• Published 2nd Oct 2019
  • 2,396 Views, 67 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: Skylanders Quest - Mister V

The Ninjas travel to Skylands to rebuild the core of light

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Crystal Eye Castle

Our heroes soon arrive at the Crystal Eye Castle, where the Cyclopses keep the Crystal Eye locked up.

"Before I escaped, I was at the top of the castle..." Diggs said "It was there that I saw something that made my normally blurry vision suddenly super clear. It must have been the Crystal Eye!"

"If your right, then how are we going to get it?" Fluttershy asked.

"To get up there, you'll need to destroy the 2 Seeing Towers in order to open the big gate!" Diggs said before hitting the eye switch to open the gate infront of them. Just then he remembered something. "Oh yes!" He said "One more thing! And this one is VERY important! Once you get past the gate --" Just then a rolling barrel exploded a sending him flying, making everyone nervous. "I'M OKAY!!"

"Okay guys, lets go!" Sunset said before he and the others went off to find Crystal Eye! Along the way, our heroes asked Zap and Wham-Shell how they became Skylanders.

"I'll go first." Zap said as a flashback showed Zap living in a palace. "Born into a royal family of water dragons, I was well known at court as a show-off swimmer and all-round mischief maker." The scene changed to show zap being washed away by the tide. "But one afternoon, I found himself quite literally in deep water. A riptide had sucked him out into open ocean and beyond, to faraway shores." We then see said meet ing a school of eels. "Soon, I found himself surrounded by something slippery and shocking. A school of electricl eels was swimming around him, spitting out sparks and sizzles." We then see Zap getting shocked by the eels, and then being raised by them. "I held out a wet foot to say 'hello' when... YEEOWWW! Well, his mother had warned him electricity and water don't mix. The electric eels felt sorry for me and decided to raise me as one of their own." Then we see Zap working on a gadget. "To fit in, I even built myself an electric harness with an endless charge. Now, I can hurl a white-hot electric bolt length of ten sheep fields." Finally, we see Zap being a swimming champion and Eon asking him to join. "I continued as a champ in the water and often left dolphins buzzing in his electrical wake. News of my swimming exploits soon reached the ears of Master Eon, who immediately signed me up."

"Wow, you were a swimming champion?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Yep." Zap said.

"That's nothing, you should hear my story." Wham-Shell said as another flashback showed Wham-Shell also living in a palace with his father. "Skylands sea shanties tell of a crustacean king called Roland, my father, who ruled over beautiful bubble buildings and priceless pearl pastures. Good King Roland had ruled peacefully throughout his reign, but tragedy was about to strike." We then see trolls attacking the kingdom. "The trolls had arrived. They began by building rigs and platforms to pump oil from the ocean bottom. Soon, they became even greedier and sent their submarines to invade this undersea realm." We then see Wham-Shell attacking back. "I, Roland's son, was sent into a spluttering rage. I collected the magical mace of the giant clam kings and swam to the surface to shatter the trolls' equipment into a million smithereens." We then see Eon asking Wham-Shell to be a Skylander. "My successful skirmish soon reached the ears of Master Eon. Right there and then, he made me, the crafty crustacean, a Skylander and king protector of all the seas."

"That is super dope." Casey Jones said.

"Indeed." Wham-Shell said. Soon our heroes reach the room where Crystal Eye is kept. They had to fight some nasty bad guys, but they soon were walking out with the Crystal Eye, where they met Diggs who caught up with them.

"Wow!" Diggs said. "Amazing. Suddenly everything is so much clearer. Let's get it back to the Ruins and add it to the machine." Our heroes then went off unaware that another hooded figure wearing granite boots.

"All is going according to my stratagy." The hooded figure said. Our heroes soon arrive to the sound of Eon's voice.

"Well done!" He said. "You have brought the Crystal Eye." The Crystal Eye then placed itself on top of the Twin Spouts of Ocea-Major-Minor. meanwhile, deep underground, a crystal rose up from the lava and was held by metal arms. Our heroes soon admired their progress.

"Thank You!" Hugo said. "Now we must get the Eternal Earth Source. "The villagers in Stonetown have recovered it and are keeping it safe until we arrive."

"WHOO-HOO" Flynn said. "YEAH! Finally an easy one! What did I tell ya! CAKE!"

"Sure." Hugo said. "EXCEPT for General Grindstone, one of Kaos' Elemental Elites AND the foul smelling Cyclopses, BOTH looking for the very thing were after."

"Oh." Flynn said. "Yeah, well, heh. I guess if you count those..."

"I'm sure Diggs knows the way." Hugo said "We should ask him." They then met Diggs who indeed new the way to Stonetown.

"Say, how about a visit to Stonetown?" Diggs asked.

"You bet!" Rainbow Dash said. "Let's go!"

"Okay it's digging time!" Diggs said. "But first we'll need to cross the Stone Bridge before we start." He then started for Stonetown. "Follow me! er, just tell me when we get there, okay?"

Author's Note:

Looks like our heroes found the Cystal Eye, now they must find the Eternal Earth Source


.Zap and Wham-Shell's origin stories are found in the Skylanders Wikipedia