• Published 16th Dec 2023
  • 1,354 Views, 136 Comments

A Not-So Draconian Adventure - Rock-Lee

Trying to hide from the growing chaos around him, Spike ends up encountering that mirror that sent him to that strange world of "Humans", due to a simple silly mistake, he would end up in that same world, this time with a very...different appearance

  • ...

New Apple on the Tree

"You are going stay with us!?" Sweetie Belle, Applebloom and Scootaloo's voice would be heard shouting at the entrance/exit of the Canterlot school, the girls would have explained everything to the girls, and they would have taken it in a very good way

"It'll be just like having my own brother!" Sweetie Belle would say with a big smile, looking at Spike who was still being carried by Rainbow Dash

"(Why does everyone say the same thing? Seriously there are so many people who wish they had siblings?)" Spike would think covering his face embarrassed that the girls would see him being carried like that by the sporty girl. "I can walk by myself! Put me down please!"

"It's okay sir, don't throw a tantrum in front of everyone" Rainbow Dash would say as she put the embarrassed green-haired boy down on the ground. "Now, who will the little one stay with for the first week? My parents agree, but they want to make him a nice room before he comes."

"I think it would be best if he stays with Applejack or Rarity, they both have the biggest and most guest ready houses" Twilight would say remembering the guest room in her house, empty and dusty from the lack of people going to the house without being friends with Twilight or Shining Armor.

"Oh! Let him stay with us!" Applebloom would say grabbing Spike's hand with both of her hands, jumping up and down from the excitement of having his new friend in his house.

"Sounds good to me! Then I'll take the opportunity to prepare his room really well and get him a couple of new clothes!" Rarity would say with a smile, already imagining the little boy dressed in hundreds of outfits she made herself.

"Well! Looks like we have a plan! Sounds good Sugarcube?" Applejack would say, slipping her arm around Spike's neck, waiting for a response from the young boy.

"I-I..." Spike would turn to look at Applebloom, who was bouncing with happiness waiting for a response. "...Sounds great...thanks Applejack."

After a shout of happiness from Applebloom, the group would eventually break up to all go home, with the girls saying their goodbyes to Spike in different ways

"See you tomorrow shorty" Rainbow Dash would say sharing a fist bump.

"Bye Spike! See you tomorrow at gymnastics!" Scootaloo would mimic her sister and give the boy a fist bump, before both of them would leave sharing Rainbow Dash's skateboard

"See ya little Spike!" Pinkie would say returning to give him a bone-breaking hug for several seconds, before leaving him on the ground and bouncing off towards his home

"Bye Spike" Fluttershy would say giving him a soft kiss on the forehead.

"Bye bye little...Spikey-Wikey!" Rarity would say with a big smile at the thought of that beautiful nickname for the boy, filling his cheeks with goodbye kisses.

"Have a good night Spike!" Sweetie Belle would give him a gentle hug, waving goodbye before scurrying off after Rarity.

"Looks like I'm the last one." Twilight would kneel down in front of Spike, looking him in the eyes before smiling. "Remember Spike, from now on, you're not alone, you've got all of us."

After that, Twilight would give him a gentle hug, but this one wasn't like the rest, this one was...much warmer, the smell of her hair would remind him of his Twilight in his universe, taking him back to memories of his past, hugging the one he considered his best friend...and his sister

"... T-thank you Twilight" the boy would say wrapping his arms around the girl, burying his face in her hair so he could feel that warm feeling a little more, before pulling away and watching Twilight walk away to her house, with a last backward glance and a wave of his hand as a final goodbye.

"Let's go! It's going to be a long way to the farm! Do you want to go infront or on back?" Applebloom would say grabbing Spike's hand and starting to drag him towards what looked like a...horseless carriage? Or a small train carriage?, Spike wasn't sure what it was.

"Hey! Stop your horses little girl!" Applejack would say grabbing both children by the shoulder to get them to stop. "Neither one of You is old enough to ride in front of the big red, you'll both ride in the back."

