• Published 18th Apr 2020
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A Jedi's Journey - Postwarmonkey50

This story is set between “Star Wars Episode 6 and 7”, whilst also set between season 8 and 9 of “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic”.

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Chapter 14: The Empire

With the knowledge of the Jedi so close to them, the others took the Ebon Hawk straight towards their next destination. They first flew back to Equestria, where they dropped Twilight and company off of the island where their spire is located. After they were dropped off, Luke and the EG Mane 7 flew back to their world in order to prepare for the tower’s activation.

‘There it is.’ said Twilight as she pointed at it ahead.

‘We’d better start turning that thing on.’ said Starlight.

‘Good thing Luke gave us a communicator to contact each other.’ said Spike as he held onto the communicator.

‘We shall go with the Princesses to warn the rest of the population.’ said Starswirl as he and the Pillars chose to accompany them.

‘We’ll do the same for our kingdoms.’ said Gallus and the rest of the Young Five were preparing to set off too.

‘Then make haste.’ said Twilight ‘As soon as the merging starts, I want everypony to try and calm the populace down. Once that’s finished, I want everyone to quickly head back here so that we can regroup with the others.’

‘You got it Head mare.’ said Sandbar as they quickly went their separate ways whilst the Mane 6, Starlight, Sunburst and Spike made their way towards the tower.

At the same time, Luke flew back towards the EG Mane 7’s world. They soon arrived through the atmosphere and flew straight towards a similar spire. Sure enough, they landed on a clearing whilst they quickly departed.

‘We’d better hurry.’ said Luke as he held onto his forehead the moment they exited the ship ‘I can feel dark forces approaching this world.’

‘Then we’d better act fast.’ said human Twilight.

‘Stay with the ship Artoo,’ said Luke as he looked at R2 ‘If there’s any sign of trouble, don’t hesitate to come to me.’

R2 beeped and went back inside, allowing the others to quickly made their way towards the tower ahead.

Soon enough, all of them had made their way towards the top of the tower. Luke looked ahead and saw a pedestal up ahead, one that had a mark of a human hand on it. He slowly walked over to it and studied it, feeling something from it.

‘It is faint.’ said Luke ‘But I can feel the Force flowing through this.’

‘Then what are you waiting for?’ said human Rainbow Dash ‘Place your hand and do something already.’

‘I cannot.’ said Luke.

‘Why not?’ said human Applejack.

At the same time, Sunset contacted Princess Twilight through the device that Luke had given them.

‘Twilight, did you find the pedestal on your end?’ asked Sunset.

‘We did.’ said Twilight as she and her friends looked at it ‘But if it’s a Jedi, shouldn’t there be a handprint or something.’

Luke then thought about something, walked over to Sunset and said ‘Princess Twilight, does the pedestal happen to have a hoof marking on it?’

Twilight, wondering what Luke meant by it, walked over to take a good look. And truth to behold, there was indeed a hoof marking. ‘There is.’ said Twilight whilst she was surprised ‘But what does that mean?’

Luke then thought about it again, and he realized something. In order to prove his theory, he needed to be sure.

‘Twilight,’ said Luke ‘Place your hoof on top of the mark.’

‘Um…okay.’ said Twilight whilst she slowly pressed her hoof onto it.

‘Sunset.’ said Luke as he looked at her ‘You do the same.’

Sunset was also surprised by this, but agreed to do it and walked over to the pedestal, allowing her to place her hand on the mark.

‘Now both you, concentrate.’ said Luke ‘Let the Force flow through you.’

Both of them closed their eyes and concentrated, hard. The more they concentrated, the more did they not only felt the Force, but all of the magic of all of Equestria. Within a few seconds, both Twilight and Sunset’s eyes opened sharply, whilst their eyes were glowing. Within mere moments, the entire pedestal, the floors they were standing on, including the entire tower, began to glow as bright as the brightest stars.

After it glowed for a few minutes, the power of both the magic and the Force began to shoot skyward like a pure beam of energy. It continued to move straight towards the sky, and eventually, stopped after tens of thousands of feet, allowing the beam to form a type of dome, spreading all over both worlds, with both parties watching as they were in awe of what was happening.

Within mere moments, there was a giant flash, as both inhabitants from both worlds were covering their eyes with their respected appendages, not knowing what was going to happen next. But sure enough, to most of their surprise the moment they opened their eyes, they saw one another. Humans meeting ponies, griffons, hippogriffs, changelings, dragons, etcetera and so on. What was most surprising, is where the students of CHS were meeting their pony counterparts. The first one to see one another was Derpy and her human counterpart. They walked towards one another, and stood close by, staring at one another, as if they knew each other. But they weren't the only ones. For one by one, ponies and their counterparts did the same thing as they were fascinated by what they were seeing.

Sure enough, Twilight and her friends had just opened their eyes, and to their surprise, they saw Sunset and the others, who had just recovered from the blinding light.

‘What?’ said Twilight as she flew over to them and said ‘How is this possible?’

‘Through the power of your magic and the power of the Force’ said Luke as he stood between them ‘They separated the worlds so that their most important secret would stay secret.’

‘Kinda makes sense now that ya mention it.’ said Applejack as she and the rest of the Mane 6 rejoined the others.

‘But now that both of the worlds are fused, now what?’ said dog Spike.

‘He’s right,’ said Spike ‘Even if both worlds are united, there’s no way to know where they hid it in the first place.’

When all of a sudden, R2 came along and he beeped rapidly, taking them by surprise.

‘Artoo, what’s wrong?’ asked Twilight.

R2 beeped and at the same time, pulled out the scrolls still contained within their containers. But surprisingly, all of them were glowing, taking them by surprise too.

‘Whoa, what’s going on?’ said Starlight as she took a good look at them.

Sunburst took one of the scrolls and pulled it out of its containers. He looked at the scrolls, but found nothing but words. However, the moment he turned around, there were images on it.

‘Wait a minute.’ said Sunburst as he realized something.

He took all of the other scrolls that R2 brought along, took them out of their containers and placed them together. His eyes widened when he saw this.

‘Of course.’ said Sunburst as he took a good look at it ‘Ingenious?’

‘What is it?’ asked Luke as he and the others came over.

‘Whilst we were traveling, I read the last piece of the scroll,’ said Sunburst as he placed the scrolls down together, whilst he said ‘When the worlds who were apart joined, the map will show them the way.’

He placed the scrolls together, and on the back of it, revealed to be a large map, glowing and revealing the entire layout of the land.

‘Whoa, you’re right.’ said Rainbow as she looked at the map.

‘Where do we go from here?’ asked Fluttershy.

Human Twilight adjusted her glasses as she took a good look on the map.

‘Let’s see,’ said human Twilight as she took a good look at it ‘We’re here at the tower. And according to this, the last place to find what we’re looking for is right…here.’

Human Twilight pointed north of the map exactly where we need to go.

‘Then that’s where we’ll need to be, and fast.’ said Luke as he stood up, with worried look on his face.

‘What’s wrong?’ asked Applejack.

‘I sense something is coming, and not in a good way.’ said Luke.

‘Then we’d better hurry.’ said human Applejack.

‘To the ship!!’ shouted both Pinkie Pies, causing all of them to run straight towards the ship in order to get to their next destination as fast as they could.

They soon took the ship and flew towards where the map was pointing. They flew with great speed, for if what Luke said was true, then everyone will be in great danger. Twilight looked at the map, wanting to make sure that they wouldn’t miss anything.

‘According to the map,’ said Twilight as she looked at it ‘We should be there in five minutes.’

‘So we’ll be there in no time.’ said human Twilight.

‘Uh, guys.’ said Spike.

‘You might wanna see this.’ said Smolder.

As they approached the bridge, their eyes widened in surprise. For straight ahead, was none other than Canterlot, but it looked really different. The Castle was there, and Ponyville was to the left, but to many of their shock, Canterlot City, the Rainboom’s home, was on the right.

‘Whoa,’ said Rainbow ‘Our worlds really are fused.’

‘We’d better make a landing.’ said Luke ‘I’ll take us to Canterlot.’

They flew straight towards Canterlot, and within a short while, they landed at a clearing. When the ramp opened, they quickly ran out, with Celestia, Luna and the Pillars approaching.

