• Published 18th Apr 2020
  • 5,244 Views, 120 Comments

A Jedi's Journey - Postwarmonkey50

This story is set between “Star Wars Episode 6 and 7”, whilst also set between season 8 and 9 of “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic”.

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Chapter 15: Father vs Son

From across Princess Twilight and many of their companions, all of them could only watch from afar, as two individuals continued to stare down at one another.

On one side was Darth Vader. Who was once a man named Anakin Skywalker, who was once one of the most powerful and strongest Jedi within the Order, but because of his own paranoia, he betrayed the Order and joined Chancellor Palpatine, aka Darth Sideous. And because of his mistake, he realized too late that he was the one who would cause it, and he ended up living in pain and anger over the years. But within time, he soon fell by none other than his own son.

On the other side was Luke Skywalker, who was once restless as he wanted something more other than farming. When the Empire took the last of his family away, he left Tatooine in order to learn the ways of the Jedi. Despite many obstacles coming and going, Luke would always find a way. He was trained by the best, especially from Master Yoda, who passed away because of old age. Luke had once rushed in to save his friends and it costed him bitterly. And during the Battle of Endor, Luke was fairly a match against Vader. But now, after what he learned and what he witnessed, he was more than ready.

The said Ponies and their counterparts where nearly tensed up when they saw both Father, a servant of the Dark Side, against his own Son, the servant of the Light Side.

Leia couldn’t help but worry for her brother. She once saw him hurt when he went up against Vader, and what it had costed him. But now she didn’t know what to think. For Luke had changed since she last saw him and the look in his eyes proved it.

She felt Han’s hand, gaining her attention as he said ‘Don’t worry, the kid’s got this.’, with Chewbacca grunting in response as he agreed with Han.

As the two continued to stare each other down, Vader finally spoke and said ‘I have been waiting for you, Luke. We finally reunited at last.’

‘I wish it could be pleasant,’ said Luke ‘But given the circumstances, I’d say that I’m at an impass.’

‘We need not be enemies…’ said Vader before Luke cut him off.

‘I said it before and I will say this to you again,’ said Luke ‘I will not join you or the Sith. They brought nothing but shame and darkness among the galaxy.’

‘The Jedi are no different.’ said Vader.

‘No they’re not,’ said Luke ‘They made mistakes just like everybody else, which is proof that the Jedi are not perfect and they ended up meeting their end. All because of you.’

‘How dare…’ began Vader.

‘No, how dare you.’ said Luke ‘You claim you were doing this for the greater good. You sacrificed the Order, you sacrificed the Republic and you sacrificed the good in you, and for what, to save mother?’

If anyone could see Vader’s face, he would be slightly startled ‘How did you…?’

‘I know everything.’ said Luke ‘I know that you had a vision of mother dying, but you didn’t know how. So when the Emperor caught wind of this, he used it against you. You didn’t see what was the cause. Well there was one…the cause was you.’

Some were surprised to hear this, even Leia and the others.

‘I’ve seen it through the Force with the help of my new friends,’ said Luke ‘If you had not intervened, mother would be alive and she would continue to lead the Republic and the Jedi Order would have survived.’

Luke took a step forward as he said ‘I saw mother crying, I saw how she pleaded and begged you to not turn into darkness. But instead…’

Luke waved his hand, causing an image to be created, an image of the past, showing Anakin when he was younger, alongside Padme. Everyone was surprised to see what was going on, even the Rainbooms and Leia.

‘Obi-Wan was right,’ said Padme ‘You have changed.’

‘I don’t want to hear another word about Obi-Wan.’ said Anakin, noticing that his anger and the darkness inside his heart was growing ‘The Jedi turned against me, don’t you turn against me.’

Slowly, Padme was in tears, horrified and heartbroken by what Anakin had become, because Anakin had turned to Darkness. ‘I don’t know you anymore,’ she responded. ‘Anakin…you’re breaking my heart. You’re going down a path that I can’t follow.’

‘Because of Obi-Wan?’ said Anakin.

‘Because of what you’ve done.’ she responded back ‘What you planned to do.’

However, Anakin’s focus was shifted to the ship, with the others not noticing what he was looking at, with Padme trying to convince him otherwise. ‘Stop. Stop now, come back. I love you.’

Suddenly, Anakin’s expression changed as he raised his voice ‘Liar.’

She turned her attention to the ship. And from the ship, she saw Obi-Wan, walking down the ship’s ramp, and making his way towards Anakin.

‘No…’ she said, for she was surprised to see Obi-Wan, realizing that he had snuck onboard without her realizing it.

‘You’re with him,’ said Anakin, not believing her as she took a few steps back. ‘You brought him here to kill me.’

And within that split second, he extended his hand, whilst his hand had made a grip form, causing Padme to be lifted partially from the ground, as she held onto her throat with both her hands, shocking everypony and creature when they saw what was going on, even the Rainbooms. But not as shocked as Leia was.

‘Let her go Anakin.’ said Obi-Wan, trying to get through to him, but his focus was on Padme, as if feeling betrayed by his own wife was the last straw.

‘Anakin.’ begged Padme, wanting him to stop.

‘Let. Her. Go.’ said Obi-Wan, now more serious.

Within a moment, Anakin released his grip, dropping Padme onto the ground, unconscious, with Obi-Wan shocked what had transpired. Leia took a step forward as she nearly reached out, but was held back by Han, who was just as shocked.

Anakin looked at Obi-Wan in anger, knowing that his wife’s betrayal will not stand. ‘You turned her against me.’

Obi-Wan, on the other hand, looked at Anakin in disgust. ‘You have done that yourself.’ he responded.

Anakin walked back and forth, whilst taking his cloak off, now focused on Obi-Wan. ‘You will not take her from me!!’ he shouted.

‘Your anger and your lust for power had already done that.’ said Obi-Wan as he took off his cloak. He and Anakin walked in a circle, slowly. ‘You have allowed this, dark lord to twist your mind until now…until now you have become the very thing you swore to destroy.’

