• Published 4th Feb 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Life in Canterlot" - SaburoDaimando

A human girl learns to live in a world full of ponies, friendship, and corruption

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Arc 11(Sunburst's Burden)-1: The Nervous Sun

Arc 11: Sunburst’s burden

The Nervous Sun

“What’s this about you wanting to step down from your duties as Princess of Equestria?”

Those words came from Silver Banks as he and Gold Banks glanced down coldly at Princess Celestia in the principal’s office of the School for Gifted Unicorns. Celestia just sat there, nervously as Silver Banks stared down at her while Gold Banks looked at her from the side.

“I’d explain yourself if I were you, Princess,” Gold Banks said. “After all, even the depths of Tatarus pale in comparison to what my husband is capable of.”

“Well you did say that if I did something stupid like disciplining your daughter,” Celestia said as she stood there. “I would be stripped of my crown and banished from Canterlot. So I wanted to get that out of the way and simply step down and retire.”

“I did say exactly that,” Silver Banks said as he turned away from Celestia and took a few steps. He quickly turned around and yelled “But that doesn’t mean you get to quit on your own terms.”

“My….own terms?” Princess Celestia said.

“Don’t you get it?” Gold Banks said as she leaned down on the desk. “You’re our employee, our main celebrity. The senators who work up in that stupid building? Same thing.” She giggled as she placed her hoof under Celestia’s chin. “And as long as we’re in charge, you are not allowed to quit on your own terms, nor impose a self-exile from Canterlot.”

“My wife is right,” Silver Banks yelled as he slammed his hoof on Celestia’s desk, scaring the alicorn princess. “If you ever pull a stunt like that again, I’ll take your kids away and form a labor camp for them to spend the rest of their miserable lives in. I’ll even put you in and make sure you can never fly or use your magic again. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?”

Princess Celestia swallowed hard before saying “Y….yes. Mr Banks.”

“Very good,” Silver Banks said as he lifted his arm off the desk and placed it back down on the ground. “And while you’re at it, my daughter is required to go on your next field trip to Mt. Aris. Make sure that she does.”

As Silver Banks walked towards the door, Gold Banks turned towards Princess Celestia and said “And tell dear sister Sweet Milk, or was it Spoiled Rich, that I said hi.”

Silver Banks slammed the door open and walked out of the principal’s office with Gold Banks walking right behind him. They turned and noticed Princess Luna and Chancellor Cinch standing out there, looking coldly at the duo.

“Tell your dog of a princess that she needs to keep her collar on, Chancellor,” Silver Banks snarled.

“And do tell your sister she really needs to stop getting kidnapped by that Windigo’s Guild,” Gold Banks said. “It’s not good for her reputation.”

Gold and Silver Banks turned around and walked off in the opposite direction, leaving Princess Luna and Chancellor Cinch staring down at the couple with complete scorn.

“Duly noted,” Chancellor Cinch said as she brushed her dress. “And ignored.”

“And how in the hay did they find out she was being held captive by Coldnelius Snap and the Windigo’s Guild?” Princess Luna said.

Princess Luna and Chancellor Cinch walked into the principal’s office, where Princess Celestia just sat there with her arms covering her head. The alicorn just looked completely nervous.

“Maybe that field trip to La Maresa may have been a horrible idea,” Celestia said as she just sat there shaking nervously. “In fact, I think I would have been better off as Daybreaker.”

“Don’t let their words get in you, sister,” Princess Luna said. “You’re better than this, and you’re far more humble.”

“She’s right,” Chancellor Cinch said. “Besides, I overheard everything, and I wouldn’t say those despicable words to your daughters.”

“But what am I supposed to do?” Princess Celestia said as she hunkered down nervously. “It feels like the Banks are breathing down my neck, and I’m at my wits end. A part of me is just itching to explode and go all out.”

“Then my suggestion is to relax,” Princess Luna said.

“Relax?” Princess Celestia said. “How am I to relax? I have kids to teach.”

“I’ll do that in your place,” Princess Luna said. “You stay here and wind down for a bit.”

“Are you sure you can handle all those kids?” Princess Celestia asked.

“Oh please,” Princess Luna said. “I handled this before when you looked after a bedridden Wanda. And besides, this is for your mental sake.”

“You’re right,” Princess Celestia said as she reclined back in her chair. “I think you can handle teaching class and preparing for their test about one of the greatest travesties of Equestria.”

Princess Luna nodded and took a few steps towards the entrance. She only paused to turn around and said “Do you need any lavender to calm your nerves?”

