• Published 18th Apr 2020
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A Jedi's Journey - Postwarmonkey50

This story is set between “Star Wars Episode 6 and 7”, whilst also set between season 8 and 9 of “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic”.

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Chapter 10: Journey to Everfree

After they left Canterlot High, Luke continued to fly the ship towards their intended destination, with human Twilight and human Sunset enjoying the view, never realizing of how amazing flying in those spaceships would be.

‘This. Is. Amazing.’ said human Twilight as she was fascinated by the spaceship they were flying in.

‘I know right,’ said Twilight as she stood near her human counterpart ‘I felt the same way when I first went on board the ship.’

‘So when are we arriving?’ said human Rainbow Dash when she was nearly impatient.

‘Oooh,’ said human Pinkie Pie as she looked out of the window ‘I spy with my little eye. Camp Everfree.’

‘Oooh, she’s right.’ said Pinkie Pie as she pointed her hoof at the location ‘I can see it from up here.’

Luke continued with his flight path towards Camp Everfree, until human Fluttershy gained his attention when she poked him on the shoulder.

‘Excuse me, Master Skywalker?’ said Fluttershy as she was somewhat nervous around him.

‘There’s no need for formalities Fluttershy,’ said Luke as he smiled ‘Call me Luke.’

‘Okay then, um, Luke,’ said Fluttershy, feeling nervous ‘Do you think you could land the ship outside of the camp. I don’t want the ship to scare the animals and damage the camp grounds when we start to land.’

‘Very well then,’ said Luke as he looked back ‘I will land at the entrance to ease your worries.’

Fluttershy smiled as she was satisfied with Luke’s caring nature and manners, even appreciating her request.

Sure enough, he began to land the Ebon Hawk near the entrance of Camp Everfree in order to avoid any distractions. When the ship’s ramp opened up, they immediately began to ascend, heading straight for the camp.

‘Stay with the ship Artoo.’ said Luke as the little droid was standing at the ramp entrance ‘We don’t want anyone else to take this ship for their own amusement.’

R2 beeped and headed back inside whilst closing the ramp.

‘Will the droid be okay?’ asked human Fluttershy.

‘Oh, no worries.’ said Fluttershy to her counterpart ‘Artoo stays with the ship to ensure that it isn’t broken and would constantly check if the ship is in tip top shape.’

Human Rainbow Dash whispered to her pony counterpart, wondering something about Luke as she said ‘Hey, pony me. If I might ask. What’s the deal with the space guy?’

‘He’s actually pretty cool.’ said Rainbow Dash as she hovered at her human counterpart’s height. ‘We kept traveling to tons of locations where the First Jedi had hidden their secrets, and even fought Sith Lords from ancient times. It was pretty tense, but both her and us beat them no problem.’

‘Though y’all should’ve seen Spike.’ said Applejack ‘He fought that there first Sith Lord head on.’

‘Really?’ said Spike’s doggy counterpart ‘Wow, wish I could’ve seen that.’

‘You just might.’ said Rainbow Dash as she muttered.

Twilight looked at Luke and asked ‘Um, Luke. Why are you carrying another Lightsaber?’

‘After the dangers we faced in the last temple, I’m not taking any chances.’ said Luke ‘Besides, you never might know when it might come in handy.’

‘Oh, I’ll take your word for it.’ said Twilight, as she also remembered her times of trying to be prepared when she tried to face the unknown.’

Starswirl on the other hand was talking to Sunset when he wanted to know more about both the geodes and the magic that had been leaking through.

‘So what else can you tell me about those Geodes?’ asked Starswirl.

‘Well, other than the geodes giving us all special abilities,’ said Sunset as she explained as best she could. ‘We found out that if anyone of us were to overuse our geodes’ power, one of them would say supercharge the other.’

‘Supercharge?’ said Starswirl as he quirked an eyebrow.

‘Basically when Rainbow Dash used her super speed so much,’ said Sunset as she remembered the whole ordeal ‘Our geodes become affected too. Applejack couldn’t control her strength, Twilight’s telekinesis power goes out of control, the animals kept following Fluttershy all around as if she’s the alpha of every animal in the kingdom. Pinkie Pie unintentionally blows everything up when she tries to eat any kind of food, I ended up reading other people’s minds without touching them. From hearing them talking to seeing through their memories.’

‘And Rarity…’ said Sunset, until she realized something, then looked at Starswirl ‘Come to think of it, I never did find out what happened to her. I asked her about it once and she kept saying that she didn’t want to talk about it.’

‘I see.’ said Starswirl as he pondered about it, and made a mental note of it. ‘And the Equestrian Magic that leaked into this world? Did anyone try to harness it.’

‘They did,’ said Sunset, thinking about the poor victims that were using Equestrian magic. ‘Twilight, the human Twilight, accidentally released all the magic and nearly destroyed the world when she turned into a demon. Gloriosa turned into a plant demon when she tried to use the geodes to save her camp that she had no control over. Another girl named Juniper Montage had a mirror that was affected with Equestrian Magic and trapped me and my friends into a pocket dimension that shattered when it turned her into a monster when it absorbed the magic from our geodes. Wallflower used a memory stone to erase my friends’ memories to teach me a lesson because she blamed me for making her feel invisible.’

‘Twilight mentioned her,’ said Starswirl ‘She mentioned that my old student, Clover the Clever hid the memory stone in this world, but this Wallflower founded it to get revenge on you. Then you found out that if you didn’t get them back, they would be lost forever. Then you sacrificed yourself to save them. And once you destroyed the stone, you were able to restore both their and your memories. You all forgave her and helped turn her life around.’

Starswirl looked at her and smiled ‘Clearly you have changed. Your love for your friends have proven that.’

‘Thanks,’ said Sunset, but then frowned as she said ‘Celestia said I could come back anytime. But I could never leave my friends behind. They mean a lot to me. And I feel like I still have so much to do here, you know.’

‘I understand.’ said Starswirl as she kept his smile. ‘So what else were affected by Equestrian Magic?’

‘Well, a famous person named Vignette had a device that was affected by magic and used her phone to teleport them elsewhere and replaced them with holograms.’

‘Ah, I remember the spell.’ said Starswirl ‘I’ve read that and performed that spell once.’

‘Then the Storm King’s magic nearly destroyed the ship. But if we hadn’t stopped it, we would’ve lost all those people. And then there were the music performers who trapped me in a time loop because they wanted to perfect their musical performances.’

‘Even when they failed to realize that there is no such thing as perfection?’ said Starswirl.

‘Exactly.’ said Sunset.

‘Ooh, look,’ said human Pinkie as she pointed at the camp ‘We’re here.’

They saw the camp up ahead, with the sign that says “Camp Everfree” on top. They looked around and noticed that there weren't any people around.