Pouting, Applebloom would open the back door and hop in, moving around to the other side so Spike wouldn't have to go all the way around the van, which Spike would silently appreciate and climb in carefully, letting Applejack close the door for him and climb in the front

"Seatbelts please" She would say watching the two of them in the rear view mirror, Applebloom would quickly put on his seatbelt, though Spike would have a couple of problems.

"U-Umm...I...Sorry, never used something like that before..." Spike would say scratching the back of his neck with some embarrassment, though it would make Applejack feel her stomach grow heavier with pity for that poor child.

Before either could do anything, Applebloom would move and grab Spike's seatbelt, putting it in place and offering him a gentle smile, even though she knew nothing of Spike's "fake" situation, but she knew how to see the signs, and a boy in shabby clothes who didn't even know how to use a seat belt, who needed to live in other people's houses, maybe she hadn't assumed he was homeless, but she did know he didn't have a life just like her friends

"Thanks Applebloom" Spike would say with a quiet smile, putting his hands in his lap and looking out the window, before Applejack started the van's engine and began to drive, igniting Spike's nerves at being in a moving element he didn't know at all

"This is going to be great! You'll get to help us pick apples along with Big Mac! Then we'll help Granny Smith cook apple pies, we'll play until dinner time and you'll taste the best apple pie you've ever tasted in your wildest dreams!" Applebloom would say cheerfully as she held Spike's hand, deciding to help him feel comfortable by giving him some physical contact as she noticed the nerves the boy was feeling, something that would have helped

"Mhhg...I'm not sure Applebloom, maybe Spike isn't too comfortable helping out on a farm or cooking."

"Not at all!" Spike would say with a grin, grabbing Applebloom's hand as well out of mere instinct, smiling a little knowing he could be useful to this version of his cowgirl friend. "I love to help! And I'm sure cooking will be a lot of fun!"

"Hehe, looks like we have a worker with us! A full-fledged Apple!" Applejack would say with a smile as she noticed that the boy was already getting more comfortable with the idea of being there, and hearing that he was willing to help had made her glad, as the cold was coming and with it the cider selling season before the trees no longer yielded apples, and they would need all the help they could get, and she could no longer trust Pinkie or Rainbow not to steal some, leaving only her...less athletic friends as options to help her out

"I'm sure Big Mac and Granny Smith are going to adore you! Big Mac always wanted someone to talk to about his geeky stuff, do you like Ogres and Oubliettes?"

"I-I...e heard of it, always wanted to play it" Spike would say not wanting to reveal to that girl his geeky taste so quickly, despite having admitted in the first minute of class that he liked comic books.

"Well, that's it! Big Mac already has a playmate!"

"Yeeha!" Applejack would say with glee as she would no longer have to play with her brother those boring sessions on family game nights. "....Don't tell Big Mac I did that"

"Your secret dies with me Applejack" Spike would say as he used his free hand to close his mouth like a padlocked shutter before the three of them laughed, remaining silent for the remainder of the ride.

"Wow, it sure is getting dark fast" Spike would say noticing how the sky was starting to lose its light blue color, not being night but looking later than it was.

"That just means we're close Sugarcube."


"Welcome to our humble abode Spike!" Applebloom would say after getting out of the van, showing him the view of the beautiful and cozy home they had, surrounded by miles and miles of apple trees, many had already been harvested, but Spike remembered seeing a good bunch of trees full of apples, so there was still work to be done.

"Granny Smith and Big Mac should probably be on their way in the other truck, so how about they leave their stuff inside and we wait for them before we start together?" Applejack would say as she stepped out of the barn where she would have parked the red truck, twirling the keys on her finger before pocketing them in her pocket.

Just those words would be enough to send Spike and Applebloom running into the house, it was quite similar to the Applejack pony's, though there would be a couple of items unfamiliar to the boy, such as a stationary "phone" on the wall, or a fairly new "television" compared to the rest of the furniture and such in the house, Spike would have continued to inquire about unfamiliar things, but if the face Applejack made every time he asked what were things that should be common knowledge was any indication, he was just giving the impression of being a poor wandering child who barely knows about little frivolities that people can normally afford.


