• Published 4th Feb 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Life in Canterlot" - SaburoDaimando

A human girl learns to live in a world full of ponies, friendship, and corruption

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Arc 18-9: Beyond Hope

Beyond Hope

Princess Celestia was struck on the side as the blast that was fired from Queen Chrysalis ignited into an explosion. The propulsion of the blast was enough to knock Wanda, Spike and Twilight off the alicorn’s back and sent them falling out of control, descending fast towards the forests. Princess Celestia lost control of herself and fell from the impact of the blast.

“Mommy,” Wanda cried as loud as possible.

Celestia’s ears perked up as she heard Wanda’s voice. She shifted her weight and pointed downwards towards her adopted daughter, Twilight Sparkle and Spike. But as the two youngsters fell, Twilight overheard the sound of crying.

“SPIKE!” Twilight yelled.

Twilight turned and saw the baby dragon crying while free-falling downwards. Without hesitation, she dove downwards and scooped up Spike with her arms, holding the bambino tight.

"Don't you worry Spike," Twilight said. "I won't let you go."

Spike looked up at Twilight's face, who despite being in danger, looked calm and reassuring. The baby dragon looked up to the filly and said "Twilight."

"Spike?" Twilight said. "You can talk?"

But before anyone could respond, Wanda quickly grabbed Twilight by the back as her wings materialized out of nowhere. She flapped as hard as possible, slowing herself and her companions falling.

"I won't let go," Wanda said as she struggled to hold Twilight and Spike close to her.

"Where's Princess Celestia?" Twilight asked.

"What matters is you both are safe," Wanda yelled as her arms began to tire.

Princess Celestia saw Wanda holding Twilight and Spike with her arms, though the alicorn could tell that her adopted daughter was tiring. Celestia tried to flap her wing, only for her to scream in pain.

"My wings," Celestia said. "I'll have to improvise."

Princess Celestia allowed her wings to slowly expand outwards, paying close attention to her sprained wing. She glides forward as she sees an exhausted Wanda holding Twilight and Spike up and flying with her wings. Inch by inch, Celestia extended her arms out as she reached closer to the three younglings.

“Wanda,” Princess Celestia yelled. “Guide yourself here. I’ll catch you.”

“I can’t,” Wanda said as her grip began to loosen.”

“Trust me,” Princess Celestia said. “I won’t let you go again, no matter what.”

“But I’ll drop Twilight,” Wanda said.

“If you don’t,” Twilight said. “You’ll drop me anyway. You’re losing your strength.”

“Twilight,” Wanda said. “I don’t want you to fall.”

“And neither do I,” Twilight replied. “Fly over to Princess Celestia and let her grab you. It will be okay. Trust me.”

Wanda reluctantly nodded. She tilted her body backwards and flew towards Celestia’s open arms, all while carrying Twilight and Spike. Once Celestia was in range, she swooped in to grab Wanda, Twilight and Spike and held them close.

“You’re going to be okay,” Princess Celestia said. “Just hang on.”

“I’ll try,” Wanda said as she closed her eyes.

Princess Celestia rolled onto her back as she held onto Wanda, Twilight and Spike, falling downward towards the forest. She crashed into the trees below, breaking her fall on some of the branches. Wanda and Twilight screamed in horror as Celestia’s back endured the branches of the trees, until she landed in a bush.

Wanda, Twilight and Spike looked up to see Princess Celestia. Even though her wings were extended and one of them was broken, she was alright. Celestia slowly moved her arms out, allowing Wanda, Twilight and Spike to slide off her tummy and onto the ground.

“We...we made it,” Wanda said.

“Told you it would be okay,” Twilight said as she grabbed onto Wanda and gave her a hug.

Princess Celestia slowly rolled to her left side, being mindful of her broken wing on her right side. Her legs touched the grass on the ground as she slowly got up. The wing on her left side folded up while the wing on her right side limped to the ground. Wanda and Twilight were quick to take notice.

“Mommy,” Wanda said. “Your wing.”

Celestia looked at her broken wing and said “I know. Queen Chrysalis did a banged up job on it. Unfortunately, we’re far from Canterlot and there’s no city or town nearby that can fix it up.”

Twilight looked around the forest. She noticed vines hanging on the trees and a few branches. Using her magic, she pulled off some of the vines from the trees and snapped off a giant branch from the tree.