‘Why isn’t there any people here?’ asked Flash Magnus.

‘People don’t always come here every day,’ said the human Twilight ‘We mostly make a schedule to come here and we always have a lot of fun in the end.’

‘You know,’ said Applejack as she looked around ‘This place kinda reminds me of the summer camp ah went to with Rara when I was a filly.’

‘Rara?’ asked human Rarity as she was confused by the name.

Pinkie Pie zipped right in front of her as she said ‘Duh, as in Countess Coloratura.’

Human Rarity gasped, then looked at Applejack as she said ‘You know Countess Coloratura?!!’

‘Of course ah know her, we’re best friends.’ said Applejack. ‘We’ve been friends since we were fillies. Why, aren’t any of y’all?’

Human Applejack was somewhat surprised, then felt embarrassed as she said ‘Ah’m friends with her too but…ah haven’t heard from her in years. Mostly because her manager says that she’s busy.’

Rainbow Dash zipped next to her as she said with crossed hooves and a flexed eyebrow ‘Let me guess, her manager was Svengallop, right?’

‘Not really,’ said human Rainbow Dash ‘Svengallop got fired when the record studio found out about him taking every bit of money and luxury from her and the other performers for himself.’

‘Why, he was the same over there too?’ asked human Applejack.

‘Y’all don’t know the half of it.’ said Applejack.

When all of a sudden, they heard a voice from the left that said ‘Oh, Sunset, Twilight.’

They looked and saw Gloriosa Daisy, the owner of Camp Everfree, along with her brother, Timber Spruce. Who was somewhat the assistant to his sister.

‘Good to see you guys again, and…’ she looked behind and were surprised to see creature’s she’s never seen before. ‘And who are they?’

When all of a sudden, Silverstream popped up in front of her as she got excited.

‘Hi there, I’m Silverstream!’ said the hyperactive Hippogriff ‘I love your camp! This place is amazing!!’

Sunset then walked up as she said ‘Remember when we mentioned that I’m from a world where magic exists and everything?’. The two siblings nodded yes in order to answer their question. ‘Well these ponies here are from another world. And those two are dragons, that one’s a Hippogriff, that one’s a Griffon, that one’s a Changeling and that one is a Yak.’

‘Yona Yak of Yakyakistan.’ said the young Yak as she introduced herself. ‘Yona love this camp. Camp reminds Yona of home. Er, minus the green nature instead of snow.’

‘Whoa, and I thought what happened last year was crazy.’ said Timber Spruce when he remembered the whole incident when Gloriosa wielded magic she couldn’t control. ‘So what are all of you doing here?’

Twilight hovered close to the camp directors whilst she explained things to them ‘We came here because our friend here believes there happens to be something buried here.’

‘There is?’ asked Gloriosa ‘Are you sure?’

‘Uh, I think he’s sure.’ said Spike.

Everyone turned around and they saw Luke was focusing on something. He kept his eyes closed for the next five minutes. He then opened his eyes slowly as he noticed they were all looking at him.

‘I know where I need to go.’ said Luke.

‘Where to?’ asked Gallus.

‘I believe it is the same spot,’ said Luke as he slowly pointed out ‘Where those geodes came from.’

They looked at the EG Mane 7’s geodes and they were quite surprised.

‘The same place?’ asked human Applejack.

Gloriosa knew what they were talking about. ‘You’re talking about the cave?’

‘Indeed I am Gloriosa.’ said Luke ‘would you please take us there?’

‘Oh, of course.’ said Timber ‘Right this way.’

Within half an hour, all of them arrived at the cave where Gloriosa first discovered the geodes.

‘Well, here we are.’ said Gloriosa ‘This is where I found the geodes.’

Luke used the Force to help guide him towards to where he needed to go.

‘You sure this is the place?’ said Rainbow Dash.

‘Yeah,’ said her human counterpart ‘We’ve been all over the place and we didn’t even find anything out of the ordinary.’

‘Sometimes Rainbow Dash.’ said Luke, gaining their attention as he was standing right in front of the pedestal that the geodes once resided. Then he reached out and placed his hand on top of the pedestal. ‘Things are not always what they seem.’

After a few seconds of concentration through the Force, the pedestal slowly shook as it lowered itself, surprising the others when they saw it sink. Within mere moments, half the ground opened up, which made them quickly get out of the way before they could fall in. As they stood still, they saw that there was a secret passage way, and it was accessible via stairs.

‘Impossible.’ said Gloriosa as she looked at the entrance in awe ‘I’ve been in this place plenty of times and I didn’t find a hint of this place.’

‘Sometimes when there are secrets of the galaxy,’ said Luke ‘One must always be opened to different possibilities.’

‘I call dibs of going in first!’ said human Rainbow Dash with her fist in the air.

‘Yeah, me too!’ said her pony counterpart as she raised her hoof in the air.

Luke could only smile whilst he pointed at the direction of the path and said ‘Then it would be my honor to let you two walk first.’

‘Yes!!’ shouted the two of them out of excitement.

However, the moment they took a few steps, human Rainbow Dash ended up tripping and fell onto her pony doppelganger, causing the two of them to tumble and fall in, and eventually ended with a loud thud.

Everyone looked surprised when they saw the two of them fall in. Twilight looked at Luke with a flexed eyebrow and asked ‘You knew that they were going to fall in, didn’t you?’

Luke only rolled his eyes as he said ‘Maybe.’, before they could see the smirk on his face. He and the others ended up chuckling over what just happened, allowing them to go inside.

As they walked down, the two RDs were groaning in pain from their experience of falling down. As they all walked past, Gallus said to the two of them ‘Smooth move, Crash.’

As they continued, the two of them groaned in frustration as they stood up and joined them. Thankfully, there was light in the cave, with some parts of the walls covered with the same crystals that were above them in the cave.

Ocellus squinted her eyes to get a better look ahead. So far she saw nothing, so she said ‘Doesn’t look like there are any traps ahead. Although speaking from experience, never assume anything.’

‘The place does have nearly the same images as the last place we were.’ said Smolder as she pointed at the walls.

They saw there were many images of what the first Jedi left behind. However, as they walked, Gloriosa saw something that surprised her. She instantly went over and to her surprise, they were images of her great-great grandparents.

‘Those are my great-great grandparents.’ said Gloriosa, gaining the others’ attention as they went over.

‘Whoa, who is that?’ said Timber as he pointed at the image, which looked like what they would describe as Gaia Everfree.

‘Is that…Gaia Everfree?’ said human Fluttershy in her scared tone.

‘Not exactly.’ said Luke. He placed his hand at the wall whilst observing it. He smiled, looked back at them and said ‘That happens to be Gia Eve-Fri, one of the first Jedi.’

They looked at Luke surprised. ‘Wait, you know her?’ asked Sunset.

