• Published 30th Apr 2012
  • 33,016 Views, 1,647 Comments

Friendship Contract - Demeristraz

A contractless summoning lands Naruto with quite possibly the strangest/coolest summon's ever seen.

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A Summer Breeze

The rest of the summer passed without incident, and with a single minded focus Naruto mastered water walking, which is to say he could now go toe to hoof with Rainbow Dash on the surface of the reservoir. His trick with the cloud was practiced until he could lift a chakra induced fog by standing on water, and pull it into a cloud at a moment's notice. The cloud part wasn't a very useful trick at the moment, he could carry it around with him like a balloon, but neither he nor any pegasus could stand on it, much to Rainbow's dismay, as he had taken to leaving them in very enticing napping spots.

As part of his routine he improved his ability to fight in heavy fog cover, seeing as he now could produce one on relatively short notice. He made note to look up other water based abilities when he had the chance, since he seemed to have a talent for them, or quite likely the fog thing was dumb luck.

Attempts to stand on his clouds failed miserably, no matter how Twilight described her cloud walking trick Naruto couldn't replicate the results with chakra. He would gather chakra into his feet, and 'connect' with the cloud, feeling the energy disperse into the gaseous body, but the moment he put more than a quarter of his weight on to it he fell through. Rainbow Dash suggested he try laying down on it, to distribute his weight. This lead to him belly flopping into the ground, which she found hilarious. His response was to place chakra-made clouds in prime nap locations, and then laughing as she fell right through them on attempting to land. Just as chakra wouldn't help him walk on pegasus made clouds, chakra made clouds disregarded pegasus magic, much to the annoyance of the weather ponies sent to disperse them.

Twilight's response was to shrug and suggest that magic seemed to be stronger than chakra, and even if he weighed the same as a pegasus, it didn't mean he could cloud-walk like one. Naruto had a minor tantrum at that, and struggled for a few more hours, before agreeing to put the project on hold, much like finding a summoning contract. Twilight offered to let him experience the cloud-walking spell, but he declined, adamant that he'd do it his way.

As much as Naruto was tempted to ask Saskue for some actual technique scrolls, of which the Uchiha clan was likely to have many, he didn't want to intrude on their friendship so much so suddenly. Saying "Hey Sasuke, since your dad isn't around to say no anymore, can we raid your library?" seemed rather crude, at least at this point. Perhaps after they became actual genin.

Summer quickly ran by, the Cutie Mark Crusaders were set on a new project, trying to build a flying boat for some reason. Naruto pitched in with the physical labor, once again causing much jealousy with his opposable thumbs. When asked how they'd get it airborne they would simply shrug and say "Pinkie Pie", as if that was that answer was self explanatory. Rainbow Dash changed the meaning of 'training' once again, to include mocking his attempts at standing on his clouds. Rarity was being Rarity, now insisting he take pictures and measurements of his friends so she could make them clothing.

Twilight had him convinced that the 'intro books' were no longer going to cut it. Frankly he was shocked they had lasted this long at the rate Twilight burned through them, although Naruto took 'Mastery' to a whole new definition. Between her and Pinkie Pie they had run out of things to try with the basics. Twilight had memorized every chakra point on the human body, and was attempting to locate ones on ponies, and Pinkie had run out of things to do with basic storage seals.

Although her latest invention, the Gatling-party-cannon was impressive, he doubted there'd be a time she'd need to set up 100 parties a second. Upon seeing her reach an entire arm-length into a 10 inch bag saddle bag, and pull out a whole trombone, he decided getting her new study material was imperative. There was no way that sort of thing should be possible.

Questioning Twilight Sparkle's ability to teleport was like running head long into a dead end, complete with migraine. Questioning Pinkie's ability to teleport was met with ignorance that she even did blatantly defy time space in her movements.

So, it was with one month left in summer vacation that two bored ponies flung Naruto back into the Elemental Nations to procure more interesting literature. His first stop of course was the Hokage. "Well Naruto, I haven't seen much of you lately, how has your training been going."

"It's been great old man, my friends have helped me out a lot, I've already got two techniques down, three if you count the transformation one from the academy." He beamed at the shocked old man.

"That is quite impressive Naruto, most academy students don't graduate with anything but the basic three." The Third was thrilled, discovering that world of creatures by accident had been a tremendous boon for the boy's growth, not only did it take him away from the hatred of the villagers but it brought him the nurture he so desperately needed as a child.

"The thing is, we've run out of things to learn, the only reason we got as far as we did is because some anonymous person left a pile of books for genin on my doorstep." Naruto complained, folding his arms over his chest. "The academy doesn't teach anything for those who received outside training, if it wasn't mandatory I doubt kids from clan's would attend."

