• Member Since 23rd Nov, 2017


A guy who loves Mlp, video games, anime, and Kamen Riders

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Based on the new movie. Some slight spoilers.

Sonic has been secretly living in Canterlot for the past decade; after a moment of frustration he has been found by Twilight Sparkle in an incident that causes a power surge knocking out power all across Canterlot and beyond. Twilight ends up befriending Sonic and has to help him when they draw the attention of the military organisation G.U.N. and especially the eccentric and pure evil Dr Robotnik.

Chapters (10)

I awoke one fine morning, with an absolutely ruthless hangover. My situation wasn't helped by the fact that I'd gone to sleep on Earth, and had woken up somewhere completely different.

As it happens, I was in Equestria. At the time, of course, I was blithely unaware of this unhappy fact. I had every reason to believe I was still on Earth - I mean, what maniac wakes up and, in a flash of misguided inspiration, goes "Well bugger me, quite clearly I am on Jupiter today", y'know? I simply believed I'd been driven into the countryside and left there by my absolute twat of a drinking companion/ room mate, as any sane man would.

Needless to say, it didn't take long for me to determine that I wasn't still in Scotland. It wasn't raining, for one thing. Pretty major tip, right there.

So here we are, I suppose. At the beginning. It mostly goes downhill from here.

(My vaguely satirical take on Human In Equestria)

Chapters (14)

My, name is Georg Filipe Mendoza and I went to a con dressed as Saitama from one Punch Man and I go to Esquestira then I go to Canterlot high to help fight monsters that could attack it. I don't know much about being a hero but now that I have all of Saitama's abilities I reckon, I should start learning.
Their is a remake by Cinders of war if you want to read of a better english.

Chapters (30)

This is a remake of Hero for Fun by Georgdoza

Georg Filipe Mendoza was living everyday life as per normal, until an eventful trip to a costume convention. After purchasing himself a pair of Saitama replica gloves, he finds himself in Equestria and eventually, the human world from Equestria Girls, plus, he somehow gained all of Saitama's powers, at the cost of something great.

He meets Rainbow Dash and the girls and learns to acclimatize to a new life in a new world, at the same time, protecting it from monsters that threaten to end his new home. Having zero hero background, Georg has to learn what it takes to be a hero before he can become the unassuming hero from nowhere.

I was asked by Georgdoza to try out a remake for his story and so here is my attempt. I do hope I'm doing this story justice. While it doesn't have the best of grammar, the idea of it surely is interesting and entertaining enough. Do let me know what you think!

PS, I added the subtitle so they can be told apart.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Godzilla

It’s been two years since the fight between Godzilla and the MUTO Prime broke out near Ponyville in the Everfree forest. The Equestrians have calmed down since the incident and nearly forgotten about the threat of giant monsters invading their towns. It seemed everything was back to normal. Unfortunately, the evils of the past can always come back to haunt the present.

A massive meteor makes landfall in Appaloosa, creating a cause for alarm amongst the Main Six. It goes from bad to worse when the “meteor” turns out to be the prison of King Ghidorah, a enormous triple-headed extraterrestrial Titan whom is hell-bent on wreaking havoc on Equestria. When the destructive kaiju breaks free and begins his campaign of terror, Godzilla and the Main Six must once again band together to drive the villainous monster off their world.

Chapters (16)

This story is a sequel to Godzilla: Clash of the Titans

It’s been three years since Godzilla and the Main 6 banded together, defeated King Ghidorah, and saved the Crystal Empire from facing anhilliation. Equestria was calm and peaceful once again. Keyword: was.

Things get hectic when a power-hungry alien race arrives to Equestria with the intent to take it as their new home. These extraterrestrial invaders didn’t come alone, however. They brought major firepower in the form of two deadly heavily armed cybernetic Kaiju ready to wreak havoc on the pony way of life. As the aliens’ Kaiju demolish several of Equestria’s cities and towns, the Main 6 and Equestria’s diarchs find themselves helpless to stop their rampage. However, the alien invaders soon find out that Equestria harbors its own Kaiju.

And they are not very happy about aliens wrecking their home.

Chapters (7)

Nick was brought to Equestria for more than just one reason. He's taught Twilight Sparkle the value of love. But their story isn't over. No, not nearly. They are in love, they have foals on the way, and now they've got to deal with a villain that Twilight has tackled before, but Nick has no idea that exists.

A Sequel to A New Teacher

And the amazing cover art is by the amazing Alumx!!!

Chapters (16)

It's a fact often ignored by peons, traitors and other non-entities but true royalty does not get ill.

So though it might appear that Queen Chrysalis is ill she obviously isn't.

And while it might appear that she needs looking after, she doesn't!

...but if you insist then she is wise enough to take advantage.

A reading from the ever on-the-ball Straight To The Point Studio

Another reading from, uh, Pony & Wolf Productions, apparently. Who I'd never heard of. But good on them!

Chapters (1)

Chrysalis might be one of the most evil, vile, and dastardly villains that Equestria has ever known. She might have been responsible for nearly destroying the world more than once, she might even be a soul-sicking, shapeshifting monster, but she is still a mare.

She had never been given a genuine, honest compliment from someone that wasn't under threat or stuffed into a feeding pod or mind controlled. Today that is going to change.

Cadence really hasn't happy about the whole thing.

Artist is llamacheesecake

Chapters (1)

Canterlot city

Home of all kinds of people: good, bad, ugly and downright crazy. Kidnappings all over the place, giant rainbows randomly shooting into the sky from the distance, A mob of trigger happy punks lead by a megalomaniac psycho, as well as one seriously suspicious high school. And that's barely HALF of the things the everyday citizens cover their heads from.

Now, something else is coming. A monster freed from Equestria. A shadow that can cover even the darkest of night, merciless and unforgiving. Challenging the brave protectors of this world in a fight to the death, to determine who are the true rulers of all the realms, be it Equestrian or human. Now the fate of trillions lies in the hands of rookie heroes who just might be in over their heads.

There's only two things on Cole Macgrath's mind;
1. How did he get here?
2. Those have got to be the weirdest seven girls he's ever seen in his life.

Based on the game series Infamous

Chapters (14)