• Published 2nd Oct 2019
  • 2,396 Views, 67 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: Skylanders Quest - Mister V

The Ninjas travel to Skylands to rebuild the core of light

  • ...

Leviathan Lagoon

Our heroes soon arrive at Leviathan Lagoon, where the Eternal Water Source dwells. They started by observing the area to find the place filled with pirates

"More Pirates!" Gurglefin said. "Sheesh! Like I don't get enough of these guys. They might be looking for the statues in these islands too, so watch your tailfin out there. Oh, and if you see an evil pirate or a giant killer fish along the way, DON'T call me. Heh."

"Don't worry, we won't." Sunset said. They soon went off to find the statues along the way, Sunset asked Whirlwind if she was a dragon or a unicorn.

"Well, actually, I'm hybrid of both." Whirlwind said before a flashback showed Whirlwind not fitting in anywhere. "Born of both unicorn and dragon descent, I often felt like an oddball outsider." The scene then changed to show unicorns and dragons sneering her. "Unicorns were unimpressed with I wings and dragons disliked the horn on my head." We then see Whirlwind learning to use her tempest powers. "Shunned and seeking solace, I retreated to the cover of storm clouds, where I learned to harness I tempest power." We then see trolls attacking, and Whirlwind chasing them off. "When a troublesome troupe of trolls came searching for unicorn tails and dragon scales, I burst from her cover and unleashed a blinding rainbow to send them fleeing." We then see her being treated as a hero, and Eon giving her a place in the Skylanders "From that day on, unicorns and dragons saw her in a new light. Seeing her purity of heart, Master Eon made her a Skylander. Today, nothing makes a troll tremble like a small, stormy cloud moving speedily towards him."

"Whoa, that must have been awesome!" Sunset said.

"It was!" Whirlwind said. They soon gathered the four statues and placed them on a podium on the farthest island. Just then, at the far end of a dock, they saw it, The Eternal Water Source, emerging from the sea like a mermaid.

"The Eternal Water Source! Alright!" Spyro said. "Let's grab it and take it back to the Core of Light!" Our heroes then approached The Eternal Water Source, but just as they were going to grab it, The Leviathan came out of the sea, and ate our heroes, the dock, and The Eternal Water Source!. Then the hooded figure jumped onto the Leviathan's back and removed his hood, revealing a squid like pirate with tentacles for a beard, and a pearl where one of his eyes should be.

"HAHA!" The Pirate said. "Found ye I did! Now to do what we should have done when you were just a wee babe! Open wide Leviathan!" The Leviathan did is he was told and opened his mouth so that the pirate can enter the monster. "Ah hah! Catch of the day!" He said before jumping in. Inside the Leviathan's mouth, our heroes woke up to find themselves on the remains of a ship. They saw that The Eternal Water Source was okay, but they were met by the pirate from outside. "Well well well, look what the tide washed up." He said to our heroes. "Our old foes, the 8 lost Skylanders, a group of fair maidens, and Eon's little lost foundling. And I see you found The Eternal Water Source for Kaos, let me be the first to thank ye. I be Captain Kraken, Ruler of the seas - and herald to Lord Kaos, Emperor of Skylands and a real Portal Master."

"Yeah?" Sunset asked. "Well he's about to be dethroned."

"We shall see." Captain Kraken said before pulling out three toy like statues encased in dark orbs with the water symbol on them. "But first, let's see how your team fairs against me crew." He then threw the orbs which transformed into three figures wearing the same mind control helmets from before. The first one of them is a water dragon wearing scuba diver gear, the second is a four armed yeti, and the third was a crab-like creature with a large mace.

"Who are these guys?" Sunset asked.

"Zap, Wham-Shell, and Slam Bam." Spyro said. "Okay we'll snap them out of it. You guys deal with Captain Kraken."

"You got is Spyro." Sunset said. She, Shini, Karai, Starlight, and Fluttershy then drew pirate swords from dead pirates before faced Captain Kraken. As they prepared to fight, the dead pirate then began to sing in an acapella.

Yoah! Ho!

All Together,

Hoist the colours High!

Heave! Ho!

Thieves & Beggars,

Never shall, We die!

"I've never lost a sword fight to a maiden yet me hearties." Captain Kraken said before he started swinging.

Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.

We pillage, we plunder, we rifle, and loot,

Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.

We kidnap and ravage and don't give a hoot,

Drink up me 'earties, yo ho.

We kindle and char, inflame and ignite,

Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.

We burn up the city, we're really a fright,

Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.

Spyro and the others free Zap, Wham-Shell, and Slam Bam, who passed out while the others and Spike watched our girls fight Captain Kraken.

