• Published 4th Feb 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Life in Canterlot" - SaburoDaimando

A human girl learns to live in a world full of ponies, friendship, and corruption

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Arc 13-4: The Magic Never Ends

The Magic Never Ends

It was a beautiful afternoon in the city of Canterlot. Ponies were gathered around the shopping square with streamers, balloons, confetti and bright colors filling the vicinity, while a big banner that said ‘Happy Cute Ceanera, Starlight Glimmer’ was hung in between two buildings. A giant cake was placed in the middle of the square as Pinkie Pie, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna looked up. Next to them were Sunburst, Moondancer, Danged Spell, Shining Armor, Princess Cadance, Firelight Glimmer, Starseeker, Sunspot, Stellar Flare and Chancellor Cinch. Princess Luna still had her wings wrapped up from yesterday’s injury. But her spirits were still high.

“I heard about what happened yesterday with those three bullies,” Princess Celestia said.

“It’s nothing,” Princess Luna replied as her smile never left her face. “But surprisingly, every pony wanted to help me out even in spite of that accident.”

“Aunt Luna, it wasn’t your fault,” Princess Cadance said. “Those three jerks wanted to give us a hard time since the Ponyville Providence Fair. Besides, the ponies of Canterlot felt sorry for you.”

“But that doesn’t matter,” Princess Luna said. “Starlight Glimmer has finally conquered her Nightmare Mark and has earned her Cutie Mark. This is a celebration for her accomplishment.”

“I still can’t believe it,” Moondancer said. “She finally went and got her Cutie Mark.”

“To think,” Sunburst said. “Before we went through the School’s entrance exam, only Sunset Shimmer got her Cutie Mark. Now every one of us now has a Cutie Mark.”

“Well, except Wanda,” Princess Celestia said. “Unfortunately, because she isn’t a pony, I don’t know how she can truly earn a Cutie Mark to call her own.”

“Well that’s just hog wash,” Danged Spell said as he stomped his hoof on the ground. “Everyone deserves a Cutie Mark regardless if they’re a pony, a dragon, a human or anything else.”

“Sometimes it’s best not to overdo our expectations, young stallion,” Chancellor Cinch said. “But then again, the Man’s Cub has exceeded my expectations since she was enrolled in the School for Gifted Unicorns. The fact that she helped Starlight Glimmer earn her Cutie Mark says a lot.”

“Now had you not given Wanda a chance,” Princess Celestia said as she edged closer to Chancellor Cinch, “You would have still been harsh on her.”

“Maybe,” Cinch said. “But then again, the incidents in the Senate are also increasing my sympathy for the young lady.”

“Uggh,” Celestia groaned as she covered her eyes with her arm. “Don’t remind me about it. I still have nightmares about Senator Twinkle Wish demanding funding for her border wall.”

“Now why would you want to talk about politics when my daughter’s about to celebrate her greatest achievement of her life?” Starseeker said.

“Yeah,” Firelight replied, standing by Starseeker. “To think, we hoped that our Pumpky-Wumpkin would earn her cutie mark before our next visit. But to our surprise, it came sooner than we expected.”

“That’s right,” Stellar Flare said. “The last time we were here, we were celebrating Sunburst’s Cute Ceanera. My, how time flies.”

“And I also heard that this Golden Lace girl had a change of heart since the last time we were here,” Sunspot said. “I have my doubts since she does take after her parents.”

“You are not going to believe this,” Celestia said. “But as it turned out, she took my side when the Banks threatened to have me banished from Canterlot.”

“Wait,” Stellar Flare said with a shock on her face. “She actually did?”

“She became more shameful of her actions since our field trip to Mount Aris,” Princess Luna said. “Unfortunately, Gold and Silver Banks weren’t thrilled and proceeded to kick her out of the house until she learned her lesson.”

“Why that’s despicable,” Firelight yelled. “Treating their own pride and joy like that.”

“It’s already proving to be a bad idea,” Princess Celestia said. “The moment Twilight Sparkle told her parents about this, they offered to let Lace stay with them until the issue is taken care of.”

“Well that’s great,” Starseeker said. “I can’t wait to meet her.”

“Speaking of which,” Firelight said. “Where is Starlight? And where is Twilight, Sunset, Golden Lace and Wanda?”

“Starlight Glimmer is on her way as I speak,” Princess Celestia said.

