• Published 30th Apr 2012
  • 33,050 Views, 1,647 Comments

Friendship Contract - Demeristraz

A contractless summoning lands Naruto with quite possibly the strangest/coolest summon's ever seen.

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Bringing the Heat

It was morning when helmsmare Scootaloo pulled the ship up to the coast of Snow country, dropping the gangplank for the party of actors, ninjas, film crew and revolutionaries. A caravan of trucks met them at the coast, and a crew of clones took charge of loading the cargo into the backs, their trip would take them on a winding path through the mountains to a small village where they would work to finish the film.

The ninja took formation around the caravan as it crawled along, heavy snowfall threatened their visibility, and icy paths made some of the turns treacherous. There was another flash of purple near the middle of the convoy, and a struggling Princess Koyuki fell into the snow once more. Observing from the top of one of the trucks, Sasuke grumbled and handed a few folded bills to his pink haired teammate. "Told ya she'd try more than ten times." the girl smirked.

"Isn't that the definition of insanity?" Sasuke grumbled.

"And there she goes again." Sakura laughed, as the not so secret Princess once more bolted for the treeline.

"Naruto! Go get her yourself this time, I'm getting sick of this!" The unicorn yelled up at an innocuous looking cloud.

"Wrong cloud!" Rainbow dash called down, sticking her head out of the rather grey ball of vapor.

"I'm on it!" Hollered the familiar blond, zooming away on a snow cloud of his own. It was unusual, creating any sort of cloud in the northern environment made it grey like the ones high above, and frankly riding on it made his read end cold.

Sure enough he found the Princess not far away, struggling through waist high snow. "Where do you think you're going to go? All that's out here is ice and snow." He asked, as the Princess stopped struggling to catch her breath.

"Anywhere but where you're taking me. Doto is going to kill me! Don't you understand that? He killed my father, he took over this country, there is no beating him!" She yelled, throwing her anger into the snow around her.

"Doto is just a man, Princess. You don't have to be afraid of someone like that, he's just a bully, and bullies are only strong as long as people do nothing. You have four strong ninja here to help you, and an entire country willing to stand up to him. All they need is a princess worth fighting for." Naruto said, pulling her back to shallower snow.

"Doto will kill all of them, they're all just a bunch of fools. There is no spring in Snow country." She said, letting herself be pulled onto Naruto's back in her exhaustion.

"They're fools who fight for you. If you give the word, I'll happily be another fool who fights for you. You deserve to have a happy ending." The orange ninja said, climbing the incline back to the road.

They soon found that the convoy had moved on, leaving the two to catch up by following the path through a tunnel. Halfway through the ground beneath Naruto began to melt, revealing metal rails. "Train." Gasped the woman on his back.

"Train." Grumbled Naruto, picking up the pace as he heard the metal monstrosity enter the tunnel behind him. He knew what a train was, having ridden one to Appleoosa before many times, and he knew for certain there was not a technique he knew that would save his sorry hide if that train hit him. So he ran, he ran harder than he had in his entire life, legs pumping and lungs burning as the train bared down upon him.

"Why do you keep struggling?" The woman on his back sobbed. "Why can't you see it's hopeless?"

He didn't even consider dropping her to save himself, he would out run this train with her on his back, or he would die trying. "I don't believe in hopeless situations!" He yelled, putting on a final burst of speed as he cleared the tunnel.

He dove left as he reached the blinding light of freedom, seeing the caravan stopped off to the side of the road ahead. The train cleared the tunnel dangerously close behind him, sending the boy and the woman tumbling down a slope. The train screeched to a grinding halt not far further down the rails, just in front of the camp.

A beast of a man stepped out onto the top of the train, and pulled a megaphone and appeared to be gloating, shouting down at the camp about rather inane things like 'All your base are belong to us', or 'you have no chance to survive.' Naruto figured he'd probably hit his head rather hard, but judging by the megalomania rolling off the man in waves, he assumed that was Doto.

Which meant the massive force of armed men, likely wearing red shirts under their armor, rose up out of the snow to charge the train, it wasn't at all shocking that the train turned its weapons on them immediately. What was shocking, to all those present, was it never got a chance to fire.

