• Published 2nd Oct 2019
  • 2,396 Views, 67 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: Skylanders Quest - Mister V

The Ninjas travel to Skylands to rebuild the core of light

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Crawling Catacombs

Our heroes followed T-Bone down a bony staircase and into the Crawling Catacombs.

"Skull mask.. Skull mask." T-Bone said as he looked around. "I know exactly where it is...I think. If you think about it, it's kinda redundant having a Skull Mask in the Underworld. You know - WHO'D WEAR IT! HA! - We're all skulls! -Kinda silly. Oookay, we should be fine. Just as long as we don't run into any spiders." Just then a spider came down near T-Bone, who got scared out of his wits. "WAHHHH! Sorry, gang! You're on your own!" He then ran off with the spider on his heels.

"Don't worry!" Sunset shouted. "We'll be fine." She then led our heroes through the catacombs. Along the way Boomer decided to tell his Skylanders origin story.

"My story is a blast." He said as a flashback showed him as a young troll growing up into a soldier. "As a young troll, I liked nothing better than big bangs and blowing things up. My favorite target of all was sheep, which I loved to blast sky-high. So it was only natural that when I grew up he became an explosives expert in the troll army." We then see him feel that something is wrong. "But although the army delighted in my detonations, I soon felt something was wrong. The army was actually seemed to take all this war seriously." We then see him go off to find sheep to blast, much to the general's frustration. "So I scamped merrily to find some sheep instead. The Troll General erupted with anger when he heard that I was gone. He needed my demolitions expert to blow up a dam and flood the village below." Next, we see him listen to the plan and go off to stop it. "But I had overheard the General's plans and intended to intervene." We then see him use his dynamite on some sheep to stop the flooding water. "So, while my former squad mates destroyed the dam, I began throwing sticks of dynamite at a nearby flock of sheep. The sheep hurtled through the air and into the oncoming torrent of water where their thick wool began to soak it all up. By the time the water reached the first village house, the deluge had become a dribble." Finally, we see master Eon sign Boomer up to the team. "When Master Eon heard I had rescued an entire village, he signed me up quick-smart. Now, my explosive skills are used only to terminate evil and still occasionally sheep, although I'll deny it if you ask me."

"That's so brave of you." Pinkie said.

"Thanks, I thought so too." Boomer said. Before long, our heroes soon found the Skull Mask and brought it to T-Bone, who escaped the spider.

"Heeeey." He said. "I'm impressed. you actually got the Skull Mask? Not bad for a living-type. You three with the shells might smell kinda funny, but you're alright. Hey, sorry about before. It's just, you know, spiders like to -- steal my bones. Long story. -Tell ya over some ribs." He then led our heroes up the stairs back to the surface where they heard Eon's voice from beyond.

"Excellent, The Skull Mask of the philosopher king Morterlonis, first lord of the Undead." The mask put itself around a hoop of the great machine. Meanwhile Far down below, 2 purple eyes opened up. Hugo soon admired their progress.

"The Skull Mask fits perfectly!" He said. "Now we just need the Eternal Undead Source!"

"Nice." T-Bone said. "Hey, porkpie - if you're - uh - looking for an Eternal Undead Source, I might know a guy..."

"Uh we're not looking for AN Eternal Undead Source, we're looking for THE Eternal Undead Source!" Hugo said.

"Well o' course!" T-Bone said. "I knew that. What other kind is there?"

"Splendid then!" Hugo said.

"Well, let's go get it!" Rainbow Dash said before racing to the door only to be stopped by T-Bone.

"Wooooooah, slow it down there!" He said. "You can't just walk in and get it! It's being guarded by that creepazoid Count Necropolis over in the Creepy Citadel! It's uh creepy. You know says so in the name. - What we really need to get in there - is the Skeleton Key."

"I see." Hugo said. "Do you know where to find it?"

"Well, yeah." T-Bone said. "Some zombie bullies borrowed it and never returned it yeah ha ha you know like they do. But if we put our heads together I mean uh figuratively we could get it back no problem. Whaddya say?"

"All right, let's go get the Skeleton Key." Sunset said.

"CHECK!" T-Bone said. "Let's go! Tell ya the the truth, I've been dying to get back to the crypt! - Well, not exactly DYING... but you get the picture..." He then opened the doors leading our heroes back, TO THE UNDERWORLD!

Author's Note:

Now that the Skull Mask is set, they just need to get the Skeleton Key to the Creepy Citidel.


Boomer's origin story can be found in the Skylanders Wikipedia