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Well this is interesting. Right after I get the role of playing The Doctor in Doctor Who it turns out that I really am the Doctor! His Equestrian form for that matter.

Side story to Five Score, Divided by Four by TwistedSpectrum

Chapters (13)

While on deployment to the Arabian Sea, the crew of a Royal Australian Navy Destroyer begin to notice that one of their helicopter pilots is starting to develop some rather odd quirks, both mentally and physically.
A cutie mark, wings, hooves, and a knack for treasure-hunting, just to name a few...

A recursive fic to TwistedSpectrum's "Five Score, Divided By Four".

Art made by the talented F-NAR.

Chapters (11)

When John suddenly finds Luna's cutie mark on the side of both his thighs, a chain of reactions begins that is as far as he knows, irreversible. Are there any other people that are changing? Or is he completely alone in this world?
Luna branch of the 'Five Score Divided by Four' universe. This story deserves a read as it is where this all started.
Credit for cover picture (Night Time) goes to Aeritus91
Collabing with: Total Eclipse of the Sun and Experiencing the Dusk

Chapters (16)

Cover art from HERE

Edit 14/3/2019: Had to remove the Drama tag because I wasn't allowed to save edits to the description due to too many tags due to the new rules.

I was enjoying a quiet day at work, when I suddenly find myself in what I can only describe as what a person high on drugs would see, before a blinding rainbow light slams into me and knocks me unconscious.

Upon awakening, I find something very off, not only about my surroundings, but myself. For one, I seem to have become a small horse and a female one at that.

I also seem to be in a forest of some kind. Hang on. Is this the Everfree?

Oh, great. What do i do now?

Well, having powers on par with a Chaos Lord certainly might come in handy. Let's see what i can do with them, shall we?

Sex tag for sexual references and teen for teen reasons, plus a lot crass swearing.

And, just be warned, that random tag is serious. Random shit will happen in this fic, so be wary of that when entering and DO NOT expect anything to just be normal at any point.

In Popular Stories 31/12/2015. What a way to end the year!

Featured 24/7/2016. Okay. Honest to God did not see that coming.

Featured again 31/7/2016. Wait. What?

Featured 5/8/2016. Someone's pulling my leg here, right?

Featured again 26/8/2016. No. Wait. WHAT?

Despite everything, got Featured 16/2/2017. Just hope the next update does this justice

In Featured 2/07/2017. Um... How? Don't get me wrong, I'm glad, but... how?!

Seriously? Featured 23/7/2017?

Featured 28?7/2017. .... Um, HOW?

Featured 4/8/2017. Wait, HOW?

Chapters (61)

Celestia, Luna and Discord. Three ancient beings in equestrian history. However why is Celestia and Luna princesses and not Queens? Also why did Discord conquer Equestria?

The answer to these questions have the same answer. One Mare, one Alicorn, their Mother Lauren Faust.

I really shouldn't have picked up that medal

Special Thanks to The Fan Without a Face for helping me with this.

A Special Displaced Tale

Now uncancelled.

Chapters (4)

Mevs are magic-eating vampires. There are two types: master and fledgling.

Rainbow Dash becomes the master type one night, not long after the School of Friendship has recovered itself from a rough start. She and her friends learn of a way to help keep her properly fed. She needs a pack, and six fledglings are the recommended number. Being a master mev has obligations. There is work to be done, and despite a little drama or tension that may arise here or there to continue life as a regular pegasus most of the time, Rainbow Dash grows to love her new role. It's actually awesome, fun, and rewarding.

Featured Dates:

Chapters (100)

Sunset Shimmer did many things in her life she wasn't proud of. Things that made her feel ashamed of her past and herself. She helped fight off the Sirens, "The Dazzlings", as they were known during the Battle of the Bands. Perhaps the former Unicorn could finally find happiness... right?

Anon-a-Miss happened. An unknown user of MyStable started posting secrets about every student at CHS. Sunset received the blame. Punished for a crime she didn't commit.

Nobody believed her, not even the Rainbooms. The group of friends she thought of as exactly that... her best friends. Her family. Princess Twilight couldn't be reached, either.

Was she destined to be alone? The Magic of Friendship nothing more than a mere lie?

It hurt; the pain of betrayal ran deep.

But, no matter how dark it is, there will always be a new dawn on the horizon.

This beautiful piece of art, also known as my story cover, was made by ChanceyB. You will find this picture on Deviantart.

Javarod is responsible for prereading, proofreading, editing, contributing, and especially everything that's wrong.

Chapters (20)

When I agreed to be sent to Equestria I didn't read the fine print. I'm the wrong age, the wrong sex, and lost in the wilderness.

New Cover art commissioned from Lunar Froxy.

Chapters (57)

Important notes about the status of this story below

Ever wonder what Equestria's past was like? How did Celestia and Luna come to rule? And what made their rule a time of peace? Well I may have had something to do with that.

Name's Zack. I appeared in Equestria over 3000 years before the show "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" takes place. For whatever reason, a few months after my arrival, I was transported to the modern day Ponyville. What happened? Are the Princesses mad at me for disappearing like I did? I only helped establish the greatest country this world has ever seen and then vanished.

That... sounded more innocent in my head. Uh oh...

Just to let you know ahead of time, this is a ponified human, 1st person story. If you don't like it, don't bother.
The cover art was made by me, with the exception of the night sky bg (Wertyla).

Edit August 2nd 2016: I want to rewrite this story from the beginning. Read this for more info and tell me what you think.

Edit May 24th 2017: IMPORTANT! I am currently rewriting the entire story and with that, many details and aspects are set to change. As such, it will essentially be an entirely new story, meaning this version of Past, Present, and Future is technically Cancelled. There will be no more chapter updates until I finish the rewrite, meaning that this version will not have a proper ending. If it's requested enough, I may do some kind of Cliffnotes version of how the rest of the story was meant to play out, but for right now just know that if you start reading this version, you will not get an ending. I will post an announcement chapter on this story and Blog on my profile when the writing nears completion and I'm about to start uploading chapters. Thank you for all of your interest in my first public work of fiction. It really means a lot to me.

Chapters (25)

Task force 141 members who are Price, Soap
, Ghost and Lloyd are brought into another world with no way back to theirs so they learn to Make friends with these new so called ponies who want to teach them about friendship. But the only thing they know is violence.

Chapters (6)