"Mhhg...I think it looks good on me, what do you think?" Spike would say as he tried on some clothes he would have been given, they were old Big Mac clothes, which luckily fit him well, they were a pair of brown cowboy boots with a green apple design split in half, jeans with several pockets, a white sleeveless shirt and a plaid shirt buttoned up to the collar, along with a cowboy hat that no longer fit Applejack, letting some of Spike's hair fall down his back so he could fit the hat in nicely

"It looks amazing on you! Our parents are sure to think Big Mac turned into a kid or something! Hehe" Applebloom would say with a big grin, giving both thumbs up. "Well...If only Big Mac had green hair, but still!"

Wait...Parents? As far as he understood Applejack's parents weren't alive in his world...The human world sure was a lot different than Spike thought.

"Speaking of our parents, how about we go introduce you? Mom almost cried with excitement knowing she could take care of another little one" Applejack would say with a smile, watching the little guy dressed like a full Apple.

"Yes! Come on Spike!" Applebloom would grab Spike's hand again, dragging him out of the house.

"Ahh! Applebloom wait! I've never worn these kind of boots before!"

After running for a couple of minutes, they would reach a part of the apple grove that had not yet been fully harvested, showing two adults who were picking several apples from a large tree, a man and a woman.

The man was tall, much taller than any student he had ever seen, and that counted people like Big Mac or Bulk Biceps, he would wore the classic cowboy hat and a red hair color just like Applebloom's, a plaid shirt almost exactly like the one Spike would have on at the moment rolled up to his shoulders, a necklace with a golden pear-shaped decoration, a brown leather jacket with a design of an apple split in half almost the same as the one on Spike's boots, gray jeans somewhat worn and cowboy boots like the ones the whole family wore

The woman would have fluffy orange hair down to her waist or even a little more, she emanated a hippie aura that gave off a lot of calm just by looking at her, she would be wearing a white shirt with orange stripes and green bell bottoms, along with brown loafers, on her neck would be a necklace with a golden apple shaped decoration, plus on her wrist would be a silver necklace with a detail of 3 apples

"Daddy!" Applebloom would keep running, letting go of Spike so he could run faster towards those adults

"Applebloom! My treasure!" The man would leap down the ladder he used to reach the apples as if it were nothing, kneeling down and reaching out his arms to receive his daughter in a loving embrace, lifting her into the air and spinning her around a bit before setting her down on the ground. "How are you doing? Did you do well in class today?"

"Oh it went great! I even made a new friend! Spike come here!" Applebloom would turn to encourage Spike to come closer, which Spike would do with a bit of embarrassment, thinking if maybe using Big Mac's clothes without permission was a good idea.

"G-Good morning..."

"Oh! You're Spike?" The man would say with a smile before walking over to the boy and offering his hand as a form of greeting. "Bright Mac, that beautiful woman over there is my wife, Pearl Butter."

Spike would accept that handshake instinctively, and by Celestia that had been the firmest handshake he'd ever had in his entire life, his hand had basically disappeared into Bright Mac's from one second to the next

"Oh come on Mac, you're always so fawning" The woman would come down the stairs, and after giving Applebloom a gentle hug and a kiss on the forehead, she would approach Spike with a motherly smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you Spike, let me tell you that you certainly look like the adorable young man that Celestia described to us when she called us a few hours ago."

Spike would blush heavily as he felt Pearl Butter's hand gently grasp his cheek, squeezing it almost as Pinkie had done a few hours earlier

"You look just like my little Macintosh when he was your age" Bright Mac would say agreeing with what his wife was saying, crossing his arms to look at the little boy in front of him.

"Umm... Thank you?"

"Oh! Nothing to thank treasure! Having you with us will be an honor!"

"And an extra pair of hands will come in handy with the harbvest" Applejack would say as she walked towards the group with a smile, greeting her father with a tight hug and receiving a kiss on the cheek from her mother.