“Not really,” Princess Celestia said as she looked up at the ceiling. “I think the silence of this room will be enough.”

As Princess Luna walked out of the room, Chancellor Cinch followed from behind, only pausing to look back at Princess Celestia.

“Whatever happens, don’t forget,” Chancellor Cinch said. “You’re a better leader than what those goons say.”

As Chancellor Cinch walked out of the room, Princess Celestia continued to look up at the ceiling. Even in spite of the advice from Luna and Cinch, Celestia still felt stressed out.

“What am I doing?” Princess Celestia said to herself. “All this silence, and I can still hear Silver and Gold Banks yell at me for no reason.”

Meanwhile, in class, the students sat in their assigned seats, patiently waiting for a teacher to arrive. Some of them looked anxious as the clock ticked down. Pinkie Pie stood there on the side next to the doorway, waiting patiently.

“She’s late,” Sunset Shimmer said. “This isn’t like our mother to be like this.”

“Not to mention,” Wanda said. “Mommy was going to introduce Pinkie Pie to the group before our preparation for our test.”

“You’re telling me,” Twilight said. “It’s not like Princess Celestia to be this late. What could have happened to her?”

“Actually,” Moondancer said. “I recall seeing Gold and Silver Banks wander into the school again. I believe they went after Princess Celestia again.”

“Oh no,” Twilight said as she covered her face. “Not those two again. They caused Celestia to break down because she wanted to punish Golden Lace for that stunt she pulled.”

“Yeah,” Danged Spell said as he hid under the desk. “One look at their face, and you can tell they’re the prime example of banking on it.”

“Danged Spell,” Most of the students yelled as Spell continued to hide under his desk.

“What?” Danged Spell said as he poked his head out. “I’m not kidding. Even the Windigo’s Guild aren’t as horrifying as those two.”

“Not only that,” Sunset Shimmer siad. “But Gold and Silver Banks hold a lot of political power, even though the ponies of Equestria don’t elect them into power.”

“Uhh, hey guys,” Starlight said. “I think there’s something wrong with Sunburst.”

Wanda, Sunset, Twilight, Moondancer and Danged Spell got up and looked at Sunburst. The colt was sitting at his desk as he looked depressed, like something was bothering him. Pinkie Pie, who was stationed next to the doorway, noticed Sunburst’s mood and walked up to Sunburst.

“Hey,” Pinkie Pie said as she waved at Sunburst’s face. “You alright?”

Sunburst let out a sigh and turned his head away from Pinkie Pie. The pink one just stood there as Sunburst faced away.

“Yeah,” Pinkie Pie said. “I can tell this is the prime example of something bugging him. Reminds me of when Applejack was like this.”

“What do you suppose is bugging him?” Wanda asked as Abigail jumped up from below the desk and onto Wanda’s lap.

“Well I’d say he must be suffering from snowflakeitis.” Everyone turned their attention towards the doorway as Golden Lace walked on in, flicking her hair and eyeing Sunburst. Sunset Shimmer looked at Golden Lace with a disgusting scorn on her face.

“Not this spoilsport again,” Danged Spell said.

Golden Lace turned her attention towards Danged Spell and said “Aww. Do you miss being the victim of those Windigo bullies?”

Danged Spell turned his head and said “Personally, I’d rather suffer under the Windigo’s Guild than to have to put up with your parents.”

Golden Lace scowled at Danged Spell and said “Well that’s not a nice thing to say to my parents. Be glad I’m not a tattletale.”

As Golden Lace stepped away from Danged Spell, Pinkie Pie jumped right in front of her, staring at her face with utmost suspicion.

“I’ve got my eyes on you,” Pinkie Pie said. “Rainbow Dash and Ditzy Doo told me all about you.”

“Did they also tell me that I was never punished for my own...crimes?” Golden Lace said with a subtle laugh.

“Big whoop,” Pinkie Pie replied. “I already know that. Besides, some ponies call me the reincarnation of Discord.”

“Well if you’re the reincarnation of Discord,” Golden Lace said. “Then explain why there’s a statue of a draconequus in the castle gardens.”

“That’s my body double,” Pinkie Pie replied with a smile. “I created a clone of myself before I disappeared for a thousand years.”

“That’s a likely story, sister,” Golden Lace said as she walked around Pinkie Pie. “Either that or you're trying to get into my head.”

Pinkie Pie let out a raspberry and said “If I wanted to do that, I would have done so already.”

