• Published 4th Feb 2022
  • 1,974 Views, 108 Comments

My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Life in Canterlot" - SaburoDaimando

A human girl learns to live in a world full of ponies, friendship, and corruption

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Arc 2(The School for Gifted Unicorns)-1: The Twilight of the Exam

Author's Note:

I was going to wait until tomorrow. But I actually wound up appreciating the complements I've gotten so far with this fanfic. So here's the first part of the second arc of the Saga.

The Twilight of the Exam

It was a bright and beautiful morning in Canterlot. At the northwest edge of the city is an ancient-style white-colored castle, located right next to a calm riverbed. Inside the castle within an auditorium, Wanda stood nervously on stage, waiting to showcase the extent of her magic. On the side, Sunset Shimmer and Princess Cadence waited patiently to see what their young sister would do. In the seats of the auditorium was Princess Celestia, along with three individual teachers. These teachers had their notebooks and pens ready to judge Wanda by her skills in magic.

The teacher with a grey coat and black shoulder-length hair said “Wanda is it?”

“Y….Yes ma’am,” Wanda said as he swallowed anxiously.

“We have a special exam for you,” the same teacher said as another pony rolled in a table. Atop was a pot full of soil, and right next to it was a mere seed. “I want you to use your magic, and give that seed life,” The teacher continued.

“It’s alright, my dear,” Princess Celestia said to assure her daughter. “Go ahead and show them your magic.”

“Okay mommy,” Wanda said as she turned her attention towards the table with the pot and the seed. She stepped forward to the table and picked the seed up. She then proceeds to bury the seed into the pot full of soil.

Wanda then closed her eyes and extended her hands towards the pot. For a moment, it looked like nothing happened as sweat poured from her head.. But in only ten seconds, her body began to glow as bright as the morning sun. Her eyes opened up, but her irides and pupils were gone. Only a bright light shined in her eyes.

Then, the pot of soil shook violently as a green vine popped out of the dirt, and began to grow. The very light that surrounded Wanda would also surround the pot. It was providing nutrients to the newly born plant. It grew, and grew, small in size, but significant nonetheless. The three teachers were amazed by Wanda’s use of magic. Celestia just sat there, watching the plant grow while a smirk remained on her face.

“She has a real talent for this,” Celestia said to herself.

And then, as the plant bloomed a flower from the top, it stopped. No movement, no growth. Wanda released herself from her use of magic as the glow around her and in her eyes disappeared. She appeared exhausted from her use of magic as she tried to catch her breath. Cadence and Sunset were amazed by Wanda’s use of magic. Even the teachers were awe-struck by the youngling’s performance.

“I have never seen any non-pony creature with that type of magic,” The grey teacher said.

“I believe we have made a decision on the man’s cub,” Another teacher said as she couldn’t believe what she saw.

“Yes,” the third teacher said. “Her magic is indeed real. From this moment on, Wanda Young, adopted daughter of Princess Celestia, will be the first non-pony to attend the School for Gifted Unicorns.”

Those words were enough to make Wanda excited. She jumped up and down, cheering as if it was the best thing to happen to her. But in the midst of her excitement, she accidentally recast her magic and some of the drapery from the wall went flying. That did scare the teachers a bit. But Princess Celestia just walked up to Wanda and put her hoof on the little girl’s shoulder.

“I think you’re overdoing it,” Celestia said as her words calmed Wanda down, causing the drapery to fall to the floor.

“Sorry mommy,” Wanda said, blushing in excitement. “But I couldn't contain myself.”

Without warning, Sunset ran up to Wanda and tackled her to the ground, giving her a big hug. The two laughed it out.

“Now we can both be in the School together,” Sunset said to Wanda. “I can hardly wait till that big day.”

“Yeah. Isn’t this great?” Wanda said as she hugged Sunset.

Princess Cadence wiped a tear from her eyes and said “The first non-pony to be a part of the School for Gifted Unicorns. And she happens to be my youngest sister.”

“I do believe a congratulations is in order, Man’s Cub!” That voice came from Chancellor Abacus Cinch, who was walking down from the back of the auditorium all the way to the stage. Wanda took one quick look and quickly hid behind Sunset. Princess Cadence was quick to rush to Wanda’s defense.

“I thought you were going to leave her alone,” Cadence said in protest, standing right by Wanda Young and Sunset Shimmer.

But Celestia came to Princess Cadence and said “It’s alright, Cadence. I asked the Chancellor to explain some ground rules to Wanda, and a bit of good news. She promised that she won’t be rough.”