“I have an idea,” Twilight said. “I can fix a splint for your wing, Princess. That way, it will help with the pain.”

“Excellent idea, Twilight,” Princess Celestia said. “Fetch the materials you need.”

“Wanda,” Twilight said. “How’s your arms?”

“A little sore,” Wanda said. “But they’re fine.”

“See if you can get the vines and branches from the trees so we can fashion a makeshift splint for Princess Celestia’s wing.”

Wanda nodded to Twilight. She formed her insect-like wings again and flew up towards the tree. Grabbing a three-foot branch, Wanda pulled back on it until it broke off completely. Then she threw it down, where Twilight caught it with her magic and set it down next to Princess Celestia. Wanda then flew over to the vines that covered parts of the tree. She unraveled a couple of them from the branches, rolled them up into a coil, then threw them towards Twilight, who caught the vines with her magic and sat them next to the branch.

“This should be good,” Twilight said.

Wanda flew down next to Princess Celestia, who laid down on her tummy. Twilight walked over and used her magic to levitate the branch on top of Celestia’s broken wing.

“Wanda, I’ll need you to hold the splint in place so I can wrap it with the vines,” Twilight said.

“Right,” Wanda said as she walked up to Princess Celestia and gently, but firmly, held the branch down on Celestia’s wing while Twilight turned to Princess Celestia.

“Now I must warn you,” Twilight said as Spike crawled right next to the filly. “This might hurt a bit.”

Princess Celestia sucked in as Twilight levitated the vine around the branch and the wing. Wanda held the branch down as Twilight wrapped the vine around the branch and wing. She tied the branch up as Celestia felt a twitch of pain, holding it in as much as possible.

“There,” Twilight said. “That should do it for now.”

Princess Celestia slowly got up as she folded her left wing. She looked down at her right wing, now secured with a splint made from a tree branch and some vines.

“This will do for now,” Princess Celestia said. “I think what we should do next is to find a nearby town that has a hospital. I’m afraid we can’t go back to rescue the others for the moment.”

“I know,” Wanda said. “After what happened, I’m too afraid to return home.”

Princess Celestia put her hoof around Wanda and said “Don’t worry, my little darling. They’re in safe hooves, one hundred percent. And judging what we saw on the horizon, that may be an understatement.”

“Really?” Wanda asked.

“Whatever it is,” Twilight said. “It will be a shame that we won’t get to see it. But at least Chrysalis is going to get what she deserves.”

Princess Celestia let out a playful snort as she used her magic to levitate Wanda, Twilight and Spike on her back.

“Come,” Princess Celestia said. “My wing may be broken, but I still have some energy left. Let’s do this.”

Princess Celestia kicked dust into the air as she ran through the forest with Wanda, Twilight and Spike on her back.

Meanwhile, back in the garden of Canterlot Castle, every pony was in a total state of shock as Queen Chrysalis flew down to the group with a gleeful smirk on her face. Shining Armor, Night Light and Twilight Velvet ran up to Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, Queen Novo, Sunset Shimmer, Prince Hoofar and Prince Blueblood, having seen the cowardly attack by the changeling queen.

“MY BABY,” Twilight Velvet cried.

“TWILY!” Shining Armor said as he stood there, teary-eyed. Princess Cadance walked up to Shining Armor and hugged him tightly.

“By Celestia’s will,” Night Light said as he held Twilight Velvet close. “Please let Twilight be safe and sound. And please help her return to us.”

Luna turned towards the changeling queen with daggers in her eyes.

“You monster,” Princess Luna scowled. “What did you do to my sister?”

Queen Chrysalis laughed and said “Why, I sprung the trap. Now it’s only a matter of time before we claim the Man’s Cub and make her one of us.”

“I was cruel towards my cousin before,” Prince Blueblood said as he turned to face Queen Chrysalis with seething anger in his eyes. “But NEVER LIKE THIS!”

“You? Cruel?” Princess Chrysalis II said as she flew in and landed next to her mother. “You never knew how to truly be cruel. To be cruel requires one to go all out and make everyone miserable.”

“Oh you made us all miserable,” Sunset yelled as Abigail hissed at both Queen Chrysalis and Princess Chrysalis II. “Ever since your changelings and the Windigo’s Guild decided to crash the party, you made us all miserable for your own amusement, you sick sociopaths.”