As Pinkie Pie turned tailed with her butt in the air and walked off, Golden Lace walked up to Sunburst, who just stared into the blank space.

“Well well well,” Golden Lace said. “That looks like the sign of a potential failure. Doesn’t it?”

Sunburst just sat there breathing out a heavy sigh as his mind drifted off. Golden Lace looked down at him with an awkward look.

“How rude,” Golden Lace said. “You should learn to respect your elders, like me.”

But Sunburst just sat there, ignoring Golden Lace all while staring up at the ceiling. Lace looked like she was about to flip out.

“Now you see here,” Golden Lace yelled as she slammed her hoof on Sunburst’s desk. “When I demand attention, then you face me and say ‘I am very thankful for Golden Lace.’ Do you understand?”

Sunburst just sighed and said “Whatever.”

Golden Lace looked offended. She took her hoof off the desk, turned around and walked off in the opposite direction.

“Hmph,” Golden Lace said as she walked towards her desk. “Be that way. You were such a bore, anyway.”

As Golden Lace sat at her desk, Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer and Moondancer all approached Sunburst, each with an eager look on her face.

“I can’t believe it,” Twilight said, excited. “You actually got Golden Lace to leave you alone.”

“No pony in this school has ever done that before,” Starlight said as she gave Sunburst a hug.

“Tell me,” Moondancer said as she slammed her hooves on the front of Sunburst’s desk. “Tell me oh great Sunburst the art of ignoring your foes.”

Sunburst just sighed and looked at the wall, ignoring everyone around her. Twilight’s tone turned sour, Moondancer got her hooves off Sunburst’s desk and Starlight let go of Sunburst.

“This is more serious than I thought,” Sunset whispered to Twilight.

“You’re telling me?” Twilight said. “She ignored Golden Lace and threw away our complement.

“Well you could say,” Danged Spell said as he got up onto his seat. “She got a nasty sunburst. Get it?”

“Danged Spell,” The class yelled, while Golden Lace just snubbed her nose upwards and Sunburst kept staring at the ceiling.

“Wow,” Danged Spell said to himself. “Tough crowd.”

Meanwhile, Pinkie Pie looked outside the classroom, hoping to spot an adult. As she turned to her far right, she noticed Princess Luna walking towards the entrance.

“Don’t you worry dear sister,” Princess Luna sang to herself. “Princess Luna will look after your students.”

Pinkie Pie looked like she was about to freak out. She pulled her head in and turned her attention to the class.

“Hey guys,” Pinkie Pie yelled. “I think there’s a teacher on her way, and it looks like Princess Luna.” Immediately, Pinkie Pie moved to the side of the doorway, tapping her hooves patiently.

“Princess Luna?” Twilight said. “That’s strange. Now why would she want to take over Princess Celestia’s teaching duties at this moment?”

“Didn’t she subbed in for mommy while I was out sick?” Wanda asked.

“She did,” Sunset Shimmer said. “And while it was her first time, she did pull it off well. So I have a lot of faith in her.”

As every student was in their assigned seating with Pinkie Pie standing right next to the doorway, Princess Luna entered the classroom and approached the teacher’s desk, looking eager to start the day.

“Good morning class,” Princess Luna said.

“Good morning Princess Luna,” the students replied.

“As you all know,” Princess Luna said. “I will be subbing in for Princess Celestia today. She’s undergoing a lot of stress lately due to the previous field trip to La Maresa. Anyway, we have a guest from the beautiful town who will be here for the next few months.” She turned her head towards Pinkie Pie and said. “Pinkie Pie, would you be so kind as to…”

“Introduce myself?” Pinkie Pie interrupted as she jumped right in front of the desk, much to Luna’s surprise. “Don’t mind if I do.”

Pinkie Pie reached into her mane and pulled out a clipboard with a pencil attached to it. She took a good look at the paper on the clipboard, studying the words carefully before stuffing the entire object back into her mane. Then she cleared her throat.

“For those of you who didn’t partake in the field trip,” Pinkie Pie said. “My name is Pinkamena Diane Pie. But you may call me Pinkie Pie. I hail from La Maresa, the beautiful town located in the Ponyville Providence, as the apprentice of one Chiffon Swirl, AKA Mrs Cup Cake. But believe it or not, my real origins are from a rock farm located outside of La Maresa.”

“You actually were born on a rock farm?” Golden Lace laughed. “That’s one way to hit rock bottom.”

Most of the class groaned as Danged Spell turned his face towards Golden Lace and said “Hey. No fair stealing my act, you mean-spirited siren.”

