• Published 18th Apr 2020
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A Jedi's Journey - Postwarmonkey50

This story is set between “Star Wars Episode 6 and 7”, whilst also set between season 8 and 9 of “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic”.

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Chapter 16: Journey's End

From above the orbit of Equestria, the Rebel ships continued to maintain its presence to ensure that the Imperials wouldn’t get any smart ideas, whilst most of the Squadrons flew back to the hangers for much needed repairs.

As for the surface however, on a very large plain just outside of Ponyville and all around Twilight’s castle, bonfires were lit all over the place as the world’s biggest party was at full swing. Every creature from all over the world gathered to join the festivities and partied along with the Rebel Alliance, or in this case, the New Republic. There were food, drinks and plenty of music to go around, even Vinyl loved a challenge to play music for the outsiders, with her human counterpart joining her.

The Young Six were telling their story to their fellow students of one of the temples that they had helped Luke and the others.

‘So after we were able to kick Darth Maul’s butt,’ said Gallus ‘We were able to summon the magic of friendship within us.’

‘We told the Darth of what we thought.’ said Smolder.

‘Then all of us said at the same time.’ said Silverstream.

‘Hope, the Force and Friendship is magic.’ said the Young Six, causing the rest of the students to clap their hooves.

‘I gotta tell ya, that dude was quite scary.’ said Sandbar.

‘I’ll say.’ said Ocellus.

‘Pointy head person have issues.’ said Yona.

From another part, Chewbacca was busy entertaining a bunch of fillies and colts, which they seemed to be having fun with the Wookiee. Vinyl Scratch and her human counterpart began to perform for the little ones, as well as the many ponies, for they’ve never heard them play this great before, even the Rebels enjoyed their songs.

Leia was busy talking to Princesses Celestia, Luna and Cadance, whilst Han was busy telling most of his stories to most of the creatures who were really interested in his adventure.

Lando was enjoying himself too much, with so many mares and girls all around him as well as fawning over him as he said ‘Ladies, please, there is more than enough of me to go around.’, which they giggled about it afterwards.

The Wonderbolts began to chat with most of the pilots, with Kierah Koovah being among them whilst looking at the X-Wings.

‘So these are the things you guys fly around?’ asked Fleetfoot.

‘They sure are.’ said a human named Grace ‘They may not look like much, but they’re really reliable in a firefight.’

‘So did you guys do any amazing tricks with them?’ asked Soarin.

‘Oh yes,’ said a lizard like creature named Feresk ‘We outmaneuvered every Imperial TIE Fighter we come across. Never stood a chance.’

‘Even though you tend to start the fight?’ said Keo playfully.

Feresk cleared his throat, ignoring the comment, which made the others laugh a bit.

‘Gotta admit,’ said Spitfire to the leader of Vanguard Squadron ‘You guys may not be Pegasi, but you sure have a lot of guts flying out there.’

‘Same to you,’ said Kierah with a chuckle ‘If you were part of the New Republic, you’d be one of our best pilots in the galaxy.’

‘Hmm, Wonderbolt Squadron,’ said Keo out loud, which she smiled and nodded ‘Now that’s a name that fits all of you.’

Many more Ponies and students of Canterlot High, along with many more humans, who were among them interacted with so many humans and aliens from different worlds as all of them were in awe of them and were telling them of their own adventures, even the Pillars of Equestria found their company enjoyable.

But among them, someone wasn’t there. Twilight and the others looked around and found no trace of one of their friends.

‘Where the heck is Luke?’ asked Rainbow Dash.

‘Oh look, there he is up there.’ said Pinkie Pie.

The Mane 6, Spike, Sunburst, Starlight and the Rainbooms saw Luke Skywalker, sitting up on the large hill. He sat down with his legs crossed whilst looking over the sacred Jedi Texts. Had already looked halfway through them and still kept an eye on every word it had been written.

‘Are you okay?’ asked a voice.

Luke turned his head partially and saw Twilight and the others coming to him.

‘I am.’ said Luke before he closed the book and placed it beside him. ‘Just going through the Jedi Texts.’

‘So what was on it?’ asked Sunset as she and the others sat next to him.

‘Everything the first Jedi wrote 25 000 years ago.’ said Luke ‘Ancient scriptures, Chronicles, Lost Jedi Wisdom and Abilities, like Force Healing.’

‘Wow,’ said human Twilight ‘And I assume none of that knowledge was placed in the Holocrons you just founded?’

‘Precisely.’ said Luke.

