• Published 4th Feb 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Life in Canterlot" - SaburoDaimando

A human girl learns to live in a world full of ponies, friendship, and corruption

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Arc 15-9: Reunion of mother and daughters

Reunion of mother and daughters

Gold Banks marched into Wanda’s hospital room all while pulling Silver Banks by the ear. She ripped off her gas mask and threw it to the ground before glancing at Dr Trotdale, who stood in front of Wanda, Sunset, Golden Lace, Ditzy Doo, Spike, Abigail and baby Silverstream .

“Mrs Banks,” Dr Trotdale said. “Princess Wanda needs her rest. Please do not disturb her.”

“Out of my way, quack,” Gold Banks said as she shoved Dr Trotdale to the side, causing him to fall to the ground. Trotdale looked up as Gold Banks marched further into the room.

“You’re really going to do this?” Dr Trotdale said. “You’re really going to disturb a patient who needs her rest from the hay fever virus? What kind of a horrible pony are you?”

Gold Banks looked down at Dr Trotdale before turning towards one of her own Debt Collector Squad members and nodding to him.

“Will do, Mrs Banks,” the soldier said as he pulled out a shock baton and rammed it into Trotdale’s side, shocking and causing the doctor to scream. After the soldier pulled his baton back, Gold Banks marched up to Dr Trotdale and pulled him up by his coat.

“Don’t you ever,” Gold Banks yelled. “EVER speak to me like that again.” She threw Trotdale back on the ground before turning to face Silver Banks.

“Are you really sure we need to do this?” Silver Banks said as he took a look at Wanda, who looked horrified. “She looks as healthy as a horse.”

Gold Banks got into Silver’s face and said “You are going to stay right there unless you want to be disgraced by the very media that controls all of Equestria. Understand?”

Silver Banks stood there and said “Y...yes.”

Gold Banks’s frown turned back into a smile as she said “Good boy.”

Gold Banks turns her head to the corner where Wanda, Abigail, Spike, Silverstream, Sunset Shimmer, Ditzy Doo and Golden Lace were holding onto each other, all while staring down at the despicable diva of a money mare.

“She scares me,” Wanda said as Sunset held her tight. “Keep her away.”

“No matter what happens sis,” Sunset Shimmer said. “I won’t let anything bad happen to you.”

Gold Banks walked over to the group of youngsters and glanced down at all of them.

“Mother,” Golden Lace said as she glared at Gold Banks. “You’re making a big mistake.”

“I beg to differ,” Gold Banks said. “I’m doing what’s right for Equestria. They want to know the real truth about Princess Wanda. About how her infection was nothing more than a lie. When they know about it, her reputation will be over.”

Ditzy Doo looked at Gold Banks face before she eyed an open window. Her wings extended out as she began to let go of Wanda and Sunset, catching Gold Bank’s attention.

“Go ahead,” Gold Banks said with a devilish smile on her face. “Fly out the window and watch as you get classified as a public enemy of Equestria. You’ll never be able to travel anywhere without my squad hunting you down and locking you up. Once you step outside, I’ll relay to the news networks of Equestria to do just that. You’ve lost.”

Ditzy’s wings folded back up as she held onto Wanda and Sunset before she began to cry.

“You’re a coward, Banks,” Sunset said. “Picking on all of us just because Wanda is sick. When mother finds out she...”

“You don’t know your place, peasant,” Gold Banks interrupted, causing Sunset to back up. “It doesn’t matter who your mother is, be it Princess Celestia or Chancellor Cinch. As long as I exist, I am in charge. And that makes me….QUEEN!”

With that, Gold Banks reached out and grabbed Wanda by the wrist as she pulled her away. Wanda cried out loud as Sunset, Abigail, Ditzy, Spike, Silverstream and Golden Lace held on.


“Let go you filthy brats,” Gold Banks yelled as she tried to pull Wanda away. “She’s coming with me, unless you all want to be taken away.”

“Not on your life,” Sunset yelled.

As Gold Banks continued to pull Wanda by the wrist, Abigail, Spike and Silverstream let go of Sunset, Lace and Ditzy before running up to Gold Banks arm and bit right into it.

