• Published 30th Apr 2012
  • 33,016 Views, 1,647 Comments

Friendship Contract - Demeristraz

A contractless summoning lands Naruto with quite possibly the strangest/coolest summon's ever seen.

  • ...

The Sound of Battle

The group of eleven young Konoha ninja tore through the forest in relative silence, Kiba leading the way with his nose. "I see a group of 5 up ahead, they have a barrel filled with chakra, but it's so dense I can't make out what's inside." Neji called, as the group slowed down.

"I'm picking up six... no seven chakra signatures." Karin added, slowing to a halt to concentrate. "Two are coming from one body, the one in the barrel feels like Sasuke but... wrong, somehow. I'm also sensing Kabuto, from the exams."

"Are you sure she's reliable?" Ino asked, as the group exchanged looks. Naruto nodded and the team crept closer devising a plan.

"Alright Shikamaru, have any brilliant plans?" Naruto asked, knowing the lazy ninja would be able to come up with something. The boy in question crouched down and concentrated for a few moments, while the trackers kept an eye on their prey.

"You said there was backup coming?" He asked.

"Yeah, but they won't be here any time soon. Time is a priority here, we can't pursue past the boarder." Naruto confirmed.

"The team we are facing is probably used to working together. Best case scenario we split them up, and then use our superior numbers to take them down." Shikamaru said. "Problem is, if they know we outnumber them, they won't split up. We should send in half of our team first. The other half stays back to ambush."

"Good idea, but we're sending transformed clones first, wouldn't do to send people in to a possible trap." Naruto agreed, and began giving out orders.

Minutes later the six armed member of the Sound ninja team looked up suddenly, and signaled to his teammates. "You may as well come out, we know you're out there." He called into the trees.

In response Naruto, Kiba, Neji, Shikamaru, and Chouji leapt into the clearing. They had decided among themselves to lead with their more 'physical' members, for intimidation factor. They kept Lee in reserve as a trump card, and displayed Shikamaru to lure the Sound five into a false sense of security. Sure enough a quick order was given, and the largest member, a man named Jirobo, trapped the collection of clones in a massive dome of earth. There was a brief discussion, and the remaning Sound ninja fled, barrel in tow.

The moment they were gone a shadow shot from the underbrush, ensnaring the large Sound ninja and causing him to step away from the dome. "Shadow Imitation success." Shikamaru said calmly. On cue several wind enhanced shuriken shot from the nearby trees, personal beliefs aside, Naruto was aiming for a kill shot.

In a move that shocked all watching, the large ninja broke free of the hold through sheer brute force, and called up a quick wall of rock to protect himself. "I can't hold him!" Shikamaru called, leaping into the trees as the wall shattered outwards into a hail of jagged rocks. "He's too strong!"

"We're wasting time here, the target is gradually leaving my sight radius, and we don't want to rely on Kiba to tack them!" Neji called, preparing to step in.

"Leave it to me!" Chouji said, stepping in front of the Hyuuga. "You're one of our main trackers, you go with the others, I'll hold this guy off here."

"I'll stay too, we have the number advantage right? Two to an opponent will help our odds." Sakura said, taking a stance on the other side of their target. The gathered ninja all looked to their team leader, who gave a single nod, and in a flash they departed.

"You shouldn't have done that." Jirobo growled. "I could probably trash your entire team, what hope do you two have?"

"Please, you're just a mook with a bad hairdo, we'll have you beaten down in no time!" Sakura bragged, getting an enthusiastic grunt from Chouji, who finished his final chip and pocketed the bag.

"My hair? At least it isn't pink!" The orange haired man replied hotly, glaring at Chouji. "What are you laughing at you fat piece of trash?" With a sudden flurry of hand seals several balls of earth shot up and were quickly thrown at the two.