“And Wanda went to fetch Twilight, Sunset and Golden Lace,” Pinkie Pie said. “I can’t wait for this party to start.”

“Well she is going to have the best party she will never forget,” Firelight laughed.

Meanwhile, in another part of the city, Starlight Glimmer was hopping through the street, excited as ever. Her new Cutie Mark shined like a radiant light as she skipped through without a care in the world.

“I can’t believe it,” Starlight said to herself, giggling. “I finally got my Cutie Mark. Now I feel like a very important pony. I can’t wait to stuff my face full of cake and soda once more.”

“Is that it, you little hypocritical snowflake?” Those words caused Starlight to pause as Hoops, Dumbbell and Score emerged from an alleyway towards the twin-tailed filly. Starlight’s face turned to fear as she took a few steps back.

“Get back,” Starlight yelled. “I don’t want anything to do with you three big meanies.”

“Oh please,” Hoops said as he, Dumbbell and Score took a few steps towards Starlight. “We didn’t come here to sweep you off your feet.”

“Oh no no no,” Dumbbell said. “We just came to tell you some bad news.

“Bad news?” Starlight said as she took a few more steps back.

“We heard that your friends really don’t care for your new Cutie Mark,” Score said, smiling with a sickening grin.

“What are you talking about?” Starlight said as she backed herself into a corner.

“Oh didn’t you hear the news?” Hoops said. “They aren’t throwing a party to celebrate your new Cutie Mark. Rumour has it that they’re throwing a going-away party for you.”

“What?” Starlight yelled.

“They only wanted for you to have a Cutie Mark so they could ditch you like the unnecessary baggage that you really are,” Dumbbell laughed.

“I heard they’re going to ship you to a deserted town after this party is over,” Hoops said. “And leave you there to be some kind of cult leader.”

“No,” Starlight said. “That’s not true. Besides, my Nightmare Mark is gone and I now have a Cutie Mark.”

“Is it really?” Hoops said as Dumbbell and Score laughed. “They see your Cutie Mark as pathetic as that dumb equal sign you use to have.”

“That’s not true,” Starlight yelled as tears flowed from her eyes. “My Cutie Mark made Wanda, Pinkie Pie, Princess Luna and even Golden Lace happy.”

“They were only faking it,” Hoops said. “I heard that they think your cutie mark is nothing more than a fake, and that you’re better off leading some kind of sickening cult that claims everyone is equal.”

Hoops, Dumbbell and Score laughed at Starlight Glimmer as the filly was backed in that corner, looking like she was about to cry.

“I don’t believe any of this,” Starlight cried. “I don’t believe you.”

“Face it, snowflake,” Hoops said. “Once a loser, always a loser.”

And with that, the three boy bullies laughed hard enough for Starlight to run past the trio, all the way down the alley, crying her eyes out. Hoops watched as Starlight disappeared into the alley.

“Our work here is done,” Hoops said as he, Dumbbell and Score gave each other a high five.

But high atop a nearby building, Cozy Glow looked down as the three bullies ran off in another direction. She looked up at the spot Starlight ran off before turning her head to the right.

“I better warn someone about this,” Cozy Glow said before she jumped into the air and flew off to her right.

Back at the party location, everyone present awaited Starlight’s presence, unaware of the incident that occured in another part of town. Wanda, Sunset, Twilight, Spike and Golden Lace were not in the vicinity, either..

“I wonder what’s taking Starlight so long?” Danged Spell said. “She should have been here by now.”

“That’s not like her,” Sunburst said. “She’s not one who is late for an important date.”

“So where could she be?” Moondancer said.

“You’ve got to have faith,” Pinkie Pie said as she emerged from behind the giant cake. “Starlight found out how to have faith in herself and that’s how she got her Cutie Mark. I think she might have gotten lost.”

“That doesn’t explain her lack of an appearance,” Danged Spell said.

Suddenly, Cozy Glow flew in from the sky and landed near the cake. This caught everyone’s attention, including Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and Chancellor Cinch, who were talking with each other. Celestia looked at Cozy Glow and approached the filly.

“You’re Magistrate Creme Dream’s daughter,” Princess Celestia said. “What brings you here on such short notice?”

“I’m sorry to have to break the bad news,” Cozy Glow said. “But I think I may have seen Starlight Glimmer being accosted by those three bullies before she ran off crying.”

