• Published 16th Dec 2023
  • 1,354 Views, 136 Comments

A Not-So Draconian Adventure - Rock-Lee

Trying to hide from the growing chaos around him, Spike ends up encountering that mirror that sent him to that strange world of "Humans", due to a simple silly mistake, he would end up in that same world, this time with a very...different appearance

  • ...

You are still their kid

After about 30 minutes of waiting, during which Spike would clean his face and mentally prepare for what the rest of the week had in store for him, he would finally emerge from the bathroom and make his way to the living room where everyone else was ready to eat, with Twilight setting the plates, glasses, and other eating items on the table. Upon entering the room, Spike would be greeted by the comforting aroma of freshly prepared food, which would make him feel a bit calmer after the emotional encounter with Twilight's parents.

Twilight, upon seeing Spike enter the room, would give him a warm and welcoming smile, knowing well that Spike wasn't feeling emotionally well at that moment. "It's good to see you back. Dinner is ready," she would say.

Spike would return Twilight's smile, grateful for her kindness and concern. Although he still felt a bit shaken from the encounter with Twilight's parents, the comforting aroma of the food was enough for hunger to overcome his nerves.

"Thank you, Twilight," Spike would respond softly, feeling a lump in his throat as he tried to control his emotions. "It smells delicious."

With slow steps, Spike would approach the table, taking a seat cautiously as he glanced at Twilight's parents with a mix of gratitude and nervousness. Although he still felt a bit vulnerable after the previous emotional encounter.

Cadance would serve the food with a smile, trying to maintain a light and welcoming atmosphere despite the tension that could still be felt in the air. She would notice Spike's discomfort and her motherly and child psychology mind would make her make an extra effort to ensure Spike was emotionally okay.

Cadance would discreetly approach Spike, putting a comforting hand on his shoulder and looking at him with concern.

"Are you okay, Spike?" Cadance would ask softly, conveying genuine concern for his well-being.

Spike would nod slightly, grateful for Cadance's kind gesture. Although he still felt a bit uneasy.

"Yeah, I'm okay," Spike would honestly respond, offering Cadance a small smile. "It was just a bit overwhelming, but I think I'm getting better."

Cadance would smile tenderly, despite noticing that Spike had admitted that meeting people he had never met before could be overwhelming, something she could fix in her next therapy session. For the moment, Cadance decided not to press Spike more than necessary and simply be there for him if he needed additional support during dinner, leaving in front of Spike a well-loaded plate of Shepherd's pie. Cadance would offer him a reassuring smile before discreetly returning to her seat at the table. Spike would look at the delicious meat pie in front of him, licking his lips with a big smile, forgetting a bit about his previous excitement.

Spike, upon seeing the succulent meat pie in front of him, couldn't help but salivate. The delicious food in front of him was a comforting reminder that, despite the emotional challenges he faced, there would always be beautiful things... like food. With a smile of anticipation, Spike picked up his fork and began to savor every bite of the Shepherd's pie. The rich flavor and comforting texture filled his mouth, making him feel even more relaxed and at peace with himself.

"We're glad you're enjoying your meal, Spike," Night Light would say with a somewhat worried smile, concerned that the child might not feel comfortable in the house.

Spike would freeze for a few seconds upon hearing that voice, with a bite stuck in his throat, before slowly swallowing it and trying to calm himself. "It's delicious, thank you very much."

Night Light would notice Spike's reaction and feel a bit worried about having made him uncomfortable. However, seeing Spike trying to recover and thanking him for the food, he would feel relieved.

"I'm glad you like it, Spike," Night Light would respond with a reassuring smile. "You're welcome here in our house. I hope you feel comfortable and can enjoy our company."

Unbeknownst to him, Night Light's words would only further emphasize in Spike's mind that he was something new, something extra, something different in the world of that family, but the child would simply pretend with a smile that everything was fine.

As Spike and Twilight prepared for bed, silence would fill the room, interrupted only by the soft murmur of running water in the bathroom as Twilight got ready to sleep. Spike would lay back on the bed, lost in his thoughts, his gaze fixed on the wall in front of him.

In the dimness of the room, the events of the day would pass through his mind over and over again. The encounter with Twilight's parents, the initial tension, and then the gradual feeling of acceptance and warmth he had experienced during dinner. Although he still felt somewhat overwhelmed by everything that had happened, he also felt grateful for the love and kindness he had received from Twilight's family.

"Mhhg... Seriously Crystal... Let me at least speak the truth with them" Spike would murmur, releasing a rather disheartened sigh.

"Did you say something, Spike?" Twilight would say from the bathroom, having only heard his voice.

Upon hearing Twilight's voice from the bathroom, Spike would slightly startle, realizing he had spoken aloud. He would try to gather his thoughts before responding, feeling a bit embarrassed for speaking while lost in his reflections.

"Oh, no, nothing important," Spike would reply, trying to sound casual as he settled into bed. "I was just thinking about the day we had, you know."

Twilight would come out of the bathroom and approach the bed, noticing Spike's thoughtful expression. She would sit beside him with a look of concern on her face.

"Are you okay, Spike?" Twilight would ask, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Today was a very exciting day for you. I understand if you're feeling a bit overwhelmed by everything."

Spike would nod slightly, grateful for Twilight's concern. Although he wanted to talk to her about his thoughts and concerns, he wasn't sure how to start.

"Yeah, I'm okay," Spike would reply, trying to sound convincing. "I'm just processing everything that happened today, I guess. It's a lot to take in, you know?"

"Did... You not have parents like mine?" Twilight would say somewhat concerned, not understanding why meeting good parents had upset the poor boy so much.