“YARRRGH!” Gold Banks yelled as she flung Abigail, Spike and Silverstream to the side before she lost her grip on Wanda’s wrist.

Sunset Shimmer, Ditzy Doo and Golden Lace pulled Wanda back to their side as the little man’s cub held her wrist and cried. The three fillies surrounded Wanda and glared right up at Gold Banks.

“She hurt me,” Wanda cried as she held her wrist. “She hurt me badly.”

“She won’t hurt you anymore,” Sunset Shimmer said as she stood by her human sister. “I’ll make sure she doesn’t.”

“Yeah,” Ditzy said as she scratched the hospital floor with her hoof. “You’re our friend, Wanda. And friends protect one another.”

Gold Banks looked down at Wanda Young, Sunset Shimmer, Golden Lace and Ditzy Doo. She looked to her left and saw Abigail, Spike and Silverstream glance at her. Spike blew smoke from his nose, Silverstream jerked her head out in a pecking motion while Abigail growled at Gold Banks.

“Mother,” Golden Lace said. “You’re making a big mistake here. We didn’t want this. We want to see Wanda get better.”

“You should have done as I said,” Gold Banks said. “Had you done so, we wouldn’t be in this situation.”

“No,” Golden Lace said as she looked at Gold Banks, who only looked at her daughter in disgust.

“What...did you say?” Gold Banks said.

“You heard me,” Golden Lace said. “I’m not going to take your side on this. I had doubts about myself after I returned from Mount Aris, and I took Celestia’s side because the field trip taught me something. But the moment you threw me out of the house, I realized just how truly wrong I was. I’m not going to move.”

“Lace,” Sunset Shimmer said. “I understand what you mean.”

“Thanks,” Golden Lace said as she turned her head towards Sunset Shimmer. “Because the bully who looked down at you like a self-centered entitled pony is gone for good.”

Gold Banks grit her teeth. She stared down at Golden Lace, who turned her head back at her mother in shame and fury.

“If you won’t do as I say,” Gold Banks said as she raised her arm back. “Then I will teach you a harsher lesson.”

Golden Lace just stood there and turned her head away. She muttered “Do your worst” as a tear fell from her eye.

But just as Gold Banks was about to slap her daughter on the face, she felt something hold her back and noticed a whip that was now wrapped around her wrist. Gold Banks turned around and saw Buck Withers holding her back. Next to him were Gad Zookes and Lemony Gem.

“Get away from the children you monster,” Buck Withers said as he held the whip with his teeth.

“You have the excuse to want to hurt a child, especially your own daughter?” Gad Zookes said as he stood by Buck Withers.

“You should be ashamed of yourself,” Lemony Gem said, glaring at Gold Banks.

As Gold Banks struggled to get the whip off of her wrist, she turned to face Wanda Young, Sunset Shimmer, Ditzy Doo and Golden Lace, only to find Princess Cadance standing in defense of the younglings. Princess Cadance glared at Gold Banks, not once keeping her eyes off the rich mare.

“How?” Gold Banks said. “How did you bypass that smoke?”

“It doesn’t matter,” Princess Cadance snarled. “I don’t want to see you anywhere near my sisters, her friends, or your own daughter. Do I make myself clear?”

Gold Banks turned around and saw Chancellor Cinch and Shining Armor standing right behind her with Silver Banks backed into a corner. Shining Armor pointed his glowing horn at Gold Banks.

“Don’t even think about it,” Shining Armor said in a low tone.

Gold Banks brushed her mane and said “Fine. I’ll back off. But this won’t be the last you’ll hear of me.”

With that, Shining Armor nodded to Buck Withers, who loosened his whip from Gold’s wrist and pulled it back. Gold Banks turned around as her own squad followed right behind him out the door.

“Good riddance,” Chancellor Cinch said. “After the stunt she pulled, I’d rather have the man’s cub Princess Wanda by my side than her.

As Gold Banks and the Debt Collector Squad walked out, Silver Banks only looked on from inside the room. Golden Lace looked at Silver Banks and ran under Princess Cadance, catching Silver’s attention.

“Daddy?” Golden Lace said as she approached Silver, who only turned his head in shame.