“Oh no,” Princess Luna said as her face turned to horror. “In the excitement of this celebration, I forgot about those three troublemakers.”

“That explains why Starlight is late for her important date,” Moondancer said.

“The nerve of those juvenile delinquents,” Firelight said. “What gives them the right to give our pumky-wumpkin a hard time, especially after I heard they tried to give her a chaotic ride.”

Princess Celestia ran towards the edge of the shopping square and extended her wings. Princess Luna ran up to Celestia’s side.

“Where are you going, sister?” Princess Luna asked.

“I’m going to find Starlight,” Princess Celestia said. “And I’m going to cheer her up.”

With that, Princess Celestia took off from the square into the open skies.

Meanwhile, Wanda, Abigail, Twilight, Sunset, Spike and Golden Lace were walking through another part of town. All six individuals were excited as they made their way through, anticipating Starlight’s Cute Ceanera.

“When Starlight showed me her Cutie Mark last night,” Twilight said. “I couldn’t believe it. Even Shining Armor’s jaw dropped to the floor when he saw it.”

“What did I tell you?” Wanda said. “Now you ponies are complete as friends.”

“I can’t wait to see it,” Sunset Shimmer said. “I’m really proud that you helped her out, Wanda.”

“It was the least I could do,” Wanda said. “After all, if she’s your friend, then she’s my friend.”

“But there’s also the fact that you’re now the only one of the group without a Cutie Mark,” Golden Lace said. “Are you worried about that?”

“No,” Wanda said with a smile. “I’m not. I knew all this time that I would be the only one without a Cutie Mark. But even so, that doesn’t make us all less as friends.

“She’s right,” Sunset said. “Wanda is as important to our friendship as….”

But before Sunset could finish, everyone overheard the sound of a filly crying, causing them to stop.

“That sounds like Starlight,” Lace said.

As the sound of crying got louder, Wanda, Sunset, Twilight, Golden Lace, Abigail and Spike looked down an alley to see Starlight Glimmer crying in the corner. The younglings who saw Starlight were stunned by the twin-tailed filly’s predicament.

“What in the name of our mother happened?” Sunset said as she ran towards Starlight.

“Wait,” Twilight said as she and Spike chased after Sunset Shimmer, leaving Wanda and Golden Lace worried.

“What happened to Starlight?” Golden Lace said. “She was happy yesterday when she got her Cutie Mark. Now she’s in this mess.”

“Something tells me a certain pair of no-good bullies were responsible,” Wanda said. “Remember when they gave Starlight the scare of her life?”

“And I stopped them in their tracks,” Golden Lace said. “So I think this must have been their payback.”

Wanda nodded as she, Golden Lace and Abigail ran after Twilight, Sunset and Spike.

At the end of the alley, Starlight Glimmer was alone in the corner, crying her eyes out as a mere street lamp shined over her. Sunset, Twilight and Spike approached the filly from behind.

“Starlight,” Sunset said “Are you alright?”

“Get away from me,” Starlight cried. “You just want to send me away.”

“Send you away?” Twilight asked. “Why would we want to do that?”

“Because you don’t want to be my friend anymore,” Starlight said as she turned her head towards Sunset and Twilight. “Because I have a Cutie Mark and you don’t need me anymore.”

“That’s not true,” Sunset said. “Why would we want to do that?”

“Because those three told me that you think my Cutie Mark is a fake, a nothing, a fraud,” Starlight cried as tears spilled from her eyes.

“This time,” Twilight said as fire burned in her eyes. “Those three have gone too far.”

Sunset looked down at Starlight and saw her Cutie Mark. She smiled as she walked up to the crying filly.

“I don’t think it’s a fake,” Sunset said. “I think that Cutie Mark of yours is the real deal.”

“You’re just saying that just to lure me into a false sense of security,” Starlight said.

“But it’s true,” Sunset said. “I never saw your Cutie Mark until now. Why would you disbelieve me when we’ve known each other far longer than those meanies?”

“Say what?” Starlight said as she looked back at Sunset, Spike and Twilight, just as Wanda, Golden Lace and Abigail ran in.

“We don’t want to ship you off to whatever those bullies said,” Twilight said. “They were messing with you because they’re a pair of sick-twisted sadists.”