‘Luke, what is going on?’ said Celestia.

‘Princess Celestia,’ said Pinkie Pie ‘Our worlds have been fused.’

‘What?’ said Luna.

‘Both of our worlds merged.’ said Sunset ‘Apparently when the first Jedi made their temple, they split the world apart in different places in order to hide it.’

‘And where is the temple now?’ said Starswirl ‘Now that both worlds have been fused.’

Twilight looked at the map again and said ‘Well, according to the map, it’s…’

Her eyes slowly widened as she lowered the map and said ‘Right underneath Canterlot.’

Everyone was surprised by this information.

‘Underneath this place?’ said Rockhoof.

‘It would make sense.’ said Stygian ‘There are an ancient system of tunnels underneath the city, who’s to say that there can’t be a temple underneath?’

‘Then we’d better hurry before…’ said Luke before he was cut off.

They then heard the sounds of what others would say banshees, but Luke knew that noise. For those were Ion engines, the kinds that TIE fighters use.

‘Oh no.’ said Luke as he looked up with his eyes widened, with the others following as they were just as shocked to see what was going on, with Luke saying ‘The Empire.’

From high above, they could see the nine Star Destroyers, deploying many of their fighters and AT-AT’s, along with their Walkers and transports, carrying the Storm Troopers to different locations.

The ponies, Rainbooms and Young Six were shocked to see that many troops coming down to their homeworld.

‘This is bad.’ said Twilight as she watched them descend.

‘Spike,’ said Luke as he looked at the dragon ‘Do you have a way to send messages throughout the world?’

‘I do.’ responded Spike.

‘We need to get messages out there to warn everyone around here, and fast.’

‘Way ahead of you.’ said Twilight as she had already wrote down on one scroll that she pulled out.

‘Tell them not to underestimate the Empire.’ said Luke ‘Their ships can kill anyone on impact once they fire even the Storm Troopers. Tell them to be cunning and avoid from getting shot.’

‘On it.’ said Twilight after she wrote them down. She then used a duplicate spell, duplicating more and more scrolls. She quickly went over to Spike and said ‘Quick Spike, time to send out the messages.’

‘Got it.’ said Spike, allowing him to use his fire breath to send messages throughout the towns and cities, even the neighboring kingdoms to warn them of the Empire coming in.

‘What’ll we do in the meantime?’ asked Princess Luna.

‘I need to go and find the Temple’s entrance.’ said Luke as he looked at the others ‘I need time to find it.’

‘Then we shall provide aid.’ said Princess Celestia ‘The Pillars and I will stay behind in Canterlot and help strengthen its defenses.’

‘We’ll head to Canterlot City.’ said Sunset ‘Our friends are still there and they’ll need protection.’

‘That goes the same for Ponyville.’ said Starlight.

‘We’ll come and help just in case.’ said Sandbar.

‘Very well.’ said Luke. He took one last look at them and said ‘Good luck my friends.’

He and R2 quickly departed to find the temple, with the rest going their separate ways to buy him some time.

From both Ponyville and Canterlot City, both the ponies and the humans heard the TIE Fighters flying above their heads. As they looked up, all of them were shocked to see ships that they’ve never seen before.

At the same time, a ton of AT-AT’s and Walkers were dropped at all corners of the town/city, whilst the transports landed, allowing the ramps to open and tons of Storm Troopers ran out in an attempt to have the entire place surrounded. Many of the residents ran away in fear when they realized that they were being invaded by unknown alien forces.

‘Round up the civilians!!’ shouted the commanding officers.

Many of the Storm Troopers began to shoot all over the place to keep the ponies and humans from escaping, whilst they used stun rounds at them whilst they collapsed. From Canterlot, there were many transports and light cruisers coming their way. At the same time, Celestia and Luna stood near the walls, with Starswirl the Bearded and many Unicorns of the guard standing in line, with many of the Pegasi guards hiding behind the clouds for cover.

‘Fire!!’ shouted Princess Celestia.

Celestia, Luna, Starswirl and the Unicorns fired their magic beams at the ships and TIE fighters, and were successful into taking some of them down.

‘Now!!’ shouted Flash Magnus, causing many of the Pegasi to kick their respected clouds, allowing the lightning to strike at the other ships, taking them down and one light cruiser as well.

Unfortunately, many of the ships had gone past them, allowing some of the transports to land and deployed the Storm Troopers. Whilst from the ground, Rockhoof commanded the Earth Pony archers and catapults as he hid behind the corner.

‘Fire!!’ he shouted.

Many fired the catapults and arrows, allowing them to hit some of the Storm Troopers and made most of them fall, but some of them scattered in order to find the Jedi.

At the same time, Luke continued to go down certain parts of the city and looked at the map every now and then in order to find the entrance. And as if it came at a bad time, a squad of Storm Troopers arrived and cornered Luke.

‘Hold it right there!!’ shouted one of them as they aimed their weapons at Luke.

However, Luke was too fast, allowing him to use the Force to pull their weapons out of their hands and threw his Lightsaber at them, striking them down in the process. After he caught it, he continued on his path with R2 on his tail. Luke continued to go down another path until another squad stopped him, but before Luke could react…

‘Wait,’ said the Storm Trooper ‘Friendlies.’

Luke was confused at this, but the squad of Storm Troopers went over to him and removed his helmet and smiled.

‘Still like your old man I see.’ said a familiar face.

‘Rex.’ said Luke with a smile. He walked over and shook his hand ‘Good to see you.’

‘You to sir.’ said Rex whilst his squad quickly got rid of their disguise and into their Rebel uniforms.

‘What are all of you doing here?’ asked Luke.

‘We went undercover to try and find out how many Imperial ships were left,’ said Rex ‘Till Commander Kory found out where you were so the Admiral devoted his entire fleet to hunt you down.’

‘How many are with you?’ asked Luke.

‘And entire Legion.’ said Rex ‘Commander Kory and his group went to a small town whilst Captain Vale and his group went to a large city. My entire group is here and we went to look for you the moment we landed.’

‘I have allies here in this world.’ said Luke ‘They will need to know that our friends are here as well.’

‘Sergeant.’ said Rex.

‘On it.’ said one of the soldiers as he quickly contacted the rest.

‘I need to find the entrance to the Temple.’ said Luke ‘It’s imperative that I find what I seek. If not, then this mission would’ve been for nothing.’

‘Understood.’ said Rex ‘We’re with you all the way.’

‘Thank you,’ said Luke ‘But if you really want to help, then help the people in this city. Help them defend it for as long as you can.’

‘Yes sir,’ said Rex before he turned to the rest ‘You heard the Jedi, move it.’

They soon departed to help, whilst Luke quickly left to find the entrance.

But at the same time, right at the center of Ponyville, many of the Storm Troopers were able to round up every pony in Ponyville. The citizens were terrified of the strange warriors who had surrounded them.

‘Sir,’ said one of the Storm Troopers to the officer ‘We’ve gathered every single civilian in this town as per your orders.’

‘Begin questioning every single one of them.’ said the Imperial Officer ‘I want to know the location of Skywalker. The Admiral is getting impatient as it is.’

‘Yes sir.’ said the Storm Trooper, allowing him to leave.

But at the same time, the Mane 7 and the Young Six watched as the civilians were cornered with nowhere to go.

‘This is horrible.’ said Fluttershy.

‘What are we going to do?’ said Rarity.

‘We need a plan to take them down and fast.’ said Rainbow Dash.

‘But how?’ said Starlight ‘You heard what Luke said. The Empire’s ruthless, there’s no way we can take them all down.’

‘We gotta at least try.’ said Sandbar.

‘We gotta deal with those big metal things first.’ said Rainbow as she pointed at the Walkers. ‘I’ll try to gather as much clouds as I can in order to create as much lightning as I can.’

‘That could work.’ said Twilight ‘And whilst you do that, we’ll focus on the soldiers on the ground.’

‘Alright y’all, let’s do this.’ said Applejack as she tilted her hat forward, ready for a fight ahead of them.

Rainbow, who quickly used her speed to zip back and forth to gather as much clouds as she could, with the Storm Troopers unaware what was going on, whilst at the same time, the rest of the Mane 6, Spike, Starlight, Sunburst and the Young Six scattering all around Ponyville, trying to get into position.