‘Don’t lecture me Obi-Wan.’ said Anakin as he was no on the other side, with Obi-Wan, walking towards Padme, wanting to make sure that she was okay. ‘I see through the lies of the Jedi. I do not fear the dark side as you do.’

As Anakin turned around, Obi-Wan crouched and placed his hand onto Pad me’s neck, making sure that she was still alive. Anakin on the other hand had his back turned, as he continued to rant ‘I have brought peace, freedom, justice, and security to my new empire.’

‘Your new Empire?’ responded Obi-Wan, whilst sounding confused.

‘Don’t make me kill you.’ said Anakin, who’s anger had now greatly consumed him.

‘Anakin,’ said Obi-Wan, trying one more time to get through to Anakin ‘My allegiance is to the Republic, to democracy!!’

‘If you are not with me,’ said Anakin, not making eye contact. ‘Then you’re my enemy.’

Obi-Wan sighed, for he knew that it wasn’t going to end well. ‘Only a Sith, deals in absolutes.’ he responded. Sure enough, he pulled out his Lightsaber, and prepared himself for battle. ‘I will do what I must.’

The imagery soon faded, with the shock reeling over to some who was new to this. Shining Armour and Cadance were beyond horrified when they saw what Vader did to his own wife, especially Leia as she shed a few tears before she landed on her knees.

Luke then looked at Vader and said ‘She died because of you.’

Vader looked at Luke as he continued to shout ‘If you had listened to Yoda from the beginning!! To let go as he had asked of you, all of this could’ve been avoided!!’

Vader could see that Luke was angry, but it felt off. It was not anger that could lead to the Dark Side, but natural anger. And from within Luke, he was already at peace.

‘I had to learn to let go.’ said Luke ‘I was afraid to, but I learned overtime that not everything lasts forever. Not everyone can live forever. Life must go on and one must find a way to live with it.’

‘If you truly believe that, then you are weak.’ said Vader ‘The Jedi could not save the galaxy, nor could they save themselves. One must realize that others must be strong through the Dark Side, for if not, all would remain on their knees till death.’

‘And you’re still spouting the same hatred that turned you against all you love.’ said Luke ‘I have encountered the Sith who had said the same as you have, and all of them would always lose in the end. Hatred and the Dark Side doesn’t make you strong, it makes you weak, helpless, and alone.’

‘And you know better?’ asked Vader.

‘I do.’ said Vader ‘I had learned about Honesty, Loyalty, Generosity, Kindness, even Laughter for those who have lost hope, those who felt they would achieve nothing. But only with them, the galaxy and the Jedi could flourish again.’

Luke took another step as he said ‘That’s also something what mother wanted to do. But you…she, your mother, Qui-Gon, and others you called friends…they would be ashamed to see what you have become.’

Vader gripped his fists, whilst some of the rocks were slowly being crushed.

‘You are unwise to lower your defenses.’ said Vader as he used the Force to toss a bolder at Luke, until Luke used the Force to Force Push the rock in half, with Luke barely being unfazed, leaving everyone surprised to see Luke’s power that had truly grown.

‘I am not the same man you fought on Cloud City, nor on the Death Star.’ said Luke.

‘Do you truly believe you are ready to face the greatest of dangers?’ said Vader.

‘I have come a long way since I began on my journey.’ said Luke ‘I have learned so much from both the Force and the people who are alive.’

He turned his back on Vader and said ‘I will restore the Jedi back to their former glory and I will make sure that we do not repeat the mistakes our forbearers before us made.’

‘You cannot match the full, power, of the Dark Side.’ said Vader.

‘Funny,’ said Luke ‘Yet I was a match against the Sith Masters who came before you, whilst you got manipulated by a man who claims himself to be all of the Sith. For I will do what I must if the galaxy is to have a future. So I will defeat you.’

‘You will try.’ responded Vader before he turned his Lightsaber on, whilst continuing to stare his son down.

Tensions were high, everyone wondered who was going to strike first. For Leia and her Rebel/New Republic friends, the fight was inevitable. But for many others, they couldn’t believe that Luke’s own father would fight him with so much darkness in his heart. Twilight once wondered that if she and her friends were able to use the Elements of Harmony, they would free him from his own pain and torment. But Twilight remembered Luke’s lesson about the Dark Side. Could it be more powerful than Harmony? No one might ever know.

But her thoughts were interrupted, when she looked at Luke.

Within a split second, Luke activated his Lightsaber and jumped backwards and in front of his father. To the many who were witnessing this whole event, were shocked when they saw the son would go against his own father the moment their sabers had clashed. As they clashed, they kept moving backwards as the blades continued to strike at one another. They stood still as their blades clashed once or twice, allowing Luke to kick Vader backwards, making the Lord of the Sith nearly fall over, but was able to get back up quick on his feet as Luke continued.

Vader continued to move backwards as Luke continued to clash his blade against his as there came continued flashes. They stood a few inches from one another, until Luke twirled his saber, trying to strike at Vader, only for him to block his son’s attack, then twirled around trying to strike back, only for Luke to block his attack and kicked him away. The two of them continued to move as their sabers continued to clash. They continued to try and strike one another as they sliced a few large rocks that were between them as they didn’t notice. Luke ended up moving backwards as their sabers continued to clash, until their blades ended up deflecting against a rock, scorching it in the process.

As both Luke and Vader stood a few feet away, Vader used the Force to lift a large rock and throw it straight at Luke, only for him to slice it in half and used the Force to throw them back, causing Vader to slice them in two. Vader continued to make his way toward Luke, allowing them to continue to clash their sabers as Luke moved backwards. Vader then swung his saber, only for Luke to duck and tried to strike Vader from behind.

Vader used Force Push to push Luke backwards, making Luke fall backwards and skid on the ground, but quickly got back up on his feet.

‘The Jedi will never rise again.’ said Vader.