Come on ye pretty families,

Wherever you may be

Who love a Jolly sailor Bold,

That ploughs the raging Sea

My heart is pierced by Cupid,

I disdain all glittering Gold,

There is nothing that can console me

But my Jolly sailor Bold,

as the dead pirates increase the intensity of the music, so does our heroes fight with Captain Kraken. Before long, Captain Kraken soon found himself disarmed. "Arrr, ye bested me!" He said before taking his leave. "But next time, ye won't be so lucky." Our heroes soon checked on the 3 formally mind controlled Skylanders who just woke up.

"Uhhh, Spyro, what's going on?" Zap asked focusing his eyes.

"Where are we?" Wham-Shell asked looking around.

"And where did these people come from?" Slam Bam asked looking at the Rainbooms.

"It's a long story." Spyro said before turning to the Eternal Water Source. "For now, let's get this back to the core of light." everyone soon grabbed the Eternal Water Source, which soon formed a whirlpool that carried our heroes out of the Leviathan's mouth, and past Gurglefin, who got on his ship to follow them.

"Whoa, where did that whirlpool come from?" Gurglefin asked.

"We'll explain later." Spyro said before our heroes arrived to the ruins. They soon hear Eon's voice again from beyond.

"You have brought the Eternal Water Source!" He said. "Excellent! Now water shall return to the Core of Light." The Eternal Water Source then inserted itself into the Twin Spouts of Ocea-Major-Minor, causing a podium underneath it to rise, while below in the pipes fill with water, leading up to the Twin Spouts which shoot water into the mouths of the statues. Meanwhile in his fortress, Kaos is surprisingly laughing, making Glumshanks and Meowsmerosis concerned.

"Ummm master." He said. "Is everything all right?"

"Of course everything is alright." Kaos said. "Why wouldn't everything be alright."

"We'll we just thought that since the Skylanders and their friends got the Eternal Water Source -" Glumshanks said only to be interrupted by Kaos.

"HA!" Kaos said. "DO YOU HEAR ME! I SAY HA! Those fools think they're winning. Well their not! Know why?"

"WHY?" Glumshanks and Meowsmerosis asked sarcastically.

"Because the Darkness is spreading, my followers!" Kaos said in triumph. "No matter their feeble attempts to rebuild Eon's Machine, I AM STILL WINNING!" He then laughed again and took a bite of his turkey leg before choking and falling off his portal.

"Now is everything alright?" Glumshanks asked as Meowsmerosis was leaving.

"Heimlich." Kaos said. When Meowsmerosis closed the door, he was really mad.

"EVIL DOES NOT LAUGH AT FAILURE!!!!" He yelled as Captain Kraken and Tony Thunder entered and a troll brought them lunch. "Did Hektor laugh at failure? Or the Golden Queen? I don't think so. But a temporary set back, maybe." the three of them then removed the cover revealing their meals as he spoke to his comrades. "Ahem, the pirates have failed and Failure is unacceptable! If they show their faces again, you know what to do Captain."

"Aye, I'll hang em by their nose hairs and rip their toenails clean off!" Captain Kraken, much to Meowsmerosis' irritation.

"This can't be happening." He said before spelling it out. "I WANT THEM ELIMINATED!"

"Hey, chill man." Tony Thunder said making Meowsmerosis more irritated. "The boss wasn't kidding about the darkness spreading so maybe we can look at the glass as half-full." Meowsmerosis then threw a roll at Tony Thunder, hitting him on the head. "OW! what I say!"

"Aw, so Kaos is putting a happy face on things, I see." He said. "What an interesting philosophy. At what point did he forget WE'RE TRYING TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD?!"

Thunderstorm boomed as he spoke. "The clock is ticking and our margin for error is slight, so now, you will send in General Grindstone." He then took a sip of his drink. Back at the ruins, Hugo was admiring the progress he and our heroes had made.

"Excellent!" he said. "The Eternal Water Source is once again part of the Core of Light! But the darkness will continue to spread until we have all the Eternal Sources." Just then they saw a gate open up. "Now THAT was unexpected! Hmm. I need to do a little research to find where you must go next, but in the meantime, why don't you investigate the beach down there. I've been hearing strange noises coming from there for a while."

"Okay Hugo, maybe some of our friends are their looking for us." Sunset said. Our heroes then went to the beach to look around. Sunset was searching the sand on her hands and knees when soon sees a large metal object and examines it. As she stands up, she soon discovered something amazing. "Why, it's a machine! A machine on the beach." Everyone else comes up to look at it, and it tried to speak.

"Oil can.....Oil can...." The machine said.

"Did you say something?" Sunset asked.

"Oil can...." The machine repeated.

"Oil can what?" Zap said.

"Oil can? Oh -- oh, I know what he's talking about. I'll be right back" Fluttershy said before heading off, only to return with the can of oil from the oil donkey. She then oiled up the machine, who started moving right away.