The Storm Troopers continued to hold their position, until one of them spotted the clouds above them and said ‘Hey, were those clouds up there before?’

‘Seriously?’ said the other one in disbelief ‘That’s what’s strange around here?’

‘Now!!!’ shouted Twilight.

As on signal, Rainbow moved from cloud to cloud and kicked every single one of them, sending out lightning at every single Walker and AT-AT. The Troopers inside panicked when the controls of their respected vehicles were malfunctioning, until they exploded, allowing them to collapse.

Applejack quickly moved around and used her lasso to tie a handful of them together. Twilight, Starlight and Sunburst used their magic to make the Troopers’ weapons disappear, whilst Spike and Smolder flew around and used their fire breaths to trap them inside.

Ocellus turned into a Bugbear and attacked the Storm Troopers whilst Yona tackled them over with her amazing strength. Silverstream and Gallus continued to move around and bash the Storm Troopers head on, whilst Pinkie Pie trapped some of them using the gum that she fired from her party cannon. Whilst at the same time, Rarity, Fluttershy and Sandbar freed the captives, allowing them to escape as each ran into their respective houses and barricaded themselves inside, for they do not want to see the end results.

Sure enough, after the Storm Troopers had been dealt with, the Mane 6 and the others regrouped.

‘Aw yeah, that was awesome.’ said Rainbow Dash.

‘Yeah, you got that right.’ said Spike.

When all of a sudden, two more squads of Storm Troopers arrived, causing them to surround them, with one of them saying ‘Hold it right there.’

‘Aw, come on!!’ shouted Rarity.

‘Man these guys are like cockroaches!!’ said Pinkie Pie.

‘Alright, this is your only warning,’ said one of the Storm Troopers ‘Stand down, or we will use lethal force.’

‘Like hay we will.’ said Rainbow Dash.

‘Rainbow Dash.’ said Twilight, signaling her athletic friend to stand down.

‘But Twilight…’ said Rainbow, trying to protest.

‘In case you haven’t noticed, they have us surrounded.’ said Twilight as she pointed at the Storm Troopers ‘And what good will it do if we’re dead and Luke has no one to turn to?’

Some of the troopers from behind them noticed that they referred Luke’s name. One signaled the other, with the Storm Troopers saying ‘Set weapons for…’

When all of a sudden, the seven Storm Troopers behind them shot the ones in front of them, taking the ponies by surprise. After they were shot down, one of the Troopers turned to the other and said ‘Sergeant, take four men with you and tell the rest of our men to regroup and have them meet us here.’

‘Sir.’ said the Trooper as he and the other three left.

The lead trooper looked at Twilight and the others and walked over to them. They were cautious at first, until he stood on one knee as he was in eye contact with them and asked ‘Are you alright?’

They were still stunned at first, with Fluttershy saying ‘Oh um, we’re fine. But…why did you take down one of your own?’

The soldier took off his helmet, revealing a soldier with dark skin, saying ‘My name is Kory, Commander of the Rebel Alliance.’

Their ears perked at that as Sandbar said ‘Wait, Rebel Alliance?’

‘So you’re all friends of Luke?’ asked Ocellus.

‘In a manner of speaking.’ said the Rebel Commander ‘I owe him my life, and so does every Rebel in the Alliance.’

‘Wait,’ said Applejack ‘If y’all are Rebels, then why are y’all dresses as them invaders?’

They saw twenty five more men coming in, wearing different uniforms, but bearing Rebel colors. The first three men tossed duffle bags to the Commander and the other two. The three removed the Storm Trooper armour as the Commander explained.

‘After the Death Star was destroyed,’ said the Commander as he and the others switched uniforms ‘General Organa feared that the Empire wouldn’t stand down without a fight, so she handpicked the best soldiers to infiltrate their ranks and we spent most of that time undercover to learn of their plans.’

‘It turned out,’ one of the Rebels said next to the Commander ‘Many of the Imperial Fleets were scattered throughout the Galaxy, trying to maintain their territories. But when we had them cornered, the Imperials tried to make their last stand at the planet of Jakku.’

‘It turned out, nine Imperial ships weren't there among the battle,’ said the other ‘And Admiral by the name of Val Kisto gathered the nine ships under his command. He was going to be part of the battle of Jakku, but when he heard where Luke was, he sent them here.’

‘Wait,’ said Smolder ‘All those ships with all of their armies, just to go after Luke?’

‘Skywalker defeated the Emperor and Darth Vader,’ said the Commander ‘That should give the Empire reason enough to send their ships after Luke.’

‘I can imagine.’ said Twilight ‘So what now?’

‘Right now, we need to find Skywalker.’ said the Commander ‘Once the town’s secure and everyone is safe, we’ll move out.’

‘We’ll help you.’ said Twilight ‘It’ll be much faster if you had help.’

‘We appreciate it ma’am.’ said the Commander.

They began to separate to ensure the town would remain secure whilst also instructing the civilians remain safe.

Back at Canterlot City, the Storm Troopers continued to try to maintain a grip throughout the city. However, law enforcement continues to try to fight back, but with the lack of weapon strength, they weren't standing much chance against them.

‘Move it!! Move it!!’ shouted one of the Storm Troopers as they brought in two more squads in order to subdue the civilian population.

As many of the Storm Troopers tried to contain the city, the Rainbooms tried their best to try to contain the situation. Human Rainbow Dash was using her super speed to grab most of the Storm Troopers’ weapons, as well as their ammo and brought it to the officers, who put them to good use.

Human Applejack used the super strength picked up most of the Imperial armour and tossed them against others, smashing them in the process. Human Twilight used her power to levitate most of the Storm Troopers and tossed them away, with human Fluttershy doing her best to evacuate most of the people, with Sunset helping her out. Human Rarity used her diamond shield to block the Storm Troopers’ blaster rounds. Human Pinkie on the other hand kept using her power to distract most of the Storm Troopers as there were cupcake messes all over their helmets and visors, even on their ships.

But many of the walkers continued to help the Storm Troopers as they pushed most of the Law Enforcement back, which resulted them to run as some of their vehicles exploded.

The Rainbooms soon got together and realized that no matter how hard they tried, it wasn’t enough.

‘It’s no use.’ said human Fluttershy.

‘They just keep coming!!’ said Rainbow Dash.

‘We need to even the odds a bit.’ said Sunset Shimmer.

When all of a sudden, a person they had never seen before, wearing some type of uniform, took out a rocket launcher and said ‘Firing!!’

He fired the rocket launcher, allowing the rocket to blow up one of the closest walkers. At the same time, three more showed up and fired their rockets, taking down their targets. At the same time, more and more of them showed up with their own blasters and fired their weapons.

‘Whoa, who are these guys?’ said human Rainbow Dash.

‘Get down!!’ shouted one of the Rebels, allowing the Rainbooms to quickly duck for cover.

As the firefighting continued, Sunset said ‘Who are you guys?!!’

‘My name is Captain Vale of the Rebel Alliance!!’ said the Rebel soldier.

‘Wait, you’re from the Rebellion?!’ said human Twilight.

‘Yes ma’am!!’ said the Rebel Captain ‘We were sent undercover to find out more of the Empire’s plans, until we found out that the last remnants were after Skywalker!!’

‘He came to us looking for help!!’ said human Applejack ‘He went to try to find knowledge of the Jedi so that he can restart the Order!!’

‘And now that the Empire’s here, things will go downhill from there!!’ said the Rebel Captain.

‘So where’s backup?!!’ shouted human Pinkie Pie.

‘They’ll be here shortly!!’ said the Rebel Captain ‘We have to hold out till they get here!!’

All over the world, many creatures continued with the fight against the Empire. The Dragons flew around and burned most of the Storm Troopers away, with the flying dragons taking down their Tie Fighters and their Walkers. The Changelings changed their shape into larger creatures, the Griffons flew around and dropped boulders on their targets, the Yaks used their strength to trap the Storm Troopers in snow, the Hippogriffs tossed the Storm Troopers in the oceans, Ponies continued to hold their line and many others performed admirably against their common enemies.