‘Not if I have anything to say about it.’ said Luke as he used both his hands to perform a Force Push, causing Vader to skid backwards until he was against the wall.

Luke jumped towards Vader, allowing the two of them to clash their sabers once more. Only for Vader to headbutt Luke’s head, then punched him, clashed his saber, backhanded and Force Push Luke as he crashed against a rock. Vader threw his saber at Luke, but it pierced next to him instead. Seeing what Vader had planned, Luke quickly ducked as Vader used the Force to attempt to Slice Luke’s head off. Luke got up, only for Vader to grab Luke’s throat, whilst Luke grabbed Vader’s saber, much to everyone’s shock.

Vader forced Luke to bend over backwards as Vader attempted to slice his son’s throat, with Luke struggling to gain momentum in order to fight back. However, he remembered seeing an old favorite of Kenobi’s. Luke kicked Vader’s back leg, causing Vader to roll over and Luke was able to get up, but Vader ended up punching Luke as he fell over. But with determination on his face, Luke wasn’t going to give up, so he got up and kicked Vader, making the Sith Lord fall on his back. Both Vader and Luke summoned their Lightsabers, causing them to clash again whilst Vader slowly got up, with both warriors still in the fight.

Both Vader and Luke stood their ground as both of them continued to clash their sabers from a slow pace to a faster pace. Sure enough, both of them ended up twirling their Lightsabers in circles, and with the tenth twirl, they clashed their sabers together, staring each other down, with one trying to oust the other.

Many stared in awe when they saw how both Vader and Luke fought, even the Rebels were impressed. Chewbacca grunted a few things as he elbowed Han.

‘What did he say?’ asked Rainbow.

‘Chewie asked Han if he still had doubt of Luke becoming a Jedi.’ said Lando when he translated for them.

As the Jedi and Sith continued to pin one another, both of them ended up using Force Push. But just as their hands clashed, they could see the Force with their own eyes, as if it were glowing with energy. Both Luke and Vader continued to push harder and harder, with neither of them moving a muscle. However, the moment they gave it their all, they both gave in, causing both of them to fly separately as they crashed against a few rocks.

Vader jumped up in order to Strike Luke down, but the Jedi was able to get up in time and deflected his attack. Luke continued to move backwards as Vader attempted to strike him down, but Luke moved in perfect sync, not wanting to fail and come all this way for nothing.

Luke ended up backhanding Vader, allowing Luke to move forward as they continued to clash sabers at one another, until Vader used Force Push to push Luke against and through a rock. He was able to stand up, but half of his shirt was torn off, but he ignored it as he jumped right towards Vader, allowing them to continue with their fight.

As they clashed sabers again, Vader backhanded Luke, nearly making him lose balance, until Vader tried to strike him down, only for Luke to grab Vader’s wrist, with Vader doing the same, both trying to pin the other as they twirled, until Luke head budded Vader, making him go backwards, with Luke jumping a bit backwards as he placed his Saber away.

Luke used his strongest Force Push, causing Vader to fly back against the stone wall with a crash, taking those by surprise. Vader was for a few moments against the wall whilst his breathing apparatus was going rapid whilst he struggled to remove himself from the wall. Vader took a step or two, struggling to move. That was, until Luke combined both his hands as he summoned his most strongest Force Push. And with great thrust, a powerful wave was released, heading straight toward Vader. The moment it made contact, it looked like the stone wall exploded.

Everyone was surprised to see how strong Luke was.

‘Whoa,’ said one of the Rebels ‘Remind me not to get on his bad side.’

The rest of the Rebels agreed, for they were surprised to see a Jedi fighting first hand. They heard Rex chuckle as he said ‘Trust me. All of you haven’t seen anything yet.’

Luke took a few moments to breathe in order to calm himself. When all of a sudden, he still heard Vader, as he suddenly moved out of the rubble. Though his armour were scraped and dented, he was still in the fight. The others were shocked to see Vader was still standing.

‘That’s…impossible.’ said Twilight, for out of all the villains they’ve fought, never have they seen one that was stronger.

‘Now I see why Luke’s father is most powerful in the Force, both light and dark.’ said Luna as she had a hard time trying to comprehend of what she saw.

Luke was about to pull out his Lightsaber again, until R2 beeped, gaining Luke’s attention. The little robot ended up shooting out something from the back of its head, allowing them to fly in the air, allowing Luke to catch them. When he took a good look at them, he realized it were the same Lightsabers that he found in the tomb from the Pegasi’s old kingdom.

R2 beeped a couple of times, allowing Luke to nod in agreement. He then faced Vader again, allowing Luke to activate both of them and performed the same stance as Ahsoka did, allowing himself to be ready. Vader on the other hand simply turned on his Lightsaber and walked towards Luke, not even phasing or even asking of where he found those sabers.

Luke darted straight towards Vader and jumped in the air, but missed when he tried to strike down Vader, only for Luke to block the Sith’s attack with both his sabers. Luke and Vader continued to dodge and clash sabers at the same time, until Luke used Force Push once more, only for Vader to keep his feet on the ground whilst he skidded backwards. The moment Vader looked up, Luke attempted to strike again, only for Vader to block Luke’s sabers with his own. Luke stood behind Vader, only for him to form an X with his sabers in order to block Vader’s. Luke then back flipped a few times as he dodged Vader’s strikes, but ended up with them clashing sabers again once more.

Luke jumped on top of one of the rocks, trying to dodge Vader’s attack, until Vader used the Force to lift tons of rocks and throw it straight at Luke. This time, the Jedi was prepared as he jumped left and right, whilst also slicing them to pieces in order to try and avoid them. Vader used another rock, only for Luke to suddenly disappear. Vader looked left and right in order to find him, until Luke appeared from out of nowhere and sliced part of Vader’s helmet, making the Sith Lord shout in pain, which shocked the others.

Luke landed a few feet away, then turned around to face him. Slowly, Vader looked at Luke, revealing his eye as it was revealed through his destroyed helmet.

