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At the height of war against Atlas Corporation, Gideon and Jack Mitchell are sent with a team of Sentinel operatives on a covert ops; shortly after their R&R.

However, things went sideways, and they were thrust headlong into a peaceful world filled with multicolored talking ponies. In the aftermath of the events, the Sentinels realize that they have no way to return home.

But when a new war threatens their new home and friends, the Sentinels are called forth once again to do what they do best...

A CoD: Advanced Warfare and MLP: FIM crossover.
Call of Duty belongs to Activision and MLP: FIM belongs to Hasbro (or else I'd be bathing in money now:ajsmug:). And any videos or pictures belong to their rightful owners or companies or etc.

I own nothing, aside from the story itself. :pinkiesmile:

And comments of why you like or dislike this fict are greatly appreciated.:twilightsmile:


Chapters (23)

Main Theme: You're Gonna Go Far Kid by The Offspring

Now available on fanfiction.net

Sans knew he was going to die. He’d held off the little megalomaniac as long as he could, but even the power his father had bestowed upon him had failed him. But, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. At least he’d see his brother again. However, as it turns out, while Sans thought he was done with life, life was not yet done with Sans. Now a human, Sans not only finds himself a resident of Canterlot City, but a Junior at Canterlot High School, a member of the boys basketball team and of the band. However, Sans’ new lease on life isn’t all slam dunks and knock-knock jokes. There are problems he and his new friends have to deal with, ranging from sea pony sirens, to sorceresses who’ve been consumed by the magic they’d unleashed, even threats from Sans’s home… including the very child who’d slain Sans. Will our heroes make it out of this mess, or will Sans and the Main 7 get dunked on?

Set in the Equestria Girls Universe.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic belongs to: an alicorn goddess.
Undertale belongs to: The Annoying Dog

Hi! I have adopted this story from Crimson Blade79, and they adopted it from someone else. I'm here to continue it, and hopefully do justice to all those who have worked on it. I am looking for an editor/proofreader, and I would be happy to consider anyone who is willing to take the job. To those of you who have already read this, it may be a little different from what you remember. I can only hope I do well...
Updates won't be frequent, not with school, so expect this to be a reeeeeeaaaally slow-updating fic. Hope you all enjoy!

Chapters (2)

The Meta, a murderous creature , the scourge of The Reds and Blues, and the ultimate amalgamation of man and machine, has died. Dragged off a cliff and drowning in the icy ocean below, what a dishonorable way to be killed. If he was going to die, he wanted to die in fair combat, by the hands of one who earned it. Not by three cowardly, tricky red soldiers and a wrecked Jeep.

But instead of giving into the cold embrace of the afterlife, he fought tooth-and-nail against Death itself.

He soon gains a second chance at life, though in an entirely new branch of reality.

So, here he is, in Equestria.


Red vs Blue crossover with My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Gore tag added just in case. I mean, the guy carries around a four-foot Knifel, what did you expect?

Chapters (3)

Taking a short cut across the beach was a bad idea during hurricane season. One arrived without warning, and Gray spotted a sturdy looking shed, he sprinted towards it for cover. But then a powerful wind swept him up...

....Princess Celestia looked out the window from her throne at the heavy storm. She went back to her paperwork, which was blown from the table by an unseen wind. There was a flash and a silhouette flew through the air, rolling to a stop at the bottom of her dais...

Okay, so this one isn't my idea. I am being give them, and am fleshing them out. This one, for once, will be proof read/edited by KnightFlower. Mainly because he's the one given me the ideas and he asked me to write it for him. Didn't think I was that good at writing! If you want to add this to a group, can you please ask me first? Thank you.

No, that does not mean I'll be doing other requests, at the moment. Dark tag added for some small bits.

Chapters (23)

Was originally on Lancerot's page, but he has handed over to me to continue, as he is busy with the BS that is life throwing crap at everyone.

Eclipse. That is my name. Or at least now it is. You know how it is, bla bla bla tragic\boring story bla bla bla end of the world, I'm spared you get the gist. I get a keyblade, get sent to equestria but here's the kick in the nuts. I'm reborn as a pony with all my human memories. And I mean re born, out of the womb kind of reborn.

I HAD TO GO THROUGH PUBERTY AGAIN!!!!! Oh and apparently now that I'm 18 again, apparently The entire Multiverse has be on speed dial.....buck my life.

Crosses over with:
A Wielder and His Students
Life of A Nobody

Chapters (40)

Our protagonist; Scarlet Ivy, experiences some "changes" in her life. Changes which will test her sanity, her pride and when she discovers the truth...

Chapters (2)

Those that would threaten the peace and harmony of Equestria stay awake at night. How do you sleep when you know you are being hunted? How do you run from ghosts that haunt the night and wraiths that hide in your shadow?

It used to be so easy. The Day guard were powerful but they were designed to repel armies and fight wars. If you were smart you stayed small and you slipped under their reach, But now...

Ever since that Moon Princess returned 20 years ago they have been hunted by a team of Nightmares, but will their past actions come back to haunt them.

Twilight Sparkle is the prime student of Celestia and on a fast track to an officer's commission into the Day Guard, but another unit has their eye on her.

Chapters (14)

A young man makes a life-changing bargain with the queen of the windigoes. He will receive the power he needs to save his family, but in return, he will have to leave his home and become the windigo prince.

But when a falling out between him and his new mother results in his banishment from the snowy wastelands of the windigoes, the young man, now dubbed IceHeart, will need to embrace the idea of friendship if he is to be accepted into a new society.

Note: For this story, there is a human country on Equis

Chapters (7)

Once upon a time in the magical land of Equestria… well it's a magical place, but it isn't always sunshine and rainbows. My life is a testament to that, but i suppose the easiest way to tell my story would be to take you to the first time i told it to anyone..

Chapters (4)

AU of the events of Silent Night by


Rescued by Sasuke and Naruto from the abandoned factory. A new beginning starts for Sunset Shimmer as she transfers to Hidden Leaf Academy. Making new friends and encountering three familiar faces as well. Sunset soon learns the HLA is twice as wild when comes to magical misadventure then anything she dealt with at CHS. from mad cultist to twisted scientists good thing Sunset's new friends are armed with kickass powers.

Rated T-16 for Violence, Language, and crude humor

Proofreading by MorpheustheDream

Chapters (11)