• Published 4th Feb 2022
  • 1,972 Views, 108 Comments

My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Life in Canterlot" - SaburoDaimando

A human girl learns to live in a world full of ponies, friendship, and corruption

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Arc 10-6: Bedlam at the Fair

Author's Note:

I would have split this into two separate parts. But I really wanted to go all out with Bedlam at the Fair and how high the stakes truly were. So I went all out with this part.

BTW. Can you find a certain reference to My Little Pony: Season 9 episode 25: The Ending of the End part 2 along with the Final Fantasy VII Remake?

Bedlam at the Fair

“So the leader of the Windigo’s Guild is a renegade alicorn,” Chancellor Cinch said as she couldn’t believe her eyes. “How did we not see this?”

“I’ve seen plenty of things in my lifetime,” Mr Bovine said. “But the cult leader turned out to be an alicorn? That’s new to me.”

Coldnelius Snap rips off what’s left of his coat and throws it to the ground as he extends his wings outward. He lets out a sinister laugh as he said “And you know what else is funny? Compared to those so-called Alicorn Sisters, I’m the real deal.”

“Mommy,” Wanda said as she held onto Princess Celestia. “What is that bad pony talking about?”

“It’s nothing to worry about, my darling,” Princess Celestia said as she held Wanda close to her. “Just a sadist spouting lies to confuse and addle you.”

Coldnelius Snap took a few steps forward and said “That’s right you precious little Man’s Cub. Keep eating the drivel that your mommy gives you. Not only am I more of a real alicorn, but I’m also far older and wiser. In fact, i’ve lived on this planet for far longer than those two fake alicorns, and their mother that they called Queen Eternia. Which is a shame, considering that Queen Icelina was a real alicorn compared to her older sister.

Princess Luna’s eyes shrunk down deeply as she held Sunset Shimmer close to her. The moon alicorn yelled out “DON’T YOU EVER TALK ABOUT OUR MOTHER OR AUNT AGAIN!” before firing off a powerful beam of magic right at Coldnelius Snap. The alicorn cult leader laughed as he absorbed the impact of the magic beam.

“Was that supposed to hurt me?” Coldnelius Snap said, completely unphased. “Oh I beg to differ, because this ain’t nothing more than a lump of gravy. In fact, it does a whole lot for the ice above you.”

Princess Luna stopped firing as she looked up. The ice stalactite above the group grew bigger and bigger, and even formed smaller stalactites right next to each other. Everyone minus Coldnelius Snap and the Windigo’s Guild grew scared as the stalactite took up much of the ceiling.

“He’s using our emotions in an attempt to skewer all of us with that ice,” Princess Luna said as she cowered in fear.

“Keep yourself calm and remember who you’re fighting for,” Princess Celestia said. “We have to do it for the younglings who are trapped with us, sister.”

“I’m sorry,” Princess Luna said as she let go of Sunset Shimmer. “But I took personal offense when he insulted our mother and aunt like that.”

“It’s okay,” Celestia said as Wanda let her arms go and dropped to the ground. “Truth be told, I would have done the same thing.”

Wanda looked up at the ice stalactites that pointed directly and her and everyone around as Abigail ran behind the man’s cub and hid in fear. They were twice the size of a roc, with smaller icicles forming. The tips of the icicles looked like they could pierce through them like a shish-ka-bob. They gleamed in the dome despite the sky being covered in dark clouds.

“Mommy,” Wanda said as she looked up in fear. “How are we going to get out of this mess?”

“Leave that to me,” Princess Celestia said as she pulled out a familiar slingshot and gave it to Wanda. “When the ice goes down, jump on Chancellor Cinch and ride off. Use that to defend yourself with.”

“Is this my slingshot?” Wanda said as she accepted her wooden ballista.

“I was going to let you use it in a game,” Princess Celestia said as she pulled out a bag full of seeds attached to a belt. “But considering the fact that you can easily exhaust yourself with your magic, you’ll need that plus some ammo.” Wanda took the belt with the seeds attached to it and wrapped it around her waist.

Chancellor Cinch walked up to Wanda and turned to her side before she said “Now hop on, Man’s Cub. I actually trust what your mother plans to do.” Without a second thought, Wanda leaps upwards onto Chancellor Cinch’s back with Abigail jumping up right behind her human companion.

Sunset walked up to Chancellor Cinch and said “Will she be alright?”

“I’ll make sure she is,” Chancellor Cinch said.

As Wanda and Abigail held on tight, Princess Celestia approached Coldnelius Snap with a smirk on her face.

“So the fake alicorn has come to surrender?” Coldnelius Snap said. “Well I was wondering if you do care for those kids and their grown ups.”

“Oh I do care for them,” Celestia said as she stepped forward. “Even if they weren’t my own children, I will still treat them as if they were.” She drew a smirk on her face and added “The same can’t be said of you and your cult, like the sad little stallion children you turned out to be.”

“What did…..you say?” Coldnelius Snap said as his teeth clenched down tightly and his eyes squinted with immense tension.

“You heard me,” Celestia said. “I know exactly what true love is about. A mother’s love. Sometimes mothers have to be gentle and kind, and sometimes they have to be harsh. But a mother’s love is what gives our children hope. You. on the other hand, are nothing more than a spoiled, rotten little brat in an Alicorn disguise.”

