• Published 4th Feb 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Life in Canterlot" - SaburoDaimando

A human girl learns to live in a world full of ponies, friendship, and corruption

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Arc 10-8: Unforgettable Memories

Unforgettable Memories

Evening had fallen among La Maresa. A stage had been set up in the middle of the Ponyville Providence Fair, built from the remains of various booths, and yet it was sturdier than a typical house. Rarity and Moondancer were on stage as Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, Shining Armor, Trixie, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Twilight Sparkle, Spike, Abigail, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Danged Spell, Mr Bovine, Chancellor Cinch, Big Macintosh, Bright Mac, Buttercup, Granny Smith, Apple Bloom, Filthy Rich, Spoiled Rich and Diamond Tiara was waiting patiently.

“Fillies and Gentlecolts, Princesses and Chancellor,” Rarity said. “It is the honor of Moondancer and myself to bring to you all a special showcase of our recent work.”

“What we’re showing off is a representation of the day and night,” Moondancer said. “And we put a lot of care into making sure these dresses are in full form.”

“So let us bring out our subjects, who’s dress we made to represent the theme of this evening,” Rarity said. “The sun and the moon.”

Rarity and Moondancer stepped aside as the curtain came up. Wanda and Sunset stepped out from behind the curtain. Wanda was wearing the gown-like purple dress, with a new batch of diamonds sewn onto the skirt. Sunset was wearing the bright orange dress that Rarity showed her early ago. The two siblings turned around, showcasing the details of their dresses as the crowd oohed and ahhed.

“I’ve never been on stage before,” Wanda said to Sunset nervously.

“Don’t worry,” Sunset said. “As long as you’re by my side, you’ll be alright.

Rarity and Moondancer walked back to the center of the stage as Wanda and Sunset stopped turning. Rarity approached Sunset as the sun filly got on her hind legs.

“As you can tell with Sunset Shimmer,” Rarity said “She represents the morning sky when we wake from our wonderful dreams. The colors match that of the beautiful sun, shining across when ponies face the morning day.”

“And with Wanda,” Moondancer said. “She represents the evening night that dazzles our eyes. The diamonds represent the stars that fill the skies and dot the universe, with her hair being the beautiful moon.”

The audience cheered as Wanda, Sunset, Rarity and Moondancer took a bow.

“That looks amazing,” Starlight said as she clapped her hooves in excitement.

“That reminds me,” Sunburst said as he looked around in the crowd. “Where is Ditzy Doo? We haven’t seen her since we drove off the Windigo’s Guild?”

Fluttershy tapped on Sunburst’s shoulder and said “Look behind you.” Sunburst turned around and saw Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles leading a blindfolded Ditzy Doo towards the group.

“Are you sure I can take the blindfold off, Mr Dash?” Ditzy Doo said

“Patience, little one,” Bow Hothoof said. We’re almost there.

“I think you’re going to be happy to see this,” Windy Whistles said as approached the group.

Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles approached the group and turned towards their left as they escorted Ditzy Doo. Rainbow Dash flew on down and approached her parents and Ditzy.

“Okay Ditzy,” Rainbow Dash said. “You can go ahead and take off the blindfold.”

Ditzy Doo grabbed the blindfold and took it off. She looked forward and saw a huge table, decorated with party streamers, balloons, presents, and a big cake in the middle.

“Wait a minute,” Ditzy Doo said. “Is this...a new party?”

The crowd turned towards Ditzy Doo and yelled out “HAPPY BELATED MAKE UP BIRTHDAY, DITZY!”

Pinkie bounced out of the crowd and approached Ditzy Doo as Wanda and Sunset jumped off stage, siding with the pink party pony.

“Not long ago,” Pinkie Pie said. “Your birthday party was ruined by three nasty colts who used to be nice, and then you ran off hoping to get away. So to make it up, we built you a belated birthday party so you can really have something to celebrate.”

“You’re very special to your friends here in Ponyville,” Wanda said. “And you’re also very special to us because of who you are.”

“You should never forget that,” Sunset said as she approached Ditzy and gave her a hug. “After all, you’re now our friend. And now matter how far we are away from you, we will remain friends forever more.”

Ditzy looked like she was going to cry. She snuggled up to Sunset and said “Thank you, friend.”