‘Through one of my master’s stories.’ said Luke. ‘Gia Eve-Fri was from one of the worlds of an ancient race that once harnessed the power of nature through the power of the Force. When she became a One of the First Jedi, she traveled among the stars to be connected with nature. When they came to this world, she must’ve stumbled upon this place to commune with nature.’

‘But let me guess,’ said Sunset as she looked at Luke ‘She wasn’t exactly thrilled about trespassers coming to the forest thinking that they were desecrating it.’

‘She can be very sensitive about that.’ said Luke.

‘And after she left them alone,’ said Luna when she remembered what Twilight told her once upon a time ‘I assume she didn’t come seeking revenge?’

‘No, the first Jedi were able to calm her down and made her see reason.’ said Luke ‘Thankfully her brother taught them of how to take care of nature instead of wanting to desecrate it.’

‘So that’s who our great, great grandparents met,’ said Timber whilst he was surprised at the same time ‘They mentioned that a kind man came along and helped them preserve the beauty of the place, but also allow students to camp here so that they could teach the next generation.’

‘As is the responsibility of all Jedi.’ said Luke, agreeing with Timber.

Luke looked down the hall and noticed that they still have a ways to go. ‘We should be on the move,’ said Luke ‘We do not know what other dangers are beneath this place.’

Luke continued to move forward, with Gloriosa asking ‘What danger?’

‘Let’s just say,’ said Starlight as she clued them in ‘When we were in the temples he fought the ghosts that were once Sith Lords from long ago.’

The humans were surprised to hear this, with Rarity saying ‘Um, good to know.’

Luke continued moving forward down the hall. Eventually, he was able to reach a door as the others soon joined in. On the left door, was the image of a Jedi, whilst on the other was the image of the Sith.

‘Whoa, so those were the Jedi and Sith?’ asked human Twilight whilst she adjusted her glasses.

‘Sure are.’ said Sandbar ‘They sounded like something from a made up story when we first heard of it. But after seeing all of that, how could we not?’

Luke used the Force to sense through the other side. But he couldn’t feel anything. It was strange, for the previous tombs were strong with the Dark Side. Could it be possible that the Sith on the other side knows how to conceal himself. He put those thoughts aside so that he could focus on what was in front of him.

Luke took a few steps back and reached his hand out to it. After focusing for a few moments, Luke was able to open the door using the Force.

‘Whoa,’ said Gloriosa when she saw Luke opened the door ‘How did he do that?’

Fluttershy hovered next to Gloriosa as she said to her ‘Luke calls it the Force. It’s their way of using magic. It’s really super special.’

As soon as the door was opened, Luke was the first to walk in. He continued to look around, trying to be aware of his surroundings whilst the others were following suit. Soon enough, all of them were inside the really large room, same similar design as the first one they’ve been.

‘Great,’ said human Rainbow Dash as she was being skeptical ‘So we’ve wandered into a room filled with nothing. Ooh, so exciting.’

‘Hey, watch it,’ said Rainbow Dash to her human counterpart ‘I was a little skeptical about this too, but if you’d seen what we’ve seen for the past few days, you wouldn’t think so either.’

‘Really, like what…?’ said human Rainbow Dash before she was cut off.

‘Duck!!’ shouted Spike, causing all of them to duck, causing something red and twirling very fast to fly by as if it were the fastest flying saucer. It flew back to the owner, allowing the mysterious person to catch it.

‘Whoa, what was that?’ said human Applejack as all of them slowly stood up.

‘How amusing.’ said the mysterious person from the shadows.

As they looked, they saw a hooded man approaching. He was wearing a Sith robe, but there was something different about him. For he was also wearing armour as black as coal, with what appeared to be a black mask that only covered his mouth, whilst also wearing a black hood. But as he removed it, it revealed his skin was pale, he had a bald head with what appeared to be scars over his eyes, but the color of his eyes themselves, were all the color of dark yellow.

Many were standing prepared to fight, but the humans on the other hand looked a little scared, even Fluttershy hid behind Sunset out of fear.

‘Who-who is that?’ said Fluttershy as she was pointing at the mysterious person.

‘Darth Malgus.’ said Luke.

‘Uh, who now?’ asked human Applejack.

‘He’s another one of them bad Sith Lords from a long time ago.’ said Applejack.

‘He is,’ said Luke ‘He was there when the Sith returned, along with the Empire. And he soon fell by one of the Jedi who took the fight to him long before the Empire had ceased to exist and the reconstruction of the Republic.’

‘So you know who I am,’ said Malgus as he stared down at Luke ‘I shouldn’t be surprised. For like any insect, even the weakest of Jedi can find a way to survice.’

‘Oh, and you’re so special?’ said human Rainbow Dash.

‘Indeed,’ said Malgus. ‘I was the Sith who struck down his own master where he failed. I was the Sith who led the attack on Alderaan. More importantly; I am the one who led the attack on the Jedi temple and killed the grandmaster.’

Some were shocked to hear those very dark words coming from his mouth. However, Malgus on the other hand had different plans. ‘If you do not believe me. Then let me show you through the Force.’

Malgus waved his hand, causing the entire dark room to change its scenery. They shielded their eyes, trying to avoid the gaze of the bright light. The scenery looked very different. For they were surrounded by forests, grassy plains, as well as snowy mountains. They were surprised when they saw the different terrain they were on.

‘Whoa,’ said Sunset as she looked around. ‘Where are we?’

‘Alderaan.’ said Luke as he looked around, which prompted surprised looks from the ponies.

‘Wait, this is Alderaan?’ said Twilight ‘The one that the Emperor destroyed?’

‘Yes.’ said Luke as he looked around. ‘I heard this place was once beautiful. I can see why.’

‘Yes, Alderaan.’ said Malgus, gaining their attention. ‘A world that always claim that they are “A peaceful world”. Yet despite their peaceful way of life, they have a tendency to voice against politicians, making them very dangerous because of their influence.’

A world filled with powerful politicians thought Celestia to herself. Very interesting.

They suddenly heard footsteps and stomping from nearby. When they looked towards the direction Darth Malgus was standing, they couldn’t believe what they were seeing. From within the woods, were a large battalion of soldiers walking.

From the center, were soldiers clad in black. Luke could tell that their helmets nearly resembled to the Storm Troopers, but from what he was seeing, they were most likely Imperial Sith Troopers, soldiers of the frontlines. Whilst standing on both sides, were warriors clad in black cloaks and black armour, whilst wearing masks and carrying what nearly looked like Lightsabers, which indicated that they were Sith, both true and Inquisitors. And walking between them were different battle robots. Bearing three legs and two arms that were connected to some type of cannon blasters.

At first, some wanted to run, some wanted to face them, but Luke signaled them not to move, for even though they look imitating, they need to remember that all of them are events from the past.

