• Published 18th Apr 2020
  • 5,244 Views, 120 Comments

A Jedi's Journey - Postwarmonkey50

This story is set between “Star Wars Episode 6 and 7”, whilst also set between season 8 and 9 of “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic”.

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Chapter 4: The birth, the war and the victory of the Rebellion

Author's Note:

Well, here it is. Sorry it took so long. Lockdown's not making things easier. But I was able to finish. Enjoy the chapter and let me know what you think of it.

After things were cleared up, many were eager to hear Luke’s story.

‘So, what happened,’ said Celestia as she was curious ‘After you and your sister were placed into hiding?’

‘Whilst my sister and I were in hiding,’ said Luke as he continued ‘The Empire’s grip throughout the Inner and outer rim territories began to spread. Each year got worse by the minute. After the clones were decommissioned, they were replaced by those who willingly joined the empire out of greed and action, and they soon became the first Storm Troopers.’

‘And if they refused?’ asked Luna.

‘They were to be captured, and brainwashed into joining the Empire’s regime. Those who would refuse were killed on sight, sending a message to spread fear across the galaxy.’

Many were shocked and disturbed by Luke’s revelation of the empire.

‘Whilst my father, Vader,’ continued Luke ‘Continued to fight across the galaxy to keep them in line, the emperor took over the Jedi Temple and used it as his own personal office, having full access to the archives and uses them to find and destroy any Jedi secrets left behind, so that no Jedi would be born in order to rise again and fight the Empire.’

‘I see.’ said Celestia as she didn’t like the emperor, but hated him.

‘But thankfully,’ said Luke as he continued ‘Senator Organa didn’t want to just sit around and do nothing. For years he and my father’s Apprentice, Ahsoka Tano, secretly sent out his own soldiers and trained others to fight in their stead. In turn, they would go around and cause trouble for the Empire to keep their grip from grasping the rest of the untouched territories. In time others were also inspired by his courage and had secretly created other Rebel Cells, long before the Rebellion took place.’

‘And…the surviving Jedi?’ asked Twilight, concerning for those who did survive.

‘Some of them died over the years,’ said Luke, answering Twilight’s question. ‘But thankfully, some of them did join the Rebellion. And of them, a padawan who was only two years older than myself and my sister, had sent out a message to not only worlds that were close to his home, but to the higher levels, namely the old Republic Senate who bowed to the emperor out of fear. Over time, other Rebel Cells came to be under Senator Organa’s tutelage.’

‘Was this long before y’all were formed?’ asked Applejack as she too was now interested in their story.

‘Yes.’ said Luke, answering Applejack’s question ‘But only two of them came to help him. Senator Organa’s wealth helped them fund the Rebellion whilst Senators like Garm Bell coordinated the recruitment of starships and battle ships to their cause, whilst Mon Mothma did the same with their soldiers. As soon as they were enough, Mon Mothma denounced her role as Senator and vowed to be a leader of the Rebellion. And as such, many ships from other worlds gathered to their cause, as well as other Senators who rallied their forces to join the Rebellion.’

‘And did you take the fight to them?’ said Spike.

‘Unfortunately no.’ said Luke as he answered Spike’s question. ‘Many of the people from different worlds were still afraid to fight back. However, what the rumors they heard made them even more afraid.’

‘Like what?’ asked Twilight.

‘A powerful space station, with the power to destroy planets.’ said Luke, much to their shock once more.

‘Destroy…planets?’ said Twilight as she felt like she was going to hyperventilate.

‘Yes.’ said Luke as he continued with his story ‘But thankfully, a large platoon of rebels, known as Rogue One, infiltrated an Imperial Outpost that stored the information about the station, and half of the Rebellion, who still had the will to fight, sent every ship they had and attacked the Imperial blockade that protected the planet. Rogue one sacrificed themselves to ensure that the information would be sent to them in time. And my sister was part of the attack and escaped with the information.’

‘Where was your sister going to take this information?’ asked Luna.

Luke couldn’t help but smile as he said ‘I’ll give you a hint.’

Sure enough, Luke pulled out another disc, and displayed a hologram of his sister, trying to send a message.

‘General Kenobi,’ said Leia through the recording ‘Years ago you served my father in the Clone Wars. Now he begs your help him in his struggle against the Empire. I regret I am unable to present my father’s request to you in person. But my ship has fallen under attack and I’m afraid my mission to bring you to Alderaan has failed. I have placed information vital to the survival of the Rebellion into the memory systems of this R2 unit. My father will know how to retrieve it. You must see this droid safely delivered to him on Alderaan. This is our most desperate hour. Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi. You’re my only hope.’

After the message ended, Luke placed the disc away, with Luna saying ‘So your sister’s adopted father requested his aid.’
Luke answered whilst his arms were behind his back. ‘Yes, but the Jedi of old were over. Kenobi felt like he no longer had a place in the galaxy anymore. That it was now up to the young to protect the galaxy, and not the old.’

Celestia chuckled. ‘Oh, we know the feeling.’ she said as she looked at Twilight and her friends, gaining their attention as some blushed and some giggled, and some had smirks on their faces.

‘And your sister could not reach him?’ said Mistmane.

‘No, her ship was under attack by an Imperial ship, led by my father, who would accomplish a mission no matter what the cost. They boarded their ship, but two beings, known as C-3PO and R2-D2, droids that once belonged to my parents, were able to escape with the station’s plans whilst they were over Tatooine’s atmosphere. However…they were, conflicted at first.’

‘Conflicted? What do you mean?’ asked Twilight.

‘Let’s just say Artoo has a habit of getting himself into trouble, and 3PO has a habit of complaining over certain situations.’

The Young Six ended up laughing, with Luke cocking one of his eyebrows as he wondered why they were laughing.

‘Now that both miss Rainbow Dash and miss Rarity have in common,’ said Gallus. ‘Miss Rainbow Dash always gets herself into trouble and miss Rarity always complains about everything.’

He got cold stares from both mares, but everyone also laughed, for they know it was true. Luke chuckled, seeing how well they got along.

‘In any case.’ said Luke as he continued ‘As if by fate, they ended up on my old home’s doorstep. Both my uncle and aunt were farming to sell what they harvested, but me…’

‘Your heart wasn’t in it.’ said Stygian.

‘Yes,’ said Luke as he answered Stygian’s question. ‘I wanted to go out to see the galaxy. Most of my friends had already left and gone, and I was the only one who was left behind. Yet as by fate, Artoo left to go look for Obi-Wan, so 3PO and I went after them. I bumped into Obi-Wan, who changed his name to Ben at the time to hide his identity. He told me of my father and taught me about the Force. He offered that I would go with him…’

‘But you were conflicted?’ said Celestia, much to Luke’s surprise.

‘Uh, yes.’ he responded ‘How do you know?’

‘Believe it or not,’ said Celestia as she explained ‘My former student Twilight, felt the same way when I told her to make friends.’

‘I see.’ said Luke.’ But in any case, the Empire sent their Storm Troopers to hunt down the droids who were carrying the information about their station, known as the Death Star. But as I was on my way to take Kenobi and the droids to one of Tatooine’s spaceports, we stumbled upon some Jawa scavengers who were slaughtered. I recognized them because they did business selling what they could to help with my Uncle’s farming. Kenobi revealed that the Storm Troopers were the ones responsible. And then I realized that if the Storm Troopers were responsible for what happened, they would head for my home. But when I got there…’

Applejack shockingly realized what it meant. ‘Yer Uncle and Aunt didn’t make it, did they?’

Luke nodded no, much to the others’ shock. ‘I went back to Kenobi and he told me that I would’ve been killed too if I remained there. Out of heartbreak I chose to go with him. For there was nothing left for me there anymore. I even asked him to help teach me the ways of the Force and become a Jedi like my father. When we were at the spaceports, we met two individuals that would be my best friends. Han Solo and a Wookiee named Chewbacca.’

‘Han and Chewbacca?’ said Spike as he was confused.

‘Han is what you call a smuggler.’ said Luke as he explained his friends to them. ‘He once joined the Empire’s military because he wanted to earn some credits so that he could find the love of his life. But he has a habit of running his mouth and always gets himself into trouble.’

‘Sounds familiar?’ said Pinkie Pie as she and the others looked at Rainbow Dash with a smirk, causing her to pout as she crossed here forelegs.

‘Chewbacca on the other hand is a Wookiee from the planet Kashyyk, a planet filled with Wookiee warriors who fight with honor and rely on nature to help guide them to their future instead of relying on others to fight for an unjust cause. Though ever since the Empire took over, they’re driven in fear.’

‘What do you mean?’ asked Rockhoof ‘If they’re mighty warriors, how come they didn’t keep on fighting?’

‘Back during the days of the Republic, the Wookiees were more than that, they even had good ties to the Jedi Order, considering that the Order of old freed their world from an organization who wanted to use them as slave labor, as did Master Yoda long before the Clone Wars. But after the Empire took over, the Wookiees did the best they could, even helped saved most races that were captured, but the Empire ended up outsmarting them and captured the entire planet, using them as slaves.’

Many gasped in shock, with Rarity shivering a bit. Luke noticed as he asked ‘Something wrong?’

‘It’s just that,’ Rarity started ‘When our home was invaded by a tyrant called the Storm King, we had to find help, so we ended up in a desert town called Klugetown. It still disturbs me that the inhabitants wanted to buy us, thinking that we were slaves.’

‘I see.’ said Luke. And he did the unexpected, he slightly bowed to her as he said ‘Then I apologize for bringing that word up Rarity. I did not mean to make you remember such things, or made you feel uncomfortable.’

Rarity on the other hand was surprised by Luke’s gentle nature as well as his well mannered tone. She walked over to him and placed her hoof against his right leg, gaining his attention as he looked at her.

‘Oh, it’s quite alright darling.’ said Rarity. ‘Though it was not necessary, I am thankful that you gestured in such a tone.’
The two of them exchanged smiles, allowing her to return to the group so that he could continue with his story.

‘After Kenobi persuaded Han to help,’ said Luke as he continued ‘We were able to flee Tatooine and its Imperial blockade. But as we left, we arrived at Alderaan too late.’

Flash Magnus then realized what he was getting at. ‘The Empire used that station to destroy Senator Organa’s home, didn’t they?’

‘Yes, they did.’ said Luke, answering Flash Magnus’ question. ‘As we continued to fly, we were intercepted by the Empire, who captured us and took us to the Death Star. As we got aboard, we had to find a way to disable the device that pulled our ship towards them. As Kenobi went to shut down the device, the others and I attempted to rescue Leia when we realized she was onboard.’

‘So you went to rescue her?’ asked Fluttershy ‘Did she knew that you were her brother?’

‘No,’ said Luke as he nodded no ‘Neither of us knew. But as we tried to find a way to our ship, Kenobi succeeded into turning the device off, he stumbled upon my father.’

Twilight widened her eyes, realizing that this wasn’t going to end well. ‘And…they ended up fighting?’

‘Yes. We eventually made it to our ship. But unfortunately by the time we got back, I saw Kenobi and Vader continued to fight. Kenobi…sacrificed himself so that we could escape. He was finally at one with the force.’

Some were saddened when he told them. ‘In any case,’ said Luke as he continued. ‘We were finally able to reach Yavin 4, the Rebellion HQ so to speak. They only had thirty pilots at their disposal because the rest were scattered, trying to do what they could to free most of their worlds from the Empire. but we were able to decipher the plans and found a weak spot that would destroy it.’

‘And let me guess,’ said Rainbow Dash as Luke noticed that she got excited ‘You were part of the battle.’

‘Yes,’ said Luke. ‘We tried our best to fight back, but the station’s defenses and their squadron of flyers made it difficult for us as we gained more casualties. Thankfully, I was able to make it towards the Death Star’s weak spot, fired upon it, and destroyed the station.’

Rainbow Dash squealed in excitement as she held onto her cheeks. ‘However, our victory couldn’t be celebrated, and we couldn’t stay there anymore.’

‘Why not?’ said Pinkie. Till she suddenly realized. ‘Oh, I get it, even though you destroyed their station, they still knew the location of your base, so you had to evacuate to a new planet so that you could still maintain a strong presence in the Rebellion right?’

Luke was surprised that she quickly caught on. ‘Uh, yes, that’s right.’. Luke looked at Twilight as she caught on that he wanted to know how she knew.

‘That’s just Pinkie being Pinkie.’ she said as she shrugged her shoulders. ‘So what’s next?’

‘After we left, we found ourselves on the planet Hoth, a planet covered with snow. It was the perfect cover for us, because the storms there masked our base. But what we didn’t realize, was that the Empire continued to hunt us down, trying to find us. Little did we knew that they found one of our generators.’

‘And did you find them?’ said Starlight as she was now interested in the story.

‘Uh, not exactly.’ said Luke as he rubbed the back of his head whilst he felt embarrassed to admit it. ‘I got captured by a huge monster that nearly ate me whilst I was on patrol.’

Some were surprised by what he said, with Fluttershy yelping. ‘But I managed to escape,’ said Luke as he reassured them. ‘Although I was tired and wounded and I couldn’t move. That was, until I saw what I thought was real.’

‘What?’ asked Yona.

‘I saw Kenobi, but as a ghost.’. Many gasped by the revelation.

‘He told me to go to Dagobah, where Master Yoda had been in hiding all these years. For he would help me train to become a Jedi, as he taught him. I reached out to him, wanted him to help me. But at the moment he disappeared, my friend Han came from out of nowhere. He went looking for me in the snow storm whilst he was also worried.’

‘Aw,’ said Silverstream as she thought it was adorable ‘He was worried and he really cared about you.’
Luke couldn’t help but chuckle. ‘Yeah, he did.’

‘But let me guess,’ said Gallus ‘The Empire eventually found you and the rest of the Rebellion?’

‘That is correct,’ said Luke, answering Gallus’ question. ‘When the Empire invaded, the Rebel soldiers and I tried their best to hold down the fort whilst the rest would try to escape. Han, Leia, Chewbacca and 3PO escaped with their own ship, whilst Artoo and I eventually escaped and headed for Dagobah.’

‘Where you’d find Master Yoda?’ asked Fluttershy?

‘Yes. Although when I first met him, he acted a bit odd, like he pretended to be a lonely hermit living on his own, until he revealed himself when he sensed my impatience. But thanks to the spirit of Kenobi, he and I persuaded Yoda to train me. So for the past months I trained, I tried to learn the ways of the Force. Though it was…difficult, he never gave up on me. But during my training, he mentioned about my friends being gone. And for some reason, I could sense they were in danger.’

‘Wait,’ said Spike ‘So instead of remaining on that planet to finish your training, you just rushed off without thinking?’

‘That I did,’ said Luke when he felt a bit uneasy ‘I was very young and didn’t know any better.’

‘So you went to rescue your friends?’ asked Sandbar.

‘Yes, but I was too late.’ said Luke ‘It turned out that the Empire captured a city that Han’s old friend, Lando Calrissian, was in charge of. Han was captured and taken to the Hutts.’

‘Hutts?’ said Pinkie ‘What, like some kind of shelter or something?’

‘No,’ said Luke as he chuckled. ‘The Hutts are actually a crime family that ran its own criminal organization for thousands of years. Neither the Republic or Sith were able to quash their ranks. The Empire on the other hand allowed them to continue their criminal activities, which didn’t sit too well with the innocence of the Republic.’

‘Wait,’ said Applejack as she was confused ‘If they’ve been in power of the criminal elements for years, how come no one’s made a move on them?’

‘Believe it or not,’ said Luke as he answered Applejack’s question ‘They have powerful connections in the government, even the Senate, because they tend to “help” them out of their financial or security detail, and in the end, they ask for their services in return. If not…well I don’t want to go further into the details.’

Luke got off track and continued his story. ‘Anyway, after I arrived, my friends tried to rescue Han and also tried to escape. But me on the other hand, I ended up walking into a trap and faced my father. I continued to fight him through different parts of what appeared to be a facility. We continued to fight until we were able to reach a platform, above what appeared to be what you would call a bottomless pit. But as I fought, I got overconfident and ended up having my hand cut off.’

They were shocked by what he said, until Pinkie then noticed something. ‘Hey, wait a minute. You said you lost your hand, so how come you still have both hands?’

Luke chose to answer her question and took off his right glove. He showed his robot hand to them, much to their shock. ‘Is that a…prosthetic hand?’ asked Twilight when she chose to take a closer look by flying and land near him, whilst also looking at his hand.

‘In a way,’ said Luke ‘This is far more better than a prosthetic. If one loses a limb in battle, you’d be able to get what we would call a cybernetic replacement. We still have usage, as if our limbs had never been removed.’

Luke placed his glove back as Twilight was fascinated by what she saw. ‘Fascinating.’

As she flew back, Luke continued with his story. ‘After I lost my hand and my Lightsaber, I ended up climbing to the end of the platform, trying to get away from him, whilst at the same time, he tried to tempt me to the Dark Side. That’s…that’s when he told me that I had a hard time grasping.’

‘He told you he was your father?’ asked Rarity.

‘Yes. I didn’t want to believe him. He wanted me to rule the galaxy with him, but I refused. So I escaped. And I ended up in a different part of the city, hanging on for dear life, nearly afraid of falling.’

‘And your sister rescued you?’ asked Spike.

‘Yes,’ said Luke as he slowly smiled ‘I was able to reach out to her using the force. She heard me and flew towards where I was hanging on with dear life. They saved me and we were able to escape. Once we did, we regrouped with the Rebel Fleets, who were able to regroup and tried to stay in hiding from the prying eyes of the Empire. 3PO, R2, Leia and I stayed behind whilst Lando and Chewie left to look for Han on Tatooine, the home of Jabba the Hutt.’

Pinkie then gasped loudly and began to said everything in one huge breath. ‘So you guys went to Tatooine and you sent 3PO and Artoo to Jabba’s palace in order to find Lando and Chewbacca, but they were secretly undercover trying to determine on how to save him as he was still frozen in carbonite and as they were detained, Leia freed him from his frozen prison but was also captured, so you tried to rescue him too but it backfired and he took you and the others to be fed by some scary Meanie pit monster. And just before it ate you, all of you ended up launching a surprise attack as Leia killed Jabba, that bounty hunter that took Han got eaten by the monster and you kicked butt whilst also destroying Jabba’s ship after you rescued the two droids that fell into the sand and you fled like some dangerous explorers and you two ended up going your separate ways as your friends went back to the Rebel fleet whilst you went back to Yoda to continue your training?’ said Pinkie as she ended up smiling making a squeak sound.

Luke was stunned by how she was able to figure it out so quickly. He stammered a bit and shook his head. ‘Uh…uh, well…yes.’. Luke looked at Pinkie’s friends with a stunned expression.

‘Trust me,’ said Rainbow Dash as she shrugged her shoulders ‘You don’t wanna know.’

Luke decided to continue with the story whilst trying his best to ignore Pinkie’s astute observation. ‘But by the time I arrived, Master Yoda was sick, whilst also showing his age as well as he showed how weak he felt. So he chose to rest on a nearby bed, but I asked him to tell me the truth; is Darth Vader my father?’

‘And did he answer?’ said Luna.

‘Yes.’ said Luke ‘But he said that it was unfortunate because I chose to rush to face him, that my training was incomplete, and that I wasn’t ready for the burden that came along with it.’

‘Now where have we seen that before?’ said Spike with a smirk as he looked at Twilight, as were the others, remembering that she didn’t want to make friends and wanted to face Nightmare Moon head on, whilst she wasn’t ready for the burden as being the new Princess of Friendship, with her glaring, but also blushed as she felt embarrassed.

Luke continued his story as he said ‘Master Yoda continued to tell me that a Jedi’s strength flows through the force, and if I went down a dark path, it would forever dominate my destiny. He also told me that I mustn’t underestimate the Emperor, or I would suffer my father’s fate, and that once he’s gone, I would be the last Jedi. He also told me that the Force runs strong through my family, and that I should continued to pass on what I had learnt. And with his last breath…he told me that there was another Skywalker. And in the end, he passed away, being one with the Force.’

Many felt sorry for Luke as he told the passing of Master Yoda. ‘So what happened afterwards?’ asked Mage Meadowbrook.

‘Before I left, I saw the ghost of Master Kenobi.’

‘Wait, a ghost?!’ said Twilight shocked ‘How?!!’

‘Once a Jedi passes on, they go to the Netherrealm of the Force. But every often once in a while, the spirit of Jedi’s past make themselves known through ghost form, aiding those who wish to build the future of the Jedi.’

Many were amazed by what Luke revealed. ‘And,’ said Fluttershy as she gulped, being nervous around ghosts and all. ‘What did he want.’

‘Came to offer advice.’ said Luke as he still remembered the conversation between him and Kenobi. ‘I asked him why he didn’t tell me the truth. He told me that my father had been seduced by the Dark Side of the Force, that he ceased to be Anakin Skywalker and became Darth Vader, when that happened, the good man that he was, was forever destroyed. He told me that was the truth from a certain point of view.’

‘A certain point of view?’ asked Rarity.

‘It was a way of learning that out of the many truths we cling onto, we always depend greatly on our own point of view.’

‘Wow, now that’s really familiar.’ said Spike, as he remembered where he and Twilight tried to solve why Applejack, Rarity and Pinkie Pie hated each other, when it turned out to be a huge misunderstanding.

‘He told me that ever since the day he first met my father,’ said Luke ‘He was already a gifted pilot, but he was also amazed that the Force was strong within him. He took it upon himself to train my father as a Jedi. He thought he could do a better job than Yoda. And he ended up being wrong.’

‘And after that?’ said Rainbow Dash.

‘He wanted me to face my father again, but I didn’t want to kill him. Obi-Wan thought that the Emperor had won, but I told him that Yoda spoke of another. He told me that the other was my sister. He even explained that to protect us both we were hidden from our father when we were born. The emperor knew as Kenobi did, that if Anakin were to have any offspring, they would be a threat to him. And that was the reason, why my sister remained safe.’

‘And that’s when you figured out that Leia was your sister.’ said Twilight, who was finally relieved that Luke finally knows that Leia was his sister, seeing that she shared the same bond with Shining Armour.

‘Yes,’ said Luke. ‘But he told me to bury my feelings deep. He told me that it may have done much credit for me in the past, but it could be made to serve the Emperor’s cause.’

‘And what happened afterwards, after your talk with Obi-Wan.’ asked Stygian.

‘After I spoke to Obi-Wan,’ said Luke ‘I returned to the Rebel Fleet. But it wasn’t just a single fleet, every Rebel ship from across the galaxy gathered. Something big was going down. As it turned out, the Empire constructed another Death Star.’

The ponies were shocked to hear this ‘They built another one?’ said Spike.

‘Yes, and it was thanks to our spies we learnt that the station was still under construction and not operational yet, and the Emperor himself was overseeing the construction there. They also learnt that it was orbiting the forest moon of Endor. Though the Death Star wasn’t operational yet, it was protected by an energy shield, so that the station itself would be protected from heavy attacks. So we made a plan to take down the shield so that one of the pilots could fly through the superstructure and destroy its reactor, the very thing keeping the station stabilized. If we were able to destroy it, then the station would fall as well.’

‘So, I take it you came up with an awesome plan.’ said Rainbow Dash as she got excited to see where this was going.
‘Indeed. Lando, who was promoted to general because of his mission on Tanaab, had volunteered to lead the fleet to attack the station, whilst Han, Leia, Chewbacca, myself, R2 and 3PO would lead a strike team on the moon to deactivate the shield generator.’

‘That sounds a tad bit risky, doesn’t it?’ asked Rarity when she was concerned with how many lives would’ve been lost.

‘It was, but we were desperate.’ said Luke. ‘After we were able to infiltrate the Imperial Fleet, we were able to land on the planet, as well as made contact with the native population called Ewoks, who gladly joined our cause to help us, thanks to 3PO. But…’

‘You were afraid that your father would find you on Endor, and that your mission would be in danger.’ said Luna, knowing the feeling Luke had been feeling.

‘Yes.’ said Luke. ‘But before I left, I spoke to Leia. I told her that Vader was on the moon, and that I had to face him, even telling her that he’s my father. And that if I didn’t make it back, she would be the only hope for the Alliance.’

‘I take it she doubted herself.’ said Celestia.

‘Yes. But I told her that she too had that power, and that she would learn how to use it overtime. The Force had been strong in my family. That my father had it. I had it. And my sister had it. In a way, she knew that we were siblings, and she was against me facing him alone, and that she wished that she’d have gone with me. But I told her that I had to face him, because I felt the good in him. And that I had to try.’

Some were surprised, that even though Luke had been young, even if he weren't ready to be a Jedi like Yoda told him, he still wanted to face Vader, to help those in need. He truly was a brave young man.

‘Afterwards I allowed myself to be captured and I waited for him.’ said Luke. ‘I tried to talk to him, tried to release his darkness from his heart, but he wouldn’t budge. So he took me aboard the station, where the Emperor had been waiting for me.’

‘And the plan?’ said Applejack, now that she felt a bit tense because of Luke’s story.

‘Whilst I was on the station, Han and Leia continued with their plan to try and bring the shield generator offline, whilst Lando, along with an Admiral named Ackbar, led the entire Rebel Fleet to Endor. But whilst going on with their mission, they realized too late that they walked into a trap.’

‘And um…’ said Fluttershy as she let out a loud gulp ‘What did they do?’

Like rebels always do,’ said Luke as he smiled ‘They adapt and they fight until they could not fight anymore.’
‘And you and the Emperor?’ said Starlight.

‘He continued to tempt me with the Dark Side, trying to use my own feelings against me. I decided to make my move, but instead of striking down the emperor, I chose to fight my father. We continued to clash and I continued to try and bring him to the light. That was…until he brought in Leia to the conversation.’

‘He tried to use your sister against you?’ said Sunburst.

‘Yes,’ said Luke ‘He told me that if I wouldn’t turn to the Dark Side, then she would. I on the other hand refused and attacked. We continued to fight, and I struck him down. He was on the ground, still breathing as he looked at me, but my anger nearly consumed me. The Emperor attempted one more time to tempt me, but I remembered what my father went through when he was reduced to the Dark Side. I refused, and told the Emperor I would never be turned to the Dark Side. That he had failed, for I am a Jedi, like my father before me.’

‘And I take it the Emperor wasn’t pleased by your answer.’ said Luna.

‘No,’ said Luke, still remembering the electrical surge that went through his body. ‘The emperor kept hitting me with his Force Lightning. I could barely move, but through my anguish and pain, I begged and pleaded to my father that he would help me. I nearly died that day.’

‘What happened?’ said Rockhoof.

Luke then had a soft smile as he was happy about that day. ‘My father turned back to the light of good, and he saved me, by vanquishing the emperor, and throwing him of the rails.’

‘So your father became good again?’ said Fluttershy.

‘Yes,’ said Luke, ‘But after the Emperor’s demise, I tried to help carry my father to a nearby ship, but he was too wounded to move further. With his last breath, he asked me to remove the helmet, allowing him to see me with his own eyes. I wanted to save him, but he told me that I already had, and said that I was right about him. That I should tell Leia that I was right. He…died in my arms moments later.’

Many were shocked to hear the fate of Anakin. ‘But during that time,’ said Luke as he continued ‘My friends on the planet’s surface were able to take down the shield generator, whilst they sent a small group of pilots towards the station’s reactor. As I escaped, they were able to destroy the station, thus, gaining a massive victory for the Rebellion.’

‘And…your father?’ asked Luna.

‘I gave him a proper burial.’ said Luke. ‘After I did that, the entire galaxy rejoiced that they were now free from the grip of the Empire, and soon, I reunited with my friends.’

‘And I take it you didn’t want to celebrate?’ said Somnambula.

‘No,’ said Luke as he kept his arms behind his back. ‘Even with the galaxy freed from the Empire, and even though both the Emperor and my father were gone, I knew that without the Jedi, there would be no balance in the Force, so I chose to leave my friends behind, and search the answers I sought. But before I did, I trained my sister in the ways of the Force, so that she would be prepared for the future that was to come.’

‘So y’all decided to come here?’ asked Applejack.

‘No, long before that.’ said Luke. ‘After I left, I trusted enough in the Force to guide me. It took me to an un-colonized planet called Pillio, where the Emperor had a secret vault there. As I arrived, I realized that the Empire had arrived there too, the remnants of them anyway. They continued to try and find the vault, but with a friend I made, I was able to get to the vault, and find this.’

Luke pulled out the compass as he showed them. ‘This is a special compass that allows any force wielders to help them find what they were looking for.’

Luke pressed the button on the side, and within a flash, the compass filled the entire room with a hologram of the entire galaxy he was from, much to the ponies’ awe.

‘Incredible.’ said Starswirl as he looked around. ‘So these are worlds that are beyond the stars?’

‘Indeed.’ said Luke ‘What you see here, and the planets that are highlighted in blue, are the planets that the Jedi visited over the centuries as they learn to pass and hide knowledge of the Force, as do the Sith, who visited the planets that are highlighted red.’

‘But why to those worlds?’ asked Twilight.

‘Because of this.’ said Luke as he presented a list, a list Twilight levitated to her as she looked through the content herself. ‘What you see there are a list of Jedi Temples that the first Jedi constructed long before the Order began.’

Twilight tried to take a look at it, but could barely make it out. Thankfully she used a translator spell that allowed her to decode it. She saw five names on it, wondering what they were. ‘And what was contained on the list?’

‘The list of Temples that were constructed on planets like Ahch-To, Ryndellia, Tython, Toydaria and Takodana. But unfortunately the temples were no good. The Temple on Ahch-To didn’t contain any knowledge, the Temple on Ryndellia was destroyed during a powerful storm, the Temple on Tython was destroyed during the last Sith war, the Temple on Toydaria had been raided by pirates and the Temple on Takodana, home to an old friend of mine, was destroyed in an earthquake.’

‘Awww,’ said Pinkie as she felt sorry for him ‘So you felt like you wasted all of that effort for nothing?’

‘Yes,’ said Luke, but looked to them as he smiled with some hope in his heart ‘But thankfully, I discovered a sixth temple that they hid long ago, far beyond the galaxy’s borders.’

‘Oh, really, where?’ said Pinkie.

Luke was silent for a few moments. However, to her shock, Twilight caught on pretty quick. ‘Wait,’ she said as she finally said something ‘You mean to say that there’s a Jedi Temple, in Equestria?!!

‘That’s right.’ said Luke to assure her that what he said was true.

Many creatures were shocked to learn the truth, with Celestia standing up as she walked towards Luke ‘But that’s impossible, my sister and I had ruled Equestria for a long time, and I watched over our kingdom for a thousand years, and I never saw any temple, or even heard of one.’

‘Hmmm,’ said Luke as he placed his fist under his chin, thinking. ‘Perhaps the temple had been built here long before this kingdom was founded.’

‘It could be possible,’ said Starlight as she stood next to Twilight ‘There wasn’t much history about this land during the Pre-Equestrian times.’

‘Then it looks like I’ll have to search for the location of the temple by tomorrow.’ said Luke as he crossed his arms.

‘I’m sure my former student Twilight and her friends will help you on your journey.’ said Celestia with a smile as she looked at Twilight, with her and the rest of the Mane 6 smiling, eager to help him.

Luke smiled, appreciating the assistance. ‘That would be most…’

When all of a sudden, a guard burst through the doors, panting out of exhaustion. ‘Your highness, we have a problem.’

‘What is it?’ asked Luna as she joined her sister.

‘There is a large object flying towards the castle,’ said the guard ‘It is in the shape of a circle and makes a horrible roaring sound.

Luke suddenly realized what the guard was talking about as he said out loud ‘Oh, no.’, prompting him to run outside, with the others following him.

As he got outside, he saw his ship, the Ebon Hawk, flying towards the castle, but thankfully, it had begun to land at the courtyard instead. As the ship landed, he quickly ran towards the ship, with the others following suit. As he stopped, the ship landed as its ramp opened. The guards taking positions and prepared for a fight.

However, slowly coming out of the ship, was none other than R2-D2, beeping casually as if nothing happened. The ponies were surprised by what they were seeing, but Fluttershy on the other hand cooed and made a squee noise at the same time, for she thought the creature was cute.

Artoo slowly moved down the ramp and looked around, with one of the guards standing close to him as he said ‘Don’t move.’

Artoo made a few beeping noise, making him sound angry that he was being threatened. He suddenly deployed something from its torso, gaining the guard’s attention ‘What the…?’

Artoo then zapped the guard, making him yelp, as Artoo gave chase and kept zapping him whilst the guard trotted away.

‘Hey!!’ shouted the second guard as he and a few others attempt to give chase, until Artoo deployed some oil on the ground, making the guards slip and fall on top of each other.

‘Come here you!!’ shouted the third guard, with Artoo using his jet propulsion to lift himself as the guard missed him.

Artoo then pulled out two of his small robotic arms and grabbed two spears and held them in the air like a barbarian.

‘Aah, he’s armed, run!!’ shouted the fourth, with the guards running away as they panicked, with Artoo chasing them all over.

The ponies were greatly surprised by what was going on, even the Young Six. For the guards were getting their flanks handed by a small creature.
‘Wow, feisty little fellow, ain’t he?’ said Smolder whilst she was amused by what Artoo was doing at the same time.

‘That’s nothing,’ said Luke ‘You should’ve seen what he was like before and during the Clone Wars.’

‘And like I said,’ said Spike with a smirk on his face ‘Never underestimate small packages.’

Luke couldn’t help but chuckle as he took a few steps forward and called out ‘Alright, that’s enough Artoo.’

Artoo noticed Luke, and suddenly chirped whilst he beeped happily, dropped the spear, and went over to Luke.

‘Artoo,’ said Luke as he stood on one knee ‘What are you doing here?’

Artoo beeped away as he explained to Luke.

‘A four headed monster was coming towards the ship and you were afraid that it was going to eat you?’

Artoo beeped again, explaining things further.

‘Oh come on, it couldn’t have been that bad.’

Artoo beeped as he sounded frustrated.

‘Okay, but that was on Dagobah, it wasn’t my fault you got swallowed by a swamp beast.’

Artoo beeped again, but this time a bit angry.

‘Okay, okay, I’ll take your word for it, but you could’ve called you know.’

Artoo beeped again as it shook its head. Then from behind the ponies stood near Luke.

‘Luke, who exactly is that?’ said Ocellus as she saw Artoo.

‘This, is R2-D2,’ said Luke as he stood up and introduced Artoo. ‘We’ve been through a lot together. He was with both my father and Master Kenobi since their youth, helped them alongside the Clone Wars, helped the Rebellion, and chose to come with me. He saved my life more times than I can count.

Artoo beeped in pride as he shook back and forth. Fluttershy couldn’t contain herself as she flew down and hugged it. ‘Oh my gosh, it’s so cute.’

Artoo beeped, but from the sound of it, he felt embarrassed.

‘So, what,’ said Rainbow Dash as she hovered next to Luke ‘You can understand it?’

‘If you can study it enough, yes.’ said Luke. ‘I worked with droids like this for a long time in my youth. You’d be surprised how much I could learn.’

Luke suddenly felt embarrassed as he remembered the times he got impatient when he learned from Yoda. ‘Even if I didn’t have the patience for it.’

‘In any case.’ said Celestia as she got their attention. ‘I think it’s best if we continue with this in the morning. If you do not mind Skywalker, we have a room prepared for you in the guest wing just in case. I hope it will suit your need?’

‘That would be most appreciative your highness.’ said Luke as he bowed.

‘Princess, mind if we tag along.’ said Ocellus as she looked at Twilight. ‘I really like to see what Luke can do.’

‘Okay, but first thing in the morning,’ said Twilight ‘And I don’t want you to miss out any schoolwork whilst we’re at it.’

‘You got it,’ said Gallus, until he silently said ‘Not.’

‘I heard that.’ said Twilight, making Gallus cringe over when Twilight overheard him.

‘Then it settles it,’ said Luke ‘I look forward for all of you to accompany me during my journey. It always helps traveling with companions.’

‘Especially if they’re best friends!!’ shouted Pinkie Pie as she jumped onto Luke’s back, nearly making him fall over.

‘So I noticed.’ said Luke, feeling like he was going to fall over.

As he was able to stand up again, and all of them went to turn themselves in for the night, Luke walked towards the castle, with Artoo going back to the ship, since the princesses assured that nothing will happen to it.

‘Something tells me this is going to be an interesting adventure.’ said Luke as he went towards his guest room to turn in for the night.