• Member Since 23rd Nov, 2017


A guy who loves Mlp, video games, anime, and Kamen Riders

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Anon gets into an arm wrestling contest with Applejack and Rainbow Dash. It goes exactly how you expect.

Don’t know how to explain it anymore than that.

Update 2/18/2020: I am shocked this got featured.

Chapters (1)

Samantha Summers didn't want to move from Oregon to go to some crumbling apartment in New York, not because of her mom or her newly attained position at Crystal Empire HQ. It was hard enough trying to figure out why she could generate light energy from her palms; completely changing her lifestyle to fit the standards of another school was another burden. The only interesting thing about it was the abundance of "abnormal people" that originated in New York, and they had all pretty much disappeared. Just a guy in a red and blue suit and occasionally Iron man.

Peter Parker didn't want to wait for Mr.Stark to call him up for another mission, or wait for the action to come to him for that matter. He'd quit every school-related group just to make room for his side-life, and he got nothing in return for it. Lots of people at school got suspicious or cynical of him, and his school life began a downward spiral towards the realm of boring. The new girl at school wasnt even enough to interest him...until he learned the reason behind the gloves she wore all the time.

Despite her reluctance to learn how her powers work, Peter knows an opportunity to have a sidekick when he sees one. He even offers to train her in the ways of crime fighting and selflessly gave her the incredibly awesome name of Firefly! Maybe if he could prove his ability as a leader, Mr.Stark would bring him along on missions more often! They could even be a cool, buddy cop duo-thing, if she trains hard enough!

What could go wrong?

Inspired by Spider-man: Homecoming!

Chapters (7)

Martin has had an unreal life ever since he first stepped foot into the land of Equestria. He has been regularly visting Equestria and his friends The Mane Six for two months now and their friendship has never been stronger. However after Winter Wrap Up he heads home with The Mane Six directly behind him. Unfortunatly upon doing this, they have not only broken a promise that they swore to Sortitus to uphold, they have also caused the bridge connecting their worlds to collapse behind them. While they wait for a new bridge to be constructed which Sortitus must do by hand (much to his annoyance), the now humanized Mane Six will have to blend into regular society with Martin's help. However things get chaotic when a student from Martin's grad class takes an interest in him and she allys herself with a released Discord who has decided Earth is to be the chaos capital of the universe, and to make matters worse, The Six find out they have maintained there "unique" abilities from Equestria.

Sequel to Martin: Chronicle Of A Hero

Chapters (19)

This story is a sequel to Baen of Equestria

(New Cover Art was done by Burst)

Baen has had a good life, a house, a caring marefriend, and Twilight and her friends as well as all others he has made in Equestria have stuck by him, and he is forever grateful for it. So after several months of vacation time, and a few more days of contemplation, Baen pops Coco the question. Though this is a momentous and happy time, an unfortunate twist of fate casts a shadow over the light filled life of the barbarian. A foe of old, sealed away at the conclusion of a great battle named Vida reemerges with the intention to retrieve a possession of hers to unseal 'something' from it's frozen slumber. Upon discovering Spike destroyed it, she spirits the young dragon away. Twilight, with Baen at her side venture forth to save the young dragon.

But the sorceress is merely the calm before the true storm to come. A storm that will creep through Equestria and move to another world to begin it's true sinister purpose. The fate of two worlds now hang in the balance. But the question is, can Baen confront his toughest struggle yet and emerge victorious? Or will he be consumed by his regret and demons of old, and fail?

Chapters (13)

During a personal excursion into the Everfree forest, Twilight goes further beyond it's borders. Soon she discovers a ruined temple and what she finds inside of it surprises her beyond belief. A stallion around her age named Baen is freed into the world from the structure. Though the stallion is brash, reckless, and having trouble adjusting to the new norms that he is not accustomed to, he has a good heart. Upon Celestia's request and Twilight's eagerness, the Elements of Harmony and many other ponies that Baen will meet shall teach the young barbarian their ways and how to find his place in this new time. They had best hurry though, for enemies of old are preparing to move against them and they're playing for keeps.

For Clop of everpony's favorite Barbarian, The Conquests of Baen By Lucky424

(Based on a character I shall use in a pony D&D. Art done by 2ll2l )

Chapters (47)

Martin Fairbridges was trying to get by with a regular life, a job as a night manager at a corner store, trying to find BETTER work, and looking for his destiny. It's true, Martin had always had the sense that he was meant for something greater than where he was currently in his life, but he never could figure out what it was. One day he gets his chance via a strange occurrence after his shift which then lands him in the world of equestria. On a completely different world far from home, he must adapt to the change in the environment, and the changes happening to himself turning him into something far better than a human. Not only must he do this, but he must earn the trust of Equestria and all who reside within this mystical land but he must do so before it falls under the shadow of Phobos, an ancient evil that feeds upon and uses fear itself.


Chapters (18)

Adam is superhero from earth; he came to Canterlot High to find the girl of his dreams, Fluttershy.

Unfortunately, a hero's work is never done. Villains are beginning to appear in this land, can Spiderman stop them before evil takes over.

Chapters (14)

A group of pony radicals try to summon a demon to overthrow the princesses. Instead they got a human. They don't know what a human is.

((Pre Princess Twilight))

((Edit: Featured 5/11/2020. Didn't expect this to go over so well!))
((Edit2: Ch.8 featured 10/1/2020))
((Edit3: Featured 10/22/2020))
((Final Edit: Featured 3/25/2021))

Chapters (15)

After investigating the Merchant; two brothers are sent to Equestria as two of the Four Horsemen.
This story contains references to the story Darksiders: The Abomination Vault by Ari Marmell. The cover image is taken from a scene in Darksiders 3 showing the Four together.

Ownership belongs to THQ & Virgil Games for Darksiders and Hasbro for My Little Pony.

Colored text indicates internal thoughts of War & Death
Italics indicate the HUMAN thoughts of the displacees

Chapters (5)

Side story/midquel to My Little Pony: Nakama is Magic.

One can expect to find many new friends on the high seas when you're the Straw Hat Pirates. New adventures await them as they journey to new locations. Meeting new creatures and ponies. And discovering how big their world truly is. Adventure is out there, you only need to extend your hoof out to meet it!

First series - post-S1 - 2 Parts
Part 1: "A Fairy Tail Misadventure"
Islands usually don't pop out of the ocean, right? When one does such, the Straw Hat Pirates begin a magical journey in the country of Fiore. However, not all is well within this country. And there is much that even their new friends don't know about.

Part 2: "An Ultra First Encounter"
A storm out of the blue - and a melodic sound - send the Straw Hat Pirates to a new and unfamiliar island off their course. Here there be strange creatures unlike any they've ever seen. Will they be able to survive this encounter? Or could these be new friends on the journey of life?

Chapters (20)