‘As you can see,’ gestured Malgus as he showed them ‘I led armies to this world to bring a world that supported the Republic to their knees. But even out here, the Republic dogs are never far behind.’

They heard a loud foot stomp. They quickly looked up behind them on the large hill, revealing a type of human, wearing white armour, with orange stripes on the front of the legs, covering the wrists, as well as the shoulders. And he was holding what they guessed would be a weapon, which they guessed that he must be a leader.

‘For the Republic!!’ shouted the soldier, causing him to fire explosive shots, destroying the handful of robots and Sith Troopers that were walking by.

When all of a sudden, to their surprise, there was a large war cry, as over dozens of Republic soldiers, all wearing the same armour, but with helmets that nearly resembled to the Clone Troopers’ Phase Two helmets, jumping from up the hill and landed in the middle of battle, causing them to fire their weapons, and the Sith returning fire.

The Republic soldiers continued to fire their weapons whilst some ran for cover as one of them threw a Thermal Detonator, destroying the nearest robot. The Sith Inquisitors charged in with their Lightsabers, but most of them were gunned down as the soldiers quickly overpowered them.

The Mane 6 and the rest were nearly panic stricken as they saw many soldiers engaging in combat. Some ducked from the blaster fire, but they remembered that Luke said that all of this wasn’t real, which Fluttershy and her human counterpart sometimes would forget.

The leader of the Republic soldiers stood in front of his soldiers as he shouted ‘Let’s go, move it up!!’, whilst another soldier with what appears to be a mini-gun, fired his weapon at the incoming Sith troopers.

The robots continued their march as they also fired their weapons. ‘’Flank them!!’ shouted the Republic soldier before he noticed the incoming robots, and used his weapon to blow them up.

The soldier with the mini-gun continued to fire his weapon at the incoming enemy, until he was suddenly pulled away by a mysterious force, gaining the soldier, along with the Mane 6 and co’s attention. They saw the soldier was pulled away and was suddenly jabbed by a Lightsaber. As the soldier was tossed away, it was revealed to be Malgus from the past, whilst he appeared to be less scarred, which he also looked at the Republic soldier.

The leader shot his weapon a few times, but Malgus kept deflecting the incoming fire, but he was engulfed by the fire for a few moments. The moment the fire cleared, they could see the left side of his face had been burnt, which was indicated that it was a direct hit. But he just spat one side and looked at the soldier angry, with many shocked to see that the Sith Lord wasn’t even phased enough by the fire.

The leader tossed his weapon away and charged straight towards Malgus. Two Sith Inquisitors tried to strike the soldier down, but he kept shoving them out of the way, as if nothing was going to stop him. But the moment he was close, Malgus used his Force Lightning and fired at the Republic soldier, shocking those who watched once more. The leader kept moving forward and drew out his knife, determined to carry out his task as he screamed in rage. But the Sith Lord’s power had proven too much for the Republic soldier, and pushed him away using Force Push.

As the leader was out and about, trying to regain conscious, two Sith Lords came and grabbed his arms, pulling him straight towards Malgus.

‘As you can see,’ said Malgus as he gained their attention, whilst he watched them through his covered face ‘No matter who oppose us, they will fall. For none can match the power of the Sith Empire.’

All of them watched as the Republic soldiers bravely tried to stop the invading Imperial Army, but most of them were gutted down by the Sith Lords as they continued to press onto the attack, which left them horrified by what they saw, for they had no idea that the wars of the galaxy were this bad. They then saw one of the Republic soldiers that was on his knees, until Malgus jabbed his Lightsaber into the soldier’s back. Malgus looked at the Republic leader and smirked, for he now knows that the Republic cannot defeat them this way.

As he pulled his Lightsaber out and moved away, another Sith Lord appeared and pulled out his Lightsaber. The two Sith Lords held the soldier down whilst the third slowly raised its Lightsaber to behead him.

‘And we would’ve won, if she hadn’t intervened.’ said Malgus in a bitter tone.

They saw just as the Sith were going to kill him, a mysterious warrior appeared from out of nowhere, and crouched whilst using Force Push onto the ground, causing the three Sith Lords to be launched in the air as they were forced to release the Republic Lead Soldier. The three Sith Lords were cut down and collapsed onto the ground, causing the warrior to stand at least a few feet from the Republic Soldier, gaining Malgus’ attention.

As the warrior stood up, it was revealed to be a woman, wearing clothes that both Rarity and her counterpart thought that they looked fabulous. She wielded a double bladed blue Lightsaber and attacked head on, with more Republic soldiers arriving as the leader helped led them throughout the battle against the Sith Empire.

They watched as the female Jedi ran towards Malgus as she vaulted over a branch and used a rock to jump high in the air, jabbing her Lightsaber into the robot to her left whilst she kicked the Sith Lord on the right, right into his face. As she landed, she used her Lightsaber to kill the other three Sith Lords as she sliced one in the torso, one from behind his leg and one at the chest, which surprised them when they saw how graceful she was as she fought the Sith head on, showing true bravery and courage.

The moment she reached Malgus, they engaged in combat, trying to strike each other down, with Malgus backhanding her, and the female Jedi delivering a roundhouse kick to his face. As they continued to clash blades, the Republic soldiers continued to fight off the Imperial Sith Troopers.

Malgus struck from above, making the Jedi block it. But because of his strength, she was nearly on her one knee. Needing a distraction, she looked at the tree nearby and reached out to it, causing the base of the tree to snap and fall over, which caused both the Sith and the Jedi to jump away from before it crashed. After the tree was on the ground, the Jedi and Malgus continued to fight on the branch, trying to outfight the other. But the moment the Jedi tried the same maneuver, Malgus used Force Push on her, launching her and crashed against another tree.

Malgus jumped in the air to strike her down, but she quickly jumped out of the way, trying to avoid his attack. But the moment she was behind him, Malgus sliced her double bladed Lightsaber in two. He then jabbed the Lightsaber in her, which shocked the others, only to see that she was using the Force to block the Lightsaber, struggling to maintain her footing as Malgus has her pinned down.

But as he held her into place, Malgus and everyone else heard a scream. When they looked to their left, they saw the Republic soldier, the leader of the troops, charged straight towards Malgus, tackling him as he was able to push him away from the Jedi. The moment he was a feet away from her. He tried to punch, But Malgus was holding both his fists, which the Republic soldier had planned on, revealing a Thermal Detonator in his hand. He pressed the button, which Malgus reacted too late, causing the detonator to blow up, launching the soldier backwards as rolled and skidded on the ground, with his face still in the dirt.

Many were shocked to see that the soldier would act so recklessly to stop the Sith. But as they looked at Malgus, they saw that he was on his one knee, but slowly stood up whilst he collected his breath whilst his armour was scorched and damaged.