"GOOOOOOOOOOOD MORNING SKYLANDS!" The machine said. "Whew, thanks for the oil-up! I've been stuck in that position for ages!"

"Your welcome." Fluttershy said as she continued to oil the machine up.

"Ooooph." He said. "That feels good. Hey, I owe you, big time." He thought for a moment then had an idea. "I know! I can make you guys rich!"

"You can?" Sunset asked

"Yeah!" The machine answered before explaining. "See, I'm a Clam-Tron 4000. Just find me some clams and I'll mash them all up into a big fat Pearl! How's that?"

"Well, it would be a good gift to Rarity, as long as it's not an alternate version of our friend Pearl from Beach City." Sunset said. Our heroes then went to find some clams. Then they give it to the Clam-Tron, who inserts them inside himself.

"As promised, one new gleaming white pearl coming right up!" Clam-Tron said. "A little more pressure, add some heat, and now just shift it around with a touch of elbow grease and... PRESTO!" But our heroes soon find that the pearl is black. What? A shiny new BLACK pearl? Oh no.... what happend? What did I do to me? Unh... I've lost my gift." At that moment, a rather dapper gentlemen approached.

"But, black pearls are far more valueable in today's market." He said "The name is Auric by the way. Here, let me take a look." He looked at it and got scared instantly. "Ah, it's... uh... not a pearl.... I, uh.. BIG! FUSE! GO BOOM!" Everyone was confused

"I don't understand - what are you talking about?" Clam-Tron asked.

"YOU MADE A BOMB!!!" Auric yelled

"A BOMB?!?!?!" Everyone asked in shock. Just then, Hugo showed up.

"Good news!" he said. "I found another piece to the great machine! The Cyclopses have stolen the Crystal Eye. Figures! They always wanted it for their own. They even named their castle after it. But the bad news it that they've sealed off the bridge entrance that use to unite the temple to their kingdom. Looks like we're going to have to find another... Wait... Is that a bomb? Where in Skylands did we get a bomb?"

"I made it myself!" Clam-Tron said.

"Really?" Hugo asked before getting an idea. "Well, that might be just what we need. A bomb could possibly open up the entrance to the tunnel. Or blow us all up in the process, but hopefully the former."

"All right then." Clam-Tron said "Just come back anytime you need another one. Apparently I can make these things all day long."

"Well, let's give it a shot." Sunset said before grabbing the bomb. She soon approached the wall, but then she saw her geode glow and wondered if her friends are on the other side, so she gave a heads up before lighting it. "If anyone is on the other side of this wall, you might want to stand clear of it." She then placed the bomb near the wall, lit it, and ran before it exploded, revealing Rainbow Dash, Casey Jones, and a mole like creature wearing goggles.

"WOW!" The mole creature said. "Thanks for breaking down the barrier!"

"SUNSET!!" Rainbow and Casey said before they ran to her and the others.

"RAINBOW DASH! CASEY!" Sunset said before she and the others ran to Rainbow and Casey.

"What happened to you two?" Karai asked.

"When we got separated, we wound on a trail where we met Diggs here." Casey said.

"Oh dear." Diggs said. "Oh thank goodness you aren't Cyclopses. Wait you aren't Cyclopses, are you? I sure hope not because I just escaped from their terrible Crystal Eye Castle."

"Doesn't look like he sees too well, does he?" Hugo asked.

"Not really." Casey said.

"Oh, I saw some terrible things in that place. Or at least, I think I did. They have a giant crystal orb that focuses energy. I fear they'll use it for evil. That seems to be their thing, you know. Evil and not bathing. Phew."

"That's it!" Hugo said in excitement. "That's the Crystal Eye that we need to rebuild the Core! That is where you must go! Recover that orb and bring it back to the ruins! Of course, the downside is that you will inevitably have to battle the Cyclops, so be careful."

"Casey Jones is all about 'careful.'" Casey said.

"YEAH!" Diggs said. "AND HOLD YOUR NOSE! Meanwhile I can take you there, no worries. I may be a little nearsighted, but since there's only one bridge leading to their castle, it should be a... a... a..."

"A SNAP?" everyone asked.

"Yeah, that's right." Diggs said. "So, you guys ready to go to the Crystal Eye Castle?"

"Yeah, let's go." Sunset said

"RIGHT!" Diggs said. "Let's go!!" He then started walking but Hugo stopped him.

"Ahem... Other way." Hugo said.

"Ah, of course it is." Diggs said before leading our heroes off. "I must say I'm not looking forward to seeing those Cyclopses again - but at least I won't see them too clearly. Heh heh."

Author's Note:

That's 2 Eternal Sources, 6 more to go.


.Captain Kraken is based on Sea King from Lego DC Supervillains