It started with the front of the train, the very first car was engulfed in a purple glow as it creaked and then rose off the rails. It continued to rise as the second car joined it, followed by the third and fourth and so on. The cars with weapons on them soon found themselves tilted harmlessly away from the awestruck crowd, and even Doto found he was clinging to the car beneath him in panic.

At the center of the rebel army Twilight's horn shone like a beacon as she scrunched her face up in concentration. She had lifted Ursa Minors before, and floated one from Ponyville all the way to a cave in the everfree forest. A train was merely the next test of her abilities. A test she was acing it seems, as the entire train was now airborne. She sorely wished she had the strength to merely teleport it into the ocean. She was no foal, she knew what that man had planned for the rebel forces, but she would have to settle for derailing the train, and leaving the man stranded at the mercy of the ninja.

With a toss she did just that, dumping the train rather unceremoniously over the edge of the cliff face. Doto and the three ninja from before darted from the confines of the train and rushed the army, who at Kakashi's 'suggestion' broke and ran out of the area lest they become collateral damage. Each of the Konoha ninja took their opponent from before, not willing to mess with what works, leaving Naruto to face down Doto alone.

Rainbow Dash had taken a rather exhausted Twilight off the battlefield, it would just be Sasuke against the pink haired ninja from earlier, a rematch both were happy with. Once again opting to stick at long range she pelted the ninja with ice sparrows, flying out over the cliff edge and safely out of reach.

Without any way to reach his opponent, or surfaces to stick charged kunai to, Sasuke was now at a disadvantage. He resorted to some of his more devious tricks, like hiding shuriken in fireballs, and then hiding ninja wire on shuriken. He even tried hiding ninja wire on shuriken in fireballs, but anything that did hit the target bounced off harmlessly due to that infernal armor. He swore if they managed to salvage some of it he'd break it on principle... After they reverse engineered it, he amended. Flying was rather cool.

Still at the moment, both opponents knew this was a fight neither of them could win. "Naruto switch with me!" He yelled, breaking from his target and dashing towards Doto, who appeared to have been stuck in monologue mode the entire time. The blonde in question gave him a nod and moved to intercept the flying ninja that pursued the Uchiha. Off to the side he noticed Sakura's fight, and gave a small grin as she managed to dismount her opponent from a snow board of some kind, and then break it over his face.

Reaching the edge of the cliff face Naruto called up numerous clones, each one spitting out a cloud and hopping on, riding it up into formation around the soaring ninja. "Finally the first real test of the airborne portion of my pony karate." he grinned.

"You actually plan on fighting me with taijutsu? We're over a 300 feet above the ground! Are you insane?" His opponent yelled back at him.

Naruto merely shrugged. "If I wasn't this would probably never work." With a tremendous leap he shot forward, attempting to grapple with his target. To his frustration the armor seemed to repel even a full body grapple, and he was forced to kick off and land back on another cloud. Undeterred he bounced off another series of the floating platforms, circling his opponent and darting in for quick strikes.

On the ground Sasuke was growing increasingly irritated by the man before him. "So you see, that is why I should have always been the true ruler of-" He was interrupted by a fist barely repelled from striking him in the jaw. "You attacked me mid sentence!" The man seemed terribly offended.

"In all fairness, gloating during a fight is rather stupid. I'm not sure why ninja's talk at all while fighting." Sasuke grunted, flipping away before the man could counterattack.

Sakura pulled herself out of yet another snow bank after receiving yet another counter from her brute of an opponent. "Okay seriously, that armor makes no sense." She grumbled. "I can see it generating a solid wall like Naruto does, but it doesn't. I can see it generating a field that repels all chakra but yours, but why does it work on shuriken? I can see it including an electromagnetic field to repel metal too, but I just broke a tree branch on it, and nothing!"

Her opponent seemed taken aback by her rant and stopped coming at her. "That and if it prevents us from striking you, then it should work the other way. When you punch me, it should be the barrier hitting me first, and we already proved the barrier is flexible, so your punches should be weakened, and I know I just felt your fist connect with me just there! Look, even now you're standing in the snow and the snow is touching you!"

