• Published 16th Dec 2023
  • 1,354 Views, 136 Comments

A Not-So Draconian Adventure - Rock-Lee

Trying to hide from the growing chaos around him, Spike ends up encountering that mirror that sent him to that strange world of "Humans", due to a simple silly mistake, he would end up in that same world, this time with a very...different appearance

  • ...

The Lazy Stylist

At the exact moment the door swung open, Fluttershy and Spike would be tackled by two individuals, who would hug them tightly despite being on the ground.

"Spike! Fluttershy! You're finally here!" Fluttershy's parents would exclaim with joy as they hugged them tightly, disregarding the fact that they were on the ground. Both parents would visibly relax upon seeing their daughter and her friend safe and sound.

"I'm so sorry, Mom, Dad. We lost track of time while exploring Cloudsdale," Fluttershy would apologize, getting up from the ground and returning the hug to her parents.

"Don't worry, dear. What matters is that you're here now," Fluttershy's mother would say, smiling tenderly as she helped Spike up.

"Yes, sweetheart. We're glad to see you, Spike. How was your first day in Cloudsdale?" Fluttershy's father would inquire with interest, looking at Spike with a kind smile.

"It was amazing, Mr. Shy! First, Fluttershy showed me this super cool floating art museum! And then she took me to this sort of shopping area! And we had cookies! And she bought me a super cool dragon!"

Fluttershy's parents would laugh joyfully at Spike's enthusiastic description. "I'm glad to hear that, Spike! It sounds like Fluttershy gave you an incredible tour of Cloudsdale," Fluttershy's father would comment, smiling proudly at his daughter.

"Yeah... It was a wonderful day," Fluttershy would add, nodding with a small smile, though to Spike's surprise, she seemed to be holding a more... nervous demeanor, letting her hair cover part of her face. "Thank you for understanding, Mom, Dad."

Fluttershy's parents would exchange understanding looks before hugging her again. "We'll always be here for you, Fluttershy. You don't have to worry about anything," her mother would say affectionately, while her father nodded firmly.

Spike would observe the scene with a mix of tenderness and admiration for the close relationship between Fluttershy and her parents. For a few seconds, his mind would wander to vague memories of two of the most important people in his life... Night Light and Twilight Velvet, the two ponies who had welcomed him as their son... He should have visited them more often; now he'd probably never see them again. Spike would feel a lump in his throat as he remembered Night Light and Twilight Velvet, his adoptive parents in Equestria. Though they were separated now, he would always carry their love and gratitude in his heart.

While Spike watched the touching scene before him, he would feel a warm hug from Fluttershy, who had noticed his change in mood. "Are you okay, Spike?" she would ask with concern in her voice, pulling back a bit to look him in the eyes.

Spike would nod slowly, trying to smile to reassure Fluttershy. "Yeah, I'm okay, Just... remembering some things. But I'm happy to be here with you guys," he would respond sincerely, feeling the comforting support from Fluttershy.

Fluttershy would smile sweetly, feeling empathy for her friend. "I'm here for you, Spike, If you ever need to talk or vent, I'm here to listen," she would offer sincerely, placing a comforting hand on Spike's shoulder.

"If you need anything, don't hesitate to tell us," Fluttershy's father would offer with a kind smile, extending his support to Spike as well.

"Thank you, Mr. Shy, I'm sure we'll have a lot of fun together here in Cloudsdale," Spike would reply with a smile, feeling comforted by the warm and welcoming atmosphere of Fluttershy's home.

Fluttershy would nod with a reassuring smile towards Spike, grateful for her friend's presence and her parents' support.

Upon entering the house, Spike and Fluttershy would be greeted by the delicious aroma of freshly baked lasagna wafting through the air. The comforting scent would fill their nostrils and awaken their appetites as they made their way to the kitchen, following the tantalizing fragrance.

"Oh, it smells delicious," Spike would exclaim, letting out a sigh of satisfaction.

"Yes, my mom makes the best lasagna in Cloudsdale," Fluttershy would respond with a smile, anticipating the delicious meal awaiting them.