"Eeeyup!" Big Mac's voice would come from the same place Applejack had come from, turning, spike would see a boy of somewhat reddish skin tone, with several freckles on his face, his blond hair tied in a low ponytail somewhat similar to Applejack's but shorter, he would be wearing a vest similar to his father's but with his own apple design, a plain green shirt and black jeans, with red sneakers that gave the aura of a country boy.

"Big Mac! You made it!" Applebloom would run into his big brother's arms, giving him a tight hug that the boy would reciprocate with a smile. "Let me introduce you to Spike!"

"No need Applebloom, he already knows everything, right?" Applejack would say putting a hand on her sister's shoulder to calm her down a bit with the introductions and hugs

"Eyup" Big Mac would say walking up to Spike to stare at him, before smiling and crouching down to his height, flipping his hair over his cap, having taken a liking to the little guy at first glance

"Okey kids! I'd love to spend the day with introductions, but we've got a good amount of apples to harvest, so how about we get down to business!?" Bright Mac would say with a smile, watching the four young men in front of him.

"Yeah!" to Pear, Bright and Big Mac's surprise, Spike would say with a big smile, ready to help the people who were offering him so much help without even knowing him.

After working on those apple trees for hours on end, the family would come into the house somewhat exhausted, but happy to be so far along in the pre-winter harvest.

"Wow Spike! You really have strength in those arms!" Bright Mac would say as he ruffled the boy's hair when Spike had taken off his hat for a few seconds to justly arrange his hair. "Three barrels at the same time all by yourself? Took me until I was six to do something like that."

Yes, obviously someone like that could do things like that at such a young age, it was no surprise to the young green-haired boy, after rearranging his hair and putting his hat back on once more though he would notice Granny Smith sitting in a rocking chair watching what appeared to be a human version of the movie "Daring Do and the Crystal Skull"...Wow, apparently Daring Do was male in this universe? Yeah, several things were more different than he thought.

"Oh! I see you're all done!" Granny Smith would say placing the half-sweater on the table in front of her, before getting up and walking over to Spike. "Just look at this little cowboy!"

And for...the fifth time that day? Spike would feel his cheeks being squeezed by strong hands, but if he thought that was how grandmothers did it before, now he was getting the whole package, his cheeks would burn brightly from the way they were being squeezed by Ponyville's number one grandmother.

"Mom! Be careful, not everyone is used to your affection!" Pear Butter would say pulling Spike away from the older woman, giggling a little as she rubbed the boy's cheeks to remove the red marks from that tight grip.

"You can't blame me, it's almost like seeing an Apple I never met until today!"

"Hehe, thank you Ma'am," Spike would say not having been so bothered by the burning in his cheeks, enjoying Granny Smith's affection as much as Pear Butter's.

"Oh no, no "Ma'am", call me Granny like everyone else."


"That's the way I like it! Now you and Applebloom go wash your hands! We have several cakes to prepare!"

"Roger that!" both Spike and Applebloom would give a military salute and quickly run into the kitchen to wash their hands thoroughly to help the woman.

"...So that poor creature had to sneak into a school so he could study?" Pear Butter would say as she watched her two older sons, clutching Bright Mac's arm with concern.

"Eyup" Big Mac would say, letting out a sigh of pity for that little boy.

After several seconds of somewhat awkward silence, Applejack would gently tap Big Mac on the shoulder

"Luckily you now have a partner for your game nights! Spike is very interested in learning" Applejack would say, earning a big smile from her big brother.

"We're ready!" The voice of the two children would be heard from the kitchen, making Granny Smith smile with tenderness.

"Well, all of You little kids set the table, when we finish with the cake we can start dinner" She would turn to her son, daughter-in-law and grandchildren and smile as she walked into the kitchen to help the children.


"wooooooow..." Spike would say looking at the huge steak on his plate, he wasn't at all used to eating meat, but something about that aroma told him that this was about to be the best meal ever.

"Only the best meat our farm can provide!" Bright Mac would say as he dropped a good handful of mashed potatoes on Spike's plate, tossing his hair once more.

"Don't forget your veggies Spike" Pear Butter would say putting some salad on Spike's plate as well, from what Spike could see, she didn't like eating meat so much, as there was only salad, mashed potatoes, and what appeared to be...a burger made from vegetables?

