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This story is a sequel to My Little Pony: Friendships and Magic [Season 1]

Bandit's adventure continues In the 2nd season of FaM. As he continues to learn more and more lessons on friendship, he starts learning just a little bit more about who he is, what he is, and his past.

During this journey, he soon manages to find out just how important he is to everyone around him.

Bandit and Chad belong to me.
Lightning Sprint belongs to Lightning Sprint
Art by BrutalWeather

I hope you enjoy.

Chapters (9)

Discord knows many things, has powers that can make heads flip and worlds turn upside down with a snap of his fingers, but if he's turned to stone again if Twilight can break her friends free from his influence, he was going to need an heir. Before his secondary loss, which he knew would eventually be inevitable, he chooses someone from another world, a young man named Charles, to take his stead and be the next Lord of Chaos. But with a new life comes a new body, and it's hard to be a menacing, chaotic deity when you're turned into a young draconequus colt.

This is a story requested by LordOfChoas.

Chapters (7)

Ever since he was a foal, Light Flow had always known he was destined to be a villain—but not just any villain; no, he wanted to be a Necromancer.

He had always been obsessed with reading fiction stories about the forbidden practice of Necromancy, and much to his delight, his cutie mark spelled his unavoidable destiny as a member of his oh-so revered profession!

But Necromancy is extremely taboo, and very illegal. Equestria hadn't even seen a genuine Necromancer since the times of the fabled Nightmare Moon.

Substituting joy for dread, Light Flow knew that he would have to hide his especially special talent at any cost. Whether in his daily, mundane life as a bookish nerd, or in the heat of extreme danger.

Good thing he doesn't have any friends, right?



I have deleted the old AN in favor of a new one.

Hello all! If you don't know me, then good! I'm a stranger, and it'd be weird if you knew who I am!

This is my first story, and basically my first experience writing something long-term. To that end, the beginning of the story is a bit rough, but I grew as a writer somewhat significantly as time went on, so it doesn't stay quite as bad!

The story itself has somewhat wavered from goal to goal as I argued with myself about what I wanted from it, though I eventually managed to settle. In its current state, it's mostly managed to stick to a strange blend of comedic tragedy interspersed sporadically with magical jargon and slice of life.

An added warning due to justified complaining: this experience can be very subdued. Not for the easily bored or angered. Personally, I tend to use Background Pony as a benchmark for a person's capability to withstand words.

Prepare yourself for lots of rants and barely coherent plot-threads! :pinkiecrazy:

Also i'm an idiot who probably tagged wrong.

Also i'm a bad person who stole a Jargon Scott image for the cover. (And then a wonderful person named Adin Terim edited it <3)

Chapters (72)

Summoned to Canterlot by Royal command to attend Princess Celestia's School for Unicorns, Starjumper Astra is determined to get through the year of study without the secret of exactly what he is being exposed.

He has good reason to keep it a secret. The product of a forbidden marriage of unicorn and thestral, Starjumper is the only living Lykan in the entire world, a pony that is unicorn by day and thestral by night. The thestrals of the Nightlands call him The Cursed One, and there is nothing in the world they want more than to see him dead. If that isn't bad enough, pony folklore has a very dim view of Lykans, labelling them as bloodthirsty, savage monsters, so Starjumper's life is ruled by the secrets that he must keep. Secrets that keep him apart from other ponies, living a life of enforced solitude, a life ruled by the clock that warns him when sunrise and sunset are coming.

All he wants is to be left alone. All he wants is to study magic in peace, get through his year in Canterlot, and then move on. But a quiet, peaceful, uneventful life isn't easy in Canterlot when he finds himself tutoring the rich daughter of the socialite Fancy Pants for living money, who just happens to be a once in a generation magical prodigy with a few secrets of her own. He also runs afoul of one of the most powerful unicorn socialites in Canterlot, that holds a burning prejudice against his half-thestral heritage.

And if all that still wasn't bad enough, he also just happens to be the subject of an ancient prophecy that says that he's one of three ponies that are destined to save Equestria.

Or destroy it.

Chapters (16)

This story is a sequel to Second Princess of the Night

With Twilight and Ruby Sparkle settling into their new positions as rulers, they oversee the transition of the bat ponies to their new home. But now that two of the Four Shepherds have appeared, Equestria must prepare itself for the rest. The next Shepherd will be unlike Sombra or Night Walker, as he threatens not only Equestria, but the kingdoms of the other races as well. Awakening from his mysterious slumber, he will carve his way across the land, intent on regathering his unwilling army. But before he manages to travel to the edges of the world, he will leave a parting gift in his wake to Rainbow Dash and four other ponies he chanced upon. With her life forever changed, Rainbow Dash prepares herself for her new fate, as well as finding her place among the ponies that share her future.

Chapters (12)

We have all read the stories about a human waking up as N.M.M in the castle of the two sisters heck even I've read a bunch of them. They were always my favorite with a normal guy trying not to get blasted by rainbows for having the same body as some villain.

But never thought that could happen to me!

Now my hair is on fire, I'm most likely 6 years old and this castle I woke up in looks an awful lot like a certain one that located in the magical land of Equestria.

But that's only fiction right?

Well if there is one positive thing about this...I got to keep my hands.

