• Published 18th Apr 2020
  • 5,185 Views, 120 Comments

A Jedi's Journey - Postwarmonkey50

This story is set between “Star Wars Episode 6 and 7”, whilst also set between season 8 and 9 of “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic”.

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Chapter 8: The Secrets of the Kingdom of the Earth Ponies

Author's Note:

Here's the next one. Thanks again for your feedback on the story. In this one, Luke will decide what he will become for the sake of the galaxy, and find a way to bring balance to the Force.

Surely enough, by the time the sun was close to setting, the Jedi Master and his pony/creature companions arrived to where they needed to be. They soon landed near the dirt path and exited from the ship, taking in on the surroundings. They noticed that there was nearly no dirt path, for it had been covered by trees.

‘Whoa,’ said Sandbar as he looked around ‘There’s nothing but trees all around.’

‘Well given the fact that nopony had been here since they left, it’s obvious that the trees would grow if they’re left unattended.’ said Twilight as she walked out.

‘Indeed,’ said Luna as she and Celestia walked out last ‘This place reminds me of the White Tail Woods.’

Spike looked at the scroll that Luke handed to him and did a thorough search on it. ‘According to the scroll,’ said Spike ‘The village of the Earth Pony Tribes are just beyond the hill.’

‘Wait,’ said Applejack as she noticed Spike reading through it ‘How do you know what that there scroll says?’

‘Oh, Luke taught me,’ said Spike ‘I wanted to know how to read this in order to help him out, so he taught me and I was able to read this.’

‘Indeed he has,’ said Luke ‘He is a quick study.’

‘Wait, you’ve never shown any interest like that before.’ said Twilight as she walked next to Spike ‘Why now?’

‘No idea,’ said Spike as he shrugged ‘Normally I wouldn’t be interested in this, but somehow I can’t take my eyes off of any of this.’

As Spike walked ahead with the Young Six, Luke walked next to Twilight as he said ‘I know the answer to that.’

‘You do?’ asked Twilight.

‘Yes,’ said Luke ‘Spike is very strong with the Force, he was able to use it when he saved my life, and was able to use a Lightsaber to fight the Sith spirit from the Temple underneath Canterlot.’

‘You think he could be a Jedi?’ asked Celestia when she overheard them.

‘I do not know for sure,’ said Luke ‘Spike may be strong with the Force, but his destiny is with Twilight and her friends. They are connected to one another, as if they were fated to be united.’

‘Fated?’ asked Twilight.

‘Indeed,’ said Luke ‘Master Kenobi once said that his master, Qui-Gon Jinn, once said that nothing happens by accident, it was the will of the Force that brought you together. But tell me, how is it you lot achieved what you wanted and met?’

‘Well,’ said Twilight as she thought about it ‘Each of my friends were doing what they do best. When Rarity went looking for gems, her gem finding spell led to a large rock, much to her disappointment. Fluttershy was among the animals after she was scared of the Pegasi above her. Applejack wanted a life in the big city, but she had trouble fitting in, I was struggling to perform a spell that was part of my entrance exam to Celestia’s school. Pinkie Pie worked for a living at a rock farm but she was miserable, and Rainbow Dash tried to out fly the Pegasi fillies that bullied Fluttershy.’

‘Interesting,’ said Luke as he looked at her ‘What happened next?’

‘When Rainbow Dash outraced the bullies,’ said Twilight ‘She flew so fast, she created a Sonic Rainboom. Picture a Sonic Boom, but with a rainbow trail that’ll follow. As she flew, half of us heard the explosions and saw the Rainbow. Applejack saw the rainbow and it led her back home, making her realize she was meant to be there. Pinkie saw the rainbow and she felt so much joy seeing the colors, she wanted to share it with others. The explosion allowed the rock in front of Rarity to split in two, revealing beautiful gems inside, which she was able to make her latest fashion trends with them, Fluttershy was able to calm the animals down when they were scared of the explosion. And I ended up being so scared I could unleash the full magic inside of me. And simultaneously, we all got our Cutie Marks.’

‘And many years later,’ said Celestia when she decided to tell the story ‘I foresaw that my sister would return after her banishment, but her heart were still filled with Darkness. Twilight foresaw it too, but she was focused on her studies than making friends, but I encouraged her to go to Ponyville to prepare for the celebration.’

‘She met her friends one by one,’ said Spike when he decided to walk with them ‘Though she refused to mingle with them. When Nightmare Moon came back, Twilight figured out where the elements of harmony were stored, so she, with the accompaniment of her friends, went to the Castle of the Two Sisters, where the Elements have been stored. After going through certain trails, her friends were able to wake up the magic of friendship inside of her and they was able to free Luna from her darkness and restore her to her former glory.’