“I am more of a real alicorn than you’ll ever be,” Coldnelius Snap snarled as he slammed his hoof down onto the ground.

“A real alicorn?” Celestia said with a smile on her face. “Oh I would call you a fake pony. But I don’t want to make my daughter cry. In fact, even a fake pony is a far better character than the likes of you. Freezing Equestria in an eternal winter. You are, without a doubt, the most pathetic being I have ever met in my entire life.”

Coldnelius Snap looked tense. His eyes shrunk down to a mere dot. His hooves dug into the ground. His teeth held tightly. The magic on his horn glowed brightly as Celestia verbally tormented him.

“So you decided more than a thousand years ago that you wanted to freeze all of Equestria,” Celestia smirked. “Did you fail to take over the kingdom? Or did you think that was too easy a task.”

“I’LL FREEZE YOUR HEART FOR THIS, WITCH!” Coldnelius Snap yelled as he fired off a beam of pure ice. Celestia just stood there with a smug look on her face.

“Touched a nerve, didn’t I?” Celestia said with a deep grin.

With a flick of her neck, Celestia generated a magical force field, deflecting the beam of pure ice upwards. The beam hit the ceiling with enough force to shatter that and the ice stalactite hanging from it into numerous pieces. Celestia’s force field extended outward to surround the entire group as the shards of ice rain down on them. Some like Starlight Glimmer, Trixie, Fluttershy, Spoiled Rich, Buttercup, Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Ditzy Doo and even Wanda screamed as the ice shards bounced off the barrier.

“Well played,” Coldnelius Snap said as he raised his head, creating his own ice barrier to protect his own cultists against the falling ice shards. “Using my own emotions against me. I never thought for you to sink to my level.”

“You have no idea,” Princess Celestia said as the last ice shard bounced off the barrier before it disappeared.

With a kick of dust into the air, Chancellor Cinch ran as fast as possible with Wanda and Abigail holding on tight, dashing away from the group and from the Windigo’s Guild.

Becoming aware of Cinch taking Wanda away, Coldnelius Snap lowered his magic barrier as he yelled “DON’T LET THEM GET AWAY!” WIth their loyalty held high, many cultists from behind the group turned tail and ran towards the fleeing Chancellor Cinch, Wanda Young and Abigail Albright, firing off blasts of pure cold right at them.

Suddenly, Mr Bovine emerged from the group and charged at the fleeing cultists, knocking some of them to the ground, or right into various tents. The big bull held his side as he glanced at the fallen cultists and cracked a smile.

“Delinquents these days don’t have any respect for the innocent,” Mr Bovine chuckled.

But as Mr Bovine laughed at the misfortune of the fallen cult members, one zealot snuck up behind the big bull, with his horn glowing bright, ready to ambush the heffer, only to be knocked back by Rainbow Dash delivering a roundhouse punch to his face. Mr Bovine turned towards the rainbow pegasus and also saw Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Twilight Sparkle and Spike grouped up with her.

“What are you all doing?” Mr Bovine said in complete shock.

“We’ve got a friend to protect,” Pinkie Pie said. “And that friend is Wanda.”

“You do realize how dangerous this is,” Mr Bovine said.

“I know, Bovine,” Fluttershy said. “But Wanda is Twilight’s close friend, and we’re already in great danger.”

“And besides,” Rarity said as she stomped the ground in a huff. “No creep vandalizes the beauty of our fair and gets away with it.”

“Come on,” Twilight said. “We got a friend to protect.”

With a swift kick into the air, Twilight Sparkle ran off with Spike riding on her back. Right behind, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy ran off after the unicorn filly. Mr Bovine watched on as the six fillies ran off.

“How exactly did that unicorn become friends with Fluttershy and the others so far?” Mr Bovine said with a confused look on his face.

Meanwhile, the chaos created by the falling ice has caused a commotion into the crowd. Adults and fillies were defending themselves from the various members of the Windigo’s Guild. The madness within the crowd caused Starlight Glimmer to flee from the group, with Princess Luna and Trixie chasing after her.

“Come back, Starlight,” Luna yelled as she and Trixie continued their pursuit. “You’re in great danger.”

But as Starlight ran, a group of Windigo’s cultists surrounded the filly, with a few getting in the path of the Alicorn Princess and the young magician.

“Not another step,” The cultist said. “Or the filly’s a popsicle.”

Princess Luna glanced at the cultist, looking ready to blast him.

“You as much as to harm her,” Princess Luna snarled. “And I will blast you to oblivion.”

Within the cultist group, the various zealots laughed and taunted at the filly as she looked around in desperation, struggling to find an opening to run through.

“There’s nowhere to run, little princess,” One cultist said with a laugh.

“You have a cold future ahead of you,” Another one said as he and two others next to him approached Starlight, as tears fell from the youngling’s eyes and fear shook in her mouth.

“GET AWAY FROM ME!” Starlight Glimmer yelled as her horn glowed bright.

As the three cultists looked at Starlight’s horn, the unicorn filly jumped upwards and fired off a beam of arcane energy right at the trio. The impact was powerful enough to knock the trio backwards, sending them flying into the fence before knocking them down. The other cultists stood there, shocked and mortified.

“What kind of monster is she?” One of the cultists still standing said.

“It’s unnatural,” Another Cultist said. “She must be some kind of witch.”