‘So now that you found the Jedi Texts, what now?’ asked Rarity.

‘Will you be going to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant?’ asked Fluttershy.

‘I’ve been thinking about that.’ said Luke ‘We can’t use the one on Coruscant because the Imperials still maintain a presence there, so they had to move the new Chancellor and Senate to a safer location. The other temples are no longer safe considering the Remnants of the Empire already knows about them.’

‘And…here?’ asked Starlight.

‘No, it would not be safe.’

‘No kidding,’ said Spike ‘We barely survived the Empire’s Invasion.’

‘And I would never endanger this world.’ said Luke.

‘So…where will you go?’ said Sunburst.

‘Somewhere the Empire won’t find us, the least they expect it.’ said Luke.

‘Like what?’ asked human Fluttershy.

‘Maybe somewhere like…Yavin 4.’ said Luke.

‘Why there?’ asked Twilight.

‘It was where my journey had began,’ said Luke ‘Where we destroyed the first Death Star. Plus there are plenty of Temples there that could be the ideal place for them to start out. But I will need help to find more Force Sensitive out there. And once I find them, I will show them the way, and the Order will be whole again.’

‘You seem to know what you’re doing.’ said human Twilight after she adjusted her glasses.

‘I know for a fact that rebuilding the Order won’t be easy,’ said Luke ‘But for the sake of the New Republic and the inhabitants who live in it, I will do my best.’

They then suddenly heard giggling. ‘On the right path, you are.’

At the same time, both Yoda and Obi-Wan appeared, much to their surprise, except for Luke.

‘Wow,’ said Sunburst ‘So you must be the one Luke told us about.’

Obi-Wan couldn’t help but chuckle ‘Indeed I am Sunburst.’

‘Master,’ said Luke ‘I know I still have much to learn, and now that I have found the Jedi Texts, am I ready to rebuild the Order?’

‘Learned much through your journey, you have,’ said Yoda as he smiled at Luke ‘Learned much from your new friends, you have.’

‘Master Yoda,’ said Twilight as she stood up ‘Will the galaxy ever be safe from the likes of the Sith?’

‘The Sith no more, they are,’ said Yoda ‘But darkness remains, it does.’

‘When the Jedi of old destroyed the Sith,’ said Obi-Wan ‘We knew that if we bring down one enemy, another will rise. For in darkness, there will always be new threats to the galaxy. And we must be prepared to face them.’

‘Too bad Luke can’t use the other Temples,’ said Spike ‘I mean all of them were home to the Jedi for centuries.’

‘Oh young one,’ said Yoda ‘The Temples, only places they are. Jedi go to train and teach to wherever needed they are.’

‘It was like that once long ago,’ said Obi-Wan ‘When we began to train the next generation, and we lost our Temples, we move to a place that is strong in the Force where no Sith would ever find them. Tython was once the original home of the Jedi, but we chose to be at Coruscant in order to protect the Chancellor and the Senate.’

‘And what about now?’ said human Rainbow Dash ‘I mean won’t it be easier to have a Temple far away from the city? I mean from what we heard, the Jedi were caught off guard and they didn’t stand a chance against the Clones.’

‘Hmm,’ pondered Yoda, then said ‘Perhaps a good idea, To house the Jedi in a new location, they should.’

‘I agree.’ said Obi-Wan ‘But not in a place where the Jedi are easily founded. They should be at new locations, one where the people can’t find them, and where they can protect the Republic, no matter where they need be.’

When all of a sudden.


They all looked and saw it was none other than the old clone Rex, who was surprised to see both the long gone Jedi.

At first they didn’t know what to say to one another, with the students feeling anxious or nervous, for they remembered what Luke said about what the Clones have done during Order 66.

At first, Rex was nervous, but he took a deep breath and walked towards the long gone Jedi. He stood near him with both his hands behind his back and said what he wanted to say.

‘General Kenobi…er…Obi-Wan.’ said Rex. He took a deep breath whilst Kenobi gave him a blank expression. But Rex continued ‘First of all, I’d like to apologize on behalf of myself and the Clones. What we did…we have no excuse. The Emperor…they made us do all those things. We fought alongside all of you and we all relied to all of you for leadership. And to have it gone because of them well…I just wanted to say…I’m sorry. For everything.’

Rex kept his head lowered, not being able to face his old commanding officer, with the Mane 6 and the Rainbooms feeling sorry for him. He suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder, causing Rex to look at Kenobi, and saw that there was a smile on his face.