(level 4 anthro)
Previous Cover art from my friend Sonata Dusk951 Send him some Love :heart:

Now with Editors HeBogin and The-Hidden-Fox :heart:

:yay:(IT HAPPENED AGAIN SQUEEEEEE 21/05/2020):yay:
:yay:(AGAIN WOOOO 23/05/2020):yay:
:yay:(10k VIEWS 25/01/2021):yay:

Chapters (24)

After being betrayed by her friends during the Anon a Miss incident the darkness threatens to swallow up Sunset, but there are those who want to offer a helping hand and guide her in another direction. Will she take those offered hands, or will she let herself fall to the darkness forever?

Chapters (6)

Kurt Smith, a classmate of John Radderson aka Twilight Sparkle's, agreed to help Twilight after she came to school with purple fur, hooves, wings, and a horn. After acquiring the Elements of Harmony, Twilight's friends end up becoming anthropomorphic versions of the Mane 6 and Spike the Dragon, Twilight's faithful assistant. Together, they will solve the mysteries of friendship in their new lives and in the lives of others. Kurt ends up becoming connected to the Element of Honesty, transforming him into Applejack. AJ enrolls at school under the name "Ashley J. Smith".

Part of the bigger story https://www.fimfiction.net/story/360864/lavender-heart, by Skaltrox Defiance Knight, which follows the adventures of Twilight and her friends as anthropomorphic versions of our familiar MLP characters.

Main Cast: Princess Twilight Sparkle/John - Skaltrox Defiance Knight - Aspect of Magic
Applejack/Kurt aka Ashley J. Smith/AJ- kwr2k13 - Aspect of Honesty
Rainbow Dash/Matt - ShadowLight96 - Aspect of Loyalty
Rarity/Harry - Undyne Devotion - Aspect of Generosity
Pinkie Pie/Rina - Kikio3000- Aspect of Laughter
Fluttershy/Terrance aka Florence - Krushan - Aspect of Kindness
Spike the Dragon - Tempest_Flare - Twilight's faithful assistant
Lyra Heartstrings - student - Lurkinkon
Sweetie Drops aka Bon Bon - Student/Undercover Agent
Starlight Glimmer aka Sarah Gaines - Discord the Narrator
Sunset Shimmer - student - JimmyHook19
Trixie Lulamoon aka the Great and Powerful Trixie -The REAL Mister Pkmn - Stage Magician/Illusionist
Princess Cadence- foalsitter
Bent-G - New student - NicLove
Alexandra "Alex" Traveler - anthro mouse girl - ScarletRhine
Ayumi/Tempest Flare - exchange student/Pinkie's pen pal - Tempest_Flare
Excalibur Edge - Knightwolf1875 - Alicorn/Diplomatic Liaison to Princess Celestia/Luna
DJ Pon3/Vinyl Scratch - Tide Hunter - Resident DJ
Octavia Melody - Tide Hunter- Classical Cellist
Derpy Hooves/Ditzy/Muffins - Mail Carrier -
Cool Writer - The Author
The Cutie Mark Crusaders: Apple Bloom - AJ's sister -
Sweetie Belle - Rarity's sister -
Scootaloo - RD's No. 1 Fan - Ephedrian Royalty
Babs Seed- Apple Family cousin - The Blue EM2
Gabby - Mail Delivery Griffon

Limestone Pie -
Marble PIe -
Maud Pie-
Zecora - Zebra Alchemist/Shaman - Apple Frost

The Mysterious MLP Theory Analysts -- Princess Celestia and Princess Luna
Servo and Janice Star - Sisters of Maestro Star - The Real Mister Pkmn
Maestro Star - Mutual Ally of the Element Bearers - The Real Mister Pkmn
Chessmaster Star - Main antagonist - The Real Mister Pkmn
Sarah von Solero - Thestral
Gearbox - Earth Pony tinkerer
Rae Falls/Raindrops
Cheryl Lee/Cheerilee - Elementary Teacher
Golden Harvest - Carrot Farmer
Ember - Dragon Lord - IronHoofes
Shining Armor - Fujin777
Big McIntosh - AJ's brother
Granny Smith - AJ's Grandmother
Need Rarity and Rainbow Dash as well as the CMC and others.

Edited/Proofread by Tide Hunter and Chrome Masquerade
Collaborations are now open for the rest of the cast!

Chapters (20)

John is your typical teenage guy, went to school, did chores and got a little money for doing so. But he also has a secret love for the show MLP, he kept it secret from everyone and intends to keep it that way.

During an afternoon web surf, he watches an interesting My little pony video that features his favourite pony, Twilight Sparkle. But later on, while he rested, he failed to notice or feel lavender purple fur spread up his body.

If you are wondering yes my Favourite is Twilight. Anyway this is a TG, Anthro transformation story, just letting you know.

This is now a collab!
The story "Aspects of harmony" by kwr2k13 focuses on Kurt's perspective. Here is a link to that story https://www.fimfiction.net/story/361690/aspects-of-harmony

And if you wish to be apart of this collab and become one of the characters, just let either of us know.

Chapters (17)

The Changelings are in rough shape, ArchQueen Chrysalis has been taking over the other Hives and purging their Royals, with the intention of becoming the sole ruler of the Changelings and eventually taking over the world.

While she has successfully wiped out most of the Royals, she doesn't know she missed one, a young Royal Stallion, hidden away by his mother and father to challenge Chrysalis for the right to rule the Changelings.

Now this young Royal, with the help of his trusted friends and allies, must build his own Hive for the eventual confrontation.

Story starts a few years before Nightmare Moon's return and goes from there.

Will add or change tags if needed and may change the cover art.

Chapters (27)