"Uh... I'm not even sure the guy who designed these things knows how they work, to be honest."The brute of a man said, scratching the back of his head.

"I reject your reality breaking armor!" Sakura yelled, once more running headlong at her opponent.

Doto raised a single hand up and firing a massive jet of black ice and snow in the form of an angry dragon, in exactly the same way he had been since the fight began. "Can't you do anything else?" Sasuke yelled, dodging the umpteenth dragon sent his way in the past few minutes. Even dodging widely he was beginning to get frostbite.

"I can do it with my left hand too!" Doto yelled, firing off two at once.

"Your sensei must be so proud of you, taking over a country with only a single technique." Sasuke taunted, severely pissed now that there were double the amount of projectiles to dodge. In response he darted forward, forming a chidori and pushing himself to the very limit of his speed. As expected the man didn't even dodge, relying on his armor to soak the blow. And soak the blow it did, the round green crystal on the front receiving only a small crack from Sasuke's strongest piercing attack. With a backhand Sasuke was flung back into the snow, winded and running low on chakra, he still climbed to his feet in time to dodge.

He focused inwards, slowly drawing open the seal on his shoulder. At times like these he wished there was some sort of activation phrase, though he dared not try the one Naruto suggested. With his luck there was likely a dress stored within the seal somewhere, ready to poof onto him the moment he said the words.

Still soon enough he felt the now familiar rush of power flow through him, along with a surge of agression, and an idea sprung into his mind. Listening to the first idea that came to mind while intoxicated probably wasn't a wise decision, but he was in no state to argue. As the next rocket of ice and snow shot forward he darted around it, quickly closing the gap between him and Doto at speeds the man couldn't hope to follow.

With a leap and a roar Sasuke brought himself to head level, dodging over the final blast of ice and snow. Once airborne he ran through five hand seals, relishing the look of horror on the man's face as a massive black dragon of ice and snow tore forward, the force of the impact knocking the man back despite his armor, and sending him tumbling off the cliff. The black haired chuunin managed to utter a very weak 'yay' before collapsing on his face from chakra exhaustion, remembering why he had opted out of using ice techniques before.

The team's victory was short lived, as a very bemused Doto soon rose above the cliff edge, standing aboard the deck of a massive metal zeppelin. At once the Snow ninja broke from their fights, leaping onto the zeppelin as it climbed higher into the sky. Completely exhausted Sasuke could do nothing to prevent a grappling hook from snatching up Koyuki.

Naruto immediately went to ground, knowing he couldn't stand against four Snow ninja in chakra armor and whatever crew was flying that thing. He landed near Sasuke, as Kakashi and Sakura met up with him, Sandayu joined them shortly after, the old man in hysterics. "They have the Princess, what are we going to do?"

"We need to get back to the ship." Kakashi said, getting nods from Naruto and Sakura as they hefted Sasuke between them.

"Retreat? We can't just run away! They'll execute her!" The manager yelled.

"We aren't retreating." Kakashi said, leading the way.


High above the land of Snow, Doto brooded in his metal zeppelin. They had the princess, they could easily squash any rebellion that rose up now, by threatening to execute her. Infuriatingly the crystal she wore around her neck was a fake, the jounin, Kakasi, must have recognized it and swapped it out. Still perhaps he could arrange a trade, the Princess for the key, in the long run the crystal was far more important.

They were over the Rainbow Glaciers, heading towards Doto's castle, where the Princess would be secure in his dungeon. "Sir!" one of the crew interrupted, sticking his head in the doorway. "We're being pursued by a ship!"

"Impossible, we're inland, there aren't even any rivers nearby." He grumbled, rising from his seat.

"The ship sir, it's... flying!" The man said, getting shoved aside as Doto rose to the deck. sure enough the ship the ninja had used to get to the land of snow was pulled up alongside them, flying on a pair of massive orange wings.

"Avast ye scoundrels and curs! Ye have the distinct pleasure of being robbed today by the crew of the infamous E.S. Ixion. Prepare to be boarded!" Called a small unicorn from the side of the ship. Below her several planks dropped down, revealing a row of cannons poised to fire on the zeppelin. "Fire everything!"