Starlight Glimmer turned her attention towards the cultists that were right behind her, causing the remaining zealots to back up slowly. But as they took a few steps back, Princess Luna hovered over the four cult members, with her eyes glowing bright as the moon’s surface.

“LEAVE THE LITTLE ONE ALONE,” Princess Luna yelled with a voice that reverberated in the atmosphere. “OTHERWISE, YOU WILL FACE MY WRATH!”

The cult group screamed loudly as their eyes were focused on Luna’s face. They turned to their right and bolted towards a nearby pathway. Luna’s eyes returned to normal as she looked at the zealots running away from her, grinning with a hint of satisfaction.

“Starlight,” Trixie yelled as she ran up and gave Starlight Glimmer a hug. “Don’t scare me like that.”

Starlight stood there and hugged Trixie and said “I’m sorry I scared you like that.”

As Starlight and Trixe hugged each other, Princess Luna walked up to the duo before turning her attention towards Coldnelius Snap, who has his eyes set on the younger of the two alicorn sisters.

“So,” Coldnelius Snap said, glancing at Princess Luna with a sharp grin on his face. “How did you enjoy your winter’s nap?”

“I’m not impressed,” Princess Luna said as Coldnelius Snap fired an ice beam at her face. She added “The same goes for your hospitality,” as she raised a shield right in front of her, Starlight and Trixie. Luna stared down with a smile on her face as the ice beam bounced off her shield and into the sky before disappearing completely.

“You really don’t know when to give up,” Coldnelius Snap said as she began to sweat. “Do ya?”

“Let me make one thing clear,” Princess Luna said as she took a few steps towards the Windigo’s Guild leader. “Insulting my mother is one thing. But threatening the life of the younglings of Equestria? That makes you nothing more than a sick monster in an alicorn’s clothing.”

“That’s about the nicest thing anyone’s said to me, Princess Luna,” Coldnelius Snap replied, bearing the smuggest grin on his face.

“Don’t you dare take that as a complement,” Princess Luna snapped as she smashed her hoof on the ground. “Younglings are the future of Equestria. They represent the hope and dreams that keep our society going. They are the brothers, the sisters, the sons and daughters that lift our spirits.” She pointed her hoof directly at Coldnelius Snap and yelled “You, on the other hoof, would take pleasure in harming our younglings all just for your sick fantasy of freezing Equestria in eternal cold.”

“And you can’t beat that, you second banana,” Coldnelius Snap said as he stood his ground, with his grin not escaping his visage.

“If you’re trying to anger me with that insult,” Princess Luna yelled. “It’s nothing compared to what you did to the younglings. And you just brought out the nightmare within me.”

“Oh what do you plan on doing...Nightmare Moon?” Coldnelius Snap said. “Are you going to blast me with your magic?”

Suddenly, a blast of magic hits Coldnelius Snap on the side, knocking him into a nearby tent. Luna smiled as she saw Princess Celestia walk on in with smoke emitting from the tip of her horn.

“That’s exactly what I would do,” Princess Celestia said as walked over Coldnelius Snap, glaring down at the fiend as he looked up at her visage. “You have threatened Equestria for far longer than I could remember. There is no punishment worthy of what you have done.”

“My dear Celestia,” Coldnelius Snap said as he got up and brushed the dust off his fur coat. “I never thought I would actually agree with you. Maybe that’s just proof of how worthless your laws truly ARE!”

With that, Coldnelius Snap charged up his horn and fired off a blast of pure cold magic right at Celestia and Luna, who retaliated by firing off their own magic from their horns. Coldnelius Snap broke a sweat as he held his ground.

“How is it that you haven’t become a mongrel?” Coldnelius Snap said as his horn’s magic grew in size. “Like one of those other younglings of yours?”

“Oh I have had plenty of experience with my use of the Wolf’s Breath Curse,” Celestia said as magic poured from her horn into the energy blast. “It took a lot of sweat and tears to learn how to control this power, and in the end, it became my ally. And I will teach that to anyone, be it a stranger or a friend of my daughters, on how to control their curse.”

“That’s what I like about you and your sister,” Coldnelius Snap said. “Of all the nobility of Equestria, you’re both the wildest of them all.”

“Oh we were born to be wild, fiend,” Princess Luna said, pushing back against Coldnelius Snap’s cold magic as her grin remained on her face.

As Celestia and Luna stood their ground and held off against Coldnelius Snap, Trixie held onto Starlight as the latter cried into the former’s chest.

“Don’t worry, Starlight,” Trixie said as she held onto Starlight. “The Great and Powerful Trixie will be with you.”

“I know,” Starlight cried. “Just wake me up when this nightmare is over.”

Meanwhile, deep within the crowd, Princess Cadance and Shining Armor are backed up right next to each other as they ward off members of the Windigo’s Guild, blasting them one by one. Despite the presence of these zealots, Shining Armor and Princess Cadance seemed to be in a positive mood.

“You know,” Shining Armor said as he zapped one of the cultists out of the way. “I actually wished we invited Buck Withers and Lemony Gems down to the fair with us.”

“Tell me about it,” Princess Cadance said as she blasted down another cult member. “Just the other day, we found out that he saved a nearby village from an army of undead skeleton ponies.”

“Who in their right mind would disturb the dead for that sick ritual?” Shining Armor asked.