‘I see,’ said Luke, fascinated on the inside when he heard them tell their story ‘So you lot were fated to be together after all.’

‘That’s right,’ said Twilight, until she felt embarrassed as she said ‘Though, I wished I had listened to Celestia and made friends like she wanted me to do.’

‘You must never close yourself like that Twilight,’ said Luke, gaining her attention. ‘The Jedi once believed that they needed to conceal themselves from the outside worlds and it ended up costing their lives. But if a Jedi must understand of how to help those in need, they need to live among them, not desert them. For how can one expect one to help those in need if you do not know how they think.’

Luke then looked at Twilight ‘Just like you can ask yourself; how can one learn to rule its people if one does not know its people. If you know how they think or act, then you will understand them in a much more deeper level. And therefore, when the time is right, then you will be able to lead them in ways you’ve never imagined.’

Twilight was both fascinated and inspired by his words. she smiled and said ‘Thank you Master Skywalker. I understand.’

‘Please,’ said Luke with a chuckle ‘Call me Luke.’

‘Princess Twilight!’ called out Yona ‘Yona see village.’

All of them walked up the hill that Yona called out from. And when they got up top, they noticed many buildings that nearly resembled to Ponyville’s buildings, but were designed to be much more simpler and more manageable for everypony.

‘Wow,’ said Spike as he looked at them ‘Those buildings almost reminds me of Ponyville.’

‘The construction and architecture does have a resemblance.’ said Twilight as she took a good look at it.

‘Course it does,’ said Applejack ‘Mah family and Stinking Rich were the ponies that helped made their first settlements after all.’

‘So where do you think we should search?’ asked Starlight.

‘If the contents that revealed its clues to us of the location of the Temple were located in both the castle of the Unicorns and the mountain palace of the Pegasi,’ said Luke as he thought out loud ‘Maybe we can find some clues of the Temple from the ruler’s home.’

‘Chancellor Pudding head’s home might be a good place to start.’ said Pinkie Pie.

‘A wise decision, it would make things much easier.’ said Luna.

‘Still,’ said Starswirl as he thought out loud ‘It wouldn’t hurt to look around a bit more to cover more ground.’

‘Perhaps Secretary Smart Cookie’s home?’ said Rockhoof ‘If I were in charge of my home and had important information, I would also give that to my second in command in case things don’t work out the way it should.’

‘Then we’ll split up from here.’ said Luke ‘The Princesses and I will go and look for what we need at the Chancellor’s home, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Rockhoof will go to the Secretary’s home whilst the rest will search the entire area to cover more ground.’

‘Sounds good to me,’ said Rainbow ‘It means more sky to cover.’

Luke then wondered something, and looked at Fluttershy. ‘Excuse me, Fluttershy, is it?’

Fluttershy squeaked a bit, but responded with a ‘Um, yes.’

‘From what I’ve seen or heard, you are good with animals, correct?’ said Luke as he stood on his one knee to be at an eye level with her.

‘Um, yes?’

‘If you think it’s possible,’ said Luke ‘Maybe you can ask the animals around these parts for help, see if they had seen anything unusual.’

‘Oh,’ said Fluttershy as she smiled ‘I can do that.’

‘Very well then,’ said Celestia after Luke stood up ‘Let us be on our way then.’

Sure enough, all of them journeyed their separate ways to find what they would be looking for.

‘Wow Luke,’ said Twilight as she and the princesses walked with Luke ‘I’m quite impressed. Fluttershy was always so nervous around new folks, but the way you spoke and asked for her help, it’s quite impressive.’

‘I merely asked her for her aid because she also wanted to do her part,’ said Luke ‘But I sensed that she would be afraid considering what we encountered at the previous tombs. So I simply chose to have her do a role she’s comfortable with. When I saw her handle her animals with care, I realized that she would be more comfortable for asking the animals around here for information, considering that the animals’ ancestors lived around here.’

‘That is truly a unique observation.’ said Celestia with a smile.

‘Indeed,’ said Luna ‘It is rare to find those who carefully observes those around them, besides Twilight of course.’

‘My master once told me to be mindful of the Force,’ said Luke as he remembered his old lessons. ‘He even once told me “Do or do not, there is no try”. ’

‘What does that mean?’ asked Twilight as she looked at Luke.

‘You know when I first met him, and he once said that to me, it didn’t make any sense afterwards.’ said Luke, remembering the times he spent training under Yoda. ‘But as I got older, I realized what he meant. He made me realized that I wasn’t trying to be a Jedi. Because if all I did was try, then I wouldn’t be able to believe in myself, so from that day on, I would try to accomplished where others couldn’t. And if I couldn’t, they couldn’t, but there is no try.’

Luke then looked at Twilight as he said ‘And from what I had sensed, you attempted to try and teach your first student, and another who were once Celestia’s apprentice, on what you knew, but you were conflicted, afraid that you would fail and disappoint those around you.’