‘Luke.’ responded Vader as he looked at him, but Luke didn’t say a word, but kept staring down at the Lord of the Sith.

Vader eventually stood up, with Luke saying ‘By the Will of the Jedi, the Republic and the Force. I will restore balance. I’ve come this far. And I don’t intend to stop now.’

It was silent between them as they kept staring down at one another. The others anxiously watched as things continued to heat up. Luke wasn’t going to give up. Unfortunately, neither was Vader.

‘Then you will die.’ responded the Sith Lord as he turned his saber on and walked towards Luke.

Luke on the other hand also walked towards Vader. But as they were a few feet away, he instantly charged at Vader, allowing Luke to attempt to strike Vader down again, only for the Sith to deflect it. The Sith Lord then performed a parry, causing Luke to drop his sabers, whilst also dodging Vader’s strikes. At the same time, Artoo shot out two Lightsabers; a blue dragon Lightsaber and a yellow Double Bladed Lightsaber.

Luke grabbed them whilst he was in midair and landed in front of the Sith again. Everyone and everypony could see just how well Luke had been moving with two different sets of Lightsabers. Luke continued to twirl the double bladed saber from his one hand, but continued to fight strong with the other. But as Vader did a double counter from Luke’s strikes, he used Force Push and pushed Luke away as he ended up dropping both of his sabers.

Luke got up and charged straight towards Vader, until Artoo tossed Luke a Folded Double Bladed Lightsaber, allowing Luke to jump in the air and catch it, whilst it unfolded, allowing Luke to fight Vader as the two of them engage in combat once more.

‘Where does he keep getting those things?’ said Sweetie Belle when she pointed at the Lightsabers.

‘Trust me,’ said Rainbow Dash as she hovered near the CMC ‘We found a lot of those things during our travels.’

Vader continued to move backwards as he blocked most of Luke’s attack. Vader backhanded the young Jedi, but Luke ended up kicking Vader in the face, countering his first strike. Both Father and Son continued to clash as they tried to ounce one another. Luke kept spinning the double bladed Lightsaber as if it were nothing but a bo-staff, even Vader had a hard time catching up. But as they continued, Vader ended up clashing Luke with his saber, causing the young Jedi to be on one knee, trying to keep his balance.

Luke saw a stone pillar and used the Force to pull it, allowing the stone pillar to fall over and both Luke and Vader jumped separately in order to avoid it. They then jumped on top of the fallen pillar and continued to fight their battles against one another. Luke moved the double bladed Lightsaber whilst Vader moved with precision.

‘Whoa,’ said human Rainbow Dash ‘Just look at them go.’

‘No wonder Luke’s dad was considered the best.’ said Rainbow Dash.

‘The kid’s holding out,’ said Han ‘Never thought he would hold Vader out for so long.’

Vader and Luke kept moving back and forth, one trying to strike the other. Vader ended up using Force Push, causing Luke to be pushed against the piece of the stone pillar, until Vader jumped up in the air in order to strike down Luke, but he was able to quickly dodge Vader’s attack as he jumped over. But the moment Luke landed, Vader sliced the double bladed Lightsaber in half, Luke to drop them as Vader jabbed his saber at Luke.

Many should be shocked, but the one who should be shocked is Vader. Luke was using the Force to block Vader’s saber, a little something he learned from the Jedi Master who fought against Malgus during the Battle of Alderaan. Luke grunted as he lifted himself up and stood firmly on his feet and kept the saber in his grip (Figuratively speaking).

‘Impressive.’ said Vader as he kept his stance.

‘Like I said before,’ said Luke, using his will and all his strength to keep the Lord of the Sith at bay ‘You’ll find out that I’m full of surprises.’

Luke headbutted Vader and thrusted his hand onto the ground, causing Vader to be raised in the air, then used both his arms to Force Push Vader away from him. Vader kept his stance once more and looked up, only to notice that Luke wasn’t there.

From out of nowhere, Luke appeared whilst he suddenly had a blue Crossguard Lightsaber in his hand. Luke twirled the saber and began to strike Vader. The Lord of the Sith continued to keep his stance, until they continued to clash sabers in different positions, until Luke sliced Vader’s shoulder guard off, causing Vader to groan in pain, but continued to fight Luke as if their lives depend on it.

Vader continued to move forward whilst Luke moved backwards, trying his best to keep himself in the fight as he twirled his Lightsaber left, right, up, down, side to side in order to block Vader’s attacks. Luke jumped backwards. Vader used the Force to lift the pillar up and sent it to Luke flying, only for Luke to counter it using both his hands to catch it. He sent it flying back, only for Vader to catch it and sent it away, however, Luke anticipated this and used the Force to Force Push Vader backwards, making the Lord of the Sith fall on his back. Luke suddenly picked up a handful of large boulders using the Force, and used them to crush Vader, much to the others’ shock.

Luke removed them, revealing the Lord of the Sith to be on his back, until Luke jumped and landed behind Vader whilst the Sith slowly stood up, with his armour now damaged and his cape now torn, especially with his breathing apparatus broken as he was struggling to breathe. Luke turned his Lightsaber on, with Vader doing the same as the two of them now stood toe to toe against one another.

The two continued to clash their sabers in different formations, each trying to oust the other, with Luke gaining the advantage as he slashed his saber against Vader’s robotic leg, which was only scorched, but allowed Vader to remain unbalanced as he stood on one knee. Luke went over and bashed his saber against Vader a couple of times, but at the third strike, he sliced Vader’s helmet off, showing his face that had been partially burnt since his encounter with Obi-Wan. Luke used the Force to lift Vader up and smashed him onto the ground. Luke lifted Vader up, allowing the young Jedi to charge against the Sith, grabbed it and used his most strongest Force Push to push Vader far against a Pillar before he collapsed onto the ground.

‘Incredible.’ said Starswirl as he and the others were in awe when they saw how far Luke had really gone.

