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Time and time again have the scales tipped and the natural balance in the land is shifted. But for the past few instances, it has tipped to the same side. When the scales tip the other way, who will heed the call? Who will step up and restore the balance before it's too late?

Chapters (53)

My name is Shadowmere. I'm just trying to live my life, but I have a special condition that doesn't let me. I've been running from town to town trying to escape the hate that's been following me since I was small. Any friends that I've had have left me when they learn who I really am. I've been traveling around Equestria with my younger sister Bright Skies. She's all I have left now. I've been rejected and hated in every town I've gone to, but I don't blame them. If I knew that there was somepony in my town that was a monster I would probably hate them too. I'm about to go to a new town maybe it will be different, but I don't expect any such luck. Nopony has ever accepted me or even tried to. I hope I can at least stay here for a while before I have to leave for a new town again.
I'm Shadowmere, I know fear, I know hate, and I know darkness. I know everypony's.

This is my first story any feedback would be appreciated.
Possible change in tags and characters as story progresses.
I now also feel obligated to inform readers that this is not some sort of crossover with the video game, The Darkness. If it was Shadowmere would have a lot more snake tentacle monster tendril things. This idea was derived from my own insane mind before I even knew of the game itself. Though there are some similarities the story is its own.

Chapters (112)

Jim Douglas has a problem. He's suffered, since birth, from a curse that was given to him by his father. He learns of a land, one filled with magic and possibly the means to cure his ailment. That land is Equestria. It is difficult to get there, but under the right conditions it is possible to enter the mystical world of ponies. Once there, Jim learns there are worse things in life to experience than curses.


This story was a random little idea that sprouted over the Halloween holiday. I know it might not be the thing for some readers, but I still felt the need to get it written and put out for anyone interested.

A few spoilers for the curious--> This is a werewolf story. Therefore, the Human tag has been placed as it's kiiind of mandatory for this odd little genre.

As of February 2020 story status is bumped out of Hiatus. I'm going to try to get more writing done, but don't expect chapters too often. :twilightsheepish:

Chapters (39)

You want to know how I ended up in Equestria?

Well, it all started on that one, fateful walk in the woods. Oh, sorry. You were supposed to read the story to find that out.

Anyway, I find myself in Equestria. Although, not when I thought. I still knew what would happen in the future, but I arrived during the Starswirl era. After the defeat of Discord. Turns out I'll be needed one day. Oh well, wait, what? You're going to WHAT?!

Fine, fuck it. I haven't got anything to lose.

Chapters (13)

I'm Griffin, not much else to it. I've been bullied most of my life, which left me bitter and sarcastic. I'm a closet brony. What? You think I'm just gonna go out and tell a world that hates me that I watch a cartoon intended for little girls? I don't feel like giving the punks at school any more ammo. That's when cosmic powers decide I need to take a trip to my favorite fantasy land. But all is not sunshine and rainbows and it certainly won't be after I'm done with it. Equestria from the point of view of an extremely pissed off teenager, with a twist. Rust, the author of 'The Ballad of Echo the Diamond dog' is awesomesauce enough to have a cross over between our stories. Carnelian is a boss when it comes to art. Part of the 'Chess Game of the Gods'.

Violence, gratuitous swearing, and sexual themes. Reader discretion is advised.

Chapters (101)

A cold, calculating assassin is teleported to the magical land of Equestria due to the unstable powers of the siren, Lilith. Will our awkward, haiku-obsessed hero be able to adapt to the Magic of Friendship, or will he simply end up murdering everything in sight like he's used to? Let's hope its the former.
Only one thing is truly known, this was a challenge he was NOT prepared for!

Borderlands/MLP crossover. Challenge Accepted.

Cover art by steptrool on DeviantArt

Chapters (16)

After defeating the Didact, John gets summoned to a Pre Nightmare Moon Equestria to end a war with griffins. He can't go back home.

OP Epicness ensues.

Edited by Requiem17

Chapters (20)

It has been 2 years since the events at Baltimare. Marcus 657 is now living peacefully with his wife Fluttershy and his son Star Chaser. But unforeseen events in the Gryphon empire and an old friend that was thought lost has brought Marcus to
determine whether or not letting go of his old life is best for his family, and the world he now lives in.
(it is recommended that you read Marcus 657, the first of these two stories, to understand the setting and characters better)

Big Thanks to Gunner59524 for helping with the name of this story!

Featured 8/22/015. Holy Crap guys!

117 likes.....8/22/15...the name sake lives on.

Chapters (14)

There is a legend. A legend of six heroes destined to protect Equestria from danger. But these six are not the Elements of Harmony. They are more.

The Steadfast Commander.
The True Genius.
The Vigilant Eye.
The Merciless Wrath.
The Fighting Spirit.
The Lone Wolf.

They are the true Protectors of Equestria.
They are the Guardians.
They are Noble.

Alright, so here is the story I have teased on my blog, The Noble Guardians! If you already guessed the concept, good for you! But for the rest of you, this is a Halo: Reach Crossover. I have seen a couple fics in which Six or Jorge are brought to Equestria, but they were always alone, so I decided to bring them all together as one. This will follow the show's storyline, with Noble acting as additional characters to the episodes, but don't worry, I guarantee they will be major characters with their own arcs and there will be plenty of original situations. I will also most likely skip any episodes in which Noble would have little to no involvement. (This will be few and far between, one example being "Call of the Cutie" I mean, even the Mane Six are only minor characters in that episode. I'll probably either mention those in passing or have another story going on with those episodes occurring in the background.) Anyway, see how Noble reacts to becoming Equestria's destined protectors!
Cover image credit goes to Gekko3309.
Naturally, this story contains spoilers for Halo: Reach

Chapters (14)

Edward and Alphonse stumbled upon an alchemist's world viewing transmutation theory.After crafting two stones to use for the transmutation and acquiring the necessary ingredients to carry it out, the brothers attempted it.But, did things turn out like they were supposed to?

FullMetal Alchemist crossover.

A hint of shipping included but not enough to put the tag on.It is much later on.I may decide to use it in this story.

Chapters (8)