“If it’s anyone,” Princess Cadance replied. “It’s most likely to be those sick monsters considering the stunts they pulled at Sire’s Hollow and the Fall Formal Festival.”

Suddenly, Princess Cadance let out a screech as she was yanked away from Shining Armor. The young stallion turned to see Princess Cadance being dragged along the dirt by a magic aura pulling on her tail.

“CADANCE!” Shining Armor yelled as he blasted two cultists that were in his way.

“Don’t worry,” Princess Cadance said. “I’ve got this.”

As Princess Cadance came to a full stop, she looked up and saw as many as four Windigo’s Cultists staring down at her. They looked like they were about to freeze her in her spot.

“So my darling,” one cult member said as their horns glowed bright. “Are you ready to cool off?”

Princess Cadance yawned before she said “I’m not impressed”

Without moving her torso, Princess Cadance flicked her horn, creating a force field that pushed back all of the Windigo’s Cultists away from her and sent them flying in multiple directions. One crashed into a window, shattering the glass into pieces and sending him inside. One landed into a nearby booth. One hit a nearby pole, knocking him out, and one went flying right at Shining Armor, who swatted the zealot aside with his magic.

“Now I wish I was the one who got his tail tugged,” Shining Armor joked as he looked at the very cultist he knocked aside. “They don’t make villains the way they used to,” He added with a laugh.

At the nearby tent, the cult member was back up against what appeared to be an assortment of broken dishes and other bent utensils. He slowly woke up and shook his head before looking upwards.

“What in the world?” The cultist said as he saw Princess Cadance approach him on two legs, holding a folded-up steel chair in her arms. “You’re completely mad for a princess.”

“Oh that’s rich coming from a cultist,” Princess Cadance said as she swung the chair back. “In fact, I’d blame this situation on your poor life choices.”

WIth that, Princess Cadance swung the chair right at the cultist’s face, knocking him out cold. She looked down at the unconscious sap and threw the chair down to her side.

“Thank you mother for teaching me that skill,” Princess Cadance smirked.

Meanwhile, Starlight had her head buried into Trixie’s chest as the fight between ponies and cultists continued. Trixie looked around, seeing no end to the fighting going on. She turned to her left and saw a cult member hovering over her.

“Aww,” The cult member said. “Are the little girls lost? Maybe I can lead you home.”

Trixie pointed her horn right at the cult member and said “Don’t you dare hurt me, or the best friend of the Angry and Vengeful Trixle.”

“Oh, what are you going to do with that?” The cultist laughed. “Poke me with that little pin?”

Suddenly, the cult member felt what appeared to be an animal bite. He jumped into the air while screaming really loud. Where the cult member was, Danged Spell held a piece of the cloak, all while his eyes glowed a bright yellow white. This caught the attention of Starlight Glimmer, who looked at the unicorn colt.

“Danged Spell?” Starlight said.

“Wait,” Trixie said. “He’s acting a lot like a dog like he did earlier, and you consider him a friend?”

“They’re all our friends.” Trixie turned around to see Sunset Shimmer, Sunburst and Moondancer approach her. “No one, be it a pony, dragon, cat or human, shouldn’t be left behind.”

“Well unless you prefer to work with a pony who wants to freeze the whole planet,” Moondancer said.

“No way,” Trixie said. “The Great and Powerful Trixie would never align herself with these certified nutcases. Especially the ones that are sneaking up behind out.”

Sunset, Moondancer and Sunburst turned around as Starlight buried her head into Trixie’s chest and Danged Spell jumped to the front, barking and growling as four more cult members marched towards the younglings.

“You don’t belong here, or anywhere you cute little tykes,” One of the cultists said. “It’s time we take you to a place that’s twenty percent cooler.”

As Danged Spell barked at the cult members, Sunset Shimmer stood her ground and said “Bring it. I’m not letting you party crashers mess with my friends, nor my little sister.”

“Didn’t your mother ever teach you manners?” The cultist said as he hovered over Sunset Shimmer. “It’s time I teach you what she failed to teach.”

Suddenly, a random cart flew right out of nowhere, colliding with the four cult members and sent them flying into the fence, knocking them out as the cart broke into many pieces.

“What in the world?” Sunburst said as he stood there dumbfounded.

“That was completely random,” Moondancer said.

Sunset Shimmer turned to her right and saw Bright Mac, Buttercup with Apple Bloom, Granny Smith, Filthy Rich and Spoiled Rich with Diamond Tiara. Bright Mac had retracted his legs from a powerful kick, while the rest of the adults stood there with a smirk on their faces.

“That’s what you get for messing with the family of La Maresa,” Filthy Rich said.

Sunset Shimmer, Moondancer and Sunburst ran up to Bright Mac and gave him a big hug. The big stallion just looked down and his scowl turned into a smile.

“Glad you all are alright,” Bright Mac said, embracing the three younglings.

“There’s one thing that Sunset is right about when it comes to you,” Moondancer said.

“And what would that be?” Bright Mac asked with a smirk on his face.

“You really are like a big uncle,” Moondancer said, causing Bright Mac to let out a big laugh.

Trixie walked on her two hind legs towards the big pony, all while holding onto Starlight, who just looked up at the big guy with a curious look on her face. Bright Mac looked down and saw Starlight just staring at him.

