• Published 30th Apr 2012
  • 33,050 Views, 1,647 Comments

Friendship Contract - Demeristraz

A contractless summoning lands Naruto with quite possibly the strangest/coolest summon's ever seen.

  • ...

The Coming Dawn

Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke were at the gates of Konoha before Kakashi had even left the Hokages office. Dimly the Jounin wondered if he was still considered the captain of their team. The chuunin were already packed to go, and immediately took off running in the direction of Suna, unwilling to wait for their perpetually tardy teacher.

Deciding that they weren't going fast enough, Naruto began to shine, picking up speed and pulling a head of the other two. Not to be outdone Sasuke removed the top portion of his rather ornate Hakama, which he had picked out for both its style and functionality. His upper torso now bare, he began drawing energy from his seal, intending to fly towards the desert village.

"Hold it!" Sakura yelled, halting both boys. "Am I the only rational one on this team? You're really going to waste all your energy just getting to Suna?"

"Gaara has been kidnapped, even though he isn't a personal friend of mine, if they extract the ichibi he dies, and the bad guys get stronger." Sasuke said, giving Sakura a cold look.

"Not to mention there are poisoned people we need to help, Gaara's brother Kankuro, and a Pony, so either Pinkie Pie or Sweetie Belle." Naruto added.

"I know that, but the guys who took Gaara must be strong, we'll have a hard enough time fighting them without you two being exhausted. We'll run as quickly as we can, but no techniques, got it?" She demanded, putting her foot down on the matter. Both boys reluctantly nodded, but again took off at speeds most Jounin would be hard pressed to match.

They tore past a teahouse with such speed that Temari and Shikamaru both only had the briefest chance to glance up in confusion. When Kakashi came by at similar speeds minutes later, the Nara merely shrugged and went back to his tea.


The team, Kakashi included, made it to Suna in record time, and were quickly brought to the medical wing, where Kankuro and Pinkie lay on two cots, with various personnel fussing over them. "Eh? Who are you supposed to be? I asked for the slug princess herself, these are my two favorite students we're dealing with, I'm even willing to put aside my hatred for that pretentious know-it-all." Grumbled an old lady, sizing up the trio as they entered.

Naruto performed a quick summoning and Fluttershy appeared, loaded down with saddlebags of necessary tools. Upon seeing Pinkie laying sick on the cot something came over the Pegasus, and she stepped into the room boldly. "I need a bowl of hot water, and space!" She yelled, getting surprised looks from everyone present. "NOW!" She yelled, terrifying the people into action.

"Wow... Fluttershy can be really..." Sakura trailed off, not knowing how to describe the scene as the normally timid yellow pegasus ordered about the hospital staff.

"Terrifying? She's made adult dragons cry before when her friends are in trouble." Naruto said, causing all three to shudder.

"Heh, only makes sense that Tsunade is training a pony of her own." the old lady grumbled, watching Fluttershy get to work. "You're their summoner then?"

"Naruto Uzumaki, nice to meet you." Naruto said, "These are my teammates, Sasuke Uchiha, and Sakura Haruno."

"Never heard of any of you. I'm Chiyo, village elder of Suna, and formerly the villages Poison and Puppet expert." She introduced herself. "I've been training those two for about three years now. I was reluctant at first, since the pony is allied with Konoha. Old wounds are slow to heal after all... but seeing how unorthodox she can be with her seals... She's been a boon to both villages."

"I'm certain both of them will be back on their feet soon enough." Sakura said, comforting the old woman. "Once they are stable, we're going to track down the ones who took Gaara, and bring him back."

"Why would Konoha ninja care so much about our Kazekage? It should be our responsibility to track him down." Chiyo commented, looking over the group of Chuunin.

"He's like me. We had similar births, similar childhoods, and lately, we have similar dreams. I won't let those people kill him over something he has no control over." Naruto said, face set in determination as he watched Fluttershy get to work. Chiyo sat by in silence, wasting for news that her favored apprentices would be okay.

There was a rush of movement from one side of the hallway as a small white unicorn ran into the hallway. "Naruto!" Sweetie Belle cried, rushing over and talking the blonde boy. "Naruto he took Gaara!"

Naruto calmed the wailing unicorn eventually, she had grown in the past three years, still smaller than the other ponies but no longer so noticeably. "Calm down Sweetie and tell me what happened. We're going to bring Gaara back."

"I was on the roof with Gaara, he doesn't sleep so sometimes I keep him company. I've been learning from Rarity to do illusions, and he likes it when I use it to play music, he says it lets him talk to Shukaku. I was up there, playing a lullaby for him, when this big white spider jumped at me. The sand leapt to my aid, like it does for Gaara, and ripped the spider into pieces. I've never seen it be so aggressive. When more showed up and started exploding, he shoved me inside." Sweetie said, her head buried in Naruto's lap. "It was like watching fireworks, but terrifying. I was so worried about him. He was only captured because he was protecting all of us."