Reluctant, Cadence calmed down and said “Alright. I’ll trust you.” She then steps aside, much to Wanda’s own fear, as Chancellor Cinch walks down with a stern look on her face, looking down at the young man’s cub.

“Come,” Cinch said to Wanda. “I wish to discuss some things with you outside.”

A part of Wanda doesn’t want to go with the Chancellor, still deeply afraid. But not wanting to endure her wrath, Wanda had no other choice. As Cinch began walking towards the back, Wanda swallowed her pride and walked with her, all the way up the stairs of the auditorium.

Princess Cadence walks towards her adoptive mother Princess Celestia and said “Do you think she’ll be okay?”

“I know she’ll be okay,” Celestia responded. “Chancellor Cinch promised not to be too harsh, but to remind her what she will be getting in the compromise we’ve set up for her.”

As Wanda and Chancellor Cinch walked through the doorway with the former having a worried look on her face, they both pass a filly unicorn with a pale, light-grayish mulberry coat, with moderate violet eyes and a dark sapphire blue man with moderate purple and brilliant raspberry-colored streaks. She looked like she was eager to go along with her exam.

“Twilight Sparkle,” One of the teachers said. “You’re next.”

“That’s my cue,” The little filly known as Twilight Sparkle said.

Outside of the auditorium, within the courtyard of this castle, Chancellor Cinch walked with Wanda as they left the entrance of the auditorium. Wanda looked scared as she glanced nervously at Chancellor Cinch. Cinch, on the other hoof, was not deterred by her stern stance.

“Young lady,” The Chancellor said. “I will go over some ground rules over your time here at the School for Gifted Unicorns.”

Wanda nervously looked at the Chancellor as she prepared for the worse. She didn't want to do anything to upset the older unicorn. All she could do was to pay attention to her words

"As you are aware," Chancellor Cinch continued. "You are the first non-pony to be accepted into the School for Gifted Unicorns. The only reason why I approved of your acceptance is to help you control the very magic within you. I expect you to be on your best behavior while attending this school."

Wanda let out a "Yes ma'am" from her mouth, nervous at the sight of the Chancellor.

“That being said,” Chancellor Cinch said as her tone changed to a bit more positive. “I was informed by Princess Celestia about your desire to see the world, to be free like a bird.”

“Y...yes ma’am,” Wanda said. “I don’t like being cooped up in Canterlot.”

“The reason why you are restricted in Canterlot is for two reasons,” Chancellor Cinch said as she adjusted her glasses. “One, it was to ensure that you are well-behaved. And two, it was for your protection. But it seems your curiosity will get the best of you. So I am changing the rules for your

Those words were enough for Wanda’s face to become more enthusiastic.

“As long as you are accompanied by Princess Celestia or Princess Luna,” Chancellor Cinch continued. “You will have free access beyond the walls of Canterlot City.”

Wanda was excited to hear something like that. She wasted no time bowing down to Chancellor Cinch before saying “Oh thank you, thank you.”

“But….” Cinch said, getting the attention of Wanda. “This is a rare privilege given to you, and I expect you to be on your best behavior. I don’t want to hear of any reports that you are causing mayhem in other cities, I don’t want you terrorizing others, and I especially expect you to be on your best behavior. Furthermore, I also expect you to be safe while traveling beyond the gates. What is given to you, can be taken away. Is that understood, young lady?”

“Y...yes ma’am,” Wanda said, bowing down to Chancellor Cinch while appreciating the gift she was given.

“Very well, child,” Cinch replied. “You are dismissed. Your mother expects you back inside.”

“Oh I won’t forget this,” Wanda said, with tears of joy in her eyes.

But as Cinch looked upwards, she noticed a rainbow shooting through the sky.

“Well that’s strange,” Cinch said. “I haven’t seen a Sonic Rainboom in a long time.”

But before anyone could react, the Sonic Rainboom jet through the stratosphere, causing a minor earthquake across the School for Gifted Unicorns. It was enough to cause Chancellor Cinch to lose her balance and fall onto her side.

As she shook her head, Cinch said to herself. “Rainbooms are normally powerful, but never on this level.”

But as she got up, Chancellor Cinch saw Wanda also on the ground, holding her head as if she had a migraine. The young lady could do nothing, but cry as she suffered in agony. Normally, Cinch was stern in her stance on Wanda. But in what is an exception, her scowl turned into shock.