Twilight was surprised that he knew that, then lowered her head as she thought about the times she taught Starlight. ‘Yes. After I convinced Starlight and Sunset Shimmer to give Friendship another chance, I was afraid they would fall back to their old habits, but I had to try and teach them what I knew about Friendship. There were times that I was afraid that I would fail them, that I wouldn’t be strong enough to be their teacher and them as my students. I couldn’t fail them, not after the promise I made to myself; to be there for them when they needed a friend the most.’

Celestia and Luna were surprised to hear this, for this was the first time they heard Twilight say that. Luke then placed his hand on her shoulder, gaining her attention as she looked at him.

‘And from what I’ve seen, you accomplished well on what you intended to do.’ said Luke as he smiled whilst he spoke to her after she told him on how she felt. ‘You may have doubted yourself as a teacher, but you must also know that failure can be part of a lesson too. I know you don’t want to fail, but if you do not fail, then how can you learn to not make the same mistakes and grow into what you were meant to be. And if you can share that with others, then they can understand. From what my master told me, what I will tell you; the power of your friendship is strong within others, and you should continue to pass on what you have learned.’

Luke then removed his hand from her shoulder, as he said ‘How others can grow and evolve, is the responsibility of all great masters.’

Twilight slowed down a bit whilst Luke walked up ahead, when she suddenly felt Celestia’s hoof on her shoulder. ‘Truly he will make a great Jedi Master.’

‘Indeed,’ said Luna ‘He may not have trained any Jedi yet, but from the words he used, that is true wisdom right there.’

Celestia then looked at Twilight ‘I hope you will take this lesson to heart Twilight.’

Twilight couldn’t help but smile as he said ‘I most definitely will.’

They continued down the path, until they were finally able to find a very large house. To Twilight’s surprise, it nearly resembled to Ponyville’s mayoral building. ‘Wow, this kind of reminds me of Ponyville’s town hall.’

‘Do you think we will find any answers there?’ asked Luna.

‘We can hope your highness.’ said Luke, allowing himself to take the first step as he made towards his house.

As Luke approached the house, he gently pushed the door, only for it to crumble. Understandable, considering that the houses hadn’t been touched for a thousand years. They walked inside and looked around, the place may have decayed, but it was still thankfully sturdy.

‘We shall need to split up,’ said Luke ‘I will look upstairs on the Chancellor’s quarters.’

‘We shall search below.’ said Celestia.

‘Hopefully they have a library.’ said Twilight, muttering under hear breath ‘Or at least a study.’

Sure enough, they left separately and tried to look what they are looking for. As Luke climbed onto the stairs, he eventually made his way to the Chancellor’s bedroom. He opened the door and saw that the room was in the same sorry state.

‘For a race of Ponies who once lived here and other places a long time ago,’ said Luke to himself as he stepped inside ‘I’m surprised that a handful of them didn’t stay behind to preserve their former kingdoms when Equestria was founded.’

Luke walked to the center of the room, wondering where he should search next. He closed his eyes and used the Force. He continued to be silent for the next five minutes, until finally, he sensed something. It may be faint, but it’s better than nothing. He looked near the bed and noticed that there was a lamp desk next to it. He walked over and, thinking that the drawers might be stuck, used the Force to pull it out. Luke looked inside of it and saw something that caught his attention.

‘Hmm, what’s this?’ said Luke as he reached his hand into it.

He pulled out what appeared to be a medallion, but it was only half of one. There was some writing on it, but he didn’t recognize it. It was nearly the same universal language as the First Jedi, but it was mixed up with something else as well.

‘This might be important,’ said Luke as he placed the medallion piece back in his pocket. ‘I’d better see how Twilight and the others are doing.’

Luke left the room and went back downstairs. As he was down below, he saw Celestia and Luna searching through the belongings and books. ‘Find anything your majesties?’ asked Luke.

‘So far nothing.’ said Luna.

‘And you Master Skywalker?’ asked Celestia.

Luke pulled out the half of the medallion and showed it to them whilst he said ‘I found this upstairs whilst I was looking, it might be important.’

Luke placed it back in his pocket whilst Celestia asked ‘Does something ail you?’

‘I thought to myself,’ said Luke as he looked at them ‘When the Pony Tribes founded Equestria and moved there, I’m surprised there weren't any who stayed behind to preserve them.’

‘Perhaps the ponies of old think it would be best to leave things behind,’ said Luna ‘Being around places like these must make them remember their old hatreds for one another.’

‘Oh?’ asked Luke.

‘Before Canterlot became our kingdom’s capitol,’ said Celestia, ‘Our old castle once resided within the Everfree Forest, but after my sister was turned to darkness and her banishment, I chose to live in Canterlot once it was finished with its construction, as did she, so that we would no longer remember the moments that robbed us of one another.’

