• Published 2nd Oct 2019
  • 2,396 Views, 67 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: Skylanders Quest - Mister V

The Ninjas travel to Skylands to rebuild the core of light

  • ...

Stormy Stronghold

Our heroes soon arrived at Stormy Stronghold, where a very large twister has indeed torn the place apart.

"Wowsers!" Flynn said. "Now THAT'S A TWISTER! And it's ripping that castle the pieces! It's almost as impressive as me, almost. Looks like the little Drow-dudes found the Eternal Air whatsamadingus and are now trying to harness its power. I guess."

"Okay we just need to find a way to get in there." Sunset said as the balloon landed. Flynn the noticed their only way in.

"Well know - looky there: some kinda bridge." Flynn said. " Of Course right now it's just a bunch of giant swirling chunky things stuck in the vortex of a killer tornado. But hey! All you gotta do is figure out a way to rebuild it. CAKE!"

"Okay Flynn, well see if we can find something." Sunset said before heading off with the others, unaware that the dark storm cloud that followed them from the ruins was spying on them from above. Soon our heroes came across a corkscrew-like device with a moon on the top surging with energy. "What's that?" Sunset asked Spyro.

"That's a pylon, it channels electric energy when it's up." Spyro explained. Sunset thought for a minute then had an idea.

"If we move the pylon down, do you think we could stop the storm?" Sunset asked.

"It's worth a try." Spyro said. They soon turned the pylon until it stopped channeling energy, causing the tornado to lighten up a bit and pieces of the bridge to drop directly into place. "Looks like we'll need to lower 3 more pylons to stop the tornado and fox the bridge."

"Then let's get to work." Sunset said heading off followed by the others. Before too long, our heroes lower down 3 more pylons, completely rebuilding the bridge and stopping the tornado. "Okay, now that the tornado's stopped lets go get the Eternal Air Source. They cross the bridge and started on their way up, battling many foes to reach the Eternal Air Source. They soon reach the top of the stronghold and see it, The Eternal Air Source, in all its glory. "Alright! Let's grab it and get out of here!" Sunset said, but just as she was about to grab it, she sees a lighting bolt head towards her and jump out of the way just in time. The lightning bolt came from the stormcloud that followed them here. Soon in zoomed down to ground level like a rocket, and a large figure jumps off it. He is light blue with a stormcloud for hair, a leather jacket, and a face that looks rather primitive.

"Finally, I've been trying to catch up to you guys all day!" The figure said.

"Who are you?" Fugitoid asked the stranger.

"Oh, I'm sorry Dr.Neradnik." The stranger said before cracking his knuckles, which causes electricity to charge in his fists. "My card." He then punches Fugitoid, who flew into the others and felt like a lightning bolt hit him.

"Are you okay Fugitoid?" Sunset asked in concern.

"I'm fine, but I feel like I was just charged up." Fugitoid said, still dizzy from the punch.

"What can I say, my punches leave you charges up." The stranger said before introducing himself. "The name's Tony Thunder. That's T as in terminate, O as in obliterate, N as in 'Nialate, and Y as, uh, well I get yell really loud at you counts. What do you think?" Spyro soon knocked him across the room.

"Sorry about that, he's nuts." Spyro said. They then saw Tony Thunder still standing as shook it off like it was nothing.

"Thanks Spyro, didn't know you cared for me that way." Tony Thunder said before pulling out three toy like statues encased in dark orbs with the air symbol on them. "Just for that I have some old friends who want to say hi to ya." He then threw the orbs which transformed into three figures wearing mind control helmets that look like buckets. The first one of them is a griffin with bracelets and a head piece, the second is a light blue turtle with horns, fins and spikes on his shell, and the third is a mix between a unicorn and a dragon with feathery wings. The Skylanders recognized them right away.

"Sonic Boom, Warnado, and Whirlwind?" Spyro asked in shock. "What happened to you?"

"Oh that's right, you guys were gone for a long time." Tony Thunder said before explaining. "The boss found your friends and turned them into mindless minions, and said the only way to turn them back is to destroy the mind control helmets." He then realized something kinda obvious. "Uh, maybe I said too much."

"Actually, you said just enough." Spyro said with a grin. "Thanks Tony."

"Yeah, well the helmets also enhance their powers so all 8 of you will have to fight them." Tony said in desperation.

"That's ok cause we have friends to make sure you don't try anything." Spyro said before turning to Sunset and the girls. "You guys deal with Tony Thunder, we'll handle this!"

"You got is Spyro!" Sunset said before she, Fugitoid, Karai, Fluttershy, and Shini went to face Tony Thunder while the Skylanders try to free their friends from their mind control. "So your Tony Thunder, one of Kaos' Elemental Elites?" She asked, preping herself to fight.

"Yeah, that's me." Tony said before getting something off his chest. "You know, when I saw you marching through my territory, there was something so familiar about you, I couldn't put my finger. Then it hit me, your Eon's little kid aren't ya, the little tyke that vanished after one of our battles."