“Young Lady,” Cinch said as she freaked out. She picked up Wanda and tried to hold her gently. “Are you okay?”

“It hurts,” Wanda yelled as she couldn’t let go of her head.

As Cinch turned around and began to run towards the auditorium, Princess Celestia ran outside and saw Cinch holding Wanda. The look on her face was of total shock.

“Chancellor,” Celestia said as she ran towards Chancellor Cinch. “What happened? There was a quake that scared everyone in the auditorium.

“A Sonic Rainboom,” Chancellor Cinch said as she handed Wanda to Princess Celestia. “It caused the earthquake and gave the man’s cub a migraine. Never have I seen a rainboom this violent.”

Celestia looked down at Wanda and placed her hoof on her forehead. But as she began to ease Wanda's pain
, the roof of the auditorium splits open, as the head of a giant purple dragon emerges.

“What in the world?” Cinch said as she was shocked by the presence of the dragon.

“It’s a long story,” Princess Celestia said as she held Wanda with her magic. “But right now, we need to get back inside.”

“Understood your majesty,” Cinch said as Princess Celestia ran back inside. Cinch picked up Wanda with her magic and placed the youngling on her back as she ran after Princess Celestia.

Inside, the auditorium was a complete mess as both younglings, teachers and parents hid under the chairs for protection. The giant dragon who emerged from the roof of the auditorium was sitting there, unaware of its surroundings. Celestia and Cinch looked on and saw little Twilight Sparkle casting magic randomly, being unable to control her spell.

“Chancellor,” Princess Celestia said to Cinch as she gave Wanda back. “Keep Wanda and the others safe. I’ll handle this.”

“Do be careful, Princess,” Cinch said as she hid behind some nearby chairs, holding onto Wanda as the little child still suffered from a major headache.

As Cinch watched on, she could only do so much, even with Wanda holding on her back. Her own face was full of fear. Chancellor Cinch lifted Wanda off her back and placed her by her side.

“Be careful, Man’s cub,” Chancellor Cinch said. “I don’t want anything bad to happen to you.”

As Cinch patted Wanda on the head, she felt a tug on her dress. When she turned around, she saw a little filly staring at her. She had a pale, light grayish heliotrope coat, moderate persian blue eyes, and a twin-tailed, moderate purple mane wit pale light, grayish aquamarine and lighter purple stripes, which also applied to her tail. Her face was scared from the disaster inside the auditorium.

“Where are mommy and daddy?” The little filly cried.

“Stay put child,” Cinch said as she struggled to comfort Wanda. “We’ll find them soon.”

The little filly saw Wanda trying to hold her head from the migraine as she cried. She goes up to Wanda and puts her hoof on Wanda’s head.

“Are,” the little filly. “Are you okay?”

Cinch looked at the little filly. It seems the child is concerned for Wanda’s well-being. But as she turned her attention to Wanda, the young man’s cub began to stop suffering from her headache. It was starting to go away. But despite that, Cinch was still worried about her, and about the filly who was next to her.

“Is she...going to be alright?” The filly said to Cinch.

“She will,” Cinch said as she placed her hoof on Wanda’s forehead. Wanda looked up and took a glance at the twin-tailed filly.

“Who….who are you?” Wanda asked as her headache went away.

“Starlight Glimmer.” The filly said.

But as Wanda reached out to Starlight, a blast of magic flew right towards the back of the filly, catching Wanda’s eyes. Without a second thought, Wanda flew herself in front of Starlight and took the shot of magic in the back. This shocked both Starlight and Cinch, as they both watched Wanda scream from the impact of the spell.

“AHHHHHH!” Wanda screamed as she fell onto Starlight.

“Man’s cub,” Cinch screamed in horror. She looked at Wanda’s back. Sure enough, a bit of her shirt and overalls had a burn mark on them. Even in spite of the pain, Wanda was able to slowly get back up.

“My name,” Wanda said to Starlight. “Is Wanda. Daughter….of Princess Celestia.”

“What were you thinking?” Cinch said as she turned her gaze towards Wanda. “You could have gotten yourself seriously hurt. Or worse.”

“I know,” Wanda said to Chancellor Cinch. “But...I didn’t want her to be hurt at all.”

Starlight looked at Wanda as the man’s cub sat down. She reached out and gave the young human girl a hug, crying from the near shock that went through her mind.

“Sometimes you can be very naive,” Chancellor Cinch sighed as she began to calm down. “But at least I know you have best interests in helping others out.”