“Hey don’t you cry any longer, little one,” Bright Mac said as Sunset, Moondancer and Sunburst let go of Bright Mac. “I won’t let those monsters take you away.”

Bright Mac walked up to Starlight Glimmer and wiped a tear away from her eye. The little filly just laughed as she jumped out of Trxie’s arms, and gave Bright Mac a big hug.

“You really are like a big uncle,” Starlight said. “Almost like how Meteor Flare used to be.”

As Starlight cuddled her face into Bright Mac’s chest, Sunset tapped on Bright Mac’s hoof. The stallion inched his head down to Sunset Shimmer, who put her muzzle right near Bright Mac’s ear.

“She lost her uncle in a mining incident thanks to the Windigo’s Guild,” Sunset whispered. “We were at her funeral not long ago.”

Bright Mac raised his head, shocked by Sunset’s words. He looked down at Starlight Glimmer, still snuggling up to Bright Mac.

“Poor kid,” Bright Mac said as he gave Starlight a big hug. “To lose a relative to someone that despicable, she definitely deserves a lot of sympathy.”

As Starlight Glimmer cuddled with Bright Mac, BIg Mac and Ditzy Doo ran up to Granny Smith, Buttercup, Filthy and Spoiled Rich.

“We have a problem here,” Ditzy Doo said. “The cultists are moving towards Wanda and Chancellor Cinch.”

“Oh dear,” Granny Smith said. She approached Big Mac and said “Are we able to catch up and help them out?”

Big Mac shook his head as he said “Nnnope.”

“It seems like they’re on their own,” Spoiled Rich said as she held Diamond Tiara close to her. “If only those cretins didn’t decide to ruin our beloved fair.”

“Have faith, Spoiled,” Buttercup said as she held onto Apple Bloom. “They’re sure to have some guardian angels to help them out.”

“I hope you’re right,” Spoiled Rich said. “After all that’s happened today, I hope we all make it out alive.”

As Sunset, Starlight, Trixie, Sunburst, Moondancer, Bright Mac, Buttercup, Apple Bloom, Filthy Rich, Spoiled Rich and Diamond Tiara all stood by next to each other, Danged Spell looked forward and saw Princess Celestia and Princess Luna holding their own against Coldnelius Snap, who showed no sign of tiring. The young colt growled at the mere sight of that despicable cult leader before he dashed off, looking like he’s ready to bite.

Meanwhile, Wanda and Abigail held onto Chancellor Cinch as tight as possible, all while the older pony ran as fast as she could. Wanda took out her slingshot and fired off shots at cult members advancing onto their position.

“Man’s cub,” Chancellor Cinch yelled. “Are you okay back there?”

“I AM,” Wanda yelled as Abigail held onto her. “Just keep running.”

As Chancellor Cinch ran as fast as she could, Wanda opened her eyes and looked behind her, where she saw Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, running up to the group with Spike riding on Twilight’s back.

“Cinch,” Wanda yelled. “Look behind you.”

Cinch took a glance at the fillies and baby dragon and her jaw dropped down as Twilight ran up the chancellor with Spike still on her back.

“What in the name of Princess Celestia are you doing?” Chancellor Cinch said.

“We’re here to help you escape,” Twilight yelled.

“All by putting your own lives at risk?” Chancellor Cinch yelled. “You six must be crazy.”

“I’ve been through what she’s been through,” Applejack yelled as she ran up next to the Chancellor. “In fact, all of us have. And when they go around messing with tradition, then it’s personal.”

“You said it,” Pinkie Pie said as she bounced along right next to Applejack. “Those party crashers think they can sabotage our beloved fair and get away with it?”

“Their madness is like a splash of mud on a gorgeous gown,” Rarity yelled as she ran alongside Twilight. “This cannot be forgiven.”

“We had to go through a lot to get back together,” Rainbow Dash said as she flew right next to Applejack and Pinkie Pie. “There’s no way we’re letting those cold-hearted jerks get the best of us.”

“Even if we’re not up to snuff,” Fluttershy said as she flew in next to Rarity and Twilight, all while looking at Abigail. “We’re doing this for those who need it. Even someone as cute and cuddly as that kitty cat.”

Wanda looked up at Fluttershy as she held onto Abigail. “Thanks,” Wanda said. “Her name is Abigail. We rescued her from a flock of crows on our first day at school.”

“I appreciate all of you accompanying the three of us,” Chancellor Cinch yelled. “But we are still in grave danger with the rest of those monsters following us.”

But as Chancellor Cinch ran with Wanda and Abigail holding on and the six fillies right next to her, they had to slide to a stop as a blast of ice hit a nearby booth, causing it to shatter to pieces. A purple dress went flying out of the booth and landed nearby as diamond fell off of it.

“The dress,” Rarity yelled in distress as she ran up to it. She picked up the dress and saw a few more diamonds fall off. “It’s...ruined.”

“Rarity,” Applejack said as she placed her arm around Rarity’s shoulders. “I’m terribly sorry.”

“What exactly just happened?” Chancellor Cinch said, confused.

“Rarity takes a lot of pride in her work,” Fluttershy said.

“Yeah,” Pinkie Pie said. “She may have a bit of an ego. But her best joy is surrounding friends and family in something that makes them gorgeous.”