‘There’s no need to dwell on the past anymore old friend.’ said Kenobi ‘We had suspected of this long ago.’

‘You…have?’ said Rex, not sure where this was going.

‘Of course,’ said Kenobi ‘When Anakin and I last fought Dooku, we discovered that he was the Sith Lord who took over the Clones after when Master Sifo-Dias had been killed. And when Anakin told me what Fives told him, we suspected as much, but we had no idea how they would be activated. And we realized too late when Palpatine played his hand.’

‘But…’ said Spike as he gained their attention ‘If all of you knew, why didn’t you do anything to prevent this, or made sure the next generation and all knowledge would remain hidden until the time was right.’

‘Knew of our fate, I did.’ said Yoda ‘When an old friend from the netherworld of the Force spoke to me, sought out this knowledge, I did. Had visions of the future, I did.’

‘But didn’t you try?’ asked Sunset ‘Think of the lives that all of you could’ve saved.’

Yoda merely chuckled and said ‘Fight fate, we could not.’

‘When the Jedi fell,’ said Obi-Wan ‘There was nothing more we could do. But we agreed to watch over Luke and Leia until it was their time to accept the mantle we had left behind. Though Leia may not walk the path of the Jedi, she still has a part to play in restoring balance to the Force.’

‘But still,’ said Sunburst ‘Couldn’t you have trained Luke in the ways of the Force growing up? I mean from what we witnessed, Luke was hidden on Tatooine and the Empire didn’t even know about the farm out there until they were hunting for 3PO and R2.’

‘My uncle wouldn’t allow it.’ said Luke, gaining their attention. ‘He was afraid I would turn into my father and walk the path of darkness. He wanted me to stay, but I wanted to be out there and did something. I didn’t even know about this until much later.’

‘And look at you now.’ said Pinkie Pie ‘You became a hero to the Rebellion, learned the ways of the Force, fought Darth Vader, even at the loss of your hand, saved your friends, faced your father again, won the fight against him, and resisted the Dark Side. And now you faced over a ton of baddies from the past, you found tons of knowledge from the other tombs, and you got the Jedi Texts so that you can help rebuild the Jedi Order.’

‘That he does.’ said Obi-Wan with a chuckle ‘You have chosen your friends well Luke.’

‘You could say,’ said human Pinkie Pie as she darted over with her toothy grin ‘We were fated to have met.’

Luke couldn’t help but smile and said ‘I suppose we are.’

‘Still, when you go back,’ said Twilight ‘I wish there was a way we could be in contact with one another. There’s so many questions I wanted to ask.’

‘I’m sure all of you will find them in time.’ said Obi-Wan.

‘Indeed,’ said Yoda ‘One journey may be over, but begin, another journey shall.’

‘And just think,’ said human Pinkie Pie ‘Now that both our worlds are fused, we’ll be able to use the mirror and visit each other more often.’

‘I know, right?’ said Pinkie Pie ‘Think of all the great parties we can make.’

‘It would certainly be interesting to see what both our races could offer.’ said Rarity.

‘Oh I quite concur darling.’ said human Rarity.

‘Maybe one day we can be part of the Republic.’ said Puppy Spike.

‘I’m afraid not.’ said Luke ‘After what Zeb told us about what happened to his people and where they originally came from, they chose to stay out of galactic affairs. It would be best if this world would remain neutral.’

‘But can’t we keep some of the tech to help us out?’ asked human Twilight.

‘I do not know, the populace is not ready for something like this,’ said Luke ‘However, we trust you lot to help continue to keep the balance of both races.’

‘Just like the Jedi who help keep the balance to the Force.’ said Applejack.

‘But do you think the Republic will one day have a Clone Army again?’ asked human Twilight.

‘Uh, I don’t think so,’ said Rex whilst he rubbed the back of his head ‘After what the Emperor made the Clones do, it’ll be a long time before the Galaxy will have that again. Plus they nearly look like Storm Troopers.’

‘No they don’t,’ said Pinkie Pie ‘There’s a huge difference between the Clones and Storm Troopers. Sure their body armour may be the same, but their helmets look different.’

She instantly drew the helmet differences. ‘See,’ she said after she showed them the picture ‘This is the phase one helmet and this is the phase two helmet. They look completely different from the Storm Trooper helmets. But there’s another huge difference between them.’

She then whispered loudly ‘You guys can see through your helmets and you can shoot straight, they can’t.’

Rex couldn’t help but chuckle, for she did have a point.