“Oh Sunset Shimmer,” Queen Chrysalis laughed. “Flattery will get you nowhere.”

Queen Chrysalis turned towards Locust, who flew down and bowed before her queen.

“Gather all of them up and prepare them for transport to the hive,” Queen Chrysalis said. “But make sure you punish Ocellus for treason and desertion.”

“Yes, my queen,” Locust said.

Queen Chrysalis turned to her daughter and said “Come. We will pursue Princess Celestia along with her daughter and her ex-student.”

“Oh I can’t wait,” Princess Chrysalis II said with excitement.

Queen Chrysalis and Princess Chrysalis II flapped their wings and flew off towards the forest that surrounds the city. As they fled away from the city, Locust turned towards the other changelings and the cultists.

“You heard our queen,” Locust commanded. “Round them all up for transport. And bring Ocellus here for her punishment.”

The changelings and cultists gathered around the ponies of the gala, pushing them into a big group.

As Filthy and Spoiled Rich were pushed towards the group, Baby Diamond Tiara spilled out from the saddlebag and onto the ground, bawling her eyes out.

“Silence,” one of the cultists said as he stared down Baby Diamond Tiara.

Cozy Glow immediately flew up to Baby Diamond Tiara, picked up the little tyke and held her close, staring down the zealot.

“I’ll silence this one, thank you very much,” Cozy Glow said as she held baby Diamond Tiara close to her. The little baby started to calm down as Cozy Glow turned her head towards the tyke and rocked her carefully.

“Fine,” the cultist said. “While that happens, get moving.”

“Alright, alright,” Cozy Glow said as she flew up to Filthy and Spoiled Rich, all while Golden Lace ran up to the older couple.

“Uncle Filthy, Aunt Spoiled,” Golden Lace said. “What happened?”

“One of the guards tried to silence our baby,” Filthy Rich said.

“But your pegasus friend here was able to retrieve her,” Spoiled Rich replied.

Cozy Glow flew up to Golden Lace, Filthy and Spoiled Rich all while the pegasus filly rocked Diamond Tiara in her arms. Golden Lace looked down at her baby cousin and breathed a sigh of relief.

“Thank goodness,” Golden Lace said as she gently stroked Diamond Tiara on the forehead.

“Hey Lace,” Cozy Glow asked. “What happened to your Wolf’s Breath Curse?”

“I can answer that.” Golden Lace and Cozy Glow turned their heads to see Danged Spell approach them.

“Spell,” Golden Lace said. “Did it happen to you?”

“It did,” Danged Spell replied. “After Queen Chrysalis blasted Princess Celestia out of the sky, I suddenly snapped out of my own curse as if I felt a cloud of hopelessness and despair. I believed that it also applied to Lace.”

“It did,” Lace replied. “Once I saw Queen Chrysalis attack Princess Celestia, I lost the will to remain in my cursed form.”

“So it seems the Wolf’s Breath Curse has its limits,” Cozy Glow said.

“I’m afraid so,” Danged Spell replied. “Especially considering the fact that we’re all going to be taken away from Canterlot.”

Nearby, a few of the changeling mooks roughed up Prince Blueblood, separating him from Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, Shining Armor, Night Light, Twilight Velvet, Queen Novo and Prince Hoofar. One of the changelings kicked Blueblood to the ground and kicked up dirt to his nose.

“That’s for the treatment we got early ago,” one of the changelings said.

“Yeah,” another said. “So deal with it, loser.”

As Prince Blueblood struggled to get up, he noticed a white hoof extending down to him. He looked up to see Rarity holding her hoof for the prince with Moondancer and Trixie right next to her. Blueblood reached out and allowed Rarity to pull him up.

“I don’t suppose I deserved that for what I did to you?” Prince Blueblood said as the changelings behind him laughed.

“No,” Rarity responded. “Even what they did was far cruel and unusual. Besides, you at least showed that you were willing to change.”

“Yeah,” Moondancer said. “We all have our jerk moments. But when it comes to cruelty, those buffoons take the cake.”

Trixie looked at the two changeling grunts, who just did nothing but laugh at the four younglings. She glares at the two for a moment before turning around and walking alongside Rarity, who took Prince Blueblood with her. Moondancer was quick to catch up and walk alongside Trixie.

“Don’t pay any attention to them,” Trixie said. “Something about those clowns just screams invaders who do this for a good laugh.”

“Easy for you to say.” Rarity said. “Especially now that we’re their prisoner.”

As more ponies gathered around the group, Applejack was close by with Bright Mac, Buttercup, Big Mac, Granny Smith, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Pinkie Pie. The pink earth pony lost her grip on her party cannon, which was snatched away by the changelings.

“Aww nuts,” Pinkie Pie said as she looked down at the ground with her ears drooping down. “Now what is mom and dad going to say when they find out my first party cannon was taken by those nimrods, and to the fact that I end up becoming one of them?”

“Look on the bright side,” Bright Mac said. “At least your folks are safe where they are.”

“I appreciate the comment,” Pinkie Pie said. “But I think the next time they see me, they will be having nightmares till their last breath. Me, the reincarnation of Discord, becoming a changeling.”

“Look Pinkie,” Applejack said as she put her arm around Pinkie Pie’s back. “We’ve been through some tough times back in La Maresa. We’ll get through this together like we did two years ago.”

“She’s right,” Granny Smith said. “Even if your folks and the cakes are far away in La Maresa or that little rock farm of yours, we’ll be by your side. In fact, I’d say with my blessing, I’ll make you an honorary apple.”

“Aww thanks guys,” Pinkie Pie said as she and Applejack hugged each other. “If only my sisters were here to see this.”

Meanwhile near the group, Rainbow Dash, Spitfire, Captain Airazor and a group of Wonderbolts stood there as the cultists placed chains around their necks.

“Guess I really won’t be using the Sonic Rainboom to save the day again,” Rainbow Dash said. “Wanda or no Wanda.”

“Look on the bright side, Rainbow,” Spitfire said. “You fought well alongside us Wonderbolts, helped out when we asked you to, and you proved that you’re as much of a Wonderbolt as I am, or as much as Airazor.”

“Spitfire has a point here,” Airazor replied. “You have the true makings of a Wonderbolt, Rainbow Dash. And should we make it out of this mess, I want you to continue to become a Junior Wonderbolt.”

“Really?” Rainbow Dash said.

“Yeah,” Spitfire said. “Besides. I am starting to get a bit arrogant, and I wouldn’t mind some friendly competition.”

“Consider it done,” Rainbow Dash replied as she and Spitfire gave each other a hoof-bump. “Even if we do become bug ponies, it would still be worth it.”

“I’m proud of you both,” Airazor said as she gave Rainbow Dash and Spitfire a hug.

Nearby, Fluttershy was bandaging up a flamingo’s leg with Starlight and Sunburst observing some of the exotic animals as they were bumped close to them by the changeling guards.

“Now how does that feel, Mr Flamingo?” Fluttershy asked as she completed one last wrap around the flamingo’s leg, who only smiled back at the little filly.

“You know Fluttershy,” Starlight said as she looked after an otter’s paw. “I’m going to say this: I’d wish we were more with you.”

“Oh?” Fluttershy said.

“Yeah,” Sunburst said as a raccoon rubbed its head on his hoof. “We originally came here to gaze up at the stars and just enjoy the moment. We should have known that this was where Princess Celestia allows some of the more endangered animals to live here in harmony.”

“Maybe if we do make it out alive,” Fluttershy said. “I’d...I’d like to invite you both to the San Di’Neighgo Zoo.”

“The famous San Di’Neighgho Zoo?” Starlight said.

“I’ve heard about that,” Sunburst replied. “The founder was a brilliant stallion by the name of Harry Neighforth. He wanted to present the ponies of Equestria with a zoo that’s meant to look after some of the most exotic animals on the planet.”

“But there are two things you should know,” Fluttershy said. “One, he’s still around to this day. And two, he’s my uncle.”

Both Starlight and Sunburst’s jaws dropped down to the ground.

“Wow,” Starlight said. “I did not know that.”

“Same here,” Sunburst replied.

As the changelings and cultists round everyone up, Buck Withers and Lemony Gem stood side-by-side with Gad Zookes right next to them. The three were cramped up next to some of the guests with a worried look on their faces.

“So,” Lemony Gem said. “Have you ever been taken captive by changelings?”

“I have faced many before me,” Buck Withers said. “But I have never been taken captive by changelings or cult members, until now.”

“Guess there is a first for everything,” Lemony Gem replied, placing her hoof around Buck Withers’ face.