But from above the atmosphere, the Admiral waited patiently, for he wanted to bring an end to Skywalker, badly. One of the officers approached the Admiral with both his arms behind his back.

‘Status?’ said the Admiral.

‘Our forces reported of seeing Skywalker among the populace,’ said the Officer ‘But from the looks of things, they’re being met with heavy resistance.’

‘I see.’ said the Admiral, then turned to him and said ‘Deploy all battalions on the planet. Show them what happens when they resist the Empire.’

‘Yes sir.’ said the Officer as he signaled the others to send them in.

At the same time, many Imperial shuttles were sent in to deploy their forces, even the Admiral’s Star Destroyer, with two others following in tow, slowly ascended to the planet, for he wanted to personally deal with Skywalker.

‘We’ll be landing in a few moments sir.’ said the Officer.

‘Good,’ said the Admiral ‘The sooner we end the Jedi, the sooner we’ll…’

When all of a sudden, the Admiral was cut off as one of the other officers shouted ‘Admiral!! We have Rebel Ships coming in!!’

And from the northern direction, Rebel ships began to arrive. One was Home one, and the other was the Profundity, along with ten Mon Calamari Cruisers, six Nebulon-B frigates, five Medium Transports and sixteen Alderaan Cruisers and Hammerhead Corvettes. All of them flying in formation, heading straight towards the Imperial Fleets, along with Leia’s ship, the Tantive IV.

From within the bridge of Home One, Admiral Ackbar led the fleet as he said ‘All ships, prepare for immediate assault. All Rebel forces, board your transports. All fighters to your ships. This is not a drill, I repeat, this is not a drill.’

Every Rebel soldier boarded the U-Wings with heavy arsenals whilst every pilot quickly boarded their respected fighters as they were finished being fueled and ready to go, whilst their Astro Mechs were loaded.

But from among them, whilst Han, Chewbacca and Lando boarded the Millennium Falcon, Leia spoke to over thirty soldiers, who all volunteered to be part of her assault team.

‘All units, let’s get on board, we have a friend to save.’ said Leia as she walked towards the Falcon, with the others following suit.

Sure enough, the Falcon flew out of the hanger, with every fighter in tow from every ship.

(I tried the best I could, but I read that from each squadron there happens to be thirteen fighters. I know I’m not accurate, but leave your comments below so that I can help fix the mistake)

As Han continued to fly the Falcon past the ships, Leia began to contact every fighter throughout every Squadron.

‘All fighters report in.’ said Leia as she contacted them.

‘This is Rogue Leader, standing by.’ said Wedge Antilles, leading his group of mixed fighters of X-Wings and Y-Wings.

‘This is Vanguard Leader, standing by.’ said a new pilot known as Kierah Koovah, leading her own mixed fighters as well.

‘This is Blue Leader, standing by.’ said the blue coated X-Wing pilot.

‘This is Red Leader, standing by.’ said the red coated X-Wing pilot.

‘This is Gold Leader, standing by.’ said the Y-Wing Pilot.

‘This is Grey Leader, standing by.’ said the A-Wing Pilot.

‘This is Green Leader, standing by.’ said the B-Wing Pilot.

‘This is Teal Leader, standing by.’ said the U-Wing Pilot as he led the U-Wing Transports.

‘This is Phoenix Leader, standing by.’ said a familiar Twi’Lek, General Syndulla, leading twice as many fighters of different ships under her command from her respect ship, the Ghost.

‘Lock S-foils in attack position.’ said Leia.

Sure enough, the X-Wings, B-Wings and U-Wings were doing just that.

‘May be Force be with us.’ said Leia to herself.

‘Admiral,’ said Lando ‘This is General Calrissian. We’re gonna need an opening if we’re to push past the blockade if we’re to reach Luke in time.’

‘Roger that General.’ said Admiral Ackbar ‘All small crafts, engage enemy ships, clear a path for our fighters. All heavy ships, engage enemy Star Destroyers.’

As they continued to make way, the Imperial Fleets responded by sending in hundreds of TIE Fighters straight towards them.

‘TIE Fighters, coming in!!’ said Red Leader.

‘Stay in formation!!’ said Leia.

As the Fighters from every squadron flew straight towards the TIE Fighters, the Alderaan Cruisers and Hammerhead Corvettes flew among them as they too had their weapons ready.

Leia then contacted Syndulla and said ‘General Syndulla, you lead the squadrons against the TIE Fighters. Vanguard Squadron, Rogue Squadron, follow me. Protect the U-Wings at all costs.’

‘Roger that General.’ said Kierah Koovah.

‘Right behind you Leia.’ said Wedge Antilles.

The Millennium Falcon, along with Vanguard and Rogue Squadron, changed their course and flew towards the planet’s surface, with all of the U-Wings in tow in order to reinforce Luke and those who are fighting alongside him.

At the same time, Hera lead all of the Squadrons as they flew straight towards the enemy.

‘All units, engage.’ said Hera.

Sure enough, the fighters scattered and continued to engage the enemy, with the Cruisers and Corvettes helping them to clear a path.

But from below the ground, whilst Twilight and the others, along with Kory and his fellow Rebels, continued to make their way toward Canterlot, whilst they also had to deal with a handful of Storm Troopers along the way.

‘Pony feathers,’ said Rainbow Dash to herself ‘They just keep coming!!’

‘The Empire really knows how to get under your scales.’ said Smolder.

As they continued up the path, they were blocked off by a large squad of Storm Troopers, along with a few of their walkers.

‘Halt, Rebel Scum!!’ shouted one of the Storm Troopers.

‘Oh great,’ said Spike ‘Here we go again.’

Just as they were prepared to fight, one of the Rebels shouted ‘Look!!’

They looked to their right and as if right on cue, a handful of X-Wings and Y-Wings flew down to aid them.

‘This is Rogue Leader,’ said Wedge as he contacted the Commander ‘We’re starting our attack run.’

They flew by as the X-Wings fired on the Walkers whilst the Y-Wings dropped bombs onto the Storm Troopers. With the path clear, the Rebel soldiers on the ground cheered for their air support.

‘Friends of yours?’ said Applejack.

‘They sure are.’ said the Commander as he contacted them ‘This is Commander Kory, any Rebel ships receiving?’

‘Good to hear your voice Commander.’ said Leia.

‘Ma’am,’ said the Commander ‘We’re in need of reinforcements, transmitting our coordinates now.’

‘We’re receiving them.’ said Han.

Chewbacca grunted a couple of times to the others, with a certain droid saying ‘Chewbacca says that half of the Empire’s forces are attempting to take over the neighboring cities on this planet.’

‘Rogue Squadron, Vanguard Squadron,’ said Leia as she contacted them ‘Head out to the other towns, make sure that the Empire’s grip doesn’t tighten their grips.’

‘Roger that General.’ said Wedge as his Squadron followed them ‘We’re on our way.’

‘Leave it to us ma’am.’ said Kierah Koovah

As both Rogue and Vanguard Squadron flew in a different direction, the Millennium Falcon landed near them whilst the two U-Wings hovered above them. The ramp opened, allowing Han, Lando, Leia, Chewbacca and 3PO to come out.

The Commander walked up to them, stood near them and saluted ‘Ma’am.’

‘Commander,’ said Leia ‘Good to see you. Looks like we arrived just in time.’

‘What’s the status down here?’ said Han.

‘The Storm Troopers have been deployed in most of the towns and cities.’ said the Commander ‘And Skywalker happens to be at the capitol, but the Empire’s already invading there with heavy force. Commander Rex and his Platoons are there assisting in the city’s defenses now.’

‘Are the inhabitants helping Luke at least?’ asked Lando.

‘They are.’ said the Commander ‘They can tell you themselves.’

He gestured to Twilight and the others, much to Han and the others’ surprise.

‘What exactly am I seeing here?’ said Han, which caused Leia to slap his shoulder.

Twilight walked up to them and said ‘Greetings. My name is Twilight Sparkle, one of the ruling Princesses of Equestria.’

She then gestured to her friends and students. ‘These are my friends. Spike, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst. And those six are my students. Sandbar, Ocellus, Gallus, Silverstream, Yona and Smolder.’

Fluttershy was distracted when she saw Chewbacca, causing her to fly up and said ‘Oh my gosh, you’re so adorable.’