As Rarity looked down at the wrecked dress with tears flowing down from her eyes, Windigo’s Guild cult members walked up towards her, laughing right at her face. Applejack looked up and her eyes shrunk down.

“Rarity,” Applejack said with a nervous tone. “It’s okay. We can make a new dress for whoever you made it for. You’ve put a lot of hard work into that.”

“It wasn’t just me who put in hard work in that dress,” Rarity snarled as she placed the dress into Applejack’s hooves and stood up. “A new friend named Moondancer gave me the inspiration to finish that dress and to breathe life into it. The very same dress that Princess Celestia paid me to make for her human daughter. And I will never forget the generosity of that friend, and how she helped me finish that dress. It was supposed to be a surprise for her human daughter. The fact that you hoodlums decided to destroy the dress just for your sick fantasy is unforgivable. You not only ruined a dress, but you choose to mock the real magic of what a FRIEND….TRULY….IS!

Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie backed up as the ground around Rarity shook violently. The young filly’s teeth gnashed as her eyes shrunk down completely. Chancellor Cinch, Twilight Sparkle, Wanda, Abigail and Spike watched as a powerful aura surrounded Rarity.

“What in the name of Princess Celestia is going on?” Chancellor Cinch said as she stood there.

“Miss Cinch,” Fluttershy said. “This is normally what would happen if someone decided to ruin the hard work she put into any piece of fashion she made for her clients.”

“Actually,” Applejack said. “She’s not normally this destructive.”

“What exactly do you mean by that?” Twilight said.

“The last three creeps who ruined her dresses got off easy compared to what I think might happen,” Applejack replied.

As the ground around Rarity continued to shake, the Windigo’s Guild continued to advance towards the young filly, completely undeterred.

“All this over a stupid piece of cloth?” One cultist laughed. “You and whoever your friend is, must be completely deranged.”

“Now you’ve done it,” Rarity yelled as the ground shook even more. “Deranged? A Stupid piece of cloth? Towards my friend? And you think that’s FUNNY? WELL LAUGH THIS OFF, PUNKS!”

Rarity’s horn glowed with a bright light as a large chunk of ground beneath the cultists broke apart and lifted upwards, carrying the zealots with them.

“Woah,” Twilight Sparkle said as she watched Rarity pull a portion of the earth right off. “I didn’t realize how powerful Rarity truly is.”

“Believe me sister,” Pinkie Pie said as she put her arm around Twilight. “Compared to all of us, Rarity is one pony that no one should ever cross.”

As the solid chunk of the earth lifted off the surface, the cultists hung on for dear life, freaking out and yelling like crazy.

“Have mercy little child,” another cultist begged. “Spare us from a cruel fate.”

“After what you did to our fair, and towards the mark of friendship?” Rarity yelled as her horn glowed even brighter. “Here’s a fate you REALLY DESERVE!”

Rarity flicks her head to the right, causing the chunk of earth to fly off into the distance, taking the cult members with them. The cult group screamed in unison as they disappeared into the atmosphere. Twilight, visibly shaken by Rarity’s stunt, walks up to her while Rainbow Dash zips off in the direction of the earth chunk.

“Rarity,” Twilight said as her eyes were completely shrunken down. “What the hey did you….how in the….ARE THEY EVEN GOING TO BE ALRIGHT?”

“Relax, Twilight,” Rarity said as she brushed her mane with her hoof. “I sent them to someplace really wet.”

In an instant, Rainbow Dash flew back to the group from afar, looking like she was about to laugh.

“I’m afraid she’s got a point,” Rainbow Dash said as she couldn’t contain herself. “In fact, I wish I had a camera for that moment. They were soaking wet and embarrassed.”

“Oh you two,” Twilight chuckled. “To think, I thought you were going to do...that.”

“Twilight darling,” Rarity said as she hugged Twilight Sparkle. “I may be vengeful. But I won’t sink to that kind of low.”

As Twilight and Rarity hugged each other, Pinkie Pie poked at Twilight’s shoulder and said “Hey Twilight Sparkle. We got company.”

Twilight let go of Rarity as the lavender unicorn filly turned around. There was an entire group of Windigo’s Cult members facing the entire group. Chancellor Cinch faced the entire group of zealots with fury in her eyes, while Wanda and Abigail hung on for dear life.

“You younglings realize what you’re facing down?” Chancellor Cinch said as her eyes kept focused on the Windigo’s Guild.

“After what these varmints did to all of us?” Applejack said as she scraped her hoof among the ground. “I’d say payback is overdue.”

WIth a mad dash, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle ran right towards the group of Windigo’s Guild cultists, dodging the incoming blasts of pure ice that fired out of the group, all while Spike rode on top of Twilight. Many cult members charged at the six fillies, with ambition in their smile and eyes

One cult member broke from the group and charged right at the six fillies, aiming straight for Fluttershy.

“OH NO!” Fluttershy yelled as she came to a stop and ducked down, covering her eyes at the horror of the cultist.

But before the cult member could reach Fluttershy, Applejack jumped out from the rest of the younglings and delivered a swift kick to the face, sending the cultist flying into a bale of hay. Applejack looked down at Fluttershy and gave a gentle tap to her arms.

“Fluttershy,” Applejack said. “What were you thinking? A moment ago, you were willing to fight against those despicable creeps.”

“I can’t do it,” Fluttershy cried as she covered her face.

