• Published 16th Dec 2023
  • 1,355 Views, 136 Comments

A Not-So Draconian Adventure - Rock-Lee

Trying to hide from the growing chaos around him, Spike ends up encountering that mirror that sent him to that strange world of "Humans", due to a simple silly mistake, he would end up in that same world, this time with a very...different appearance

  • ...

Like home

Spike felt excited as he showed Sunset the Valentine's gifts while they traveled in the car. With a smile, he pulled out the small wooden dragon figurine and held it in his hand, admiring its meticulous details.

"Look, Sunset," Spike said enthusiastically, showing her the figurine. "This is one of the gifts I received today! I found it on my seat during literature class. Isn't it great?"

Sunset smiled as she glanced at the carved dragon. "It's really nice, Spike," she responded sincerely. "It looks very detailed. Any idea who might have given it to you?"

Spike shook his head, his expression reflecting his confusion. "I have no idea," he admitted. "It's a complete mystery. But I also received a letter this morning, also from an anonymous sender. It's like I have secret admirers!"

"Wow, that sounds intriguing!" Sunset commented, with a chuckle. "Seems like you have some mysterious admirers out there. We should try to figure out who they are."

Spike nodded, sharing Sunset's determination. "Yeah, definitely. My friends and I have been trying to figure it out, but we haven't had much luck so far."

Sunset playfully patted Spike's shoulder, enjoying teasing him a bit. "Don't worry, Spike. I'm sure you'll find out eventually. Meanwhile, it's great to see how much your friends and secret admirers appreciate you."

Spike smiled at Sunset's words, feeling grateful for her support. Although the mystery of his secret admirers remained unsolved, Sunset's company and friendship helped keep his spirits up as they continued their journey together.

"And... Have you been able to meet up with Crystal since the last time we talked?" Sunset would say as she tightened her grip on the steering wheel, glancing sideways at the green-haired boy beside her.

Spike looked out the window, contemplating Sunset's question before responding. The mention of Crystal made him reflect on his current situation, realizing that... It had been a while since he had thought about his friends in his original universe. "I... Yes, I was able to, though I only found out that she deleted the message you sent to Twilight, and she will keep doing it..."

Sunset nodded, understanding Spike's concern. "That explains it... It's tough when things don't go as we hoped," she said empathetically. "But don't worry, Spike. Sometimes things take time to resolve. What's important is that you're making an effort to maintain your relationships and solve the problems."

Spike nodded, grateful for Sunset's words of encouragement. "Thank you, Sunset. It means a lot to me to have your support," he said sincerely.

"I'll always be here for you, Spike," Sunset responded with a reassuring smile. "Together, we'll find a way to handle all of this and get you back with your friends."

Before Spike could say anything, Sunset would have to make a quick turn in the car to avoid colliding with another car that almost hit them. "WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING, WEIRDO!" The sudden turn of the car caught Spike off guard, and he gripped the seat as the vehicle abruptly changed direction.

"Uh, sorry, Spike!" exclaimed Sunset, quickly regaining control of the car and returning to the right direction. "That was close."

"No no... It's okay, hehe," Spike felt relieved that the scare of the unexpected turn temporarily diverted the conversation to another topic. Although there were still concerns on his mind, the adrenaline rush of the moment helped release some tension.

Sunset continued to drive carefully, keeping the conversation light to lighten the mood after the incident. As they progressed along the road, Spike gradually relaxed, enjoying the journey with his friend and temporarily pushing away his worries.

After a couple of extra minutes, the two would arrive at a large white house, not quite a mansion, but it looked like the huge houses of wealthy people that Spike saw on television.

"Wow, this house is impressive!" exclaimed Spike, admiring the size and elegance of the place as they got out of the car.

"Hehe, believe me, it is, this is where I've been staying since all the friendship learning stuff started" Sunset would say with a slight sigh, parking the car in the driveway and getting out carefully.

"It must be great to have a place like this to stay," commented Spike, admiring the house. "It looks very cozy."

Sunset nodded with a smile, appreciating Spike's compliment. "Yes, it definitely is," she said. "I feel very grateful to have a place I can call home."

Upon entering the house, Spike was even more amazed by the elegance and comfort of the place. The furniture and decorations created a cozy and homely atmosphere that made Spike feel comfortable immediately.

Sunset led Spike through the house, showing him the various rooms and features of the place. As they explored, Spike became increasingly impressed by the beauty and attention to detail in every corner of the house.

"And is this your room?" Spike asked when they reached a closed door.