‘I see.’ said Luke.

‘Luke,’ called out Twilight, ‘Could you and the princesses come over here please?’

Sure enough, Luke rejoined with Twilight at the Chancellor’s study. They found it was large enough for a worthy study room. ‘Did you find anything Twilight?’ asked Celestia.

‘I sure have princess,’ said Twilight as she showed them ‘According to this, the Earth Ponies had constructed to what they would call a vault, where they would store as much seeds and food as possible. However, by the time Equestria had been founded, they abandoned that idea.’

‘To which we assume they might have used that vault to store whatever secret the First Jedi left behind.’ said Luna as she tried to piece things together.

‘It could be possible,’ said Twilight as she looked at them ‘I mean what else could they have put in there?’

Celestia noticed that Luke looked troubled. ‘Something wrong?’

‘I’m just concerned what we might find in there.’ said Luke.

‘Come on,’ said Twilight as she shrugged off Luke’s worry ‘We can handle any measly traps.’

‘He is not referring to the traps Twilight,’ said Luna ‘He is concerned of what ancient foe from the past would reside there.’

‘Oh, right.’ said Twilight as he felt embarrassed ‘Forgot about that.’

‘What I do not understand is why the tombs are filled with so much danger?’ said Luna as she was curious about something.

‘It is to test them,’ said Luke, gaining their attention ‘The Force is making any individual, those who are worthy to learn the secrets of the Force and to restart the Jedi Order, they intend to test them, to see if they are worthy to carry the mantle of the Jedi Order.’

‘Why can’t the ways of the Jedi be easy?’ said Twilight in a muttered tone.

Luke overheard her as he said ‘If the way of the Jedi were easy, there’d be millions of us instead of over thousands.’

‘Could they simply not unite?’ said Luna ‘The Jedi and Sith serve both the light and dark, but they also use the Force, so why do they not unite under one banner?’

‘They tried that once,’ said Luke, remembering the Jedi history ‘When both the Empire and Republic of old were threatened by the Eternal Empire, Force users like them, but wielding neither light or dark. They even served the Emperor of the Eternal Empire, who was the reincarnated Emperor of the Sith. The remnants of both the Republic and the Empire worked together. However, by the time the Eternal Empire had been defeated, the Empire and the Republic wanted to use the fallen Eternal Empire’s resources to rebuild what they lost, they fought over it, and sure enough, the Empire and Republic were at odds again until the Empire had fallen.’

‘I see.’ said Luna as she partially felt conflicted over this.

‘Come,’ said Celestia as she looked at the others. ‘We should go find the others, perhaps they too have found what we’re looking for.’

Sure enough, they left Pudding head’s home to rejoin the others. They exited his home, and were greeted by Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Rockhoof.

‘Oh, did you girls find anything?’ asked Twilight.

‘Not much ah’m afraid.’ said Applejack.

‘We searched the Secretary’s home for clues,’ said Rockhoof ‘But from what we could guess, the Chancellor didn’t trust anypony to do the job what others required them to do.’

‘We did find this though.’ said Pinkie Pie as she held onto a medallion, but half of one.

‘Wait,’ said Luke when he recognized it ‘May I?’

‘Oh, of course.’ said Pinkie Pie as she gave the half of the medallion to Luke.

Luke pulled out the other half he has in his possession. They do look similar whilst he observed them. When he placed them together, they clicked, merging them into one, as it became an actual key to be used.

‘So they separated the key.’ said Luke as he observed it ‘But what for?’

‘Maybe this’ll help.’ said Pinkie Pie as she held onto a scroll using her mane. ‘We found it underneath a bed that had a secret cabinet inside.’

‘Thankfully I was able to read it.’ said Rockhoof.

‘That’s right,’ said Applejack ‘Rockhoof translated that the First Jedi asked the ponies to separate the keys and hid them in different places.’

‘And that’s not all,’ said Rockhoof ‘According to the scroll, after the First Jedi hid their secrets, they asked the pony tribes to abandon their homes because they were worried that their fellow ponies would become obsessed with its secrets, so they left to ensure that nopony else would get their hooves on it.’

‘Hmm,’ said Twilight as she placed her hoof against her chin when she thought about the last bit that Rockhoof said ‘Well that would explain why the Pony Tribes left their homes and went to live in Equestria.’

‘But now another question remains.’ asked Luna.

‘Where the location of the vault might be.’ added Luke, figuring out what Luna meant.

‘Um, I can help with that.’ said Fluttershy as she came flying in.

‘Did you find out anything about the animals?’ asked Celestia.

‘Oh, of course Princess Celestia.’ said Fluttershy. ‘The animals told me that their ancestors indeed did see the first Jedi, and some of them went to follow them out of curiosity.’