“I guess there is,” Buck Withers replied. He turned to his faithful sidekick and friend before he added “Gad. It’s been an honor having you by my side.”

“The feeling’s mutual, old friend,” Gad Zookes said with a tear falling down his cheek as he gave Buck Withers a big hug.

Outside of the group of changelings and cultists, Locust watched with glee as nearly everyone from the gala was rounded up completely. Inferno flies from the city limits with Quickstrike and Waspinator by his side, landing near Locust.

“I take it the queen shot down Princess Celestia,” Inferno said.

“Not to mention the princess and the ex-student,” Locust replied.

Quickstrike jumped up and down in the air before he hollered out “YEE-HAW! We showed that fat cow not to mess with the changeling swarm and our new partners.”

Locust glared at Ocellus within the crowd, who was holding onto Baby Silverstream. He turned to Inferno and said “How would you like to punish Ocellus for abandoning the hive?”

“An interesting task to assign me,” Inferno said. He turned his gaze towards Baby Ocellus and said “Very well. I will do so.”

“Well then say the word, brother,” Quickstrike said. “I’m ready to deliver predacon justice to that deserter.”

“Waspinator fine with predacon justice,” Waspinator said. “After all, Waspinator is proud to be part of Queen Chrysalis’ elite squad.”

Inferno thrust his hoof towards Ocellus and yelled out “Make it so, brothers.”

Quickstrike and Waspinator cheered as they jumped into the air and flew right towards Ocellus. The baby changeling took notice of the two Predacon brothers and held onto Baby Silverstream, which also caught Princess Skystar’s attention.

“Ocellus, Silverstream,” Skystar yelled as she wasted no time grabbing both babies and holding them close to her.

“Hand the traitor over ya tin-horned iggit,” Quickstrike said as he and Waspinator flew down in front of Princess Skystar.

“No,” Princess Skystar cried as Ocellus and Silverstream hid behind the hippogriff’s chest. “I won’t.”

“Well you left us no choice,” Quickstrike replied with a devilish grin on his face. He turned to Waspinator and said “Let er have it.”

Waspinator walked right behind Skystar and transformed into a long-tailed raccoon. He positioned his tail right up to Skystar’s sides and tickled it.

“No wait, stop,” Skystar laughed uncontrollably. “Not there. Anything but that.”

Princess Skystar lost her grip on Baby Ocellus and Baby Silverstream as she rolled onto her back and laughed really hard. While Waspinator pinned down Skystar with her tail, Quickstrike picked up Ocellus and flew off.

“That’s enough, brother,” Quickstrike yelled. “We got the deserter.”

Waspinator moved his tail away as he leaped into the air and transformed back into his changeling form. He flew alongside Quickstrike and Inferno, all while Skystar watched helplessly as Ocellus was taken towards Locust. The changelings and cultists stood in front of Skystar, keeping an eye out on the hippogriff filly.

Skystar lowered her claw down and let out a sigh of failure. She felt a nudge on her hip and turned to her side to see Silverstream crying out for her.

“I’m sorry,” Skystar said as she picked up Baby Silverstream. “I couldn’t stop them from taking her.”

As Skystar gave Baby Silverstream a hug, Quickstrike brought Ocellus up to Locust and Inferno with Waspinator right behind his own brother, all while the Predcaon procured a special crystal with a form of dark magic coursing within.

“So traitor,” Locust said as Quickstrike placed Ocellus on a makeshift table, all while the baby changeling just stood there in total defiance. “Is there anything you wish to say before you are...punished?”

Baby Ocellus turned her head and said “There is. I’m aware of what you’re going to do to me. And I’m proud of what my parents did to keep me safe and sound. Furthermore, after what Queen Chrysalis has done to me and my parents, I would sooner live with the ponies than to live with my own kind. Do your worst.”

“Ahhh, so this one is not afraid,” Inferno said as he held the crystal on his hoof. “We’ve never had one so defiant of his own punishment. Very well. Those who defy the queen shall be punished.”

Inferno raised the crystal into the air as Ocellus stood there with her eyes closed. The predacon yelled “Those who defy the queen will suffer the punishment of one thousand nightmares.”

But just as Inferno positioned the crystal towards Ocellus, Sunset Shimmer ran up to the table and right in front of the baby changeling.

“Leave her alone,” Sunset said. “Let me take the punishment in her place.”

“Sunset,” Ocellus said as she opened her eyes and turned towards the adopted daughter of Princess Celestia. “You don’t have to do this.”

“I am because one thing is clear,” Sunset replied. “I am your friend, and good friends defend others, no matter what. And I’m proud to be your friend.”

“You?” Locust laughed. “A friend of this traitor?”

“I am,” Sunset said. “So if anyone deserves a punishment, it should be me.”

“Sunset, no,” Ocellus yelled before Waspinator grabbed her and pulled her away.

“What do you say, Locust?” Inferno said. “Shall this princess suffer the supposed fate of the traitor?”

“Curious,” Locust said as he rubbed his chin with his hoof. “When we prepared to punish the traitor, she seemed brave and willing. But when this princess decided she wanted to take the fall, suddenly the traitor loses it because she didn’t want others to suffer. Very well. The princess will suffer for the sake of the traitor.”

Sunset Shimmer turned around and closed her eyes as Inferno held the crystal high into the sky, watching as the dark magic flowed from within. Nearby, Ocellus could only watch in horror as Waspinator held her.

“What are you thinking, Waspinator?” Baby Ocellus cried. “Why would you want to go down this dark path?”

“Waspinator believes in the will of the Queen,” Waspinator said. “Waspinator proud of fighting for this cause, no matter how much pain Waspinator suffers. In Waspinator’s eyes, Waspinator stand by queen, or become outcast.”

Ocellus closed her eyes as she said “This is why I’m ashamed of my own kind.”

As Inferno placed the crystal in front of Sunset Shimmer, he said “Any last words before you suffer what the traitor was going to taste?”

“As a matter of fact I do,” Sunset said with a smile on her face. “Did you also order an armada of zeppelins with my punishment?”

“An armada of zeppelins?” Inferno said with a confused look on his face. “What are you talking about? What kind of trick are you showing me?”

“Look up you fool,” Sunset said as she covered her face with her hooves.

Locust, Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator looked upwards to see zeppelins and airships as far as the eye could see. Waspinator’s jaw dropped to the floor as his grip on Ocellus was loosened, allowing the changeling foal to escape his grip and fly off towards Silverstream and Skystar.

“Ocellus,” Skystar said as she opened her arms up.

Ocellus grabbed onto Skystar and gave her a big hug, with Silverstream cuddling up to the baby changeling.

The changelings and cultists stood clueless as the zeppelins advanced closer to the castle grounds. Locust just stared at the advancing airships before he turned towards Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator.

“What is this?” Locust said. “Where did these ships come from?”

“I believe I can answer that.” Locust, Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator turned to the crowd, where Prince Hoofar emerged with Princess Luna by his side.

“Then explain yourself, softskin,” Locust shouted. “Why are these airships directed at us?”

“Why that’s easy,” Prince Hoofar said. “Those are my father’s ships. It appears he may have been aware of your plan to conquer Equestria. How, you may ask?”

Prince Hoofar laughed as he tapped the jewel on his turban. Locust’s jaw dropped to the ground as Sunset Shimmer leaped off the table and stood by Princess Luna and Prince Hoofar.

“Now you figured it out,” Sunset Shimmer said. “We were playing with you the whole time.”.

“You sent your own father an SOS through that magical gem of yours?” Locust roared.

“You figured it out,” Prince Hoofar replied. “I had a feeling something like this was going to happen. So I had to use the Eye of Saddle Arabia so that my father would know what to do. And judging by his ships, I’d say he was right on time.”

“It’s almost as if we lured you all into a trap,” Princess Luna said with a smirk on her face. “You were so focused on celebrating your win, that you forgot about the last move we made prior to our capture. It’s a shame that my sister is not here to see this, because one we send your butts out of Canterlot, we’re coming for your Queen, and for Coldnelius Snap.”

With a slam of his hoof on the ground, Locust screamed into the night sky as the zeppelins came to a stop.

To Be Continued in…

The Gala fights back.

Author's Note:

The original plan was to call for Twilight Sparkle to be knocked unconscious, which would have put a lot of burden on Princess Celestia. But I decided to go down this path. Why? Well stay tuned, because we only have 5 parts left.

And on a side note, I think you will enjoy "The Gala Fights Back" tomorrow. It will be cathartic after this and the last couple of parts.

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