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Queen Chrysalis, aka "Public Enemy Number One", is a dying mare. It has often been said that "In the most dire circumstances, the best solution will be discovered., and in her current situation she has come up with a plan that will not only alter Equestria's and the changeling race's paths, but the destiny for the Elements of Harmony.

This is set in an alternative timeline after the defeat of Tirek but before Thorax came into the picture and where the failed plan at the wedding cost Chrysalis more than anypony realized.

Chapters (13)

After waking up in Equestria, Arrow finds himself no longer a human but a rowlet. He doesn’t remember much of his human life, but he came up with the alias ‘Arrow’ after recalling rowlet’s evolutionary line ends with a decidueye, which is an archer of sorts. Arrow quickly finds out that he had somehow injured himself, so he goes off looking for help.

Nearby, a recently reformed Luna walks the garden near midnight as she stumbles across the injured owl. She takes him in and nurses him back to health before adopting him as her pet. Unbeknownst to her, Arrow is far more intelligent that her sister’s Phoenix.

7/16 - Wow, featured on the first day!
7/17 - managed to snag the third spot over night.
7/18 - slowly climbed to second place
9/20 - after a mild hiatus, It is back!
11/1 - Hasn't died yet
11/6 - featured again.

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to A Silent Night in the North

“May the Ancestors watch over you. May they watch over us all…” --- Ignitus

The third story in the Spiral of Fate Saga.

The impossible happened --- Malefor was defeated.

As Spyro lifted his wings and let out a healing wave of magic throughout the broken planet, his one prayer to the Ancestors was to save the last remaining Dragons from extinction.

It’s a pity he never specified just what he meant by “save”, and it’s a shame that the Ancestors have a cruel and bizarre sense of humor.

Now stranded on an alien world, Spyro, Cynder, and the inhabitants of Warfang, the last Dragon City, look to an uncertain future with both wonder and fear. Worlds have collided, new friendships will be forged, and nothing will ever be the same...

A continent away, the newly-crowned King Thorax of the Badlands Hive has his own troubles to deal with. His Hive has been contacted by another, demanding that he attend an emergency session of the Council of Seven in the very seat of Changeling leadership and sovereignty to answer for his crimes of defection, espionage, sabotage, and high treason against the dethroned Queen Chrysalis. If he cannot defend his actions, his Hive will be disbanded, his Changelings absorbed into the Primordial Hive, and he will be exiled. The young king’s leadership abilities will have to be put to the test before he even has a chance to wear his crown.

Thankfully, Twilight and her friends have offered to help...


It was the one thing Chrysalis wanted. Needed. She would have it, as well as the heads of Thorax and Starlight Glimmer mounted on her wall, or she would die trying.

As she hides within the Frozen North and gathers her strength, a mysterious Voice beckons to her, leading to a Dark Crystal buried in the side of a cliff. The malevolence...the power...!

Yessss...vengeance is coming. Soon. Now.

The Voice has chosen to help her, if she helps him in return...


The cover art was made by the face-meltingly talented Shrekzilla, whose DeviantArt is right here! Be sure to check him out and show him some love! :twilightsmile:

The map of Equestria I'm using for reference was made by BootsDotEXE. Needless to say, my AU is separate from theirs, and I have no claim to any locations on the map that are created by them or Hasbro. (Their map is used for a cool comic they're making called Beyond Our Borders. Check it out!)

Chapters (18)

Novel Tale is an author that's been living in Canterlot for about ten years now. That's a pretty good track record for a changeling. He's even included a changeling character in his latest book, and his fans have been loving his take on such an obscure mythological creature, especially his biggest fan, Twilight Sparkle. Things are looking up!

Then an army of changelings from another hive attacks Canterlot.

Now all of ponykind knows that changelings are real, and his readers are sure to realize that the changeling in his book was too similar to the real thing to have just been based on a myth...

earlier chapters have been revised as of 7/19/13 to be more inline quality wise with the later chapters.

Featured on EQD 10/5/13!

Let it be known that there will be extensive changeling world building in the chapters to come.

cover image courtesy of ackdari.

Much thanks to Nyerguds for proofreading and to all my fellow tropers on the TvTropes pony fanfiction thread for helping me develop this from a vague idea into an actual story.

Chapters (16)

Pinkie doesn't tell ponies about Pinkamena and Surprise. The doctors said that they were bad for her, that they were a disease, but she disagrees. Sure, Pinkamena's a bit of a grumpy-pants, but she's still a great friend! She's often the voice of reason to counter-act some of the other two's crazier ideas, after all. Surprise, on the other hand, is a great prank-player, and always up for some fun. She's more like Pinkie, only more hyper. Both are great fun to be around, and they get on well.

Thing is, she knows that if she told ponies about them, then they would be dragged back to the hospital. And then be 'treated' again. None of them want that. Because of this, not even her best not-in-head friends know about them. The three of them have, for years now, been careful enough to keep the existence of Pinkamena and Surprise secret.