After a few minutes of everyone helping themselves to their food, dinner would begin, Spike would enjoy that meat as if it was the first time he had ever eaten something so delicious in his entire life...which was technically true, the sight of Spike enjoying that meat would generate a couple of wistful smiles from the adults at the table as they themselves ate as well.

"Wow...that was delicious!" The green-haired boy would say as he rubbed his stomach, totally satisfied after eating, having to have unbuttoned part of his shirt so it wouldn't be so tight on his stomach.

"Mhhg, looks like someone can't eat dessert eh?" Granny Smith would say, leaving a slice of the most delicious apple pie Spike had ever seen in his whole crazy life, he would feel as if his body was dehydrating just from the saliva his mouth was generating at the sight of that treat

"Heh! He even has the stomach of an Apple!" Bright Mac would say with a proud smile, slipping his arm around the back of Spike's neck to give the little guy a tight hug. "Enjoy the fruits of your labor Spike, there is nothing better than that!."

If there was one thing Spike knew that night, it was that it had been one of the best dinners he would have had in his entire life, and one of the best nights of his entire life


"Well Spike...are you okay? Don't you need anything else?" Pear Butter would say seeing Spike lying on the bed in the guest room, leaning against the door frame looking at the boy with a smile.

"I'm fine Mrs. Butter! Thank you so much for dinner" Spike would say as he settled into the comfortable bed, feeling the warmth of those blankets on his body.

"Heh...Sleep well little one" Pear Butter would say walking over to Spike, giving him a soft goodnight kiss on the forehead, before leaving the room, turning off the lights to let Spike sleep.

"Well...this sure is a comfy bed" Spike would say as he laid down on that bed, looking up at the ceiling before falling asleep with a smile.

After a couple of...Minutes? Hours? Spike would feel a voice calling his name near him.

"Spike....Spike Drake..."

"U-Uh?..." Spike would open his eyes somewhat confused, looking around noticing that he was no longer in that bed, but in what appeared to be...space? Or some kind of dark place surrounded by stars.

"So good of you to arrive, young Dragon" Spike would turn to see a large silver colored Alicorn, just like almost all Alicorns Spike knew, her hair swayed in a non-existent wind, though her hair would appear to be made of...reflections?

"You...who are you?"

"Oh, I'm sorry for my lack of manners" The Alicorn would say with a small laugh, bringing her hoof to her mouth to cover her laughter. "You can call me Crystal."

"I...I understand Crystal, what am I doing here?...Indeed, what is...here?" Spike would say having to look up a lot to see that Alicorn, noticing that, Spike would look down to see her hands, noticing that his Dragon claws had returned, indeed, his whole appearance had returned to that of a Dragon.

"You are in the mirror world, young Dragon" The Alicorn would raise her wings, generating a great glow as if a crystal was reflecting large amounts of light.

When the light would stop blinding the dragon, Spike would look up, noticing thousands of mirrors around him, in each one he would see...different versions of himself? A dog Spike, a human Spike, a griffin Spike, a Yak Spike, and so on and so forth.

"Here, I control and observe all the universes that the mirror contains" Crystal's voice would lead him to look once more at the Alicorn, who was watching him with a quiet smile.

"So...Why am I here?...I mean, in the universe of humans?"

"You yourself were the one who entered the mirror, or am I wrong?"

"I mean...yes! But why can't I go back?"

"I want you to understand something Spike" The Alicorn would say as he walked towards a specific mirror, the one of the dragon Spike, the one from our Spike's original universe. "In all the universes, you're the one who...Worst lives"

"What? What do you mean, the one who lives the worst? But I'm surrounded by friends! And people who love me!" Spike would say, becoming enraged by what that Alicorn was insinuating.

"You are?" Crystal would say with a somewhat annoyed tone, with a thump of her on the floor, hundreds of scenes would appear in front of him.

Spike drowning in the frozen river while all the others laughed at him.

Rainbow Dash yelling at him that his opinion of her Tank turtle didn't matter because he was a Dragon.