‘And it would also be incorrect.’ said Rarity as she also drew something, then showed it to them and said ‘Back in the days of the Old Republic from more than a thousand years ago, their uniforms looked like this. They do not look like the Clone Army at all. The previous Jedi Master who orchestrated this before his uh, ahem, demise, must have designed their armour after the Soldiers of the Old Republic, to remind both the Jedi and the Galaxy of how they fought side by side before the Previous Empire’s defeat.’

Rex took a good look at the armour and said ‘Hmm, not bad. You really have an eye for talent.’

‘Why thank you.’ said Rarity after she placed her drawing material away.

‘But uh…it’s going to be impossible,’ said Rex ‘They can’t use my blood or the remaining clones’ because ours were affected and altered when they designed us.’

‘Altered?’ asked Twilight.

‘We were actually force bred.’ said Rex ‘The Kaminoans used growth acceleration to help us grow faster, otherwise a clone would take a lifetime to grow, so they did it half the time. It’s how I aged faster. When I was deployed I appeared in my mid twenties or at the age of thirty. So actually, I’m thirty years old, but my body ages faster, which is why I look sixty.’

‘Oh, that must be so awful.’ said Fluttershy.

‘It is.’ said Rex.

Kenobi thought about it and said ‘Not all of them.’

They looked at him with flexed eyebrows.

‘What do you mean?’ asked Rainbow Dash.

‘There was another who stayed by Jango Fett’s side.’

‘Fett?’ wondered Luke. That’s when he realized and looked at Obi-Wan ‘You mean Boba Fett?’

‘Who now?’ asked human Applejack.

‘Jango Fett is both a bounty hunter and a Mandalorian,’ said Kenobi ‘The Kaminoans asked him to be the donor of as much of his blood as he could, and as payment, he asked for an unaltered clone for himself.’

‘Unaltered?’ asked Spike.

‘In other words,’ said Kenobi ‘He is a pure genetic replication, no tampering with the structure to make it more docile, and no growth acceleration.’

‘Aw,’ said human Pinkie Pie ‘In other words, Jango wanted a son.’

‘So he’d be the only shot to make sure that the Republic would have a Clone Army.’ said Rex.

‘But didn’t he get eaten by that huge pit monster that time when you guys wanted to rescue Han, but all of you got captured and was about to be sacrificed until all of you made that daring rescue and killed Jabba the Hutt before you guys escaped?’ said Pinkie Pie in a full sentence.

Rex was flabbergasted at what she said, even Luke was surprised to hear her. Yoda merely chuckled and said ‘Clearly, your mind is sharper than the sturdiest of blades young one.’

Pinkie giggle snorted at that and said ‘Well I do try my best.’

‘Not likely,’ said Luke ‘From what Han told me the last time we spoke, he said Boba was spotted somewhere in the miteranol sector of mid rim. No doubt trying to take over Jabba’s criminal Empire since he found out his employer was killed.’

‘Eh, I’m sure you’ll find him,’ said human Rainbow Dash ‘I mean you’re now a Jedi Master.’

‘But do you think you’ll be able to find the Force Sensitive?’ asked Fluttershy.

‘I’ll try, but I know I won’t be able to do this alone.’ said Luke.

‘And you won’t.’ said Leia as she joined the group, with Han and Chewbacca, along with Lando in tow, whilst Fluttershy and her human counterpart couldn’t help but hug the Wookiee, much to his enjoyment.

‘She’s right,’ said Lando ‘Now that we have more friends out there, and you use the Force, we’ll be able to help you bring them together. But teaching them the ways of the Force will be up to you.’

‘Plus I think General Syndulla would agree,’ said Han ‘Her son’s already able to tap into the Force.’

‘That’s good to know.’ said Luke ‘It will take time, but we’ll make it work.’

Yoda chuckled at that, and said ‘In good hands, the Jedi Order is.’

‘Take care Luke.’ said Obi-Wan, before he and Yoda disappeared.

Luke sighed a bit as he looked to the horizon. ‘Something wrong?’ asked Sunset as she placed her arm on Luke’s shoulder.

‘I know my first lesson was to let go.’ said Luke ‘But there’s one thing that’s the hardest to let go.’

‘What’s that?’ asked Twilight.

Luke could only smile and look at the others and said ‘The friends I made when I first met all of you.’

The girls felt touched by his words and ended up embracing Luke with a hug, for in a way, they all felt the same way. Leia and the others couldn’t help but smile and see Luke’s interaction with his friends.

