• Published 30th Apr 2012
  • 33,016 Views, 1,647 Comments

Friendship Contract - Demeristraz

A contractless summoning lands Naruto with quite possibly the strangest/coolest summon's ever seen.

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A Cold Welcome

If anyone could manage to get in to see the 1pm showing of the latest Princess Gale movie they would have found themselves in a rather surreal situation. The theater was packed, every seat occupied by brightly colored ponies with copious amounts of drinks and snacks. Naruto had bought out the theater for this showing, not a hard thing to do after using a small portion of his winnings from Las Pegasus. He himself sat in the middle of the theater with his teammates, enjoying the best part of the movie, where the Princess gives her inspiring speech against the bad guy, and her bodyguards get up to try a final time. The ponies loved it, it hadn't been hard to round up enough to fill the theater, and he reminded himself to do this again some time back in Konoha.

Amazingly enough Kakashi still wasn't there when they leave the theater an hour later, and arrived at the meeting place. The ponies that decided to accompany them, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy, drew a few stares from the locals as they loitered near a construction site waiting for him. As Naruto opened his mouth to complain about tardy jounins they were interrupted by Yukie, their escort target, leaping a nearby wall on a rather large horse, quickly followed by several armed guards on horses of their own.

It was Naruto who leapt into action first, quickly hopping onto Rainbow Dash and chasing after Yukie himself. Sasuke gave Sakura a quick gesture, and with her assistance was flung skyward, over several buildings and into the paths of the pursuing horsemen. With a flick of his wrists two kunai embedded themselves into the walls of nearby buildings on either side of the road, at chest level for those on the horses. Paying the boy no heed the men charged onwards, only to be blown off their mounts by a burst of lightning, as it leapt from the charged kunai through the pat created by the men in their metal armor.

Applejack took over as the horses continued to stampede, directing the horses away from scattering civilians and gradually slowing them down. Fluttershy took over once they were stopped, calming the spooked animals down.

Yukie charged onwards, unaware that the guards had been taken down, only desiring to escape from the crew that intended to lead her to her doom. She pushed the horse to its limits, feeling the road fly out from under her as she plowed forward, unheeding of those who would get in her way. "Hey there!" Came a bright and cheery voice from her left. To her shock there was a blonde boy in orange clothing riding along beside her, easily keeping pace with her via a cyan colored flying horse.

"I don't suppose you'll consider pulling over will you? I'm kinda supposed to be protecting you, and you're being rather reckless at the moment." He said casually, as this sort of situation barely phased him.

In her shock she forgot to turn her horse, and it skidded to a stop before a rather inconveniently placed pond, throwing her off towards the water. To her amazement the flying pony seemed to speed up, and catch her as if the feat was nothing of consequence, easily lifting both her and the blonde boy to the safety of a nearby roof.

"Now see? What kind of ninja would I be if I let my client get soaking wet, or hurt, on my first day protecting her?" The blonde boy said once they were both standing. He turned and gave the pegasus, which had Rainbow Hair she might add, a bump with his fist to her hoof, and it disappeared with a poof of smoke.

"Ha.. wha... the..." The actress was at a loss for words. She had seen ninja before, seen them manipulate the elements and leap buildings as if it were nothing. But this boy, this boy seemed to throw logic out the window and bend the very foundation of reality.

"Oh, that was Rainbow Dash, she's pretty awesome, she can break the sound barrier you know?" Yukie didn't know, whatever the sound barrier was it sounded impressive though. "Maybe she can be in your movie, Princess Gale and her Magical Rainbow Pegasus! I can also summon a Unicorn that does magic."

A part of the actress wanted to doubt that statement, but she knew it would lead to a demonstration, and she didn't think her psyche could take it right then and there. Instead she fell back on her instinctively prepared statement. "I'm not going to snow country."

The blond gave her a curious look and pondered for a moment, as Yukie prepared to get him with her pepper spray if he tried anything. "You'll have to take it up with your manager, but we're here to protect you regardless."

"I'm not going back to my manager either, I'm not ever going to snow country, for any reason." She maintained, her sanity returning with a vengeance. "No Ninja with bizarre tricks is going to stop me."


Sasuke and Sakura were corralling the horses and helping the guards up. Apparently they had been chasing Yuki to retrieve her for their departure, and the two ninja had 'interfered'. The manager, Sandayu had waved off their apology, instead praising them for their skills, and being incredibly grateful for having such talented ninja on board for the filming. Considering who Yukie likely was, and the true objective of the mission, his praise and relief made total sense to the chuunin.

