• Published 16th Dec 2023
  • 1,354 Views, 136 Comments

A Not-So Draconian Adventure - Rock-Lee

Trying to hide from the growing chaos around him, Spike ends up encountering that mirror that sent him to that strange world of "Humans", due to a simple silly mistake, he would end up in that same world, this time with a very...different appearance

  • ...

The New Spike

After what seemed like an eternity of spinning and screaming for help, Spike would shoot out of that sort of interdimensional tunnel, coughing a bit from the dust raised by the fall as he looked around him.

"Damn, Twilight is going to kill me when she finds out I'm here" Spike would say as he stayed on all fours looking around seeing if anything had changed since last time, noticing that everything seemed to be smaller than last time. "Wow, everything got a lot smaller?....Wait."

Spike would look down and instead of a pair of small dog paws, he would see a pair of human hands, so he would let out a yelp and jump up, standing upright and wobbling a little in surprise, it wasn't a big deal to be on two feet since he was one of the few in his close circle that did that, but he was still quite surprised by the fact that for some reason he had become a "human" instead of a dog, he would bring his hands to his face, feeling somewhat plain and round features, then bring his hands up to his head and notice slightly long spiky hair, a part of his mind wanted to laugh at the irony, but it wasn't a good time when he found himself having an identity crisis

"Damn I have to go back I have to go back" He would turn to try to run towards the portal, he would launch himself towards it, but would end up crashing into it instead of through the portal. "Oh now you decide not to work!"

His shout would attract the attention of several students who were on their way to the entrance, some would ignore it out and try to act like the weird kid was not there, while others would turn to look at him with confusion, which would make Spike quickly run away to hide somewhere else, finding it easy to move, unlike Twilight when it was her turn to become human.


"Damn damn...Okey Spike, breathe, breathe" The now human would say as he leaned against one of the outer walls of the institution, one hand on his chest as he breathed in order to calm himself, a technique Celestia would have taught him since he was young, a way to calm himself when Twilight wasn't around for whatever reason. "Okay... Let's recap...We're in another universe, we're a human now instead of a dog...You can't go back and you don't know why...Yeah, that's basically all you know."

Spike would decide to stand there for several minutes trying to think of a plan, but after a useless brainstorm, an idea would finally come to his mind, Twilight was able to camouflage herself among the students with almost no problem, maybe he could do the same and find the girls? Probably Sunset Shimmer would have an answer, after all she was the one who knew the most about the mirror situation next to Celestia herself probably.

"Well done Spike, you've already got part of a plan" He would say patting himself on the shoulder to congratulate himself

The boy would let out a sigh to calm down and would turn to walk once again to the entrance of the institute, staying several seconds at the entrance doubting if maybe he should wait for the girls to leave the school instead of going inside to look for them, but then he would remember that he had no idea about their schedules, if there was any extra exit they would take thus avoiding that he could find them or anything, so he would take a deep breath and would arm himself with courage, entering the place with a somewhat confident smile


"Shit shit shit shit shit shit" And there all his confidence would have crumbled, he had easily been lost for 15 minutes in the jungle of lockers and hallways they called school, so he would be leaning on a locker in a somewhat empty hallway, his breathing was hyperventilating due to the nerves of not being able to find the girls in time, he would be trying Celestia's technique once again, with both hands on his chest while breathing heavily

"Sorry but...are you all right?" a voice that Spike didn't recognize would say, so he would turn to try to identify who it was or if he recognized at least the pony version of that person.

Turning, the boy would observe a girl a little shorter than him, reddish hair like a pure apple and a big pink bow decorating her head, a green shirt and knee length jeans with a belt at the waist, with a pair of mid-thigh length cowboy boots, with beautiful caramel colored eyes watching him with concern, that girl was no doubt Applebloom, Applejack's sister and part of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, one of the few people "his age" that Spike considered friends in his original world

"H-Huh?...I-I...Y-Yeah sorry, just...." The boy would start stuttering trying to find the words and an excuse for his nerves without revealing that he was a bloody talking dragon from another world.

"You're lost aren't you?" The girl would say with a small smile, moving a little closer towards the boy so she could help calm him down, putting a hand on his shoulder to get his attention "Being new to a school sucks, more so in the middle of the year, come on, I'll show you the way to class."

Spike would raise an eyebrow both surprised and confused at the same time, before he could even open his mouth to say anything, Applebloom would grab his hand and start leading him through the halls on his way to a classroom that was apparently for a class, did she think he was a student in her grade? But he wasn't a kid...

"(OH DAMN!)" Spike would think upon realizing that he was, in fact, in the age range of Applebloom and the others, just like Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash had said earlier that morning

Lost in his thoughts, Spike wouldn't notice that they had already arrived at the class Applebloom was talking about, when he came to reality, he would find himself standing in an open doorway, with several students Applebloom's age watching him with confusion, and with who appeared to be a human version of Miss Cheerilee watching him also with some confusion

"Sorry we're late Miss Cheerilee, I found the new kid lost so I decided to help him get there" The red haired girl would say with a smile, but still somewhat embarrassed at being late for class, letting go of Spike's hand but not going to sit down, in case Spike didn't know where to sit

"Mhhg...I don't remember getting new student information" Cheerilee would mumble somewhat confused, looking at a list where she apparently had the name of all her students, but not finding it she would look up and watch Spike for a few seconds, analyzing him with her eyes and then smile sweetly. "Don't worry guys, I'll sort that out with Principal Celestia later, now, why don't you introduce yourself to the rest of the class?"