After washing their hands and leaving Spike's things in Fluttershy's room with the idea of later taking everything to the guest room, they would be ready to eat, everyone sitting at the table until Fluttershy noticed something. There was an extra plate on the table, and it wasn't Spike's.

"Wait, what's that?" Fluttershy would ask curiously, pointing to the extra plate on the table as she sat down next to Spike.

Fluttershy's mother, who was serving the lasagna, would notice her daughter's gaze and smile knowingly. "Oh, that's for our special guest tonight," she would respond with a mysterious smile.

"Special guest? Who is it?" Spike would inquire curiously, feeling intrigued by the surprise.

"It's a surprise!" Fluttershy's mother would reply with a playful laugh, keeping the secret for the moment.

After a few minutes, the doorbell would ring, announcing the arrival of the mysterious guest. Fluttershy would get up to open the door, revealing a tall mint-colored pegasus with elegantly styled blonde hair, if Spike could assume, it was Fluttershy's brother, Zephyr Breeze.

"(oh...Zephyr)" Spike would think, suppressing a sigh, assuming that trouble would start because of his attitude or something.

Fluttershy would smile upon seeing her brother Zephyr Breeze standing in front of her. "Zephyr! What a surprise to see you here," she would exclaim joyfully, hugging her brother warmly.

"Little sis! I couldn't miss the chance to share a family dinner," Zephyr would respond with a charming smile, returning Fluttershy's hug enthusiastically.

Spike, observing the interaction between the siblings, would open his eyes in surprise; this was not how he imagined Fluttershy would react to her brother's presence, the slacker who left all his jobs. "(wow...maybe he has already passed his attitude development here?)"

Fluttershy would introduce Spike to her brother, and Zephyr would shake his hand with a friendly smile. "Hi, Spike. Nice to meet you. I've heard a lot about you," Zephyr would say, surprising Spike with his genuine friendliness.

"Uh, hi, Zephyr, It's a pleasure," Spike would respond, a little bewildered by Zephyr's sudden change in attitude.

And so, dinner would finally begin, with Spike watching Zephyr with confusion. Zephyr, far from being the slacker Spike remembered, proved to be a caring and attentive brother, genuinely interested in Fluttershy's life and getting to know Spike better. Fluttershy, for her part, seemed to enjoy her brother's company and was happy to have Spike sharing this moment with them.

"And do you plan to stay the night, Zephyr?" Fluttershy would ask calmly as she continued eating.

Zephyr would nod with a smile. "Of course, little sis! I wouldn't miss the chance to spend more time with you and get to know Spike a little better," he would respond eagerly.

Spike, still surprised by Zephyr's change in attitude, would cautiously nod. "Yeah, it would be great to have someone else in the house," he would comment, trying to hide his disbelief.

"I hope you don't mind sharing the guest room with Zephyr, Spike," Fluttershy's father would say somewhat embarrassed, as they had transformed Zephyr's room into a "man cave".

"Sure, no problem!" Spike would say with a smile, already accustomed to Zephyr's attitude, simply deciding to accept that in this universe, Zephyr had matured faster.

Fluttershy would smile, grateful for Spike's understanding attitude. "Thank you, Spike. I'm sure you two won't have any problem sharing the guest room," she would say with a smile.

Dinner would continue in a warm and welcoming atmosphere, with Spike, Fluttershy, Zephyr, and their parents sharing stories and laughter. As the night progressed, Spike would begin to feel more relaxed in Zephyr's company, enjoying the new family dynamic he had discovered.

After dinner, Fluttershy would lead Spike and Zephyr to the guest room, making sure they had everything they needed to spend the night comfortably. Spike would lie down on the bed, reflecting on the day full of surprises and how things in this world seemed to be so different from what he expected.

"And tell me Spike, what's got you so stressed?" Zephyr would say as he laid his sleeping bag on the floor.

Spike would be surprised by Zephyr's direct question, but then he would sigh, deciding to share some of what had been on his mind.