"Yes, it is!" replied Sunset, opening the door to reveal a bright and cozy room. "It's where I spend most of my time when I'm here."

Spike wandered around the room, observing the various elements that made it unique. From the shelves filled with books to the photographs on the wall, each detail seemed to tell a story about Sunset's life.

"I like how you've arranged everything," said Spike, admiring the order and harmony of the room.

Sunset nodded, pleased with Spike's compliment. "I try to keep things tidy, but sometimes it can be a challenge," she admitted with a laugh.

Spike stopped in front of a framed photograph on the bedside table, looking at it with curiosity. The picture showed Sunset with her friends, smiling and laughing together.

"Heh... Looks like you've come a long way with the friendship thing, huh?" Spike would say with a small smile, proud of his friend.

Sunset nodded with a soft smile, reflecting nostalgia in her gaze as she looked at the photograph. "Yes, we've been through a lot together," she responded sincerely. "My friends mean a lot to me, and thanks to them, I've learned a lot about true friendship and the value of being there for each other."

Spike nodded in understanding, remembering what Sunset had to go through to get where she is today. "I'm sure they've had a great impact on your life."

"Definitely," agreed Sunset, with a thoughtful expression on her face. "They've been my unwavering support and have helped me become the person I am today, despite having just met them not long ago."

Spike smiled, feeling happy for Sunset's progress and personal growth. "Well, I think you're amazing just the way you are," he said sincerely. "And I'm grateful to have you as a friend."

Sunset returned Spike's smile, gratitude in her gaze. "Thank you, Spike. I'm also grateful to have you as a friend," she responded sincerely as she gave him a light pat on the shoulder.

The two friends fell silent for a moment, lost in their thoughts as they contemplated the photograph and reflected on their friendship. Although they had faced many challenges together, they had also shared moments of joy and growth that had strengthened their bond.

After a moment of reflective silence, Sunset broke the quietness with an

animated smile. "Well, how about we go prepare some food? My tutor will take a while to arrive so we can eat whatever we want!"

Spike nodded enthusiastically, feeling excited about the idea of ​​sharing a meal with Sunset in her cozy home. "Yes, sounds great! Is there anything in particular you'd like to cook?"

Sunset thought for a moment before responding. "Hmm, how about we make some pizzas? I'm starving! hehe" she suggested eagerly.

"Yes, sounds awesome!" Spike responded, excited about the idea of ​​making their own customized pizzas. "Do you have all the ingredients we need?"

Sunset nodded with a smile, starting to walk towards the kitchen with Spike following quickly, reaching the large kitchen of the place, making Spike laugh a bit at how big and tidy it was. "But who are you staying with? Fancypants?"

"It's a surprise, hehe" Sunset would say with a smile as she prepared the pizza ingredients, while Spike seemed to be looking for something in the kitchen cabinets. "Hmm? What are you looking for, Spike?"

"Oh, just my... Apron," Spike would say before remembering he wasn't in his universe, and his favorite apron wasn't anywhere to be found, a silly reminder but one that would have made him remember he was still separated from his universe and his friends. The sudden realization that he wasn't in his own universe made Spike pause for a moment, feeling a pang of nostalgia and sadness for the things he missed. However, he forced himself to push those thoughts aside, reminding himself that he was on a new adventure and that he needed to stay focused on the present.

"Oh, it's okay," Spike responded, forcing a smile to hide his moment of melancholy. "I don't need an apron, I can cook without it."

Sunset noticed Spike's expression and approached him with concern in her gaze. "Are you okay, Spike?" she asked, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.

Spike nodded, trying to seem as lively as possible. "Yes, it was just a moment of distraction," he said with a forced smile. "I'm fine, really."

Sunset gave him a understanding look before nodding with a gentle smile. "It's okay, Spike. If you need to talk about something, I'm here for you," she said gently.

Spike appreciated Sunset's gesture and nodded gratefully. "Thank you, Sunset. It means a lot to me," he said sincerely.

"Wow..." Spike would say as Sunset was trying to put out the small fire that had formed in the oven because despite Spike's experience, they had ended up burning the pizza.

"I'm really sorry, Spike," Sunset said as she struggled to extinguish the fire in the oven. "It looks like this time the pizza turned out a little... too cooked."

Spike approached the oven and observed the mess with a mixture of frustration and concern. Although he had cooked many times before, this time things had gone terribly wrong.

"Don't worry, Sunset," Spike replied, trying to stay calm. "I'm sure we can fix it."

"... " Sunset would just smile a little and pick up her phone and wallet, implying that she was going to order pizza delivery, so Spike would laugh and nod for the girl to order pizza while he cleaned up.

After a couple of minutes, the two of them would be on the couch watching TV while waiting for the pizzas to be delivered. "Dang... How I wish we had these things in Ponyville, although maybe Twilight would forbid them to me for wasting my time or something like that."

"I understand what you mean," responded Sunset with a smile, looking at Spike. "Sometimes, life in Ponyville can be a bit... predictable. But I guess that's part of its charm, isn't it?"

Spike nodded, reflecting on his life in Ponyville and the adventures he had experienced with Twilight and the others. Although he sometimes longed for a change of pace and new experiences, he also deeply valued the stability and sense of community he found in his home... in his family.

"Yes, you're right," Spike agreed. "But occasionally, a little excitement wouldn't hurt. I guess that's why I like coming to Canterlot High and spending time with you and the others."

Sunset smiled, appreciating Spike's words. "I'm glad you enjoy spending time here. It's always fun having you around."

Out of nowhere, the doorbell of the house would be heard, causing Sunset to go open the door and Spike to set two plates and soda on the living room table so they could eat. When Sunset returned with the pizzas, the two sat on the couch and began to enjoy the hot and delicious food, with Spike devouring the pepperoni and chicken pizza while Sunset stuck with her vegetable pizza. After a while of eating and chatting animatedly, Spike and Sunset finished their pizzas, satisfied and happy to have resolved the situation in an improvised way. Sunset picked up the empty plates and took them to the kitchen while Spike lay back on the couch, feeling relaxed and content.

"Thanks for the food, Sunset," Spike said with a smile, looking towards the kitchen where she was busy cleaning. "Although it didn't turn out as we expected, it was fun."

Sunset peeked her head from the kitchen and returned the smile. "You're welcome, Spike. It's always nice to have a quiet night at home, even if we end up ordering pizza."

Spike nodded, feeling grateful for Sunset's friendship and company. Sometimes, quiet and relaxed evenings were just what he needed after a busy day at school or in Ponyville.

"Definitely," Spike agreed. "And it's always more fun to share these experiences with someone special."

Sunset smiled warmly and approached the couch, sitting next to Spike. "Same here, Spike. You're a great friend."

Spike would settle in to rest his head on Sunset's lap, closing his eyes ready to rest a bit, Sunset was about to tell him if he was sleepy, he should go to sleep, but she would decide better just to leave it like that, let him rest a bit. The quiet and cozy atmosphere of the living room enveloped Spike as he relaxed in Sunset's lap. The soft lamp light created a serene and comforting atmosphere, and the distant sound of the television provided a relaxing backdrop for his rest. With his head resting on Sunset's lap, Spike let himself be carried away by the feeling of tranquility that surrounded him. He closed his eyes and allowed himself to relax completely, releasing any worries or tensions he may have been holding onto.

Sunset watched affectionately as Spike peacefully rested. A feeling of affection and gratitude filled her heart as she contemplated the friendship they shared. Meeting Spike had enriched her life in many ways, and she was grateful to have him as a friend and companion. Careful not to disturb Spike's sleep, Sunset gently stroked his hair, conveying a sense of calm and security to him. She knew how important it was for him to be able to rest and recharge after a busy day, and she was determined to ensure he felt comfortable and peaceful. After a while, Spike began to relax even more, his breathing becoming deeper and calmer. Sunset smiled tenderly, pleased to see him resting peacefully.

Eventually, the tranquil and relaxing atmosphere of the living room completely enveloped Spike, and he drifted into a restful and peaceful sleep. Sunset remained by his side, deciding to follow his example and ending up sleeping on that couch.

After a few hours, Spike would feel himself being moved very lightly, but enough to wake him up, Spike would look around and notice that he would be lying on Sunset's bed, with the girl sleeping by his side.

"Oh, sorry Spike, I didn't mean to wake you up, I just wanted to bring you to sleep in bed"

"Uh, but..." Spike would turn to see who that voice came from, needing a few seconds for his brain to adjust and see who it was. "...Principal Celestia?"

"Shhh, keep sleeping Spike, don't worry," that woman would say with a smile, giving him a soft kiss on the forehead. "Rest, we'll talk tomorrow, okay?"

And with that, Spike would stay silent for a few seconds before smiling and nodding slightly, letting Celestia leave the room, with only the sound of her heels against the wooden floor of the room.