“What I did, and what your mother did, is inexcusable,” Silver Banks said. “I also regret throwing you out of the house and that attempt at punishing you with a rolled up piece of paper. I do not deserve your forgiveness. I’m sorry, my daughter.”

WIth that, Silver Banks ran out the door, leaving Golden Lace standing there with her jaw dropped to the ground. Not long after, Queen Novo stepped in.

“Princess Cadance,” Queen Novo said. “You did well in shooing out Gold Banks. Your mother would be proud of you.”

But as Queen Novo turned to face Princess Cadance, she saw Golden Lace standing there, looking like she’s about to cry.

“Oh dear,” Queen Novo said. “Golden Lace. Are you okay?”

Immediately, Golden Lace started to cry as she ran towards Queen Novo, who picked her up and hugged the filly close. Golden Lace cried on Novo’s chest as she held her close.

“I didn’t want this to happen,” Golden Lace said. “I’m sorry.”

“There’s nothing for you to apologize about, young lady,” Queen Novo said. “You did the right thing in defending Wanda. I’m proud of you.” Novo’s smile turned into a frown as she said “But I’m also sorry for what you had to go through. Do not forget. You will always have friends by your side to help lift your spirits.

As Queen Novo allowed Golden Lace to cry into her chest, Wanda, Sunset, Ditzy and Cadance watched from the corner. Princess Cadance picked up Wanda and held her in her arms.

“I feel sorry for Golden Lace,” Wanda said. “She didn’t deserve to be in this mess.”

“So do I,” Princess Cadance said. “We’ve helped her out after her own mother threw her out. We will continue to fix what was broken.”

“It’s why we’re a family and we’re the best of friends,” Sunset said. “We help one another and we care for each other. After all, as a family, we are one together.”

“She’s right,” Chancellor Cinch said as she approached Wanda and Princess Cadance. “Long ago, I used to distrust you because you were different from the rest of us. But overtime, I learned to never judge a book by its cover. And after what happened to you, I believe that statement rang far more true than I realized, Princess Wanda.”

“I uhh, appreciate it,” Wanda said. “But I don’t mind being called Man’s Cub.”

Chancellor Cinch giggled and said “Whatever makes you feel better, young one.”

Outside the hospital, the carriage being pulled by the pegasus and hippogriff guards has landed in the front. As the door began to open, Gold Banks and the Debt Collector Squad ran out from the hospital entrance and past the carriage. This caught Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Majordomo Kibitz and King Myrrh’s attention.

“What in the world is going on here?” Princess Celestia said.

“I don’t know why Gold Banks and her private military group were running out of the Canterlot Hospital,” Princess Luna said.

“I have a funny feeling something horrible happened in there,” Majordomo Kibitz said.

But as they watched Gold Banks and the Debt Collector Squad run off, King Myrrh noticed Silver Banks walking behind her as if he were depressed.

“Say,” King Myrrh said. “What is with that pony?”

“That’s Silver Banks,” Princess Celestia said. “But something about his posteur seems off.”

Princess Celestia opened the door to the carriage and slowly walked out as she minded her broken wing. Once she stepped onto the surface, she limped a bit towards Silver Banks, catching his attention.

“Mr Banks,” Princess Celestia said as she limped towards Silver. “What happened?”

Silver Banks turned away from Princess Celestia and said “A horrible thing that I can not forgive myself for. But if anything, your daughters are safe.” Those words caused Princess Celestia’s face to turn to complete shock.

Silver Banks walked away from Princess Celestia as Princess Luna, King Myrrh and Majordomo Kibitz stepped out of the carriage and approached the elder alicorn. Right behind them were Prince Hoofar and Jasmine Bloom.

“Princess Celestia,” Jasmine Bloom said. “What happened?”

“It’s Wanda and the others,” Princess Celestia said as she began to limp towards the hospital. “I need to get to them.”

Princess Luna and Majordomo Kibitz walked to separate sides of Princess Celestia as she limped towards the hospital, doing what they could to hold her up.

“Oh no you don’t,” Princess Luna said. “Not in that condition.”