The two embraced each other in a warm hug as the crowd cheered. Deep in the crowd, Bright Mac, Buttercup and Granny Smith teared up just watching Sunset and Ditzy from afar.

“This is what life is worth living for,” Bright Mac said as he wiped a tear from his eye.

“It’s what life is supposed to be living for,” Granny Smith replied. “All that hard work paid off for her in the end. This is why Princess Celestia raised her this way.”

Buttercup looked up at Bright Mac’s face as she saw the tears flow down his cheek.”

“Are you crying, honey?” Buttercup said.

“No,” Bright Mac said as he couldn’t hold back. “It’s just liquid pride.”

Shining Armor had been watching Bright Mac and Buttercup from the side, seeing the big stallion cry his eyes out.

“Liquid pride, eh?: Shining Armor said. “I’ll have to remember that.”

Bright Mac let out a big chuckle after he heard Shining Armor.

“Well that just made my day,” Bright Mac laughed.

Later that evening, the group was gathered at the big table with Ditzy Doo at the far end. Songs were sung in the evening sky as Ditzy blew out the candles on her cake. Danged Spell cheered before chugging down a cup full of punch while Rainbow Dash took a bite of cake.

“You know,” Danged Spell said. “It’s too bad we have to head back to Canterlot after this is over. We’ve known each other since you arrived during Moondancer’s Cute Ceanera. And you’ve been one of the best friends I’ve ever had.”

“Hey don’t worry,” Rainbow Dash said after swallowing the cake. “I’ll come back to visit every once in a while just to check in with my new best bud. Maybe we can go see the Wonderbolts in action.”

Looking forward to it,” Danged Spell said as he and Rainbow Dash gave themselves a hoof bump.

Nearby, Moondancer and Rarity stared at the stars as fireworks filled the skies.

“It’s too bad I can’t stick around,” Moondancer said. “I still have my own studies at the School for Gifted Unicorns to take care of.”

“And you have a bright future ahead of you, Moondancer,” Rarity said. “And don’t you worry. When I get the time to do so, I’ll visit you up in Canterlot. Always wanted to see what the place was like.”

‘Thank you Rarity,” Moondancer said. “I hope we remain friends for a very long time.”

“Believe me, darling,” Rarity replied. “We will.”

As Rarity and Moondancer continued to stare at the fireworks, Starlight and Trixie were also nearby looking up at the pyrotechnics, all while Starlight held onto her furbob plushie.

“I really wish we could have this last forever,” Starlight said. “It’s a shame I have to return to Canterlot when this is over.”

“It really is,” Trixie said. “Maybe one day, I can put on my show for you in Canterlot. Or maybe at this Sire’s Hollow place you go to.”

“Well nothing can truly bring down the Great and Powerful Trixie,” Starlight said. “Is that right?”

“Oh you better believe it,” Trixie giggled.

But nearby, Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle clanged their cups in harmony before drinking the punch. They botn set their cup down and breathe a sigh of relief.

“I know what you’re thinking,” Pinkie Pie said. “That you have to return to Canterlot and continue your studies as Princess Celestia’s number one student.”

“You really are the reincarnation of Discord,” Twilight joked.

“But don’t you worry,” Pinkie Pie said before winking at Twilight. “I have a feeling we’ll be seeing each other again really soon.”

Twilight whistled innocently and said “Oh I know. And I think Princess Celestia knows as well.”

Nearby, Sunset was enjoying her piece of cake while Wanda held baby Diamond Tiara in her arms, feeding her small bits of cake. Applejack and Apple Bloom were giggling as they smeared cake on each other. Down near Wanda’s legs, Abigail and Spike sat next to each other as they enjoyed their slice of cake.

“You know,” Applejack said as Apple Bloom bit into a piece of cake. “It’s too bad you can’t stay here in La Maresa, or in any part of Ponyville.”

“I know,” Wanda said as she let out a sigh.

“But cheer up,” Applejack said. “You have a loving mother and aunt who will look after you, and you have some great friends who will be by your side.”

“She’s right,” Sunset said. “And they will come up to visit you. In fact, Rarity was hoping that we wear our dresses at the Grand Gallopin Gala later on.”

“I’ve heard alot about the Grand Gallopin Gala,” Applejack said. “And I bet that when that event comes, all your friends will join you for what could end up being the best night ever.”

“You really think so?” Wanda said.