The Young Jedi walked over to Vader, who despite the beatings he received, continued to get back up and holding his saber, with Luke now standing near the Jedi.

‘It’s over father.’ said Luke ‘I will restore the Jedi back to their former glory, I will restore the Republic. And I will honor my mother’s sacrifice, and bring peace to the Galaxy as she always wanted.’

But Vader, who was not one to give up, suddenly got back up, with Luke clashing his saber again.

‘All I did.’ said Vader as he stood up on both his feet, but clashed his saber again ‘I did it for her!!’

Luke suddenly grabbed Vader and flipped him over, with Luke saying sternly ‘You failed our mother!! And you failed the Republic!!’

They clashed their sabers again, with Luke saying ‘You betrayed the Jedi!! You betrayed the Clones!! You betrayed the Republic!! But more importantly, you failed the Republic!!’

Luke charged Vader again, until Vader grabbed Luke by the throat, for now he has anger in his eyes, much to the others’ shock.

‘The Jedi took me away from my mother!!’ shouted Vader before he backhanded Luke ‘They took me whilst they left her behind!! To be a slave!! They didn’t bother to save her!! Not Qui-Gon!! Not Obi-Wan!! Or anyone!!’

He kneed Luke in the gut, grabbed his head and bashed him against the wall ‘When Padme came into my life!! All I wanted to do was to protect her!! I didn’t want to fail her like I failed my mother!!’

Vader used Force Grip, causing Luke to be raised in the air as he grabbed his throat ‘The Jedi forced me to be what I never wanted to be!! They only wanted me to fulfill their foolhardy prophecy!! To make me something I wasn’t!!’

He thrashed Luke hard onto the ground, walked over to him and beat him with his fists as he said ‘They forced me to be part of their foolish Order!! They made me a Jedi!! They forced me to fight!! Forced me to be loyal with no loved ones!! They forced me into the Order!! To pick up!! Their!! Pieces!!’

Vader then picked Luke as he shouted ‘They!! Failed!! MEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!’

Vader tossed Luke hard against the stone, tearing off most of his shirt as he bounced and skidded hard onto the ground, with Luke’s face into the ground. Many were shocked when they saw Luke on the ground; the Ponies, the humans, even the Rebels when they saw Luke beaten by the Lord of the Sith.

‘Luke.’ said Leia, wanting to interfere, but she knew she mustn’t.

‘Come on Jedi Master.’ said Twilight ‘Don’t give up.’

Luke slowly got up and was on all fours, whilst he spat some of the ground away. Vader slowly approached Luke and looked at his son before standing still.

‘You.’ said Vader as he gripped both of his hands ‘Never truly understood. The full power. Of the Force.’

‘I…’ said Luke as he was able to stand on one knee and on one foot ‘Do not need to understand the Force father.’

Luke then slowly raised his head, revealing his eyes was glowing white as he said ‘For the Force…is all, around us.’

The ground suddenly shook as from small pebbles to rocks suddenly began to float in the air, which took them by surprise. However, what really surprised all of them, was that Luke was slowly standing up, his eyes were glowing brighter and both of his hands were appearing to be grasping something, as the wind blew and hair flowed as he had now tapped into the full power of the Force.

Twilight and her friends were shocked to see the full power of the Force from Luke first hand.

Before Vader could react, Vader delivered a powerful Force Push, causing Vader to just fly backwards and made him crash against the wall in full force. He used the Force to toss Vader hard against another part of the wall to the left, then another to the right, then straight up at the roof, then down hard onto the floor.

Luke charged towards Vader whilst the Lord of the Sith tries to stand up. He tried to use the Force to throw objects at the young Jedi, but Luke jumped left on top of a fallen pillar. Vader did the same trick, but Luke was able to jump right and used another Force Push, causing Vader to be pushed back. Luke landed and charged towards Vader again, but before the Sith Lord could react, Luke used Force Push in front of him, making Vader land on his back.

Luke then slammed his left hand onto the ground, causing Vader to be lifted off of the ground. Luke used both his hands to deliver his strongest Force Push, making Vader crash against the ceiling, then used both his hands to make Vader crash onto the ground, hard. As Vader struggled to get up, the ground beneath Vader suddenly spawned rocks, revealing Luke to be using the Force to command the ground to form a large stone hand to grasp Vader in, so that he would not be able to move.

As the Lord of the Sith screamed in anger, something happened. The light began to shine brighter on Luke, allowing six familiar objects to appear. They were none but the Elements of Honesty, Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Loyalty and Magic. Everyone in the room were shocked to see the Elements of Harmony themselves had appeared around Luke.

‘Whoa,’ said Rainbow as she was shocked to see what was going on before them ‘He can control the Elements of Harmony?!!’

‘That’s impossible.’ muttered Twilight.

Vader continued to scream in anger and pain whilst Luke slowly approached Vader, until he stood at least a few feet away from him. Vader looked at Luke in anger, for he was not going to give up this easily.

‘The Jedi!!’ shouted Vader ‘Have made me into what I am!!’

‘No father,’ said Luke as he looked at Vader with a deadpanned face, but still shed a small tear, for he took no joy in this whilst he said ‘You chose your own destiny.’

The Elements of Harmony began to glow brighter whilst fusing with Luke. With the combined power of both the elements and the Force, Luke unleashed its full power towards Vader, causing the Lord of the Sith to be engulfed in it, making the Sith Lord scream as if he was being burnt in lava all over again, whilst the others began to cover their eyes as if they couldn’t handle the bright light anymore.

Soon enough, the brightness began to fade away, causing some of them to notice. As they unshielded their eyes and looked at the aftermath. Luke soon stood up straight whilst the elements faded away. As for Vader, he was released from the rocky grip and landed on all fours. Vader panted a few times, trying to catch his breath.

‘It’s over father.’ said Luke ‘It’s time to move on.’

Sure enough, Luke could see tears. Not just any tears, but Vader’s. Much to the Rebels’ shock, even Leia and the others.

