night before, but she could make out the general shape and recognize that it was usually white with red markings.

Sudden realization hit Fluttershy with a gasp, she recognized the mask from old pony-tales she had read as a filly, tales of trickster foxes who would change their shape and play jokes on ponies. The tales cautioned that while the foxes could often seem mean, to those who proved themselves worthy they made wonderful friends. As a filly Fluttershy would often dream of meeting one, finding the concept of any sort of woodland critter alluring, let alone magical ones. Everyone always assured her that kitsune didn't exist though, but what else could this creature be? Pondering for a moment, Fluttershy quickly found the obvious solution, Twilight would surely know.

With a quick look around to ensure the creature would be safe, and a quick prayer that it didn't run off before she returned, she galloped off into town to find her bookworm friend.


Twilight awoke to rapid pounding on the library door. Slowly opening one bleary eye she cursed her mentor for raising the sun at such an hour. She was up late the night before, as usual, reading a thesis on 'Extra-dimensional Influence on Pre-Nightmare Equestrian Culture'. It was interesting, to say the least, that there was so much evidence to suggest that much of pony culture, from language to cuisine, was influenced by cultures in other dimensions .

Still, she paid for her late night enthusiasm as she trudged down the steps to answer the door. It was an unexpected surprise to find that the source of the racket was a usually timid Fluttershy.

"Twilight," she yelled, as much as Fluttershy could be expected to yell, "You must come quick, I've made a tremendous discovery!" Seeing Twilight's obvious shock, she quickly amended, "I mean, if you aren't busy with anything..."

Twilight took a moment to reboot, "What is it exactly you've found?" She asked, not in the mood to look at another 'rare' example of a brown bunny with white spots, as opposed to the normal white bunny with brown spots.

"It's a kitsune!" she gasped out, her excitement mounting with each moment, until she quite nearly rivaled Pinky on a slow day. "I woke up this morning and found it napping by my pond! It must have fallen in during the night!"

Twilight arched an eyebrow at this. "A kitsune?" A nod from Fluttershy. "You're certain?" Another enthusiastic nod.

"I don't know anything else it could be." This got Twilight's attention, nopony knew more about animals than Fluttershy. With a shrug she turned to gather a few choice books into her saddlebags, and the two set out towards the yellow pegasus' cottage as she tried to describe her find. "It's small and thin like it might not be really healthy. I think it walks on its back legs, like spike. Only it doesn't have scales, or fur, and it wears clothes. But it does have a mane, and whiskers on its face like a fox. And it even had the mask nearby, like the ones they wear in the old pony-tales."

The more she described the creature the more perplexed Twilight became, unable to picture in her mind anything from her books that fit the description. The fact that it walked on its hind legs alone ruled out most species she could think of, even spike would eventually grow into being quadrupedal given time.

Soon enough they reached the cottage and went right around back to the pond, and sure enough the strange creature lay there snoozing away like Rainbow Dash on a summer afternoon. Twilight took a moment to look it over, finding it exactly the way Fluttershy described, right down to the muddy mask a few feet away. "Should we move it inside do you think?" Twilight suggested, already running through the steps she had read for identifying wildlife.

"Maybe... Um maybe we should... Um wake it up?" Fluttershy seemed quite nervous at the prospect. What if it got angry at being woken up? What if she blew her chance at befriending a real live kitsune?

"Hmm, I suppose if it really is sentient that would be the simplest way to find out what it is. The clothing suggests it should be able to answer questions." Twilight nodded to herself, Occam's Razor after all.

With Fluttershy cowering behind her, Twilight stretched a hoof out to nudge the creature awake.


Naruto stirred to the feeling of something nudging him, already dreams of befriending fierce dragon summons and becoming the youngest Hokage at the age of 6 were vanishing into a morning fog. He could hear voices nearby, perhaps the morning librarian had found him? They likely wouldn't be as gentle as whoever was poking him was.

Come to think of it, the voices sounded rather young, and rather feminine. Chancing opening his eyes he quickly squinted them shut once more, as bright morning sunlight poured down upon him. He definitely wasn't inside anymore, Duh he thought I'm laying on grass, and the wind is blowing on me. With a quick reprimand for not being 'ninja' enough he opened his eyes again and sat up.

The world around him was certainly not the world he knew. He had spent his life in Konoha, and had grown accustom to trees, but the ones before him, while presenting an intimidating forest, were just too small to exist in the land of fire. Above him was a clear blue sky, with perfect little clouds that hung still despite the wind. Around him was an abundance of wildlife, seemingly uncaring that a human lay among them. And behind him was a picturesque little cottage straight from a fairytale.

"Are you okay?" A girl's voice asked, presumably the one who woke him up. Perhaps it was whatever he summoned? He brimmed with energy at the prospect. Did it work? Did I get something cool? Like a dragon? Or a Tiger? He turned around quickly towards the sound of the voice.

"Yeah, I'm-" He never finished his sentence, all thought was cut off and replaced by the urge to leap ten feet in the air yelling "Horse!"

The urge overtook him, despite how 'un-ninja' it might be, and he screamed, and leapt, and fell right towards the pond once more. He never quite made it, instead being caught by some unseen force, and gently lowered back to ground by his possible summon. He groaned inwardly at that, his super awesome ninja summon was a horse, a tiny, purple horse. Still, they wouldn't be his summon if he blew his shot at befriending them, and it was better to have a summon than to not have one. Even if it was girly right?

Interestingly enough, "How did you do that?" Was the thing his brain decided to fixate on, despite all the questions that buzzed through his head. This produced a slight giggle from the horse in front of him.

"Have you never seen unicorn magic before?" Twilight asked, trying her best to appear harmless, realizing how much she startled it before.

"Unicorn." Naruto blinked a few times and stared into space for a moment. Magical Talking Purple Unicorns. My summon is Magical Talking Purple Unicorns. "No, I have never seen unicorn magic." He answered after a moment, just now noticing there was another horse attempting to hide behind the purple one. This one was yellow, with pink hair that reminded him of that little girl he had protected from bullies. He smiled at that memory before noticing. "You have wings."

"Oh um... Yes... I am... um... I'm a pegasus pony." She stepped out from behind her friend, head angled away from him and partially hiding behind her hair. She seemed terrified, as if any sudden movement on his part might scare her away.

"So there's different types of... ponies?" He ventured, thinking perhaps a contract might be worthwhile after all, flying was pretty cool, and magic seemed like it could be useful.

"Yes, the three most common are unicorns, like myself who can do magic." She demonstrated by levitating his mask over to him. Definitely useful he thought to himself. "Pegasus ponies who can fly and manipulate the weather." Admittedly, also very cool. "And earth ponies, which have neither a horn or wings, but are really strong."

Naruto sat pondering this for a moment, girly-ness aside, they might be useful summons, and they seemed nice enough. At the moment he might sign the contract just to have them as friends. There's a thought... I've never really had friends.

"If you don't mind us asking... we've never seen anything like you..." The purple one ventured.

Naruto's eyes shot open, and he hopped to his feet, putting his fox mask on in the process. The pegasus darted back a few feet startled, and he inwardly winced at that. "I'm Uzumaki Naruto, and I'm going to be the next Hokage!" He cried, striking what he thought was a very cool pose.