“But Wanda,” Princess Celestia said. “She might be hurt.”

Prince Hoofar looked around the perimeter of the hospital. To his left, he spotted a giant stretcher on wheels just outside the entrance with a nurse cleaning it up.

“Father,” Prince Hoofar said as he tugged on King Myrrh’s outfit before pointing to the stretcher. “I have an idea.”

King Myrrh looked to where Prince Hoofar was pointing and got a good look at the stretcher. He looked down at his son and said “Good eye, my son.” He turned towards Princess Luna and said “Check to your left. We’ll need that stretcher to get Princess Celestia inside.”

Princess Luna turned to her left and saw the stretcher. She turned to King Myrrh and said “We owe you a whole lot for getting us back to Canterlot.”

“My dear,” King Myrrh said. “After what happened to my wife, I don’t want to see anyone else succumb to the cruelty of the desert.”

Back inside the royal suite of the Canterlot Hospital, Dr Trotdale finished wrapping Wanda’s right wrist in a cast made of plaster. Wanda looked at her arm as she held it up.

“How do you feel now, Princess Wanda?” Dr Trotdale said.

“A bit better,” Wanda said. “But that really hurt.”

“It’s really horrible what that party pooper Gold Banks did to you,” Pinkie Pie said as she placed her arm around Wanda’s back.

“Yeah,” Rainbow Dash said. “The nerve of that old hag busting in there, smoking us with her despicable shock troopers and trying to yank you away.” Rainbow Dash then turned to Chancellor Cinch and said “No offense, Miss Cinch.”

“None taken,” Chancellor Cinch said with a smile. “Besides, I think old hag is too good for her after what she did.”

“But I think what she really means,” Sunset Shimmer said as she jumped onto the bed next to Wanda “Is that she came close to taking you away from us, and doing who knows what to everyone in this suite.”

“I’m glad that we’re alright,” Wanda said as she and Sunset hugged each other. “I don’t know what would have happened if that meant Banks did succeed in taking me away.”

“That’s saying a lot,” Danged Spell said as he walked in with his side bandaged up. “It’s one thing for Gold Banks to make that kind of move. But with that...military group of hers? Just what kind of threat does she take us for?”

“Spell’s right,” Applejack said. “We’ve gotten used to dealing with the Windigo’s Guild. But this was something new. In fact, what I want to know is how the hay was she able to afford a military group like that?”

“First the Windigo’s Guild makes trouble across Equestria,” Bright Mac said. “Then they attacked us at the Ponyville Providence Faire. Then the Storm King attacked the hippogriffs, and now this?”

“It’s not the first time that we’ve had this level of madness, Bright Mac,” Princess Cadance said. “I saw this kind of stuff when Princess Celestia adopted me, long before I met Wanda and Sunset. And yet at the same time, this feels too familiar.”

“Big sis,” Wanda said. “Do you think we’ll come to a day where we can all enjoy ourselves without big bullies picking on us?”

“I’m sure we will,” Princess Cadance said as she kissed Wanda on the forehead.

“Big sis’s right, Wanda,” Sunset Shimmer said. “As long as we have one another, we’ll get through this.”

“But I still miss mommy,” Wanda said as she looked down and allowed Abigail to rub up against her arm cast. “I wonder when she’s going to be coming home.”

Just as Wanda completed her sentence, Queen Novo and Golden Lace walked into the room. The two had a bright smile on their face as their presence caught the attention of everyone.

“Queen Novo,” Princess Cadance said. “It looks like you have good news for all of us.”

“Good news is a massive understatement, Princess Cadance,” Queen Novo said. “Princess Celestia has returned, despite the injuries she suffered.”

Those words caused Wanda’s face to brighten up with joy. She jumped off the bed and ran out of the room past Queen Novo with Sunset Shimmer and Abigail running after her.

“Come on you two,” Princess Cadance laughed as she got up and chased after Wanda and Sunset. “Don’t leave me hanging.”

As Princess Cadance ran after Wanda and Sunset, Golden Lace looked outside and cracked a bright, warm smile on her face.

“At least Wanda will be happy again,” Golden Lace said. “Especially after all she’s been through.”