‘What have I done.’ said Vader as his head was still lowered. ‘I didn’t mean for any of this to happen. All I wanted was to save her.’

‘But at what cost?’ said Luke as he stood on one knee in order to be face to face with his father ‘You betrayed your friends. You betrayed the Jedi Order, and you betrayed the Republic. And for what? To save mother?’

‘But…the visions…’ said Vader.

‘If you had paid close attention to it, you would’ve seen who was responsible.’ said Luke. ‘I have looked deep into the Force and have seen what really happened. Mother’s life came to an end because you couldn’t control your anger and you nearly killed her. Because of it, she had lost the will to live. She would have lived if you had not intervened.’

Vader slowly looked up to Luke as he explained things further. ‘Because of the Dark Side growing stronger, the Emperor had foresaw that you would be desperate into saving her. He used that to his advantage and he manipulated you into doing what he wanted you to do. All of this could have avoided if you had listened to Masters Yoda and Kenobi. I’m afraid to lose the people I care about too, but I also know that they were not going to be around forever. That’s why we spend every moment with them with the time we still have. In the end, I had to learn to let go, the first lesson I learned. You could’ve done the same.’

Vader lowered his head, not wanting to look at his son, for he was ashamed of what he had done, something that Sunset recognized. She walked over to Vader, gaining his attention.

‘I know what it’s like, to be filled with anger and lust for power.’ said Sunset, recalling her days of being a bully and tormentor. ‘Trust me, it didn’t do anyone good. I was cruel beyond redemption. If it weren’t for my friends, I wouldn’t be here.’

Princess Celestia stood near Vader and placed a hoof on his shoulder. ‘When I first became immortal, I too was afraid to lose those I love. I still miss them, but I had to learn to let go of everything I was afraid to lose. For what I realized, everything must come to an end, and it is the most saddened part of our lives. That is why we live our lives to the fullest with the time we still have.’

‘Indeed.’ said Luna as she walked over ‘It is difficult to letting go ones loved ones. If it were to happen, Padme would not have want you to be like this.’

Then the least anyone would expect to come, was none other than Leia. Now that she knows who her father is, it was difficult for her, but she had to get it off of her chest.

‘When mother became a senator,’ she started ‘All she wanted to do was to help people. She was against the war because she knows of how much suffering people can endure. Ever since the Rebellion started, I joined the cause because I also wanted to help people, even when we were low on manpower to fight the Empire, we didn’t give up on the fight. And since the New Republic had been formed, I vowed to help restore the Galaxy back to the way it was supposed to be. Without the Clone Wars, without the Galactic Civil War. I’m not just doing this to help those in need. I’m doing this for her.’

Vader lowered his head for a moment, but then looked at Leia with tears in his eyes. ‘I’m so sorry Leia. I’m sorry for what I have done. Forgive me.’

At first, Leia would want to be angry for what Vader had done. But instead, she said ‘Oh father. The only one you need to forgive is yourself. If you wish to make things right, then let my brother pass. Let him restore the Jedi Order. Let him restore Balance to the Force.’

Vader slowly reached out to Leia and placed his hand onto her shoulder. He then did the same for Luke. And much to their surprise, their father had hugged them for the very first time. They soon returned the hug, showing that all has been forgiven. Many were relieved when they saw this. Vader slowly stood up and looked at his kids and said ‘Thank you. Both of you.’

He then released the hug and took a few steps backwards. He smiled to them and said ‘May the Force be with you.’

And within mere moments, Vader vanished into thin air, for now he is one with the Force. As Artoo moved around to gather the Lightsabers, and with 3PO helping, the others soon gathered around Luke and the others.

‘That,’ said Luke as he wiped the sweat from his forehead ‘Was exhausting.’

‘You’re telling me.’ said Spike ‘I never felt that scared in all my life.’

‘Well, we can look on the bright side after all of this.’ said Pinkie as she and her counterpart appeared.

‘Like what?’ asked Han.

Suddenly, both Pinkie and her human counterpart were suddenly in Darth Vader outfits, but with their own scary voices, though not that scary.

‘Come to the dark side my son.’ said Pinkie Pie ‘It’s super cool and super awesome.’

‘We have amazing armour,’ said human Pinkie ‘The cool flowing capes, the amazing Lightsabers and also the amazing dental plans.’

‘And most importantly.’ said the two Pinkie Pies.



Suddenly the two of them held up a large plate of cookies as they both shouted out loud ‘We…have…COOOOOKIEEEEEESS!!’

Everyone gave the two of them blank stares, not knowing what to say of any of this, with the Rebels just as confused. That was, until they heard a snicker. It was none other than Luke, who first snickered, then giggled, and then the delivery, a full blown laughter as he clenched onto his stomach. Sure enough, Han and the others, even the Rebels began to laugh at that, following the ponies and their human counterparts, as well as the other creatures.

Chewbacca growled to Fluttershy in his language, with Fluttershy saying ‘Oh yes, Pinkie really knows how to make others laugh.’

As soon as the laughter died down, everyone began to recollect themselves.

‘Aw man.’ said Smolder as she wiped her tear away ‘Now that’s funny.’

‘I know,’ said Silverstream ‘I can’t imagine that Vader would say and do stuff like that.’

‘So Luke,’ said Han as he walked over to him ‘You mind telling me what this is about?’

‘I can answer that,’ said Princess Celestia as she walked over and said ‘When Luke was trying to find the location of the Jedi Temple that the First Jedi had hidden, he encountered certain tombs that contained clues of the temple’s whereabouts. But he encountered other Sith who once lived long ago before he could proceed.’

‘Heck yeah,’ said Rainbow Dash ‘He encountered Sith like the first one, Kreia, Revan, Malak, Malgus, Bane, Maul, Dooku, and finally his dad.’

‘It has been challenging.’ said Luna ‘But because of our willingness to work together, we were able to overcome those tests.’

‘And now thanks to them,’ said Luke ‘We have found the temple.’

