• Published 2nd Oct 2019
  • 2,396 Views, 67 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: Skylanders Quest - Mister V

The Ninjas travel to Skylands to rebuild the core of light

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Goo Factory

Our heroes soon arrive at a war zone just outside of the Goo Factory, where they met Snuckles again.

"Alright!" Snuckles said "Your back. The Captain was really impressed with my first mission! - So here I am again! Here's the situation. We've been able to push forward to a position just outside the Troll Factories. The Captain took a squad up ahead, but that was hours ago! I have to stay behind and guard this position. You've got to go find them! He'll know what to do!"

"Okay, we'll find him." Sunset said before she and the others went off. They fought many Trolls, until they found the Captain who turned out to be Rizzo.

"Ho there Skylanders!" He said. "Feels good to be in the midst of all this action, doesn't it? I used to own a flower shop, but then I started the Mabu Defence Force and then appointed myself Captain... now I'm blowing stuff up! That's the life, I tell ya. Speaking of which... the main factories are just around this corner, but these turrets have us pinned down. Fortunately, our scout has reported a stockpile of MEGA BOMBS in the ammo dump at the top of the hill. You better check it out. Be careful though... the entrance is being guarded by heavy artillery!"

"We're on it!" Sunset said as our heroes went up. Along the way, Camo told his origin story.

"My life is pretty wild." Camo said as a flashback shows him growing out of the ground. "I was born by the roots of the Tree of Life, and so possesses the amazing ability to speedily cultivate fruit and vegetables that explode when they are ripe (creating both an everyday eating hazard and a hilarious dinner-party prank)." We then see Master Eon get one of these pranks. "Master Eon found himself at the butt end of this juicy-fruit joke when he visited Camo's idyllic island. While out for a stroll, Eon spotted a perfect melon waiting to be picked. But as he bent over the scrumptious speciment, it exploded, splattering the Portal Master's robe and alarmed old face." We then see him seeing Camo for the first time. "As he wiped away the sticky seeds, Eon noticed a pair of prying eyes nearby, clearly enjoying the scene. Eventually, I stepped forward and introduced myself. Eon soon invited me to be a Skylander - and, on my days off, the Portal Master's personal gardener."

"Wow, I bet he liked having you around." Sunset said.

"Oh he did, but not as much as he loved you." Camo said making Sunset smile a bit. Before long they found the artillery entrance and the scout, who happens to be Nort.

"Well color me tickled pink! It's the Skylanders and the Portal Masters who saved our town! The Captain sent me to scout ahead. Look, it's too dangerous to attack the wall straight on - but as luck would have it, I've found another way in. Follow me!" He led our heroes to an ammo dump. "That ammo dump is just past here. And if you can find a handy dandy MEGA BOMB, this wall can go KABLOOEY!" Our heroes agreed and went to find a MEGA BOMB, and after finding one, rolled it back to the wall, which was destroyed instantly. "Great Mabu's Ghost!" Nort said after watching that. "What a blast! Haahhahhahhah! Now if we can find just one more bomb and roll it back to the Captain, we can go right on through to the factories!"

"Okay, we're on it." Applejack said as she lifted the MEGA BOMB and carried it back to the enterance to the factories and throwing it at the wall, causing it to explode.

"KABOOM!" Rizzo said. "What an explosion! Now it's time to take the fight to THEM! There are 3 Goo Factories. Raise the Flags at each one to signal their capture. Then we can secure the goo! Good luck soldier!"

"Sir, yes sir!" Sunset said as they went to do their job. When they finished, they secured all the factories in record time.

"Thank you, everyone." Rizzo said. "We'vs secured the factories, but the trolls are certain to retaliate. Let's hurry up and get this goo back to the General. He'll be expecting it." They went in to get the goo, unaware that a hooded figure with metal arms was watching them from the shadows.

"Hahahaha!" He laughed. "All according to plan." Soon our heroes got the goo back to the ruins to the sound of Eon's voice.

"The Green Goo of Primodia." He said "Made from the fossils of past prehistoric explodasaurs, it pulses with unimaginable power." The goo then entered the machine and inserted itself into the vines.

"Glowing Green Goo acquired!" Hugo said. "Now we need the Eternal Tech Source." He then turned to the General. "I don't suppose your millitary intelligence has found out where it is?"

"Don't insult me, son." He said. "Of course we have! Intel says that Doctor Mechanicus has the Enternal Tech Source hidden in his base. Unfortunately, they've already been using it to develop a slew of new weapons! That's why I'm coming along for support. Are you ready, Soldier?"

"Sir, yes sir!" Everyone said as they went off to jump into the cannon so they can go to the Battlefield.

Author's Note:

Now that they have the Glowing Green Goo, they just need to get the Eternal Tech Source.


.Camo's Origin story is in the Skylanders wikipedia