• Published 16th Dec 2023
  • 1,353 Views, 136 Comments

A Not-So Draconian Adventure - Rock-Lee

Trying to hide from the growing chaos around him, Spike ends up encountering that mirror that sent him to that strange world of "Humans", due to a simple silly mistake, he would end up in that same world, this time with a very...different appearance

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A Nice Conversation

"So, Spike, what plans do you have for coming back?" Sunset Shimmer lounged on her bed, holding the journal she shared with Twilight to communicate between dimensions. She hadn't received a single clue that Twilight had responded to her message. However, this time, it hadn't been erased like the last time Crystal had interfered, which complicated everything.

Spike, lying on the floor next to Sunset's bed, lifted his head with a sparkle of interest in his green eyes. "Well, I think we should try something different this time. Instead of waiting for Twilight to respond, we could look for another way to contact her. How about we try using some kind of magic to open a portal directly to her dimension?"

Sunset nodded slowly, considering the suggestion. "That sounds risky, Spike. We don't know what kind of side effects opening an interdimensional portal without Twilight's help could have. We could end up attracting unwanted attention or even causing some kind of accidental harm. Besides, the only magic we know here is the magic of friendship, and we're not even sure if it can be used for anything other than what the girls did last time."

Spike nodded, understanding the urgency of the matter. "I get it, Sunset. So, what do you propose we do?"

Sunset stood up, releasing a frustrated sigh. "I'll talk to the girls. Maybe together, we can find a safe way to use our magic to open a portal. Plus, maybe one of them has something fun planned to distract us a bit."

Spike smiled reassuringly, feeling a bit calmer now that he could discuss these things with Sunset. "Sounds like a plan. Let's do it!"

Meanwhile, in the mirror universe, Crystal would be face to face with her two sisters, Luna and Celestia, who seemed ready to discuss the way Crystal had taken Spike to the human world.

Celestia, with her serene yet firm gaze, initiated the conversation. "Crystal, can you explain exactly how this happened? Bringing Spike to the human world without consulting us first is a reckless and dangerous act."

Crystal felt uncomfortable under her sisters' gaze but remained firm. "I'm sorry, sisters, but it was an urgent situation. I wasn't going to let little Spike suffer for another minute as a slave in a world that doesn't respect him in the slightest."

Luna, with her more severe expression, intervened. "We understand your concern for Spike, but that doesn't justify acting so rashly and without consulting with us. The balance between our worlds is fragile, and any impulsive action could have catastrophic consequences."

Crystal nodded, acknowledging Luna's valid concerns. "I understand, Luna, but what other option did I have? Spike was suffering, and I couldn't just stand by while that happened."

"And YOU COULDN'T TALK TO YOUR SISTER!?" Celestia would say, stepping towards her using her "Voice of Equestria" with anger in her voice.

"I DON'T KNOW! CAN I!?" Crystal would say without feeling intimidated in the least by her sisters.

Surprised by Crystal's direct response, Celestia took a step back, her expression shifting from anger to surprise. "Crystal, understand that we are concerned about you and the balance of our worlds. We are not trying to restrict you, but we need you to understand the importance of working together and making decisions deliberately and thoughtfully."

"STOP PRETENDING THIS ISN'T PERSONAL!" Crystal would say, taking another step towards her, angry. "This is about Spike! This is because you don't have control over everything! This is about anything but controlling the worlds! BECAUSE THAT'S MY JOB!"

Crystal was visibly frustrated, her words resonating with a mix of anger and desperation. Celestia watched her with a mix of surprise and concern, while Luna maintained her serious but understanding gaze.

"Crystal, we understand your concern for Spike, but you must understand that our responsibilities go beyond individual interests," Celestia responded calmly, trying to calm the situation. "The balance between our worlds is crucial for the stability of both. We cannot allow our emotions to cloud our judgment and endanger that stability."

"STOP PRETENDING YOU'RE THE MATURE ONE!" Crystal would explode completely at the way Celestia seemed to mock her by acting so calmly, treating the situation as a simple interaction between coworkers. "The universes are MY job! And if you haven't offered your help in the millennia I've been alone watching over everything on my own while you have your little adventures, I don't need it now! And SPIKE EVEN LESS!"