A volley of Fire, Ice, and Lightning shot from the cannons, rattling the zeppelin and sending the crew scattering to keep it airborne. With a mighty leap the conscious Konoha ninja boarded the metal flying machine, and once again resumed their battle against the Snow ninja.

Sakura darted around the crew on the zeppelin, dodging as her opponent laid waste to both crew and machinery in his attempt to catch her. Leaping once more out of range she threw a single kunai with a tag on it, a blinding flash of light left her target stunned and in position. Overhead Rainbow Dash fought against the airborne ninja, dominating the air as a born flier. With a single hoof upside the head she had the ninja following her as they performed dangerous maneuvers around the flying machine.

From the Ixion Twilight carefully levitated ninja wire into position on the rival airship, creating a seemingly delicate spider web of strong thin metal and locking it into place just as Rainbow Dash shot through it in a display of acrobatic agility. The ninja trailing the pegasus was not so lucky, and wound up tangled within the wire, her armor humming wildly as it tried to force the strands away. Dash pulled into a loop, gaining speed as she turned and delivered a double hoof kick into the chest of the ninja, sending her out of the impromptu net and crashing down into her teammate.

The two fields around the armors touched, each one trying to repel the other with increasing levels of power until all at once the system failed cataclysmically, blowing the armor apart and damaging the engine of the zeppelin. The two ninja, injured and harmless but not dead, clung to the deck as the ship began to list to one side, and then plummet.

Within the hold of the ship Naruto was struggling. He was at the end of a narrow corridor, with Doto gloatingly standing at the far end, and Koyuki's prison cell right in between. Every time he would rise and charge at the man he would be blown back by that infernal dragon blizzard technique.

"Give up little ninja, the Princess is mine, and soon I will have the key to Snow countries secret weapon." and of course the villain took the opportunity to monologue.

Naruto rose to his feet once more, creating several clones around him. One of them stepped in front, and surrounded himself in a Twilight Bubble. The others gathered behind him, and began to roll the ball down the corridor. Predictably a blast of ice and snow came shortly after, buffeting the ball and threatening to roll it back down the hall. Only the clones behind it, all anchored to the floor and pushing slowly moved the ball forward down the hall.

"Why do you keep fighting? Why can't you see it's hopeless?" The man yelled, pushing more power into the technique. The steady pace of the ball's progress slowed, but it still steadily continued onwards. They passed Koyuki's cell, still making progress against the onslaught of the blizzard until finally, with several hundred clones behind it pushing, the bubble was nearly point blank with Doto.

"I don't believe in hopeless situations!" The real Naruto yelled, passing through the bubble with Rasengan in hand, slamming it into Doto's chest. The armor held, just barely, gaining several new cracks as Doto was knocked back from the force of it. At once the ship began to list to one side, and the Naruto clones got to work getting the princess out of her cell. The two managed to leap over Doto as he pulled himself out of the wreckage, and once on the deck of the falling ship a teleport spell from Twilight brought Koyuki to the Ixion.

A sudden jerk sent Naruto overboard, causing Twilight's spell to miss its target. He turned as he fell, intent on making a cloud for him to land on, but was quickly caught by Rainbow Dash who pulled him onto her back.

The Ixion made a landing on the frozen lake next to the zeppelin's crash site, a short walk away stood a small gazebo with a pedestal in the middle. "I remember this." Koyuki said, looking at the large prismatic pillars that surrounded her. "I remember my father showing me this, as a child. He said that spring would one day come to snow country."

Kakashi stepped forward, finished with his off screen battle, and handed the Princess her real crystal necklace. She clutched it tight, real tears welling up in her for the first time in ages, as she remembered the pride her father had spoken with. With the confidence of a ruler she stepped forward, "I do believe, spring will come." She whispered, and placed the crystal into the slot.

A loud humming rose up from the surroundings, as steam rose from the pillars around them. "A generator?" Sakura asked, dumbfounded that the 'spring' might be literal after all.

"Country wide climate control. Without magic?" Twilight added in, also perplexed as the ice and snow around them rapidly began to melt.