The next day, it was time for all of them to leave. Thankfully, the Millennium Falcon and the Ebon Hawk (Much to Han’s jealousy) were loaded onto the New Republic ship. One by one, every ship began to take off, with all of the inhabitants waving their new friends goodbye.

‘Well,’ said Twilight ‘I guess this is it, huh?’

‘It would appear so my friends.’ said Luke.

‘And hey, don’t worry,’ said Lando ‘When we get things back in order, we’ll come for a visit one day.’

Chewbacca let out a few grunts as he spoke in his native language, with Fluttershy saying ‘Chewie says that he’ll even bring more of his people over, because our world reminds him of his home.’

‘Whoa, you could understand him?’ said Han as he was surprised Fluttershy understood him.

‘Oh, so did I.’ said human Fluttershy as she too agreed ‘And he’s really nice once you get to know him.’

‘And I hope to see you too one day 3PO,’ said Rarity ‘It would be a pleasure to talk to somepony who certainly has more gentle colt qualities.’

‘Indeed, it is truly a rare find.’ said human Rarity.

‘Oh, well I look forward to seeing you all again soon.’ said 3PO in agreement.

R2 beeped a few things, with Pinkie Pie saying ‘And we look forward to see you too little buddy.’

‘Yeah, you’re really an amazing droid.’ said human Pinkie Pie in agreement.

Luke looked to the Young Six and said ‘You six are truly the future. This world could use more creatures like you.’

‘Well, we did learn from the best.’ said Sandbar.

‘And when the time comes…’ said Luke.

‘We’ll continue to pass on what we’ve learned.’ said Smolder with her usual smirk.

‘And from meeting all of you,’ said Rex as he looked at the Pillars ‘Though your time has passed, it doesn’t mean that you lot can’t teach the next generation a thing or two.’

‘Oh, don’t worry,’ said Flash Sentry ‘We may not be able to do the things we used to do, but that doesn’t mean we can’t find ways to adapt and help those in need.’

‘And I hope one day when the time is right,’ said Leia to the ruling Princesses ‘We’ll find a way to establish relation between this world and the Republic. This world can be a great example for everyone that we can be at peace if we work together.’

‘A truly agreeable notion.’ said Princess Celestia with a nod.

‘And you know,’ said Rainbow Dash as she hovered over Han Solo ‘When you’re not busy, a planet of your choice, I’d love to race you and your ship.’

Han chuckled and said ‘And I look forward to that one day.’

‘I hope you lot will make good use of those Texts.’ said Luke.

‘Don’t worry,’ said Twilight ‘With proper care and teachings, we’ll make sure that everyone learns what we have learned.’

‘Just make sure that you keep those Holocrons and other artifacts safe.’ said Sunset.

‘No need to worry,’ said Luke ‘Thanks to Admiral Ackbar, we’ve loaded everything from the tombs and are prepping them for transport to Yavin 4. They’re already going to help me try to find a way to ensure that the Jedi I train would be fully prepared for what’s to come.’

‘We’re really gonna miss you Luke,’ said Starlight ‘We’ve had quite an adventure.’

‘I will miss all of you too.’ said Luke ‘I know I have to let go of those who will one day be gone, but that does not mean we cannot treasure those moments we hold dear in our hearts.’

‘Truly wise words Master Skywalker.’ said Princess Celestia.

One of the Rebel Soldiers came along and said ‘Sirs, ma’am, transport’s ready.’

Luke stood on one knee and smiled at them, causing all of them to come together and embraced him with hugs. The others couldn’t help but feel touched by this. After the hug, Luke stood up and said ‘We will meet again. I promise.’

‘We’ll hold you to that Luke.’ said Rainbow Dash.

Luke then made his way to the transport that would bring him and the others to their respective ships. That was, until Luke stopped, turned around and faced them whilst saying ‘And Princess Twilight?’

Twilight and the others looked at him, wondering what else he had to say.

Luke simply smiled and said ‘May the Force be with you.’

The others smiled by his words, allowing Luke and the others to climb aboard their transport, then gave their last look at their friends, before the transport doors closed, allowing the ship to take off with others following suit.

Everyone watched as they all left, with human Twilight saying ‘I wish we could see them off properly.’

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna thought about it, with Celestia saying ‘Maybe we can.’

Within mere moments, as the two Alicorn sisters’ horns began to glow, they were suddenly transported to outer space, but all of them were in a type of bubble, with what appears to be a platform that they were standing on, leaving them amazed whilst all of them were in outer space. But at the same time, they watched the Rebel Ships fly by, which they were amazed when they saw the Rebel ships fly.