Starlight turned around and looked at Sunset, Twilight, Spike, Wanda, Abigail and Golden Lace. The Man’s Cub and the golden filly approached Starlight Glimmer with a concerned look on their face.

“Starlight,” Wanda said. “You remember the fun time we all had last night because of your magic trick.”

“It was the most amazing thing we saw,” Golden Lace said. “Why throw it all away? It’s not worth it.”

Starlight wiped the tears from her face and her frown began to turn upside down. Wanda approached Starlight and gave the little filly a big hug.

“She’s right,” Wanda said as she and Starlight embraced each other with a warm snuggle. “You loved magic as much as you loved us as your friends. We will always be with you, no matter what.”

“Wanda,” Starlight said. “I was a fool for believing those three big meanies. I’m sorry for doubting you and everyone else.”

“It’s alright,” Wanda said. “Besides, I overheard you yelling about being sent away because we don’t like your Cutie Mark. We not only think your Cutie Mark is great, but we think you’re great.”

Starlight said nothing as she smiled, hugging Wanda. But as Twilight, Sunset, Spike, Golden Lace and Abigail breathed a sigh of relief, they felt a rush of wind from above. Princess Celestia flew on in and landed right next to the group.

“Mother,” Sunset said. “I didn’t expect you to be here so soon.”

“A pegasi filly named Cozy Glow told me about what happened with Starlight,” Princess Celestia said.

“My faithful teacher,” Twilight said as she approached Princess Celestia. “Starlight told us that she ran off crying because Hoops, Dumbbell and Score told her that we were going to ship her off somewhere because we thought her Cutie Mark was disgusting. That we didn’t want to be her friend anymore.”

Princess Celestia’s jaw dropped to the ground after overhearing what Twilight said. She regained her composure before she walked towards Starlight and Wanda.

“When I find those three,” Celestia said with a scowl. “I am going to give them a serious discipline they will never forget.” Her scowl turned into a smile as she approached Starlight.

“Miss Celestia,” Starlight said. “Am I in trouble for believing those three?”

“No,” Celestia said. “You’re not. They just wanted to make you cry for their own senseless amusement. But no matter what, you are always a part of our family, and as a family, we are indeed one together.”

Starlight looked at Wanda as the Man’s Cub nodded right back. The two stood there as Princess Celestia approached and gave Wanda and Starlight a hug. Starlight’s smile brightened up as Twilight, Sunset, Abigail, Spike and Golden Lace laughed together.

“Guess when it comes to friendships,” Golden Lace laughed. “We always have a way to make it…..sparkle.”

Twilight, Sunset, Abigail, Spike, Wanda, Starlight and even Princess Celestia laughed really hard as Golden Lace covered her mouth in embarrassment.

“I think some of Danged Spell’s taste for puns must have gotten into you,” Starlight laughed.

“Oh dear,” Golden Lace said as she blushed. “What have I done?”

Princess Celestia let go of Starlight and Wanda as she approached Golden Lace.

“Nothing horrible,” Princess Celestia said. “Just a sign that you are growing into something far better than what you were once. I’m proud of you, Golden Lace. But at the same time, I am sorry that you had to put up with your parents Gold and Silver Banks kicking you out.”

“And don’t worry,” Twilight said as she put her arm around Golden Lace. “We’re here for you, as are our parents. We’ll make sure you get the care you need for as long as you want.”

“Thanks Twilight,” Golden Lace said. “I owe you, big time, for this hospitality.”

Wanda and Starlight walked up to the rest of the group, looking like they’re ready to embrace the day with full pride. Wanda wiped the last tear from Starlight’s face, who only looked up to the Man’s Cub.

“So once this Cute Ceanera is over,” Starlight said. “You’ll be the only one without a Cutie Mark. And in fact, you’ll never get one.”

“I’m afraid so,” Wanda said. “But like I said, I’m not worried. I am unique.”

“So what’s it going to be like?” Golden Lace asked.

“Well nothing’s going to change for her,” Princess Celestia said. “Wanda is going to remain the same daughter, sister and friend for us all. Even though she’s a human, she’s still a part of this family.”

“And you know what?” Sunset said. “I don’t care what anyone says. She’s my sister, I love her with all my heart, and nothing is going to change that.”

Sunset turned towards Wanda, who looked prouder than ever.

“Wanda,” Sunset said. “Even though you will be the only Cutie Mark-less companion of ours, do you promise to be our friend to the very end?”