In the lounge of the royal suite, Princess Celestia was wheeled through the front door by Princess Luna, with King Myrrh, Prince Hoofar, Jasmine Bloom and Majordomo Kibitz by her side. As they entered, everyone in the room got up and cheered loudly for Princess Celestia, who got up on her front arms.

“They,” Princess Celestia said. “They miss me?”

“They miss us all, sister,” Princess Luna said.

“I believe my daughters miss me as well,” Princess Celestia said as she noticed Wanda, Sunset and Abigail right in front of her.

Wanda and Sunset looked at Princess Celestia as their eyes began to water up. They both ran up to Princess Celestia and jumped into the air. Celestia immediately used her magic to levitate the two close to her before they gave their mother a big hug. Princess Cadance, Shining Armor, Twilight Velet, Night Light, Fluttershy, Rarity, Twilight Sparkle, Trixie, Ditzy Doo, Cozy Glow, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Moondancer, Spike, Silverstream, Skystar, Buck Withers, Lemony Gems and Gad Zookes all cheered as Chancellor Cinch, Dr Trotdale, Queen Novo, Golden Lace, Bright Mac, Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie came out from the hospital room cheering as well.

“I missed you so much, mommy,” Wanda said as she cried into Celestia’s chest.

“We all thought you were a goner,” Sunset said, looking at Celestia’s face.

“I almost thought I was gone as well,” Princess Celestia said. “You see, your mother made a terrible mistake that was almost fatal.”

“It was?” Wanda said as she looked up.

“Yes,” Princess Celestia said. “When I got word that you were sick with the hay fever virus, I rushed back to Canterlot, only to be caught in a dangerous sandstorm. Had it not been for King Myrrh, I wouldn’t be here.”

Princess Celestia pointed to King Myrrh, who bowed before Wanda and Sunset.

“An honor to meet the young princesses of Equestria,” King Myrrh said as his son Prince Hoofar stepped forward. “And this is my son, Prince Hoofar.”

Prince Hoofar bowed to Wanda and Sunset and said “Pleased to meet the both of you.”

Wanda and Sunset were quick to catch Jasmine Bloom hiding behind Prince Hoofar, who only peeked her head out and took a glance at the two daughters of Princess Celestia. Wanda turned her head and looked up at Princess Celestia.

“Mommy,” Wanda said as she pointed to Jasmine. “Who’s she?”

“Oh that little one?” Princess Celestia said. “That’s Jasmine Bloom. A citizen from Saddle Arabia who lost her parents.”

“Why is she hiding like that?” Sunset Shimmer asked.

“I believe the reason why is because she never met either of you,” Prince Hoofar said as he turned to face Jasmine. “Do not worry. They’re Princess Celestia’s daughters.

Prince Hoofar walked to the side as Jasmine Bloom walked forward towards the stretcher, keeping her eye on Wanda and Sunset before tripping and falling down on the floor.

“Little one,” King Myrrh said as he helped Jasmine Bloom up. “Are you alright?”

“I’m fine,” Jasmine Bloom said. “But I’m rather surprised that one of Princess Celestia’s daughters is...is…”

“A human?” King Myrrh laughed. “I never believed that she would raise a human in this world, nor had I seen one with my eyes. But judging by Princess Wanda, humans are rather curious creatures and I am glad that Princess Celestia is looking after her so that she may fit in with all of us ponies.”

“Well,” Jasmine Bloom said as she looked up at Wanda and Sunset. “I would like to meet with them up close.

“Your wish, is my command,” King Myrrh joked as he used his magic to levitate Jasmine Bloom up and place her on a part of the stretcher next to Wanda and Sunset. Jasmine Bloom looked at the two younglings with curiosity.

“The name Jasmine Bloom sounds beautiful,” Sunset Shimmer said.

“It does?” Jasmine Bloom said.

“Yeah,” Wanda said. “The Jasmine flower sounds like a beautiful flower. I would love to see one in person.”

“You really think so?” Jasmine Bloom asked.

“We have never seen a jasmine flower in person,” Sunset said.

Wanda placed her hand and allowed Jasmine to place her hooves out. But as she did, Princess Celestia noticed the plaster cast around Wanda’s wrist.