In one of the ships, Luke, Leia, Han, Chewbacca, Lando, 3PO and R2 walked down the hall to join up with Admiral Ackbar, until R2 spotted something, causing him to beep loudly, gaining their attention. They watched outside of the ship windows and were surprised to see who was outside.

The Mane 6, the Rainbooms, the Young Six, the Pillars, Spike, Celestia, Luna, puppy Spike, Starlight and Sunburst all waved their new friends goodbye. Luke couldn’t help but smile and wave back at them, with the others joining in.

‘You sure know how to pick them kid.’ said Han as he waved.

‘That I do.’ said Luke as he kept his eyes on them.

The inhabitants of Equestria watched as the ships began to leave in a different direction. Sure enough, all of the ships hummed whilst their engines glowed brightly, and within a split second, all of the ships jumped into Hyperspace, making them all disappear. They were amazed when they saw the ships had faded, leaving many to watch the empty void of space as they watched their new friends leave to not just restore the Republic, but also the entire galaxy.

One month later

It had been a month since Luke had come to their world. Many had pondered of what they had witnessed, whilst Rockhoof and the Pillars went all over Equestria, telling them the story of the Jedi and the Sith, making them all amazed by what stories they were telling.

Back at Canterlot High, Sunset, who worked at the school’s new animation department, worked with her friends on making the Jedi’s story. As soon as they showed them of their adventures from what Luke and the others told them, everyone cheered when they saw the action, even their stories from the days of the Old Republic, at least from how Luke and the others told it.

Back in Equestria, after going through their ancient ancestral homes, Celestia, Luna and the others kept their promise of showing the ponies the homes of where their ancestors came from. From the old Unicorn home, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Mistmane and Starswirl the Bearded showed most of the Ponies around, which left them all amazed.

From old Pegasopolis, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Flash Magnus and Somnambula showed most of the Pegasi and the ponies who were on airships were showing them around the old Pegasi homes. Whilst from old Dirtville, Applejack, Pinkie Pie. Mage Meadowbrook and Rockhoof showed all of the Apple families, including other ponies they were married to their old home, which the Apple family, even Granny Smith was amazed to see how their old home used to look like, even of how most of those places look like Ponyville and the other towns they’ve seen over the years.

Twilight on the other hand would ready a few delegates to speak to the human leaders through peace talks in order for both worlds to thrive, whilst most of the scientific division from both worlds wishes to use the handful of crashed Imperial Ships to help adapt their ships for space travel.

For the past few weeks, everything was going well, even the humans took an interest in touring Equestria and Beyond, as well as other creatures to the human world. Canterlot High even enjoyed their visits, even Princess Twilight and her friends would spend time with Sunset and their human counterparts more often, even though Sunset felt like an outcast, she was happy that she no longer felt like an outsider. She was happy as she could see how well they were bonding. One day, the Mane 6, Spike, Starlight, Sunburst and the Rainbooms, along with canine Spike, were busy hanging out at Camp Everfree, now that it’s right next door to the Everfree forest, they are keeping a close eye on it.

When all of a sudden, Pinkie Pie’s head began to make beeping sounds, gaining their attention.

‘Uh, Pinkie.’ said Applejack to her friend ‘Y’all alright there?’

‘Huh,’ said Pinkie as she began to dig into her mane ‘Let me see now.’

Sure enough, she pulled out a type of communicator, surprising the others when they saw a familiar communicator.

‘Hey, isn’t that Luke Skywalker’s device?’ asked Rainbow Dash.

‘Huh,’ said human Rainbow Dash ‘He must’ve dropped it before he and the others left.’

‘So how do we…?’ said Twilight before Spike stood next to it and pressed the side of the button.

Within a split second, a hologram of Luke appeared.

‘Luke.’ said the Mane 6 and Rainbooms when they saw him.

‘Hello my friends.’ said Luke whilst greeting them with a smile.

‘How have y’all been?’ said Applejack.

‘Been busy.’ said Luke.

‘Were you able to establish a temple?’ asked Twilight.

‘Yes,’ said Luke ‘Yavin 4 is officially a temple for the Jedi to train in. The Holocrons have been stored in a safe place that only I know where they’re stored.’

‘And were you able to find Force Sensitive people out there?’ asked Sunset.

‘I have,’ said Luke ‘Thanks to Leia, Han, Chewbacca and Lando, we were able to gather as much as we can. But whilst they were searching for Force Sensitive, I was continuing on my journey to find more secrets, even potential places that could also be temples. For until the original temples, including Coruscant are safe, the Jedi will not be stationed there. But we will still need to watch over the galaxy for any danger, just like the ones who came before us.’