“But Fluttershy,” Pinkie Pie said. “If we don’t stop them now, imagine what they would do to all those wonderful animals. Especially to Mr Bovine and to Wanda’s cat companion.”

Those words were enough for Fluttershy to get up on her four hooves. She grit her teeth as the fear in her eyes disappeared.

“Nobody HARMS ANIMALS IN MY NECK OF THE WOODS!” Fluttershy yelled.

Fluttershy’s eyes shifted to a nearby stall, where she caught the attention of a bundle of rope. She dashed over and grabbed the rope with her teeth, before swinging it into the air in the form of a lasso. As the cultists approached Fluttershy, the filly pegasus swung the rope violently as the lasso grew bigger and bigger.

“You want to harm animals in La Maresa?” Fluttershy said as she kept her teeth held tight on the rope. “You’re not a friend. YOU’RE A BIG MEANIE!”

With a powerful amount of fury within her, Fluttershy swung the rope right at the incoming zealots. THe moment the lasso was around, Fluttershy pulled back, wrapping the lasso end of the rope around the cult group tightly.

“Good going, Fluttershy,” Applejack said as she gave a wink to the angry pegasus filly. “You want me to send these creeps packing?”

“Be my guest,” Fluttershy said as she tossed her end of the rope to Applejack, who proceeded to grab it with her teeth.

Applejack pulled back on the rope and began swinging the group, still tied up at the end of the lasso. The cultists were screaming as loud as possible as Applejack swung faster and faster.

“LET US GO!” One of the cultists yelled.

“Okay,” Applejack replied.

Applejacked opened her mouth as the rope slipped away from her teeth, sending the small cult group flying into a nearby tent, which collapsed the moment the group crashed right into it.

Fluttershy flew down and landed right next to Applejack, who did nothing but wipe the sweat off her brow.

“That’s how it’s done, Shy,” Applejack said.

“Thanks Applejack,” Fluttershy replied.

As the two fillies let out a good chuckle, they heard the sound of an explosion. Fluttershy and Applejack turned around to see Pinkie Pie holding her cannon as a few cult members were knocked out into another tent. Smoke poured out of Pinkie’s cannon as the party filly looked at Fluttershy and Applejack.

“What?” Pinkie Pie said as she turned her cannon towards another group of cultists, who freak out at the mere sight of it. “I couldn’t let you have all the fun.”

As the cultists ran as fast as possible, Pinkie Pie pressed the button on her cannon, firing off a barrel right at the fleeing zealots. The barrel collided with cult members, pinning them down under its weight.

“SHE REALLY IS DISCORD,” One of the cultists yelled as he struggled to break free.

“EVERY WINDIGO RUN!” Another pinned zealot yelled. “DON’T LET DISCORD GET THE BEST OF YOU!”

Applejack, Fluttershy and Rarity watched as the three cult members tried to break free from the barrel as Pinkie Pie stood next to the party cannon, blowing a bit of her mane upwards.

“By any chance,” Rarity asked. “Did you put cement in that barrel?”

“Oh no,” Pinkie joked. “There was already water filled in that. No need for cement.”

“By the way,” Fluttershy said. “Where’s Twilight?”

“Oh dear,” Rarity said. “Don’t tell me those cretins got ahold of her.”

Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie turned their heads to see Twilight Sparkle and Spike, who were surrounded by cult members. The cultists sneered as they inched closer to the filly and her dragon companion.

“TWILIGHT!” Pinkie Pie yelled. “WE’LL SAVE YOU!”

“Don’t worry about me,” Twilight said as the zealots moved closer to the filly. “I know how to get out of this.”

Twilight Sparkle stood her ground as the Windigos Fanatics inched closer to the filly and Spike.

“So little pony,” one zealot said. “Do you feel the chill coming downwards?”

“I don’t think so,” Twilight said as she lowered her head, allowing Spike to jump onto her head. Twilight raised her head as she said “As a matter of fact, say hello to my LITTLE FRIEND!”

As Twilight’s head reached the highest point possible, Spike belched out a giant ball of green fire into the air. The guild members looked at the rising flame and began to freak out.

“FIRE!” One guild member yelled in a panic.


Soon, the members of the Windigo’s Guild turned tail and made a run for it as Spike continued to belch fire into the air. The spectacle caught the attention of Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Rarity.

“The color of that flame,” Rarity said, awe struck by the fire coming out of Spike’s mouth. “I think I may have something to consider when this mess is over.”

“Rarity,” Applejack said as she walked next to the filly fashionista. “You always seem to have an eye for things.”

As Spike covered his mouth, the flame dissipated into the sky. Spike jumped off Twilight’s back as the filly giggled.

“Well,” Twilight said as the baby dragon gave the filly a hug. “That took care of those cultists, little brother.”

Suddenly, a cult member lands with a thud right near Twilight and Spike. The duo looked as Chancellor Cinch was defending herself, Wanda and Abigail from a bigger group of Windigo’s Guild members. Cinch fired blasts of magical energy from her horn, smacking down the sick fanatics that tried to approach them. Rainbow Dash was nearby, knocking some of the stray zealots that managed to bypass the cult members while Wanda fired off nuts from her slingshot, in hopes of pegging a few of the cult members. Abigail held onto Wanda, covering her face right in her dress.