Rarity taking advantage of his love for her to force him to carry her things from a gem cave miles away from the nearest train station.

Pinkie Pie on that same day forcing Spike to bathe Gummy so he wouldn't bother while they were filling out the paperwork

Twilight Sparkle- "No! I'm not watching anymore!" Spike would forcefully swipe the ground, causing all the crystals to dissipate away from her sight. "You don't know anything! They love me!"

"An unreflected love, is that an existing love?" Crystal would say as she brought her face close to Spike's, staring at him to get her point across.

"...But...Why me? There are ponies that have a much harder time than me!" Spike would say trying to change the subject as he knew he had no answer to that.

"...Oh" The Alicorn would say having a small blush of embarrassment. "well...Okey, I admit I have some favoritism for you, but I'm not the only one!"

The Alicorn would point to a mirror where there would be two ponies playing a card game, one with green color and blue hair, purple eyes and a yellow mark running down from his eye to his cheek, and a pegasus with light brown color, blue hair just like the other person and a vest with a checkerboard design, when they both turned to look at that mirror, the pegasus would turn and greet them with a wave of his hoof, before going back to his previous game, withouth noticing that the green pony was looking at his cards.

"So...So you want me to stay in the human world because you like me but... Why I can't go back? I WANT to go back."

"You want to go back because you still don't know what you deserve, you think being a mere servant who gets a compliment every so often is enough to make you happy, sadly, it IS enough to make you happy."

"You still haven't answered my question!" Spike would say with tears forming in his eyes, not wanting to hear what Crystal had to say to him.

"I want you to be happy, Spike Drake" Crystal would say with the tone of voice worthy of Princess Luna, even his eyes would also sparkle just like hers. "To be with people who will let you be the child you deserve to be."

"I'm not a-!" His tirade would be interrupted when the ground beneath him would "break", causing him to start falling towards the void with no way to see where he was going.

"Come back to visit me when you understand Spike, only when you understand" the Alicorn's voice would surround him from all directions as he continued to scream.

"AHHH!" Spike would end up waking up in bed once again, looking around in fear and confusion, noticing that he was in that cozy house.

"Spike! Are you okay!?" Applebloom's voice would catch his attention from the doorway, where Applebloom, Applejack and Big Mac were watching the boy with concern.

"Y-Yeah yeah just...I had a bad dream, sorry for waking you guys up" Spike would say as he wiped the sweat off his forehead, looking down at his lap in embarrassment.

"Yeah...I guess a new house is still scary for everyone huh?" Applejack would say as she walked over to the bed, sitting down next to Spike to brush the hair off the boy's forehead.

"I know! Let's have a sleepover!" Applebloom would say as she sat on the other side of the bed, grabbing Spike's hand happily.

"Hey...Doesn't sound like a bad idea, what do you say Big Mac?" Applejack would say turning to look at the blond boy, who would just nod and walk towards them.

"Don't worry Spike! You go wash your face of all that sweat and we'll fix everything!" Applebloom would say pushing Spike out of bed excitedly, knowing he had no choice, Spike would just smile and go to the bathroom to do just what he was instructed to do


After only fifteen minutes, Spike would find himself lying on the bed now replete with extra pillows and blankets, currently he would be lying between Big Mac and Applejack, with Applebloom lying on top of Big Mac, everyone sleeping peacefully but him.

"...(Feels like when I used to sleep with Twilight before I went to Ponyville...Feels good)" Spike would think with a smile growing slightly over his face, before laying back on Applejack's arm who had decided to use all the pillows for herself, closing his eyes to sleep comfortably

Author's Note:

Good morning to all my readers!

First of all, thank you so much for all the support this story is getting, although something I realized is that maybe some people feel that I'm updating "too fast" or that I'm not taking this story so seriously, I really apologize if I make anyone feel that way, it's just that I mixed a lot of free time with having a writing boom, I'll be trying to take more time to start writing the next chapter, maybe start writing when each chapter reaches 100 views would be a good way to control myself :moustache:

Pd: I hate Big Mac's design in Equestria Girls. :fluttercry: