• Published 2nd Oct 2019
  • 2,396 Views, 67 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: Skylanders Quest - Mister V

The Ninjas travel to Skylands to rebuild the core of light

  • ...

Arkeyan Armory

Our heroes soon arrive at the Arkeyan Armory, only to find it dark and abandoned, with only one light being from a holographic image of the Weapon Master.

"These caverns hold much of what is left of our once proud civilization." He said. "Restore power and you will find the Eternal Magic Source within. But be warned, Skylanders. Restoring power will also awaken the ancient Arkeyan defenses that have lain dormant for thousands of years."

"You got it!" Sunset said before our heroes soon went off to find a light switch. Before long, they found the very switch.

"At last - it is time" The Weapon Master said. "After untold ages of darkness - LIGHT!" Our heroes then pulled the switch and the room lit up revealing a thousands of giant automatons. Donnie and Twilight were in awe.

"There are so many machine here!" Donnie said.

"It's amazing!" Twilight added.

"Come on, we can sight see later." Sunset said. "Let's get on this automaton and find the Eternal Magic Source."

"Okay." Twilight and Donnie said. Our heroes then got on the automaton and it suddenly came to life. They drove it through several defenses until they reached a large door. They then opened it and entered a room with a large temple. When they arrived, the Weapon Master met them again via hologram.

"Behold - the Eternal Magic Source." He said "You will find the Eternal Magic Source in the Main Vault, at the center of our temple. In order to unlock the Main Vault, three switches must be activated in smaller vaults. These vaults will require a security key card." Before long, our heroes found the security card."Excellent - you have found the security card." The Weapon Master said. "Now bring it back to the Security Control Panel." They then inserted the card into the control panel. "You have succeeded." He said. "Now deactivate the three switches within the smaller Vaults."

"We're on it." Sunset said as our heroes went to do just that. Along the way, Sunburn told his origin story.

"I'm something of a rare find." He said as a flashback showed him being born into the world. "For years, soothsayers and psychics had predicted the birth of a dragon-phoenix cross. So, when the newly hatched me was catapulted into the world from his cozy volcanic nest, I became the drag-nix,or phoe-gon, everyone wanted to meet." We then see him give the old what for on several baddies who want a piece of him "I became a target for every thief, bandit and evil sorcerer who wanted a piece of my powers. Thankfully, being able to both throw flames and teleport was a handy defense." Next, we see Eon make Sunburn a real Skylander. "Still for me, Skylands was not a safe place. Luckily, Master Eon also noticed my amazing abilities and made me a Skylander. This not only provided me with protection, but gave me a license to incinerate evil. It also provided plenty of opportunities to play teleporting pranks on my new teammates."

"That was very kind of him." Fluttershy said.

"Yep, that's my dad." Sunset said to herself, a bit sad. Being away from her must have made Eon lonely. Before long, our heroes had activated the switches and unlocked the Main Vault. When they found the Eternal Magic Source, A warlock with a cat's head was standing next to it.

"Hello, Skylanders and company." He said. "I am Meowsmerosis, leader of the Elemental Elites."

"Good, I've wanted to take on the leader of this group of weirdos." Raph said while drawing his sais.

"The feeling is mutual." Meowsmerosis said before pulling out three toy like statues encased in dark orbs with the magic symbol on them. "But some of you will have to deal with these three." He then threw the orbs which transformed into three figures wearing the same mind control helmets from before. The first one of them is a tiki-masked sorcerer, the second is an orc, and the third was a grub worm as big as a beach ball.

"Who are these guys?" Sunset asked.

"Double Trouble, Voodood, and Wrecking Ball." Spyro said. "Okay we'll snap them out of it. You guys deal with Lord Meowsmerosis."

"You got is Spyro." Sunset said. She, Shini, Karai, Starlight, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Casey Jones, Rarity, Donnie, Applejack, Raph, Pinkie Pie, Mikey, Twilight, and Leo then prepared to fight Lord Meowsmerosis in order to get the Eternal Magic Source.

"Prepare yourselves!" Meowsmerosis said as his dark magic materialized. "For I intend to put a spell on you." He then started to sing a song that chilled our heroes.

I put a spell on you
And now you're mine.
You can't stop the things I do.
I ain't lyyyyyin'.

It's been 17 years
Right now to the day,
Now the cat is back
And there's heck to pay.

I put a spell on you
And now you're miiiiiine!

A bunch of imps then joined in the singing

Hello, Skylands! My name's Meowsmerosis, what's yours?

I put a spell on you
And now you're gone. (gone gone gone so long!)
My whammy fell on you
And it was strong. (so strong so strong so strong)

Your wretched little lives
Have all been cursed,
'cause of all the witches working
I'm the worst!

I put a spell on you
And now you're mine!

Spyro and the others free Double Trouble, Voodood, and Wrecking Ball, who passed out while the others and Spike watched our heroes fight Meowsmerosis.

[Watch out! Watch out! Watch out! Watch out!]

If you don't believe,
You'd better get superstitious.

Ask these guys here!
"Ooh, he's vicious!"
I put a spell on you....
I put a spell on you.

Ah say ento pi alpha mabi upendi
Ah say ento pi alpha mabi upendi
In comma coriyama
In comma coriyama
Ay, ay, aye, aye, say bye-byyyyyyyyyyye! Bye bye!

At that moment, a smoke screen covered our heroes. When it cleared, they noticed that Meowsmerosis was gone. But then they heard his voice from somewhere.

"Take your Eternal Magic Source." He said. "It won't save you from what's to come."

"Those are some nice weapons." Spyro said.

"Thank a friend of ours from Beach City for the upgrades." Sunset said. Our heroes soon checked on the 3 formally mind controlled Skylanders who just woke up.

"Uhhh, Spyro, is that you?" Double Trouble asked, still a bit dizzy

"How long have we been here?" Voodood asked looking around.

"And who are these guys?" Wrecking Ball asked looking at the Rainbooms.

"It's a long story." Spyro said before turning to the Eternal Magic Source. "For now, let's get this back to the core of light." They soon touched the Eternal Fire Source, which summoned great magic to carry our heroes back to the ruins. Upon arriving, our heroes heard Eon's voice from beyond.

"My child, my friends." He said. "You have retrieved the final element. The very essence of Skylands. the Eternal Magic Source! The Core of Light is reborn." The Eternal Magic Source then inserted itself into the crystal deep within the machine and for a moment, everything stopped only for start again faster than ever. Before long, a beam of light blasted out of the machine and filled the sky with blinding light. Back at Kaos' fortress, Kaos was going to check on the Elemental Elites, who have been acting suspicious lately, (which he noticed just now!) when he stopped just after passing Glumshanks, who was all burnt up.

"Why, what's the matter Glumshanks?" he asked. "You look, uh, different somehow." Now at that moment, Glumshanks was mad enough strangle him. Meanwhile, the Elemental Elites had just finished their own machine.

"Now will you and the doc spill as to what this thing does?" Tony Thunder asked Meowsmerosis.

"Well, you see Tony old boy, our masters technology is the very thing helping us absorb, THE CORE OF LIGHT'S POWER!" Meowsmerosis answered before flipping a switch while laughing. "Thereby, giving us an edge over him, and the Skylanders." The Elites then grabbed rods that were sticking out of the machine. And at that moment, the light reach the Fortress and it was so powerful, the shutters flung open to its power, nearly blinding Kaos and Glumshanks.

"AHHHH, WHAT THE?" Kaos said. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" The two then went around the room searching for each other.





The two of them bumped into each other. "GLUMSHANKS!" Kaos said. "GET US OUT OF HERE! FULL SPEED AHEAD! TO THE OUTLANDS!" The fortress then started to do just that "AHHHH! MY DARKNESS! MY BEAUTIFUL DARKNESS! WELL, I'm not beaten YET!" He wasn't the only one, for around that same time, the machine that the Elemental Elite build was absorbing the light energy, causing them to grow and change in monstrous ways and laugh horrifying laughs that echoed throughout the fortress. I fear that our heroes will have a hard time beating these guys now. Back at the ruins, everyone was admiring the now finished.

"We did it!" Flynn said. "Wowsers! The Core of Light finally assembled! Now a grateful Skylands thanks me again. and YOU! ARE! WELCOME! BOOM!"

"Ugh, get over yourself." Cali said. "Things don't feel like they're, y'know, done yet."

"Ohhh yeah, I see where you're going." Flynn said with a grin. "That's because we haven't had our date yet. DOUBLE BOOM!"

"No, Cali is right." Hugo said. "The Core of Light has saved Skylands from The Darkness, but not from the Elemental Elites or the wrath of Kaos. Whatever weapon or power that he used to destroy the Great Machine before... we should assume that he could probably do it again. It's not over."

"TEN HUT!" General Robot said. "Sounds like we got a job to do! We're going to take the fight to the enemy right where he lives - his home base, before he can launch a counter attack. The Core of Light has revealed his location in the Outlands. I have the intel report right here."

Hugo was looking through the report with enthusiasm in his eyes. "That's it!!!" he said "General Robot, I could positively kiss you!"

"Um, at ease, Soldier." General Robot said.

"Quite right, of course, hehehehe, ahem." Hugo said.

"Okay, now that we know the location of Kaos' fortress, me, my friends, and the Skylanders can mount a final assault." Sunset said with determination in her eyes.

"Yeah, but how do you plan on getting there?" Cali asked.

"Why, the Core of Light, of course!" Hugo said before turning to our heroes. "Are you ready to take on the Evil Kaos and his followers, and rid Skylands of them once and for all?"

"More than ready!" Sunset said with a firey passion never seen in her since The Friendship Games.

"Splendid!" Hugo said before turning to the machine. "Now I'll just use the Core to send you there." He then examined the control panel. "Hmmm, let's see, I simply punch in a few coordinates here and..." He then pushed in a few buttons and suddenly a giant bubble appeared around the Skylanders and the Ninjas sending them up high into the air.

"Well... I guess the Core works pretty fast." Hugo said.

"I sure wish we could go with the Skylanders and the Ninjas." Cali said. "Then we could all take on Kaos togeather."

"I agree, Cali." Hugo said. "But somehow, I think this is something our heroes must do alone."

Author's Note:

Now that the Core is rebuilt, our heroes are off to fight Kaos and his followers.


.The song Meowsmerosis sings is I put a spell on you by Bette Midler