This has, of course, gone out the window now that Twilight is hammering on the door after overhearing one third of a conversation, with no sign of anyone else talking.

Hints of F/F shipping inside. Nothing will actually come of it here, though. Maybe in a future story.

Cover art can be found here: http://killryde.deviantart.com/art/Smile-338206490

Chapters (21)

This story is a sequel to Undead Robot Bug Crusaders

Apple Bloom is an undead ghoul, but that's OK. She's finally come to terms with her condition, and is determined to rise above her curse.

Sweetie Belle is a robot, but that's OK. With manual in hoof, she's prepared to learn everything she can about herself, and whatever the future holds.

Scootaloo is a changeling, but that's OK. Changelings are citizens now, and she's ready to do her part to show the world changelings can be friendly too.

Together, the three of them are getting by, one day at a time. They may never get their cutie marks, but that's not going to stop them from having fun, finding their talents, and maybe even going a week without causing massive amounts of property damage. Maybe.

Meanwhile, Babs Seed is still blissfully unaware of the unusual destiny that awaits her, Diamond Tiara is slowly finding her place in the world, and Ponyville is still the weirdest town in Equestria. But then again, what else is new?

Edited by Bahamuttone

Cover Art by someone close to me IRL who probably doesn't want anyone to know she made pony art.

Chapters (26)

Once upon a time, a young man finds himself inside the very pony universe he only just became a fan of, during the very first episode in one of the many forms of Equestria's inhabitants. How did he get there? Why was he here? What must he do to return home? And, most importantly, why in God's name was he slowly growing feelings for a certain studious equine?

Join the befuddled human-turned-Earth-Pony as he aids the Mane Six in their adventures through every season by every episode in his own goal of returning back home with his limited knowledge of events, while they in turn teach the criticizing outsider the true meaning of friendship and what it means to have fun.

It will be trying on all ends; as the residents of Ponyville must deal with his dry humoured nature, and he in turn must deal with their warm innocent demeanor's.

One thing's for certain with this world: the fate of all who inhabit the equine world, alongside his tolerance and mental stability, may just be on the line...

(I don't like the ratings system. Never had, never will. Please stop assuming my turning it off for some kind of 'cowardice;' it's nothing of the sort. Comments have been switched off because of this abuse.)

(Cover by Mix-up: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/195663/Mix-up)

(Join our group! https://www.fimfiction.net/group/212567/twidust-stardust-x-twilight )

(Audio reading now on YT! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBCMZsZVqDMEOuGHubFCFfrGJF2LiNpw9 )

Chapters (217)

Scootaloo's life has always been shrouded in mystery. She lives in her house in Ponyville alone. She often disappears with no explanation. And no one's ever seen her parents.
She keeps it that way deliberately. She likes her normal life in Ponyville, and has held on to it as much as she can.
However, a personal tragedy brings family responsibility down on her shoulders, and her life is about to spiral out of control.
Thankfully, she has quite a bit of help keeping both her lives stable - and separate - as much as possible...
...a dragon chef who can't make a salad without making it flambe...
...a cripplingly far-sighted ex-assassin hippogryph maid...
...a slim built minotaur gardener who is as innocent as he is unexpectedly strong...
...a mechanical golem head servant whose brain runs - badly - on hot tea...
...and one devil of a butler.

Edit: New Cover Art by ProfessorCatPro
Edit 2: New fan art by slyfoxcub.

Chapters (43)

This story is a sequel to The God Empress of Ponykind

A message rings through the Warp: "The Game is broken, only Destruction remains". Celestia hears it, fearing for the lives of her former subjects and those of her beloved ponies. Unwilling to sit idle, she has chosen a dangerous path: return to the Imperium, take up the mantle of Emperor of Mankind, defeat the coming storm, and save Mankind once and for all.

With Twilight Sparkle to aid her, Celestia faces new challenges and new enemies. Her forces are scattered, her people assaulted, and the enemies of Man grow stronger with each passing day.

The Time of Heroes is gone. Now comes the Time of Ending.

Sequel to God Empress of Ponykind. Reading that first is strongly recommended.
Rated T for 40K related violence, but that might change at some point.
Comments contain spoilers. You have been warned.

Chapters (61)

Many people have many theories about Scootaloo. Some think she's an orphan. Some think she's part of an abusive household. Others still worry that she's somepony's illegitimate offspring that's hidden away.

However, the truth is far from that. She has a loving mother and father, and she means the world to them both. They've gone to great lengths all for her.

However...they're just a little...strange. Especially since neither one is comfortable with coming out except at night.

Rated Teen for some adult language.

Partially inspired by this story by Colonel J.

Edit: New Cover Art by G_Haze! Found here.
Edit 2: And G_Haze has decided to update the cover art, and damn does it look good.

Chapters (11)