Sarutobi sighed, "It wasn't always mandatory to attend, but the civilian council thought it would be best if our education for ninja was standardized."

"That's unfair on so many levels. Clan kids have to waste their time on this, while civilians have to fight an uphill battle for decent marks. It's a waste of time on all fronts anyways, I'm top of my class and practically self taught!" Naruto complained, hanging around Rarity did have its advantages.

"Not everyone has your drive Naruto." The Hokage countered.

"But I do! I should be rewarded for working this hard, not forced to wait while my classmates catch up. No offense to them, I enjoy helping them get stronger, but I want to learn more at the same time." Naruto verbally lunged.

"Very well," The Hokage relented, pushing a book of chakra control exercises towards the child. "These should keep you busy for a while I think."

"I've read it, and mastered each activity." Naruto said, pushing the book back across the table. "And by mastered, I mean I can float a leaf off of each chakra point on my body for a straight hour, simultaneously. I can fight to my full potential on a vertical surface and stick instinctively. And I can do the same with water walking."

The Hokage was dumbstruck, those were feats that most genin never bothered with, citing them taking too much time, though the boy in front of him was complaining of having time to kill. "Alright, this is usually only done as a side project for most genin, but I think you may enjoy it." This time he pulled out a genin's guide to sealing.

"Also read it, and I can draw a storage seal in my sleep Old Man. Isn't there anything else? I know you can't just give me technique scrolls, but I know most of the clans have their own, is there anything you can give me on creating my own techniques?" Naruto pleaded, he didn't want to be tossed out empty handed.

"Hmm, you said you know two techniques other than the transformation technique?" The Hokage asked curiously.

"Yeah, but both of them are just throwing pure chakra around, and I've reached a point where that isn't good enough." Naruto said glumly.

"Shape manipulation is only half of designing a technique Naruto, the other half is nature manipulation." Seeing Naruto's confused expression he elaborated.

"Ninja can convert their chakra into elements, which is what allows them to spit fire, or water, or mud, or gusts of wind. Nature manipulation is what allows this to happen. Though we don't usually teach it until upper chuunin or jounin levels." The Hokage continued.

"But then how do most ninja get to run around with awesome techniques before that?" Naruto asked.

"Thats why there are hand signs Naruto. Most ninja have at least one element that comes naturally to them, which means they need only go through the motions, and the chakra will do the rest. If they are using a technique that isn't their element, they will need to focus on changing their chakra first, which is a jounin level thing to do. Mastering an element involves being able to mentally change your chakra element without using hand signs, and most ninja only ever master their natural element."

Naruto blinked a few times, trying to digest the information. "But if I naturally have an alignment, why would I want to master it? Wouldn't techniques of that element come naturally anyways?"

"Picture your chakra as a reservoir, 90% of it is pure chakra, 10% of it is elemental. Now when you use an offensive technique that requires elemental chakra, you force your chakra through a hose at your enemy. Only the elemental chakra is hitting your enemy in this case, the other 90% bleeds out into the air. Now someone who has mastered the element has a converter on their hose, as the chakra flows out it becomes 100% elemental, with none of it wasted. Mastery is easier for elements you are naturally gifted with because it is simply converting your pure chakra to match your elemental chakra." The Hokage came out of lecture mode, pleased to note that Naruto looked thoughtful.

"So when can I learn nature manipulation?" was the obvious question, and the Third had to ponder it for a moment. While he didn't want another Itachi on his hands, Naruto seemed to have an earnest desire to learn, and seemed to be a well adjusted boy all things considered.

"Alright, I'll tell you what, I'll help you get started on Nature Manipulation, on a few conditions." The Third Relented. Seeing Naruto nod he gave them, "One: No skipping classes at the academy. I don't care how boring they get, or if they are teaching nothing new, or how much more interesting self study is for you, going to the academy and being a student is important."

Naruto took a moment to consider Twilight's childhood, then quickly agreed, socializing was very important. "Two: You will not teach this to the other students, even if they happen to master everything you have so far before they graduate. I'm trusting you with this Naruto, you and no-one else."

Naruto agreed to that one as well, knowing his classmates likely wouldn't really be interested in such advanced stuff yet. "Three: You will not show off this knowledge. I know you're good about this sort of thing already, as I haven't heard word from your instructors about you knowing any techniques. The desire to show off is a flaw for ninja, and I don't want to have the council at my throat for teaching you this." Naruto had to grin at that, recalling stories of a certain blue unicorn who loved showing off. He nodded and the Hokage sat back, and reached into his desk once more.

"This is special paper Naruto, it will show you your strongest affinity when you channel chakra through it. To find out if you have a secondary affinity you'll need to master the first, and as determined as you are, I don't predict you reaching that point before graduating." Naruto took the paper and, receiving a nod from the Old Man, channeled chakra through it, immediately the paper split down the middle.