"Well, it's just that... It's nothing really important. Just some things that have been happening lately. Things that make me question... well, a lot of things," Spike would respond, trying to find the right words to express his thoughts.

Zephyr would nod with understanding. "I understand. Sometimes life can be a bit confusing and overwhelming. But you know, you can always talk about it if you need to. You know, brother to brother," Zephyr would say with a comforting smile, showing a side of himself that Spike hadn't seen before. "I can give you a free hair therapy session if you'd like, hehe."

"Hair therapy?" Spike would say with a raised eyebrow.

"Hehe, come with me, you'll see," Zephyr would say getting up from the floor and waiting for Spike to do the same, it was quite late, but therapy was more important.

Intrigued by Zephyr's proposal, Spike would get up from the bed and follow his brother out of the guest room. He wondered what kind of "hair therapy" awaited him, but he was willing to find out.

Zephyr would lead him down the hallway to a small lounge that had been converted into a relaxation space. Scented candles illuminated the room with a soft and comforting light, while pillows and cushions were arranged on the floor around a low table.

"Spike, welcome to Zephyr Breeze's Hair Therapy Salon," Zephyr would say with a smile, spreading his arms towards the space. "This is where you can release all your worries and tensions while undergoing a rejuvenating hair treatment."

Spike would observe the space with amazement, unable to help feeling a little skeptical but also intrigued by what awaited him.

"Uh, hair treatment?" Spike would ask, not quite sure what to expect.

"Exactly!" Zephyr would exclaim enthusiastically. "Come on, take a seat and let me take care of you. I guarantee you'll feel completely refreshed by the end."

Spike, determined to go with the flow, would sit on the floor and allow Zephyr to begin his mysterious hair therapy. Zephyr, with expert hands and delicate movements, would start massaging Spike's scalp with scented oils, creating a sense of deep relaxation and well-being.

"Ah... that feels amazing," Spike would sigh, closing his eyes and letting himself be carried away by his brother's skills.

"You know Spike? Almost all the stress the human body has goes straight to the scalp, it makes it dry and brittle" Zephyr would say as he used the oils to moisten Spike's hair. "Especially in people who like to style their hair like us two."

Spike would nod, absorbing the information as he enjoyed the scalp massage. He would begin to feel the tension slowly dissipating, replaced by a sense of calm and tranquility.

"Mmm... That makes a lot of sense," Spike would murmur, relaxing even more under Zephyr's expert care.

"Then tell me Spike, how was it at your home?" Zephyr would say, starting with the part of the "therapy" that gave its name to his style.

"Well... I was adopted by a family after their daughter helped me, I was just a baby back then," Spike would say, letting out a sigh as Zephyr grabbed a brush and started to brush Spike's hair carefully.

Zephyr would listen attentively to Spike's story as he continued with the hair massage. His skilled hands moved gently, releasing any tension that might be in Spike's scalp.

"Wow, that sounds like an incredible story, Spike," Zephyr would comment with admiration. "It's great that you found a family to take care of you and love you. And that girl who helped you must be someone special."

Spike would nod with a smile, feeling a little grateful as he remembered all that his adoptive family had done for him over the years.

"Yeah, they definitely are. They've given me a lot of support and love, even when things get tough," Spike would respond, reflecting on the unconditional love he had received from his family. "My brother was the best, he always defended me from everyone who mocked me, and now he's a royal guard!"

"Your brother sounds like someone really special. It's great to have someone you can trust and who's always there for you," Zephyr would comment sincerely, showing a thoughtful side that Spike hadn't seen before.

"That's right... Then we moved to a small town because my sister's teacher wanted it... And there we met our best friends!" Spike would say with a smile, as Zephyr washed the oil out of Spike's hair with water.

"Wow, being friends with your big sister's friends isn't something very common"

"Well... we weren't really friends, I guess, it was more like... the adorable kid? Although I always liked helping them in any way I could!"

Zephyr would nod with a understanding smile as he continued Spike's hair treatment. "I understand, sometimes connections are formed in unexpected ways. But it's okay, what matters is that you were there to support your friends when they needed it," he would comment kindly.

