• Published 16th Dec 2023
  • 1,353 Views, 136 Comments

A Not-So Draconian Adventure - Rock-Lee

Trying to hide from the growing chaos around him, Spike ends up encountering that mirror that sent him to that strange world of "Humans", due to a simple silly mistake, he would end up in that same world, this time with a very...different appearance

  • ...

A Team Day

"Mash! I told you to stop eating so many nachos!" Coach Spitfire's voice was barely audible amidst all the laughter and shouts of the kids on the soccer team.

"We're going to the finals, bro!" Rumble would say in the team uniform, raising his arms with two soda cups in his hands.

Spike's soccer team would be at that moment in a large restaurant known for being for all ages. They had won the last game before the final, so they could finally afford to celebrate.

"Yes, but we're going to play against Gabby's team," Spike would say, sighing as he dropped his head onto the table, though grabbing a handful of cheese nachos to eat.

"I know, Spike," Rumble would say with a reassuring smile, shaking Spike's shoulders excitedly. "But we've come this far together, right? And there's nothing we can't overcome as a team."

"I know! But I don't want Gabby to feel bad if she loses," Spike would say as he was shaken like a ragdoll.

"I understand, Spike," Rumble would respond, stopping his shaking and placing a hand on his friend's shoulder. "But remember, Gabby is a strong and confident competitor. She'll understand that in the game there are victories and defeats, and what's important is the sportsmanship and friendship we share."

Spike would nod slowly, letting out a sigh as he reflected on Rumble's words. He knew he was right, but still couldn't help but worry about the impact a loss might have on Gabby.

"Besides," Scootaloo would say, appearing while sipping from her soda cup before giving Spike a tap on the back of his head. "Don't you respect your friend? I know very well that if you heard someone saying they didn't want to make me lose, you would go and hit them on my behalf, so don't make me do it on Gabby's behalf."

"Exactly," Rumble would confirm, nodding in approval.

"Oh my god, they have an arcade! LET'S GO!" Button Mash would say with what could only be described as a sugar rush, grabbing the three boys effortlessly to run towards the arcade machines.

As the kids had fun, Spitfire would just sigh as she rubbed her temple, before one of the many responsible adults who were watching over the kids approached her.

"Miss Spitfire, my name is Shining Armor, it's a pleasure," Shining would say as he extended his hand to the woman.

"The pleasure is mine, Shining Armor, your wife talks about you throughout lunch," she would respond courteously. "Thank you for helping supervise the kids. They can be a handful at times, but they're excited about reaching the final."

"Of course, I understand," Shining Armor would nod with a smile. "It's a great achievement for them and the team. I'm sure they'll enjoy the celebration but... We just wanted to thank you, on behalf of Spike's entire family... We're not sure he would have been even half as happy with us without this team."

"It's a pleasure to work with Spike and all the kids on the team," Spitfire would sincerely reply. "Seeing their growth and development both on and off the field has been an incredible experience and... I can't say anything else than how proud I am of Spike."

"Spike is truly a special kid, and you've played a significant role in his life," Shining Armor would comment gratefully. "It's comforting to know there are adults like you dedicated to the well-being and development of children like Spike."

"It's an honor to be a part of Spike's life and all the kids on the team," Spitfire would respond sincerely. "Seeing them grow and become confident, committed team players is one of the greatest rewards of my job... After all, I know what it's like to need just a little push to become who you want to be."

"Miss Spitfire! Snails got stuck in the claw machine again!" Rumble's voice would be heard from several meters away, causing Spitfire to just sigh and take out a bag of coins, walking towards the arcade.

The next day, the kids would be on the school soccer field after classes ended for the day, lying on the grass and looking up at the sky, talking about any nonsense that came to mind.

"I've been thinking, guys... Why are dragons always portrayed as the bad guys?" Spike would say as he put his hand to his chin while looking at the sky.

"Oh, oh! Because they spit fire and have claws as sharp as blades! It's just terrifying!" Button Mash would exclaim, with a mischievous gleam in his eyes.

"That's true!" Scootaloo would add enthusiastically. "Plus, in most stories, dragons are giants and ferocious, who wouldn't see them as the bad guys in those circumstances?"

"And they're always very greedy," Tender Taps would add with a calm smile.

"Nah, I don't think they're greedy," Spike would shrug.

"Really, Spike?" Rumble would ask, turning to his friend with a raised eyebrow. "But what about all those stories where dragons are guarding huge treasures and don't let anyone else come near?"

"Oh, so a dragon guards its belongings and it's the bad guy, but the king has all the kingdom's money and lets everyone else starve and he's a hero," Spike would comment with a touch of sarcasm as he crossed his arms.

"But why do they have to kill everyone who tries to retrieve some cool treasure?" Rumble would ask with a raised eyebrow.

"They're literally breaking into their house to steal their stuff! It's like if you were sleeping in your house and some men broke in to steal your TV because it belonged to a man 60 years ago!"

"and just for this they have to kill everyone who tries to get a treasure instead of explaining it?" Button Mash would say as if he didn't understand the conversation.

"Why would they have to do that!? Why don't we ask the kings who keep losing their stuff to go get it themselves!?" Spike would exclaim, getting up enthusiastically from the grass. "Why can't they solve their own problems instead of sending brave adventurers to fight dragons who are just protecting what's rightfully theirs?"

"It's a matter of perspective," Tender Taps would interject, getting up as well to join the debate. "Tales and legends often present a simplified view of reality. Dragons represent the challenge, the adversity that heroes must overcome to achieve their goals."

"Well, they should use humans for that!" Scootaloo would exclaim, getting up alongside the others. "Humans can face challenges among themselves without having to attack creatures who are just protecting their home and treasures!"

"...What the heck are those kids talking about?" Rainbow Dash would say sitting on a soccer ball as she raised an eyebrow not understanding why they were talking about dragons.