“Why?” Golden Lace said. “Are you afraid you’ll hit a rocky situation?”

But before Danged Spell could speak to Golden Lace, Pinkie Pie jumped right in front and said “Better to be on a rock farm than atop a skyscraper. It must feel really lonely to look down at the world from atop that monolith of isolation.”

The entire classroom burst into laughter as Golden Lace was left with her jaw hanging wide open. Even Princess Luna couldn’t hold her in hysterics as she joined in the chuckling. The only individual who wasn’t laughing was Sunburst, as he continued to stare into the distance.

“How? What?” Golden Lace said as she struggled to get the words out of her mouth.

“Oh that?” Pinkie Pie said as she bounced back towards Princess Luna. “Some say I’m the reincarnation of Discord.” Most of the class ooooed in a creepy tone as Golden Lace gagged.

“You wouldn’t like it if I sicced mom and dad on your discorded butt,” Golden Lace said to herself.

As the classroom calmed down, Princess Luna cleared her throat and glanced over at her notes before turning her attention to the class.

“Anyway,” Princess Luna announced. “You all have a test coming up involving La Maresa and its ties to Old Equestria. Before we begin, I’d like to see how knowledgeable you are in this subject.”

“Old Equestria,” Twilight said to herself. “I’ve been dying to want to take a test on this.”

Luna placed her hoof on one portion of the notes before she said. “First off, what is the name of the forest that is located near La Maresa?”

Without a second thought, Twilight Sparkle raised her arm into the air. Luna catched it and pointed towards the young unicorn by calling out her name.

“The Everfree Forest,” Twilight Sparkle replied.

“Correct,” Princess Luna replied. She looked down at her notes before looking upwards and said “Now what was the name of the very castle that is located near the forest?” It didn’t take long before Twilight raised her arm into the air, catching Luna’s attention.

“Twilight,” Luna said.

“Castle Everfree,” Twilight announced.

“That is correct,” Luna said with a surprised tone.

Sunset leaned over to Wanda and whispered. “And to think, we were at that location before we made it into La Maresa.”

“Well I ain’t going to let Twilight one-up the both of us,” Wanda whispered back.

Luna looked down in her notes before looking upwards and said “Now this one’s a toughie. Who are the names of the original occupants of the castle?”

But before Twilight could raise her arm, Wanda raised hers in the air, catching Luna’s attention.

“Miss Wanda,” Luna said as she pointed towards the Man’s Cub.

“Queen Eternia and Queen Icelina,” Wanda replied.

“Correct,” Princess Luna said.

As Wanda sat down with a smile on her face, Twilight looked at her with an annoyed glare.

“I’m onto you,” Twilight said as she stared at Wanda, who only smirked back at the unicorn.

Luna continued to look at her notes before looking upwards and said “Okay. Who can tell me what the forest used to be?”

In an instant, Sunset Shimmer raised her arm into the air, catching Princess Luna’s attention.

“Sunset,” Luna said as she pointed to the sun-themed filly.

“It was once a majestic city known as Everfree City,” Sunset replied.

“Correct,” Luna said. She rolled her eyes a bit before she said to herself “I think dear sister gave Wanda and Sunset the VIP treatment.”

As Sunset Shimmer sat down, Twilight glanced over at Sunset with a threatening frown on her face.

“You’ll pay for this, you scene-stealing aristocrat,” Twilight said as Sunset whistled innocently.

Luna looked down on her notes before looking upwards and said “Okay. This one’s a real toughie. What year was Everfree City abandoned and why?”

Without looking at Princess Luna, Sunburst raised his hand into the air, catching Luna’s attention.

“Sunburst,” Luna said.

Sunburst let out a sigh and said “50 B.D. It was because of the fight between Queen Eternia and Queen Icelina with nether alicorn emerging as the victor. And some say they both perished in the fight.”

“Err...correct,” Luna said hesitantly. “Are you alright, Mr Sunburst?”

“I’m fine, Princess Luna,” Sunburst sighed.

Princess Luna just sat there with an odd look on her face for a bit as Sunburst rolled his eyes and drifted off. Though the Alicorn knew something was up with the unicorn colt, she had no idea on what to do about him.

“Well anyway,” Princess Luna said with an awkward tone. “While that covers a lot of the topic at hoof, there are other subjects of Equestria’s past that can also be covered with a short cartoon.”