The ninja's interference had quickly gathered a rather large crowd all eager to see both ninja and 'Princess Gale' in person. Embarrassingly enough several children in the crowd asked Sasuke and Sakura for autographs, and attempted to pat Applejack and Fluttershy. Kakashi had finally shown up, apparently he had been busy with the crew getting their ship prepared for the voyage. He stopped to ask the two present chuunin where Naruto was, but only got a vague shrug in response, if he had indeed pursued the target on Rainbow Dash he should have been able to grab her and get back by now.

As if on cue a large flash of purple light signaled the arrival of a purple unicorn, who happened to have a frazzled looking actress on her back. "-ever ever ever ever going back there!" She shouted, before glancing around at her suddenly changed location.

The crowd, predictably, went absolutely wild, seeing their favorite actress appear out of nowhere riding a unicorn. A surge of children rushed forward for autographs, and to pat the suddenly nervous unicorn, while the director and Sandayu attempted to reboot their brains. Yukie went nearly catatonic, only muttering "m-magic u-unicorn." over and over.

Naruto appeared not long later, and was pulled aside to discuss movie possibilities for his summons. Rainbow Dash and Twilight both agreed to play parts in the movie, so long as they weren't needed for guard duty at the moment.

"Naruto, make some shadow clones and help load the ship, Sasuke and Sakura, get Ms. Yukie on board." Kakashi called to the group.

"Yes to the first, and yes to the second, but only so long as we take my ship." Naruto replied. Causing most present to facevault.

"Your ship?" Sandayu asked. Receiving a nod in response.

"It's faster." Naruto replied.

"It can fit all of us?" The director asked.

"Absolutely. It'll be a bit more cramped than we would be otherwise, but believe me you'll love the extra features if it comes down to needing it." Naruto said. Seeing Kakashi nod in agreement the manager and director consented, and Naruto ran out on the water and summoned the Ixion.

"Think it'll float?" Sasuke joked to his female teammate, as the ship appeared, causing waves to rock the nearby boats. True to his word it was about the same size as their original ship, if only a little bit smaller.

"It'll take a week to get there Naruto, are you certain you can hold it that long?" Kakashi asked, seeing the boy panting a bit after the summoning.

"Yeah, we have prepared chakra storage tags to act as stabilizers, something Pinkie came up with. I charged the beforehand so the ship will be good for a month." He said, before leaving sight to discuss the mission with the captain.

Sasuke cringed at their timeline, a week and a half to Snow Country, and a week and a half back. That left him a week to get the entire movie out of the way, before the seal started to kill him. At this point he wished he had made an excuse before leaving the village, but the shock had gotten to him, and the 'denial' phase hadn't ended until just the other night. He'd have to hope the mission went smoothly for once, or that the 'one month' deadline was exaggerated, both things he wasn't fond of betting on.

Deep down he knew he could still say something to Kakashi, and they'd call off the mission. From what he'd said the actress would really need their protection, but Kakashi wasn't one to put a mission ahead of an ally's wellbeing. Still, with a heavy heart he decided to continue with the mission.

The ship pulled up to the dock as the film crew, Yukie, the other actors and Sandayu gathered around. "Avast ye landlubbers, I be captain Sweetie Belle of the E.S. Ixion, and ye will refer to me as 'Captain Sweetie' for the duration of our trip, savvy?" Came a rather childish voice from the top of a lowered gangplank. Those present were dumbstruck that the ship appeared to be run by a crew of little fillies.

"It's good to work with you again, Captain Sweetie." Kakashi smiled at the little filly, as the crew walked past her onto the deck.

"Apple Bloom, show the guests to their quarters on the ship, Naruto, Twilight, can you two handle the loading?" The little filly began giving orders. Almost immediately the gear and supplies were levitated in a purple glow, and moved to the deck, where dozens of shadow clones quickly secured them to the deck or moved them to the cargo hold.

With Twilight working as a crane and Naruto serving as an entire crew the ship set off without incident. On Kakashi's suggestion they decided to keep to the water, leaving their wings as a trump card. Scootaloo proved to be an expert helmsmare even in ocean currents, and at her orders Naruto worked the sails.

Yukie almost immediately locked herself in her room, much to the dismay of the film crew, who wanted to go over their ideas for including Twilight and Rainbow Dash in the plot of the film. Kakashi managed to find Sandayu standing outside of the actress' door rather impotently. "Sandayu, I believe we need to have a conversation." he said, leading the man deeper into the ship.

"What can I do for you?" The manager asked.

"I need to know what your plan is, once we land in Snow country." The jounin said casually.