“Insolent fools,” Chancellor Cinch yelled as she knocked down another cult member. “I will not have these adult delinquents disturb the peace of this town.”

“Just tell me when it’s over,” Wanda yelled as she covered her eyes and held onto Abigail. “I can’t bear to look.”

But as Chancellor Cinch knocked down another cultist, she looked into the distance and saw more coming her way, coming in what looked almost like an army of zealots. Rainbow Dash landed as she saw the giant crowd of cult members advancing towards the group.

“Rainbow,” Applejack yelled as Rainbow Dash stood there watching the cultists march towards her. “You have to knock them out with the Sonic Rainboom. It’s the only way to drive them off.”

“Wait,” Rainbow Dash said. “You want me to use that ability?”

“What’s wrong?” Pinkie pie yelled. “You think it won’t be powerful enough?”

“I can’t,” Rainbow Dash said as she pointed to Wanda. “If I did the Rainboom, Wanda will scream out in pain. I can’t do the Sonic Rainboom.

“I’m afraid she’s right,” Twilight said as Spike got back on her back. “Wanda is extremely sensitive to the Sonic Rainboom. If Rainbow Dash pulled that off, there’s no thinking what will happen to her.”

“Then what are we supposed to do?” Chancellor Cinch yelled. “If they keep coming, then sooner or later, then they will take the Man’s Cub away, and will bring about eternal winter in return.”

Those words caused Wanda’s eyes to squint in determination. She and Abigail jumped off of Chancellor Cinch’s back and ran up to Rainbow Dash.

“Do it, Rainbow Dash,” Wanda yelled. “Unleash the Sonic Rainboom.”

“But Wanda,” Rainbow Dash protested. “If I did that, I would hurt you unintentionally.”

“I would rather suffer the effects of the Rainboom than to be taken away from my mommy,” Wanda said as she put her hand on Rainbow Dash’s shoulder. “Even if I have to cry out because of it, just do it. Do it to at least keep me safe from those meanies.”

Rainbow Dash looked at Wanda as she struggled to keep the tears in her eyes. She looked down at Abigail, who gave her a confident meow. The pegasus filly cracked a smile and wiped a tear from her eyes before flapping her wings.

“Alright then,” Rainbow Dash said. “I’ll do it...for you.”

Rainbow Dash took off towards the sky, flying as fast as she could. As Wanda looked up, Chancellor Cinch approached her from behind.

“What were you thinking, Man’s Cub?” Chancellor Cinch said in a harsh tone.

“What I believe is the only way out of this nightmare,” Wanda said as tears began to flow from her eyes as she dropped her slingshot to the ground.

“For your sake,” Chancellor Cinch said as she held Wanda tight. “I hope you make it through.”

In the air, Rainbow Dash sped upwards as fast as possible, reaching the highest point of the atmosphere where the sun shined bright. She looked downwards at the fairgrounds and began to descend, folding her wings back as she dived faster and faster right through the clouds.

“Wanda,” Rainbow Dash said to herself. “This is for you. This is your wish. So that we may all be safe from those cold-hearted jerks.”

A cone formed around Rainbow Dash as she sped up. Her face barely changed as the speed increased ten folds. The cone shrank more and more as she came closer to the ground. Before Rainbow Dash hit the ground, a rainbow-colored shockwave emitted from the cone as she sped off, expanding through the atmosphere at breakneck speed.

Nearby, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna held their own against Coldnelius Snap, holding back against his magic while the cult leader stood his ground.

“Starting to tire you selfish little girls?” Coldnelius Snap said. “I can tell you’re about to give up.

“I don’t think so,” Princess Luna said. “Not in a million years.”

Suddenly, Coldnelius’s eyes began to bulge as his ice beam disappeared, and he yelled really loud. Celestia and Luna’s magic beams hit Coldnelius in the face, knocking him back down. The cult leader struggled to get up as he groaned.

“Who’s the wise guy who bit me?” Coldnelius Snap yelled. “I’ll freeze em to the bone.”

Coldnelius Snap looked up and saw Danged Spell barking madly at him, all while hovering in the air. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna pulled the Wolf’s Breath-addled colt back with their magic as he continued to snarl at Snap.

“You miserable little brat,” Coldnelius Snap said. “I’ll put you to sleep for that.”

But as Coldnelius Snap finished his words, he saw a Sonic Rainboom advancing towards him. His jaw dropped and his eyes shrunk down. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna turned to see the rainboom before turning back with the biggest grins on their face, all while Danged Spell growled at the cult leader.

“This can’t be,” Coldnelius Snap said. “The Sonic Rainboom. But that’s impossible.”

“Oh nothing’s impossible, Snap,” Princess Luna said.

“Especially to the fact that it has the same energy that drove off the Windigos long ago,” Princess Celestia said as she pulled Danged Spell back and tapped him on the forehead. His eyes turned back to normal as his mouth calmed down.

“No,” Coldnelius Snap yelled. “I will not submit to the rainbow. NEVER!”

“Tough luck, Coldnelius Snap,” Princess Celestia said as the Sonic Rainboom covered the fair in a blinding light. “For the Rainboom will send the Windigos away, and will bring about peace, life, and harmony.”

Coldnelius Snap yelled as the Sonic Rainboom covered the entire fair in a blinding light.

To Be Continued in….

A tearful conclusion

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