"We'll bring him home Sweetie. We'll bring him home." Naruto said, stroking the little ponies hair.


It was several hours before Fluttershy emerged from the room, looking worn down from her efforts. "They're stable, and should wake up soon. The poison is a terrible one, our bodies can't seem to make antibodies against it, so any antidote will only work until its used up or metabolized. I've made three vials, but they'll only work for up to ten minutes each."

Nodding the chuunin each took a vial, and placed the securely within a sealing scroll, where they wouldn't become broken. Noticing that Kakashi had caught up with them, they moved into the room, information about the attackers would be important.

Pinkie Pie was still out, but Kankuro managed to come around for a bit. "Kankuro, the one who attacked you, who was it?" Chiyo rushed forward, coming to her apprentice's side.

"Red Sand..." He managed to groan out. Despite being cured the poison had done serious damage to him, and it would be weeks before he was fully recovered. "Went toward... River Country..."

"So, it really was my grandchild. Sasori of the Red Sand. He's a dangerous opponent, I'm coming with you." Chiyo said, turning to face the assembled team. "This is Sand's responsibility, as well as my own. I won't turn down your assistance, especially knowing its personal for you as well, but I'm not taking no for an answer."

Grudgingly they accepted her offer, and the five of them left Suna immediately, leaving Fluttershy behind to continue treating the wounded. They made good time crossing the desert, and were soon leaping from tree to tree the way all Konoha ninja were trained to. Kakashi and Sakura each brought a dog out to pick up the trail.

"Everyone, this is Jowls, Jowls, this is everyone." She introduced, as a large bipedal bloodhound emerged from the smoke. He gave a small wave, and turned to look at Pakkun.

"I didn't believe it when she told us, but your dogs are really tiny." He said, crouching down to get closer to the small ninja dog.

Pakkun blinked a few times, sizing up the other dog. "Yo, I'm Pakkun." He said, holding out a paw in the standard 'shake gesture'. Jowls did the same, and they both laughed and did some kind of silly hand shake.

"Right well, we're chasing two ninja and a prisoner, headed in this general direction. What do you smell?" Kakashi asked, getting the attention of the two dogs.

"Hmm, two people, one's masked really well, dirt and desert spices." Pakkun said, sniffing around the area.

"Other one smells like fresh clay." Jowls added. "There's also a smell of rust and oil. Doesn't smell alive though."

"That's them, give us a trail." Kakashi asked, and the two nodded and set off, Jowls baying loudly with enthusiasm until Sakura reprimanded him. A few more miles in and Chiyo turned her attention to the blonde boy.

"From the way you speak of Gaara, you're a Jinchuuriki aren't you?" She called ahead to Naruto, who was currently near the front of the group.

"And if I am?" He called over his shoulder.

"It's uncommon, for a Jinchuuriki to have such close bonds with others. Both your teammates and summons look upon you with kindness." Chiyo said.

"People often treat the containers like their prisoners. We are not mindless beasts or demons, the only monsters among us are the ones the villages create through their treatment." Naruto replied.

"To be honest, I was the one who performed the sealing on Gaara. I didn't want to, of course, but it was my duty to the village. I knew what kind of life he was going to lead, but I did it anyways." She said, getting a few looks of surprise from the group.

"Gaara is strong, he's overcome the hatred and fear, and become a leader. His hard childhood is more a result of the villager's scorn than any of your actions, though if you wish to apologize to him we'd best hurry up." Naruto said, picking up the pace.

They ran through the night, Chiyo insisting she could keep up with the younger ninja, and encountered no resistance until shortly after dawn, when they hit a rather large gap in the trees. Seeing a figure up ahead, barring the way, the team fanned out and landed several feet away.

"Forgive me, ninja of Konoha, but in the interest of my mission, I must bar your way." Came the calm voice of Itachi Uchiha, cloaked in a robe with red clouds.

"Itachi!" Sasuke yelled, feeling foolish for not having something else to say in this situation. For all the thought he had given the situation over the years, he still didn't know how to handle his feelings over his brother.

"Hello again, little brother." The missing Uchiha said, looking Sasuke over. "I wonder how strong you've grown."

"You are no brother of mine! You are no Uchiha!" Sasuke roared, and for a split second his eyes caught Itachi smiling, as if the thought of being cast away pleased or amused him. Still, the last loyal Uchiha didn't break from formation, he wouldn't endanger his teammates over revenge.

"Do not look him in the eyes, even by accident." Kakashi said quietly, and his team of chuunin nodded. "If you're going to use techniques, do it from his blind spots. Watch your teammates for signs of Genjutsu and try to break them out."