Chouji shot to one side to dodge, while Sakura rushed forward, punching through first one, then another ball with ease. She was forced to retreat, however, when the brute of an opponent lashed out at her, with a punch strong enough to crater the ground where it struck. She gulped a little, having only reached the point where she could do the same using chakra.

She was spared a follow up attack, luckily, when Chouji blitzed her opponent as a quickly rolling ball. Seeing it work similarly to Naruto's Twilight Bubble, she treated it the same, keeping an eye on him as he rolled around the clearing, clearing openings for him to attack. Spotting an opening she darted in, planted her feet, and let loose the strongest punch she could, hitting her opponent's chest hard enough to drive him back several feet.

Sadly this didn't seem to faze the man, and he sent her skidding into the dirt with a vicious backhand. Chouji was quick with the follow up, plowing into the best of an opponent at full speed while he recovered from overextending. With a shout the man took the full force of the impact, grunting in exertion as he slid through the dirt, gradually slowing to a standstill. Chouji kept rolling in place as black markings seemed to appear on the Sound ninja's body until with a sudden surge of strength the Konoha ninja was lifted into the air, and thrown unceremoniously at Sakura.

The two managed to scatter apart from each other and get back into a ready position quickly, noting that their opponent didn't follow through on the attack. "I can't believe I had to use the first level of the cursed seal on trash like you." He taunted.

Chouji said nothing in response, merely pulling a box containing a green, yellow, and red pill out of his equipment pouch, and eating the green one.

"Still eating huh fatty?" The Sound ninja taunted, causing Sakura to twitch at the hypocrisy. With an unnatural speed he lunged towards the two Konoha ninja, arm cocked back for another haymaker. Chouji darted forward, and in a move surprising Sakura, caught the larger man. Feet digging large furrows into the ground the two slid to a standstill, locked in a grappling contest. "How can trash like you, compete with me?" The larger man grunted out. "It was that pill wasn't it?"

Chouji's only response was to shove the man back, and follow up with a loud series of open palm slaps to the chest that sent his opponent reeling. With a final rush the genin grappled the Sound ninja and threw him over his shoulder. Seeing an opportunity, Sakura leaped, flipping over once, and delivering a powerful axe kick to the enemy's throat, sending the man down into the ground with even more force.

The two Konoha ninja stood back and waited, watching for any sign that their opponent was still in the fight. They got a fairly clear warning when a sudden surge of chakra flooded out of the crater. "Why..." came a rather deep voice, as a very different Jirobo climbed out of the hole. "You're nothing but trash. You're teammates threw you away to stall me. Why are you struggling!" He yelled, looking crazed.

"I've been called fat all my life." Chouji said, speaking for the first time the entire fight. "Growing up, my only friend was Shikamaru. When I entered the academy, things seemed like they'd stay the same. Naruto brought me out of that, he became my second friend, and helped me to make more. He made me feel welcome where I thought I'd always be different, and following him... I know I'll become the man I want to become. My friends are all here on this mission, even Sasuke, and I won't abandon them."

"We may be trash to you, but those who abandon teammates are worse than trash." Sakura said, stepping up beside the boy. Despite not knowing much about him, she was impressed so far, and made a mental note to hang out with him more once this had blown over.

Chouji reached into his pouch once more, and withdrew the yellow pill. Seeing it, the Sound ninja dashed forward at an inhuman speed, trying to interrupt the boy. Sakura moved to cover for him, as the pill was popped into his mouth and his right arm cocked backwards as if to punch. She darted in, moving into a series of punches and kicks that would break the bones of lesser opponents. Instead she felt like she was hitting solid steel as the demonic-looking man barreled through her.

She managed to roll with the impact and look up to see Jirobo close into striking range, just as Chouji's fist came forward...

And grew to gigantic proportions. Jirobo's forward progress was halted, then promptly reversed as a wall of flesh and bone sprung up before him. The impact sent him airborne and pushed him back out of the clearing and through several trees before stopping, leaving him to fly several hundred feet more on his own.