“Wanda,” Princess Celestia said. “What happened to your arm?”

But before Wanda could answer that, Queen Novo walked down the lounge with Golden Lace by her side and said “I believe this troubled girl has the answer to your question.” Lace looked up at Wanda with distress on her face as she reached up for the stretcher. Princess Celestia used her magic to pick her up and place her next to Wanda, Sunset and Jasmine Bloom. She was quick to notice a small bandage on Golden Lace’s cheek.

“It was my mother who did this,” Golden Lace said. “She broke into this royal suite with her own private military group called the Debt Collectors Squad. She even tried to grab Wanda and slapped me on the side of the cheek.”

“Oh dear,” Princess Celestia said as she placed her hoof on Lace’s bandaged cheek. “That explains why I saw Gold Banks and those troopers run out of the hospital.”

“Unfortunately, what she said is true,” Chancellor Cinch said as she walked up to Princess Celestia. “We all suffered from Gold Banks’ recklessness when she broke into the royal suite with her Debt Collectors Squad. On the flip side, Princess Cadance showed great bravery in wanting to protect her sisters. She proved to be a great leader in this time of crisis.”

“Is that so?” Princess Celestia said as she cracked a bit of a smile.

Princess Cadance walked up to Princess Celestia and said “Yes. I did what I could to ensure you, Aunt Luna and the Majordomo’s safe return, plus Wanda’s recovery. But when Gold Banks tried to take Wanda away from all of us, we all had to take the initiative at the very end. I couldn’t bear to imagine what would happen if she did take Wanda away. And truth be told, I got in between Gold Banks and my sisters at the last moment to keep them safe from that mean mare.”

Princess Celestia reached out with her hoof, allowing Princess Cadance to grab onto it. Celestia looked into Cadance’s eyes and said “You did well in our absence, Cadenza Mi Amore. And I’m sorry I had to put you and your friends through this unexpected turn of events. Truth be told, I was deeply afraid of the Banks because of the political power they hold in Equestria over me, over the Chancellor and over every senator, governor, and state representative. I can only imagine what you had to go through in protecting your sisters.”

“We went through a lot, mother,” Princess Cadance said. “But one thing is clear. I will not let anyone harm my sisters Wanda or Sunset. I know Gold Banks will retaliate against me. But anyone who tries to harm my sisters will answer to me.”

“She’s right,” Chancellor Cinch said. “I had some gripes with Princess Wanda back then. But even then, seeing harm done to her was a thing I would never have.”

“And I wish I had the courage that you have,” Princess Celestia said. “I hope that in the future, you’re up for leading in our place should we both disappear.”

“Believe me,” Princess Cadance said. “I’m up for it.”

“So that means….” Wanda asked as she paused to try to get the words out of her mouth.

“I will do what I can to lead my nation,” Princess Cadance said. “But I will also be here for you both. You have my word.”

“You hear that, sis?” Sunset Shimmer said as she gave Wanda a big hug. “We have a guardian for a big sis.”

“Yay.” Wanda cheered. “Big sis is the best sis for all of us.”

As Wanda and Sunset embraced each other, Jasmine Bloom and Golden Lace looked at each other and giggled a bit.

“So,” Golden Lace said as she held out her hoof. “I’m Golden Lace. Nice to meet you.”

Jasmine Bloom looked at Lace’s hoof and held onto it gently, but slightly tight.

“Jasmine Bloom,” Jasmine said as she shook Golden Lace’s hoof. “Are you a friend of Princess Wanda?”

“I used to be her bully,” Golden Lace said. “But to answer your question, yes. I am.”

As Golden Lace and Jasmine Bloom shook hooves, Princess Celestia reached and gave the two, plus Wanda and Sunset a big hug. The four younglings giggled while Abigail rubbed up against Wanda’s left hand. Everyone awwed as Princess Celestia embraced Wanda, Sunset, Lace and Jasmine.

“It appears fate has led us all to this moment,” King Myrrh said as he wiped a tear from his eye.

“And sometimes fate can be good or bad,” Prince Hoofar said.