Luna’s horn glowed as a video projector atop a cart was wheeled out from the back corner of the room and positioned so that the projector faces the front of the class. Luna turned her head towards the chalkboard and pointed upwards at the top as her horn glowed again. She used her magic to pull down a projection screen from its retractor. Afterwards, she reached into her mane and pulled out a crystal.

“So anyway,” Princess Luna said as she gazed into the crystal. “Let us watch what will be covered on the test.”

Luna hovered the crystal into the air with her magic, levitating it towards the projector and inserting it into the slot. The projector turns on and fires off a moving image onto the projection screen as Pinkie Pie turned off the lights from a nearby switch.. The students gazed at the screen as the images displayed a title that said “The Rise and Fall of Queen Eternia.” Sunburst just stood there, gazing at the screen in disinterest.

“The wonders of Magitek,” Moondancer said. “Amazing what Equestria would have been like without it.”

“Whatever,” Sunburst said.

Moondancer turned her attention towards Sunburst and said “You’re not sounding like the Sunburst I knew.”

Sunburst just sat there, looking at the screen and ignoring Moondancer, much to the stargazing unicorn’s annoyance.

“Well excuse me for being rude,” Moondancer said as she directed her gaze at the screen.

On the projection screen, a vast ancient city is displayed for everyone to gaze at. The land covered by the city eclipsed that of Canterlot. And while the buildings were ancient, they were vast and beautiful in their size, shape and color, representing a harmonic blend of nature and marble. Water poured through the aqueducts and into the lakes and streams within the city where ponies would either drink from, or gather. Various equines mingled together, be it earth ponies, unicorns and pegasi.

“Everfree city,” the announcer of the video said. “Once the capital of Old Equestria. Founded by six individuals that represent the three pony tribes: Chancellor Puddinghead, Smart Cookie, Commander Hurricane, Private Pansy, Princess Platinum and Clover the Clever. This city represents the harmony between the three tribes, as their rituals, traditions, and understandings of the magic of friendship are what keep the wrath of the windigos at bay. But it was said that Everfree City was the place where the Alicorn species was born.”

“Alicorn species?” Twilight said as her eyes were glued to the image. “Now we’re talking.”

The moving picture displayed two alicorns in a static, yet majestic pose. One was themed off of fire, the other was themed off of ice.

“These two miracle alicorns are referred to as Eternia and Icelina,” The announcer said. “No one knows who their parents were, or where they came from. But some foretold that alicorns would keep the spirit of the three tribes alive as rulers of Everfree City. Since they came into power, Eternia and Icelina brought upon a golden age to the ponies of Equestria, allowing them to expand beyond the majestic city. It was also said that Eternia gave birth to two beautiful daughters: Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.”

“It’s so beautiful,” Wanda said as she stared at the screen with delight.

“No kidding,” Sunset Shimmer said. “I never realized what the origins of Equestria were truly like.

“But one day,” The announcer said as the skies filled to an icy dark blue. “Queen Icelina turned against her sister in jealousy, and a civil war broke out.”

Everyone stood and watched as the picture showcased ponies fighting other ponies, while Queen Eternia and Queen Icelina clashed at each other, both filled with hate and bile towards each other. Wanda and Starlight sat there, watching the footage with their eyes wide open.

“For many moons,” The announcer said. “Everfree City was under a hostile war, with neither side letting up. What was surprising was that the Windigos took side with Queen Icelina while Queen Eternia summoned Fire Nags to aid her, engulfing the whole metropolis in fire and ice.”

On the screen, the entire city was on fire as towers of ice sprung from the ground. Ponies engaged against each other, aligned with either fire or ice. Queen Eternia and Queen Icelina clashed at each other in the air with all their power.

Off the screen, everyone sans Sunburst stared in disbelief on the action on screen. Wanda and Starlight stared closer at the screen as tears began to form from their eyes.

“After so many months,'' the announcer said. “The fighting finally ended, and peace returned to Equestria. But the entire city was destroyed and rendered uninhabitable. What’s more, there was no sign of Queen Eternia and Queen Icelina. They had disappeared without a trace. Many ponies believed that the two queens died in the months-long war, leaving Equestria leaderless. Queen Eternia was survived by her two daughters Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, while Queen Icelina had no offspring of her own.”

As the entire class witnessed the whole tragedy unfold on the screen, Wanda and Starlight’s tears filled their eyes as their faces scrunched in sadness. Their tears slowly poured down their cheeks as they struggled to hold it in. Sunset took her eyes off the screen, only to watch Wanda look like she was about to cry.