Sakura was left awestruck, in every fight she had seen of the boy's he'd only ever done his 'ball trick'. "Can you do that with any part of your body?" She asked, rising to her feet.

Chouji, for his part, turned beet red and began stammering, so she amended her question. "I mean like, both arms, and legs?" She got a nod in response.

"Only after using the yellow pill at the moment, I'm not that far along in my training." He admitted.

"What happens if you take the red pill?" She asked, knowing there was a third.

"I get a hundred times stronger... and then die." He replied.

"Oh... No red pill then." She agreed.

Jirobo crashed into the clearing moments later, spotting his quarry near the far end, with the meddling pink haired girl in between once more. With a roar he charged past the girl, and slammed a fist down on the overweight boy. He was furious when rather than a human paste, he was rewarded with splintering wood as his prey performed a substitution technique.

He was left confused when the boy reappeared, only to give a cheeky wave, and turn into the pink haired chuunin with a poof of smoke. Glancing over at the girl's former position he confirmed that it was a simple clone. Realizing he'd been had he looked around rapidly for where the major threat could possibly be.

His answer came in the form of a colossal foot stamping down upon him from above. Sakura had given the boy a boost upwards moments before, and while he wasn't as light as Naruto or Sasuke, he still managed to clear the treetops at the peak of his jump. When Jirobo rushed the decoy he left himself in the perfect position, and got to feel firsthand how it felt to be a cockroach.

And much like a cockroach, when Chouji's foot withdrew their opponent arose once more, looking injured and angry, not nowhere near as 'nearly dead' as he had any right to be. "I need to learn to use the gates or something." Sakura grumbled, leaping back to a safe distance from her opponent, who appeared to be frothing at the mouth. "Everyone has a suicidal power boosting technique but me."

The two boys immediately went at each other again, locking one another in grapples and throwing each other about like sumo wrestlers. Eventually Sakura got fed up and leapt to Chouji's side. "Enough! There is one time-honored, sure-fire way to defeat an opponent. Make him hold still, and whatever you do, look away afterwards, it makes it cooler."

Getting a nod from the boy she reached into her equipment pouch for what she'd need. It wasn't her style Normally she'd smack her teammates for suggesting it, but she was getting desperate, and knew Chouji would be going for his red pill any minute now.

With a final surge of power Chouji threw another massive fist, sending it careening through the air at speeds that would make meteors jealous. Predictably Jirobo caught the massive fist with both arms, digging in his heels and forcing it to a stop. "I will not be defeated by Trash!" He yelled, positively vibrating with uncontrolled fury.

As soon as the fist was thrown Sakura was running down the length of the arm, reaching the end within seconds. As Jirobo halted the appendage's advance she leapt over the knuckles and landed behind the Sound ninja. Ignoring the maddened yells she began sticking the back of the ninja with tags covered in seals, deciding to use all fifteen on the premise that overkill was better than under kill.

Stuck holding back the relentless force of Chouji's fist, Jirobo couldn't even turn to see what the pink haired ninja was doing. When the knuckles finally shrank and withdrew he turned to find the girl at the very far end of the clearing, ducking behind a fallen tree with hands over her ears. A quick look in the other direction showed the other Konoha ninja was doing the same.

The clearing was suddenly filled with an earth-shattering kaboom.

Both ninja took a moment to check that their opponent was truly dead before sitting down to catch their breath.

"We did it." Chouji said, pulling a new bag of chips from his equipment pouch.

"You did it, mostly. I was just support." Sakura grumbled.

"There's nothing wrong with that though, is there?" Chouji asked. "Without your help, I'd have probably used the red pill by now."

"I just really need to develop my own style I guess. I've been working hard, getting my strength and taijutsu up to where I won't be a burden, but compared to guys like you and Lee, my taijutsu is nothing." She said, laying back to look up at the sky. Tsunade had agreed to teach her, but she was mainly looking for combat skills, not medic techniques.

"You really think I compare with Lee?" Chouji asked thoughtfully.

"Well, in terms of collateral damage maybe." They both laughed, looking around at the decimated forest. "Should we go after the others?"

"You can go if you want to, I'm going to be suffering the after affects of the yellow pill soon, so I'll be no help." The large boy answered between munches of chips.

"Forget it then, we'll just wait for our backup, and direct them towards the others." Sakura said, already at work planning upgrades to her training schedule. She was struck by a sudden thought, thinking back to their fight. "Your family's partial expansion techniques work on the premise of momentum right? You swing while the limb is small and light, and once it gets up to speed you increase the mass and size. Do you think there's a way to increase the mass of a limb without increasing it's size?"

"Probably with an earth technique, or sealing." The boy replied. Sakura leaned back with a grin, if her theory worked, she may even beat Tsunade in strength one day.


"Neji, I wish to speak with you." Came Hinata's quiet voice as the team dashed through the trees.

"This isn't the best time is it?" He replied calmly, eyes still scanning ahead. While Kiba and Karin could sense their enemies, he had the job of leading the team around hastily prepared traps.

"I just wanted to know why you decided to volunteer for this." She said, eyes also active but finding nothing her cousin had missed.

"I was forced to do a lot of thinking, sitting in the recovery area after the chuunin exams. Your father came to me, and told me the truth of what happened to mine. Mostly I've realized that in my own arrogance I've filled myself with preconceptions." He said, leading the team left around another wire trap. "I convinced myself that things were as I saw them, and that they could not change. I refused to work towards any real goal, instead believing fate would hand me everything. It was weakness on my part, it just took Naruto to beat it into my thick head."

"And now?" Hinata asked, as they began closing in once more on their target.

"I have a goal now. If the branch members are fated to remain that way, then I will work against fate to unite our houses, and bring freedom to us all." He said, with determination that surprised Hinata.

"I would gladly work alongside you cousin." Hinata smiled.

"Damn it all, they're right on our tail, didn't Jirobo stall them at all?" Tayuya called to her teammates as they fled through the forest. Sure enough in visible pursuit were four of the five ninja that had attacked them earlier.

"You guys keep going, I'll take care of them." Kidomaru called, turning about and spitting a massive web between the trees. The pursuing ninja failed to adjust in time and crashed into it, becoming captured in the sticky webbing. Nodding, the other three sound ninja darted away, barrel in tow.

"You've been pesky little flies haven't you? Those bonds are reinforced with my chakra, you won't escape before my teammates cross the border with your precious Uchiha. Of course you won't be escaping at all, you're my prey, and you're at my mercy." He said, walking slowly towards the captured ninja as they struggled. "Any last words, little fly?"

"You talk too much." The response came from behind him, just as the ninja in his trap poofed into smoke. Spinning around he was met with a dozen rapid palm strikes from Neji that forced him back into the web. Reacting quickly he caught into the non-sticky strands, and scrambled up into the trees. "Hm, you have some kind of natural armor as well? Troublesome."

"That's my line." Called Shikamaru as the rest of the team assembled on the nearby branches.

"Not so fast!" Kidomaru called, spitting out a massive barrage of webbing at every visible ninja. He had to pin them down and retreat, there was no way he'd win against this many. The ninja all scattered, avoiding the webbing but finding it hard to maneuver with this many allies around.

"You guys go, I'll handle this guy. We don't have time to waste here." Neji said, once again closing in on the spider-man's location. The opponent focused his attention directly on the long haired boy, and spat a rapid volley of webbing at him, as the other ninja nodded and retreated.

In a display of skill Neji managed to disperse the first volley of silk projectiles with well aimed gentle fist strikes, but was soon overwhelmed by their number and pinned to a tree. Not willing to draw the fight out Kidomaru quickly charged the silk produced by his salivary glands with chakra, and launched a deadly golden spear towards the immobilized victim.

It was intercepted halfway by a gentle fist strike from Hinata as she dropped from her hiding place. "I will assist you on this." She spoke softly, dashing into close range and dropping into a low stance. "Eight Trigrams! Two palms! Four palms! Eight palms! Sixteen palms! Thirty two palms! Sixty four palms!"

With each call she struck, pushing the six armed boy back along the tree branch, and with a final strike shoved him through the trunk of the tree. Eyes active, she could see without turning that Neji had freed himself from the webbing. "Next time, you can be the bait." He said, picking strands of silk from his hair.

"Don't like being the damsel in distress?" Hinata smiled, genuinely ecstatic to be able to speak to her cousin without hostility for the first time in years.

"He isn't down. He has some kind of armor, like Naruto does, we'll have to overwhelm it. One hundred twenty eight palms should do it." Neji said, staring down at the dust cloud as it faded. Sure enough their opponent was still standing, shedding a layer of golden silk.

"He can produce silk from his sweat glands, as well as his salivary glands." Hinata noted. "It must be a voluntary reaction, an ambushing strike should also work."

With a nod both genin rushed their opponent, but were brought to a halt when a flash bomb went off at their feet. When it cleared the six armed boy had vanished to the treetops. The two Hyuuga took up a defensive stance apart from each other and waited. Seconds passed in an agonizing crawl, before finally a whistle signaled an attack.

From the treetops dozens of golden kunai darted from the treetops, precisely aimed so that neither genin could dodge. Almost simultaneously both konoha ninja began to spin, emitting chakra as they did so, and producing a blue dome of violently turning energy. The deadly swarm of kunai clattered to the ground uselessly.

Kidomaru was forced to dodge to another branch, as the moment the rotation stopped the genin put their momentum into flinging a kunai each. The sound ninja noticed with some discomfort that one had lodged where his head would have been, and the other in the space previously occupied by his heart.

Within seconds the assault of kunai continued, as both genin resumed spinning to deflect them. Kidomaru drew on the first level of his cursed seal and summoned a massive spider in the treetops above, which began to drop swarms of smaller arachnids upon the genin below.

"He's stopping us from spinning." Hinata said, using chakra to force the webbing off of her.

"We'll have to stop the spiders manually." Neji replied, both dropping into the stance for the sixty four palms technique.

The rain of spiders continued as both genin swatted them away at frantic paces, all the while dodging golden kunai that flung in from all angles. To Kidomaru's surprise Hinata was the first to break from her position, darting over to her cousin with reckless speed and catching a golden kunai out of the air. Neji paused in shock, having not seen that projectile until the girl had plucked it from the air.

With a nod to the Hyuuga heiress as thanks the two settled back into a rough stance, back to back this time. Kidomaru fumed, that reaction hinted that there was a blind spot on his targets, but with the two covering one another he was out of luck. The rain of spiders and kunai continued, and the genin easily kept pace.

Hinata concentrated hard on swatting the spiders, a small instinctive portion of her brain moved her body around the kunai, and screamed at her to knock away the kunai she knew Neji wouldn't see. Behind her Neji did the same, protecting the heiress from attacks aimed at her blind spot. As Hinata struck she began to focus more chakra into her strikes, extending the range of her gentle fist gradually, until it became thin sharp beams about a foot in length.

It had been something she'd been working on, a side project to learning the gentle step. Her father had acknowledged she'd never be as strong as Neji at the basic form, and so had opted to teach her in a different approach. This, however, had been her own idea, her own creation.

The technique was inspired by Naruto, like a lot of things she did, admittedly. During the exams he had pointed out the differences between the Kaiten and the Twilight Bubble. She had taken the criticisms to heart, especially about it being a solitary defense that left the user immobile. These two faults she had worked on for weeks in private, eventually reaching this stage in development.

Neji worked on autopilot, locating targets around them, assessing their threat levels based on speed and where they were going. The ones that he could dodge but would hit his partner had top priority, the ones that both could dodge had medium priority, and the ones that would only endanger him had the lowest. It was a repetitive cycle of moving and striking that left him in nearly a trancelike state, no longer actively thinking about his next move. It was a jarring experience to have his routine broken, not by some outside force, but because there were no longer any targets.

The rain of kunai and arachnids and silk hadn't halted, he noted, glancing about. There were still projectiles in the air, however anything deemed hazardous was stuck down before it could even reach the range of his strikes. Behind him Hinata danced, turning her body as her arms moved with fluid grace and flexibility. Each palm had a thin strip of chakra projected from it, and with each swing of her arm it cut a swath through the optimal number of projectiles. She worked around Neji, swinging at speeds the seemed to project a screen of chakra that no harmful object could pass.

What shocked Neji most was when they began to move. Slowly at first, but picking up speed gradually they moved out of the clearing of kunai-hell, and the protective screen moved with them. Hinata was panting hard by the time they reached the trees, and finally let the defense fall. "Take down the spider, it's heart will be on the upper portion of its abdomen." She gasped out, getting a nod from Neji. Being on a team with an Aburame was helpful at times.

Neji rushed up the tree and leapt into the treetops, arms working furiously to swat down attacks and cut through web traps. He reached the arachnid summons, and with a single leap landed on its back, jabbing a plam strike downward and stopping the creature's heart. "Neji!" He turned, just in time to catch the very tip of an arrow at the edge of his Byakugan's range. Throwing himself out of the way, he watched as the single arrow broke through a nearby tree, and sent the top half tumbling to the ground.

"Dealing with two Hyuuga at once certainly isn't easy." Kidomaru called, revealing himself from a distant tree. He had gone into level two of his cursed seal mode, and now wielded a golden bow and third eye.

Neji hit the ground with a roll. The arrow he had dodged was moving at such extreme speeds that anything less than throwing himself from the treebranch would have been fatal. Their opponent had some way to direct his arrows, making avoiding lethal shots even more difficult. Another arrow shot from the treetops, this time it was Neji who called out a warning to his cousin. She dodged, but still took a rather deep cut to her left arm.

Focusing on extending the maximum range of his vision he followed the guiding thread on the arrow. It would leave him open to attack, but he trusted his life to Hinata's hands. Tracing the line as quickly as he could he just barely caught a glimpse of their attacker. "Got him!" He called, locking onto their target. His cry was interrupted as Hinata knocked him to the floor.

He spared a moment to check on her, seeing she had taken a cut across her back in his defense. Biting back a grimace, he instead chose to rush the Sound ninja, intent to ending the fight. Kidomaru shot arrow after arrow at the oncoming genin, which Neji dodged and then cut the guide wire to protect Hinata. Finally dashing into close range he immediately dropped into a low stance.

"Eight Trigrams! One hundred twenty eight palms!" He cried crashing into the six armed man with the force of a tidal wave. Neji felt the armor beneath his strikes break bit by bit with each strike, giving out as he neared the end of his combo. With a cry of pain the Sound ninja flew off his branch and out over open air, reaching out to cast a web and escape.

"Not yet!" Came Hinata's cry as she lept over her cousin. "Gentle step! Roaring Lion Strike!" She cried, fist glowing with chakra visible to a normal eye. She brought the strike down on the ninja's sternum where it emitted a low growling noise and pushed right through what remained of his armor, sending him crashing to the ground below.

Hinata went limp from exhaustion, but was caught mid air by her partner. The two genin slumped down next to a tree, both exhausted from their fight. "Those were some pretty awesome moves back there." Neji said, attempting to break the silence.

"I'd be happy to show you in a spar sometime." Hinata said. She knew their spars in the past had been anything but friendly, but she was hoping to repair their broken relationship.

"I'd be honored." Neji replied with a small smile, the two of them relaxing to wait for their backup to arrive.