“Yes my son,” King Myrrh said. “But this is an example to where fate’s good side has shined for all of us.”

As King Myrrh and Prince Hoofar embraced each other, Pinkie Pie watched on in the group, looking like she’s about to cry with Starlight Glimmer and Cozy Glow right next to her.

“This moment is so beautiful,” Pinkie Pie said as she began to tear up. “It makes me want to just….just….”

And like that, Pinkie Pie cried so loud, twin waterfalls formed from her eyes and splashed all over Starlight Glimmer and Cozy Glow.

“Aww come on,” Cozy Glow said. “Watch the tears already.”

“Now where’s the fun in that?” Starlight giggled. “Besides, after all we’ve been through, I think we deserve this moment.”

Nearby, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Ditzy Doo looked on as Celestia embraced her sisters.

“Wanda and Sunset are lucky to have Princess Celestia as a mother,” Ditzy Doo said.

“Lucky?” Rainbow Dash said. “I’d say destiny gave them a chance to shine with the most awesome pony in the world.

“Oh?” Ditzy asked.

“I think it’s more like she agrees with you, Ditzy,” Fluttershy said. “And besides, Princess Celestia is the shining example for all in Equestria.”

“Ahhh,” Ditzy Doo replied.

Close by, Applejack and Rarity watched on with Bright Mac next to them. Applejack looked up at her father with full pride.

“Dad,” Applejack said. “What are the folks going to say back home about what happened?”

“We’ll tell them that we all have our work cut out for us,” Bright Mac said. “Be it with the Windigo’s Guild that ruined our fair, or the fact that we all had to hold off Gold Bank’s private squad.”

“No doubt that’s twice in a row that we had to encounter hooligans,” Rarity said as she held her right arm in the air. “But as long as they keep coming, we’ll keep smacking them down.” She immediately swung her arm like a karate chop towards the ground.

“Rarity,” Applejack laughed. “I think your dad makes you watch too many martial arts films.”

As Applejack and Rarity laughed, Buck Withers stood proud as he clapped for Princess Celestia as Lemony Gems and Gad Zookes stood by him.

“You know what’s one of my biggest dreams, darling?” Buck Withers asked.

“That you want a child to call your own?” Lemony Gem said.

“Yes my dear,” Buck Withers said. “Be it through birth or adoption, I dream of having a child to call our own.”

Lemony Gem giggled and said “And you never fail to bring that up.”

“But if you two decide to have a child,” Gad Zookes said. “I will be dedicated to help you raise that child to be the finest mare or stallion of Equestria. You have my word.”

“Gad,” Buck Withers said. “Thanks for being my side for a long time.”

“Anytime, old friend,” Gad Zookes said.

As Buck Withers, Gad Zookes and Lemony Gem all laughed, Queen Novo and Princess Skystar stood by smiling for Princess Celestia, Wanda Young and Sunset Shimmer.

“Mother,” Princess Skystar said. “Is this the example of what happens when miracles occur?”

“Yes my dear,” Queen Novo said. “We’ve put up with the Storm King and with Gold Banks. And this moment is when we deserve the miracle that at least gives hope to the people who need it.”

“Do you think that,” Princess Skystar said. “We’ll find a permanent miracle?”

“We will,” Queen Novo said. “Have faith, my daughter.”

Queen Novo and Princess Skystar closed their eyes and snuggled together. Nearby, Princess Cadance walked towards Shining Armor who looked like he was crying.

“Is that tears I see, Shining?” Princess Cadance said.

“No,” Shining Armor said. “It’s just liquid pride.”

Princess Cadance laughed as she said “Liquid Pride. Now that’s a new thing.”

As Princess Cadance and Shining Armor laughed, Night Light and Twilight Velvet held hooves together as they sat on the couch.

“We’ve been through a lot since Princess Celestia went away,” Night Light said.

“First Wanda gets sick, then the Princesses got stranded, and then Gold Banks attacked all of us,” Twilight Velvet said.

“We first worried when Wanda got sick,” Night Light said. “When we feared what would be for her sake and for us. Imagine everything else piling on.”

“But what matters is that we got through all of it,” Twilight Velvet said. “Wanda is feeling well, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are back, and we’re all safe and sound. Not to mention how proud we are of our children.”