"Yeah, and now I've come back to finish what he started!" Sunset said in determination.

(Play the video in the link below this line during the chorus when they say 'When push comes to shove, you do what you gotta do.)


"Yeah, well your gonna have to put a hold and that, cause I'm about to finish you right here." Tony Thunder said before he snapped his fingers which started a rock and roll musical number. They both soon started dancing while a storm was forming.

Listen, little girl
You're talking to an elite
And I don’t wanna hear the drama
Kindness ain't my brand
Oh, that's why you always ran
Try fighting daddy and your mama!
You stink at beating dad
Poor Sunny, are you sad?
Not as sad as you're gonna be this hour
I didn’t come to fight
I'm here to set things right
I make storms, were you expecting flowers?

I'm gonna beat you, then I'll leave here that thing
I'm gonna beat you so bad, your IQ'll be nothing

I did what I had to do (Ooh-ooh-ooh)
No, you only did what's best for you
Well, you could learn a thing or two (Ooh-ooh-ooh)

When push comes to shove
You do what you gotta do, yeah

I was never here
Guess dad didn't have a phone
He never called to say "I miss you"
Ha ha ha, are you kidding? Is this a joke?
You need to let it go
You're stronger with those daddy issues
Oh! Thank you!
Show me some respect
It ain't easy to neglect
your attention has made him all but softer
Ooh-hoo! Should I be proud?
Don’t turn this thing around
I guess you are your father’s daughter, ha, ha, ha

I'm gonna beat you, then I'll leave here that thing
I'm gonna beat you so bad, your IQ'll be nothing

I did what I had to do (Ooh-ooh-ooh)
I made it on my own, no thanks to you
Well, you could learn a thing or two (Ooh-ooh-ooh)

When push comes to shove
You do what you gotta do

How 'bout you come with me and we'll spend some time?
How 'bout I stay here ’cause you're out of your mind!
Let's make new memories, I can show you the town
No, you can keep your memories now
Get over it
I am over it!
I'm over you being over it!
Let's dance

While all of this was going down the Skylanders freed their friends from mind control, who passed out. Our 8 heroes and the others then saw Sunset beat Tony Thunder with her rock and roll skills.

I did what I had to do (Ooh-ooh-ooh)
No, you only did what's best for you
Well, you could learn a thing or two (Ooh-ooh-ooh)

When push comes to shove, you do-

When push comes to shove, you do-

When push comes to shove
You do what you gotta do

Tony Thunder soon found himself surrounded by our heroes. "Well played kid, I'll see you around." He soon jumped into his cloud and raced off. Our heroes soon checked on the 3 formally mind controlled Skylanders who were just woke up.

"Uhhh, Spyro is that you?" Whirlwind asked focusing her eyes.

"What happened?" Warnado asked looking around.

"And who are these strange creatures?" Sonic Boom asked looking at the Rainbooms.

"It's a long story." Spyro said before turning to the Eternal Air Source. "For now, let's get this back to the core of light." everyone soon grabbed the Eternal Air Source, which soon formed a less dangerous tornado that carried them off. Flynn saw this and followed them on his balloon.

"Hey, nice ride." Flynn said

"Thanks." Spyro said. They soon arrived at the ruins and landed near the place where the core of light once stood and the Eternal Air Source soon went to work. Sunset soon heard Master Eon's voice calling from beyond.

"Well done my child." He said. "Your retrieval of the Eternal Air Source has summoned me back from these ruins. There is strong magic in this place, and by its power, the Eternal Sources know how to combine with the ancient machinery of this island to recreate the Core of Light. Behold!" The Eternal Air Source soon placed itself on the ground, creating a tornado that pulled in two stone statues with no arms and big holes on the front that looks like it could collect water. as the tornado vanished, it left behind a strange floor that looks like the foundation for the Core of Light. Unknown to our heroes is that Kaos is watching all of this from his looking portal.

"OHHHH WHAT!?" He said before falling off his portal. Glumshanks and another of his elites soon entered the room. This elite is persian cat like in appearance, wears wizard clothes, and and has a sinister charisma on him. This is Meowsmerosis, leader of the Elemental Elites.

"Oh look, Lord Kaos, they found the Eternal Air Source." Glumshanks said.

"Well, ladeeda." Meowsmerosis said sarcastically.

"I can see they found the Eternal Air Source, YOU FOOLS!" Kaos said while trying to get back on his portal. "But looks who's with them, EON! But how can this be? I blew him up! Kaboom! Splat! Done! But look at him!" Glumshanks decided to look on the bright side of things.

"Well, at least he doesn't have his body." He said, which got Meowsmerosis thinking.

"Well in my opinion, it seems highly unlikely that he'd pull this off alone in his condition." He said.

"Right, obviously somebody's helping him." Kaos said. "But who? And what are they up to?" Glumshanks then had an idea.

"Well, I'm no expert as you know, but there must be another portal master somewhere. They're probably rebuilding the Core of Light." He said.