Naruto was the first to charge in, a fact that surprised none of his teammates by this point. He seemed to shine and put on an extra boost of speed, closing in and trying to punch the Akastuki ninja. Itachi dodged, spotting the power behind each missed attack, and waited for an opportunity to strike back. He was forced to draw a short sword to block a hail of kunai from Sasuke, thrown with deadly speed and accuracy, but managed to keep his focus in the ninja before him.

Sakura took a second to focus, and began manipulating the earth of the clearing, destabilizing Itachi's movements and launching the occasional volley of earth.

Naruto was thrown off of the missing ninja, after Itachi caught a punch that left him cradling his arm in pain. The blonde genin backed off and swapped his strategy, allowing Kakashi to move into close combat. Focusing on his yin chakra he sank out of view, pulling a volley of shuriken out of his pouch and levitating them using chakra alone. With a few hand gestures he blew wind chakra over each one, expanding their radius to half a meter, and sent them towards Itachi.

The missing ninja leapt airborne to dodge, and was shocked when the shuriken veered off course, missing the blonde boy's teammates and circling back towards him. He continued dodging, all the while keeping up with Kakashi's taijutsu and being wary of sudden imbalances in the earth. Breaking off and making a few hand seals he spat a volley of small fireballs that exploded against the shuirken, reducing them to warped slag.

Throwing Kakashi off of him, he leapt back to avoid a pillar of lighting that shot from Sasuke's hand, and his sharingan eyes picked up on something from the very edge of his vision. It looked like a warp in the surroundings, ordinarily it would be difficult to focus on, but the chakra used in the technique made it shine like a beacon to his eyes. Deflecting a punch he caught the surprised boy's chin and made eye contact. "I can see you."


Naruto fell back with a thud as Itachi burst into a flock of crows and began circling him. 'Crap, genjutsu.' He thought, bringing his hands together to dispel the technique. After three attempts he conceded that the Uchiha prodigy was far better at creating strong illusions than he was at breaking them.

'Discord! Help me out here!', he'd learned from Jiraiya long ago that bijuu could break genjutsu placed on their hosts the same way a teammate could. Sadly, the spirit of chaos wasn't responding.

'Damn it Discord, I know you can hear me! Break me out!' He cried mentally as the flock of birds began throwing shuriken at him. 'Discord ,Kyuubi, let me out!'


Naruto was down, and not getting back up. Every member of their team had a way of spotting him when he was using Yin release, he should have known Itachi could do it too. Sakura leapt in to fill the gap as a taijutsu fighter, fighting her best against the sharingan user. Still the red eye's predictive capabilities were more than enough for the young man to avoid her attacks. The Uchiha attempted to catch her eyes several times during their fight, but was shocked each time to see her eyes closed each and every time, regardless of any attempts to surprise her.

His danger sense screamed at him to dodge, and he managed a substitution technique just as a beam of lightning pierced through his former position, impaling the replacement log and punching through, up to a single inch in front of the pink haired girl's face.

He took another moment to survey the battlefield. Sakura, Sasuke and Kakashi were before him, the old lady they had come with was near Naruto, who still lay on the floor. So far his attempts to delay them was a complete success.

Rising to a standing position he palmed another brace of shuriken, preparing to begin the assault once more, when something caught his attention. Naruto disappeared in a poof of smoke. 'It must have been that old woman' He thought, just as he heard movement behind him.

"Solar Rasengan!" a glinting figure shouted, slamming into him with a blinding ball of energy. The force of the impact drove him into the clearing between the rest of team seven, who waited anxiously for any sign he wasn't dead.

"My work here is do-do-done. You! Sa-sa-sasuke-ke. I'll see you-you-you soon." The missing ninja rose to his feet, twitching and stuttering violently, his voice becoming a warped mockery of the real thing. The twitching continued, growing more violent and disturbing until a massive cloud of smoke rose up, a sure sign of a technique dispelling. When it cleared Itachi was no longer there, in his place was an unknown man of similar build, with familiar black markings crawling their way across his skin.

The man screamed as the he began twisting and deforming into the second level of the cursed seal. He was cut off before he could complete the change, by a spear of lightning through the heart from Sasuke. All those present shot him a surprised look. "What? Did you really want to let that happen?"

Several more crashes and screams from the surrounding forest cut off any responses. "You three, take Chiyo and go on ahead, I'll hold them off. We can't waste any more time here." Kakashi said, turning towards the source of the noise.

The three chuunin nodded, Naruto and Sakura made several hand signs and summoned reinforcements to help Kakashi. The smoke cleared to reveal Trundle, Cringle, and Laddie, the three Council Dogs of Undermine, standing before Sakura. "Help Kakashi, there are monsters coming." Sakura explained. The three dogs grinned back at her.

"He smells like dogs!" Trundle commented, getting a smack on the back of his head from Cringle.