As Night Light and Twilight Velvet held each other, Princess Luna and Chancellor Cinch watched Princess Celestia from afar, each with a smirk on their faces.

“After everything we’ve been through,” Princess Luna said. “I could go for a bubble bath when I get the chance. The sandstorm did a number on me.”

“I may not have been in that sandstorm,” Chancellor Cinch said. “But I can assure you I am not arguing on that. In fact, I could use one myself.”

“Would you like for me to prepare a special one for the both of you?” Majordomo Kibitz said. “It’s like a second art to me.”

The moment Majordomo Kibitz finished speaking, Princess Luna and Chancellor Cinch burst out laughing. Majorodomo raised his eyebrow at the two with a smirk on his face.

But nearby, Twilight Sparkle, Trixie, Moondancer, Sunburst and Danged Spell looked on with Spike riding on Twilight’s back.

“I can’t believe we all got through that nightmare,” Twilight Sparkle said.

“Considering that long ago, we went through something horrible with the Ponyville Providence Faire,” Sunburst said. “I’d say we’ve become too use to danger.”

“You’re telling me?” Twilight said. “I’d hate to see more of these events pop up in the future.”

“You and me both, Twilight,” Moondancer said. “After those two events, I just want to relax at the Grand Gallopin Gala.”

“Thanks for reminding us about that,” Trixie said as she struck a pose. “After all, the Great and Powerful Trixie plans on putting on a Great and Powerful show for the ages.”

Twilight Sparkle, Moondancer and Sunburst looked at Trixie and they started to laugh.

“What’s so funny?” Trixie asked.

“Oh no,” Sunburst said. “But the statement you made about wanting to be the star of the show.”

“Oh please,” Trixie said. “The Great and Powerful Trixie will be the center of attention at the Grand Gallopin Gala. For it will be the grand stage of a lifetime.”

“Center of attention, eh?” Danged Spell said with a smug smirk on his face. “Sounds like you wanna upstage the gala. Get it?”

Everyone in the room yelled out “Danged Spell” Before they all burst out into laughter.

“Oh Danged Spell,” Moondancer said. “You never fail to make us laugh.”

As everyone burst out into laughter, Dr Trotdale stood by watching everyone from the back of the room.

“It’s moments like this that remind me why I love being a doctor,” Dr Trotdale said. “As long as there are bright, warm hearts that need healing, I’m always up to the task of making sure they stay healthy. Besides, there is more to a healthy being, than meets the eye.”

To Be Continued in

Arc 16: Strength from Friendship

A Royal Preparation

Author's Note:

I'm going to have to say this. Of all the arcs I've written, this one happens to be a favorite of mine, not just because of the situation the younglings were in, but also the moment that showcases Gold Banks as a villain character. And after all that the younglings as well as the adults went through, I had to write a satisfying ending to this arc to give them all a happy ending.

There are only three arcs left before this fanfic is completed. Here is a sneak peak of what you will expect:

Arc 16: Strength from Friendship: This one is a 4-part arc written into 4 separate stories. Each one focused on a group of characters. The first one is focused on the adults like Celestia, Luna and Cinch. The second one is focused on what we all know as the Mane 6(Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Twilight Sparkle, with Spike joining in) that will add in a familiar Hasbro IP to this universe's lore. The third one is on Wanda, the rest of the Unicorns(Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Moondancer, Danged Spell, Golden Lace and Trixie), the two pegasi fillies(Ditzy Doo and Cozy Glow) and a magic act gone wrong. The final one will focus on the villains: The Banks(Especially Gold Banks), the Windigo's Guild and the changelings.

Arc 17: The Grand Gallopin Gala: Just as My LIttle Pony: Friendship is Magic ended its first season at the Gala, so will One as a Family: Life in Canterlot. But this is just one of two parts of this. Why? Well..

Arc 18: Queen Chrysalis and the Changeling Invasion: Not only will this be the FINAL arc of the fanfic, it will also be the longest, clocking in at a whopping 14 parts.

Anyway, we'll see you tomorrow with the first part of Strength from Friendship.

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