Not wanting to leave things half finished, the Jedi used Force Push against Malgus, launching him backwards against what appeared to be a mountainside. But even with the full power, Malgus was able to move forward, struggling to regain a footing. The Jedi used the most powerful Force Push she could muster, unleashing it against Malgus, causing a large explosion as the part of the mountain collapsed.

They then saw that after the Republic had won the battle, the Republic soldier stood up and looked around, seeing the heavy casualties of Republic Troops. The Jedi stood next to him, looking at the carnage. He then pulled out a flare and fired it in the air, which revealed that there were more flares firing from all over the place. And from outer space, Republic reinforcements began to arrive.

Rainbow Dash then chuckled, saying ‘So you got your flank handed to them. No shock there.’

‘That may be.’ said Malgus ‘But even though they won, their overconfidence would be their own undoing.’

They then noticed that the environment had changed. When it did, they were no longer at Alderaan, but on a planet with flying machines all over the place, and large buildings that stretch for miles, with what appeared to be a strange looking palace or monastery.

Before any of them could ask, Luke said ‘Welcome to Coruscant. The once proud capitol of the Republic. And that there straight ahead, the once proud temple of the Jedi Order.’

‘Indeed.’ said Malgus before he chuckled. ‘Though many Jedi and the Republic were at the frontlines trying to keep the Empire at bay, they did not notice the seed of infiltration that had been placed between their cracked walls. We grew stronger whilst they thought they remained safe with their so called cradle of power.’

From near the entrance, they saw Malgus’ past self walking towards the entrance, whilst he was accompanied by a female Twi’Lek wearing armour, which surprised some, seeing that they’ve never seen an alien before.

They then saw eight Republic soldiers surrounding them. Two from the left, two from the right and four at the entrance themselves. Malgus stood still, with the Twi’Lek in tow, whilst the Republic soldiers aimed their weapons at him. Before any of them could react, Malgus struck the four of them down with his Lightsaber, whilst he used Force Push to kill the Republic soldiers on the right, then threw his Lightsaber and killed the ones on the left. He then used the Force to bring the Lightsaber to him as the Twi’Lek followed. She then looked up and nodded. When they looked up, they saw a female bounty hunter, which was revealed to be one of Malgus’ infiltrators.

As she got inside, Malgus and the Twi’Lek walked through the doors as if nothing was going to stop them. But from within, Luke, the ponies, creatures and the humans watched as one man, with four others in tow, wearing Jedi Robes and what appeared to be armour underneath, were marching straight towards the intruders. They realized the man in the center that didn’t had his hood on was the Jedi Grandmaster from back then.

The bounty hunter on the other hand was busy clearing out the Republic Guards whilst she was disabling the defenses. Whilst at the same time, As Malgus and the Twi’Lek, now highly alerted, stood still whilst the Grandmaster stood near the intruder, and his handful of Jedi Knights and Padawans were coming from all over the place to surround the intruders.

Malgus then chuckled, speaking to Luke and the others whilst he said ‘As you can see, whilst they focused on us, they realized too late that we were the distraction.’

They noticed that the Grandmaster was noticing that something was coming, as did the rest of the Jedi. And before any of them could react, the doors to the temple had burst opened, revealing a large transport that made a type of crash landing, skidded across the ground, with the Jedi rallying behind the Grandmaster whilst Malgus stood in place, keeping his head lowered as the ship had finally stopped.

‘They assumed that no force could challenge them.’ said Malgus.

They then saw the transport door opening as it collapsed onto the ground. It was dark at first, when all of a sudden, a red Lightsaber activated, revealing a Sith Lord inside, shocking the ponies and their counterparts. But it wasn’t alone, for fifty more revealed themselves as they wielded their Lightsabers, whilst it revealed that fifty Imperial Sith Troopers were inside, readying themselves for combat. They saw Malgus’ past self raising his head as he looked at them.

‘And now,’ said Malgus as he looked at Luke and the others ‘Finally. We had returned.’

There was a sudden, there was a sudden cry, like a battle cry. And to their shock, they saw that every Jedi and every Sith charged towards one another, whilst the Imperial Troopers and the Republic Troopers tried to shoot another, as they saw one Jedi had engaged in combat with a Sith as they clashed sabers, but the Jedi ended up kicking him away with a roundhouse kick, whilst the Twi’Lek and Malgus held their position as the Twi’Lek began to shoot at her targets, whilst Malgus had killed two Jedi that tried to strike them down, whilst he directed the Twi’Lek to attack her next target.

The Jedi Grandmaster killed the two Imperial Sith Troopers with the strike of his Lightsaber, whilst he twirled it around to block enemy blaster fire, allowing him to kill the third one behind him. The next Jedi who fought one of the Sith elbowed it at the back of its head, allowing the Jedi to kill him. However, one of the Sith jumped in the air and delivered a powerful kick that sent the Rodian Jedi into a back flip, whilst also stabbing the Kel Dor Jedi in the chest behind him by thrusting its Lightsaber with force.

The Twi’Lek fired with both her blasters, whilst also taking cover from Republic soldiers. Malgus Force Gripped a Jedi as he held him in the air, then threw him with great force against the wall. The same Bounty Hunter flew with her jetpack towards one of the bridges inside the temple and fired her wrist mounted rockets at the bridge, disabling it, whilst also killing the handful of soldiers that tried to cross. Malgus used Force Lightning to kill a few more, the bounty hunter burned the soldiers with her wrist mounted flame throwers. The Twi’Lek tried to take down the Grandmaster, but he Force Pushed her against the fallen pillar, whilst a Sith jumped in the air and used a shockwave that sent the Republic soldiers flying in different directions.

‘This,’ said Rarity as she could barely look away ‘This is barbaric.’

Many were horrified when they saw how the Jedi, Sith, Republic and Empire were slaughtering one another as they fought for survival or to be victorious. When all of a sudden, a T3 droid came to the Grandmaster’s aid, but his focus was on Malgus, who was killing more of his fellow Jedi as they tried to strike him down.

They saw the Grandmaster clashed his Lightsaber against Malgus’ Lightsaber. They saw that the Grandmaster and Malgus continued to clash their sabers at one another, with the Grandmaster trying his best to dodge them, until Malgus kicked him backwards, making him skid on the ground when he firmly planted both his feet on the ground, whilst also killing the two Sith Lords that tried to kill him. Malgus threw his Lightsaber at the Grandmaster, causing him to jump in order to dodge it, which was a mistake, considering that Malgus used Force Push to launch him through a small rubble. Malgus then jumped in the air after his Lightsaber came back to him. But as Malgus thrusted his Lightsaber, the Grandmaster was able to dodge it, and stood firmly on the ground whilst he activated his Lightsaber.