“Oh no,” Sunset said to herself. “Not in class.

But before Sunset Shimmer could react, both Wanda and Starlight burst out in tears, crying loud enough to catch the attention of everyone in class. Except for Sunburst, who continued to stare at the screen.

“I CAN’T BELIEVE THEY’RE GONE!” Starlight cried.


Princess Luna immediately turned off the projector with her magic as the lights came back on. Nearly every student looked at Wanda and Starlight with complete concern. The only ones who weren’t were Golden Lace, who only smirked in amusement, and Sunburst, who just stared at the blank projection screen.

“Class,” Princess Luna said, embarrassed. “We will dismiss for the time being. Remember, your test is due in a few days. So remember to study up.”

As most of the class got up and walked towards the doorway, Wanda and Starlight continued to cry as Sunburst just sat there, staring off into space. Sunset looked at the sun-colored nerd-of-a-colt with an awkward tone on her face.

“I don’t know what’s off with him,” Sunset said to herself. “That empty tone of his, or the fact that he’s ignoring both my little sister and his fillyhood friend.”

“Well now,” Golden Lace said as she got in Sunset’s face. “Maybe you shouldn’t be friends with a bunch of crybabies. Or maybe they need to go back to wearing diapers.”

“Out of my face you brat,” Sunset yelled, causing Golden Lace to back up a bit. “And don’t you EVER mock my sister like that again.”

“Oh I’m so sorry,” Golden Lace said in a sarcastic tone. “I didn’t mean to offend a wild animal who scares her sister every day.”

But as Golden Lace finished her sentence, she heard the sound of a dog ground. Golden Lace turned around to see Danged Spell growling at the selfish filly. Next to him, Moondancer glanced coldly at Golden Lace, looking like she’s not about to hold back.

“Hmph,” Golden Lace said as she turned her head upwards. “Even I know when I’m not wanted.”

With that, Golden Lace walked out of the classroom with her nose held up. Sunset just looked at Golden Lace and gagged in disgust. Moondancer glared at Golden Lace while Danged Spell shook his head.

“I still can’t believe that Golden Lace is allowed to act like this,” Sunset said. “Someone needs to hold her parents accountable.”

“You’re telling me?” Danged Spell said. “And as I said, I’d rather put up with the Windigo’s Guild than those two selfish pricks.

“I’m with you on that,” Moondancer said.

Later that day, Sunburst was sitting outside in the field, doing nothing but observing the sky. Nearby at the entrance to the main school building, Princess Luna kept her eye out on Sunburst all while holding Wanda and Starlight close to her while the two kept crying. Twilight Sparkle was next to Luna with Spike and Abigail perched on her back.

“I haven’t seen him that depressed before,” Twilight said. “I wonder what’s bugging him?”

“I looked into his dream last night,” Princess Luna said as Wanda and Starlight continued to cry into her chest. “And yet, it provided me with little to no answers. Go with him. See if you can cheer him up.”

“Believe me,” Twilight said. “I’m not going to give up on him.” She looked back on Spike and Abigail and said. “Okay you two. Hold on.”

Rearing as high as she could with Spike and Abigail hanging on, Twilight Sparkle ran off towards Sunburst, in hopes of figuring out what’s wrong with the young colt. Nearby, Pinkie Pie walked up to Princess Luna, who’s eyes were focused on the depressed Sunburst.

“I had a feeling he needs my help,” Pinkie Pie said as her eyes were focused on Sunburst.

“I sent Twilight to help him out,” Princess Luna said. “But I would appreciate it if you gave her a hoof in this. Something tells me she can’t do this by myself.”

“Leave that to me,” Pinkie Pie said as she ran off after Twilight, leaving Luna to watch on as she kept Wanda and Starlight close to her.

“Motherspeed, Twilight and Pinkie,” Luna said. “Sunburst needs all the help he can get. The same can be said of my sister, her daughter and Sunburst’s close friend.”

To Be Continued in…

The Unfortunate One

Author's Note:

While there are some similarities to Friendship is Magic's own origin story, I chose to create a slightly different take on the majestic past of Equestria, complete with two Alicorns of their own: Queen Eternia and Queen Icelina. I also came up with the idea of Everfree City, which is now the Everfree Forest. There are also some slight similarities between Eternia and Icelina's clash in this series, much like how Celestia and Luna clashed when the latter became Nightmare Moon. But unlike with the latter, no one knows what happened to Eternia and Icelina. Not even Celestia and Luna, who became orphans when their mother disappeared.

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