She ended up nuzzling against Chewbacca’s furry cheeks, which in turn, caused the Wookiee to hug Fluttershy with his usual happy grunts, making her giggle.

3PO walked up to them and said ‘Greetings. My name is C-3PO, human Cyborg, relations.’

‘Oh, so you must be 3PO.’ said Rarity as she walked up to him ‘Our friend Luke spoke highly of you. He never did say that you happen to have extra shine on you. It looks simply divine.’

‘Oh, thank you.’ said 3PO as he felt flattered.

‘Name’s Lando,’ said the man with charm ‘Lando Calrissian. These two are Han Solo, and Leia Organa.’

‘Oh, Luke’s sister,’ said Twilight ‘He told us all about you.’

‘Are you friends with him?’ asked Leia.

‘We sure are.’ said Applejack as she tilted her hat back in place.

Leia couldn’t help but smile and said ‘Well any friend of Luke’s a friend of ours.’

‘Never mind that,’ said Han as he walked up to them and said ‘Have any of you seen Luke?’

‘He’s up at Canterlot.’ said Rainbow Dash as she pointed at the capitol of Equestria ‘He’s searching for the entrance to the Temple. I’m pretty sure that those Storm Troopers happen to be up there too.’

‘Then we’d better hurry.’ said Leia.

When all of a sudden, the Ebon Hawk came from out of nowhere and landed close by and landed close to them.

‘The Ebon Hawk?’ asked Twilight.

The ramp opened and suddenly R2 popped out as he beeped a few times.

‘Wait, R2-D2?’ said 3PO ‘What are you doing?’

Artoo beeped a couple of times, with Leia saying ‘You were worried about your friends and you wanted to help?’

Artoo beeped again to where they need to go. 3PO translated and said ‘It seems that a woman named Sunset Shimmer and her friends need help at Canterlot City, for the Storm Troopers are invading there in full force.’

‘Then we’d better get there first.’ said the Commander ‘Captain Vale and his troops are over there helping the law enforcement trying to defend themselves.’

‘Then let’s get going.’ said Lando ‘We don’t leave our own behind.’

‘We’ll come along too.’ said Rainbow Dash.

Both sides began to board the Falcon and Hawk, allowing them to quickly take off and flew straight towards Canterlot City, with two of the U-Wings in tow.

At Canterlot City, the Law Enforcement were being forced back as they used their vehicles to form a defensive wall, with the Storm Troopers still coming in full force, along with their heavy armour support.

Captain Vale and half of his men stood in defense with them, whilst the Rainbooms did their best to treat the other Rebels’ wounds.

‘Oh dang,’ said human Applejack when she saw that the Rebel was bleeding badly ‘Ah need something to…’

‘Here,’ said that the Captain as he handed her a medical kit ‘It has what you need to close up the wound.’

Applejack quickly took it and began to work on sealing the wound. As much as she was relieved that the Rebel was going to be okay, she was worried that they might not make it through the fight.

‘Keep pushing through!!’ shouted one of the Storm Troopers ‘Leave none standing!!’

But as they marched, they were suddenly shot down. Sunset and the others looked up and saw the Millennium Falcon, the Ebon Hawk and the two U-Wing fighters landed, allowing them to quickly deploy the troops, as all of them ran and began to shoot their way, assisting the Captain, with Han and the others in tow.

‘Pilots!!’ shouted Han as he contacted the U-Wing pilots ‘Get in the air and cover us!!’

‘Roger that, inbound.’ said the pilot as the two quickly took off.

The Rebels continued to fend off the Storm Troopers whilst some of them tended to the wounded.

‘Whoa, more Rebels?’ said human Applejack.

‘The Rebel Alliance came to the rescue.’ said Spike as he was near the others.

‘But they need to get to Luke, fast.’ said Rainbow Dash.

‘No problem.’ said human Rainbow ‘Let’s wrap this up fast and we’ll be done in no time.’

‘Easier said than done, kid.’ said Han before he took a few pot shots at the first two Storm Troopers, with Chewbacca growling as he used his bow blaster to take down a few more.

But from the planet’s orbit, the Imperial Fleet continued to engage the Rebel Fleet. The Star Destroyers flew in a triangle formation, whilst the Rebel Fleets surrounded them from all directions. The TIE fighters continued to be a nuisance trying to defend the fleet, but thankfully, the Rebel fighters kept them at bay, whilst the Alderaan Cruisers and Hammerhead Corvettes continued to be trouble for the Imperials.

‘I want all TIE Bombers to focus on those ships!!’ shouted the Captain ‘We’ve got to break their hold!!’

The TIE Bombers flew in formation and flew straight towards Home One.

‘General Syndulla,’ said Admiral Ackbar as he contacted them ‘TIE Bombers are heading towards Home One.’

‘I’m on the way Admiral,’ said Hera whilst she steered the Ghost and said ‘Phoenix Squadron, on me. We have a ship to protect.’

The Ghost flew straight back to Home One whilst the rest of Phoenix Squadron flew behind her.

A handful of X-Wings coated in blue continued to fly in a three man formation, with Blue Leader saying ‘Blue Two, Blue Three, follow my lead. We need to try and take out one of the Star Destroyer’s Deflector shields.’

The X-Wings coated in blue flew straight towards one of the Star Destroyers, allowing them to release their Proton Torpedoes before departing, allowing the Torpedoes to destroy the Bridge Deflector Shields

‘This is Green Leader, we’re starting our attack run.’ said the pilot in the B-Wing.

The squadron of B-Wings were in triangle formation, allowing them to unleash its blockade buster, firing the beam straight towards the Star Destroyer, destroying the bridge, allowing it to enter the atmosphere and burn upon entry.

‘This is Gold Leader, prepare for bombard run.’ said the Y-Wing pilot as he and his fellow Y-Wing pilots flew towards the next Star Destroyer, allowing them to release their Ion bombs, allowing most of the ship to shut down, making it fly off course towards the next one, causing it to explode on impact.

The TIE bombers continued to fly towards Home One, until Syndulla and her fellow Phoenix Squadron flew right behind them.

‘Phoenix Squadron, take them down.’ said Hera as she continued to fly straight towards the TIE Bombers.

Phoenix Squadron fired upon the TIE Bombers, destroying them in the process, saving Home One in the Process.

‘Home One, you are all clear.’ said Hera.

‘Appreciate it General Syndulla.’ said Ackbar.

Back on the ground, the Rebels continued to fend off the Storm Troopers, until the Storm Troopers felt they were being overwhelmed.

‘Fall back!! Fall Back!! We need to regroup!!’ shouted the Storm Trooper Commander as he led what Storm Troopers they have left to the transports, with the Rebels cheering for their retreat.

‘Yeah, you’d better run!!’ shouted human Rainbow.

‘Let’s not get too ahead of ourselves.’ said Sunset.

‘She’s right,’ said Lando as he stood next to her ‘They’re going on a full retreat so that they could regroup.’

3PO contacted them and said ‘Generals. We need to leave immediately.’

‘What’s wrong 3PO?’ asked Leia.

‘Artoo has been monitoring Imperial chatter and says that all the remaining Imperials Storm Troopers are to regroup with Admiral Val Kisto of the Imperial Fleet.’

‘Where is he now?’ said Han.

‘He’s currently leading three Star Destroyers straight towards what appears to be a castle.’ said 3PO.

Twilight was shocked when she overheard him and said ‘That’s where Luke and the rest of the Princesses are.’

‘We’d better get there double time.’ said Lando.

As two of the U-Wings landed to pick up its troops and some going with the others to the Falcon and Hawk, Leia contacted the others on the planet.

‘All fighters on the surface, I want everyone to regroup at this world’s capitol immediately. We have to stop the Imperial ships.’

‘Copy that Leia,’ said Wedge Antilles ‘Rogue and Vanguard Squadron inbound.’

Rouge Squadron and Vanguard Squadron, along with all of the U-Wings who had just picked up their soldiers, all flew straight towards Canterlot with great speed.

‘Admiral, this is Solo,’ said Han as he contacted the Rebel Fleet ‘We need an extra squadron or two as well as some cruisers, the Admiral of the Imperial Fleet is still leading three Star Destroyers and is heading straight for this world’s capitol.’

