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An MLP FIM fan fiction writer and super mega nerd who while in her Autumn years wakes up in the ruins of the Castle of the Two Sisters and finds that she is a filly named Kitsumi Nova. The very character she'd created just for fun. Her first obstacle will be to find her way to civilization.

From there the story becomes a slice of life where our former human must live out the life of a pony who is also a young alicorn. And if that's not enough, she is Nightmare Moon's daughter and fears what will happen if she presents herself at court. Will she be reunited with Princess Luna and reconciled with Princess Celestia? Will she go back to earth when the opportunity arises, and who wants Sunset Shimmer dead? OK, there's a long list for that last one.

Yes, this did start out as a blatant self insert. Originally I started it as an exercise in the first-person narrative and really had no intention to publish it. Ever. After a while, the main character morphed into someone older than myself and a bit more accomplished. Reasons for doing this is because, well, let's face it, I'm a deeply private individual and prefer to have that layer of insulation. There is also the issue where many of my life experiences simply don't fit the character I wished to portray.

The story itself is loosely based on my other Kitsumi Nova stories and is its own independent story in its own dimension within the Kitsumi Nova Multiverse. It also predates the Mustang sisters Nova and Summer. There will be comedy, and there will be poignant moments sure to tug at the heartstrings.

The story itself has seen several major rewrites and was even abandoned for a while.

Contains mild swearing and a few f-bombs
There will be one chapter in which the more squeamish may wish to skip over containing borderline gore and outright nightmare fuel. Granted that the more jaded readers probably won't even blink an eye.

Chapters (66)

"You all know the story by now, so let's take it from the top." That was how the story of another human lost in the magical lands of Equestria began their tale. To say the welcoming wasn't what they expected would be an understatement. This was fine with them, why should they have to bend a knee to a race of self-centered, discriminating ponies?

This doesn't mean they won't try to keep the mistakes that followed them from ripping apart the world, even if some of them don't deserve it. Stuck in the body of the Sarkaz Mercenary, W, this human won't just take the insults lying down, even if that puts the capital on her back.

Arknights/MLP crossover
Note: 'Sex' tag for references to subject and body. Also, Tags will be added over time.

First Arknights story featured, thanks so much!! =^_^=
List - (This is getting a little longer than I expected...)
Featured 02/03/21, 04/03/21, 10/03/21, 23/03/21, 30/03/21, 06/04/21, 13/04/21, 18/04/21, 20/04/21, 27/04/21, 04/05/21, 07/05/21, 11/05/21, 25/05/21, 01/06/21, 08/06/21, 15/06/21, 22/06/21, 29/06/21, 06/07/21, 13/07/21, 20/07/21, 27/07/21 10/08/21, 11/08/21, 18/03/22, 09/04/22!

Chapters (36)

The universe can be a strange and dangerous place. Once you think you've understood almost everything, you are blindsided by something new that changes your viewpoint on everything you had seen before.

In the land of Teyvat, no one knows this better than Albedo, the Chief Alchemist of Mondstadt. As the Captain of the Investigation team for the Knights of Favonius, it's his job to go out into the world and investigate things that cannot simply be understood. Whether it be changes in the behavior of monsters or the ruins of a lost civilization, Albedo's job is turn the unknown into the known. For every effect, there must be a cause or reason behind it.

Yet, Albedo is more than just simply an alchemist. He is also a teacher and more notably, an older brother. Even though she isn't related to him by blood, he see's the little spark knight named Klee as his younger sister. Despite all of the times that Klee had gotten in trouble and end up getting 'grounded' by Grandmaster Jean, Albedo still cares for her and when he isn't busy, would spend time with her and make sure that Klee didn't cause too much trouble whenever she goes out to play

Though, one day, when the two of them venture to the ruins nearby Starsnatch Cliff, they find themselves caught in a rather bizarre circumstance. Now stranded in a unfamiliar world, where magic is present everywhere you look, the two of them have to rely on not just each other, but the residents of the world if they want to make it back home to Teyvat.

As long as Klee doesn't try to blow anything up, everything should be fine... right?

A crossover story with the game Genshin Impact involving the characters Albedo and Klee. This idea kind of emerged as a 'what if' one shot, but after giving it some more thought, I thought I would try to take a crack at it.