‘That’s really great to hear.’ said Starlight.

‘And what about all of you?’ asked Luke.

‘Well both our worlds are struggling to get along,’ said Fluttershy.

‘But other than that, everybody from every species are working on relations with one another.’ said Human Fluttershy.

‘I’m sure all of you are up to the challenge.’ said Luke.

‘Oh don’t worry,’ said Sunburst ‘If we can handle helping our friends from other kingdoms I’m sure we can do the same for the humans too.’

‘And I’m sure we’ll be a shining example that if we settle and put our differences aside, we’ll be a shining example for every creature.’ said Twilight ‘Just like the Republic.’

‘I’m sure Leia and the others will appreciate that.’ said Luke.

‘Speaking of Leia,’ said Rarity ‘I’m surprised that she didn’t take over as Chancellor once the New Republic came to effect.’

‘She felt her role was more important on the front lines than on the sidelines.’ said Luke.

‘So who’s in charge then?’ asked human Rarity.

‘That would be Mon Mothma.’ said Luke ‘She always did have natural leadership skills, as well as a few other Senators who helped form the Rebellion. Rex on the other hand is continuing to train more soldiers, however, what he heard from the Senate was troubling.’

‘What do you mean?’ asked Pinkie Pie.

‘They want to downsize the military.’ said Luke ‘Leia and the others think what they’re suggesting is a bad idea.’

‘I’ll say.’ said human Pinkie Pie ‘They can’t downsize their own military.’

‘She’s right.’ said Sunset ‘If the Empire is still out there, then they need every able soldier out there.’

‘Agreed.’ said Luke ‘And training more Jedi will take time before they are fully experienced to help the galaxy.’

‘Well we wish you the best of luck Luke.’ said Starlight.

‘We hope you will be successful.’ said Rarity.

‘Thank you my friends.’ said Luke ‘Until we meet again someday.’

‘We hope so too Luke.’ said Twilight ‘May the Force be with you.’

‘And may the Force be with you too.’ said Luke before communications had been cut.

‘Ah really do miss him.’ said Applejack.

‘Don’t worry Applejack,’ said Twilight ‘We’ll meet him again someday.’

‘I hope so too Twilight.’ said Spike.

Meanwhile, on top of the grassy hill of Yavin 4

Luke sat there for a moment, holding onto the communicator, smiling. It felt good to see his friends again. Though he was attached to them, he had learned to let go when the time comes. Just as Luke stood up, his communicator suddenly flew out of his hand, surprising him as he looked to his right. The little trickster was none other than Grogu, a young alien that hails from his old Master Yoda’s species.

Sometime ago, after Luke got back, he felt a disturbance in the Force and it led him to an imperial cruiser. He sensed the child was there and mounted a rescue. Even though Grogu had to part from the Mandalorian named Din Djarin, but some call him Mando, as well as a few others who had accompanied him on the rescue mission, he could tell they were saddened to depart. But though he had been there a while, Grogu was slowly improving on his Force Abilities.

‘Grogu.’ said Luke as he walked over to the little guy. He stood on both knees and said ‘Sorry I took so long, I was talking to some friends I made before I was about to start teaching.’

‘There you are.’ said a voice.

Luke looked to his right, with Grogu looking too. For standing there was a human named Kyle Katarn, a man who once served the Empire, but chose to change his ways. And he wasn’t alone, for there were nine others as well. A Rodian Male, a Twi’Lek female, a Zabrak female, a Kel Dor male, a Mandalorian female, a Wookie male, a female from Dathomir, a Cerean male and a Tholothian female, all who were wearing their Lightsabers on their belts.

‘We’ve been looking all over for you master.’ said the Twi’Lek female.

‘Sorry about that,’ said Luke as he stood up ‘I was contacting some old friends of mine.’

‘Friends, master?’ asked the Kel Dor male.

‘Another time.’ said Luke as he picked up Grogu ‘Did all of you need something?’

‘Yes master,’ said the Wookie male in his native tongue ‘The rest of us are waiting for you at the temple.’

‘Still your patience.’ said Luke as he walked towards them ‘The Jedi do not rush. If we do, we fail to see what lies before us.’

‘Yes master.’ said the Rodian male as he bowed in respect.

‘Tell the students I will be there shortly.’ said Luke.

‘Very well Master Skywalker.’ said the Cerean Male.