"Well we plan to begin filming once we reach the shore, likely taking us through the mountains and up to one of the local villages. For the most part we will likely be camping out, but I'm sure that won't be a problem." The man replied.

"Ah well, what are your plans if Doto realizes who Yukie really is?" Kakashi asked.

Sandayu immediately began sweating. "W-what do you mean?"

"I was on the mission years ago that got her out of Snow country during the coup. I recognized her the moment she started appearing in the movies. Now the question is, are you just being reckless here, or are you planning to overthrow Doto." The jounin stared the manager down.

"A-alright, the truth is I was her father's personal bodyguard, and I've been searching for the Princess for years. Conditions in the land of Snow are horrible, Doto is a tyrant in the worst sense of the word. I've started a rebellion, but right now they need someone to rally behind. They need their princess there, even if she's just a figurehead, she needs to be there for her people, and I need you to be there to protect her." The old man confessed.

"You have my word." Kakashi said, placing a hand on the man's shoulder. "Together, we will see the princess on that throne."

"Spring will come to Snow country." Sandayu smiled.


Sasuke leaned on the railing of the bow, brooding over the coming month. It was difficult to think about, but once in a while a flash of pain from his shoulder would remind him of the impending deadline.

"Seasick?" Naruto asked, seeing his friend looking ill. His face was pale and covered in sweat, and every so often he'd clutch at his shoulder.

"Not exactly..." Sasuke said, trying to figure out how he'd phrase the conversation. "There's something wrong with the seal."

"Should I call Luna? Or Twilight? She's on the ship somewhere I think." Naruto suggested, looking worried.

"Not the containment seal, the base one. It started to hurt the other day, and someone... I don't know who it was, but he said I'd need to seek out the one who gave it to me, to get medicine, or else I'd die within a month." He said, expecting a shocked silence from the blond. What he didn't expect is to be cuffed upside the back of the head.

"And you figured you'd just go out to sea and die? What the hay you jerk. There are people who care about you ya know." Naruto grumbled, now leaning over the railing with the Uchiha.

"That's just it, how can I betray the village, even if it is the only way to stay alive. Tsunade doesn't know about seals, and Luna and Twilight only built the containment one." The boy shrugged.

"Well we sure as hay aren't giving up on this." Naruto said. "We'll make it back to Konoha by the deadline, even if Rainbow Dash has to break the sound barrier with you on her back mid-mission."

"And then what? If I defect, I'll be a missing ninja, even if I do somehow escape the snake." He grumbled.

"We'll figure it out." Naruto said, with a finality that restored some hope in Sasuke. The two spent the next hour or so in silence, looking out over the ocean as the ship steadily sailed north.


On the last day of the voyage the crew stopped off at an iceberg, on the premise of doing some filming. They had written the two ponies into the script, and the new Princess Gale film now included her joining forces with the 'Twilight Princess', played of course by Twilight Sparkle, and her loyal guard 'Rainbow Dash' as herself.

The actors, ponies included, disembarked onto the iceberg, with team seven taking up positions to defend them in case of attack.

They had reached the scene where the group meets the 'Twilight Princess', as she ran through the valley of the iceberg, chased by fierce 'windigos', played by transformed Naruto clones. The actors easily slew the attackers in dramatic fashion, but were overwhelmed until the arrival of Rainbow Dash, in fake armor, arrived to save the day. Their victory is short lived, as the evil Mao arrives and strikes down Shishimaru, prompting a sad scene where the cast mourn the loss of their ally.

Twilight then explains her plight, how Mao has brought great suffering to the land of ponies, and forced the Princess into exile. She explains that she intends to fight the evil sorcerer, with her loyal bodyguard at her side, and bring peace to her land. The scene, however, was interrupted.

"Princess! At long last we meet again. You were but a small child when you fled from your home, chased by me. It seems only fitting I welcome you back, with open arms!" Called a tall ninja, revealing himself from the top of a nearby hill. At his signal two others rose from the snow, and prepared to attack.

"Get back to the ship, but keep filming!" Yelled the director, as the crew and actors fled for the ship. Naruto went to cover them, trusting Twilight to teleport the Princess once again. That accomplished, he rushed to aid Sakura in her fight.

Sakura's opponent was a standard 'big guy' complete with slow but devastating hits. Long range attacks seemed to bounce off him, meaning she'd have to close in to use her taijutsu. The brute of a man made that decision for her, launching a grappling hook from his arm that dragged her in. Taking advantage of the momentum she countered his punch with a haymaker of her own. The two blows met with a clash of chakra, as the strange armor he was wearing tried to repel her fist, but in the end the two were repelled, sending both into snow banks.