The Third looked on in surprise for a moment, before regaining his composure. "Wind is a very rare element in Konoha, my son is proficient at it, but he is away from the village, I can give you this guide but I find having a living tutor is preferable. I'm sorry Naruto, but with this, like in many things, you are alone in your trials."

"That's alright Old Man, I've got my friends, even if they don't know it, they are all the help I need." Naruto rose from the chair and took the small guide that was pushed to him. "One more thing Naruto, this was written by a student of mine in his youth, it's mostly ideas for pranks, but I'm sure you'll get a kick out of reading it."

Naruto picked up a worn looking book, the title on the front read "Sneaky Uses for Everyday Seals by: Jiraiya" With a grin he thanked the Old Man and took his leave, certain that his four legged friends would be satisfied with the new reading material.


Pinkie Pie loved the book, which should come as no surprise, and immediately set about having Naruto fill endless amounts of 'Battery Seals', which were simply seals that stored chakra to be used to power other seals. They were ordinarily used for delay functions, but Pinkie used them in lieu of being a ninja herself. So Naruto spent a few hours at sugar cube corner a few times a week, filling seal after seal to the brim with his chakra, unknowingly giving Pinkie enough juice to power a weapon of mass destruction over the course of his last month of summer.

Some of the pranks in the book were already discovered from tinkering, for example the time delayed water bomb, which combined a timer seal, often used as a fuse for exploding tags, attached to a storage seal full of water. While hilarious as a prank, Pinkie had already made use of the combination for her 'firework' tag, replacing the water with unstable liquid light.

The book did however contain several new seal ideas, such as trip-wire seals and exploding tags. The later came as
some relief, as prior to this Pinkie had it in her head that you need to seal an explosion in a storage tag to create one. It also contained the formula for gravity seals, which increased an object's weight. Sadly preliminary attempts at an 'Anti-gravity' seal fell short, especially after Rarity chased Pinkie away from Opalescence, catching her chasing the cat with buttered toast and glue, shouting "For Science!"

For Naruto it was a month of hard work and frustration, he sat in quiet meditation most days, feeling his chakra flow, and trying to isolate the feeling of 'Wind' within it. The guide was less than helpful, barring instructions to feel where his chakra differed, and try and get his chakra to mimic the anomaly as it left his body. The goal was for him to be able to run his chakra through a leaf and have it split as if cut. Not surprisingly Pinkie Pie was less than helpful, suggesting he create 'Big chakra scissors' to do so, thus defeating the purpose.

Figuring this exercise was largely existential in nature, he began asking ponies what they thought 'Wind' felt like. What he got in response was a large pile of adjectives, ranging from "Freedom, and Awesomeness, to Comfort and even Adventure." It was actually Applejack who came up with the most philosophical response.

"Wind is change sugar-cube. It's the one thing in the world that won't stop moving. Yah can catch it in a breath, and hold it for a moment, but soon enough yah gotta let it go. When the pegasi or birds go flyin', it's not them controllin' the wind, it's them ridin' it, lettin' it push them out of its way. Ah've seen wind grind huge rocks down into sand, seen storms drive a flimsy piece of hay half way into a living tree trunk. Wind is always movin', and always wearin' things down. Just like life's always changin', and we'll be worn down to make way for the future some day." She said, gazing over the apple orchards at sunset, Naruto followed her gaze as she spoke, and he spent a moment to appreciate how one family of ponies, over many many years, had changed so much about the land they worked. Sweet Apple Acres really was a place all on its own.

It started off slowly, Naruto sat meditating on what he had learned about wind. He focused inwards, on the feeling of his chakra flowing through him. 'Always moving' didn't help, his chakra flowed through his body at a leisurely pace unless directed, the same as any ninja. He tried to feel for 'changing' feelings, 'moving' or 'grinding' would work too. As he focused on searching for these things he felt it, for the first time, a quick rush through the area he focused on. It was like watching an empty tube and suddenly seeing Rainbow Dash rush through it at top speed, for a moment he thought he hadn't seen anything. So he sat, mind focused on the exact same position and waited, sure enough a few seconds passed and 'woosh' another rush of chakra.

He was elated to finally have a lead, but at the same time dismayed, the thought of controlling such a thing seemed an insurmountable obstacle, until he remembered AJ's advice. Focusing once more he placed a hand, palm out, pointed towards a lose piece of paper a few inches away, then waited. He felt it again, the rushing sensation that exemplified 'wind' in his mind, and tried to follow it, to predict where it was going. After about an hour of concentration he finally acted, shifting the flow and letting the wind chakra flow down his arm and out the points in his palm.

Naruto opened his eyes, the paper had moved three feet.