They left to rejoin the rest of the students, whilst Kyle chose to remain with Luke as they walked together.

‘You never talked about your adventures often.’ said Kyle.

‘I did when I first started out.’ said Luke.

‘Yeah, yeah,’ responded Kyle ‘You were famous after destroying the first Death Star, we know. But I’m talking about your recent one. Where you got the Holocrons and all.’

‘Some secrets are meant to be hidden old friend,’ said Luke ‘Where I got them, I promised to make sure that their world would remain a secret, even Artoo promised not to say anything.’

‘What happens if the remains of the Empire or any pirate would come look for that world.’

‘They won’t,’ said Luke ‘It’s beyond the veil, far beyond our galaxy map.’

‘Wow, that far?’ said Kyle.

‘Remember the Lasat race?’ said Luke ‘They originally came from a world beyond the galaxy. And they are kept a secret for a reason, as all Jedi had vowed to keep.’

‘I thought they’d vow to protect the Republic.’

Luke chuckled and said ‘That too.’

Sure enough, Luke had arrived at the large courtyard where the rest of the students were. But they weren't alone, for there were forty more, each representing their species from different galaxies, all who were Force sensitive and were meant to learn the ways of the Force.

‘You might wanna join them.’ said Luke as he looked at Kyle.

‘You got it Luke.’ said Kyle as he left to join the others.

One of the students, who almost looked like Ahsoka Tano, approached Luke as she said ‘We’re ready for our lessons master.’

‘Very well.’ said Luke as he smiled ‘Let us all begin.’

He placed Grogu down on a rock and said ‘Now keep watch Grogu. This is also important for a Jedi to learn. Just keep an eye on what they do. And one day, when you’re ready, you’ll have a Lightsaber of your own.’

Grogu merely cooed as he looked at Luke. Sure enough, all of the students stood further apart to make some space between them whilst Luke took a few steps away from Grogu so that he could watch them properly.

‘Alright everyone, I am thankful all of you are here.’ said Luke ‘Now it is time for the first lessons; different Lightsaber forms. Repeat after me. Ready position.’

Sure enough, everyone activated their Lightsabers and held them the way Luke did. Sure enough, Luke began to move in different positions and formations with his Lightsabers, with the rest of his students following suit. Luke knew that rebuilding the Jedi would take time, but he knew that with time and patience, he will restore the Jedi back to their rightful place, as peacekeepers of the Republic, all thanks to the friends he made on that world, and through the will of the Force and Harmony. He knew that forming attachments were forbidden, but he had learned to let go. For even though his friends would one day be gone, he will forever remember them and carry their memories through his heart, for he realized the most important lesson from Twilight; Friendship is Magic.

Author's Note:

So there you have it. Wow, it took a whole year to write this. Thank all of you for the support. May the Force be with you. Always.

Comments ( 19 )

Alright, here is the next chapter.

Alright, here is the next chapter.

Alright, here is the next chapter.

Alright, here is the next chapter.

Comment posted by Postwarmonkey50 deleted May 29th, 2021

Alright, here is the next chapter.

Alright, here is the next chapter.

Alright, here is the next chapter.

Alright, here is the next chapter.

Alright, here is the next chapter.

One day. I did make a promise for a sequel. But they're gonna meet someone else. He's from the game jedi outcast l.

I just HOPE that your version of Luke WON'T end up as that "old jerk Luke" in the Last Jedi. :facehoof: :ajbemused:

Pinkie promise it won't. Cross my heart and hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye.


Thanks. Because I'm glad that you do know what I mean? Plus, what Kylo Ren/Ben Solo then? Or even Han and Leia, because we both know what might happened? :raritycry:

Then there's the First Order/Final Order, the Knights of Ren, Starkiller Base, Captain Plasma, Hux, Snoke ( FAKER!!!! ), and you-know-who getting revived.

A decently well written story, though a bit more recapping on Star-Wars than really needed. Nothing wrong with what I read, but stopped at chapter six since it just didn't mesh with me. May revisit it the future, though.

I just realized that both Ventress and Ahsoka have something in common with Twilight and Tempest. Ventress was abandoned by her own master and Ahsoka was abandoned by her own Jedi Superiors. Just like how Twilight was with her own brother, friends and mentor and Tempest with her own friends.

Special shoutout to CortezDude for the cover page

Thank you so much for it, Postwar!

Now this is a perfect Star Wars story rather than those disgraceful Sequel Trilogy which I call it "Non-Canon".

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