He was up before her, and rushed forward to continue fighting, confident that his armor would allow him to overpower her. He had to jump back as several wind enhanced shuriken the size of saw-blades flew at him from Naruto. The armor deflected them all, but the snow ninja was forced back enough from the impacts for Sakura to regain her footing.

"That armor is more annoying than yours" She grumbled at the blond.

"He's using a machine, it doesn't count" He replied, spamming the area with clones to aid in the assault.

The ninja in question decimated them by the armload as he swing recklessly through the crowd. Attacks from all sides bounced harmlessly off of him, allowing for him to fight like a berserker, unlike the clones which were dispelled by mere glancing blows. Shooting forward the original Naruto drew a kunai and blew wind chakra onto it, lengthening the blade into a sword of wind. In a flurry of blows that left a faint humming noise from the impact he forced the large man's rampage to a halt. Naruto swung the blade down hard, forcing the ninja to block with crossed arms as the humming noise grew in pitch. He could almost see the chakra flooding into the area to counter the cutting force of the blade.

Her opponent reduced to a sitting duck, Sakura struck with a leaping strike, chakra enhanced fist coming down on the ninja's face. For a split second the shield around the ninja held, and then cracked from the blow, forcing the ninja down and back, carving a trench in the ice and snow.

"My nose!" He yelled, clutching the now very broken nasal passage. "I'll have your head for that!"


Sasuke's opponent was the agile type, quickly darting about with ranged attacks, which the Uchiha countered with kunai and shuriken of his own. Closing in to close combat the black haired boy activated his bloodline, and delivered a series of blows to the pink haired girl. To his frustration the strange armor she was wearing seemed to soak the damage, and the ninja leapt back into long range.

Not caught unprepared Sasuke brought his right hand up and released the technique, sending a surge of lightning towards one of his previous kunai. The girl must have seen this coming, as a quick 'ice wall' technique soaked the majority of the impact, but knocked her away as it exploded from the current.

To his surprise she emerged from a snow bank sporting wings from her armor, and began to fly around harrying him with ranged ice based attacks. He managed to copy the technique with his bloodline, but quickly realized that for someone without either water or wind affinities it was merely a waste of chakra, and stuck to dodging and countering with shuriken.

Another volley of frozen sparrows was cut off, as Rainbow Dash, now sans armor, dove down and harried the airborne opponent with a flurry of blows. The ninja, unaccustomed to fighting other airborne opponents found herself out matched, and was forced to rely on her armor to take the brunt of the damage. With a spin she managed to throw the pegasus off of her, only to resume being assaulted from below by Sasuke's ranged attacks.

A volley of kunai with exploding tags forced her higher into the air, where she noticed a very large, very menacing looking storm cloud floating rather low to the ground, and beginning to hum rather loudly. Before she could react a final Kunai darted through the smoke bouncing harmlessly off of her armor. With a deafening crack and blinding flash, every ion in the overcharged cloud leapt to the positively charged kunai, regardless of the ninja that stood in the way.

A very singed ninja dove headlong into a rather deep snow bank, chakra armor sparking wildly, as Sasuke turned to his teammate and gave her a fist-bump.


Kakashi's battle against his old opponent was not going as smoothly, having no backup he found himself almost evenly matched against the fellow jounin. It wasn't an uncommon situation for the silver haired ninja, having become famous for copying his opponent's style and turning it against them, and right now was no acceptation.

"It's time we end this charade Kakashi, choose your weapon, the nest attack will be the last!" Nadare yelled across at his greatest adversary.

"Very well... I choose Narwhals." Kakashi said. Perhaps he had been spending too much time around Naruto, but the reality was he said that just to see the look on his opponent's face. And it was worth it, the enemy jounin blew his composure and dropped out of his posturing, sputtering for a few seconds to come up with a response.

He was so shocked when his opponent suddenly responded with "Very well, a majestic choice." that he nearly missed the first few hand seals, and hurriedly copied them in an attempt to keep up.

Sure enough once the technique was finished two truly massive horned whales made of ice rose from the depths surrounding the iceberg and leapt towards each other. Not waiting to see which one won the confrontation, Kakashi ran, gathering his students as he did so. The cannons of the Ixion fired as they approached, teleporting the ninja to the deck as the iceberg sank beneath the waves behind them.

With a spin of the wheel Scootaloo managed to turn the ship to catch the wave, riding it towards the shore of Snow country. Kakashi absently giggled at the thought of using his new technique against Gai.