The tension in the room was palpable as Crystal faced her sisters' furious gaze. Celestia, with her eyes flashing with indignation, took the lead.

"...Crystal, can you explain to us what the hell you were thinking when you decided to bring Spike to the human world without our consent?" Her voice resonated with a mix of fury and pain, revealing the profound impact Crystal's actions had on her.

Luna, with her equally intense gaze, nodded in agreement. "Crystal... Spike is my nephew, our nephew... and you took him to a place where he's completely unprotected and vulnerable. How could you be so reckless?"

"Unprotected? Vulnerable? Ha!" Crystal would laugh at the foolishness her sisters had just said. "He's happier than he's ever been, and more sure of himself than ever!"

Celestia, with an expression of disbelief, approached Crystal, her voice resonating with pain. "And you thought bringing him to an unknown world, without our protection, was the solution? Did you not think about the consequences of your actions?"

"OF COURSE I DIDN'T THINK ABOUT THE CONSEQUENCES!" Crystal exploded, her voice full of frustration and desperation. "All I could think about was getting Spike out of that hell. I couldn't let him keep suffering, no matter the cost!"

The room fell into a tense silence after Crystal's words. Her sisters, Celestia and Luna, looked at her with a mix of surprise, pain, and concern. The situation had reached a critical point, and neither party seemed willing to back down.

"Why do you think you understand so much about what my son wants and feels?" Celestia would say, looking at her older sister with a mix of sadness and anger in her eyes.

"Because I'm just like him," Crystal would say, gritting her teeth, looking at them with anger in her eyes. "Always the one helping everyone, always the one worrying about fixing everything, but did anyone ever worry about me? When was the last time anyone in the pony world said my name? When was the last time any of you came to me? I've been here for millennia without interaction with anyone! ALONE! MY BOYFRIEND IGNORED ME FOR MILLENNIA! MY SISTER WAS ON THE MOON WITHOUT ME KNOWING!"

The air in the room became heavy with Crystal's revelation. Celestia and Luna looked at her with a mix of surprise and compassion as they absorbed the words they had just heard.

Celestia took a step forward, her expression now softer, though still with traces of pain in her eyes. "Crystal, I'm sorry... I'm so sorry. I didn't know you were going through that. I didn't know you felt so alone and neglected."

Luna joined her sister, her gaze reflecting empathy and

sorrow. "Crystal, we... we feel it too. We didn't realize what you were going through. We've been so worried about our own duties and responsibilities that we neglected your needs."

Crystal looked at her sisters, her expression mixed with surprise and a glimmer of hope. "Do you really mean it?" Her voice was barely a whisper, laden with emotion.

Celestia nodded seriously. "Yes, Crystal. We're really sorry. You shouldn't have had to endure that loneliness. We're your family, and we should have supported you more."

Luna nodded in agreement. "We're here for you, Crystal. We always have been, even if we haven't always shown it in the best way."

Crystal felt a lump in her throat as she absorbed her sisters' words. For so long, she had carried that weight alone, believing she had no one to rely on. But now, faced with the sincerity and regret of Celestia and Luna, she began to feel a glimmer of hope.

"...Go away," Crystal would say with a dry and annoyed voice.

The tension in the room momentarily dissipated as Celestia and Luna processed Crystal's request. Their expressions reflected a mix of surprise and sadness at their sister's coldness.

Celestia, regaining her composure, spoke with a soft but firm voice. "Crystal, we understand that you're hurt and angry, but we're here to help you. We can't just leave things like this."

"GO AWAY!" And with that last shout, Crystal would make her sisters disappear from that universe, sending them back to their original universe.

Crystal, full of frustration and pain, closed her eyes tightly as her sisters disappeared before her eyes. The silence that followed was overwhelming, filled with a sense of emptiness and loneliness that seemed to envelop her completely. With a heavy sigh, she sank to the floor, feeling the weight of her emotions crushing her.

The atmosphere in the room became oppressive as Crystal struggled to process everything that had just happened. Her thoughts were a whirlwind of emotions, from anger and pain to confusion and sadness. She felt trapped in a sea of feelings that threatened to drown her.