‘Well it could be a bust,’ said Han as he looked around ‘From the looks of things there’s nothing here.’

‘But there has to be something.’ said Twilight in concern.

‘Yeah,’ said Sunset ‘We didn’t think that we went through all of this for nothing.’

‘So what do we do about it?’ asked Lando when he looked at Luke ‘Where do we look?’

And from the distant, another bright light began to shine, causing many to block their eyes. When they took a peek, the light began to fade away, revealing eight different individuals, all in different shapes and sizes, wearing what appeared to be masks and Jedi robes. Though some would be cautious, Luke assured them that they mean no harm. The eight individuals stopped near them at least a foot away.

‘Congratulations Luke Skywalker.’ said the first individual, clearly male ‘You have passed your trials.’

‘Trials?’ asked Twilight.

‘Indeed.’ said a different individual. And among them, to the ponies’ shock, were none other than the founders of Equestria. Namely Clover the Clever, Secretary Smart Cookie, Commander Hurricane, Princess Platinum, Private Pansy and Chancellor Puddinghead.

‘It can’t be.’ said Princess Celestia in shock.

‘How is this possible?’ said Luna.

‘When the First Jedi came along,’ said Princess Platinum ‘We had just formed Equestria. They taught us what we needed to survive and to help our kingdom grew into a new and better tomorrow.’

‘And once they were done teaching us,’ said Clover the Clever ‘They asked us to hide their most sacred texts on our world.’

‘And because of how they helped us,’ said Chancellor Puddinghead ‘How could we say no.’

‘But wait,’ said Sunset as she realized something ‘Princess Twilight and the others found the clues of the temple in Equestria, how is it that their secrets were in our world too?’

‘Believe it or not,’ said Secretary Smart Cookie ‘Long ago, the humans used to live side by side with Ponykind millennium ago.’

‘But because they were suddenly at odds with one another,’ said Commander Hurricane ‘We were afraid that an all out war would have been waged between our kind.’

‘We asked the Jedi if there was a way to separate the two worlds,’ said Private Pansy ‘That way, they could live peacefully without feeling threatened to one another.’

‘But wouldn’t it be better to keep it this way?’ asked human Twilight.

‘We cannot I’m afraid.’ said Starswirl as he walked to the founders as he said ‘Clover and the others knows.’

‘Knows what?’ asked Spike.

He looked at them and said ‘When the worlds had separated, humanity had evolved much faster than Ponykind. And if we were to combine both worlds, imagine the panic that would come if Ponykind would suffer with modern technology that they have never seen before.’

‘He’s right.’ said Celestia ‘It would be much too dangerous if it were to come to pass.’

‘There’s also another reason.’ said Luke.

Everyone looked at him, wondering what he means, with Han asking ‘Why do you say that kid?’

‘The magic of this world and the one that’s currently populating in secret in the other,’ said Luke as he told them ‘They would be lost forever if anyone would get their hands on them. And once that happens, all the evil that they worked so hard to conceal would have nothing to stop them. Equestrian Magic and the Elements of Harmony are their first and last line of defense. That is why they cannot mix.’

All of them were both surprised and terrified at the same time, even Twilight and her friends, for if people would panic over Equestrian Magic that had been leaking in Sunset’s world, they do not want to imagine what would happen if forces like Nightmare Moon, Discord, Chrysalis, Sombra, Tirek and Cozy Glow would interfere in worlds like that.

‘But,’ said Luke ‘That does not mean that the world should remain separate.’

Everyone, even the masters looked at him surprised.

‘From what I could gather,’ said Luke ‘Humans once lived in Equestria, until all of them were gone. And from the world that Sunset and the others came from, magic used to exist until it died out. From what I have seen, if both worlds remained separate, they would always be out of balance. But if the races are truly to gain true balance, then they must learn to coexist with one another. If the people of Canterlot High could learn to live with Equestrian Magic because of Sunset and the others, then so too could the rest of the world.’

One of the masters smiled underneath their helmet, walked over to him and said ‘Well said Skywalker. Well said. As there must be balance in the Force,’ said the third Jedi ‘So too must Harmony on both worlds, with their guardians in place.’

‘Guardians?’ said Twilight.

‘You did not think it was an accident that all of you became the wielders of the powers of Harmony, did you?’ said one of the Jedi.

‘We once foretold that once Equestria had been founded,’ said Clover the Clever ‘That there would be Guardians to the Elements of Harmony. Not just in Equestria, but in both worlds.’

‘All of you didn’t really think that Sunset Shimmer fleeing to the other world was by mere coincidence, did you?’ said Chancellor Puddinghead.

Sunset was surprised by this, for during her bullying days and her choice to flee there, she had no idea she was meant to be a guardian, none of her friends did. Even they were surprised to hear this.

‘Indeed.’ said Commander Hurricane ‘We foretold that both worlds would be able to wield them. For Everyone plays a vital role in harmony.’

‘And thus, with our help,’ said one of the smaller Jedi ‘We were able to set up a series of tests for each of them.’

The First Jedi showed them images of the past. At first, it showed Sunset studying, until the Jedi ghosts appeared and influenced her to act the way she did, whilst along the way, influenced Twilight into seeking out to stop Nightmare Moon, whilst also influencing her friends to help them out in both worlds, even continued to test them through certain parts of their lives, much to their surprise.

‘When we saw the future,’ said the first Jedi ‘We influenced the ones who would bring a better tomorrow with the powers of Harmony. And through every part of your lives and the influence and the lives you’ve touched along the way, we continued to guide you through your lives and each of you have triumphed over the impossible.’

They then showed them of their recent adventures since Luke came to their worlds whilst the first Jedi said ‘And along the way, we influenced you all to help guide him through his path, whilst along the way, all of you continued to become who you were meant to be.’

‘And we have done the same for Luke as well.’ said the fifth first Jedi ‘For along the way, he grew not only as a Jedi, but as a better person. He learned what the Jedi of old had forgotten. Honesty, Loyalty, Generosity, Kindness, Laughter, and Magic. That had been forgotten from every cycle when the Jedi perished at the hands of the Sith.’

