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A young man who's dying with less than a year left in good health decides to put his fate in the Tarot Cards and follow a rumor, hoping for it to be true. Cosplaying as Velvet Room Resident Minato he searches and finds the Mercant and makes a special order.

With access to the Wild Card he will change his fate, seek out the truth and break the chains of rebellion in order to find his true purpose in existence and make sure to enjoy every second of it as the new Messiah of Equestria.

(This is a traditional displaced story)
(I want to give this genre a try and just have fun with it. This story will however not take place in the displaced multiverse, at least I don't plan too. Might change in the future but I want the story to get a proper start first before I do any crossovers.)
(The sex tag is more for descriptions, innuendos and other sexual implications.)

Mlp owned by Hasbro
Persona and Shin Megami Tensei is owned by Atlus

Chapters (8)

When Anon-a-Miss came around, Sunset's life was a wreck. Her friends dumped her, everyone hates her again and worst of all the Rainbooms made sure to set the message across by making her life a misery in the name of justice.

In the freezing cold she winds up meeting an old man who takes her under his wing to be taught in the ways of martial arts as well as a new power involving the elements and animals along with five new friends. Now she fights, rocks and deals with regretful teens and jealous ex band mates while fighting the forces of the shadows

I hope you are ready...


By the way, this is a re-write of the original Pack's Loyalty. I know you liked the original but there are a lot of changes I want to make and I feel like I can make it better.
Sorry for removing the old version

Chapters (11)

Humanity has essentially destroyed itself and I was the lucky one who didn't really change at all, negatively anyway. Everyone was transformed to have animal features and even became feral, animalistic in nature and intelligence. Hopefully the new world won't be so bad, WHEN it comes about anyway.

Clop side story is out https://www.fimfiction.net/story/420103/can-we-not-mature-chapters

Also decided to gender bend some characters.

First few chapters are pretty fast paced, will fix this eventually.

I may use content from other sources hence the crossover tag, I hope that won't be a problem, I also hope you get any references I make.

Story being rewritten, it's your choice if you read the original. Rewrite chapters will be published on this story though.

Featured... I don't know how to respond given the timing of this...

Chapters (32)

This story is a sequel to Dark Matter

The final story of the Savage Skies series.

The world has been saved and the years have passed. But for Dawn Lightwing, not every challenge is behind him. He finds himself faced with something possibly even more difficult than a murderous cult or a mad scientist performing a world-ending experiment, finding what it is that he truly wishes to do with his life. Both Dawn and Scootaloo will go through experiences that challenge their desires for the future and their relationship with each other as they navigate along the final stretch of the convoluted path to adulthood.

Chapters (24)

Time had passed for the hero Yu Narukami, and it was already summer vacation. He remembered making a promise to all of his friends in Inaba that he would visit them whenever he got the chance. Ever since he and his friends defeated Izanami and dispelled the fog from both the real world and the T.V. world, things have been peaceful during his visits. His friends always welcomed him with open arms (or in Rise-chans way of it, a neverending embrace… her and Teddie). Everything in Inaba was perfect…

But the fog of lies do not simply fade away in one world… it moves on to another.

Chapters (8)

Their universe has come to an end, two goddesses sacrifice what is left to make sure it doesn't happen again. But fate lets them start over somewhere else...

Twilight Sparkle was dying because of the magic flare she emitted during her entrance exam to Princess Celestia's school, when she was about to destroy herself along with everypony on the school grounds a deity offered the little filly a deal that would change not just her life but the world itself.

NEW cover art by Lmkyouki

Also thanks to G33kySt3v3 for helping with the editing. :pinkiehappy:

And thanks for those 8K+ views :twilightblush: and the 400+ likes :yay:

Twilight's team art by Lmkyouki

wow Featured 10-21-2018 ~ TY :twilightblush:

Chapters (18)

The name's Cain, not too much to say about myself. Antisocial and spiteful to name a few things wrong with me. Working a shitty job and don't see a future I can be satisfied with, my only real source of income is from my only other hobby: Smithing. There's a surprisingly decent market for these kinds of weapons, real or replica, especially if said weapon was from a well known fictional series. After playing Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, I forged a few Mortal Blades, 2 to keep and the rest to sell.

After shipping them off I woke up after the strangest dream in a land not my own, still trying to figure out if this is good for me.

Takes place before season 1.

Chapters (3)

I may not have been the best student, but to be fair I never put in any more effort than necessary. I barely passed my classes not because I was a bad student, but I just didn't care, even when challenged to a duel I didn't even try to win. This time was the last time as I was caught in a bad mood and actually fought back for once, the loser didn't take too kindly to getting curb stomped by a low level mage who's just short of failing all his classes. You can see where that's going.

Some may recognize the cover art from Lord Despair's story, "A Wizard's Tale". I honestly just typed dark mage in google images and it was one of the first that popped up. How could I not?

Featured 10/7/20
Featured 11/14/20, not even up for a minute, damn!
Featured 12/8/21
Featured 8/9/22

Chapters (11)

Cadance became an Alicorn after defeating a mighty foe with Love. Twilight became an Alicorn after completing a spell with Friendship. Rainbow Dash is the first pony to create a Rainboom.

What if, instead of just a cutie mark, Rainbow Dash truly was recognized that day across Equestria...or at least by one of it's rulers...for making the impossible happen? How would this affect her life?

To quote Rainbow Dash: “Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, hang on a second! I can’t be a princess!”

Rated T for language!

Chapters (14)

After years of being the runt of the litter (despite having no siblings), Spike finally comes into his own and starts to grow up and mature. The result is a unique bit of magic all his own, or so the theory goes: He awakens one morning to find words hanging overhead that call him [The Gamer], along with powers that let him 'live life as though it were a game'.

How he decides to handle all of this, and where things go from there? That would be a spoiler, and you all know how we feel about spoilers around here...

Frequently asked questions will be answered from time to time, and those answers linked here for the curious:
The First FAQ

Chapters (135)