‘Copy that Solo.’ said Ackbar as he and the rest of the Rebel Fleet were nearly finished with the Imperial Fleet. He then contacted the rest of the fighters and cruisers as he said ‘All Squadrons, Cruisers and Corvettes, this is Admiral Ackbar, all units head planet side, there are still three Imperial ships that need to be dealt with.’

‘Roger that Admiral,’ said Syndulla ‘All Fighters, move out.’

As Hera lead Phoenix Squadron, Red, Blue, Gold, Grey, Green and Teal Squadrons were following in tow, along with the Corvettes and Cruisers.

At the same time, near Canterlot, the Imperial Fleet had deployed more Storm Troopers, and all of them were marching towards the Walls of the kingdom, where the civilians have been evacuated whilst every guard continued to strengthen the defenses.

Many of the guards were injured as they were being taken away, and even with the Unicorns’ help, they still were being overrun.

‘We can’t keep this up for long!!’ shouted Rockhoof.

‘We need to fall back!!’ shouted Flash Magnus.

‘No, we cannot let them attack the city!!’ shouted Luna.

When all of a sudden, they saw an elderly human come along with a rocket launcher, aimed at one of the Imperial Walkers and fired the weapon, allowing the Walker to blow up and collapse onto the ground.

But he wasn’t alone, the rest of his Rebel group gathered on the wall, using their blasters, snipers, light machine blasters and rockets to drive the Imperial soldiers at bay, causing most of the Imperial ground vehicles to move up front to serve as cover whilst the Imperials quickly hid behind it to ensure that they would be well protected before they could advance.

‘Come on, come on!!’ shouted Rex ‘I want all medical officers to take the city guards away from here and have their wounds treated at once!!’

Most of the medical officers quickly took the injured ponies away from the walls and a little further away towards town square, hoping to have their wounds treated without any interruptions or distractions.

‘Who are you?’ said Luna.

‘Commander Rex of the Rebel Alliance.’ said Rex.

Celestia’s ears perked by that name, as she said ‘As in Captain Rex of the 501st Clone Battalion?’

Rex was surprised by that, allowing him to look at Celestia. ‘Uh, yeah. How did…?’

‘Luke Skywalker told us about you.’ said Luna.

Celestia then had a saddened look on her face as she placed a hoof on his shoulder and said ‘I am also sorry for your loss. I know what it feels like to lose a sibling through the harshness of fate.’

Rex lowered his eyes for a bit to process this, then looked at them and said ‘Appreciate it ma’am.’

‘Incoming!!’ shouted one of the soldiers, causing them to duck for cover.

‘We need to find a way to keep them away from the city!!’ shouted one of the soldiers.

‘Incoming Star Destroyers!!’ shouted the second rebel.

They looked at the sky and were shocked to see the Star Destroyers coming from the distance.

‘They’re going to deploy more troops?!’ said Luna.

‘Worse,’ said Rex, who looked back at the Princesses ‘If they get within a few more feet close, they’ll bombard the entire city!!’

The Princesses were shocked to hear this, even the Pillars.

‘Lieutenant!!’ shouted Rex to the Rebel soldier next to him ‘Get on the radio and find out if we’re getting any support!!’

When all of a sudden ‘No worries Commander.’ said Leia ‘We’re coming in hot and inbound.’

They heard the sound of starship engines coming closer. When they turned back, they saw the Millennium Falcon and Ebon Hawk land further away, as well as the U-Wings to deploy their soldiers, whilst at the same time, Rogue Squadron and Vanguard Squadron flew straight towards the three Star Destroyers in order to stall them, whilst the Y-Wings were able to bombard the Imperials close to the gates. It may have stalled them, but they continued to advance.

Sure enough, every Rebel began to land and formed into groups, with Leia and the others, along with Twilight and her friends to quickly gather near the plaza. When all of a sudden, they saw a handful or Rebel Medics, along with the Pony Guard, carrying more of their injured.

‘We need more medics here!!’ said the one Rebel soldier.

Many of the Rebel Medics ran over to give the others aid, with Leia walking over to one of them and said ‘Lieutenant, what’s the status?’

‘Captain Rex and his group are at the walls helping the Princesses defenses at the city gates.’ said the Rebel ‘The Fighters may have stalled them, but it’s only a matter of time before the rest of their forces arrive.’

‘Commander,’ said Leia as she looked at them ‘I want you and your forces to go to the walls and help Rex defend the walls.’

‘Yes ma’am.’ said Commander Kory, then looked at the others and said ‘You heard the general, move it.’

The Commander and his group darted towards the walls to give Rex the aid he needed.

‘Captain,’ said Leia ‘I want you and your group to stay behind and make sure the rest of our Troops to secure the city to make sure the civilians stay safe.’

‘Yes ma’am.’ said the Captain with a salute.

‘What are we going to do?’ said Han.

‘We need to find Luke.’ said Leia ‘We don’t know how many Storm Troopers might be in the city.’

‘We’ll go with you.’ said Twilight.

‘Yeah, Luke’s our friend too.’ said Rainbow Dash ‘No way we’re going to leave a friend hanging.’

Chewbacca growled and moaned a couple of times, agreeing with them.

‘You sure Chewie?’ said Lando.

Artoo came along and beeped, agreeing with them too.

‘Oh, I am not much one of violence,’ said 3PO ‘But I wish to help too.’

‘Alright then, what are we waiting for?’ said human Rainbow Dash with an eager attitude.

Leia closed her eyes, using the Force to try and find her brother. After a few moments, she looked up and said ‘Let’s go.’

Leia ran ahead, with the others following suit in order to catch up with Luke.

At the same time, the three Destroyers continued with their current course as the Admiral said ‘Deploy more troops at once.’

‘Yes sir.’ said one of the officers.

‘Sir!!’ shouted the second one ‘We got incoming Rebel Fighters!!’

From above, Hera Syndulla flew the Ghost straight towards the three Star Destroyers, along with Rogue and Vanguard Squadron when they regrouped with her, with Red, Blue, Gold, Grey, Green and Teal Squadrons in tow, with the Corvettes and Cruisers not far behind.

‘All ships, deploy all fighters!!’ shouted the Admiral.

And right on cue, hundreds of TIE Fighters flew out to engage the enemy. As the TIE Fighters were drawing closer, both sides fired at one another, causing some of the fighters from both sides to be hit before they quickly scattered and flew in different directions with the Corvettes and Cruisers in tow.

However, Rogue Squadron and Vanguard Squadron, along with three Corvettes and Cruisers, flew straight for the three Star Destroyers.

‘Vanguard Leader, this is Rogue Leader,’ said Wedge as he contacted Kierah Koovah ‘Have our A-Wings, X-Wings and B-Wings fly in to distract most of the ship’s turbo lasers whilst our bombers try to do their attack runs by deploying their EMP’s.’

‘Roger that Rogue Leader.’ said Kierah Koovah as they continued to make way.

At the same time, from within the Star Destroyers, Admiral Val Kisto said ‘Prepare all my Death Troopers and two squads of Storm Troopers have them meet me at the hanger bay.’

‘Sir?’ said one of the Officers.

‘I’ll handle this myself.’ said the Admiral, before he stopped in front of the Captain and said ‘Captain, take charge of the Star Destroyers.’

‘Yes sir.’ said the Imperial Captain before he left whilst Admiral Val Kisto headed towards the hangers.

From the Canterlot City Walls, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna watched as the battle takes to the skies, leaving them in awe.

‘What are they doing?’ said Celestia.

‘The rest of the New Republic Fleets,’ said Rex ‘They’re trying to stall their fighters whilst the rest will try to destroy their ships.’

‘Rex!!’ shouted Commander Kory, gaining Rex and the others’ attention as they saw the Commander and Rebel reinforcements arriving to give them a helping hand.

Rex ran down the stairs and regrouped with the Captain whilst the rest of the Rebels climb the walls.

‘What’s the status Commander?’ said Rex.

‘The rest of the Medical officers at the town square trying to tend to the wounded,’ said the Commander ‘General Organa and her team are on their way to regroup with Skywalker.’

‘Then we shall leave to aid them too.’ said Celestia. ‘Commander, can I trust all of you to hold the walls until Luke achieves what he’s seeking.’

‘We’ll do our best your highness.’ said the Commander as he saluted.

‘Come on, come on!!’ shouted Rex ‘We’ve got more incoming Storm Troopers inbound!!’

The Commander, Captain and the rest of the Rebels quickly joined Rex and his Platoon to hold the walls whilst Celestia, Luna and the Pillars quickly left.

At the same time, unknown to many, five Imperial Shuttles flew down on the opposite side of Canterlot without anyone noticing. They soon landed at a clearing nearby as they landed in line formation. One by one, the ramps lowered, allowing two Platoons of Storm Troopers, two Platoons of Elite Storm Troopers, and an entire Platoon of Death Troopers to run out of the ramps to form a square formation. Admiral Val Kisto, with four of his Death Troopers accompanying him, walked out last and looked around.

‘So, this is what this world looks like.’ said the Admiral. ‘Primitives. And they haven’t mastered space travel.’

‘Sir.’ said one of the Storm Troopers ‘We’ve detected Skywalker’s Astromech.’

‘Then he must not be far behind.’ said the Admiral ‘Let us move.’

As the Admiral moved forward, the Storm Troopers and Death Troopers followed suit.

At the same time, as the Mane 6 and the others ran beside Leia and the others, Celestia and Luna came along as Celestia said ‘Thank goodness we caught up with you.’

‘Princesses.’ said Twilight ‘We were just on our way to find Luke.’

‘He’s not far.’ said Leia ‘I can feel him.’

Artoo suddenly beeped frantically, causing the others to look at him, with Lando saying ‘Artoo, what’s wrong?’

3PO quickly made out what he said as he said ‘Oh my!! Artoo says that he has detected a large number of Storm Troopers on the opposite side of the city, and that they’re heading towards Master Luke’s location.’

‘Then what are we waiting for!!’ said Sandbar ‘Let’s hurry.’

They quickly ran towards Luke’s location with great haste.

Luke, who continued with his path, looked around as he was walking down the stairway. Sure enough, he stopped in front of something. To his surprise, it had the symbol of the Jedi Order.

‘I’ve found it.’ said Luke as he looked at it. Without hesitation, he quickly raised his hand and focused using the Force.

He continued to dig deeper and deeper, until finally, he felt something. The symbol of the Order began to glow, allowing a large door to reveal itself as it began to shine. Sure enough, the doors began to open. But something was wrong. The doors began to glow brighter and brighter. The moment it was enough for someone to peak through, the door flashed a bright light, causing Luke to cover his eyes.

At the same time, the blinding light began to cover all of Canterlot, taking many to notice.

‘What’s going on?!!’ shouted Twilight as she and the others quickly covered their eyes, as did Admiral Val and his Storm Troopers.

But it didn’t stop there, the light continued to consume the entire world. So bright in fact, that the Imperial and Rebel Fleets were consumed by them too. There was a bright light, and then nothing but darkness.

Twilight and the others moaned a bit, as if they had just woken up from a dream.

‘Twilight,’ came a voice ‘Are you alright?’

Twilight was able to open her eyes, and she saw Luke.

‘Luke?’ said Twilight as she was able to stand up, with the rest of the Mane 6, Starlight, Sunburst, Spike, Celestia, Luna, the Young Six and the Pillars following suit ‘Where are we?’

‘A good question.’ said Luke as they noticed the entire room was empty, filled with darkness, but enough light for them to see each other, as well as filled with stone pillars and rocks from around as if a long forgotten civilization once resided in.

‘Luke.’ said a familiar voice to Luke. He looked to his right and saw a familiar face.

‘Leia.’ responded Luke as he walked over to her and gave her a hug.

They broke the hug as Leia said ‘It’s great to see you. I wish we could’ve met under different circumstances.’

‘It doesn’t matter,’ said Luke ‘I’m just glad to see all of you again.’

Chewbacca came over and hugged Luke with its usual growls and moans, making Luke laugh about it.

‘Hey kid,’ said Han as he walked towards Luke after Chewbacca released him. He smiled and extended his hand to Skywalker and said ‘Good to see you again.’

Luke couldn’t help but keep his smile and said ‘It’s good to see you again old friend.’

When all of a sudden ‘Twiley?’

Twilight turned around and to her surprise, it was none other than Shining Armour and Cadance, along with Flurry Heart.

‘Shining Armour?’ said Twilight as she went over to him and said ‘What are you doing here?’

‘I don’t know,’ said Cadance ‘One moment we were doing our royal duties to the Crystal Empire, next thing we knew we saw a blinding light and ended up here.’

‘Uh, not just you.’ said Pinkie.

As they watched, they saw Principle Celestia and Vice-Principle Luna, along with most of Canterlot High, as well as most of the residence in Ponyville. Even Rex, Ackbar and many of the Rebel soldiers.

‘What is going on here.’ said Principle Celestia.

‘Where are we?’ said Vice-Principle Luna.

‘We happen to be in the between realm of the Force.’ said Luke as he looked around.

‘Between realm?’ said Twilight.

‘Yes,’ said Luke as he looked around ‘From what Master Yoda told me, he said that there was a time that the Jedi of old were afraid that even their most powerful knowledge would be lost to the Sith and their Empire, so they were able to find a place where they could store much of their knowledge. Only problem was, the secrets of the very Jedi who traveled to this world died with them. So no one would know where to go.’

‘But where should we even go from here?’ said Han.

Just before Luke could say anything, a voice shouted loud ‘Skywalker!!’

Everyone turned around and saw Admiral Val Kisto, along with his Death Troopers, Storm Troopers and Elite Storm Troopers, marching towards them as they slowly began to spread out. However, the Rebels quickly stood in line themselves to defend the civilians whilst Luke pulled out his Lightsaber to prepare for a fight ahead of him, whilst Han, Chewbacca, Leia and Lando pulled out their blasters and pointed at the Storm Troopers, whilst the Mane 6, Starlight, Sunburst, the Rainbooms, Spike, his doggy counterpart, the Pillars and the Young Six stood by their side, ready for another brawl.

‘Long have I waited for this moment.’ said the Admiral ‘This war is over and you have lost.’

‘Dude, get over it already!!’ shouted Rainbow Dash ‘The Emperor’s dead, your so called Empire is in shambles and every world from your galaxy rose up against you!! The Empire’s done and so are you.’

‘Is that so?’ said Admiral Val ‘Look around you, this is no longer about the Emperor. You may have stopped Operation Cinder, but even if we’re no longer here, Operation Resurrection will continue without anyone’s interference.’

Leia’s ears perked at that.’ “Operation Resurrection”?’ muttered Leia to herself.

‘The Empire may be gone, but we will ensure that those who caused its downfall will suffer for their sacrilege.’ said the Admiral, then turned to his Storm Troopers and said ‘Storm Troopers, line formation.’

The Storm Troopers marched in line formation and stood firmly as the first line crouched on one knee whilst the second stood in place.

‘Ready!!’ shouted the Admiral, allowing the Storm Troopers to arm themselves.

The Civilians hid behind Twilight and the others in fear, whilst the heroes of Equestria, along with the Last Jedi, the leader of the Rebellion and their soldiers held their position, ready to strike back.

‘Aim!!’ shouted the Admiral. When all of a sudden…

The sound of a breathing apparatus went off, causing all to be silent and slowly looked around. For the new individuals in the room, it was new to them. However, the Rebels, the Storm Troopers and both sides of their leaders, recognized the sound, for all of them have heard of it before.

‘Impossible.’ said Lando.

All of them slowly turned to the noise that came from within the darkness.

‘It can’t be.’ said Han.

It was silent for a few moments as the breathing apparatus continued to be sound through the ears of others. When all of a sudden, a red Lightsaber activated, revealing a dark individual from within. It slowly began to walk out in the open to reveal himself. The individual was wearing a type of armour, whilst a type of computer was operating on his chest, whilst wearing a helmet that none could describe. Many were shockened to see who that mysterious person was.

‘Lord Vader.’ said the Admiral in disbelief.

‘Father.’ responded Luke with his eyes going wide.

