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A guy meets the merchant as his OC and gets displaced to equistria way before Nightmare Moon later starts a cult and then gets sealed yeah i know pretty cliched for a displaced story.After Nightmare Moon incident he gets free and hijincks happen

This is my fist story so feel free to point out errors and mistakes

Chapters (2)

cover art from here

My day started out great. my work week just finished and I chose to use my first day off to finally go watch the MLP movie in the cinema and the movie was a great experience.


But my day went from great to WTF when I was passing a sushi resturant on the way out of the cinema and suddenly I'm Haku from Spirited Away and I'm in season 2 Equestria... but things are not all as they seem and now I've gotta figure out how to get home... if that's even possible.

Please not that, despite the romance tag, Haku will not have romantic relations with anyone living in Ponyville.

Holy hayburger! Featured 29/2/2020?

Thanks, guys. The date makes this pretty dang cool

Chapters (3)

M-10, nickname Mio, is a Combat Medic Protogen, his personal task is to travel the unknown universe in search for various materials, herbs, healing agents, antidotes, etc. in order to expand the knowledge in medicine and in medical ways. Part of his personal task is to travel even the most dangerous planets, areas, and biomes, and even try to fight even the most terrifying of abominations just to discover, retrieve, make, and mass produce medicine and healing practices for the benefit of both the Primagen and the Protogen, as well as help peaceful species who need it.

During his travels, his field scanner was left occupied, and was unluckily hit by a stray passing meteor, unluckily hitting the engines, and unluckily falling into orbit in an unidentified planet.

I honestly just thought about this and decided to make one, Protogens are cool. Either way this is just something to make for fun.

Drawings bad, don't tell me.

Chapters (2)

For four thousand years a legend has been told of how the first dragons got their fire. Little did they know the legend is true. Five thousand years ago a being took residence in the Draconian Mountains. It called itself Yolstrun, a Fire Elemental. Dragons tried to drive it out, but failed. The Elemental seeing as they had no defense mechanism for protecting themselves pitied them and gave them the gift of fire. With this new found ability they were feared throughout the land. The Royal Sisters, Celestia and Luna, leaders of the ponies have had enough of them and used the Elements of Harmony to seal the Elemental inside the Volcano of Goraag, Capital of the Dragons. With their leader defeated the dragons were scattered throughout the lands and turned into mindless beasts, except for those who remained faithful to their leader and stayed in the mountains. Now the seal they put on the volcano is weakening and the monster they thought was gone forever is returning.

Hey guys Draco here. Other tags include Sci-Fi(You'll see why). Here's a new story for you guys and this time it's part of a series of books I'll be doing in time. So enjoy the story guys. If anybody wants to be my editor just PM me and we'll see how things go. Constructive criticism is allowed, but no hate comments

Chapters (4)

Midnight Storm has had a hard life. She's wandered from city to city for the past three years, and they've all eventually run her out after they've found out what she is. Against her better judgement, she's placed her last hopes on the small town of Ponyville.

The residents here are nice enough, but when they find out what she really is, will they accept her, or drive her out like all the others? And when Celestia finds out about her, what plans does the Princess of the Sun have in store for the mare?

Cover image by Valkyrie-girl

Story now included in The Goodfic Bin

Chapters (20)

Alrighty... I'm not sure what your stance on HiE fics is, but know I enjoy them. This story was also inspired by the Power Lottery to some extent. To make a long story short, I was reading some fanfics on the site when I came across one that mentioned the power lottery. I got curious and looked it up before attempting the Ex(perimental) Tier, since I'm lazy and wanted to re-roll as little as possible. Each of the powers mentioned in this fanfic are the one's that I actually rolled, believe it or not. :derpytongue2: :pinkiesmile: :twilightsmile:

Disclaimer: I do not own My Little Pony or any of it's characters and ideas. I only own my insanity, though if you want it... Please take it off my hands(Hooves? Brain?)... :pinkiecrazy:

A rather average brony known as John has been kidnapped and injected with odd powers before being launched into the land of Equestria. What will he do now that he's in the land of ponies?

Rated Teen for light swearing and some suggestive content, I may need to change the rating as the story progresses.

Saw the story in the feature box thing here on 2/3/2019.. (AKA today for me as of writing this.) - Did not expect this, but I feel pretty happy about it :pinkiesmile: - Thanks to everyone who enjoys my fic :pinkiehappy:

Chapters (15)

When Jason and his fellow developers are tasked with working on their game’s latest expansion, they find themselves on a death march to get it completed before the deadline. Jason takes on a three-day shift to test certain aspects of the expansion pack. Only when he finally passes out from the exhaustion... he wakes up in the body of his test character! Left in the bright land of Equestria as Blackjack, he must figure out his powers and maybe even a way back home.
This new death march will test his abilities to interact with the Equestrians, for better or worse.

Chapters (21)

When the ETS pandemic started spreading throughout the world the south in the United States was hit particularly hard. The south had a culture all its own with a stronger focus on conservative political beliefs, religion, and a strong belief in maintaining tradition and culture.

Having the ETS pandemic come strongest here was one of the greatest ironies ever. Now all of what the south was is about to be upended. For Mathew, a teen from a town in South Carolina it means far more than that. It meanst re-examining who he is and who he is meant to be.


Shares same universe with: Pandemic by ASGeek2012 it is not required you read this story, but it will help understand some things going on in the background.

This story is considered an origin story for many of the characters in Pandemic: Picking Up the Pieces. This story is not required reading for that, but if you want to learn more about some of the characters this is where you'll find it.

Story is now complete and editing is underway. Many chapters are still pretty rough. I grew a lot as a writer as this story went on, and there is an increase in quality between the first half of this story the second half, and then the sequel.

Rating and Trigger Warning Notes: There are mentions of extreme violence at some points, general bigotry, LGBT characters (Lesbian and Transgender), there is no sex shown in this story but it's alluded to at some points

Chapters (69)

Dive Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game also Know as a DMMO-RPG It's a type of game that allows you to immerse yourself as if you were in it, there were many DMMO's but the most popular and famous was the game Heroes of Heaven. However after twelve years the time has come for it to end the servers to be shut down. However some endings are merely beginnings waiting to be born, my beginning was much the same. I am Shadow Nebula, the Fire Fox of Equestria and this is the story of my guild.

This story is a group project so big thanks to Prysmkitsune, Sanguine Blade, Vaguely Demented, JohnrId03 and The Cynical One for the help they are giving me on this story.

Featured on August 7, 2019
Featured on October 22, 2019
Thank you to everyone for allowing this to be featured.

Chapters (8)

When Rin Okumura - the half human bastard of Satan and exorcist in training- encounters the legendary Nyarlathotep, he gets transported to the world of Equestra.

Now Rin must find his friends and travel back to Earth.
Unfortunately, the door back is at the very bottom of Equestria's hell Tartarus. Now to get back Rin has to do what he does best. Killing more demons!

Not featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry Series :(

This is mainly a Blue Exorcist (manga) crossover with a Lovecraft antagonist.

Ch1 Edited by The Fan Without A Face

Chapters (2)