They saw that the Grandmaster and Malgus continued to fight, clashing their sabers like two powerful warriors. But just as it looked like the Grandmaster had the advantage, Malgus jabbed the Lightsaber through the Grandmaster’s gut, making him grunt as the others were shocked by what they were seeing.

‘They thought that they were safe.’ said Malgus ‘But in the end, their power had deceived them.’

The Grandmaster dropped his Lightsaber on the ground as he was now done for.

‘And now,’ said past Malgus when they saw him speaking to the Grandmaster ‘You’re Republic. Shall fall.’

As he pulled his Lightsaber out, the Grandmaster dropped on his knees and dead on the ground. But at the same time, to their shock, the Sith and Imperial Fleets attacked from above as they began to lay siege on Coruscant as the planet began to be in flames. Whilst at the same time, all of them watched as Malgus left the temple and placed the hood back over his head whilst the temple began to crumble, signifying the fall of the Jedi Order.

And just like that, all of them were back in the same room as Malgus, with all of them reeling over the shock that all of them had witnessed.

‘And as you can see,’ said Malgus as he gained their attention ‘Even with all their power, their armies and their resources, they still were no match for the full power of the Sith. Had we succeeded into our plans, the Republic would’ve begged to surrender on their knees.’

‘How?’ said human Fluttershy, as she was the first to respond ‘How could you do all of this?!!’

‘All those innocent people!! All those worlds!!’ shouted human Rarity ‘All those lives wasted over some petty ideals!!!’

‘Yeah, what did they ever do to you?!!’ shouted human Pinkie Pie next.

‘Because the likes of him don’t care.’ said Luke, making the others look at him. ‘The Sith do not care who they destroy, they do not care who gets caught in the crossfire. All what they care about is what they selfishly want for their own ideals that have been dead since the time of Darth Bane.’

Luke then walked to the left as if he was walking into a circle, whilst still keeping his focus on the Sith Lord. ‘Your hunger and lust for power, even your anger blinds you. You want to take over the galaxy. And to what end? To make people suffer by driving fear into their hearts. And what did during the days of the old Republic, you didn’t strike just fear into the galaxy, you also proved to the galaxy that you’re nothing but a bunch of brutes who would do whatever it took to take what doesn’t belong to them.’

Luke continued to walk in a large circle around the Sith Lord, wanting to gain his attention away from the others. ‘But as the Jedi had learned, is that there is always hope. Which is why they continued to train in secret, but at the same time, a new hope came along. A new Jedi, who rose up and did the impossible whilst he fought his way through the impossible. That very Jedi fought for the freedom of the galaxy, and in time, you and the Sith fell. Only till after the fall of the Emperor, did he continue to fight for the peace and stability of the galaxy.’

Luke stood still, staring down at the Sith, which Sunset and her friends couldn’t believe how brave he was, despite watching what Malgus had done in the past. Luke continued as he said ‘And in the end, despite the trials and suffering he went through, he defeated you and any hope the Sith would have to rise up against the people of the galaxy. As a certain Republic soldier from your time once said. “A single spark of courage can ignite the beacons of hope”. As long as there is still hope in the galaxy, no single being will ever bow down to the likes of you. We will fight until no one can fight.’

‘And how can you hope to stand up to me?’ said Malgus ‘You are nothing more than a child playing pretend.’

‘This, child,’ said Luke as he referred to himself ‘Has gone through many trails and traumas to fight for the freedom of the Galaxy. I found the light in the night, and I’m never alone. For every Jedi who ever lived, lives in me. Without the Jedi, there can be no balance in the Force. Therefore, I will fight for what both myself and the galaxy believe in.’

‘If you think yourself worthy of the Jedi,’ said Malgus. ‘Then you will face me. Show me that you are a true Jedi. And if you fall, then the Jedi will truly be no more.’

Luke stared at Malgus down with his steely stare. ‘We shall see.’

Within an instant, Luke pulled out and activated his Lightsaber using Kenobi’s form, whilst Malgus pulled out and activated his Lightsaber as well. Both of them continued to stare at one another down, waiting for one of them to make a move, even the EG Mane 7 were surprised to see what was going on.

Pinkie Pie and her human counterpart quickly provided popcorn to those who want some. With human Rainbow Dash saying ‘This is going to be good.’

Within a split second, Malgus moved forward to strike Luke, only for him to jump over him, with Malgus blocking his attack when he knew what Luke was going to do. Once Luke was in position, the two of them continued with their dual as they clashed sabers, trying to oust the other. The two continued to strike their sabers from left, right, up, down, side to side, as well as deflecting their sabers, until Malgus kicked Luke back, allowing Malgus to twirl in the air as he jumped away from Luke, then used the Force to attract a large rock and throw it against him, with Luke slicing it in half, then walked over to Malgus as he twirled his Lightsaber.

Malgus twirled his before they clashed sabers again, with Luke using both Form V and Form III at the same time, trying to outfight Malgus, but the ancient Sith proved to be quite the challenge, for even though Malgus once lived a thousand years ago, the teaching of the many forms of the Lightsaber still remains the same. The duel reminded him of how he first faced his father, but Luke was unprepared. But now that he is, as well as his techniques of using a Lightsaber has improved, he can stand his ground. But clearly facing the Sith of old reminded him of just how much he needed to learn.

Luke jumped backwards and continued to black flip a few times whilst trying to avoid Malgus’ Lightsaber strikes. As Luke was able to land on both his feet, he leapt in the air and raised his Lightsaber in the air, allowing Luke to strike from above, but Malgus was able to block it. Both continued to stare down at each other as the Lightsabers crackled whilst they were in contact with one another.

Luke ended up leaning backwards, and placed his boot against Malgus’ chest, allowing Luke to flip him over, but Malgus was able to land on both his feet and used his left hand to fire Force Lightning, only for Luke to block it with his Lightsaber, as if it was absorbing the lightning itself.

As the Force Lightning died down, Luke and Malgus stood in their place, both sides waiting to make their move. Luke continued to stare down at the ancient Sith Lord, whilst panting, feeling like he had exhausted himself. Malgus on the other hand, he just stood there, staring down at the Jedi.

The audience, namely the ponies, their human counterparts, the Young Six, the Princesses, Starlight, Spike, Sunburst, even Gloriosa Daisy and Timber Spruce were in awe when they saw the two warriors facing each other down.

‘Ooh, this is getting really good.’ said human Rainbow Dash as she shoveled a bit of popcorn with her hand and placed it in her mouth.

As everyone kept staring, Sunset couldn’t help but feel that she needed to do something.

‘Wish to help, do you?’ said a voice to Sunset, which surprised her as she widened her eyes.

‘Who…’ muttered Sunset, not realizing who it was.

‘Far, young Skywalker has come,’ said the voice ‘But survive against the Sith, he will not. When in danger he is, rescue him, you must.’

Sunset was surprised by what the voice was asking him.

‘But, I can’t.’ she continued to mutter, to make sure her friends didn’t hear her ‘He’s really powerful.’

‘Sense the Force in you, I can. The light there is. Feel it you should.’ said the voice ‘Rise in the Force. A worthy Jedi, you may yet be.’

Sunset couldn’t believe what she was hearing, but she kept staring at Luke, then at Malgus.

Within a split second, Malgus and Luke charged towards one another, continuing to clash their Lightsabers against one another, trying to take down the other. Their Lightsabers eventually clashed against one another, whilst trying to match each other’s strength, trying to push the others away.

Until Malgus tricked Luke as he jabbed the side of the Lightsaber against his shoulder, scorching Luke’s right arm as he yelped in pain, with Malgus doing the same with Luke’s right leg, making him collapse onto the ground, much to the others’ shock.

‘Weak, and pathetic,’ said Malgus ‘Just like the Jedi of old.’

And with one quick stroke, Malgus used his Force Lightning to electrocute Luke, making him scream in pain as he shifted back and forth, with the others shocked when they saw that Luke was now pinned down.

Sunset kept staring at Luke, with her feeling worried about him.

‘Rescue him, you should.’ she remembered the voice that told her to go and save Luke.

‘And now,’ said Malgus as he held onto his Lightsaber. ‘It is time for you to die with the rest of your kind.’

Malgus raised his Lightsaber in the air, preparing to strike Luke down. When all of a sudden, someone among the group quickly moved forward. The moment Malgus struck his Lightsaber, he was suddenly blocked, which left him surprised. For the person who blocked him, was Sunset Shimmer, holding onto Luke’s Lightsaber, defending him from the power of the Sith.

The others were shocked to see what Sunset was doing, thinking that she was out of her mind for doing something this reckless.

‘You think you can defeat me,’ said Malgus as he stared down at Sunset whilst she was standing on one knee ‘You are no Jedi, what makes you think you can defeat me?’

Sunset remembered the words that the mysterious stranger told her. ‘Rise in the Force.’

She slowly closed her eyes, concentrating. She continued focus whilst she held her position whilst Malgus and the others watched her. Sunset continued to breathe slowly, suddenly feeling much calmer. And from within that moment, she could feel it. She could feel the Force within her, as well as many Jedi who had once lived long ago. She then slowly opened her eyes, with looks of determination, much to Malgus’ surprise.

Luke watched as Sunset slowly stood up with all her strength, with Malgus not believing what he was seeing. Sure enough, Sunset stood on both her feet. As she gritted her teeth, she kicked Malgus in the gut, making him wince as he stood a few feet backwards.

She then walked towards Malgus and sure enough, they clashed their Lightsabers, trying to strike down one from the other, clashing left, right, up, down, side left and side right, as if Sunset was an expert Jedi herself. She then kicked him away again, jumped over and tried to strike Malgus down, but he blocked it with his Lightsaber. Malgus tried to strike her down again, but she ended up dodging it as she leaned backwards, whilst she also skid on the floor, allowing her to stand up.

She tried to strike Malgus, but he ended up catching her hand, which Sunset did the same. The two of them tried to out-strong the other, but neither of them could make a move. When all of a sudden, she had an idea. Sunset then lowered Malgus’ Lightsaber as it was now close to the ground, with the tip of the plasma blade of the saber sticking into the ground as it sizzled.

Malgus kept staring down at his saber, trying to regain his composure, but he couldn’t budge because Sunset held it into place. He was so distracted, he didn’t focus on Sunset’s other hand. Which she was counting on with a smirk. Within a split second, Sunset was able to get her hand free and destroyed Malgus’ Lightsaber. And before he could react, with one strong uppercut strike, Sunset struck Malgus, slicing his chest and part of his face, making him yell in pain as he collapsed onto the ground whilst falling onto his back.

Everyone stared at her in shock, for they couldn’t believe that Sunset had just beaten a Sith Lord, and a master no less. Even Luke was left speechless. Sunset on the other hand continued to stare down at the Sith Lord, whilst at the same time, Malgus slowly sat back up, showing the scorch marks on his armour and chest, as well as half his face, whilst his mask was also cut opened, showing his teeth as he gritted them in anger.

‘Insolent pest!!’ shouted Malgus, causing him to use his Force Lightning at Sunset. But remembering what Luke did, she used his Lightsaber to block it, causing the lightning to deflect against it.

Many were concerned as Sunset wouldn’t be able to last much longer in that position. She kept holding her ground as the lightning continued to shoot at her, but used her saber to block it.

‘I am Darth Malgus, Lord of the Sith!!’ shouted Malgus, clearly angry that a child would dare stand up to him ‘A simple child cannot defeat me!!’

Sunset on the other hand, was now mad, but could still feel the light of the Force inside of her. She suddenly reached her left hand out to Luke. And to many of their surprise, the Lightsaber that Luke took with him suddenly flew straight towards her, allowing her to catch it, whilst still staring down at the Sith Lord.

‘I am no mere child.’ said Sunset ‘My name is Sunset Shimmer. Student of Princess Celestia. Student to Princess Twilight. Student of CHS, and a friend to my friends. And you. are. DONE!!!’

She then activate the other Lightsaber and formed an X with both the Lightsabers, allowing the lightning to intensify, which shocked Malgus as he watched what he witnessed. The lightning ended up deflected from the Lightsabers, causing Malgus to be electrocuted with his own lightning, making him yell in pain. As she gave one final push, the lightning intensified, causing the lightning to destroy Malgus as he screamed in agony. And within a split second, he exploded, scattering his ashes all over the place, leaving nothing but silence. Sunset kept panting, for it took all her strength to resist, with many still staring in shock, even Luke as he slowly stood up. Within a split second, Sunset dropped on her knees, feeling the exhaustion kicking in.

‘Sunset!!’ exclaimed human Twilight as she and the others ran over to her, to make sure that she was okay.

Sunset was still on her knees, with human Twilight trying to help her up whilst Princess Celestia helped her too.

‘Are you hurt?’ asked Celestia.

Sunset had a weary look on her face whilst she slowly looked at Celestia, then said ‘That…was exhausting.’

Human Rainbow Dash then stood near her as she yelled ‘That. Was. Awesome!!!’

‘Darling, how did you do that?’ asked human Rarity.

‘I, I don’t know.’ said Sunset as she wasn’t sure what just happened. ‘It felt different. A little terrifying, as well as…’

‘A feeling,’ said Luke, once the Pillars, along with Gloriosa and Timber Spruce were able to help treat Luke’s wounds, then helped him stand near Sunset once he was able to stand on his feet again ‘It is the very same feeling I received when I first walked the path.’

Sunset then noticed she was still holding Luke’s Lightsabers in her hands. She sheepishly smiled and presented it to him as she said ‘I think these belong to you.’

Luke simply smiled and accepted them back and placing them back in his hilt, with him saying ‘And thank you, for saving my life.’, which made Sunset smile back, despite her weariness.

‘So what can we expect to find down here,’ asked Mistmane ‘Now that the Sith spirit had been defeated?’

‘I suppose we will have to wait and see.’ said Luke.

As they walked down the next path that was revealed, Twilight looked at her Canterlot High friends. ‘Are you guys okay.’

Human Fluttershy simply sniffed, and said ‘How could the Sith do this? All those worlds. All those innocent people.’

‘Yeah,’ said human Applejack ‘I can’t image all of them suffering like…that.’

‘It…wasn’t easy for us to hear either.’ said Twilight. ‘Hearing about what happened to the Jedi, what happened to Luke’s parents. That was pretty hard for us to hear too.’

‘Ah can relate,’ said Applejack as she walked beside her ‘Ah lost mah parents too.’

‘Y’all too?’ asked human Applejack.

‘Yep.’ said Applejack to her counterpart ‘They died after Apple Bloom was born. She didn’t know them growin’ up. Ah know how Luke feels. But ah don’t want Apple Bloom to know what happened to them. We all saw what happened to Luke’s parents and he nearly broke down from seein’ that.’

‘Oh, the poor dear.’ said human Rarity.

‘The worst part is,’ said Twilight ‘When Luke found out that Darth Vader was his father, it nearly broke him. Worse than that, his father’s teacher, Obi-Wan Kenobi, lied to him about it.’

‘Whoa, so not cool.’ said human Rainbow Dash.

‘Though to be fair,’ said human Fluttershy ‘I would’ve lost it too if any member of my family were suddenly evil.’

‘That’s silly Fluttershy,’ said human Pinkie Pie as she walked next to her with her arm wrapped around her shy friend’s shoulder ‘Your parents would never do that, they’re way too nice. Except for Zephyr Breeze, who tried to sneak in the girl’s shower room and watch Rainbow Dash take a shower.’

‘Ugh,’ said Rainbow Dash as she groaned out loud and face palmed her face ‘Don’t remind me. I couldn’t even go in there for weeks after he was caught.’

‘We’re here.’ said Luke, gaining all of their attention.

They stood in front of a large stone door. But this door was different, for it had the images of the First Jedi on it. Luke aimed his right hand onto the door whilst he closed his eyes. Within a few short moments, the doors opened, allowing them access to it. When they entered, they found something unexpected.

For in the room, was the stone coffin in the middle, but all around it were, to Luke’s surprise, Jedi Holocrons. There were almost over a hundred of them inside, which surprised everybody when they saw them.

‘Oh, what are those?’ said both Rarity and her counterpart, clearly bedazzled by what they were seeing.

‘Crystals?’ said human Rainbow Dash as she looked at them in disbelief. ‘We went through all that for Crystals?!!’

‘They are not ordinary Crystals.’ said Luke as he walked towards one of them whilst he picked it up ‘They’re Jedi Holocrons.’

‘Holo, what now?’ said human Rainbow Dash.

‘They’re sacred Jedi Crystals that house all of Jedi History.’ said Princess Luna ‘Master Skywalker explained it to us. Whenever the next generation are born, they intend to accomplish great deeds, as well as achieving the impossible. Which are recorded and placed in them, so that the next generation can learn from them. But if the secret was too great, they are to ensure that they are well hidden, so that nopony can find them and use them for their own nefarious deeds.’

Luke slowly concentrated on the Holocron, allowing it to float, have the tips of the corners to twist and be automatically removed whilst they also floated. When all of a sudden, a hologram of the first Jedi was displayed, showing the various Lightsaber forms that took him years to master.

‘Incredible.’ said Luke ‘These Holocrons contain the knowledge of wielding one’s Lightsabers, even…’

Luke was cut off as he was greatly surprised by what he was witnessing ‘Even on how to create Kyber Crystals.’

‘Kyber Crystals?’ asked human Twilight.

‘Crystals that are part of their Lightsabers.’ said Sunburst ‘It’s part of their initiative when they are inducted to the Jedi Order.’

Luke then contacted R2 the moment he took his communicator out. ‘Artoo, can you bring large enough crates from the ship. We found something important.’

R2 beeped after responding to Luke’s order. As Luke placed his communicator away, he walked straight for the coffin. He was able to open it up, and thankfully, it was simple enough to move it, not like the other times. But instead of a Lightsaber, Luke was surprised to see a gauntlet of sorts. He pulled it out, wondering what it was. He placed it on his right arm and the moment he gripped his fist, the gauntlet produced its own Lightsaber, which surprised Luke.

‘This is new.’ said Luke after he placed it away.

Luke pulled out another scroll and opened it, allowing him to read it.

‘So where to next Master Skywalker.’ asked Stygian.

‘According to this,’ said Luke as he showed them that on the scroll was a map of the entire country, that was thankfully mapped. ‘The next clue would take us there.’

Human Twilight took a good look at it whilst she adjusted her glasses. The moment she did, she was surprised to see where the location is, considering that she took the time to study maps in her spare time.

‘Oh, I know where that place is.’ said human Twilight ‘They happen to be located at Equestria Land.’

‘Equestria Land?’ said the others in confusion.

‘Remember the amusement park I wrote about a while back?’ asked Sunset when she looked at Princess Twilight, which she nodded ‘Well that’s where the next clue will be.’

‘But why would they hid it there?’ asked puppy Spike.

‘I’m sure we’ll find out once we get there.’ asked Luke.

‘Luke,’ asked Celestia ‘Mind if you take us back to Equestria first? We have duties there that need attending.’

‘Of course.’ said Luke.

‘I hope all of you can spend the night at the camp.’ asked Luna ‘We shall return in the morning.’

‘Oh, of course Princess.’ said Twilight ‘We will wait for you in the morning.’

And as such, both Celestia and Luna left the room, whilst R2 had just come down and towed two large crates to put the Holocrons in.

Sunset looked at Timber Spruce and Gloriosa. ‘I hope you don’t mind if we spend the night here.’

‘Oh, of course not.’ said Gloriosa.

‘You know you guys are welcomed to come visit any time.’

They simply smiled at that, with Starswirl saying ‘Very well then. We shall continue with this in the morning.’

And as such, after loading up the Holocrons, they went back up to the surface to spend the night at Camp Everfree, whilst Luke would quickly take both Celestia and Luna back to Equestria so that they can carry on with their duties, then come back in the morning.

Author's Note:

Sorry I took so long, was working on some other project.