• Published 2nd Oct 2019
  • 2,396 Views, 67 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: Skylanders Quest - Mister V

The Ninjas travel to Skylands to rebuild the core of light

  • ...

Troll Warehouse

Our heroes land just outside of the troll warehouse where they met a mabu wearing a spy helmet.

"Name's Snuckles." He said. "That's right - Special Agent Snuckles. C'mon. The elevator into the Troll Warehouse is right this way." He then lead our heroes to the elevator and pulled the lever to take them to the troll warehouse. "Betcha you and Fugitoig don't recognize me, do ya Sunset?"

"No not really." Sunset said

"That's because I'm a master of disguise now." Snuckles said before explaining to the others who obviously don't know him. "Your friends and the Skylanders once saved us all when a tornado ripped through our village."

"You did?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yeah, the tornado was pretty big." Sunset said.

"And that's when I decided to join the Mabu Defense Force and become a real live secret agent. -AND this is my first mission. Can you believe it!? -Come one - let's go get that Golden Gear!"

"Okay, Special Agent Snuckles, lead the way." Sunset said.

"I think the warehouse is this way." Snuckles said, with a bit of fear. "Courage, Snuckles. Courage. There - that's the troll warehouse. Those stinky-bridge-dwellers keep all the junk the've stolen in there. I can see it! The Golden Gear! Go get it! I mean, LET's go get it That's right," He then went on ahead only step on a mine and be blasted back where he started. "Owie! Owie! Stingy! Wow - that hurt. I should just go home... No, wait. I need to fight."

"Are you okay?" Sunset asked.

"Aw, those tricky-trolls put in a minefield." Snuckles said. "But you know, I bet they'd never remember where they put all those mines... They've gotta have a map showing the way through it. -And we gotta find it."

"Okay, you stay here, and will get it." Sunset said as she and her friends went to find it. Along the way, Zook told The Rainbooms his Skylanders origin story.

"It was a long time ago mon." Zook said as a flashback showed him being praised by his people. "I am something of a folk hero among the Bambazooker forest folk. After centuries of standing still, I decided not to be a stick in the mud anymore. I simply lifted my leg and stepped forward. I then wandered the woods spreading the word - Bambazookers can move!" The scene changed to show an elves observing him "But nobody took much notice. The first time an outsider saw a Bambazooker was when I saved an elven mapping expedition. The elves were watching me and placing bets on the purpose of his bamboo tube (some said it was a telescope, while others mantained it was a didgeridoo). The elves were caught unawares when a mighty mountain troll stomped menacingly towards them." We then see Zook using his Bazooka for the first time to chase of the trolls. "Suddenly, I brought all betting to a close when I lifted the great tube to my shoulder. Out shot a shower of exploding thorns that sent the troll into a speedy retreat. 'Ahhhh, a bazooka!' the elves exclaimed. To this day, no other bambazooker has ever taken a single step. So, as the only mobile Bambazooker in history, I has a special place in the Skylanders squad."

"Hoowee, them trolls must have been really scared off." Applejack said.

"Hehehe, yeah mon, you could say dat." Zook said. Our heroes soon found the map, grabbed it, and brought it back to Snuckles.

"Great work!" Snuckles said. "Now we'll be able to make our way through the mine field. After you - er - you know, since you already have the map."

"Okay Snuckles." Sunset said before leading the way through the minefield. Before long, our heroes made it to the other side, where the Golden Gear is waiting for them.

"I'll carry it." Applejack said before lifting up the Golden Gear as if it were nothing. She carried it all the way back to the ruins where Eon's voice calls to them from beyond.

"The Golden Gear." Eon said. "Plucked from the machinery of the universe, the intricate clockwork of this world." The Golden Gear then inserted it's self into the machine, causing more gears to pop up within the vines. The machine them rose up showing more gears popping out of the sides. Needless to say, Kaos was not happy.

"MY GEAR!" He said. "DO you see that?! They've got my gear, my beautiful golden gear."

"Next, they'll be after your goo." Glumshanks said, making Kaos paranoid and angry.

"YOUR RIGHT!" He said grabbing a bottle of the stuff and splashing it all over the place as he spoke. "MY GOO! FIRST IT WAS MY GOLDEN GEAR, AND NOW THEY'RE AFTER MY GLOWING GREEN GOO! THAT TEARS IT! NO MORE MR.NICEGUY!"

"Umm, I wouldn't exactly call you nice." Glumshanks said.

"CALL OUT MY TROLL ARMY!" Kaos commanded as he spilled more goo. " LAUNCH AN ALL OUT ATTACK! THIS MEAN WAR!" some of the goo got on his head. Back at the ruins, General Robot, Donnie, and Fugitoid were admiring the Golden Gear.

"An impressive gear." Donnie said.

"I wouldn't mind upgrading my own equipment with one of those." General Robot said.

"What kind of grease does this thing take?" Fugitoid asked.

"The rarest kind." Hugo said. "Green Primordial Goo! But when the Core was destroyed, all the Green Goo drained out, and I haven't got a clue where to find more."

You know, recently, the Troll military had taken a massive leap forward in terms of it's technological capability, thanks to Doctor Mechanicus." General Robot said. "I'll bet this Green Goo business is behind it all."

"Oh no!" Hugo said in fear. "This is terrible! If the Trolls have discovered the secrets of the goo, their forces will be virtually unstoppable!"

"Our soldiers have been struggling to breach their main factory." General Robot said. "If this goo is what you say it is, then failure is not an option!" He then turned to Donnie and Fugitoid. "Donnatello, Fugitoid, we need you help! Can we count on you and your friends to shut down the Troll factories and recover the goo?"

"You bet, I'll get the others." Donnie said before rounding up everyone and explaining it before they jumped into the cannon.

"The Glowing Green Goo of Primordia!" General Robot said." That's what we're after soldiers! Make ups proud!" Our heroes were then shot our towards the Goo Factory.

Author's Note:

Our heroes found the golden gear, and now go to get the green goo


Zook's origin story can be found on his page of the Skylanders wikipedia