Spike would freeze for several seconds, until Applebloom would give him a little push that made him by inertia go walking towards the blackboard and in front of all the other students, swallowing saliva not quite knowing what to say

"How about you tell us your name and the things you like?" Cheerilee would say with a friendly smile, deciding to help the poor boy feel more at ease

"M-My name is Spike...S-Spike...Drake?" He'd say not knowing what last name to think to himself, earning a couple of "Ohhhhh's" from the kids who thought it was a cool last name. "I-I really like books and comics, e-especially the Power Ponies series."

"Ohh, how nice to have one more reading fan in this class" Cheerilee would say trying to keep the little guy from feeling bad about his nerves by putting a hand on his shoulder. "How about you go and sit in the seat next to Applebloom?"

The boy would nod slightly and walk with a big blush of embarrassment to the seat next to Applebloom, who would give him a friendly smile and put her hand on his shoulder, why the heck does everyone enjoy touching each other's shoulder so much?

"Hey, you did great Spike, don't worry, when it's time for recess I'll introduce you to my friends, so you'll feel less lonely."

"Hey, I never said I was lonely...But...Thanks Applebloom, really."

Apparently it was a simple English class, something that Spike passed without a problem, being Twilight Sparkle's number 1 assistant and one of her first students made being smart come naturally, even helping Applebloom with several things that were a bit complicated for her to understand, to Cheerilee's surprise and happiness, who at least knew that the unregistered boy hadn't snuck in to make trouble, although something that worried the teacher a bit was the way the boy's clothes were somewhat dirty and torn at the knees, something that had happened on his arrival in that universe, but obviously she had no way of knowing that

"Okey class, I will be absent for a moment to go talk to Principal Celestia, I would appreciate it if you would have the assigned work finished by the time I return" The teacher would say with a sweet tone as she walked out of the classroom, leaving the students alone with the confidence that they would be working

"And why are you new here?" Applebloom would say as she continued to write the answers to the paper next to Spike.

"Huh? A-What do you mean?"

"You know, did you move here? Did you change schools? Did you get expelled from your previous school?" Applebloom would say with a teasing tone, not really believing that last part was a possibility.

"I-I...Umm...I'd rather not talk about it if possible" Spike would say scratching the back of his neck as he looked away.

Applebloom would understand that and nod with a smile, after that they would both continue the work in silence, or the silence one might expect from a group of kids alone in a classroom without adult supervision


After about 15 minutes, the two would be done, so they were talking about their lives, though mostly it was Applebloom talking about his family while Spike listened, feeling more and more comfortable with the situation he was in

"(It may be a one day thing, but it doesn't take away from the fact that I'll have a good time while it lasts)" The boy would think as he listened to Applebloom talk about how great his big brother Big Mac was.

"Spike Drake, Spike Drake's presence is requested in Principal Celestia's Office" A female voice would say over the school speakers, thus earning an "Uhhhhh" from several students watching Spike, hoping he had done something to get himself in trouble, not in a mean way, but they were kids, not much could be expected of them either

"Okey...I think I know where she is, I saw her as I was walking through the halls...Well, see ya Applebloom?" He would say with a smile as he stood up and looked at Applebloom, who would nod to him with a smile as well

The spiky-haired boy would walk out of the room and spend maybe 5 minutes walking until he would come to a door that said "Principal Celestia", so he would nod to himself and enter carefully.

"You must be little Spike Drake, have a seat please" The sight of the beautiful green, pink and blue haired woman surprised him slightly, he didn't know why, since he already knew what she looked like thanks to the last time he was in that universe, but still, it was something he wouldn't soon get used to observing

"Umm...T-That's okay miss, Principal Celestia, miss...." The small boy would say as he walked over and sat down in a chair in front of the woman's desk, now noticing teacher Cheerilee standing next to Celestia, with a worried expression or something like that

"Okey, Cheerilee told me you're a new unregistered student?" She'd say in a sweet, motherly voice, almost like she was talking to a wounded puppy, which didn't help Spike stop wondering what was going on

"I-I...I'm sorry, I didn't mean to just enter withouth permission in the school, I-I just...Well, I-I-" Spike would be about to simply tell the truth, maybe thanks to the whole story of laser wars and semi-human unicorns from the fight between Sunset and the girls they could get to believe in what he would say

"You have nothing to apologize for little one" The woman would say with a smile on her lips, interrupting anything Spike might get to say. "It's good to know that even in a situation like yours you still care about studying, you should be proud of yourself."


"It's not very common to see homeless children, let alone without some parent with them" Cheerilee would say trying to calm the little boy down, arms crossed but ready to help in case something happened.

"Miss Cheerilee even told me that you are someone very smart for your age Mr. Drake" Celestia would say with her hands folded, trying to make the little boy understand that they had good intentions with him. "We can't let a child as bright as you miss out on studies because of life's bad luck."

"You will be provided with studies, breakfast and lunch, and a place to stay while you study here, how does that sound Spike?" Spike would watch with wide eyes as wide as saucers as Miss Cheerilee said that with a bright smile that showed how happy it made her to help the little boy

"E-Eh? But...I...No...A place to stay?"

"Well, we don't have all the plans made obviously, but rest assured everything will be fine, now, here little one" Celestia would place on top of the table a simple backpack with the school logo, inside would be several books with the same logo, some pencils, an eraser and some colored pencils. "So you can have a good first day."

Before she could even say anything, Cheerilee would grab the backpack and hand it to Spike, gently grabbing him by the hand and waving goodbye to Celestia, thanking her deeply, before leaving on her way to her classroom once again, dragging an even more confused Spike along

"...A place for me to stay?" Spike would repeat still in shock at what had just happened.