"WHAAAAAAAAAT!?!?!?!" Kaos asked as he jumped of his portal again. He soon got up and knew what to do. "We can't let that happen!" He then turned to Meowsmerosis. "Find the other Eternal Sources! I don't care where they are! JUST GET THEM!"

"Yes sir." Meowserosis said through his teeth as Kaos and Glumshanks left. After they lefts his attitude changed completely. "When I start the exicutions after I take this world from you, MY MASTER, YOU will the the FIRST on my list!" He said before the door opened revealing Tony Thunder peeking in.

"Hey, so are just as mad as the boss is that I lost the Eternal Air thingy?" He asked.

"Well there's room on my exicution list for you, if that what you mean." Meowsmerosis said.

"Right." Tony Thunder said before coming in.

"So, is she the very person I saw in the dreams?" Meowsmerosis asked

"Yeah, it's her alright, she told be herself." Tony Thunder said.

"So, Eon's child has returned." Meowsmerosis said with a sly grin. "Well, let's give her the time of her life. Send in Captain Kraken." They then left to create their plans.

Back at the ruins Hugo was admiring the work of our heroes. "The Eternal Air Source has been intergrated into the Core!" He said. "Excellent work! Oh this is coming along very nicely indeed - but I'll need some time to figure out our next step." He then pointed to a flight of stairs that lead to the docks. "Why don't you go investigate the docks. There seems to be real ruckus going on over there."

"Okay Hugo, lets go guys." Spyro said as our heroes go toward the docks. They soon see a jail cell with 3 prisoners inside, two of them being our own April O'Neil and Starlight Glimmer, and the third being a fish like creature with light green skin and orange clothes.

"April! Starlight!" Sunset said

"Sunset! Guys!" April and Starlight said

"Say, if you are going to eat me, you should know that I'm really salty and kinda high in cholesteral." the creature said. Next to the cell is lock with an imp in it.

"Ifb U arr eabt me...I'b saltby and phat too." The imp repeated kind of strangly.

"Huh?" Sunset asked.

"Imps tend to talk weird." Spyro said.

"Oh great." the fishman said. "Someone get us out of here!"

"Summon gettus underwear! Hahahaha!" the imp said.

"Sheesh." the fishman said. "I actually had to sit here and listen to that monster make up recipes - and i was the main ingredient! UGH... This is just the worst. Um...a little help? Please? Take a look inside the lock and see if you can trip the tumblers."

"Okay, I'll see what I can do." Sunset said before she looked inside the lock. she soon tripped the tumblers by turning the lock so that the imp can land on deactivation pads. The lock is destroyed and the cell opened up. The three cell mates walked out.

"Holy Carp, that was close!" The fishman said. "I came here looking for you, Skylanders, but instead I ended up that cage and the three of us were almost made into Alien and Gillman Goulash!"

"We're not aliens, we're human beings." April said

"Well actually, I'm a pony where I'm from, but still." Starlight said with a grin. Just then, Hugo showed up and was very suspicious of the fishman.

"Hmmm." He said "You wouldn't happen to have any sheep on you, would you Mister Fish."

"Gurglefin." The fishman said.

"Gezunthiet." Hugo replied.

"No, my name , it's Gurglefin." The fishman explained. "I'm a Gillman, not a fish. And where would I even keep a sheep anyway? I'm not wearing any pants."

"Oh, right, I see." Hugo said, a bit embarrassed.

"So where did you two end up?" Sunset asked April.

"We wound up on a ship owned by Gurglefin, who was coming here." April said.

"I've been looking for you, Skylanders." Gurglefin said. "I come form a nearby island where trolls have taken over and enslaved the rest of my kind. Please help us."

"Oh my." Fluttershy said

"Hmm, Trolls." Hugo added. "Very dangerous if not on our side. Not like sheep mind you, but still. You should help them. They're obviously in a fine kettle of fish. Oh... sorry."

"Watch it, mole butt." Gurglefin said. Shortly afterward, Gurglefin's ship pulled up to the docks. "Anyway, I you guys were all right. Are you ready to shove off to Oilspill Island?"

"You bet we are!" Sunset said ready to set sail. "All aboard to Oilspill Island

"Finally, someone who takes me seriously!" Gurglefin exclaimed. "No cracks about "the one that got away" or a "really big fish story". Sheesh! Okay, let's go!" They all got aboard he ship and shoved off. Gurglefin soon gave everyone a heads up. "Um... Yeah... By the way, you might want to hold on to something."

"Why?" Sunset asked. Just then they went over a waterfall and then flew off to Oilspill Island.

Author's Note:

Looks like they found the Eternal Air Source, now they just need to find 7 more


.I've based the Elemental Elites on a villian their voice actor played. Tony Thunder is based on Lobo played by Brad Garret and Meowsmerosis is based on Mr.Tinkles played by Sean Hayes

.The mind control helmets are a reference to The Spongebob Squarepants Movie