Back on the stage, Princess Celestia was finally able to get up close to Twilight Sparkle. Without a second thought, she fires off a burst of magic from her horn, spreading out throughout the auditorium. Twilight Sparkle finally regained control and was exhausted from the magic she fired off. The giant dragon shrunk down until it was nothing more than a baby dragon.

“Whew,” Princess Celestia said to herself. “That was more difficult than I realized.”

Celestia looked around and saw the auditorium was nearly empty, except for a few fillies hiding behind the chairs with the Chancellor, along with Twilight Sparkle and the baby dragon. She then said “It’s okay. Everything has been taken care of.”

Princess Cadence was the first to emerge from behind the back of the stage. She was with Sunset Shimmer, who was shaken up from the experience.

“What just happened?” Sunset Shimmer asked as she was a bit traumatized from the events that transpired. “Is Wanda okay?”

“I think she is,” Princess Cadence said as she comforts her younger sister. “Hopefully, nothing bad has happened to her.”

Cadence flew with Sunset Shimmer towards the back of the auditorium and shreaked at what she saw. Wanda still had the burn mark on her back as Starlight Glimmer hugged the man’s cub. Chancellor Cinch looked at Princess Cadence’s face and recognized her concern for her younger sister.

“She suffered a burn on her back,” Cinch said to Princess Cadence. “But other than that, she’ll be fine.”

Princess Cadence breathed a sigh of relief as Sunset Shimmer ran up to little human sister. “That’s good to hear,” Cadence said.

Starlight looks at Sunset, then turns her head to Wanda and says “Is that your close friend?”

“That’s actually my sister,” Wanda said to Starlight. “I’ve known her since I was a baby.”

Sunset reached her right arm out to Starlight and said “My name is Sunset Shimmer. What’s yours?”

“Starlight….Starlight Glimmer.” The pink-purple pony said to Sunset. “And your sister saved me from that blast.”

“I think you both are gonna be good friends,” Sunset said as she extended her arm towards Starlight.

As Starlight reached out to Sunset, Wanda was able to get up. Despite the headache she suffered from the Sonic Rainboom and getting blasted in the back by pure magic, she was alright. She may be human, but she was a tough girl. Even if she is scared.

Chancellor Cinch walks up to Wanda and says to her “Your mother is waiting for you. And remember your promise. You are only given this privilege because of her request. And do be careful in the future.”

“I...I will,” Wanda said as she climbed the chair in front of her and began to head down to the stage of the auditorium.

At the center of the stage, Princess Celestia had calmed down Twilight Sparkle as her parents Night Light and Twilight Velvet approached. No doubt, everyone was shaken by Twilight’s surge of magic. And yet, Celestia knew that there was potential within little Twilight Sparkle.

“I have not seen a filly with this much raw magic,” Celestia said as approached Twilight. “Twilight Sparkle, is it?”

“Y...yes,” Twilight said as she looked at Celestia.

“You possess a rare talent unlike any I have seen in my lifetime,” Celestia said to Twilight as she put her hoof on the young filly’s head. “But you’ll need to learn a lot to control this magic. Therefore, I wish to take you up as my own personal apprentice.”

“Say what?” Twilight said as she was shocked by Princess Celestia’s choice of words.

“You will learn a lot on how to control your own magic,” Celestia said to Twilight. “And no doubt, you will make some wonderful friends who will guide through on your quest. Speaking of which, I believe there is one coming down.”

As Celestia finished her speech, Wanda had tumbled down from the chairs and slid towards Twilight. She wasted no time picking herself up and saw the young unicorn.

“I know you,” Wanda said to Twilight. “I saw you when Cinch took me out to talk.”

“Wow,” Twilight said enthusiastically as she looked at Wanda. “I have not seen a creature like you before. Where are you from?”

“This is Wanda Young,” Celestia said to Twilight as she walked up to the young human. “She’s a man’s cub, said to have been from another world. And she’s my daughter.”

“Your daughter?” Twilight asked.

“It’s a long story,” Celestia responded. “But today, it appears you have made a new friend.”

“A new friend?” Twilight said as she looked at Wanda. Judging by the look on her face, Twilight was more than happy to be with the young man’s cub. “I never thought I would be friends with you.”

“Wanda here will help you out on your path,” Celestia said to Twilight as she also turned her head towards the baby dragon, who was sucking on its own tail. “And you’ve also gained another friend. The birth of this little dragon is the result of your achievement.”