“No doubt about it,” Sunset replied.

As Applejack, Sunset and Wanda laughed, Baby Diamond Tiara looked up at the Man’s Cub and said “Wanda.” This caused Wanda, Sunset and Applejack to look down at her as Filthy and Spoiled Rich ran up to the trio.

“She said her first word,” Filthy Rich said in excitement

“This has got to be the best moment in our lives,” Spoiled Rich said as she and Filthy Rich cheered while Wanda looked down at Diamond.

“And not to mention you made a friend in Diamond Tiara,” Applejack said as Diamond Tiara giggled in Wanda’s face.

“Yeah,” Wanda said as she let Diamond Tiara grab onto her finger. “Who knew I had a soft spot for babies?”

But right next to them, Sunburst and Fluttershy just looked at each other awkwardly.

“So,” Fluttershy said. “What’s going to be like when you return?”

“Not as exciting,” Sunburst said. “Plus, I still have to get over what those monsters did to us.”

“Don’t you worry,” Fluttershy said. “I believe you and Starlight will have some fun times up there. And I believe I could come on by, all just to check on both of you. In fact, I think you’re cute together.

“Aww,” Sunburst said before he turned his head. He turned back and said “By the way, where is Mr Bovine?”

“Don’t you worry,” Fluttershy said. “He said he had an important task to take care of.”

But nearby in the bushes, Hoops, Dumb-bell and Score lay hidden, looking like they were ready to pounce.

“So that special snowflake decided to have another birthday party?” Hoops said.

“Especially after we ruined her last one,” Dumb-Bell said, rubbing his hooves together.

“Wadda say we ruin this one and leave her in a crying mess?” Score said.

“Why not?” Hoops said, looking like he’s ready to emerge. “Maybe she’ll run far away to Manehattan and hide there for the rest of her life.”

But as the trio laughed within the bushes, they felt a hot steam blow down from above.

“Hey quit steaming on me,” Hoops said as he smacked Score upside the face.

“I didn’t do no steaming,” Score said as Dumb-Bell looked up and looked like he was about to freak out.

“Uhh, guys,” Dumb-Bell said. “ I think we got company.”

Hoops and Score looked upwards and saw Mr Bovine looking down at the trio, angry as ever.

“What do you think you trouble makers are up to?” Mr Bovine roared.

“MONSTER!” Hoops, Dumb-bell and Score yelled as they ran off from the bushes. Mr Bovine just stood there and smiled.

“The trap has been set,” Mr Bovine said to himself.

Nearby, Hoops, Dumb-bell and Score ran as fast as possible, running away from the big bull.

“How the hay did that cow know where we were?” Score yelled.

“Shut up and keep running,” Hoops said as he ran really fast.

Suddenly, they bumped into a large object and fell on their backs, partially dazed. Hoops shook his head as he began to open his eyes.

“Who did that?” Hoops yelled as his eyes were wide open.

But when Hoops looked upwards, he saw the face of Chancellor Cinch, who glared down at the three boys with extreme scorn.

“I thought I told you three not to cause harm to that filly,” Chancellor Cinch yelled.

Hoops Dumb-Bell and Score looked up at Cinch and their jaws dropped down. They tried to inch backwards, only to bump into another hoof. Their faces turned south faster than a cheetah on the prairie lands.

“I don’t like what’s behind us,” Dumb-Bell said as she shook in fear.

The trio of boys looked upwards and saw Granny Smith and Princess Luna stare right down at them. The trio stood there helplessly as they cowered in fear.

“And I told you three not to come back to the fair,” Granny Smith said. “But it seems you troublemakers enjoy this kind of juvenile delinquency.”

“I believe I have a far more suitable punishment for you three,” Princess Luna yelled as her voice echoed into the night. “Because what you’ll get will be the biggest nightmare of your lives.”

Later on, Hoops, Dumb-Bell and Score were dressed up as waiters as they reluctantly passed out cups full of punch and plates full of cake to the guests. Hoops only growled as Ditzy accepted another slice of cake.

“Maybe if you kids didn’t act like total jerks,” Bright Mac said. “You wouldn’t be in this situation, regardless of that accident or not.”

“Yeah,” Ditzy said. “Just because you had one tragedy occur in your life doesn’t give you three permission to act like that.”