The Mane 7 and their human counterparts were all shocked to see who it was, for it was none other than Anakin Skywalker, aka Darth Vader, the Dark Lord of the Sith. Most of the Fillies and Colts, with the CMC and Flurry Heart among them, frightened as they never saw a terrifying being.

The Admiral on the other hand, who swore his loyalty to the Emperor and Vader, walked over to the Dark Lord of the Sith. Leia wanted to stop him, but Luke stopped her, motioning her not to intervene, making her realize that he knows something.

Admiral Val stood near him and bowed to the Dark Lord of the Sith.

‘Lord Vader.’ said the Admiral ‘I didn’t want to believe the rumors that you were gone, and I am glad to see you are unharmed. As I have served you since the founding of the Empire, I wish to continue to serve under your…’

However, Admiral Val was suddenly cut off, for he felt like he was being choked. He instantly grabbed his throat, trying desperately to breathe. And within mere moments, he was lifted as if he was standing on his feet, only for him to float whilst still choking.

To everyone’s shock and horror, they saw Vader had revealed his left hand whilst showing his hand was grasping, but it was aimed at the Admiral, raising him from the ground as he was being choked to death.

‘W…what’s going on?’ said Shining Armour as he was feeling a slight sense of fear.

‘Force Grip.’ said Luke ‘The signature move of the Sith.’

The Admiral, continued to struggle breathing, but he looked at Vader with his one eye opened.

‘Why?’ said the Admiral ‘We have…pledged our…loyalty to you. To serve you…just as you…served the…Emperor.’

Vader took a few steps forward as his apparatus was still breathing, whilst his grip was still on the Admiral. Vader slowly turned to the Admiral.

Vader responded to three words and three words only. ‘I. Serve. No one.’

And within one swift motion, Vader grasped his hand in a flash, causing Admiral Val’s neck to snap as he screamed in pain whilst collapsing onto the ground, much to everyone’s horror. The Storm Troopers on the other hand, looked at Vader in shock, as the Lord of the Sith continued to stare down at them for some reason.

Out of fear, the Lieutenant of the Storm Troopers shouted ‘OPEN FIRE!!!’

Within moments, the Storm Troopers began to fire at the Lord of the Sith whilst everyone else continued to watch.

Vader used his Lightsaber to deflect the blaster fire as he walked towards them, causing him to redirect them at the Storm Troopers, killing five of them and five of the Elite Troopers. The next two Troopers tried to shoot, until Vader used the Force to freeze them in place, allowing him to gut them down with one stroke. The split second Vader lowered his saber, he used the Force to push five blaster rounds back, killing the first Death Troopers as they were struck through their heads.

Vader used the Force to pull five of the Elite Storm Troopers’ blasters from their hands, allowing him to gut them down with ease. Three more Death Troopers tried to take their shots, but they unfortunately fell victim to Vader’s Force grip, making them rise up in the air, choking them and tossed them aside hard against the wall. Vader struck the next three Storm Troopers left and right, the used Force Push to launch the five Elite Storm Troopers far, whilst using his Lightsaber as he threw it, allowing him to strike down the five Death Troopers near him.

Everyone watched in horror as they now see Vader’s abilities first hand. For the Storm Troopers couldn’t even stop him and no matter how hard they tried, Vader still cut them down as if they were nothing but waste of space.

‘Sweet Celestia.’ muttered Twilight, horrified by what Vader was displaying.

‘You mentioned of how your father fell into darkness Skywalker.’ said Luna as she too was in shock.

‘But we never expected anything like this.’ said Celestia, just as shocked.

‘Wait,’ said Shining Armour ‘His father?’

Twilight looked at Shining Armour and Cadance, telling them of Vader’s past.

‘He was once an honorable Jedi, who was one of the protectors of their Republic alongside ten thousand more like him, but when he had a vision of his wife dying, without him realizing that he was the cause, he ended up betraying the Jedi and killed them all, even the children that would be the next generation. He was even responsible for bringing down the Republic and turned it into an evil Empire. He betrayed his own Order, turned to Darkness, and killed his fellow Jedi, children, and political leaders, all for the sake of protecting the woman he loves, only to realize that his sacrifice had been in vain, and because of the Emperor, a Sith Master who manipulated him from the shadows, any bit of good in him was gone.’

Shining, Cadance, and those who listened, were shocked to find out more about the Sith’s past. But then they heard more screaming, meaning Vader was far from done killing the Storm Troopers.

He had already killed all of the Storm Troopers and seven of the Death Troopers. But he was far from finished. Vader struck the ground, creating dust that temporarily blinded them, but they blindly fired anyway. When the dust settled, they saw he was no longer there.

Vader suddenly appeared from out of nowhere and jabbed his Lightsaber through the Death Trooper’s back, causing him to pull it out and disappear again. He reappeared between two more and cut them down too, whilst he disappeared again whilst the Storm Troopers kept shooting around. He reappeared again and sliced another Trooper, then sliced another’s leg, then again at the Trooper, before disappearing again. The Death Trooper quickly looked left and right, but couldn’t see Vader, until the Sith appeared, sliced the Death Trooper’s weapon in half, the jabbed it through its back, making the Death Trooper collapse.

The first four Death Troopers tried to attack Vader from all around, but he quickly deflected their blasts and struck them down before they even had a chance to blink. He walked straight towards the next Death Troopers. He sliced the first two, sliced the third’s weapon in half, then used Force Push to push the Trooper as far as possible, but the third tried to get to him, with Vader killing it in an instant. The next Death Trooper tried to attack, until Vader sliced the trooper in half too as he proceeded to the next ones.

He continued to deflect their blasters, until he trapped one against a stone pillar using a rock, then sliced the next trooper’s leg, then its head, much to the others’ shock. Vader walked towards the trapped one and sliced its chest too.

The last Death Troopers held their line as they continued to try to keep the pressure on the Sith, but no matter how hard they tried, Vader kept blocking their attacks as he sliced the first three with ease, then the fourth, whilst also Force Pushing the fifth away. Vader Force Pulled the nearest Death Trooper to him, allowing Vader to kill him upon impact. Vader used a type of boulder to crush the next Death Trooper, causing it to collapse. Vader then sliced the next one.

The last one however, did not stay down. Just as the Death Trooper was about to shoot, Vader used Force Grip and held the Trooper in its place. The Death Trooper muttered through the helmet and tried to shoot Vader, until the Sith gripped its fist, causing the Trooper’s armour to be crushed, killing it by the force, then making it collapse as it had no life to fight for.

Vader turned to the last five Elite Storm Troopers, all of them who are afraid whilst aiming their blasters at the Sith. Vader walked towards them in order to finish them off, when all of a sudden, a green Lightsaber flew straight towards Vader, causing the Sith do deflect it. But as he looked left, the Lightsaber flew right back into its owner’s hand…Luke’s hand, allowing him to turn it off and placed it back in its hilt. Luke continued to stare down at the entity. He knew it was not his father, he knew it was part of the test. But he could still feel his father in it. The first time he fought against Vader, he barely survived and lost his hand. The second time, during their encounter in the Emperor’s presence, he stood somewhat of a chance. But now…now he was ready to face Vader, with all of the skills of both the Force and Lightsaber skills.

‘Unless you wish to be Vader’s victim,’ said Luke as he spoke to the last of the Storm Troopers ‘I suggest you stay clear.’

The Troopers quickly cowered behind the Rebels, not wanting to face Vader’s wrath and that they’d be met with the same fate as their fallen comrade would.

Luke took a couple of steps forward, then looked at both Leia and Twilight and said ‘Whatever happens. Don’t intervene.’

‘What?’ said a shockened Twilight.

‘But Luke…’ said Leia as she attempted to try and change his mind.

‘I need to do this.’ said Luke in his calm manner ‘It’s time to put the demons of our past to rest. I have learned much during my travels. It’s time that I put them to good use.’

Luke walked straight towards Vader, staring down at the Sith whilst walking to the right, still staring down at his opponent. After a bit of walking, Luke stood firmly on the ground, staring down at his Father turned Sith, staring down at one another. Everyone who looked at them were now extremely worried. Many have faced many threats before, and came back to live the tale. But to encounter a man like Vader, the man who was responsible for the destruction of the Temple and the death of his wife, Luke’s mother, was a whole different story.

For now the true fight had come.

The fight between Father and Son.