Spike would fall silent for a moment, contemplating how to respond to Twilight's question. He knew he should share the truth with her, but at the same time... He knew it wouldn't make any difference.

"It's not that... It's just that my parents are so similar to yours that... It's almost as if my own parents just forgot about me."

"Spike, I'm so sorry," Twilight would respond sincerely, gently squeezing Spike's shoulder in a supportive gesture. "It must be incredibly difficult for you to feel like your own parents have forgotten about you. But I want you to know that here, in this world, you are part of our family. We love you and support you, no matter what."

Despite the slight warmth his body felt upon hearing those adorable words... The Sparkle part of his brain would realize a small detail... Why would she have used the word "world"? For someone who believes everyone is from the same world, that wouldn't make sense.

Spike would shake his head slightly, trying to push those thoughts out of his mind for now. He didn't want to worry Twilight with his own doubts and confusions at this moment.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Spike would reply with a forced smile. "I'm just... grateful to have you and your parents here. It really means a lot to me."

Twilight would nod with a smile, feeling the appreciation and gratitude in Spike's words. Although she was still a bit worried about his emotional well-being, she decided not to press the issue further for now.

"We're here for you, Spike," Twilight would say warmly. "Always."

And so, after a few more minutes of getting ready, the two would fall asleep after having such a huge and delicious dinner, although Spike after a few hours, would feel that strange sensation of coldness that only Crystal's world had.

"I'm here again..." Spike would say, opening his eyes to once again face the emptiness of the mirror world, returning to his normal dragon appearance.

The shadowy figure of Crystal would materialize in front of him, observing him with her dark, piercing eyes.

"Spike," Crystal would whisper with her cold, melodious voice. "I've been waiting for you."

Spike would grit his teeth, preparing for what would come next. He knew Crystal had her own plans and agendas, and he couldn't afford to let his guard down around her.

"What do you want this time, Crystal?" Spike would ask, trying to remain calm despite the growing sense of anxiety in his chest.

"Spike... I-" Whatever the Alicorn had planned to say would be interrupted by a series of coughs that would ruin the atmosphere she had created, allowing Spike to see better... the deteriorated state of the blue Alicorn's body.

The sight of Crystal's deteriorated state caught Spike by surprise. Despite their differences and conflicts, seeing her in that condition stirred in him a sense of compassion and concern.

"Crystal, are you okay?" Spike would ask, his voice filled with genuine concern as he approached her. "What happened to you?"

Crystal would cough a few more times before regaining her composure, though she clearly looked weakened. Her voice would weakly resonate in the darkness.

"It's nothing... My body can withstand the use of all the magic I use in this world, but maintaining the changes in the world you're in, and all the energy spent on opening the portal ahead of time... My magic is running out, and for a being of pure magic, that's not good," the Alicorn, who seemed more sick than literally dying, would say with a blanket over her body and a damp cloth on her head. "Celestia has tried to come to help after realizing the possibility... Even Luna and Discord accompany her sometimes."

"I'm sorry to hear that, Crystal," Spike would respond sincerely, approaching a bit closer to be by her side. Although he knew Crystal had caused a lot of harm in the past, he was also aware that she was a creature of magic and that her physical deterioration was a reminder of her vulnerability.
"Is there anything I can do to help you?"

Crystal would shudder slightly at Spike's proximity, but then would weakly nod, grateful for his concern.

"Thank you, Spike," Crystal would murmur softly. "There's not much you can do for me right now. My body just needs rest and time to recover."

"... You should stop using so much magic," Spike would say, slightly biting his tongue.

"And let you tell everyone the truth and go back to your world as if nothing happened?" Crystal would say with a furrowed brow, before letting out a few light coughs that she would cover with her hoof.

"I'll go back to my world, whether they know it or not, you know that Crystal," Spike would respond seriously. "I will do everything I can to find a way back to my world. But in the meantime, I won't let you die because of a stupid whim like...i Don't know, all of this!."

"... Tell me Spike, do you love your family in the Pony world?" Crystal would say with a slight degree of seriousness.

Spike would fall silent for a moment, reflecting on Crystal's question. Despite all the complications and challenges he faced in his home world, he couldn't deny the deep love and affection he felt for his friends and family in Equestria.

"Yes, I love them," Spike would reply with conviction, staring at Crystal. "They are my family, and I would do anything for them."

"Do you love every detail of them? Is there not a single detail you wish to change?" Crystal would say almost accusingly, walking slowly towards him.

"... Well... Since I'm here... I've discovered many things I've missed... I mean... Since I moved in with Twilight I don't remember the last time I had a dinner where I didn't cook something..."

"... The Spike I once knew wouldn't have accepted that mistake from his family... you're getting better," Crystal would say with a sly smile, causing Spike to raise an eyebrow in confusion.

"I guess we all have areas where we can improve," Spike would respond, pondering Crystal's words. "But that doesn't change my desire to go back home and be with the ones I love."

Crystal would slowly nod, understanding Spike's determination and his loyalty to his loved ones in Equestria.

"I understand," Crystal would murmur, her voice full of resignation. "Spike, I'll let you rest for now... And I'll do the same."

And so, Spike would wake up again in that room, only it was... different, the photos that had disappeared before were now on the walls as if nothing, and a dog with green and purple colors slept on Twilight's chest as if nothing.

"She... She did it... Heh" Spike would say with a smile, happy to know that he was finally going to be able to be honest with his friends, and to explain to them what had happened in his life.

With a renewed sense of determination, Spike would prepare to face whatever the future held for him... Not without going to the bathroom first.