‘And they know the secret location of that there vault?’ asked Applejack.

‘Mm-hmm,’ said Fluttershy ‘They even want to take us there now.’

‘Then lead the way Fluttershy.’ said Luke, allowing Fluttershy to lead the way whilst Twilight used her horn to send out a signal and summoned everyone back to their location.

Sure enough, after much traveling, they were at the outskirts of the town, where they would encounter what one would mistake for a Pharaoh’s tomb. ‘Is this the entrance to the next tomb?’ asked Somnambula.

‘It should be,’ said Twilight as she took a good look at it ‘The parchments said that they planned to store their food in there, but they converted it into something else before they left.’

‘Well then, there’s only one way to find out.’ said Luke. He suddenly handed the key over to Rainbow Dash, which surprised her.

‘Really?’ asked Dash whilst she was surprised.

‘Of course,’ said Luke ‘I saw it in your eyes. You used to go through an adventure like this before. So it would only be fair if you took the lead on this one.’

Rainbow nearly both squealed and neighed in excitement at the same time. She grabbed it and pretended to be Daring Do as she slowly observed the walls. After a thorough look, she found a spot to where to put the key in. She placed the key onto the hole, allowing it to click a few times. The key was immediately dropped, whilst the large doorway revealed itself as it showed them the way to where they needed to go.

Rainbow nearly squealed out loud in excitement, as she said ‘This almost feels like the book “Daring Do and the Hidden Vaults”, but in person.’

‘The way’s been revealed.’ said Stygian. Until he suddenly got nervous as he said ‘So…who’s going first?’

‘I’ll do it.’ said Rainbow Dash, until she felt her tail getting tugged on by Applejack.

‘Hold on there partner.’ said Applejack when she got Rainbow to sit down ‘We don’t need y’all to run off like that and nearly get yer self killed like last time.’

‘I shall go in,’ said Luke ‘There is no need for anyone to risk their lives here.’

Twilight placed her hoof against Luke’s leg, gaining his attention as he said ‘I’ll go too. I won’t risk losing a friend.’

‘I shall come too.’ said Starswirl ‘We will scout on ahead and clear the way if there are any traps.’

‘Very well Starswirl.’ said Princess Celestia as she and the others decided to wait ‘We shall wait here until you have need of us.’

That said, Luke, Twilight and Starswirl walked down the stoned stairway to wherever it might take them. As they had reached the bottom of the stairs, Starswirl and Twilight noticed the lanterns against the wall, allowing them to illuminate them with fire, allowing more torches to be set alight.

‘So far so good.’ said Twilight.

‘Indeed.’ said Starswirl as he looked ahead ‘I fear what traps might lie ahead once we continue towards our intended path.’

Luke called out ‘It looks all clear from here!’

Everyone else from outside rejoined them as they climbed down the stairs.

They proceeded into walking down the hall, making their way towards to wherever it might lead them. But as they walked, they saw plenty of empty rooms, each of them written in old Ponish, but thankfully, the Pillars could make out what they said. Each room was meant to store what Twilight had read about.

‘Wow, look at this,’ said Twilight ‘The Earth Pony Tribes really were going to built a place to store everything.’

‘Aye, look at this,’ said Rockhoof as he read the signs ‘Seed storages for fruit and vegetables, storages for blankets, equipment, building material, the works.’

‘I suppose we have the uniting tribes to thank for that.’ said Mage Meadowbrook.

‘Or the First Jedi.’ said Spike.

Twilight nearly wanted to laugh, but snickered instead. ‘Oh please Spike, there’s no way they would’ve…’

‘I’m sticking to the First Jedi.’ said Spike as he pointed at the wall.

As they looked at what Spike was looking at, all of them, except for Luke, were surprised. For in the left part of the wall, were Princess Platinum, Advisor Clover the Clever, Chancellor Pudding Head, Secretary Smart Cookie, Commander Hurricane and Private Pansy, standing before the first Jedi, as the one in the center, pointed at the lands and beyond, revealing to be Equestria, then at the right, were the six ponies as they signed a treaty, with the first Jedi helping them with negotiations. Then finally, where the leaders of the Pony tribes bowed to the first Jedi, with what appeared to be the clues that they witnessed earlier, whilst the first Jedi bowed to them back before they returned to their ship and left the world.

Many stared at it in awe, with Twilight stuttering and babbled, for she couldn’t believe her eyes from what she was witnessing, even the rest of the ponies and creatures were surprised from what they witnessed.

‘Wait,’ said Sandbar as he stared at it in awe ‘So the First Jedi were the ones that helped the pony tribes unite Equestria?’

Luke examined it for a bit, then gave his observation to them. ‘No. It states here that after Secretary Smart Cookie, Private Pansy and Clover the Clever became friends and convinced their leaders to unite, the First Jedi came along and taught them what they needed to know of how to run a kingdom without interference. They helped them settle at the few places that they would flourish.’

‘Before Discord came along after Celestia and Luna were taught what they needed to know into both running a country and facing Discord.’ said Starswirl whilst he looked at the wall. Then muttered to himself ‘I still cannot believe that Clover would hide something like this from me.’

‘When it comes to secrets Starswirl,’ said Luke ‘We tend to hide them for a reason. If life on this world discovered that there were dangers beyond the stars, imagine the panic and fear that this world will be succumbed to.’

‘Hearing that coming from you,’ said Smolder with crossed arms ‘We believe it.’

‘Hey look,’ said Gallus as he pointed ahead ‘Another door.’

They saw the door straight ahead, same match as the previous ones they visited from before. All of them stood at least a few feet away from the door.

‘Is there another dark presence?’ asked Mage Meadowbrook.

Luke closed his eyes as he tried to sense what lies on the other side, but so far nothing. ‘I do not sense anything. But I have a feeling that we should not let our guard down just yet.’

‘Agreed,’ said Luna as she looked on ahead ‘We should proceed with caution.’

Luke aimed his hand forward and concentrated using the Force. Within a few moments, Luke was able to open the door, allowing them clear passage through there.

‘Let’s get going.’ said Flash Magnus, eager to face for what lies ahead.

The company traveled inside the room, whilst also trying to keep their guard up and trying to be mindful of what’s around them. Well, most of them are mindful.

They continued to look around, trying to determine who they’re going to face next. Luke closed his eyes, trying to feel out with his feelings using the Force.

‘I sense someone nearby.’ said Luke as he opened his eyes.

‘Someone,’ said the being, causing all of them to turn around and look straight ahead. They saw a hooded figure, walking over towards them. But then at last, standing in the light, it revealed herself to be an elderly woman in a black cloak. ‘Or something.’

They were weary of this woman. She may not look much but they could feel what Luke could feel from within this woman…the Dark Side.

‘Who are you?’ said Twilight, when she felt something off about the woman.

‘I was once a Jedi, then a Sith,’ said the elderly woman ‘But to many who knew me, I once traveled with a Jedi who called himself the Exile.’

‘Wait,’ said Luke ‘You’re Kreia, the one who was once the master of Nihilus and Sion.’

‘Indeed I am,’ said Kreia ‘I am surprised you know your history well, considering that both the Emperor and your father destroyed every single clue of Jedi history.’

They were surprised by what she revealed. ‘You know about that?’ said a stunned Silverstream.

‘My dear,’ said Kreia as she kept her arms crossed ‘Though we may be gone and live on in the Force, we see everything what future Jedi and Sith accomplish in their lifetimes.’

‘So you were around when Darth Bane created the Rule of Two?’ asked Stygian whilst he remembered the brief history lesson that Luke had provided.

‘Indeed.’ said Kreia, which some could notice that she had a disappointed tone. ‘Which was also a grave mistake.’

‘A mistake?’ asked Luna.

‘Indeed,’ said Kreia. ‘For the ten thousand Jedi to exist, there were also the same amount with the Sith. But they had fallen to deep in the darkness, which drove them to extinction. There must be balance between the Jedi, and the Sith.’

‘And let them continue to bring ruin to the galaxy?’ said Rainbow Dash ‘Not a chance.’

‘I too once had thought the same thing when I was an archivist of the Jedi,’ said Kreia ‘But overtime, during my exile from both the Jedi and Sith, even my time spent in the netherworld of the Force, it made me realize that without the Jedi and Sith, there can be no balance in the Force. When I first met the Exile, I wanted him to be better than any Jedi. A Grey Jedi, if you will.’

‘Grey Jedi?’ said Luke.

‘A Jedi that focuses his power on both light and dark. They once said that attachments were forbidden and would lead us to the Dark Side. But when a Jedi’s loved one is gone, they should have time to grief and train themselves to be free of that pain so that their loved one can rest in peace. That they should allow to be in love and have friends. That was why I traveled with the Exile, so that he could not only grow as a grey Jedi, but as a person, so that he could live the life that he always had with them. Even if they had not recognized that trait until now.’

‘You expect us to believe that?’ said Twilight ‘You were once a Jedi, you walked the path of darkness, how can any of us be sure what you say is the truth?’

‘The Force had shown us many things young one.’ said Kreia ‘Many things that would help shape both the fate and future of the Galaxy. But think about it, when the Jedi are in danger, they could sense the danger in an instant and it would help them prepare for things to come. However, before this so called, “Order 66” came along, the Force did not warn them, only a handful that the Force had warned so that they could survive. A handful of them that you know. After all, the eldest copy of the warrior of old once accompanied those who survived. They were not around because none of them were meant to bring balance to the Force.’

‘Not around?’ asked Spike ‘What happened to them?’

‘What didn’t happen?’ asked Kreia ‘Over the years, many perished, and those who did survive chose to stay in hiding and hope they would be left forgotten. But even when they lost hope in saving the Galaxy, the so called Empire would continue to hunt them down without a moment’s hesitation.’

‘But why wouldn’t the so called Force not want the remaining Jedi to help bring peace to the Galaxy?’ asked Rainbow Dash.

‘Because they were not meant to bring balance to the Force.’ said Kreia as she pointed a few things out ‘That responsibility lies with Skywalker here.’

‘With me?’ asked Luke, whilst he was surprised to hear this.

‘Indeed,’ said Kreia ‘Did you think your father was the only one who was conceived with the Force?’

‘Conceived by the Force?’ said Twilight ‘I’ve never heard of that.’

‘Nor should you,’ said Kreia ‘The living Force can help either give life or destroy, yes, but when it comes to the fate of the galaxy that is in need of balance, the living Force chooses whom to conceive, so that the very individual would be tasked into bringing balance to the Force. There were a handful of Jedi who were once conceived the same way.’

‘Father was not the only one?’ said Luke within his thoughts.

‘Like who?’ asked Princess Luna.

Kreia told them as she said ‘There was a Jedi whose name had been forgotten throughout history, that defeated the first Sith Lord. Then there were even two other Jedi that the two of you know. Both Revan…and the Exile.’

‘So you went along with the exile because he was conceived with the Force?’ asked Meadowbrook.

However, Rainbow remembered when Luke’s father was turned to the Dark Side because of the Emperor, and she harshly asked ‘Were you trying to turn him into a Sith?’

‘No.’ said Kreia ‘When I first met him, he still had his teachings of the Jedi, but because of the Battle for Malachor V, something scarred him from within his soul and his ability to use the Force. I merely wanted him to grow as a person.’

‘As a person?’ asked Twilight.

‘The Jedi that were wiped out now?’ said Kreia as she tried to clue them in ‘This is not the first time that both Jedi and Sith were nearly driven to extinction.’

They were a bit surprised by this information. ‘What do y’all mean?’ asked Applejack.

‘When both sides continued to fight one another,’ said Kreia ‘One side had fallen, but within a few decades to a millennium, they always rise again. The Sith defeated, they thought they were gone, but then they came back stronger than ever. The same can be said for the Jedi. Both sides doing this to one another again and again. Yet for all their efforts, it were all in vain, for no matter how hard one tries, the other slowly falls under its thrall.’

‘So all of them are caught in an endless cycle?’ asked Starlight.

‘Yes,’ said Kreia ‘To ensure that there would be balance in the Force. But if either side would become too powerful, then the other will tilt the balance the other way. It had been written since the birth of both sides and will remain so until a proper path could be found, where the new Jedi would follow the light, but would also have families of their own. And when they fall or pass, they would grief, but would also keep their emotions in check.’

‘Is that what you wanted before Darth Nihilus and Darth Sion’s defeat?’ asked Luke.

‘Indeed. I too once walked the path of the Jedi, but the power of the Dark Side brought me down a much darker path, one that Revan once followed before he was gone.’

‘And what about Nihilus and Sion?’ asked Twilight. ‘Were they the reason you chose to fight with the Exile?’

‘In a matter of speaking.’ said Revan. ‘Let me show you.’

Kreia waved her hand, revealing a new environment. All of them were in what appeared to be a sanctum, as the floor was red, as if it was glowing. But from all around it were eight giant bended spikes, formed into a circle. They could feel a dark presence there that would make any mortal being afraid beyond their imagination.

But from the one side of the room, was a shrouded being walking towards the center. When they looked, they saw that the woman was Kreia, many years ago. They saw her walking until she stood at the center of the temple.

‘There are dark places in the galaxy where a few tread.’ said Kreia as she began her tale ‘Ancient centers of learning, of knowledge. But I did not walk alone. To be united by hatred is a…fragile alliance at best.’

Then they saw them, both Nihilus and Sion, coming from different rooms as they made their way towards Kreia. She just stood there as she waited for them to come as Kreia said ‘But my will was not law. There were disagreements. Ambition.’

Sion stood near her and activated his Lightsaber, as did Kreia whilst she looked at him, with Nihilus approaching last as Kreia said ‘And hunger for power.’

Kreia stood there, waiting for any of them to make a move, so that she could defend herself. But just before she could do anything, Nihilus used Force Push to push her against the wall, making her collapse as she sat on the ground.

‘There are techniques within the Force,’ said Kreia as they saw Sion walking towards her, then stood above her as she said ‘Against which there was no defense.’

They saw her trying to use the Force to pull her Lightsaber to her, but she was too weak, whilst she lowered her hand. Sion however, was not merciful. He grabbed her face as she groaned in pain, then thrashed her against the wall. He then kneed her, punched her, grabbed her neck and lifted her in the air, making her desperately trying to breathe. Then Sion threw her hard onto the ground, knocking her unconscious whilst the others were shocked when they saw what happened to her.

‘I was cast down,’ said Kreia as they watched Kreia’s past self out cold as she was now beaten and defeated, whilst both her former students stood over her, knowing that they had just secured their future. ‘Stripped of my power. Exiled. I suffered…indignities. And fell into darkness.’

As the images faded away, everyone, who were still shocked to discover what she went through, focused on Kreia as she finished her tale.

‘Learn from me. My mistakes.’ said Kreia ‘And use that knowledge to become greater than I. That is all I ask of you, and that is all I desire. All my hopes and the hopes of Jedi’s past, rests in you. For the future. For the Force.’

‘I understand.’ said Luke ‘When I began my journey as a Jedi, I was afraid that I would walk down the same path as my father, who turned to the Dark Side for the wrong reasons. Though he had good intentions of saving my mother, he allowed the Emperor to manipulate him and turned him against the Order who took him in, betrayed everything what they stood for, and dishonored the Jedi Order.’

Luke then looked at Kreia as he said ‘But the moment when I met the inhabitants of this world, I realized that the Jedi were wrong. When we began, we were given the chance of peace and tranquility, and ended up denying loving our friends and families, including wanting to have children of our own. It is what we do with our anger that is important. Though I was angry when my father wanted my sister to walk the same path he did, I then realized that if I ended up like him, I would’ve suffered just as much as he did. But then I remembered that it was my friends that helped me through my dark moments.’

He then gestured to his new friends as he said ‘And I have them to thank for showing me. Honesty, Loyalty, Generosity, Kindness and Laughter, even Magic. It made me think that the Jedi needs to go down a new path. We would stay true to protecting the Republic, but we would also grow as people, who in turn, would protect their friends and families. And that we need to control our emotions when it comes to that. We may have the right to be angry, sad, or anything above, but we cannot feed that emotion, otherwise we would not be better than the ones who came before us.’

‘Then you truly are the future of the galaxy.’ said Kreia as she walked over to Luke and stood next to him. ‘You will help create new Jedi, one that is balanced between light and dark, ones that vow to fight for the rights of others, and would also love, not deny them.’

Kreia placed her hand on Luke’s shoulder, and said to him ‘May the Force be with you Skywalker.’

And in that moment, Kreia faded away as if she had never existed, much to the others’ surprise, whilst the doors were slowly being opened, allowing them access to where they needed to go.

When they went inside, they thought it would be useless. But when they were inside, there were records of half of the worlds the First Jedi went to. Each of the records were from each world, their maps, their star charts, and everything else that were helpful on their journeys.

‘Amazing,’ said Stygian as he inspected one of them ‘Their methods were like of the Mighty Helm.’

‘Aye, it’s true.’ said Rockhoof when he inspected the maps too ‘I recognize the methods my people had performed anywhere.’

Luke on the other hand were focused on the large stone coffin ahead. He used the Force to open it, allowing the lid to open itself. He walked towards it and discovered a double bladed Lightsaber, but that can fold itself as if they were a make shift bo-staff. He placed it at the back of his belt and pulled out a metallic cylinder. He opened it and pulled open the scroll.

‘What does it say Master Luke.’ said Luna as she and Celestia stood near him.

‘According to this,’ said Luke ‘After the first Jedi had placed the first three clues in this world in the homelands of the Original Pony Tribes, they hid them in a world that’s accessible to a Forest, which lead to a deserted island. But to their surprise, the ponies that traveled with them, transformed into human like beings like them. Detecting similarities, but also some differences too.’

Twilight instantly clicked and smiled widely, realizing what they were talking about. ‘I know where they are!!’ shouted Twilight.

They looked at Twilight with flexed eyebrows, with her giggling nervously. ‘Ahem, sorry.’

‘You know where the next clue leads?’ asked Luke.

‘I sure do.’ said Twilight. ‘In fact, it’s the same place that Sunset Shimmer resides.’

Many, even the Princesses were surprised. ‘They’re in the human world?’ said Starlight.

‘They are sure are.’ said Twilight. ‘And we’d better get going. Come on!!’

Twilight ran out of the room to lead them, causing many others to follow her suit, even Luke.

‘She sure is an eccentric one, isn’t she?’ said Luke.

‘Indeed,’ said Celestia with a smile ‘Which is why I’m proud to call her my pupil every day.’

All of them ran out, hoping that Twilight can explain what she can theorize.