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A dude dropped inside a 1-foot tall planetary annihilation commander......what could go wrong?

Chapters (2)

I remember that fateful hunting trip. It was just me, my rifle, and the prey. That was supposed to be it. Score a big buck and come home with the kill. That was not the case here as nothing could have prepared me for the outcomes of that day. As I was following a trail, I stumbled upon a cave of sorts. Curiosity got the better of me and I found the most beautiful crystal I had ever seen. And like a moth to candle flame, I touched it. And man, as soon as I laid finger on that stone, everything changed. As cliche as that sounds, it’s the truth. Stranded in the middle of no where, I am now the chosen light among the chaos in this new world. Armed with nothing but my rifle and my wits, a world of wonder and magic is up for the taking. Thus my new life and adventure begins. And before I go, know that I’m in this game till the end.

- Jack Cobalt

Note of 11/29/18. Made it briefly onto the Feature page. I am very happy for how long I earned said spot. Even though it was shortly lived. 😁

Chapters (7)

Inspired by a webcomic/Manga called The Gamer. This story will involve original characters that will involve the EG movies and there's a possible that they will travel to Equestria and might not appear as Ponies. Don't own it nor MLP FIM but OCs' names belong to me and I will use a ton of references from games, cartoons, anime and other things I know and don’t remember until I remember it from the real world. Here's a link if you want to read 'The Gamer' https://www.webtoons.com/en/fantasy/the-gamer/list?title_no=88

Chapters (57)

Elián was sent eons before equestria, with forerunner technology, with the passage of time, he learned to control it and acepted with much work his destiny, as a new guardian of the mantle of responsibility, this story will have a focus on the struggle between his humanity and duty.

Eons of Elián

Birth and charity

Chapters 1- *

Construction and compensation


Doubts and discoveries


Disclosure and claim


Despair and sacrifice


Wait and extension


Help and compassion.

Chapters 1-

Help and support data




23/07/2020 featured, i can die happy :'v

Chapters (13)

Nathan Blake was your average college student. He was smart, rather athletic, and all in all a good guy. But he was also a huge nerd, especially for a certain indie game. Undertale.

One day he gets invited by a friends of his to tag along to a gaming convention after his brother got sick. He was going in hopes of getting some Undertale memorabilia and to meet the creator. If only things went according to plan.

Now he helps a certain group of colorful characters in controlling their SOULs and aids in protecting their world. This is going to be one heck of a ride.

Chapters (3)

Two thousand and fifty three years.
Spike has been battling the eldritch horrors of timeless Ginungagap for over two millennia, yet even to this day, his shame remains gnawing at his very heart and mind. Until the day comes when he is told of the danger that threatens what is most precious to him.

To save what he loves, Spike shall face his shame once more, his will, determination and sanity stretched to their limits, as he will step into the Abyss of his own, personal hell.

As always Spike moves forward, ever forward, towards battle, death and hopefully redemption.

In life, shame.
In death, absolution.

Chapters (20)

The Resistance was the name survivors of humanity began to call themselves. The Chimera onslaught has claimed billions of lives and those who survive have lost almost all hope of survival. With the victims either dying or joining the Chimera ranks the odds were against any human victory. America was to be the last chance at survival of humanity. Soon America's defenses fell to the unrelenting creatures. Now with the Chimera knocking on the gates of America’s last stronghold a final desperate mission is drawn up to turn the tides of war.

Riley is one of the few survivors of that fateful mission. After the events of the mission he finds himself in Equestria. Even in this peaceful world he will find no rest. Danger doesn’t just exist in the stars but within his own blood.

(A Resistance/MLP Crossover)

Chapters (14)

This story is a sequel to The Witching Hour

Midnight Storm has had one heck of a year. She's gone from being a wandering outcast to a respected and liked member of the community of Ponyville, a captain of a secret guard created by Celestia herself, and even a mother.

That was last year.
This year she'll have to deal with chaos entities, rogue dragons, and her past. And that's all just before Nightmare Night!

Follow Midnight and her friends and family as they chart their way through one life changing event after another in part 2 of The Witching Hour!

Cover Image by Valkyrie Girl

Chapters (24)

If you think you know me, then you are truly mistaken.

Back where I'm from, I was forced to go with my classmates to a museum filled with costumes and clothes. It wasn't quite my cup of tea until I met a woman who told me that she could tailor something for me for a small fee. So, I asked for a scarf that resembled the burning flame of a phoenix. After receiving it though, things began to go south (Mostly because of my emotions back then). My life was already a living hell and ending up in another world was the last thing I would've expected.

But as I would find out, my life experiences and the things I've learned in the course of my long life have forged me into the being that I am. The tortured phoenix with a burning heart and spirit.

I am Ember Valkyr. The flame that will be the last thing you'll see.

Displaced story following the perspective of one of my own characters this time. One that I came up with. Thanks Fiction Fanatic and ElementBrigade (along with many other people) for your inspiration.

Credits to everything shown. Artwork made by me. It's a partial League of Legends crossover because of one of the characters, but that's it. League of Legends belongs to Riot Games

Featured: 8/7/2020 (Thank you guys so much!)
Featured again: 9/29/2022

Chapters (30)

Cover art courtesy of Taggerung

And yes that's Geralt in Equestria Girl style for infinite justice

Note: Familiarity with The Witcher series is probably not necessary for enjoyment of this fic. There are a lot of references to events from the books (Especially Sword of Destiny), but the important ones are explained anyway.

Geralt of Rivia had a complicated life on The Continent. Navigating difficult political situations, getting shorted by his clients, slaying monsters, and living as an outcast had made things challenging for the witcher.

But now, Geralt has found himself in a foreign land, with foreign customs and behavior. Seeking to do what he has always done – find witcher's work slaying monsters – Geralt is about to discover just how simple things can become. And how challenging the simplest of things can really be.

Friendship. I'm talking about friendship. It's simple, but it's challenging, get it? Don't overthink this. The comedy and random tags exist for a reason. Also, sex tag is for references to sex, not because of actual sex. Get your heads out of the gutter.

Chapters (11)