‘And now that he has passed the final test of his journey, only one thing remains.’ said one of the Jedi.

The seven Jedi stood in a circle and activated their respective Lightsabers. They held it in the air whilst the eight walked over and used his own Lightsaber and held it close to himself, whilst slowly approaching Luke and stood near him.

‘Kneel.’ said the first Jedi Master.

Luke did so and knelt in front of the Jedi Master whilst everyone watched a sacred tradition that all Jedi held when the time had come to progress the next phase of their journey.

‘Luke Skywalker.’ said the Jedi Master as he moved his Lightsaber, knighting Luke, but more differently. ‘By the right of the Jedi. By the will of the Force. Through your dedication to preserve Peace for the Republic and the Balance of the Force. No longer a Knight, now rise, Master of the Jedi.’

Luke looked up and smiled with pride.

‘Rise, Master Skywalker.’ said the first Jedi Master ‘You are ready.’

As Luke stood up, everyone cheered for him, even his friends were really happy for him.

‘And as such,’ said the first Jedi Master ‘You are worthy, to gain our knowledge.’

And from out of nowhere, a large table appeared. And on top of them, were over a dozen books.

‘Each book you see before you,’ said the first Jedi Master ‘Are our most sacred texts from the day we first started out our journey to help bring balance to the Force. We entrust them to you, as the keeper of our secrets, as well as a way to teach the next generation of Jedi in order to protect the galaxy from further future threats.’

They brought the texts over to Luke and presented it to him, whilst he said ‘Use it wisely.’

Luke accepted them with a smile on his face, knowing that his journey had nearly come to an end. The first Jedi looked at Twilight and the others and ended up smiling. Suddenly, tons more books appeared and they presented it to Twilight and co, taking them by surprise.

‘All of you have gone through a path that none had ever survived.’ said the First Jedi Master ‘It is only right that you too have earned the knowledge of the Jedi.’

Twilight accepted them with glee and said ‘Thank you so much.’

‘It is we who should be thanking you.’ said the second Jedi.

‘So what now?’ asked Gallus

‘Once the void has lifted,’ said Princess Platinum ‘Both worlds shall remain fused. And once that is done, all of you will be tasked into looking after every race in this world, as the Republic did during their humble beginnings.’

‘And what then?’ asked Sunset.

‘Why throw a party of course.’ said Chancellor Puddinghead ‘After all, one should celebrate such a victory.’

Lando couldn’t help but chuckle and said ‘You know what? I could use a good party.’

Everyone chuckled at that idea. However, everything began to grow bright, for now it was time.

‘It is time.’ said the First Jedi Master ‘Remember, continue to pass on what all of you had learned. And remember; the Force will be with you, always.’

Sure enough, everything went white. Within mere moments, everyone was back on Equestria as they all stood up, with the Jedi Texts with them. They were suddenly contacted my Admiral Ackbar.

‘All ground forces, this is Admiral Ackbar, do you read?’

Leia stood up and said ‘We read you Admiral.’

‘Oh, thank goodness General Organa,’ said the Admiral in relief ‘When we saw the bright light, we were concerned of what happened.’

‘It’s nothing to worry about Admiral,’ said Lando with his usual charisma ‘We took care of the invading Imperials.’

‘What’s the status up there.’ said Han.

‘The remaining Imperial ships have gone into a full retreat,’ said the Admiral as he watched the remaining three ships flee from the planet ‘Should we pursue?’

‘No, leave them.’ said Leia ‘They know they lost, but when they do show up again, we’ll be ready.’

‘I’ll contact Mon Mothma and tell them of our progress.’ said the Admiral before signing off.

R2 came along and beeped whilst he was moving among his friends. ‘Oh, that was quite unnerving.’ said 3PO as he walked alongside R2.

Princess Celestia walked towards Luke and said ‘I believe congratulations are in order Master Skywalker.’

‘Indeed.’ said Princess Luna whilst standing next to her sister ‘You have triumphed over every trial and have found what you have been looking for.’

‘I couldn’t have done it without any of your help.’ said Luke.

‘Yeah, no kidding.’ said Smolder ‘And I gotta admit, I learned quite a lot.’

‘I know right?’ said Silverstream in her usual excitement ‘Who knew the first Jedi came along and helped Ponykind?’

‘Yeah,’ said Ocellus ‘Now I know so much about the Pony Tribes that we never knew about them before.’

‘Yona felt honored to visit the old cities of ponies.’ said Yona.

‘I’ll say.’ said Sandbar ‘This was the biggest adventure we ever had.’ He then looked at Twilight and said ‘Is this what your adventures are always like?’

Twilight and her friends couldn’t help but giggle at that response, even Sunset and her friends also laughed about this as well, with Twilight and Sunset saying ‘You have no idea.’

Luke then stood next to Han, with Han noticing Luke was giving him the “I told you so” look, with Han saying ‘What?’

‘So,’ said Luke as he looked at Han with a smirk and said ‘Now do you believe in the Force?’

Han couldn’t help but roll his eyes and said ‘Okay, I believe.’

‘Now then,’ said Pinkie Pie ‘I believe it’s time for that party.’

‘Party?’ asked Lando ‘What party?’

‘The “We finally found the Jedi Texts to help restart the Jedi Order after defeating the Sith” party, as well as the “We defeated the Empire and have them running” party.’ said Pinkie in one breath.

The others looked at her strange, with Luke saying ‘Trust me, there’s more to her than meets the eye.’

‘You sure you can arrange such a big party?’ asked Leia.

‘Trust me Leia,’ said Luke ‘You don’t know her that well as her friends do.’

‘Just leave everything to me.’ said Pinkie Pie.

‘And I’ll help.’ said human Pinkie Pie as she skipped and hopped along with her pony counterpart.

Author's Note:

Well, here it is. The battle between father and son. Enjoy.