Spike would relax even more, enjoying the honest and quiet conversation with his brother. The feeling of tranquility and comfort he experienced at that moment was comforting, and he would allow himself to fully immerse in it.

"I like helping them... I clean the house when they have gatherings, I take care of their pets when they go on trips, I make sure my sister goes to bed when she should" And so Spike would continue telling his tasks, things that even for many adults would be too much.

"Spike... Don't you feel that maybe it was too much for you? You're just a little kid, and I highly doubt that being a "pin cushion" for one of them is a joke..." Zephyr would say with sincere concern for what the boy was narrating.

Spike, upon hearing Zephyr's genuine concern, would reflect on his responsibilities and the role he played in his friends' lives.

"Well, maybe... sometimes I feel like I'm doing too much, but I also like helping. I want to make sure my friends are okay and happy, so I do what I can to support them," Spike would explain, expressing his feelings honestly.

"I understand, Spike. It's admirable that you want to help your friends in that way. But it's also important to remember that you need to take care of yourself and not take on more responsibilities than you can't handle" Zephyr would say, offering wise and compassionate advice.

Spike would release a sigh, feeling somewhat uncomfortable with the direction the conversation with Zephyr had taken. Although he appreciated his brother's concern, he would prefer not to delve into certain topics that made him feel vulnerable or exposed.

"Can we please drop the subject, Zephyr?" Spike would ask kindly, seeking to shift the conversation focus to something lighter and more comforting.

Noticing Spike's discomfort, Zephyr would nod understandingly and refrain from any further comments on the matter. "Of course, Spike. I'm sorry if it made you feel uncomfortable. I'm here for you if you need to talk about something else," Zephyr would respond sincerely, respecting his brother's boundaries and offering his unconditional support.

"Although let me give you one last piece of advice, Spike," Zephyr would say as he swiftly moved over Spike, with his brushes in both hands on Spike's wet hair. "If you ever feel stressed or overwhelmed... Just tap into your inner Zephyr."

Spike would be surprised by Zephyr's sudden movement, but before he could say anything, he would feel the brushes moving swiftly over his wet hair. The sensation would be a bit odd at first, but he would soon begin to relax under his brother's skillful movements.

"My inner Zephyr?" Spike would inquire, intrigued by Zephyr's comment as he closed his eyes and let himself be carried away by the experience.

"Yes, your inner Zephyr," Zephyr would confirm with a mysterious smile. "We all have an inner strength that helps us overcome challenges and face difficulties. Sometimes, you just need to connect with that part of yourself and let it guide you."

Spike would reflect on Zephyr's words, finding deep meaning in them. Although the idea of his "inner Zephyr" sounded somewhat abstract, he understood the message behind it: to trust himself and his own strengths to overcome tough times.

At that moment, Zephyr would step back, revealing a large mirror in front of Spike, showing how his hair had been styled...in Zephyr's style, causing Spike to chuckle.

"Oh wow! Looks like my inner Zephyr is in full swing," Spike would say amidst laughter, admiring his new hairstyle as he stood up to examine it more closely.

Zephyr would join in Spike's laughter, feeling satisfied to have brought a smile to his brother's face. "Exactly! Your inner Zephyr will always be there to help you maintain a positive attitude and face any challenge that comes your way," Zephyr would comment with a proud smile, glad to have shared a fun and meaningful moment with Spike.

"...Was all of this a plan to style my hair like yours, huh?" Spike would say with a smile, glancing at Zephyr sideways.

"...I'll refrain from making further comments," Zephyr would respond with a mischievous smile and a slight shrug. Both brothers would laugh together, enjoying the camaraderie and good humor they shared in that special moment.

After enjoying their time together, Spike and Zephyr would continue with their nightly routine, each with a renewed sense of fraternal connection and support. With Zephyr's advice in mind and his hair styled in his brother's fashion, Spike would go to bed that night with a sense of calm and confidence, ready to face whatever challenges the future might bring.