But as Twilight approached the baby dragon, Wanda noticed something glowing on the side of the young unicorn’s flank.

“Hey Twilight,” Wanda said as she covered her eyes. “What’s that glowy thing on your flank?

Twilight looked at her sides as the glow disappeared. On her flank was a cutie mark: one that resembles a star surrounded by five sparkles. Twilight’s face beamed with excitement.

“I GOT MY CUTIE MARK!” Twilight danced around the room in excitement, all because of the sheer joy of getting a cutie mark. She continued to yell “YES YES YES YES YES” as she danced in excitement. Wanda smiled at Twilight’s celebration as Princess Celestia walked next to her.

“Do you think I’ll get my cutie mark mommy?” Wanda asked.

“I’m afraid not,” Celestia replied. “But your magic is what’s unique about you. You don’t need a cutie mark. It’s within your soul that matters.”

Later that day, Wanda and Sunset Shimmer were walking through the courtyard of the School. Both were excited to attend the School for Gifted Unicorns. Both were eager to learn what they wish to know. As they do, two adult ponies walk up to Wanda and Sunset, with Starlight Glimmer beside them.

Wanda looked up to Starlight and said “Are those your parents?”

“Of course we are,” Starlight’s Father said to Wanda. “My name is Firelight and this is my wife Starseeker. I take it you saved my Pumpky-Wumpkin from danger.” The mere use of the word Pumpky-Wumpkin is enough to make Starlight stick her tongue out in disgust.

“Yes, I am sir.” Wanda said, confessing to her actions.

“There’s no reason to be ashamed,” Starseeker said to Wanda. “You protected our daughter from danger.”

“Well I Got the burnt mark in the back to prove it,” Wanda said as she turned her back towards Starlight’s parents, showing a black spot where she was hit. Sunset lets out a silent giggle at Wanda’s carefree attitude.

Firelight laughed it off and said “There’s no need to show off. Wanda, is it?”

“Yes,” Wanda said as she turned to bow to Firelight and Starseeker. “My name is Wanda.”

“You’re blessed to have such an amazing family,” Starseeker said to Wanda. “A great mother, and two great sisters. One day, you should come and visit us at Sire’s Hollow. Perhaps, we can give you a tour of our town.”

As Wanda was curious about what Starseeker said to her, she noticed Starlight Glimmer was approaching her and Sunset Shimmer.

“Seems our little Starlight has taken an interest in the both of you,” Starseeker said to Wanda and Sunset.

Sunset approached the somewhat shy Starlight Glimmer. The twin-tailed filly turned her head a bit, nervous about meeting both Sunset Shimmer and her younger sister Wanda Young. The only thing Starlight is able to do was hold out her hoof in friendship.

Sunset smiled and said “You know, I think this could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.” But instead of shaking Starlight’s hoof, Sunset gave Starlight a big hug. Starlight was frightened by Sunset’s hug and began to squirm. But as she struggled, she slowed down, realizing that Sunset doesn’t mean any harm before hugging back.

“Aww come on.” Wanda joked. “Don’t leave me hanging, sis.” Wanda then proceeded to give both Starlight and Sunset a hug.

In the distance, Princess Celestia and Chancellor Abacus Cinch watched from the entrance of the auditorium. Celestia seems confident in Wanda’s skills, but Abacus Cinch has her own doubts.

“Are you sure she’ll be alright here?” Chancellor Cinch asks, still as stern as ever.

“She’s got to learn how to make friends here in Equestria,” Princess Celestia said. “That’s the only way she can break out of her own shell.”

“My only fear is that she loses control of her magic,” Cinch said with a concern in her throat. “I can only hope that the teachings of this school and the friends she’ll make will keep her soul pure.”

“That might be true,” Celestia said. “But by learning the ways of Equestria, she can be tamed. I can assure you.”

“For your sake, I can only hope so,” Cinch added. “And at the same time, she must be weary of the many dangers of this planet.”

“Such as the Storm King,” Celestia said.

“Even though she is a Man’s Cub,” Cinch said to Celestia. “She is still your responsibility. And I expect you to be by her side one hundred percent.”

“I know,” Celestia said as she looked down. “Besides, I’ve known what it’s like to lose control of myself and become a God of Destruction.”

Chancellor Cinch turned to Celestia and said “For one who raised me when I was a filly, you have a habit of reliving that horrible, horrible moment.”

To Be Continued in

First Day at School

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