“Oh I will,” Wanda said. “My only wish was that Starlight Glimmer would get her Cutie Mark. And since last night, my wish for her has been fulfilled. So it doesn’t matter if I get a Cutie Mark or not. We’re all together as friends. As long as all of our destinies are one together, the magic will never end. I promise that.”

Suddenly, Wanda’s shoulders began to glow, catching the attention of everyone in the vicinity. Abigail ran up to Wanda and rubbed her paw on the Man’s Cub’s leg.

“Wanda,” Starlight said. “What’s going on?”

“I’m not so sure,” Wanda said. “I’ve never seen this before.”

“What do you suppose it is?” Twilight said.

“I have never seen it before,” Sunset said.

“Nor have I,” Golden Lace said.

“This is something that even I didn’t expect since I took little Wanda in,” Princess Celestia said. “A miracle of some sort?”

When the lights on Wanda’s shoulders disappeared, two perpendicular images formed on the upper arms. They consisted of two magenta plumeria flowers, lined up together. Wanda looked down at the image on her arms and her face beamed with surprise.

“Is this?” Wanda said. “A Cutie Mark?”

“But that’s impossible,” Golden Lace said. “I’ve never heard of a human with a Cutie Mark, much less on the shoulder.”

“I don’t believe it,” Twilight said. “We just witnessed a first in Equestrian history.

“And this happened one day after I got my Cutie Mark,” Starlight said as her face beamed with excitement.

“Never in my wildest dreams would I see a human bear a Cutie Mark of her own,” Princess Celestia said with great pride. “But it appears we have fully underestimated the magic of Equestria, and of friendship. Congratulations, my daughter. You have achieved the unthinkable by becoming the first human to earn a Cutie Mark.”

Wanda and Starlight jumped around in the air as their cheers filled the streets of Canterlot City.


Suddenly, Wanda paused in the middle of her cheer, landing back on her two feet as her face turned to concern.

“But we just got this on the day of Starlight’s Cute Ceaneara,” Wanda said. “What are we going to do?”

“I have an idea,” Starlight said. “Why don’t we make the Cute Ceanera a celebration of the both of us earning our Cutie Marks? Won’t that sound great?”

“That does sound great,” Wanda said. “Wait till everyone else hears the good news.”

“Then let us return,” Princess Celestia said. “And make this the best Cute Ceanera ever.”

As Wanda, Celestia, Sunset, Twilight, Starlight, Golden Lace, Abigail, and Spike celebrated, Cozy Glow peaked into the alley from behind a corner. Her face smiled as she saw the group cheering.

“Can’t believe a non-pony like her would get a Cutie Mark,” Cozy Glow giggled. “Maybe there is more to Wanda Young than meets the eye.”

Sometime later, as the entire group waited patiently, Princess Celestia walked on in with Wanda riding on her back. Walking next to Celestia were Sunset Shimmer, Golden Lace, Abigail, Twilight Sparkle, Spike and Starlight Glimmer. The crowd cheered as Starlight approached the party.

“Wow,” Starlight said. “You did all of this?”

“Surprised,” Twilight said. “Aren’t ya?”

Princess Celestia approached the entire group as they continued to cheer.

“May I have your attention?” Princess Celestia said as the group calmed down. “It is with great pleasure that I present the star of this Cute Ceanera: Starlight Glimmer. Ever since last night, she had conquered the Nightmare Mark that formed on her flank, and was given a Cutie Mark for her dedication to her friends.”

The crowd cheered as Starlight jumped into Sunburst’s arms. The two embraced each other as Pinkie Pie, Moondancer, Danged Spell, Shining Armor, Princess Cadance, Princess Luna, Abacus Cinch, Sunspot, Stellar Flare, Starseeker and Firelight cheered.

“I’m so proud of our Pumpky-Wumpkin,” Firelight said as he wiped a tear from his eyes. “I never thought she would get her Cutie Mark.”

“We’re both proud of her,” Starseeker said.

Sunburst looked up at Starlight and said “Told ya we would get through this, together.”

“And I kept doubting myself,” Starlight said. “Thanks for being with me to this very day.”

As the crowd cheered, Princess Celestia lifted her hoof into the air, silencing everyone.