Credits to everything shown
MLP by Hasbro
Genshin Impact by Mihoyo
Takes place in between season 8 and 9 for MLP and after the Dragonspine quest line in Genshin Impact, but before Windblume and Midsummer Island Adventure. I'll try to be consistent with updates, but some things IRL might have these updates be a bit more spread out than usual.

Reached Popular stories tab and featured temporarily on 02/5/2021. "Klee thinks you guys are the best!"
Featured again on 2/10/2021. "Da-Da-Da!"
Featured once more on 3/26/2021 as well as 5/11/2021

Chapters (45)

Spartan-B312 A.K.A Noble six. The unsung hero and the only other Soldier designated as 'Hyper-lethal' of the Human-Covenant War. Were it not for her actions on Reach, the events that lead to victory over the Covenant and Flood would never have happened.

But that victory had a cost heavy price with Noble team dead and Six left on Reach as the Pillar of Autumn made for orbit.

Alone against the Covenant she was doomed. But she wasn't going to go down without a fight.

For three whole days, she fought. For three whole nights, she struggled against the full might of the Covenant on Reach. And on the third and final day, she fell.

Exhausted, battered, and beaten she was finally overwhelmed and presumably killed from what the helmet cam footage shows, the only thing remaining of the Spartan after the glassing of Reach was a broken helmet. But even after that, there is one constant that is never broken.

Spartans never die...They just go missing in action.

Now armed with a new equine body and armor to boot in a barren wasteland resembling the one she had just left behind, Six's Journey hasn't ended yet.

Cover art by the wonderful: Panini you can find them here
Holy wow Featured within the first 6 hours
I-I have no words to express how happy this makes me

Halo: Reach Crossover (And yes my Noble Six is female)

Character tags shall be added as the story progresses

Chapters (50)

Captain Halford Norman of the USS South Dakota must lead his crew in a new land and determaine the fate of the famed battleship. But what will he do in a land of ponies? And how will they ever return the massive fortress to it's proper time? Maybe with a little magic, and a little friendship, the crew can find their way to home.

Chapters (3)

You know when you're forced into retirement after serving in war only to find your brother had gone missing a lot can be put into perspective for ya.
Like just how far you'll go to get him back.
My Brother met the merchant and became a Displaced, he's all I've got so I made a deal with the Merchant and jumped in to the Multiverse after him. But don't think I'm not prepared, I've read the stories and I know what's out here so I made sure to be ready.

To all you Displaced in the Multiverse, beware for I will find my brother and if any of you try to stop me I'll kill you without remorse or regret.

*NOTE for this story:

  • This story may change from Teen to Mature depending on how it goes.
Chapters (10)

Here I am, thrown in as a changling Queen far before the Canterlot invasion, watch as I- A: make my whole race terrified of me B: overthrow a changeling god! C: die, a lot. D: all of the above.

What do you think?

.....wait a minute.

(Open for new cover art)

Chapters (8)

After playing lots of America in mlp mods I decided to give my own account a try so here I go.

America after WW2 capitalist America and communist Korea are at war and this escalated into a full blown nuclear war but Americans survived better then others did and manage to escape most of the radiation and flee to MLP FIM but not exactly as they have seen it.

A HOI4EAW fanfic.

Hearts of iron 4 Equestria at war for those who don’t know.

Chapters (0)

He wandered through a strange land, haunted by visions of battles past. Wandering not aimlessly, but wandering in search. In search of a partner, a friend.

He knew not where he was, or why he was there. He did not know where his friend was, or why they were separated.

He was sure of one thing however:

If someone hurt his Titan, they were going to pay.


Titanfall crossover

A reboot of sorts of my other Titanfall crossover: Of Guns, Mechs and Magic

Chapters (5)

TV TROPES PAGE! Show it the love, people!

Tartarus: the fabled prison said to hold all of the demons of Equus at bay.

Few truly know what lies behind the impenetrable doors Cerberus guards. Some say that it is a pit, infinite in it's depth and darkness, from which there is no return. Other claim it to be a hellish plain, filled with fire and pain and suffering, to punish the demons for their sins.

All of them are wrong.

Tartarus is small. An inescapable cell for a single prisoner. But the tales about it's purpose are not false.

For this captive human holds the key to unleashing upon Equestria forces which have not been seen for centuries, forces which predate Equestria by many an age.

And soon, he shall be free.

EDIT: Featured on 5/25/14! SUH-WEEEEET!


Chapters (29)