The smoke before Naruto cleared to reveal Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Rarity. "The six points of harmony are assembled!" Twilight said, before remembering Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy's abesence. "Well... four of us anyways."

"Follow Kakashi's orders." Naruto said, grimacing as the noises got closer. "Don't be reckless, those things are going to be dangerous."

"Relax, we'll have this taken care of in ten seconds flat." Rainbow Dash boasted, flexing her wings and pawing the ground. The rest of the ponies seemed just as confident in their abilities.

Pakkun and Jowls leapt from their hiding places, and directed the three chuunin towards their goal, with a final shared 'good luck' they leapt away into the trees. Just as several ninja leapt into the clearing from the other direction, all sporting a level two cursed seal.


"Ow!" Kisame grumbled, snapping out of his meditative trance. "Those bodies Kabuto provided us with are strong, but damn hard to keep control over."

Itachi, sitting next to his partner in quiet contemplation merely nodded. Standing up to leave. His partner followed, used to the silent treatment by now.


"We're getting close!" Jowls called, as they reached another stretch of land without trees. Sakura took the lead breaking into a run across the open land, if they were going to be ambushed again this would be the perfect location. She paused mid step as the ground beneath her foot felt odd. On instinct she pushed her Earth Spear technique to the max as a sudden explosion engulfed her.

"SAKURA!" Naruto yelled, trying to run to her aid, but held back by Sasuke. The smoke cleared slowly, revealing a solid black Sakura standing in the same position. Slowly her color began to lighten as the hardening effect of her technique faded, and she shook out the ringing in her ears.

"Pyrite that was close." She muttered, sending out her chakra into the ground and sitting down when she knew it was safe. She took several deep breaths, trying to calm her heartbeat.

"Pyrite?" Sasuke asked, not daring to move around.

"Fools-gold, Diamond Dogs use it as a swear." She shrugged. "This whole field is full of explosives." She demonstrated, stomping the ground and having a pillar of dirt rise up, a strange white blob resting on top of it.

"How do they work?" Naruto wondered, tossing a kunai at the strange white object. The metal tool stuck in it, but there was no detonation. "Think it's a dud?" He looked at Sakura, who shrugged.

"Go poke it." Sasuke suggested, getting a look of terror out of Naruto. "Shadow clones moron, go poke it with a shadow clone."

"Ah right, human trap diffuser." Naruto grumbled, creating a clone and sending it over.

The clone hesitated, approaching a foot at a time, and eventually drew in close enough to touch the thing. "Hey! It feels kind of like packed dirt, like some sort of clay!" He called, poking the thing a few times. "It's shaped like some freaky looking spider, it's really ugly too." Suddenly the spider leapt upwards, wrapping its legs around the clones head. The clone, caught off guard, let out a girly scream as the construct began hissing.

Sasuke reacted on instinct, throwing a volley of lightning needles into the white blob that had engulfed the blonde's head. The hissing immediately stopped, and the clone was able to pry the now shapeless blob off of his face. Figuring they were now safe the trio approached with caution.

"It's obviously an earth technique." Sakura noted.

"They must have some level of sentience, being able to move around like that. Some sort of earth clone?" Sakura added.

Sakura bent to rub some of the clay between her fingers. "An exploding clone, using an explosive material as a base to make it more effective for less chakra."

"Sweetie said something about a white exploding thing didn't she? So this guy must be damn good with his explosives to take down Gaara." Naruto grimaced.

"And we're going to be fighting him on his turf, meaning he'll have the advantage for traps." Sasuke finished. "Well, we know lightning techniques work against him now, so I should be able to handle him."

"The other one is Sasori, my grandson. He's a puppeteer, one of the best that Suna ever produced." Chiyo added, emerging from where her and the tracking dogs had hidden.

"He uses poison on all of his weapons right? I should be able to deal with that, if an explosion can't get through my Earth Spear, I doubt his poisons can." Sakura said confidently, cracking her knuckles.

"What the heck do I get to do then?" Naruto grumbled.

"Play minesweeper?" Sasuke joked, causing Naruto to grin. The blonde boy leapt up and formed a cross seal.

A few seconds and several dozen explosions later, there was a clear and cratered path through the field towards their goal.


They met up with team Gai near their destination. Apparently they had mauled Kisame's clone so badly on sight that they didn't notice it was a clone, nor did they hang around long enough to be ambushed my ninja with cursed seals. The team immediately broke apart to remove the seals for the barrier barring the door to a colossal cave.

Once they were clear to proceed, Sakura took a step up to the door. Holding her hand up to the door she rested her fingers on it. In a display of force that left both Naruto and Sasuke terrified, she punched the massive stone without drawing her hand back, and still blew chunks of stone into the cave.

Sasori and Deidara had just finished the sealing ritual, and turned to face the three intruders.

"Knock knock." Sakura called, cracking her knuckles.