“Now that being said,” Princess Celestia announced. “Another miracle had just occurred. Just recently, something unexpected happened to my youngest daughter, Wanda Young.”

Celestia faced Wanda and gave her a nod. Wanda jumped off Princess Celestia’s back and landed on her feet before baring her upper arm. Everyone was surprised to see the image of the two flowers on her upper arm.

“Is that?” Princess Cadance said. “A Cutie Mark on my youngest sister’s arm?”

“I would have never imagined the Man’s Cub to get one,” Chancellor Cinch said, completely surprised. “To think, I was harsh on her the moment I first laid my eyes on her.”

“The Magic of Friendship is a rather surprising figure,” Princess Luna said. “The more we think we know about, the more it keeps proving otherwise. You’ll never know what will pop up.”

Wanda, Twilight, Sunset, Golden Lace, Abigail and Spike ran up to Pinkie Pie, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Moondancer and Danged Spell. The younglings looked as excited as ever.

“So Wanda,” Pinkie Pie said. “How does it feel to have a Cutie Mark with Starlight?”

“It does feel weird,” Wanda said. “At first, I thought I was going to be the only one to have this. But now, it does feel like we’re closer together.”

“Well you could say we really made our marks,” Danged Spell said with a chuckle. “Get it?”

“Danged Spell,” The younglings said as they burst out into laughter.

“Best pun ever,” Danged Spell said to himself.

Princess Celestia walked up to the ground as they all looked like they were about to celebrate.

“Well everyone,” Princess Celestia said. “This celebration is now about two individuals who earned their Cutie Marks. Starlight Glimmer for overcoming her Nightmare and revealing the true self within, and Wanda Young for being a great friend to everyone.”

The crowds cheered as everyone picked up Wanda and Starlight, holding them up in the air as they chanted “Hip Hip Hooray.”

“I hope this magical feeling never ends,” Wanda said to Starlight.

“You and I both, Wanda,” Starlight said. “Friends forever?”

“Friends forever,” Wanda laughed.

As the two celebrated atop the group, Wanda noticed Chancellor Cinch looking up at her with a beaming smile on her face.

“I’m proud of you, Man’s Cub,” Chancellor Cinch said. “Or rather, Princess Wanda Young.”

Wanda let off a smile of her own as the group cheered.

But near the sides, Hoops, Dumbbell and Score watched on with disgust as the crowd celebrated the Cute Ceaneara of two younglings. Hoop’s face scowled just looking at the group.

“I have never seen something this pathetic in my entire lifetime,” Hoops said.

“So how should we crash the party?” Dumbbell asked. “Should we tip over the cake? Unleash a thunderstorm? Sick a party of dogs in the group?”

“I got a better idea,” Score said. “Let’s find a nearby hose, hook it up to a pipe and spray them down. Ain’t that a real wash up?”

But before Hoops could respond, he looked behind him and noticed Cozy Glow pointing a hose right at their face.

“What in the?” Hoops said.

“This is for making Starlight Glimmer cry,” Cozy Glow said.

And with that, Cozy Glow squeezed the tip of the hose hard enough, causing water to gush out and hit the three boy bullies, causing them to fly out and hit the pavement. The trio got up as Cozy Glow shut off the water.

“Our position has been compromised,” Hoops said. “Let’s get out of here.”

And with that, Hoops. Dumbbell and Score flew out of Canterlot as Cozy Glow dropped the hose, looked up at the three bullies flying off, and smiled.

“Good riddance to bad rubbish,” Cozy Glow said.

Cozy Glow directed her gaze at the group as they celebrated Wanda and Starlight’s Cute Ceanera. Though she looked like she was about to approach the group, she just stood there with an innocent smile on her face as Wanda and Starlight continued to cheer while the crowd held them up high.

“I think those two earn their victory,” Cozy Glow said to herself. “After what they went through, it was well deserved.”

To Be Continued in

Arc 14: Sunset’s Troubled Past

The Stolen Royal Crest

Author's Note:

Surprise. As of now, Wanda Young has her own Cutie Mark. If you want to see what it looks like, here's the link to the image below


Anyway, sometime tomorrow, I will upload both parts to the next arc "Sunset's Troubled Past." This will mark the only appearance in this fanfic by Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk, who will have different roles from their Equestria Girls counterpart. Not to mention we're going to explore a bit of Sunset Shimmer's past as an orphan.

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