"No!" Came a shout from the wreckage, a very angry Doto stormed forward. "Where is the power? Where is the weapon?" He yelled, even as the lake beneath him began to thaw. He raised both arms towards the assembled group ahead of him, even as Twilight raised a protective bubble around them. On the deck of the Ixion the film crew watched with baited breath.

"Right here!" Came a cry from above, as Rainbow Dash swooped down from the sky, leaving a prismatic streak behind her. On her back Naruto leaned forward, arm extended like a jouster and spinning ball of energy in his palm, catching the light of the pillars and emitting a prismatic glow. "Sonic Rainboom Rasengan!" He yelled, as the pegasus instantaneously broke the sound barrier, smashing the ball of energy against the target.

The strongest chakra armor prototype stood no chance, it was obliterated as Doto was launched skyward, eventually coming to a stop several miles away in a conveniently placed pile of snow.


It took just under a week for the team to finish taking apart the old regime and placing Koyuki on the throne properly, a week spent recovering for Naruto. The diagnosis from the royal doctors was that the boy had suffered severe internal injuries from the force of rapidly accelerating to past the speed of sound, as well as breaking his arm in seven places from ramming it against something going at that speed.

As predicted the boy was conscious within the week, merely needing to keep from any strenuous activity and wear a cast on his arm for the next few days. No doubt this was due to the furball's influence, but it left the doctors absolutely perplexed. Kakashi forbade the boy from using the technique anymore, as much like his chidori the speeds required made the technique suicidal, not including the self inflicted damage.

Naruto tried to explain that it was the 'ultimate' assassination move, since they were moving faster than sound. An unaware enemy would be hit by the attack before they heard the boom. Kakashi swatted the boy on the head and replied with "That only works if you don't call out to your opponent first. You were lucky Doto was too shocked to take a step to the left or right."


Eventually things in Snow country were wrapped up, and team seven left with a complete mission, a set of autographs, and a possible trade deal for Konoha. Seeing his teammate rubbing his neck at increasing intervals, Naruto insisted they fly directly back home on the Ixion, which was unanimously accepted by all present. It took three days, as Scootaloo had to rest her wings and eyes each night, but they arrived back in Konoha before the month was out.

On their first day back Tsunade insisted she take a look at Sasuke's seal. She consulted with Jiraiya, Luna, and Twilight, but even with their combined knowledge they came up short. The seal contained an enzyme that affected the genetic structure of the bearer and Tsunade was no geneticist. Jiraiya could analyze the seal that contained it for years and come up with nothing. Luna and Twilight knew only how the magic barrier around it functioned. Without this 'medicine', if it really did exist, Sasuke was doomed.

Two days after their return the cloaked figure again came for Sasuke's response.

That morning Naruto went to an old tree in the Uchiha complex as planned, and found a note within. They had agreed on the way back that Sasuke would remove the note from the tree at 6am each morning if he was still within the village. Naruto immediately went to the Hokage.

"So, he's been 'kidnapped' has he?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. "I'm supposed to just take it on faith he was taken against his will? You know defecting, even to save your own life, is looked down upon Naruto."

"Have faith in me then. I'm a chuunin now, give me a team and I'll get him back." Naruto promised.

"Very well, you have one hour to gather a team of anyone available and pursue the kidnappers." Tsunade said, giving a small grin as Naruto immediately leapt out the window. Deciding to throw subtlety out the window he spammed the village with clones to ask anyone he could find for help.

Within the hour Naruto stood at the gates of Konoha, behind him stood Sakura, Lee, Hinata, Ino, Shikamaru, Chouji, Kiba, Tenten and Karin. Only Shino was away with his family at the moment. "Naruto." Came a voice from the village. The blond turned to see Neji approaching.

"I wished to apologize for my previous attitude. My arrogance and devotion to the belief in fate had blinded me to the truth of things, which brings great shame to a member of the Hyuuga clan. I respect you as an opponent, and thank you for opening my eyes to some things. If you would have me, I'll gladly follow you on this mission." He said, reaching out to shake the orange boy's hand.

"Glad to have you aboard. Karin, Kiba, Neji, you three are our best trackers, take point. We're going after Sasuke, and we're going to bring him home." Naruto barked, seeing the 11 chuunin and genin present leap into position. "And I pity anyone who tries to stop us."