As Ditzy Doo ate her piece of cake, Hoops stood there, growling to himself.

“Just you wait,” Hoops said to himself. “When this humiliation is over, I’ll make you wish you were never born.”

But as Hoops finished speaking to himself, a large piece of cake flew right at Hoops’ face. He turned around and saw Apple Bloom giggling as she took another bite of cake. The crowd laughed at Hoops stood there, grumbling to himself before turning his head to see Dumb-bell and Score looking like they were about to giggle.

“What are you morons laughing at?” Hoops said to Dumb-Bell and Score, causing them to cower down.

As Ditzy enjoyed some more cake, Wanda and Sunset approached the cross-eyes pegasus filly.

“It’s too bad you have to return to Canterlot,” Ditzy said. “Maybe I’ll come back there one day.”

“It was great to meet you, Ditzy,” Sunset said. “And don’t worry. If you have another problem like that again, you know who to turn to.”

“After all, it’s two things that mommy said to us,” Wanda said. “As a family, we are one together, and friendship is magic.”

“That’s the best thing I’ve ever heard,” Ditzy Doo said as Wanda and Sunset gave the pegasus a big hug.

Nearly everyone enjoyed the night as they sipped on punch and ate cake. As for Hoops, Dumb-Bell and Score, they just stood there, reluctantly serving cake to the guests all while being pelted by pieces of the dessert for misbehaving.

Later that night, Wanda, Sunset and Abigail were back in Canterlot, in their own bedroom. Wanda and Sunset sat on their beds and looked up at the night sky while Abigail slept right next to her.They looked exhausted. But at the same time, they felt happy.

“What a day,” Wanda said as she looked up, just admiring the beauty, even though the moon had the image of a devil-like pony on the surface. “We had a blast at the fair, had to endure the Windigo’s Guild, and we got to give Ditzy Doo a real birthday party.”

“And we made some good friends down there in La Maresa,” Sunset Shimmer said. “It’s a shame it all came to an end so soon.”

“Do you suppose they will be coming down to Canterlot?” Wanda asked.

“Oh believe me,” Sunset replied. “I think they’ll be here sooner than you think.”

Suddenly, a knock echoed from their door. Wanda turned to the door and yelled out “Come in.” The door opened and Kibitz came on it.

“There’s a guest for you, Miss Glimmer and Ms Young,” Kibitz said.

“A guest?” Wanda replied. “Now who could be here at this time?”

“Oh you’ll find out,” Sunset said with a wink.

Wanda jumped off the bed and approached Kibitz. She said “Who is this guest?”

“Why,” Kibitz said as he opened the door. “It’s a friend from La Maresa.”

As the door opened wide up, Pinkie Pie emerged from behind with a loud “SURPRISE!”

“Pinkie Pie,” Wanda cheered. “How did you get here?”

“It was actually a request from Princess Celestia,” Pinkie Pie said. “Since you couldn’t stay down in La Maresa, I decided to come on up and pay a visit for you all. It’s only until the Grand Gallopin Gala.”

“That’s right,” Wanda said. “The Grand Gallopin Gala is coming right up. That’s why Princess Celestia made an order for those dresses.”

“We’re going to have a great time for the next few weeks,” Pinkie Pie cheered. “In fact, I think you’re both due for your trip to Mount Aris.”

Wanda and Pinkie Pie cheered as they hugged each other. Sunset Shimmer got off the bed and walked over to Kibitz, as Abigail woke up and saw Wanda and Pinkie from the comfort of the bed.

“You know,” Sunset said to Kibitz. “You did miss out on the fun at La Maresa, even if it did get populated by the Windigo’s Guild.”

“I know,” Kibitz replied. “But someone had to hold down the fort in case someone tried to break in. A shame I didn’t get to experience the wonders of the fair. But at least Princess Celestia brought back some Apple Fritters to try out. Best food I’ve ever had.”

“I’m glad you’re the majordomo of this castle,” Sunset laughed.

Back outside, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and Chancellor Cinch looked up at the room where Sunset, Wanda, Abigail and Pinkie Pie were. Though Celestia breathed a sigh of relief, she also felt a gust of worry flow through her mane.

“We came this close to losing Wanda and Sunset,” Celestia said. “And it was away from the comfort of Canterlot. Imagine what would happen if the Windigo’s Guild breached the castle.”

“Do not worry,” Princess Luna said. “We’ll be there to protect Wanda and Sunset, should the time come.”

“But that’s just it,” Princess Celestia said. “I couldn’t protect myself, so I couldn’t protect Wanda. That cost her a lot, because I wanted her to live a happy, simple life in La Maresa.”

“It happens to all of us, Princess,” Chancellor Cinch replied. “But what matters the most is that we’re all safe. At least Mount Aris is the one place the Windigo’s Guild is afraid of going to when you depart on your next field trip.”

“I hope you’re both right,” Princess Celestia said. “If I lost either or both of my children, I dunno what I would do.”

But as Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and Chancellor Cinch looked up at the castle, Coldnelius Snap and his guild members watched from a distance. Snap sneered as he got a good look at the castle.

“If those brats think they’ll be safe at that fortress, they’re in for a big surprise,” Coldnelius Snap said. “Once we’re in, we’ll turn it into a Citadel of Pure Cold. And then, we’ll launch the full power of the Windigos across all of Equestria, bringing Eternal Winter to every little pony.

One guild member ran up to Coldnelius and held up a flyer saying “Master. We have an opportunity.” Coldnelius Snap snatched the flyer and looked at it.

“Come one, come all, to the Grand Gallopin Gala,” Coldnelius Snap read. “Tickets are being sent out to every pony in Equestria. It will be the best night ever.” His eyes sparked as he pulled down the flyer.

“That would be a perfect opportunity to sneak in and take over the place, master,” the cultist said.

“So it is,” Coldnelius Snap said. “Come Windigos. We prepare for the Grand Gallopin Gala, and make it the coldest night ever.

Coldnelius Snap and the Windigo’s Guild turned tail and ran off, deep into the woods, with the exception of the very cult member. The lone cult member smiled as he transformed into a bug-like pony. He pulled out an orb and looked down right at it.

“Queen Chrysalis,” the bug-like pony said into the orb. “He’s taken the bait.”

The orb formed the image of Queen Chrysalis, a large Changeling with a dark gray chitin, a dark cerulean carapace, and a green-blue mane. She had large, insect-like wings and a spiked crown on her head.

“Excellent, Locust, “Queen Chrysalis said. “Coldnelius Snap is our key to breaking into Canterlot Castle and taking over so that my hive will become superior to every pony in Equestria. Even those blasted Windigos.”

“Shall I continue to spy on Coldnelius Snap and the Windigo’s Guild, my queen?” Locust asked.

“Make it so,” Queen Chrysalis replied. “Keep Coldnelius Snap focused on the Grand Gallopin Gala. He is our ticket to getting in and turning all of Canterlot into the rallying point for all the Changelings of the world. This day is going to be perfect, a day we’ve all been dreaming of in a long time. Now go.”

“At once, your majesty,” Locust said as Queen Chrysalis disappeared on the orb. He put the orb away and transformed back into a Windigo’s Guild cult member before galloping into the woods.

“It won’t be long,” the fake cultist said to himself. “When the guild members are in place on that day, my queen will make her move and show them who’s really in charge.”

To Be Continued in…

Arc 11: Sunburst’s burden

The nervous sun

Author's Note:

So as of now, Rainbow Dash will be taken her bow out of the Fanfic. But she will return in Arc 12 before making a permanent return for Arc 15 along with the rest of the crew. As for Pinkie Pie, she's sticking around till the end of this fanfic.

Anyway, I think I should give you some sneak peaks into the next set of arcs coming up.

Arc 11 will be focused on Sunburst and it will be his path towards getting his Cutie Mark. Also, I made a mistake. Gold and Silver Banks will make a small appearance in Arc 11

Arc 12 will have the crew journey from Canterlot to Mount Aris, where they will meet up with Queen Novo, Princess Skystar and the Hippogriffs/Sea Ponies. It's a nod towards the 2017 My Little Pony movie. Also, Golden Lace will have some character development that will change her from a Diamond Tiara wannabe to something else in particular.

Arc 13 will focus on Starlight Glimmer, Golden Lace and Wanda Young. The former will be on her path to getting her cutie mark, thus completing the crew. Also, this arc will introduce another FiM villain into the fanfic series as more of a companion for Golden Lace: Cozy Glow.

And on a side note, can a man's cub get a cutie mark? Stay tuned.

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